Educational policy at Education Systems International
Keyword from Index: educational policy
key words found 1 - 1032 of 1032
1 - Ministry of Education: Education in Korea
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The Japanese Ministry of Education lists its education reports called ‘Education in Korea’ here. Unfortunately, it is not possible to link directly to a result list that only leads to these reports. Therefore, please search for the reports yourself in the database. We offer a direct link to the reports from 2015 to 2023 here:
* Education in Korea 2023
* Education in [...]
2 - Education in Thailand (Office of the Education Council – Publications)
The Office of the Educational Council, a department of the Thai Ministry of Education, offers education reports from 1999 onwards (‘Education in Thailand’). There is a gap in the publications between 2007 and 2016.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Our publications - Ministry of National Education, Turkey [courtesy translation]
The Turkish Ministry of Education (‘Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’) offers a list of its publications here. Under ‘Performans Programlari’ (Performance Programmes) you can find the education reports (‘Yili Performans Programi’ - annual performance programmes) from 2011 onwards, which are unfortunately only available in Turkish. Under ‘Uluslararasi [...]
4 - Annual Reports - Ministry of Education, New Zealand
New Zealand
The Ministry of Education in New Zealand provides Education reports as of 2009. The report is published annually and "outlines ... key achievements over the past year and details progress against long term outcomes and objectives. It includes non-financial performance information and the Ministry’s financial statements."
[Abstract: Site editors' information supplement by [...]
5 - Education Sector Report (Kenia)
On this page of the Kenyan Ministry of Finance ("National Treasury"), you will find the Education Sector Report for the respective year under ‘Sector reports’. This report contains an analysis and evaluation of education performance compared to the planned targets for the respective financial year as well as the financial allocation for the education sector. So far, only [...]
6 - White Paper on Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 2001-2017
This page of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology lists and links to a whole series of reports:
* White Paper on Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 2001-2017 (In Japan, it is commonly understood that White Papers are government annual reports)
* Japanese Government Policies in Education, Science, Sports and Culture [...]
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology White Paper (English) 2018-2022 [courtesy translation]
This Japanese-language site links to Japanese education reports in English. It is a site of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In Japan, "white papers" usually refer to the government's annual reports. Education reports from 2001 to 2017 can be found here.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
8 - DHET Annual Report - Department of Higher Education & Training, South Africa
South Africa, Republic
In its extensive list of reports, the South African Department of Higher Education & Training offers the DHET Annual Reports (sometimes just "Annual Report"). They contain general information, information on the performance of the higher education and training system, its governance, human resource management and the financial situation. These reports on higher education and [...]
9 - Education Sector Analysis (Unesco Office for Africa, International Institute for Educational Planning)
Africa South of the Sahara
The Unesco Office for Africa offers various analyses of the education system in sub-Saharan African countries. The reports are written partly in English and partly in French and date back to 2003.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
10 - Rapport National sur la situation de l'Education
We link directly to the Senegalese education report 2018/19 [pdf]. Further education reports can be found scattered on various websites:
* National education report Senegal 2018/19
* National education report Senegal 2018
* National education report Senegal 2015
* National education report Senegal 2014
* National education report Senegal 2013 (or with different [...]
11 - Does your country have a national education monitoring report? (Unesco listing)
As part of the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) 2017/18, Unesco launched a survey on whether countries around the world publish a national education monitoring report. The responses are summarised in the linked table. They are no longer all up to date, but provide an indication of how and where to search for more recent editions of the respective reports.
[Abstract: [...]
12 - African Education Research Database
The online African Education Research Database (AERD) has been developed by the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre at the University of Cambridge, in partnership with ESSA. The database aims to raise the visibility of African research, consolidate the evidence base for policy and practice, and inform future research priorities and partnerships.
The [...]
13 - Reports - Department of Higher Education and Training, South Africa
South Africa, Republic
Under "Commission Reports" you will find the annual reports and, until 2020, the DHET reports as national reports on higher education and vocational training. For 2008/2009 you can find another report under "Reports Doc Library", which comes from a time when the ministry was not yet divided into two ministries for basic and higher education (DoE Annual Report). You can also [...]
14 - Performance Reporting Dashboard: Education
The Australian Education Performance Reporting Dashboard provides statistics and graphs on the achievement of specific targets identified in various so-called agreements. The following agreements are analyzed in terms of their objectives:
* National School Reform Agreement
* National Education Agreement
* National Education Reform Agreement
* National Partnership [...]
15 - Conseil Supérieur de l'Éducation, de la Formation et de la Recherche Scientifique: Publications
The Moroccan Supreme Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research offers various reports, studies and evaluations under the Publications category. Among others, you can find the following (courtesy translation, all publications are in French):
- National survey on students and university life (2023)
- Scientific research in Morocco: an evaluative study (2022)
- [...]
16 - Rapports Nationaux et Internationaux (Royaume du Maroc - Ministère de l’Education Nationale, du Préscolaire & des Sports)
The Moroccan Ministry of Education, Preschool Education and Sport offers national and international reports on education here. Many reports are somewhat older (period 2000-2015) and deal with the implementation of goals from the Unesco initiative "Education for All" or with gender equality. The most recent report is entitled "Second progress report 2019-2021 on the fourth [...]
17 - Voluntary National Report (VNR) - 17 Sustainable Development Objectives
The Egyptian Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform and its successor, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, offer so-called "Voluntary National Reports" on the status of achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. These include 2-3 pages each on Goal 4 "Quality Education".
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
18 - Education at a Glance 2021 : OECD Indicators - Country Note Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The OECD Country Notes provide insight into the Russian education system using various education indicators. Since the Russian national education report is only available until 2017 and only in Russian, the OECD brief report on education in Russia is currently one of the most up-to-date ones freely available in English. The parent OECD page offers country notes on Russia from [...]
19 - Annual Reports - Ministry of Education, Government of India
This overview page by the Indian Ministry of Education offers extensive education reports starting in 2004/2005 (note, the reports are not always sorted chronologically). In 2020, the name of the former Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) was was changed to Ministry of Education (MoE). This is why older educational reports use the old name of MHRD. You can also [...]
20 - Report to the People on Education (2009-2012) - Ministry of Education, Government of India
In addition to the very extensive educational reports, the Indian Ministry of Education published three shorter educational reports "for the people" between 2009 and 2012.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
21 - DBE Annual Report - Department of Basic Education, South Africa
South Africa, Republic
In its extensive list of reports, the South African Department of Basic Education offers, among others, the DBE Annual Reports. These reports take up the topics of the DBE Annual Performance Plans, which are also listed, and report to what extent the set goals have been achieved. These reports on basic education are matched by the South African Department of Higher Education & [...]
22 - Report on Government Services (RoGS): B Child care, education and training
The Australian Education Report is integrated into an overarching "Report on Government Services" and can be found in Chapter B "Child care, Education and Training". You can find reports starting in 1995.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
The main results of the work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation [courtesy translation]
Russian Federation
Here is a link to a Russian government page with search results for the title of the educational report in Russian "Основные результаты работы Министерства [...]
24 - Informe de Gestión Anual al Congreso
The Colombian Ministry of National Education presents two educational reports: a kind of shorter interim report that goes from around the summer of one year to the summer of the next year; and a longer report, which then covers a full year from January to December. The Ministry thus "addresses the background, key advances and achievements of the current period in accordance [...]
25 - Anuarios Estadísticos
No genuine education report could be found for Argentina. However, the Argentine government offers extensive education statistics every year. Since 1996 these have been available as Excel tables. In addition, from 2017 onwards, a PDF file is available for each year which offers a short introduction to the content and methodology in text form. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
26 - Evaluación e Información Educativa
Very comprehensive page of the Argentine government on all statistics, evaluations, surveys, studies, reports and more in the education sector in Argentina. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
27 - China Ministry of Education - Reports
China, People's Republic of
All reports from the Chinese Ministry of Education are listed and linked here. Reviews for the years 2012-2021 were also created for various educational areas. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
28 - Informes anuales sobre el estado del sistema educativo
"Each academic year, the State School Council prepares, approves and publishes the Report on the State of the Education System. It contains the educational development during the academic year and incorporates the proposals for improvement that the Council deems appropriate to send to the educational administrations." You can find reports starting in 2008. [Abstract: Site [...]
29 - Datos y cifras del sistema universitario español
"The report "Facts and Figures on the Spanish University System" is a synthesis publication that presents the most relevant data on the Spanish University System, focusing on its structure (organisational and economic), access, students and staff." You can find reports starting in 2005. [Abstract: Site editors' information translated with DeepL and supplemented by editors of [...]
30 - Relatórios de Monitoramento do PNE
The reports linked here serve to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the national education plan (Plano Nacional de Educação - PNE). The reports are based on various education indicators, statistics and studies. They have been published every two years since 2014/16. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
31 - Sistema estatal de indicadores de la educación
"Since 2000, the Ministry of Education has published a synthesis of educational data in Spain, the "State System of Education Indicators (Sistema Estatal de Indicadores de la Educación)". It offers the results of the main educational statistics both at national level and disaggregated by Autonomous Community, also presenting international data that allow for a comparison at [...]
32 - Secretaría de Educación Pública (México)
Official homepage of the Secretary of public education of Mexico. The secretary in Mexico is the equivalent to educational ministries in other countries.
Education reporting Austria [courtesy translation]
Overview page of the Federal Institute for Quality Assurance in the Austrian School System (IQS) on the Austrian National Education Report. Unfortunately, this website is only available in German.
"Until 2018, the overall coordination was carried out by the BIFIE (Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School System), the [...]
National Education Report Luxembourg
Luxembourg's main page for its National Education Report. The education report is published every three years. You can find old education reports from 2015 onwards. The report is published by the University of Luxembourg as an author's report. Unfortunately, there is no English version of this website. But you can find a short summary of the main findings of 2021. [Abstract: [...]
35 - Artificial intelligence and the Futures of Learning (Unesco project)
The UNESCO project on AI emerged from various recommendations, reports and international agreements on AI within the framework of UNESCO events. It has three strands of work:
* AI and the Future of Learning
* Guidance for Generative AI in education and research
* AI Competency Frameworks for Students and Teachers
The project page offers extensive information about what [...]
36 - Policy guidance on AI for children (Unicef)
Unicef provides recommendations for building AI policies and systems that uphold child rights in different languages. You will also find an AI guide for parents and one for teens - also in different languages. Furthermore, Unicef shows how to operationalise the policy recommendations with the help of 8 case studies.
This page forms part of a two-year Unesco project that aims [...]
37 - AI for children (Unicef)
Unicef offers information about a two-year project that aims to better understand how artificial intelligence (AI) systems can protect, support and strengthen children. The site offers links to other Unicef information and pages about AI and children, as well as a publication “Policy guidance on AI for children,” information about a “Global Forum on AI for Children” [...]
38 - Artificial intelligence related to education as seen by the European Union (poster & abstract) (2022)
Abstract and poster for a talk given at the 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2022). The talk presents the European Union's view of artificial intelligence in connection with education. This perspective was developed on the basis of a literature and document analysis. Please note that we also provide a pdf version of the poster. [...]
39 - #TheSouthAlsoKnows (NORRAG Project)
South America; Latin America; Africa; South Asia; South-East Asia; Eastern Europe; Pacific Rim
The "NORRAG - Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training" presents a project that aims at giving the so-called Global South a voice. With #TheSouthAlsoKnows Project, Education experts from the Global South can network, register for an expert database and publish articles on a wide variety of topics related to education and education policy on [...]
40 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Afghanistan
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Afghanistan you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
41 - Education xxvii. in Afghanistan - Encyclopædia Iranica
This article gives an overview of the history of education in Afghanistan. It covers the period from the end of the 19th century to the end of the 1990s.
Education Profile Afghanistan - Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER)
The PEER's Education Profile on Afghanistan, whose profiles are based on the Unesco Global Education Monitoring (GEM), addresses the topics of inclusion in education, financing of education and the education system, and non-state actors in education. Additional topics are planned.
43 - National Education Strategic Plan 2017 to 2021
The Strategic Plan [by the Ministry of Education] is presented in three main sections: 1) Quality and relevance; 2) Equitable access, and 3) Efficient and transparent management. Past Plans reflected the institutional organisation of the Ministry and were divided into Programmes (General Education, Curriculum, Literacy, etc.). The change anticipates the planned review of [...]
44 - Afghanistan Education Sector Analysis
The Afghanistan's Education Sector Analysis outlines the priorities of the Government in the Education sector such as improving quality, internal efficiency and education outcomes, and improving access and effectively addressing education sector inequities (gender, rural/ urban divide, poor/ non poor). It also recalls that there are huge challenges and that, unless there is [...]
45 - Ministry of Higher Education
The governmental Ministiry of Higher Education is in charge of regulating, expanding and developing Afghanistan's institutions of higher education. On their website you can find various information and documents, e.g. legal documents, an overview of universities in Afghanistan and academic programs such as research projects and e-learning programs. The ministry also publishes [...]
46 - Analyse: Die Bildungsreformen in der Ukraine: Von ministeriellen "Ufos" und verlorenen Generationen
The reforms of the chronically corrupt and inefficient education sector in Ukraine are wrongly only the focus of language policy debates. After all, the future of the Ukrainian state and all the reform projects associated with it hinge on the question of when and whether the country will succeed in decisively increasing the level of professionalisation of its human capital. [...]
47 - Education (South African Government)
South Africa, Republic
An overview of the goals in the field of Education for South Africa, provided by the South African Government. Among other things you can find here the goals for the Basic Education sector, the Higher Education and Vocational Training sectors and also important role players in these fields. The website also includes a list of higher education institutions and additional links.
48 - Ministry of Basic Education
The Ministry of Basic Education is presented shortly on the website of the Government of Botswana. The ministry itself has no website. Botswana also has a Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology which has a facebook page. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
49 - Ministry of Education
The website gives an overview of the missions and responsibilities of the ministry and its departments.
50 - Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index (DARE Index)
The "Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index" (DARE Index) is published by the The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs ( G3ict). The website linked here provides a lot of resources and background information on the index. Among others, you will find the index and its predecessor published since 2008, country profiles, top performing countries, the progress made by [...]
51 - G3ict – the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies
G3ict develops policies, standards and technical resources for inclusive ICTs together with United Nations agencies. It engages in institutional advocacy, provides training and certification and organises an annual summit. You will find a lot of information on these tasks on their website. Furthermore, you will find an Open Access publications' section (among others, G3ict [...]
52 - QM Digital Accessibility White Paper Series (2020- )
Quality Matters (QM) is an international network of more thn 1500 organisations in more than 25 countries worldwide. It deals with questions of quality control and management of digital educational resources. We link to a White Paper Series first published by QM in 2020 on digital accessibility and inclusion. The series shares the results of a 2019 survey conducted aming QM [...]
53 - CRC 1342 Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series
international; Ecuador; Georgia; Turkey; Peru; Armenia; Zambia; Azerbaijan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Mexico; Costa Rica; India; Russian Federation; Brazil; Taiwan
The CRC 1342 Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series is published by the Collaborative Research Centre "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" (CRC 1342). It provides a country-by-country overview of worldwide social policy developments in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic including education policy into the analysis as an elementary policy area for promoting equality of [...]
54 - Association pour la Promotion des Ressources éducatives libres africaines (Aprelia)
Africa; Africa South of the Sahara; international
The "Association for the Promotion of African OER" was founded in 2009. It provides information about OER in Africa including links to various projects, OER materials, courses, software, etc. Some of the resources are sorted by language (francophone, anglophone, lusophone) or as pan-African. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
55 - Amadio, Massimo, 2009: Inclusive education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Exploratory analysis of the national reports presented at the 2008 International Conference on Education. In: Prospects 39, 293–305.
Latin America
[The English article is not available in Open Access. Nevertheless, you can find a Spanish version free of access and free of charge]
This artcile provides a comparative analysis of inclusive education in different countries in Latin America (as of 2009). The analysis is based on a series of documents published as part of the 48. International Conference on Education by [...]
56 - Red Intergubernamental Iberoamericana de Cooperación para la Educación de Personas con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (RIINEE)
Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
Very rich website of the "Ibero-American Intergovernmental Cooperation Network for the Education of People with Special Educational Needs (RIINEE)". RIINEE was created in December 2004 on the occasion of the "1st Meeting on Educational Cooperation with Ibero-America on Special Education and Educational Inclusion" in Madrid. For all meetings that have taken place annually since [...]
57 - Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Unfortunately, there seems to be no English version of this website. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education was created in May 2018, as well as the Ministry of Education which is in charge of the general education. Before, both sections were united in one ministry.
The Russian language version of the website consists of articles, news, important documents, [...]
58 - Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN)
Europe; Germany; Italy; France; Spain; Sweden; Portugal; Netherlands; Finland; United Kingdom; Ireland; Denmark; Belgium
The network YERUN was founded in 2014 and has 18 member Universities in Europe. The criterion for membership was that the universities are not older than 50 years. They cooperate in the sector of education, EU policy, graduate employability and research. In 2018, seven member universities came together to form YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe". YUFE wants [...]
59 - Career Guidance: Helping Students Choose Their Future (ITMO News 07.04.17)
Russian Federation
The Russian National Research University for Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in Saint Petersburg (ITMO) published an article on career guidance in its online magazine. The article was written on the occasion of the publication of a study that found out that a great number of university graduates in Russia later on didn't work in the field they had actually [...]
60 - National Guidance Systems (the Euroguidance database)
This interactive map provides short information on guidance and counselling in European countries. The texts also contain links to further information on the subject of guidance in the respective country.
Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance and counselling in the educational and employment sector. The website is [...]
61 - OECD Career Guidance Policy Review Home Page
OECD website on the policy framework for educational and vocational guidance and counselling in OECD member states. The website provides two comprehensive publications: "Career Guidance: A Handbook for Policy Makers" (fulltext in Engl. / French and summaries in several other languages) and "Career Guidance and Public Policy: Bridging the Gap" (fulltext in Engl., French, [...]
62 - Euroguidance Network
Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance and counselling in the educational and employment sector. The website provides a lot of information, fulltexts, links and tools: texts on national counselling systems in the EU, best practice examples, links to European and international associations and networks dealing with [...]
63 - International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP)
Established in 2004, the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) is rather a virtual network providing a forum, a virtual pinboard for all kinds of announcements and a reservoir for collecting literature, guidelines, frameworks, best practice examples, and many other documents concerning career development and guidance. All content can be [...]
64 - European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN)
The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) existed from 2007 till 2015. It was meant to support the EU member states and the European Commission in cooperating in lifelong guidance policy in education and the employment sector. In meetings, webinars and others, comprehensive material was elaborated to inform policy and decision makers. The website provides a [...]
65 - What impact would Catalan independence have on universities? (Times Higher Education 28.02.17)
Article in the online magazine Times Higher Education about the possible consequences of Catalan independence on higher education.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
66 - Is Catalonia Using Schools as a Political Weapon? (The Atlantic 03.11.17)
Article in the online magazine The Atlantic on the relation between education, language and national identity in Catalonia. The article contains many links to other sources (media, science, statistics).
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
67 - How schools are dealing with Catalonia’s push for independence (Catalan News 10.10.17)
When it comes to identity and national feelings, the issue of education is never far away. The online magazine Catalan News discusses accusations of “indoctrinating” children made by some objectors to the independence movement in Catalonia.
Catalan News provides news from and about the region of Catalonia in English and for an international readership. It is part of [...]
68 - Sacked Education minister urges Catalans to “face up” to Madrid schools' intervention (Catalan News 23.11.17)
The online magazine Catalan News informs about a statement of the former Catalan Education Minister Clara Ponsatí. Ponsatí, like the rest of the Catalan government, was dismissed by the Spanish central government after the severe conflicts concerning the Catalan independence movement. Ponsatí and several other former members of the Catalan government went to Brussels out of [...]
Eurydice National Education Systems: Switzerland
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
From the party platform of NEOS: The best education is at the beginning of every opportunity [courtesy translation]
The New Austria and Liberal Forum presents its positions and plans for education in their "manifesto" for the Austrian legislative election 2017 (election of the National Council). More detailed information can be found in their party platform on education and science, research and higher education. The website is available in German only.
[Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
From the party platform of The Greens: That's what we say about: Education & Science [courtesy translation]
The Austrian Greens presents their positions and plans for education in their party platform for the Austrian legislative election 2017 (election of the National Council). They call for:
* free acces to education for all
* promoting research and teaching
* promoting indivual talents
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
From the party platform of the FPÖ: 8) Education, Science, Art, and Culture courtesy translation]
The Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) presents its positions and plans for education in its party platform for the Austrian legislative election 2017 (election of the National Council). The educational platform displays the slogan: "Comprehensive education, free science and independet art and culture are the preconditions for the development of a society". The platform [...]
From the party platform of the SPÖ: III.9. Political perspectives: To develop the competencies of individuals and societey - the future of our education system [courtesy translation]
The Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) presents its positions and plans for education in its party platform for the Austrian legislative election 2017 (election of the National Council). Some of the topics the platform deals with are "Equal opportunities for development", "Education to promote democracy, social justice, and solidarity", and "Education for a [...]
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
The website of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, which unfortunately is only available in French, provides information on the three foci of the ministry, that is Higher Education, Research and Innovation. You will also find information on the ministry's strategy, on international cooperation, on questions concerning employees in this [...]
All News published by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) - European Commission
The "Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency" of the European Commission provides a search of all its news here. The results can be filtered and subscribed to as an RSS feed.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
76 - Education and the French presidential election
Blog article by a Londoner college principal on the issue of education in the French presidential election 2017. The article explains and compares the positions of the most important candidates on educational policy.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
National Council for School System Evaluation (Cnesco)
Cnesco is composed of researchers, parlamentarians, and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. It is in charge of doing analyses, studies, and evaluations of the French educational system and give advice based on their results. The website, which is also available in English, provides fulltext documents of reports based on evaluations etc. in different [...]
78 - Von der Krippe zum Abitur: Chancen und Widersprüche im französischen Bildungssystem
The German Federal Agency for Civic Education provides country dossiers that also contain a section on the educational system of the respective country. The article is only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
79 - Comparaison des programmes sur l'école pour les élections présidentielles 2017 (V2)
A scientific analyses by two sociologists comparing positions on educational issues in the electoral programmes of the candidates to the French presidential election 2017. The analyses also comprises a table listing the different positions for a better comparison. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
80 - 800.000 feignasses: catégorie "élections présidentielles"
Among others, this website provides videos of the candidates to the French presidency 2017 explaining their position on educational issues, a table which compares the position of the different candidates on education, an explanatory video for children, as well as several articles on the subject of education during the presidential election.
The website "800.000 feignasses" [...]
81 - Ausgewählte Passagen zum Thema Bildung aus Emmanuel Macrons Wahlprogramm (Präsidentschaftswahl Frankreich 2017)
Selected sections on education in the electoral programme of Emmanuel Macron, an independent candidate to the presidential elections in France in 2017, translated into German by Education Worldwide. You will find the original French texts on the official website of Macron: Programme - Education & Programme - Enseignement supérieur et recherche .
[Abstract: Editors of [...]
82 - Passagen zum Thema Bildung aus Marine Le Pens Wahlprogramm (Präsidentschaftswahl Frankreich 2017)
Selected sections on education in the electoral programme of Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the right-wing nationalist party Front National to the presidential elections in France in 2017, translated into German by Education Worldwide. You will find the original electoral programme in French on Le Pen's official website.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
83 - Bildungspolitik – Dauerthema jedes französischen Präsidentschaftswahlkampfs
In its dossier on the French presidential election 2017, the German Federal Agency for Civic Education provides an article on the permanent topic of education in the French presidential elections.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
84 - Syndicalisme enseignant en France
This French Wikipedia article provides an overview of the history of teachers' unions in France as well as of current developments and existing unions in the field of education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
85 - EMC: Des ressources pour (faire) suivre les élections présidentielles
eduscol, the informational website of the French Ministry of Education, provides links for teachers to prepare their courses on the French presitential election 2017. The links are mainly to be found within two subjects: EMC - Enseignement moral et civique (moral and civic education), and histoire-géographie (history-geography).
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
86 - Le Figaro – Comparateur – Éducation
Provided by the centre-right French journal "Le Figaro", you can have a rather simple and visual insight into positions of the candidates to the French presidency 2017. The candidates are clustered around "in favour", "against" or "in between" in answer to several questions for different political issues. For education you will find 5 questions. A drop down menu additionally [...]
87 - FNEC-FP FO - Federation Nationale de l’Enseignement, de la Culture et de la Formation Professionnelle
Besides UNSA Education and FSU, FNEC-FP FO is one of the biggest federations of teachers' unions in France. The website mainly provides news from the respective unions of FNEC-FP as well as general union news. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
88 - France TV Education: election présidentielle
This site is provided by the French public national television broadcaster France Télévisions. It compiles videos concerning educational issues or having an educational goal. More specifically, this sub-category offers videos on the French presidential election 2017.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
89 - Country Dossiers: France - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossiers, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provide information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
90 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: France
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For France you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
91 - Länderbericht Frankreich (BMBF / Kooperation International)
France; Germany
The country reports on this website provide a broad overview of research and education in countries worldwide, including information on the education system, research landscape, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. The superordinate country page additionally provides news, events, documents, general country data and links. The website is provided by the [...]
92 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Frankreich
France; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with France. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
93 - Brexit impact on higher education: Committee publishes evidence
United Kingdom; Europe
Overview provided by the UK Parliament on the results of the Education Committee's inquiry into the impact of exiting the European Union on higher education. The Committee’s inquiry was launched in September 2016, the results were published in December 2016. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
94 - OECD Education
The OECD Education site provides information on the following education sectors:
>> Early childhood and schools
>> Skills beyond school
>> Innovation in education
>> Labour markets, human capital and inequality
>> Research and knowledge management
Furthermore, you will find a section on data and statistics, on publications, current focus topics, news and [...]
95 - Topic: Education (Organization of American States - OAS)
North America; South America; Latin America; Caribbean
This site lists all the information and links that the Organization of American States (OAS) provides in the field of education. For example, its "Department of Human Development, Education, and Employment" aims at supporting the cooperation between the North and South American member states in educational matters. It created the "Inter-American Teacher Educator Network" [...]
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia covers the issues general education, higher education, vocational education and science. For each topic there are news, facility registers, information on current projects, education programmes and further notes. All infrastructure projects are charted and catalogued, but they are only available in Georgian.
97 - Cultural Treaty Flanders ‐ Netherlands (1995)
Belgium; Netherlands
English translation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. This treaty includes the "cooperation in terms of Culture, Education, Sciences and Welfare" between the country and the region linked by a common language. A commission (CVN) was created to monitor the implementation of the treaty. The commission is evaluated regurlarly, newly installed [...]
98 - Commissie Cultureel Verdrag Vlaanderen-Nederland [Commission Cultural Treaty Flanders-Netherlands]
Belgium; Netherlands
Website of the Commission in charge of the monitoring of the implementation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. Unfortunately, the site is not available in English. The Dutch site informs about the commission's wirk and the implementation of the treaty in the form of projects and more.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
99 - Flanders and Netherlands to celebrate cultural cooperation in 2015
Belgium; Netherlands
Short article about the celebrations on the occasion of the 20 years of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. The article links to relevant information on the treaty, on cooperating institutions and the commission monitoring the implementation of the Treaty.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
100 - Association of universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) / Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU)
Formerly known as "Vereniging van Samenwerkende Nederlandse Universiteiten", the VSNU officially represents the fourteen Dutch research Universities. The association's website provides information on its focus areas, among others: human resources, research, education, finance, governance & accountability, international affairs, communication & public affairs. Furthermore, [...]
101 - Flemish Union of Students (VVS) / Vlaamse Vereniging van Studenten (VVS)
The website of the Flemish student organisation VVS doesn't have an English website. You can find English information on the website of the European Students' Union (ESU). The VVS was founded in 1938. On its Flemish website, you can find information on its goals and activities, on its position concerning specific educational matters, on events and more.
[Abstract: Editors [...]
102 - Dutch Student Union (LSVb) / Landelijke Studentenvakbond (LSVb)
The website of the student organisation LSVb doesn't have an English website. You can find English information on the website of the European Students' Union (ESU). The LSVb was founded in 1963 as a successor to the "Nederland de Studentenvakbeweging" (SVB) founded in 1963. The LSVb claims to be the "official representative of all Dutch students towards the ministry and [...]
103 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Netherlands
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For the Netherlands you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
104 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Belgien
Belgium; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Belgium. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
105 - Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) - NWO division / Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek (NRO) - NWO-onderdeel
The "Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO)" aims at strengthening the cooperation between research, practice and educational policy. NRO's main activities are the coordination and funding of programmes and projects (among others, e.g. the big international assessments like PISA, TIMSS or PIRLS). The English website provides a list of projects whose detailed [...]
The school system in the Netherlands (NiederlandeNet, University of Muenster) [courtesy translation]
NiederlandeNet (NetherlandsNet) is run at the Centre for Netherlands Studies, University of Muenster, Germany. It provides webdossiers on different topics concerning the Netherlands. The webdossier on the Dutch school system includes chapters on the history of education, educational policy and PISA studies, school types as well as problems and challenges. The dossier is only [...]
107 - Education Council (Netherlands) / Onderwijsraad
The Education Council of the Netherlands is an "independent governmental advisory body which advises the Minister, Parliament and local authorities." The English version of the new website provides information on the organisation and working methods of the council as well as many publications on educational matters. The old website also provided statements and positions of the [...]
108 - OECD Directorate for Education and Skills: Netherlands
The OECD publishes their educational news from and on a specific country in this section. You will also find publication announcements like e.g. "Education at a Glance", and other studies and reports like "Netherlands 2016 - Foundations for the Future".
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
109 - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Netherlands
"A video series profiling policies and practices of education systems that demonstrate high or improving performance in the PISA tests."
"This series of videos has been produced jointly by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Pearson Foundation to present initiatives being taken by education authorities around the world to help improve [...]
110 - STI in Flanders: Science, Technology & Innovation. Policy & Key Figures
These reports are published annually by the Flemish Government, Department of Economy, Science and Innovation. They provide an overview of the current status of Science, Technology an Innovation in Flanders. The chapters cover STI system and organisation, funding, human resources, activities, output and result of STI research. Unfortunately, the site doesn't list former [...]
111 - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Belgium (Flanders)
"A video series profiling policies and practices of education systems that demonstrate high or improving performance in the PISA tests."
"This series of videos has been produced jointly by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Pearson Foundation to present initiatives being taken by education authorities around the world to help improve [...]
112 - OECD Directorate for Education and Skills: Belgium
The OECD publishes their educational news from and on a specific country in this section. You will also find publication announcements like e.g. "Education at a Glance", and other studies and reports like "OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015".
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
113 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Belgium (Flemish Community)
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
114 - GO! Flemish Community Education / GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Education in Falnders is mainly organised through three networks. One of the is GO!. GO! encompasses the official state-run schools (primary and secondary) of the Flemish government. GOS's English website provides a short overview of the history of education in Flanders, information about the network's goals and activities as well as some statistics. The Dutch website [...]
115 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Belgium
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Belgium you can find documents starting in the year 2000 - for the French and the Flemish community, not for the German community. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of [...]
116 - Education in Flanders
English Wikipedia article about the education system in the Flemish Community / Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. You will find the following chapters:
1 Generally
2 Networks
3 Levels
3.1 Basic education
3.2 Secondary education
3.3 Higher education
4 Quality
4.1 Foreign students
5 Language
5.1 Medium of [...]
117 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Niederlande
Netherlands; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with the Netherlands. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
118 - Country Dossiers: Netherlands - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossier for the Netherlands, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
119 - Eurydice National education Systems: Netherlands
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
120 - Bildung und Forschung: Niederlande (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Netherlands; Germany
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in the Netherlands, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. Available only in German.
[Abstract: Editors of [...]
121 - Bildung und Forschung: Großbritannien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
United Kingdom
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Great Britain, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
International Affairs: The United Kingdom (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) [courtesy translation]
Germany; United Kingdom
[German only. For a pre-Brexit version of the website as of 2011, take a look at the Internet Archive] Under the category "Bi- and Multilateral Cooperation", the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the partnership between Germany and the United Kingdom in the educational and research sector. The site is available only in English. [...]
123 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Vereinigtes Königreich
United Kingdom; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with the United Kingdom. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
124 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Ukraine
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Ukraine you can find documents starting in the year 1991. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
125 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Finland
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Finland you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
International Bureau (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the International Bureau (IB) supports international research and education cooperation between Germany and its partners. The IB offers financial support when setting up new contacts and cooperation and advises German universities, companies and institutions outside the university system on international [...]
127 - Wainerman, Catalina; Di Virgilio, María Mercedes, 2010: El quehacer de la investigación en educación
Argentina; Latin America; Brazil
The book "El quehacer de la investigación en educación" (~ The work of research in education) deals with the research objects, the research methods as well as future developments in the field of educational research in Argentina. In some chapters, comparisons are drawn to Latin America as a whole or to single countries (e.g. Brazil). You can find some more information about [...]
128 - Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educacion (IRICE)
The Institute for Research in Education IRICE was founded in 1977 and is under the control of the Argentinian "National Council for Scientific and Technical Research" CONICET as well as of the University of Rosario (UNR). The website provides very ample information on the research done at the institute which comprises, among others, the research on teaching, the functioning of [...]
129 - Programa de Educación - Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC)
The "Programme Education" at the "Centre for the Implementation of Public Policies for Social Equity and Growth" CIPPEC aims at doing research and consulting for more justice in the educational system of Argentina. The programme's website provides information on projects, some of them with websites of their own, as well as many publications (fulltexts), videos, press releases [...]
130 - Programa de Estudios sobre Juventud, Educación y Trabajo (PREJET)
The "Programme for Studies on Youth, Education and Employment" PREJET gathers sociologists, researchers in education and labour relations. PREJET does research on educational policy, on different forms of (vocational) training and education, on different players and stakeholders in the field of youth, education and employment, on their experience and on the youths' job [...]
131 - Instituciones, núcleos y centros de investigacíon en política educativa en Argentina (Observatorio Latinoamericano de Políticas Educacionales - OLPED)
Argentina; international
[The new website doesn't provide a search anymore. The version of the old website that is stored in the webarchive, and to which we link, only provides the complete list without the country filter]. This site provides a list of Argentinian research institutions, centres and groups doing research on educational policy. The list was compiled by the Latin American Observatory [...]
132 - Red Latinoamericana de Estudios Teóricos y Epistemológicos en Política Educativa (ReLePe)
Latin America
The Latin American Network for Theoretical and Epistemological Studies on Educational Policy was created in 2011. Its website provides ample resources and information on thematical working groups, workshops, conferences and other events, on publications (including a freely accessible e-book), a newsletter, a thematically sorted publication list with links to many fulltexts, as [...]
133 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Russia you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
134 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: India
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For India you can find documents starting in the year 1968 (in the same document as 1998). Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
135 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: South Africa
South Africa, Republic
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For South Africa you can find documents starting in the year 1997. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
136 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Brazil
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Brazil you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
137 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: China
China, People's Republic of
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For China you can find documents starting in the year 1995. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
138 - National Research and Innovation Agency [Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - BRIN]
The National Research and Innovation Agency is a cabinet-level government agency formed by the Indonesian government in 2019. It does not report to the Ministry of Education, but directly to the President. BRIN is a member of the International Science Council (ISC). The site provides information about the tasks of the agency as well as news about activities, cooperations, etc. [...]
139 - A look at the 2013 Curriculum
The blog article (16-01-2014) provides an overview of the contents and foci of the 2013 Indonesian curriculum reform. Moreover, it provides the example of a concrete case of a school that was chosen to participate in the initial roll-out of the new curriculum. A few links to further information on the new curriculum are given, too. The blog is written by Fulbright English [...]
140 - Curriculum Reform (2013 and earlier) in Indonesian Media
On more than 30 pages, the blog of the Basic Education Capacity Trust Fund (BEC-TF)provides a press review of the 2013 curriculum reform in Indonesia, as well as previous news on Indonesian curriculum issues (news are sorted chronologically backwards, see "older posts"). You will find articles from Indonesian newspapers in English as well as in Bahasa Indonesia, the later ones [...]
141 - Indonesian basic education curriculum: current content and reform (2008)
The presentation linked here provdides an overview of Indonesian curriculum development from 2003 to 2006. A focus is on decentralisation, which also affects the educational sector.
The presenter Agus Dharma is Director of the Personnel Education and
Training Center, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia. The paper was presented in a roundtable discussion in [...]
142 - ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook (2012): a Teaching Resource for Primary and Secondary Schools to Foster an Outward-Looking, Stable, Peaceful and Prosperous ASEAN Community
South-East Asia; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam; Brunei Darussalam
Published in 2012, the ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is based on a survey conducted 2008-2010 on the curricula of the ASEAN member states. It is meant to bring closer the educational goals of ASEAN states and provides concrete suggestions for elements of a common curriculum which proclaims the values and norms of the ASEAN community. The [...]
143 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Indonesia
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Indonesia you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
144 - ACDP Indonesia - Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership
[We link to a summary of the closed project including the most important documents produced during the project. For more details about the project, please visit a copy of the project website from the Internet Archive.]
ACDP is a cooperation between the Indonesian and Australian governments, the European Union (EU) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). ACDP's purpose is to [...]
145 - Indonesia Mengajar - Teaching Indonesia
Indonesia Mengajar is a programme founded in 2010 by Indonesian Minister for Education Anies Baswedan (since 27.10.2014). Young students in education or young teachers get recruited to teach in some rural and remote areas of Indonesia for some time. The programme is based on the expreience that remote areas often lack good teachers who don't want to teach in these areas for [...]
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology [Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi]
The website of the Indonesian Ministry for Education does not have an English version. In Indonesian language, it provides ample information on education in Indonesia, for example on the curriculum, on scholarships, digital learning, teacher education, a platform for digital schoolbooks (you can find a account of its history here) and much more. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
Research and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education and Culture [Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan / Kementerian Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan]
Like other Indonesian ministries, the Ministry for Education has its own Department for Research and Development. It was created in 1969/70 as a small office. Meanwhile, it has became a real department with a secretariat, as well as research centres for educational policy, curriculum research, educational assessment, statistics and educational innovation. The website provides [...]
Ministry of Religious Affairs [Kementerian Agama]
The website of the Indonesian Ministry for Religious Affairs does not have an English version. The ministry is in charge of Islamic Education in Indonesia. You can find the respective department under "Unit Kerja > Ditjen Pendidikan Islam". Departments in charge of other religions also have some data about education (for example about Catholic schools). [Abstract: Editors of [...]
149 - Country Dossiers: Indonesia - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossier for Indonesia, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
150 - OECD Directorate for Education and Skills: Indonesia
The OECD publishes their educational news from and on a specific country in this section. You will also find publication announcements like e.g. "Education at a Glance", and other studies and reports.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
151 - Bildung und Forschung: Indonesien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Indonesia, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
152 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Indonesien
Indonesia; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Indonesia. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
153 - Education System in Indonesia (Indonesian Embassy in London)
The Indonesian Embassy in London, UK, provides a good overview on the Indonesian education system, its history and related educational policy - includng a graph on educational levels. In the left hand menu bar you will furthermore find two sites on Indonesian universities and research institutes. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
154 - Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) consists of more than 11,500 individual members and 130 partner organizations in 170 countries. You will find well-known organisations like UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF, World Vision or Save the Children among the members. The website provides ample information on activities, projects, on current thematic areas and focus [...]
155 - UNHCR - Education (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is a UN Agency supporting the protection and the rights of refugees all over the world. This includes the right to education, among others.The education site of UNHCR provides information on UNHCR's activities in refugee education. This includes programmes and projects, publications (strategies, guidelines, reports and [...]
156 - Réforme du collège : revue de presse (Reform des Collège: Pressespiegel)
France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) provides a press review in German and French on the discussions about the French educational reform of the lower secondary education in 2014/15 under Minister for Education Vallaud-Belkacem. Especially the changes planned for the German language classes sparked a huge controversy. The press in France [...]
157 - Collège : mieux apprendre pour mieux réussir (Collège 2016)
Official information page of the French Ministry for Education about the reform of the French Collège starting in spring 2015 under Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (in French only). The site provides current news, the minister's presentation dossier on the planned reform, key points, questions and answers, statements and press releases. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
158 - Die VDFG ruft auf: Non au déclin programmé de l’Allemand en France (Nein zum vorprogrammierten Verfall des Deutschen in Frankreich) [Gefälligkeitsübersetzung]
Critical statement by the "Association of German-French Societies for Europe" concerning the changes in the German language courses planned in the educational reform of the French Collège by French Education Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (11th April 2015). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
159 - Questions/réponses sur la nouvelle organisation du collège (éduscol)
éduscol is a portal provided by the French Ministry for Education for professionals in education. The page linked here provides information on the reform of the French Collège under minister Vallaud-Belkacem starting in 2015. You will find question and answers, explanations and graphics, as well as all important official documents. Currently, this specific page is available [...]
160 - Un enseignement de l’allemand conforté
Statement of the French Education Minister Vallaud-Belkacem to the criticism to her reform of the Collège and perception that the reform cuts down German language lessons in the Collège. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
161 - La réforme du collège unique / Projet de réforme Vallaud-Belkacem (
Two chapters in the French Wikipedia article on the "Collège de France" that show the development of the Collège since the 1950s in France: La réforme du collège unique (The Reform of the Single Lower Secondary School), Projet de réforme Vallaud-Belkacem (Reform Project Vallaud-Belkacem). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
162 - Development of inclusion - Finland
Summary of the development and current situation in the field of inclusion in Finland (1990ies to 2012). The summary is provided by the European Agency for Special Needs an Inclusive Education. The article was last modified on December 18, 2012. Please note that the original website is offline. Hence, the link provided here leads you to the webarchive and is a copy of [...]
163 - research for inclusive education in international cooperation (refie) - final report
Guatemala; Malawi
The goal of the refie project was to explore the driving mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in education. The research has been conducted using Guatemala (Central America) and Malawi (Southern Africa) as case studies. We link to the project's final report.
The old project website can still be found in the internet archive. provides information on the reserach design and [...]
164 - Proyecto "La Educación Inclusiva en la Región Mesoamericana"
Central America; Latin America; South America
This website provides an overview of a project (ca. 2007-2016) on the cooperation of the Central American (and partly Ibero-American) countries in the field of inclusive education. You will find a chronology of important events in educational policy as well as important official documents, programmes and more, for example:
* Acciones Destacadas del Proyecto (2001-2010)
* [...]
165 - Educación Inclusiva (Plataforma del Desarrollo Inclusivo)
Latin America; Central America; Argentina; Brazil; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Peru; Uruguay
This website first provides a general introduction into Inclusive Education in general. Furthermore, you will find links to specific Central and Latin American countries. These sub-sites mainly contain reports about the situation of inclusive education in these countries. The reports were mainly written for the World Bank in 2004. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
166 - Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA)
United States of America (USA)
The "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act" (IDEA) is a U.S. American federal statute that regulates the (right to) education of people (children) with disabilities in the United States.The first version of this statute was adopted in 1975 under the title "Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)". The statute has been amended several times since then. The [...]
167 - Building the Legacy: IDEA 2004
United States of America (USA)
This website of the U.S. department of Education provides the text of the law and additional information and materials to the Parts B and C of the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act" (IDEA). Part B deals with Children and youth (ages 3-21), Part C with Infants and toddlers (birth-2). The website provides information on the implementation of the law, guidelines and [...]
168 - Persons with Disabilities. Israel 2006
This is the first report of the Commission for Equal Rights for Persons with disabilities, which was established in the year 2000 under the Israeli Ministry of Justice. Unfortunately, the report of 2011 (Word document download) is only available online in Hebrew. You can find some more background information in a presentation during a workshop of the Commission. [Abstract: [...]
169 - Public consultation: European Area of Skills and Qualifications (European Commission)
From 17/12/2013 to 15/04/2014, the European Commission ran a public consultation on the question of a "European Area of Skills and Qualifications". The aim of the consultation was to find out "on the problems faced by learners and workers with regard to the transparency and recognition of their skills and qualifications when moving within and between EU Member States, on the [...]
170 - Education and training policies based on evidence (European Commission)
Overview of the European Commission on evidence based educational policy. This site provides a very good starting point to explore the many activites of the EU, like international comparisons and assessments (e.g. PISA, PIAAC or TALIS), resulting strategic frameworks, EU programmes, projects, portals, networks, reports and more. Interesting sub-sites could be "EU policy in the [...]
171 - Local authorities: Education, Culture and Well-being
While the central goverment and the Ministry of Education and Culture provide a general frame for education in Finland in termes of legislation etc., the local authorities provide the services to their population. Educational services are summed up under the category "Education and Culture". The site provides information about the work of local authorities.
[Abstract: Editors [...]
172 - Bildung und Forschung: Finnland (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Finland, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or international cooperations. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
173 - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Finland
"A video series profiling policies and practices of education systems that demonstrate high or improving performance in the PISA tests."
"This series of videos has been produced jointly by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Pearson Foundation to present initiatives being taken by education authorities around the world to help improve [...]
174 - Country Dossiers: Finland - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossier for Finland, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
175 - OECD Directorate for Education and Skills: Finland
The OECD publishes their educational news from and on a specific country in this section. You will also find publication announcements like e.g. "Education at a Glance", and other studies and reports. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
176 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Finnland
Finland; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Finland. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
177 - Palestine Strategic Education Plan 2014-2019 & Monitoring & Evaluation System for the Education Development Stratigic Plan 2008 - 2012
Palestinian Territories
This website of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education provides a list of fulltext documents (official documents, working papers, drafts, ..) on its educational planning for 2014 to 2019 and on the evaluation of the previous planning 2008-2012. The main document of the planning 2014-2019, "Education Development Strategic Plan 2014-2019", also provides a [...]
178 - Planipolis - Education Plans and Policies: Palestine
Palestinian Territories
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Palestine you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
179 - Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission
Palestinian Territories
The Palestinian Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission is in charge of the accreditation and quality assurance of higher education institutions and academic programmes in Palestine. Unfortunately, there is no longer an English version of the website. You will find information in Arabic on Licensed Higher Education Institutions, on Accredited Academic Programs, on [...]
Education at a Glance 2014: Country note Finland
The OECD study 'Education at a Glance' presents annual data on education systems in Europe. The country notes give overviews of relevant findings for each country, in the case of Finland highlighting the improvement of teacher education.
Education Policy Outlook Highlights: Finland
The educational policy outlook provides data-based information on current trends in education in Finland, focusing on policy measures to support learners and improve the quality of teaching alnd learning.
182 - Palestinian Curriculum Development Center
Palestinian Territories
[Unfortunately, many educational websites in Palestine have often become unavailable in recent years. If necessary, please take a look at the Web Archive or at the page of the Palestinian Ministry of Education].The website of the Palestinian Curriculum Development Center is only available in English. It provides an overview over its work, over subjects taught in Palestianian [...]
183 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Palästinensische Gebiete
Palestinian Territories; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Palestine. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
184 - Country Dossiers: Palestine - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
Palestinian Territories
The country dossiers, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provide information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
185 - Education in the Palestinian territories
Palestinian Territories
English Wikipedia article about education in the Palestinian territories. The article is very ample, but obviously has some issues concerning its sources. You will find the following chapters:
1 Education System
2 Education Management
3 Education Finance
4 Education Policy
5 Pre-Primary Education
6 Basic Education
6.1 Preparation Stage
6.2 Empowerment [...]
186 - Yozma - Center for Knowledge and Research in Education (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
Israel; international
The Yozma is a unit of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. It does evidence based research for decision makers in Israeli (educational) policy. Its website provides information on current and past research foci, a lot of fulltext publications, information on events, video lectures and more. Among their publications, you will for example find "Guidelines for Revising [...]
187 - OER Africa
Africa South of the Sahara; South Africa, Republic; East Africa; Ghana; Senegal; Kenya; Nigeria; Rwanda; Sudan; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia
This website provides ample information on PER projects on Africa (esp. South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Kenia, East Africa). There is a focus on OER in agricultre, health and teacher training. Furthermore, you will find information on licencing and policy issues and developments, on events and other news on OER. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
188 - School of Education - Tel Aviv University
Israel; international
Unfortunetaly, the English website of the School of Education is an old one from 2006. The new homepage is only available in Hebrew.
The School of Education has the following departments:
- Department of Special Education and Educational Counseling
- Department of Education Policy and Administration
- Department of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology
- [...]
189 - Research Centers - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Israel; international
This site provides a list of research centres at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. You will find the following centres for educational research:
- Center for Futurism in Education
- Center for Excellence in Teaching (no English website available)
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
190 - The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Israel; international
"Chartered by law in 1961, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities acts as a national focal point for Israeli scholarship in both the natural sciences and the humanities [The Ministry of Education has a say in certain matters]. The Academy (...) monitor[s] and promote[s] Israeli intellectual excellence, advise[s] the government on scientific planning, fund[s] and [...]
191 - Country Dossiers: Israel - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossier for Israel, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
192 - Bildung und Forschung: Länderbericht Israel (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Israel, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
193 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Israel
Israel; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Israel. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
194 - Bologna Process - Members' National Reports
Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Moldova, Republic of; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; North Macedonia; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; England; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Wales
This website is run by the "European Higher Education Area" and provides national reports on the status of the Bologna Process since 2003 from about 50 European countries. You can find the latest report at the top of the page of each member country. Older reports can be found at the bottom of the page in the menu bar on the right (under "related documents").[Abstract: Editors [...]
195 - Privatisierung im Erziehungs- und Bildungswesen in Griechenland. Zur Umgestaltung der europäischen und griechischen Bildungslandschaft (08.03.2013)
Greece; Europe
Article by Prof. Alexandra Ioannidou from Athen for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, a foundation which is close to the German political party "Die Linke" (The Left). Ioannidou provides a critical analysis of the educational reforms in Greece which are a direct consequence of the Greek government-debt crisis starting around 2009/2010. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
196 - Consolidation to begin for Greek higher education (21.02.2013)
This article provides information on the reforms in the higher education sector in Greece, which were a consequence of the Greek government-debt crisis starting sometime in 2009/2010. The article was published in February 2013 on the website of ICEF GmbH: "Based in Bonn, Germany, ICEF GmbH (International Consultants for Education and Fairs) is the global market leader in [...]
197 - Greek Reporter, Greece - keyword education
Greek Reporter is an international news portal run by Greek reporters and journalists, covering Greek and international news. The following link leads you to articles that have been tagged with the keyword "education" in Greece. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Association of Greek Researchers
"The Association of Greek Researchers is a lobbying association of Greek researchers that are employed in the public research centres and institutes representing the interests of its members." The NGO was established in 1996 and has its seat in Athens. On their webpage they provide information about their activities and offer a list of research instituts that are supervised by [...]
199 - Country Dossiers: Greece - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossier for Greece, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Newspaper Greece: News about Education [only in German]
The German speaking newspaper "Griechenland Zeitung" publishes news about Greece. It is published in print and online (as PDF) every week since 14th of Oktober 2005. The section 'Bildung' (Education) gives an insight in latest and past events in Greece. Some articles are only accessible when you subscribe to the journal. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
201 - Education in Crisis: Country Profile Greece (as of 2016)
[Please note: As the original website is not available anymore, we link to a copy from the Internet Archive as of 2016].
"Education in Crisis" provides under the section 'Country Profiles' > 'Europe' also information on Greece. You will find an overview of past and current issues of changes in the educational system, some facts and data, references to union contacts and [...]
Hellenic Educational Society
The webpage of the Hellenic Educational Society informs about their objectives, functions and provides helpful links (Σύνδεσμοι) on Greek educational institutions in politics and research. There is, too the possibility to have an online insight in already published issues of the 'Pedagogical Review' [...]
Periodical: Hellenic Pedagogical Cosmos
Twice a year the online-periodical HPC (Hellenic Pedagogical Cosmos) informs in an rather unusual format and content presentation about educational and pedagogical issues and developments in contemporary Greece. HPC seeks, primarily, to serve the needs of all those Anglophones whose access to educational topics is limited due to the Greek language barrier.[Abstract: Site [...]
Σχεδίου "Αθηνά" (Reform of the Academic Map in Greece: Athena Plan)
The Athena Plan that was already passed in March 2013 by the Greek parliament is responsible for enormous changes and discussion concerning the tertiary sector. With respect to this the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs informs about central issues in Greek. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
German Academic Exchange Service helps Greek Universities (24.01.2014)
Germany; Greece
The Tagesspiegel informs briefly about current educational reforms and cooperation in Greece in the beginning of 2014. Topics are the 'Athena Plan', the research initiative of the German government 'Zukunftsfond Südeuropa' and a bilateral project of the Rectors' Conferences. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
206 - Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED)
"[ANED] was created by the European Commission in December 2007.DOTCOM: the Disability Online Tool of the Commission [...] to support policy development in collaboration with the Commission's Disability Unit. Its philosophy and aims support the objectives of European disability policy towards the goal of full participation and equal opportunities for all disabled [...]
207 - Lifelong Learning for All: Recommendations Report (European Inclusion Initiative)
Recommendations from the Lifelong Learning Programme Inclusion (European Union) which ran from 2010 to 2012. Unfortunately, the only thing left of the original project website is a copy of the front page from the internet archive as of 15.02.2015. You can also find a Verlinkter Text>youtube channel with some videos.
Amongst others, the [...]
208 - Support and aspiration: a new approach to special educational needs
The Green Paper consultation was publlished by the Department of Education in 2011. One of the rationales was to make provisions for children and young people with special educational needs more effective, beyond giving parents control and establishing a system harmonises educational needs, health and care provisions. Future measures (see the Children and Families Act 2014) [...]
Help if you have a disabled child
United Kingdom
A guide for parents of children with disabilities, information regarding available support and assistance (financial and otherwise) for children with special (educational) needs).
Virtual Issues from British Journal of Special Education: Special Educational Needs and Learning Support
; England; Scotland; international
The Virtual Issue, published online as volume 35 of th eBritish Journal of Special Education, hosts four articles on the topic of "special needs education" and "learning support". P First published in 2008, the articles focus on the topic of "inclusive" versus mainstream education and highlight some challenges to the debate.
211 - Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 1993 (including implementation monitoring and proposed supplement 2004)
This website provides the fulltext of the United Nations' "Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities" as of 1993 (in English only). Furthermore, you will find annual reports on the implementation of these rules in the UN member countries as well as a proposed supplement to the rules as of 2004 ("reaching the most vulnerable"). [...]
212 - WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021
"The 66th World Health Assembly held in May 2013 adopted a resolution calling for better health care for people with disabilities and requesting the WHO Director-General to prepare a comprehensive WHO action plan in consultation with United Nations organizations and Member States. It was noted that the plan should be based on the recommendations of the World report on [...]
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
United Kingdom; England
This website by the British government provides access to documents concerning special educational needs of children and young people with disabilities, e.g. statutes and guidelines, government policy, consultations. The thematic scope covers SEND, inclusive schooling, children with learning difficulties, etc.
WHO world report on disability
In 2011, the World Bank and the Whorld Health Organisation (WHO) published the first report on disability, against the background of the UN Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities (UN-CRPD). The report is accessible in various languages and formats, including easy-to-read and DAISY format. It can also be accessed by chapters, e.g. chapter 7 focuses on education [...]
215 - List of Disability Related Academic Journals (date: November 2013)
The Centre for Disability Law & Policy located at the National University of Ireland (NUI Galway) provides a bibliography of scientific journals with a focus on disability. A website for the respective journal is provided if available. The journals are classed by themes:
A: Disability Studies
B: Disability Area Studies (e.g., Europe)
D: Intellectual disability
E: [...]
216 - Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future - 48th session of the International Conference on Education, Geneva, 25-28 November 2008
The theme of the UNESCO International Conference on Education 2008 was inclusive education. The website provides national reports on the development of inclusive education in the particpating countries, a final report, conclusions and recommendations,
presentations, national reports and
messages of the ministers. The conference "is a major international forum for education [...]
bpb Dossier on India: Expansion, Quality, Justice. Challenges of the Indian Education System
The article of Dr. Doris Hillger deals with the Indian education system and is part of the section „Education and Culture“ at the webpage of the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - bpb). The bpb published recently a dossier about India. Further topics of this section are educational chances, literature, Indian film, media and [...]
218 - Hellenic Federation of University Teachers' Associations (POSDEP) / Πανελλήνια Ομοσπονδία Συλλόγων Διδακτικού και Ερευνητικού Προσωπικού
The main aim of POSDEP since its establishment in 1989 has been to ensure that Greek governments will provide students with public, free university education and that the universities will be totally independent; fiscally, administratively, institutionally.
POSDEP is mainly in contact with the Federation of Associations of Technical Institutions (OSEP-TEI) and the Union of [...]
219 - The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education
The Salamanca Statement was a result of the "World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality, Salamanca, Spain, 7-10 June 1994". It is a major international policy document, outlining the global consensus on the needs for educational reform and the policies and strategies needed to include disabled children in the education system.
The document is available [...]
(Primary) Teachers' Federation Greece
The Teachers' Federation Greece is mainly active in primary education politics and has its seat in Athens. DOE was established in 1922.Besides its commitment to improve primary education or to protect and promote professional and material interests of primary school teachers other purposes are declared in the statutes (in Greek only).
[Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
221 - OECD Directorate for Education and Skills: Greece
The OECD publishes their educational news from and on a specific country in this section. You will also find publication announcements like e.g. "Education at a Glance", and other studies and reports. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME)
OLME is one of the Civil Servants’ Federations; it consists of 91 local unions and is the only secondary state school teachers union in Greece with more than 55,000 members. OLME was established in 1924 with the purpose to secure teachers’ working rights and to promote Greek culture. Nowadays OLME focuses on: - The co-ordination of all local unions it consists of, aiming [...]
The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP)
The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) was established in 2011 with Public Law 3966 (Government Gazette Α΄ 118/24-05-2011) and is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
IEP operates for the benefit of the public interest as an executive scientific body which supports the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, with the main aim of [...]
General Secretariat for Youth (GSY)
The General Secretariat for Youth develops a set of activities and programmes aiming at the core of youth policies and more specifically, in the following sectors: Participation, Information, Leisure, Entrepreneurship. The GSY pays special attention to the cooperation with civil society, especially with youth associations and local authorities that take actions in the field of [...]
225 - A tense and shifting balance: Bilingualism and education in Ukraine
Ukraine; Russian Federation
In this article of 2008, the researchers Laada Bilaniuka and Svitlana Melnyk explore the history, the current meaning, the language policy and the conflict about the use of Russian and Ukrainian language in Ukraine. The article appeared in: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Volume 11, Issue 3-4, 2008, Special Issue: Multilingualism in Post-Soviet [...]
226 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Ukraine
Ukraine; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Ukraine. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
227 - Country Dossiers: Ukraine - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossier for Ukraine, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
228 - Länderbericht (Bildung & Forschung): Ukraine (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Ukraine, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
229 - LangOER: enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/OEP
"[LangOER is a] 3-year network (January 2014- December 2016) supported by action KA2 Languages of the Lifelong Learning Programme, European Commission." The network is to support the use of Open Educational Resources for the benefit of regional and minority languages and linguistic diversity in the EU. The network has two target groups: educators, who will be offered [...]
230 - EU activities in the field of higher education
Overview of the European Commission on activities of the European Union in the field of Higher Education in Europe. The site provides introductions and links to activities, programes, strategies, agendas and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
231 - Ausgaben von Industriestaaten für Informations- und Bildungsarbeit
This website provides annual data on the expenditure of the OECD states on development related work in the field of education and information. In 1972, the United Nations General Assembly declared October 24th the World Development Information Day. This day is meant to raise awareness on problems in development and to call on the international community to engage into finding [...]
232 - Federal Institute of Educational Development Russia (Федеральный институт развития образования)
Russian Federation
The Russian "Federal Institute for Educational Development" (FIRO) was created in 2005, by way of merging several former institutes (Research Institute of Higher Education, Institute of General Education, Professional Development Institute Education, Institute for Development of vocational education, the Institute of National Education Problems). FIRO is administered by the [...]
233 - China in African education – A force for good?
China, People's Republic of; Africa South of the Sahara
This article was published in the University World News and provides an overview over the current African-Chinese relationship and cooperation in the field of education. The author also compares this relationship to the nort-south relationship between Europe / USA and Africa. Milton O Obamba is a research associate at the African Network for the Internationalisation of [...]
234 - Bilateral/Multilateral Documents - Ministry of External Affairs, India
India; international
The Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of India provides a search for bi- and multilateral agreements between India and other states. You can search for agreements with specific countries or on specific topics like education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
235 - South African Treaty Register (Search for International Agreements)
South Africa, Republic; international
[The Register including the search for treaties does not function currently. Therefore, we at least linked to the superordinate page for you. 05.01.16]
The South African Treaty Register is the official custodian of all international agreements of the Republic of South Africa with other states. Among others, you can search for agreements in the field of education as well as [...]
236 - IBSA Trilateral: India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum
India; Brazil; South Africa, Republic
The Dialogue Forum of India, Brazil and South Africa was established with the Brasilia Declaration in 2003. About once a year, the heads of the governments meet in Summits and the foreign ministers in Joint Ministerial Commissions. Besides trilateral cooperation on a political, economic and societal level, common international projects are another central issue. Education, [...]
237 - Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus (DWIH) - Moskau (Deutschland Land der Ideen)
Germany; Russian Federation
The German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in Moscow act as forum for exchange and cooperation in science and research between Russia and Germany. The website provides ample information on research and innovation in Russia and Germany, on events and projects, on partner organisations as well as science news. [Abstract: Site editor’s information]
238 - Deutsch-Russische-Partnerschaft / Deutsch-Russisches-Wissenschaftsjahr 2011/12 (Die Strategische Partnerschaft Deutschland-Russland in Bildung, Forschung und Innovation)
Russian Federation; Germany
Even if this site is provided by the same authors and under almost the same name with the same categories as the "DR-Portal", the content itself is different. Additonally to the categories "Parnership, Education, Research and Innovation", a focus is on the "German-Russian Year of Education, Science and Innovation 2011/12". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
239 - Statusbericht Deutsche Kooperations-Programme: Russland (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Russian Federation; Germany
The website provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) informs about political framework for scientific and technological cooperation, key areas and highlights of bilateral cooperation and funding for collaborations with Russia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
240 - Country Dossiers: Russian Federation - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
Russian Federation
The country dossier for Russia, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
241 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Russische Föderation
Russian Federation; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Russia. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
242 - Education Promotion Society For India (EPSI)
EPSI is "focusing on Education Sector and positioning itself as a catalyst Education Promotion Organisation between Government, Academics and the Industry.". Its website provides information on the society, on recommentdations about several education issues, some conference papers as well as a newsletter. [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors of [...]
DFG Office India (German Research Foundation)
India; Germany
"Apart from coordinating and supporting existing projects, the DFG brings together eminent researchers from both countries with each side complementing the other, thereby creating synergy. The DFG Delhi Office is undertaking these tasks jointly with the existing Indian partner institutions - the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Indian National Science Academy [...]
244 - Country Dossiers: India - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
The country dossier for India, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
245 - Bildung und Forschung: Indien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in India, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
246 - Ethnography and Education Book Series
Published by Tufnell Press (UK), this book series focusses on ethnography and education. 7 issues have been published so far. A focus is on research that deals with the consequences of educational practice and policy, and which questions educational structures, policy and practice and develops new theories for this issues. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
247 - Bildung und Forschung: Südafrika (BMBF / Kooperation International)
South Africa, Republic
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in South Africa, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
248 - Fundação Carlos Chagas
Founded in 1964, the Foundation Carlos Chagas (FCC) is one of the best known institutions for educational research, together with INEP. Their "Departamento de Pesquisas Educacionais" was created in 1971, and a Superintendência de Educação e Pesquisa in 2009. Their focus is on evaluation, early childhood education, education policy, gender, human rights, social [...]
249 - Faculdade de Educação (FACED) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Website of the Faculty for Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The website provides ample information on teaching and research of the faculty. Furthermore, you have free access to their e-journal “Educação & Realidade”. The faculty has the following departments and hence also foci:
* DEBAS - Departamento de Estudos Básicos (Aprendizagem [...]
250 - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (ANPEd)
ANPEd is the Brazilian national association for post-graduates and researchers in Education. The website provides information on the structure and the activities of ANPEd, on news from the education sector, on documents and laws from the educational policy sector, or on conferences and other events. ANPEd also organises the Fórum Nacional de Coordenadores de Programas de [...]
251 - Faculdade de Educação (FE) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)
Website of the Faculty for Education of the University of Campinas, Brazil. The website provides ample information on teaching and research of the faculty. Furthermore, you have free access to a number of e-journals published by the Faculty (see the table under "Journals" or the Faculty's journal list). The faculty has the following departments and hence also foci:
* DECISE [...]
DFG Office in Latin America (German Research Foundation - São Paulo)
Brazil; Germany
"The DFG Office in São Paulo serves as an administrative branch and point of contact for advising and mentoring local researchers and research institutes. It already boasts a strong regional network of partner organisations.
This cooperation between institutions facilitates the initiation and execution of joint and co-funded research projects in all scientific fields." The [...]
253 - Bildung und Forschung: Brasilien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Brazil, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
National Association of Educational Policy and Administration (ANPAE)
"[Founded in 1961], [t]he National Association of Educational Policy and Administration (ANPAE) is an academic civil society in the field of educational policy and management (...).
ANPAE’s mission is to fight for the affirmation of the right to lifelong quality education for all (...). To this end, ANPAE´s objectives focus on the professional improvement and [...]
255 - Russian Centre for Science and Culture, New Delhi, India
Russian Federation; India
The Centre provides inhabitants of various cities of India with the opportunity to learn about the Russian language, art, culture and science (however, science plays a minor role). It provides a library of Russian literature, including Russian films, contact to the Institute of Russian language, a bureau of translation, and various other opportunities to concern oneself with [...]
256 - DR-Portal: Die Strategische Partnerschaft Deutschland-Russland in Bildung, Forschung und Innovation
Russian Federation; Germany
The portal of the International Office of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the German-Russian cooperation in education, research and innovation. You will find information on the political framework for the cooperation, on means of conveyance, on education and research projects and others.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
257 - Russian-Indian Scientific and Technological Centre
Russian Federation; India
The "non-commercial partnership ‘Russian-Indian Scientific Technological Centre’ was established by the Heads of the Russian Federation and the Republic of India […] in 2007. (...) The main goals of [the] Centre establishing [are]:
- participation in developments and provision of services in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research [...]
- studying [...]
258 - Russian Academy of Education - Российская академия образования
Russian Federation
"The academy is supposed to be a link between basic research and applied sciences on the one hand, and education, psychology and adjacent disciplines on the other hand. Moreover it shall help to transfer basic educational assumptions to practical school and professional training."
The website, which is available only in Russian, provides a lot of information and fulltexts: [...]
259 - DFG-Büro Russland / GUS
Russian Federation; Germany
The German Research Foundation (DFG) gives grants for research projects and coordinates cooperations of researchers worldwide. The website provides information on current news and reports as well as tasks and contacts of the office.
"For decades [the DFG] has been coordinating an intense scientific exchange with Russia and supports the development of the bilateral [...]
260 - The Southern African Association for Russian Language and Culture (SAARLC)
Russian Federation; South Africa, Republic; Southern Africa; Africa
"The Southern African Association for Russian Language and Culture (SAARLC) is a non-profit organisation that advances the interests of Russian Language and Culture in South and Southern Africa. It was established in October 2003 and the Association mainly aims its activities at Russian speakers as well as people interested in the Russian Language and Culture as far afield as [...]
Country Cooperations: China (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; China, People's Republic of
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and China. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities, on the political framework, on priorities of the cooperation, on research and education in China, on the German-Chinese Innovation Platform and more.
Additionally, you will find some official [...]
Brazil: Research Partner for Sustainability and Innovation (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; Brazil
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on key areas and highlights of German-Brazilian cooperation, and on special activities of the International Bureau. Additionally, you will find some official [...]
Germany and India: Partners in Education and Research (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the development of the cooperation, the political framework, and on key areas. Additionally to the website of the International Office of the BMBF, this website has a focus on cooperation in vocational education and [...]
Country Cooperations: India (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on priorities and highlights of German-Indian cooperation, and on funding for collaborations with India. Additionally, you will find some official documents and [...]
265 - Länderbericht (Bildung & Forschung): China (BMBF / Kooperation International)
China, People's Republic of
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in China, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
266 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Indien
Germany; India
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with India. Information only available in German.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Sharing Global Responsibility: German-South African Year of Science 2012/2013
Germany; South Africa, Republic
Under the category "Bi- and Multilateral Cooperation" (in this case forwarded to "International Science Years"), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the Science Year 2012/2013 betwenn Germany and South Africa. Furthermore, you will find information on the political framework for scientific and technological cooperation, on key [...]
German-South African Year of Science: Enhancing Science Partnerships for Innovation and Sustainable Development
Germany; South Africa, Republic
Official website of the German-South African Year of Science 2012/13. The main part of the website provides information on cooperation projects sorted by topics: Astronomy, Bioeconomy, Climate Change, Social Sciences & Humanities, Human Capital Development, Health Innovation, Urbanisation / Megacities. Furthermore, you will find information on events, partners, press releases [...]
269 - DAAD Länderinformationen: China
China, People's Republic of; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with China. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
270 - Russian Labour Union for Education (ESEUR) - Общероссийский Профсоюз образования
Russian Federation
The website provides current information about the activities of the Russian Education Union. Only in Russian.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
271 - Jugendentwicklung in Russland. Ein Analysebericht
Russian Federation
The report covers the development and the state of the Russian youth by means to a various number of statistics and surveys of international and Russian organisations.
„The bulletin is concerned with topics from the fields of youth education, health, the job situation, involvement in the social life and antisocial behavior among youths. All these aspects of the state and [...]
Cooperation with the Russian Federation (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Russian Federation; Germany
This website of the German Ministry for Education and Research provided information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Because of Russia's war on Ukraine, these cooperations have been halted since 2022. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Country Cooperations: Russian Federation (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Russian Federation; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities for Russia, on the political framework, on highlights of the bilateral cooperation as well as its priorities. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links. [...]
274 - Wissenschaft – Forschung – Bildung in der Russischen Föderation – Ein Überblick
Russian Federation
Comprehensive Text (as a pdf file) including a lot of statistical data about the Russian educational, research and scientific policy. The state of particular industries is also discussed.
It was released in 2008 and focuses on this year and the developments since 2000.
275 - Bildung und Forschung: Russland (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Russian Federation
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Russia, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Country Cooperations: South Africa (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
South Africa, Republic; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and South Africa. Among others, this includes information on Opportunities for funding, the political framework, on priorities and highlights of the German-South African cooperation and more. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links, for [...]
277 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Südafrika
South Africa, Republic; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with South Africa. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation with South Africa (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) [courtesy translation]
Germany; South Africa, Republic
This site provides information on cooperation between Germany and South Africa in the field of education and research. The information is provided by the website "International Cooperation" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
279 - Country Dossiers: South Africa - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
South Africa, Republic
The country dossier for South Africa, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
280 - China and Russia - Review of Bilateral Relations 1949-2002
China, People's Republic of; Russian Federation
This chronology of China-Russia cooperation from 1999-2002 is provided by the Chinese TV channel CCTV. Amongst others, it mentions the "Sino-Russian Committee of Cooperation in Education, Culture, Health and Sports", which took place in december 2000, as well as the following meetings. The last one took place in 2012, it is sometimes also called "Meeting of China-Russia [...]
281 - China-India Relations > Education Cooperation
China, People's Republic of; India
This information is provided by the Chinese embassy in India. You will find information for Indian students who would like to study in China, information on language courses as well as news on cooperation between India and China in the educational sector. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
282 - The China-Brazil Education Forum Held in Brazil (November 2012)
China, People's Republic of; Brazil
[Please note: As the original website is not available anymore, we link to a copy from the Internet Archive as of 2013]
Short article by the China Scholarship Council on the China-Brazil Education Forum (Diálogo Brasil-China em Educação) held on 19-21.11.12 in Brazil. A focus was on higher education and languages. The forum doesn't have a website of its own. You will [...]
283 - Deutsch-Chinesisches Jahr der Wissenschaft und Bildung 2009/10
China, People's Republic of; Germany
Official website of the German-Chinese Year of Science and Education 2009/10. The website provides information on research and educational policies, on education landsacapes, on educational and university cooperation, on events, partners, supported projects and official statements and memoranda. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
China – partner, systemic rival and competitor (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; China, People's Republic of
Under the category "International Affairs", the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the partnership between Germany and China in the educational and research sector. The website provides an introductory text on the partnership, as well as news on relevant events and many links to projects, events, other relevant organisations and [...]
285 - Country Dossiers: China - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
China, People's Republic of
The country dossier for China, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
286 - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Shanghai, China
China, People's Republic of
"A video series [including a written report] profiling policies and practices of education systems that demonstrate high or improving performance in the PISA tests." An additional report compares the People's Republic of China to the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong.
"This series of videos has been produced jointly by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation [...]
287 - Concórdia - Acervo de atos internacionais do Brasil: Educação
Brazil; international
This website is run by the Brasilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provides information on international agreements of Brazil with other countries. The agreements can be searched for in a database. Among others, you can search for agreements in the field of education or science and technology. We provide a link to results for "educação" (education) in the title of the [...]
288 - Educational Statistics by the Ministry of Education, China
China, People's Republic of
The Chinese Ministry of Education provides educational statistics for different educational sectors starting in 2010. You will find statistics on the national and the regional level. Furthermore, you can find laws and policies, and educational reports. [Abstract: Editors Worldwide]
Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
China, People's Republic of
The website of the Chinese Ministry for Education informs on its own structure and departments as well as on Chinese educational policy (incl. legal texts) or international agreements in the educational sector. Furthermore, you will find educational statistics (they have to be viewed via the Chinese sight, but there is an English translation for the single documents) and [...]
290 - Ciência sem Fronteiras
Brazil; international; China, People's Republic of; India; Russian Federation
"Ciência sem Fronteiras" (Science Without Borders) is a broad Brasilian scholarship programm. It aims at promoting up to 100,000 Brasilian students until 2014/2015 and helping them to spend part of their studies in a foreign country.The website provides information on the scholarship programm and about partner countries that signed an agreement with Brasil on student exchange [...]
291 - Deutsch-Brasilianisches Jahr der Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation 2010/2011 - Brasil-Alemanha 2010/2011: Ano da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Brazil; Germany
Official website of the German-Brazilian Year 2010/11. The website provides information on goals of the year, events, event support, partners, important persons in the German-Brazilian cooperation, press releases, as well as the final report and the joint declaration of intention for free download. You will also fin general information on science policies, science cooperation [...]
German House of Science and Innovation (DWIH) - São Paulo (Research in Germany, Land of Ideas)
Germany; Brazil
The website of the DWIH in Sao Paulo provides information on the respective German and Brazilian Research and Innovation Landscape, as well as a Map of Science which shows existing cooperations in science and research between German and Brazilian institutions, a Science Calendar with Brazilian-German events and news and highlights in science and research. The German Houses for [...]
Country Cooperations: Brazil (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Brazil; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on
- Funding the cooperation with Brazil
- Mobility projects
- Political framework
- Focus of the German-Brazilian cooperation
- Germany and Brazil jointly research climate and resource protection
- [...]
294 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Brasilien
Brazil; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Brazil. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
295 - Deutsche Kooperations-Programme: Brasilien (Stand: August 2013) (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Brazil; Germany
[Caution: This website is from the Internet Archive and is not up to date anymore - information as of August 2013]
The website provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) informs about political framework for scientific and technological cooperation, key areas and highlights of bilateral cooperation and funding for collaborations with Brazil. [...]
296 - Deutsche Kooperations-Programme: Indien (Stand: Juli 2014) (BMBF / Kooperation International)
India; Germany
[Caution: This website is from the Internet Archive and is not up to date anymore - information as of July 2014]
´´The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports German-Indian cooperation with the initiative 'India and Germany – Strategic Partners for Innovation'´´. The website, which is provided by the BMBF, informs about the political framework for [...]
297 - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Brazil
"A video series profiling policies and practices of education systems that demonstrate high or improving performance in the PISA tests."
"This series of videos has been produced jointly by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Pearson Foundation to present initiatives being taken by education authorities around the world to help improve [...]
298 - Country Dossiers: Brazil - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
Through its Country Dossiers, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) of the Unesco offers access to various information resources on education in its Member States. This compilation of facts and data from various sources will permit users to gain rapid access to information on each country`s state of education and plans for development, and provide insights into [...]
299 - Indian Adult Education Association (IAEA)
The Indian Adult Education Association (IAEA) established in 1939 works in the field of adult education, non-formal education and lifelong learning through dissemination of information, research and evaluation. It supports more than 500 nationwide organizations by bringing them together in conferences, seminars, workshops and discussion groups. The IAEA regular publishes and [...]
300 - All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER)
The All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER) established in 1983 contains more than 3,700 members in India. Besides promoting and supporting the development of educational research (with an focus on Indian issues) by conferences, seminars and discussion groups the organization publishes related information through journals, books and other publications. Under the [...]
301 - German House for Research and Innovation - DWIH New Delhi (Germany, Land of Ideas)
India; Germany
The German Houses for Research and Innovation (DWHI) are installed by the German Government, with the support of the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). The Institute in New-Delhi focuses especially on Indian students, researchers and potential project partners who are [...]
302 - National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA)
Established in 2011 the National Independent School Alliance (NISA) promotes low-fee and budget private schools in India and the accessibility and affordability of quality education for economically weaker groups. Their web page informs about mission and activities, upcoming events like the Annual School Leaders Summit or the advantages of a membership. NISA represents more [...]
303 - National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA)
NUEPA (formerly National Institute... NIEPA) was established by the UNESCO in 1962 as the Asian Regional Centre for Educational Planners and Administrators. Today, the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) is today a central institution under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Besides planning and administration of education, [...]
304 - Knowledge Alliance
United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1971, Knowledge Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan organization focused on learning and applying what works to dramatically improve K-12 public education. We advocate for the greater use of research-based knowledge in education policy and practice at the federal, state, and local levels. Knowledge Alliance is comprised of leading education organizations that are [...]
305 - Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung, Innovation und Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens (BIFIE)
The research projects at BIFIE cover the whole school system. In detail, the federal institute has to fulfil the following tasks: 1. Quality advancement of the school system through innovative school projects, teacher education and the development of teaching materials; 2. Education monitoring (observation of the Austrian school system) including the development of education [...]
306 - European Talent Centre
Europe; Singapore; Israel; United States of America (USA)
"The desire to establish a Budapest-based European Talent Centre arose at the International Talent Support Conference in 2011, organised as part of the Hungarian EU Presidency programme." The website provides information on gifted education and research in Europa (and partly beyond, USA, Israel, Singapor, ...). You will find publications (e.g. the serie "International Horizons [...]
307 - WD 34/2012 - Written declaration on supporting talent in the European Union in all official languages of the EU
The declaration calls on the European Commission to commit to the promotion of talent support in Europe. The notion of "talent" is used synonymously to the notion of "gifted". It is also used in a broad sense, stating that "each European citizen may possess a hidden form of talent". The declaration has to be accepted until February 19 by a majority of members of the European [...]
308 - European Talent Day
The idea for the European Talent Day came up at the 2011 International Talent Support Conference organised during the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. For this reason, March 25 was chosen, as this is the birthday of the famous Hungarian composer Béla Bartók. The website mainly provides information on the first European Talent Day in 2011 as well as [...]
309 - Association Française pour les Enfants Précoces (AFEP)
AFEP is the French association for gifted and talented children and youths. AFEP is supported and aknowledged by the French Ministry for Education. The website offers information on the French legislative history concerning giftedness (including laws, decrees etc), on their activities, in formation for parents and children, a bibliography, links to partner organisations in [...]
310 - Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education - Gifted Education
China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong
Official site of the Special Administrative Region Hongkong (China) on the subject of giftedness and talented education. The site provides many resources on the topic, like e.g. the official position of the government on this issue, activities, documents (Gifted Education Resource Bank), or links to other important institutions like the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education [...]
311 - ISKME - Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
international; United States of America (USA)
The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) was founded in 2002. It conducts research in the field of OER and educational information and communication technologies, advises educational leaders and also produces OER. The website provides a lot of information on projects worldwide, for different educational areas and audiences. ISKME received [...]
312 - Open Seminar and Exhibition (at the World Open Educational Resources Congress, 21-22 June 2012, UNESCO)
international; Poland; Brazil; United Kingdom; China, People's Republic of; Africa South of the Sahara; Netherlands; Slovenia; Japan; Latin America; Russian Federation; Mauritius
While the World OER Congress invites government officials, the "Open Seminar and Exhibition" , that takes place at the same time, invites NGOs and individual experts and researchers worldwide to discuss the topic. The website offers their presentations as fulltext documents, as well as background information on the presnters. [Source: Editors of Education Worldwide]
313 - OLCOS - Open eLearning Content Observatory Services
"OLCOS, the Open eLearning Content Observatory Services project (1/2006-12/2007) is co-funded under the European Union’s eLearning Programme and aims at building an (online) information and observation centre for promoting the concept, production and usage of open educational resources, in particular, open digital educational content (ODEC) in Europe."
Results of the [...]
314 - OEREU - Open Educational Resources in Europe
" (...) the Open Educational Resources in Europe (OEREU) project will provide a critical assessment of OER initiatives and practices in Europe, develop sector-specific foresight scenarios to illustrate the benefits, carry out a representative survey on the use of OER, identify challenges across all sectors and, jointly with stakeholders, develop, discuss and propose [...]
315 - Initial information about Open Educational Resources in China
China, People's Republic of
The author Jian Yimin gives a short overview over Chinese OER movement and politics since 2003.
When the text was written (2010), Jia Yimin was a lecturer and researcher of educational technology in the Future Education Research Centre at the South China Normal University. [Source: Site editor’s information supplement by editors of Education Worldwide]
316 - The African Federation for the Gifted and Talented
Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
The African Federation for the Gifted and Talented aims at supporting and promoting gifted and talented persons as well as pointing out to the theme "giftedness" in African educational policy in general. Among others, the Federation conducts Gift and Talent Testing and Gift Management in schools. The website offers information on the Federation and its activities. You will [...]
317 - Gifted and Talented Network Ireland
"Gifted and Talented Network Ireland is the national association in Ireland advocating for the educational needs of gifted children and supporting parents of gifted children.
GT Network is a network of Gifted Advocacy Groups in Ireland." Among others, the network advocates for "specific Initial Teacher Education in the needs of gifted children" and for "the inclusion of the [...]
318 - LifeLong Learning in Palestine Project LLIP
Palestinian Territories
The project "LifeLong Learning in Palestine" is a Tempus Project of the European Commission under the lead of the School of Education at the University of Glasgow with partner institutions in England, Malta and Palestine. The website offers a lot of fulltext documents and videos not only on lifelong learning but also on other educational topics in Palestine (e.g. civil [...]
319 - School of Education - University of Limerick
international; Ireland; Africa; South America; Asia
The school (formerly "Department of Education and Professional Studies") has a research and teaching specialisations in:
At the Research Centre for Education and Professional Practice (RCEPP)
* Education & Clinical Psychology
* Leadership, Evaluation & Change
* Globalisation & Diversity
* Teaching, Learning & Assessment
* Professional Practice
and at the EpiStem - [...]
320 - France looks to upend school year traditions (Associated Press / US News 05.10.2012)
An article from the US news agency Associated Press, published by the US e-journal US News on Oct 5th 2012, author Lori Hinnant, about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.
Let's refound school: the report
This blog entry offers links to some articles, dossiers or discussions about the planned educational reform ("Refondons l'école") in France under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013.
Refoundation: an now, associate the employees! (Oct 12th 2012)
Article written by the French teachers' union "Syndicat des enseignants - UNSA (SE-UNSA)". The articles presents the main suggestions for an educational reform in France made by the government under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013 and states the union's position on these suggestions.
323 - Schools to teach how to live the good life (Times, 06 Sept 2012)
An article published by the the Times, UK (Sept 6th 2012) about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.
324 - Refondons l'école de la République
A website provided by the French Ministry for Education under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon about the planned comprehensive educational reform in 2012 / 2013 (called "Refondons l'école" or also "Concertation sur la refondation de l'école"). The website appears as it was archived by the French government in 2016 (Internet Archive link). It offered a [...]
325 - Schule ohne Hausaufgaben (Tages-Anzeiger, 11.10.12)
German language article of the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger about the French debate on the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon (2012/2013).
326 - Des idées pour l’éducation
The biggest French labour union for educational matters and the public sector, the Fédération Syndicale Unitaire, offered a platform to discuss the planned educational reform of 2012/2013 under president Hollande and Minister of Education Peillon. You will find articles and statements by researchers, unionists, parents' and students' associations and many more.
Educational Reform in France 2012 - Articles from Le Monde (Educational Newspaper Clips)
The link leads you to a overview of the articles published in the French journal Le Monde about the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister of Education Peillon in 2012. Le Monde is considered to be one of the most influential newspapers on public opinion in France, alongside with Le Figaro.
328 - Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2012 - Youth and skills: Putting education to work
"Many young people around the world — especially the disadvantaged — are leaving school without the skills they need to thrive in society and find decent jobs.
As well as thwarting young people’s hopes, these education failures are jeopardizing equitable economic growth and social cohesion, and preventing many countries from reaping the potential benefits of their [...]
329 - Educational Leadership
United States of America (USA)
This site offers information and resources on educational leadership in the USA. You will find information on the following topics: interaction between policy, scholastic administrators, teachers, parents and students; cooperation and coordination between policy-makers, administrators, teachers and parents; curriculum planning and more.
330 - Education News
United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
Education News is a US-American, freely accessible e-journal on Education Policy
Technology, Higher Education, Online Schools, Parenting and K-12 issues. The articles' focus is on the USA, but you will also find some articles on the UK and international topics.
331 - Education by Numbers – the tyranny of testing
United Kingdom
The book and blog of a Times Educational Supplement journalist deal critically with standards, tests and accountability of schools as well as their gains and effects on today´s British education system. The website contains a small collection of research papers, inquiries, literature and documentaries on the topic.
332 - The History of Education in England
United Kingdom
Education in England aims to provide students, teachers, lecturers and researchers with information and original source material relating to the development of England´s school system. It contains the full texts of more than 200 important documents, including Reports, Official Papers and Acts of Parliament. The site is divided into three main sections: 1) History: tells the [...]
Ministry of Education of Honduras
The Ministry of Education of Honduras is responsible for the guarantee of qualitative education services for children, youth and adults with consideration of the criteria of integrity and the contextualization in constitutive mandates and international agreements. It offers public and private education services which respond to the necessities of the country and of human [...]
Planipolis – UNESCO plans and policies portal
Planipolis is a portal of education plans and policies from UNESCO Member States providing a single entry to documents from various official sources. Planipolis is maintained by the IIEP Documentation Centre and is partly funded by EPDF (Education Programme Development Fund).
Uruguayan Federation of the Teaching Profession - Primary Education Workers
The Uruguayan Federation of the Teaching Profession - Primary Education Workers (FUM-TEP) was founded in 1945 by the teacher confederation of Uruguay as well as the federation of teacher associations of Uruguay. Its objective is to represent all teachers which are actively involved in teaching, to maintain and tend to perfect the autonomous public teaching in technical, [...]
Council for Training in Education
The objective of the Council for Training in Education (CFE) is the formation of professionals in social pedagogics. Therefore, it develops teaching-learning processes which correspond to the respective education level and supervizes the development of the plans, programs and courses which result from these processes.
Nacional Federation of Professors for Secondary Education in Uruguay
The National Federation of Professors for Secondary Education in Uruguay (FENAPES) is an association which includes 51 member institutions of the country. The management body is the association congress which gathers every two years and elects an executive committee. The federation maintains many contacts with other syndical education organisations through the Coordinadora de [...]
Federation of University Students of Uruguay
The Federation of University Students of Uruguay (FEUU) represents all students of the country which study at universities. Its decision-making organ is the "Convención" which gathers every two years and which discusses about political as well as strategical issues of the FUEE. It also elects an executive board which implements the decisions of the Convención. The main [...]
Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Europe (EIPPEE)
Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe (EIPPEE) is the follower to the project EIPEE (2010/11, back then without the second P for practice). The second project phase lasted from March 2011 to Spring 2013. The project aimed to increase the use of evidence to inform decision-making in education policy and practice across Europe. After 2013, EIPPEE carried [...]
Millennium Development Goals - Benin
Site of the United Nations Development Program with information about progresses in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Benin
Amazonian Universities Association
Ecuador; Guyana; Suriname; Colombia; Venezuela; Peru; Brazil; Bolivia
The Amazonian Universities Association (UNAMAZ) promotes the specialization of professionals and researchers in the countries of the Amazon region to be able to guarantee a better conservation of nature and a better quality of life of the population. Therefore, the objectives of UNAMAZ are the promotion of reciprocal knowledge of the member institutions as well as the [...]
National Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation
The objective of the National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) is the management of public politics in the field of higher education, science, technology, innovation and ancestral knowledge as well as the coordination and articulation of actions between the public sector and the public as well as private productive sectors.
Ministry of Education
The objectives of the Ministry of Education of Ecuador are to ensure both the access to and the quality of early education, basic education and secondary education for the population. This is persued by an integral, holistic and inclusive education of children, the youth and adults, whereas interculturality, plurinationality and plurilingualism are taken into account. [...]
Panamanian Institue for Radio Education
The Panamanian Institute for Radio Education (IPER) offers formal education programs on different levels to raise the standard of education of the Panamanian population. This is effected by the radio as efficient, inclusive and participatory system of distance education which is supported by the population, enterprises and the government of Panama.
Ministry of Education
The objective of the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) of Panama is to transform education to a fundamental instrument of human development, prosperity, equity and opportunities as well as social mobility to achieve sustainable development of the productive, economical and social factors of the country. Therefore, it creates an education system, which responds to the needs of the [...]
National Reading Program
The website of the National Reading Program contains information about activities of reading promotion which are effected in Panama. The year 2005 was the Año Iberoamericano de Promoción de la Lectura (Latin-American year of reading promotion). Due to this occassion, the Panamanian government designed policies and programs of reading promotion which are implemented in [...]
Counsil of Private Higher Education
The Counsil of Private Higher Education (CEPS) is the superior organ of private universities and higher education institutions of Guatemala. Its tasks are to make sure that the academical niveau in the private universities is maintained without endangering their independency as well as to authorize the founding of new universities. In addition, CEPS organizes the application [...]
Association of Teachers of Secondary Education
Costa Rica
The Association of Teachers of Secondary Education (APSE) of Costa Rica has the objective to improve the professional conditions of its members with regard to the scientific, legal and social norms which determine the teaching profession. Also, it defends the labour laws of its members as well as their social and economical interests and promotes the development of a solidly [...]
Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education
The Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education (VEAyE) is a public entity of the education sector. It contributes to the construction process of the plurinational state and the socio-communal and productive education, prinicpally through the constitution of the plural education and the democratisation of the access to education as well as the sustainable, integral [...]
Education for Development - Fautapo Foundation
The Foundation `Fautapo - Education for Development` promotes the interaction of the education sector with the productive sector through the development of innovative education processes, the articulation of productive complexes and the development of information and management systems. Thereby, it works in coherence with the policies of the government to satisfy the needs of [...]
Human Rights Education in the School Systems of Europe, Central Asia and North America: A compendium of Good Practice.
Designed for primary and secondary schools, teacher training institutions and other learning settings, this compendium includes 101 exemplary practices from Central Asia, Europe and North America and is a resource for teachers and education policymakers. It provides resource materials relevant to key elements for successful human rights education, including 1) laws, guidelines [...]
352 - The Road Not Traveled : Education Reform in the Middle East and North Africa (2008)
Algeria; Bahrain; Egypt; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Palestinian Territories; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen; North Africa
World Bank report on the progress of education reforms in the MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa), as of 2008.
Education in Tunisia
The French-language Wikipedia entry on education in Tunisia presents the educational system of the country, from infancy to adult education. It also provides an overview of the educational reforms since the 50s and a number of links.
354 - Top Institute for Evidence Based Education Research (TIER)
Netherlands; international
TIER is engaged in collecting, focusing and disseminating information regarding the effectiveness of educational policy in the Netherlands, to support policymakers, teachers and providers of educational training with information regarding efficient measures in education. TIER is jointly operated by the universities of Amsterdam, Groningen and Maastrict and it is [...]
Education Counts
New Zealand
The portal is provided by the New Zealand government to facilitate availability and accessibility of information on education, with a focus on statistical data, early childhood, and schooling.
Multinational Observatory of the Quality of Education
The objective of the Multinational Observatory for the Quality of Education (OPCE) is to gather generate information about the situation of education and to design policies respectively proposals which deal with problems of education identified by a multinational control, measuring, evaluation and accreditation system. This shall contribute to the orientation and the [...]
Local Development Study and Support Centre
The Local Development Study and Support Centre (CEADL) is a non-governmental orgasation acknowledged as educative counselling instance by the society and the government, which is based on the principles of the education of society and which contributes to the construction of an inclusive and democratic society by the transformation of legally and socio-politically as well as [...]
Ministry of Education
The objectives of the ministry of education of Bolivia are to design and implement policies as well as inlcusive, equitable, intercultural, plurilingual, scientific and technological education strategies to effect a highest possible quality of education which is strengthened by social participation in a territorial realm. Through the plurinational education system created by [...]
Agency for the Development of the Information Society of Bolivia
The Agency for the Development of the Information Society of Bolivia (ADSIB) has the objectives to make policy proposals, to implement strategies and coordinate activities which effect the reduction of the digital breach in the coutnry through the impulse of ICT in all its fields. Also, ADSIB undertakes actions which establish a knowledge society in Bolivia, promotes the [...]
Central Institute for Educational Sciences
The social objective of the Central Institute for Educational Sciences (ICCP) is, since its foundation in 2001, the normative and methodological management of research activities and pedagogical experimentation to perfect and transform the national education system. It contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality of education and observes the implementation of [...]
Latin-American and Caribbean Pedagogic Institute
Cuba; Caribbean; Latin America
The objective of the Latin-American and Caribbean Pedagogic Institute (IPLAC) is the promotion of the professionality and the continuing vocational training of educators in Latin-America and the Caribbean in the field of educational sciences which is pursued by special programs for teachers, professors and directors of education. Furthermore, the institute contributes to the [...]
362 - Evidence Informed Policy in Education in Europe (EIPEE)
EIPEE is a one-year project (March 2010 - February 2011) supported by the European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture under the Lifelong Learning: Education and Training Policies (agreement number 2009-11932). The project examines the links between research and decision-making in education policy across Europe. The information on this website relates to [...]
Councils for the Regional Planning of Higher Education
The Councils for the Regional Planning of Higher Education (CPRES) are institutions which unite all actors of Argentinian higher education: National and private universities as well as national and provincial government offices. Thus it is the only horizontal organ of coordination, an authority of exchange of the higher education sector on a regional level. It performs [...]
University Information System
The task of the university information system (SIU) is to contribute to the improvement of the institution management by providing it with secure, valid and available information, by optimizing resources and by taking care that the software is used to its full extent. The products of SIU evolve in various fields: Efficiency, new services, technological innovation, integration [...]
University Network of Distance Learning
The University Network of Distance Learning (RUEDA) was founded on 10th August 1990. Its task is to foster and to develop the adequate application of the resources for distance learning by working on specific educacional problems. Furthermore, it fosters the investigation, experimenting and development of methods and procedures of distance learning as well as the formation, [...]
366 - Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento de la Educación (IIPE) - Sede Regional Buenos Aires (Unesco)
Argentina; international
The International Unesco Institute for Educational Planning (IIPE) with its regional office in Buenos Aires (Argentina) is a research centre as well as a centre for training, documentation and dissemination. Together with the two other offices in Paris (France) and Dakar (Senegal) it constitutes a forum for exchange of ideas and concepts with regard to the planning and the [...]
Institute for Investigations of Educational Science
The objective of the Institute for Investigations of Educational Science (IICE) is the producation of knowledge based on the analysis and the systematic investigation of the present problems in the field of education. In this sense, the goal is also to transform the difficulties, the deficiencies and the failures, which are identified by the production of knowledge, the [...]
368 - Data Collection and System Monitoring in Early Childhood Programs
The purpose of this paper is to offer practical guidelines to those interested in collecting accurate and useful information about early childhood services in a particular country or region. The guidelines presented focus on two areas of particular concern for policy-makers: data collection and system monitoring. To accommodate the needs of both developing and developed [...]
Ministry of Education
The tasks of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education are to advance the development of the Nicaraguans through further training and formation on different levels and with different education programs, to increase the participation of civil society in administration, together with the local government, directors and teachers, to strengthen the autodevelopment of
the educational [...]
Forum for Education and Human Development of the Initiative for Nicaragua
The Forum for Education and Human Development of the Initiative for Nicaragua (FEDH-IPN) is a plural network of institutions, organisations, gremiums, social movements, foundations, sectors and individual persons which work voluntarily for the promotion of education and of human development in Nicaragua. The objectives of FEDH-IPN are the facilitation of oppportunities and [...]
371 - Country Reports on Adult Education in Europe
Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Europe; Czechia; Russian Federation
The website provides short reports in English about the situation of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for each of the member countries of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The reports are structured as follows:
Politics and Law
Future trends/key concerns/directions
Structure overview
Key Providers/Main [...]
372 - Survey of ICT and Education in Africa : Gabon Country Report (2007)
Gabon has opted to set up a national system for general access to information using computerrelated
technologies. However, there is currently no plan in the education system to incorporate ICT into the administrative and teaching domains. This short Country Report, a result of a larger Survey of ICT in Education in Africa, provides a general overview of current activities and [...]
373 - Etude sur la Situation de l`éducation en Mauritanie
This study published in 2003 by UNESCO treats the Mauritanian education system and situation. It focuses on the analysis of the access to fundamental education esp. regarding early childhood and alphabetisation. Besides, it concentrates on the education policy and its possibility to influence current trends and develops a critical view on the education reform and a better [...]
374 - Ministère d`Etat de l`Education Nationale, à l`Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche Scientifique
This website shows the official representation of the Mauritanian Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research.
375 - Enseignement Supérieur et Recherche Scientifique
The Mauritanian Ministry for National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research provides on its website documents, laws and official decrees concerning the official higher education and scientific policy.
376 - Ministère de l`Enseignement de Base et de l`Alphabetisation
Burkina Faso
The official homepage of the ministry for basic primary education and alphabetisation presents information about the ministry itsself and its activities and educative programs in the field of primary school education. It is focussed on the political guidelines, esp. educative objectives, decrees and legislation and, on the other hand, necessary details concerning school life [...]
Burkina Faso
The official homepage of the ministry for secondary and higher education and scientific research presents the ministry with its political objectives, plans, laws and guidelines including administration data. Additionally, the site contains information and documents about the education system with its recently initiated reform process, about school and university institutions, [...]
378 - Survey of ICT and Education in Africa : Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) Country Report (2007)
Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville)
The Republic of Congo has developed an official ICT policy co-ordinated by the Committee for the Promotion of Information Technologies in Congo (COPTIC). One of the priorities is to set up a national plan for ICT infrastructure, the lack of which, along
with the high cost of computer products and services, is hindering the development of ICT applications in several social [...]
379 - Survey of ICT and Education in Africa : Niger Country Report (2007)
The gouvernment of Niger has developed an official ICT policy in 2007. One of the priorities is to set up a national plan for ICT infrastructure, the lack of which, along with the high cost of computer products and services, is hindering the development of ICT applications in several social sectors, including education. This survey mentions the most important factors for [...]
380 - Ministère de l`éducation nationale du Niger - Bildungsministerium des Niger
The official homepage of the ministry of national education of Niger presents the governmental activities in the single fiels of education, the legal set-up and administrative contacts and statistics concerning the ministry. Additionally, it offers an overview of the country's education system and its cooperation partners.
Directorate of University Coordination
The Directorate of University Coordination (DCU) is an organism of the ministry of education which is entrusted with the task to check and to analyze the university situation in Peru to provide the top management with effective information and professional jugement and to promote spaces of dialogue about fundamental problems of higher education in Peru to reconcile the [...]
382 - Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology
The Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology is presented shortly on the website of the Government of Botswana. The ministry itself has no website apart from a facebook page. Botswana also has a Ministry of Basic Education which has no website or social media page apart from the presentation on the government website. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
383 - USAID - From the American People
USAID is an independent federal government agency that receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State. Its Work supports long-term and equitable economic growth and advances U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture and trade, global health and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance.
USAID provides [...]
National Education Council
The National Education Council (CNE) is a technical, specialized, consultative and autonomous organ which is subordinate to the ministry of education. Its task is to contribute to the formulation, the arrangement, the implementation and the evaluation of the national education project as well as to develop, together with the ministry of education, the medium- and long-term [...]
Direction for Communal and Environmental Education
The Direction for Communal and Environmental Education (DIECA) has the tasks to foster, to analyse and to evaluate teaching in organisations of the civil society as well as to regulate and to coordinate environmental education in the community of education. This is effected by sustainable development, conservation, the use of ecosystems and the risk and prevention management [...]
Peruvian Campaign for the Right to Education
The organisations, institutions and member networks of the Peruvian Campaign for the Right to Education (CPDE) exercise their membership in accordance with the principles of the CPDE. Those are the recognition of education as a fundamental human right whose application is guaranteed by the state, the approval of a public, inclusive and anti-discriminative education, the [...]
Youth Portal Peru
The youth portal is an initiative of the research centre of the Calandria association in cooperation with other members, to facilitate youth work on a national level through ICT. For this purpose, the portal provides a meeting point an helpful tool for youth organisations, political decision makers, ONGs and researchers which deal with youth affairs. The objectives of the [...]
388 - Dirección General de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe y Intercultural (DIGEIBIR)
The task of the General Direction of Intercultural Bilingual and Rural Education (DIGEIBIR) is the contribution to the acquisition of educational quality and equality by using diversity as mean to make proposals and to gather knowledge in all levels and modalities of the system to respond to the necessities and demands of the multicultural and multilingual population of the [...]
389 -
Coherencia is a political pedagogical institution which debates about problems and opportunities of the country. It was founded by and for citizens to achieve the productive transformation of persons and institutions through vocational training, participation and an impact on society. Coherencia consists of two independent organisations: the project Coherencia, which was [...]
General Direction of Alternative Basic Education
The General Directory for Alternative Basic Education (DIGEBA) is a technical-pedagogical qualified management body. It elaborates norms, policies and proposes agreements for the best development and construction of alternative basic education. Furthermore, it guides the conversation process of centres and education programs for youth and adults, especially of autonomous [...]
General Direction of Regular Basic Education
The General Direction of Regular Basic Education is responsible for the formulation and the structured proposal of policies of education, of objectives, pedagogical strategies, norms and orientations in the national realm of early, primary and secondary education. It is dependent of the vice ministry of pedagogical management.
National Youth Office
The National Youth Office (SENAJU) is an organism of the Peruvian state under the direction of the ministry of education. It is the central institution for youth affairs in Peru. SENAJU is entrusted with the promotion, the coordination and the evaluation of policies, projects and programs which deal with youth affairs in the public or private sector. The aim of the office is [...]
Centre for Continuing Education, Experimentation and Educational Research
The Centre for Continuing Education, Experimentation and Educational Research (CPEIP), a department of the Chilean Ministry of Education, has the task to develop, implement and evaluate programs which facilitate the professional development of teachers and managers relating to educational policies of the Ministry of Education. These programs are developed with regard to the [...]
394 - Consorcio de Universidades del Estado de Chile
The State universities of Chile have organized a consortium to create an authority, which ensures coordination, cooperation and complementation between the universities. Problem areas of public politics are identified and analysed, joint academical, administrative and economical programs are developed and the common use of available resources is organised by the consortium. [...]
National Institute for Youth
The National Institute for Youth (INJUV) is an organism of the public service, which is entrusted with the design, the planning and the coordination of politics which deal with youth affairs. The INJUV orients its work on youth from 15 to 29, coordinating the public youth politics. It generates programs which foster the social inclusion and the respect for the rights of the [...]
396 - Ministry of Education
This is the web presence of the Ministry of Education od Ethiopia. On this website, diverse education and training based information and pages interconnecting educational networks are incorporated.
397 - Ministry of Education and Training
Homepage of the Ministry of Education and Training of Lesotho.
398 - Ministry of Education
The overall sector objectives are to ensure equitable access, attainment and achievement in education, science, research and technology. The MoEST seeks to mobilize resources for sustainable and efficient delivery of relevant educational research, technological and other educational services. Furthermore, MoEST seeks to mobilize resources for sustainable and efficient delivery [...]
Worthy Education
Dominican Republic
The coalition for a worthy education is an efford for a unity of organisations and activists which want to achieve, with civil and pacifist actions, which match a good part of the LEY GENERAL DE EDUCACION 66-97, that 4% of the PIB of the national budget are allocated for education.
National Institute of Teacher Formation and Competence (INAFOCAM)
Dominican Republic
The National Institute for Teacher Formation and Competence (INAFOCAM) is a decentralized organ subordinate to the ministry of education. Its function is to coordinate the education offer, the competence, the actualization and the perfection of the educational staff on national level.
The INAFOCAM is a counselling agency of the ministry of education in relation to the [...]
401 - Excellence in Learning and Leadership Foundation (ELLF)
Arab States; North Africa; Middle East
Excellence in Learning and Leadership Foundation (ELLF) is a non-religious, non-political institution which works with every segment and class of the Arab society and responds to their needs by offering capacity building services to aspiring Arab youth, teachers, business leaders and administrators.
Sustainable development, social solidarity, good citizenship, social [...]
402 - National Centre for Children in Poverty (NCCP)
United States of America (USA)
The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) is the nation’s leading public policy center dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well-being of America’s low-income families and children. NCCP uses research to inform policy and practice with the goal of ensuring positive outcomes for the next generation. It promotes family-oriented solutions at the [...]
403 - Government of Ghana - Official Portal
On Ghana's official governmental website you can find a directory of schools and universities as well as other information and articles on Ghana's education system.
404 - Inspectorate General of Education (IGE)
The Inspectorate General of Education (IGE) was created to work out the standards of education and to control the implementation of the standards of education for the improvement of the quality of education to enable Rwandese to compete on the world market. The improvement is ensured at different levels (nursery, primary, secondary, vocational training, specialized education, [...]
405 - Forum for African Women Educationalists Rwanda (FAWE)
Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Rwanda Chapter, is a non-profit membership organisation that brings together people interested in promoting female education in Rwanda. Since its inception in November 1997, FAWE Rwanda has broadened its scope of assistance in Education throughout the country. FAWE’s core mission is to work, together with its partners, to [...]
406 - Ministry of Basic & Secondary Education
The Department of State for Education of Gambia is resolved to provide access to quality education to develop a computer literate and technologically competent populace with renewed emphasis on Science, Technology, Agriculture and the Arts in developing a productive and capable human resource base. On the homepage of the department, there is a `resource Center` with various [...]
407 - Education Forum
This Forum is designed for the community to discuss education related issues in order to provide intellectual, material, logistic and other support to individuals and institutions in need at all levels of education in the Gambia.
408 - Rwanda Education NGO Coordination Platform (RENCP)
RENCP’s mandate is to serve as a body for NGO representation, information sharing and coordination. The 2010 RENCP work plan reflects this mandate as it includes, lesson-sharing field visits to member operating areas, an annual NGO workshop along a selected theme, and capacity building of local education NGOs to ensure sustainability, among other activities.
Rwanda now [...]
409 - Rwanda National Examinations Council (RNEC)
The Council`s mission is to enhance quality assurance in education through standardized, validated and reliable high stakes public examinations which in most cases dictate quality curriculum instructions and to attain a full proof transparent system characterized by equity in allocation of students to the next level of education. Therefore, its objectives are to be [...]
410 - National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC)
The National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) ensures that all school curricula are well-understood and effectively used by teachers via regular visits to schools, training seminars to orient teachers, periodic reviews, research and evaluation of curricula.
NCDC attaches great importance to ensuring continuing education and training and the encouragement of individual [...]
411 - Teacher Service Commission (TSC)
The establishment of the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) was constituted in March 2006, the responsible task force was charged with the task of studying, examining and recommending the institutional structure, management and legal context of the proposed TSC whose role is to deal with the development and management of teachers in Rwanda.
As a Government body responsible [...]
412 - Rwanda Education Commons (REC)
The Rwanda Education Commons (REC) aims to help Rwanda expand access to quality education through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It hopes to realize this goal by improving the climate for collaboration in the use of ICTs in education, and by implementing activities that use ICTs to supplement teaching and learning.
The REC aims to realize a [...]
413 - Uganda National Council for Higher Education (NCHE)
The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) is a statutory agency, a supervisor for quality and relevant higher education established under the "Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001" to regulate higher education and to guide the country in the establishment of institutions of higher learning as well as ensure that quality and relevant education is [...]
414 - Church of Uganda - Education Department
The Education Department equips the people with knowledge, attitude, values, and skills for Christian living. Its goal is to empower the Church for the provision of holistic education services.
The Education Department oversees 55 Pre-primary Schools, 4,904 church-founded Primary Schools, 460 Secondary Schools, 50 post-Primary schools, including Vocational Training Schools, [...]
415 - Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI)
The Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI) is an umbrella organization for Private Training Institutions formed to improve the quality and the image of private vocational institutions, and to strengthen this educational sector as a whole. Its main aim is to foster collaboration between private training institutions throughout the country and to [...]
416 - Uganda National Education Support Center (UNESC)
The Uganda National Education Support Center (UNESC) is the online entry point to a comprehensive array of government information and services concerning all aspects and levels of education in the country. In particular, it focuses on Ugandan government policies, programmes, events, publications and resourcing. It also provides links to key education and training sites at the [...]
417 - Cameroon GCE Board
The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board is a para public establishment of an administrative nature under the tutelage of the Minister in charge of Secondary Education. Its mission is to organise the following examinations: the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level - General Subjects; the General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level - General [...]
418 - Official Documents of the University of Botswana
The collection of documents from the University of Botswana is on a great variety of topics. There are statistics on education, different university policies ans strategy papers.
Flemish Education Council (Vlor) / Vlaamse Onderwijsraad (Vlor)
The Flemish Education Council (Vlor) is the official advisory body on the education and training policy of the Flemish Community. Representatives of all the different stakeholders in education and training meet in the Vlor. Together they look for ways to further improve education and training in Flanders via recommendations. The English website only provides basic information [...]
Ministry of Youth
The objectives of the Ministry of Youth are the improvement of the quality of youth training which will necessitate for instance the launching of the MCYE (Multipurpose Centres for Youth Empowerment) development plan, development and rehabilitation of socio-educative infrastructure, development of a national policy on leisure activities, continuation of training of staff and [...]
421 - Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ)
Botswana; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Seychelles; South Africa, Republic; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Southern Africa; East Africa; Angola
The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) consists of 16 Ministries of Education in Southern and Eastern Africa: Angola,Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania (incl. Zanzibar), Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. SACMEQ´s mission is to undertake integrated research [...]
Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy and science research. Besides, in the sectors education, research, language, youth, ministry and minister, the website presents details on political conditions and laws, funding processes, programmes, statistics, [...]
Ministry of Education and Sports Montenegro
The Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy, education system and details from the single educational sectors. Furthermore, the website adds laws, strategy papers and information about funding and scholarships, national and international projects and [...]
Ministry of Sports and Physical Education
The Ministry for Sports and Physical Education (MINSEP) has the task to develop, implement and evaluate sport policies and policies for physical education. In concrete terms, this means, relative to education, that it conceptualizes strategies and development schedules for sports and physical education, that it generates education programs for physical education in the [...]
Ministry of Secondary Education
The Ministry for Secondary Education (MINESEC) was founded on december 8, 2004. Its principal mission is the development, implementation and evaluation of politics for general, technical and normal secondary education.
426 - NEPAD e-Africa Commission
The purpose of the NEPAD ICT programme is to accelerate development of ICT infrastructure and ICT skills in Africa. It is also intended to bridge digital divide in Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world .
The e-Africa Commission was created in 2001 and adopted as an ICT Task Team by NEPAD in 2002. It is responsible for developing policies, strategies and [...]
Ministry for Secondary and Higher Education and for Scientific Research
The minister of secondary and higher education and scientific research is charged, in relation to the according ministries, with the elaboration, the implementation and the follow-up of secondary and higher education and of scientific research in conformity with the orientations defined by the Supreme Council for the Restauration of Democracy.
428 - The Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research (MR-U)
Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Norway; Iceland; Greenland; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
Nordic inter-governmental co-operation on research and education is headed up by the education and research ministers, who make up the MR-U. The role of the Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research is to help ensure that the Nordic Region retains a leading position as a knowledge and skills region. Nordic co-operation involves Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway [...]
Regional Conference of the Centre
The Regional Conference of the Centre (CRC) of Algeria includes 45 higher education institutions, 13 of which are universities, 4 university centres, 15 National schools, 2 Ecoles normales supérieures, 2 preparatory schools, 7 research centres and 2 research units. The CRC acts as administrator and meeting plac of those institutions and its task is to participate in the [...]
Regional Conference of Eastern Universities
The main objectives of the Regional Conference for Eastern Universities (CRUE) are the development of networks for higher education insitutions, ways and means of education of regional development and scientific information networks, reglementations with regard to pedagogic, sciences and administration and regional commissions for the evaluation of new offers of graduate and [...]
Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research
The Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) proposes changes on the field of higher education and assures their application in conformity with the law.
Within the realm of applicable law and reglementations, the ministry aims at the studying of organisation and development measures on the different levels of higher education necessary for a global [...]
432 - Moroccan Education and Resource Network (MEARN)
Moroccan Education And Resource Network (MEARN) is a Morocco-based non-profit organization founded by Moroccan educators for the empowerment of all Moroccan children and youth. By providing access to quality education, information and knowledge for the transformation of the Moroccan educational system, MEARN is preparing the youth of Morocco to effectively enter the 21st [...]
Institute for Industrial Research - Research Department for Education and Labour Market
The sphere of competence for education and labour market of the IWI carries out studies and reports about the themes "educational system and - policy", "formation and further education", "entrepreneurship", "labour market" and "gender mainstreaming". A focal point of research deals with the problematic of disadvantaged target groups in advanced vocational training and [...]
434 - International Statistical Institute (ISI)
The ISI is the largest international scientific society on the fields of statistics with approx. 5000 members from all over the world. The ISI unites the expertise in the sectors mathematical-statistical methods, evaluation methods, information technology, official statistics and formation on a global level. The goal of ISI is to develop and to improve statistical methods and [...]
435 - European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA)
Europe; Belgium
The European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) is an independent association, with its head office in Antwerp. Its infrastructure is provided for by the University of Antwerp. ELA aims to encourage progress in educational rights by promoting the right to education as a right, by elaborating education law as a discipline and by actively supporting every serious [...]
436 - Ressources of the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family of Malta
The ministry's page offers a number of different documents concerning the education system of Malta. There is, for instance, the annual report of the ministry, law texts and policy documents on education.
Superior Council of Education
The Superior Council for Education is an institutional organ which is consulted on account of education and formation reforms. It gives it`s opinion on all issues of national interest which deal with the sectors education and formation, conducts global evaluations of the national education and formation system (institutional, pedagogical and resource-based evaluation) and [...]
Netherlands Youth Institute
The Netherlands Youth Institute (Dutch: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut) is the Dutch national institute for compiling, verifying and disseminating knowledge on children and youth matters, such as youth care, parenting support and child education. The Netherlands Youth Institute`s main aim is to improve the physical, cognitive, mental and social development of children and young [...]
Network Learning Without Frontiers
France; Francophone Countries
The RESF is a network which is composed of collectives, association movements, union movements, political support and of persons which are fighting against the estrangement of foreign children whose parents are estranged because they have no residence permit.
The network has a strong internet presence; information about the different regions of France, about the RESF and [...]
440 - European Network for Education and Training (EUNET)
The "European Network for Education and Training e.V.", shortly EUNET, is a network for European educational-facilities.
The network consists of Non-Governmental-Organisations that inform, educate or in any other way spreads the European Idea to teenagers and adults.
EUNET has the goal to intensify the experience-exchange, to increase the quality of the offers, to [...]
European network for the dissemination of comparative education
The REDCOM project (Réseau Européen de Dissemination en Éducation Comparée) was carried out by a group of 4 research institutes from different countries and was promoted under the 5th framework program for research and technological development of the European Union.
The aim of the project was the improvement of the European perspective of education policy, which a user [...]
442 - Association of Folk High Schools in Denmark (FFD)
FFD is the national organizing body of the 80 Danish Folk High Schools. Each an independent, non-governmental institution with 50-200 adult students.
FFD develops and maintains political and professional relations with the Government and partners, both at the national and international levels.
The purpose of FFD is to work for the idea of the folk high school and to create [...]
German-speaking Association - Education server
The education server of the German-speaking community belongs to the department "Teaching, Training and Occupation" of the ministry of the German-speaking community. Therefore, its tasks and fields of activities share information and hints in the domains of pedagogic subjects, teaching organization, teachers’ subjects, vocational training and further education, [...]
444 - Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
The Slovak ministry for education, science, research and sport presents information about the Slovak education system, about regional education and its financing as well as about the Slovak program for lifelong learning.
445 - Ministry of Education and Science
The Ministry is the leading state administration institution in the field of education and science, as well as in the fields of sports and official language policy, and it is responsible for the development of draft legislative acts regulating the relevant fields and draft policy planning documents and for the supervision of the implementation of the policy in the state [...]
446 - Finnish Folk High School Association
The finnish Folk High School Association supervises the educational policy, works on the networking of folk high school and on their development and improvement, ensures international cooperation and publishes the Kansanopisto magazine (available only in Finnish). There is a search function for short and long courses as well as for folk high schools in Finland. The link "Folk [...]
Higher education documentation and information centre
The higher education documentation and information centre (CEDIES) is a service provided by the ministry for culture, higher education and research. Its offers are adressed to grammar school pupils, future students, students and persons who want to resume their higher education.
* offers information and advices concerning higher education in Luxembourg and on [...]
448 - The Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE)
The Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) is the national agency subordinate to the Ministry of Education. The FNBE has a wide range of tasks related to the development of education all through pre-primary and basic education, general upper secondary education, vocational education and training, formal adult education and training, liberal adult education (incl. folk high [...]
449 - Starting Strong (Early Childhood Education and Care) Network
The Network upholds the mandate of the Education Policy Committee to assist countries to develop effective and efficient policies for education and learning to meet individual, social, cultural and economic objectives. The network aims to support the development of approaches and good practice in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy in participating [...]
450 - Starting Strong II: Early Childhood Education and Care
This review of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in twenty OECD countries describes the social, economic, conceptual and research factors that influence early childhood policy. Starting Strong II outlines the progress made by the participating countries in responding to the key aspects of successful ECEC policy outlined in the previous volume, Starting Strong (OECD, [...]
National Education Report Austria [courtesy translation]
The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in Austria presents its national education reports on this page. The page itself is only available in German, but you can find an executive summary in English for reports starting in 2021 [pdf]. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Spanish Federation of Associations of Teachers of the French Language
The Fédération espagnole d'associations de professeurs de français (FEAPF) brings together the associations of teachers of French throughout Spain at every educational level. It coordinates the associations nationally and ensures their representation on the international stage. Its work is structured along three lines: educational politics, training and the dissemination [...]
453 - Educational System in Russia
Russian Federation
This report to the UN about the Russian education system is a midterm summary on the modernisation programm adopted in 2001. It comprises the following chapters
1. Educational Policy of Russia at the present stage
2. Analysis of the educational system status and educational policy priorities at different levels
3. Youth policy
4. International cooperation
454 - Länder-Analysen: Ukraine - Bildung und Wissenschaft
Ukraine-Analyses regularly publishes analyses of the recent political, economic and social developments in Ukraine. One sub-topic is education and science. The authors are international scientist and experts. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
455 - National Observatory Report on Vocational Training in the Ukraine
The state of vocational education and training (VET) in Ukraine between 1998 and 2000 was examined. The study focused on the following topics: Ukraine's socioeconomic conditions; Ukraine's labor market; general VET policy and legislation; and Ukraine's VET system. Selected findings were as follows: (1) although Ukraine's socioeconomic situation continues to be unstable, [...]
456 - Soziale Schichtung, Familienerziehung und Schulerfolg in der Sowjetunion
Russian Federation; Moldova, Republic of; Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; Belarus; Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Kyrgyzstan; Kazakhstan; Georgia; Azerbaijan; Ukraine; Armenia
The Publication Server of the University of Tübingen provides this paper about the relation of social inequalities and education in the Soviet Union.
457 - National report of the Kyrgyz Republic on Adult education
This report is prepared by the Kyrgyz ministry of education in 2008 in the framework of implementation of international obligations of the Kyrgyz Republic on realization of the Global Programmes such as “Education for All” and “Millennium Development Goals”, the UN Literacy Decade, UN Decade on Education for sustainable development. The report is also based on the [...]
458 - Länderstudie zum kirgisischen Hochschulwesen
This report published in 2005 on demand of the German Academic Exchange Service analyses in detail the kyrgyz university system. It has a focus on international cooperations and the potential for the export of German degree programmes.
459 - Education Reforms in Countries in Transition: Policies and Processes
Azerbaijan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia; Tajikistan; Uzbekistan
This report dating from 2004 presents six case studies of how education systems have been transformed in former Soviet Republics. The overall aim of the report is to encourage cross-border cooperation in the sphere of education policy.
460 - National Report Higher Education in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan: Current Status and Prospects
This report published by teh Kyrgyz ministry of education presents the state and development of the Kyrgyz system of higher education between 1991 and 2001 - type and number of institutes, number of students, international agreements and government/reform programmes.
461 - Global Employment Trends for Youth
Eastern Europe; Europe; East Asia; South-East Asia; Pacific Rim; South Asia; South America; Caribbean; Central Europe; Middle East; North Africa; Africa South of the Sahara; Egypt; Kosovo; Nepal; Syria; China, People's Republic of; Jordan; Azerbaijan
This report is published by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It offers a comparative overview on the labour market situation for young people worldwide. The focus is to detect reasons for youth unemployment and youth poverty inspite of work.
One of the principal findings is that a global deficit of decent work opportunities has resulted in a situation in which [...]
462 - EU cooperation in education in Central Asia
Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Turkmenistan; Tajikistan; Uzbekistan
The European External Action Service shortly presents the EU cooperation with the Central Asian countries within the field of education.
463 - Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The official site of the Ministry of Public Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan delivers information about the education system in Uzbekistan in three languages. The English version is not very developed, though. Still, in the chapter "Basic Indicators" you will find basic statistical data about the Uzbek education system.
464 - Botschaft der Republik Usbekistan: Wissenschaft und Bildung
The Usbek Embassy in Germany presents an overview over Science and Education in Usbekistan.
465 - Education Encyclopedia: Global Education Reference
Yemen; Sudan; Suriname; Zambia; Eswatini; Eswatini; Zimbabwe; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Taiwan; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Tunisia; Saudi Arabia; Turkey; Senegal; Turkmenistan; Turks and Caicos Islands; Tuvalu; Serbia; Seychelles; Uganda; Sierre Leone; Ukraine; Singapore; United Arab Emirates; Slovakia; United Kingdom; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; United States of America (USA); Somalia; Uruguay; Virgin Islands of the United States; South Africa, Republic; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Vatican City; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Venezuela; Spain; Vietnam; Western Sahara; Sri Lanka; Caribbean
The site of the US American Directory of State Universities offers an online encyclopedia on education. The chapter "Global Education References" delivers statistical data and texts on education systems in different countries.
466 - About Uzbekistan: Science and Education
The Usbek Embassy to the United States presents the education system of Uzbekistan. It has a focus on research institutes.
467 - Sachstandsbericht 2008 zu Bildung und Forschung in Usbekistan
GATE-Germany - Konsortium für Internationales Hochschulmarketing and the German academic exchange service (DAAD) inform about the academic landscape of Uzbekistan. The report deals with politics on higher eduction, the university system and the Usbek students' demand to study abroad (with a focus on the resulting perspectives for university cooperation).
The Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Information-Ecucational Portal
The page of the Usbec ministry of education informs about the education system. An English version of the site is available but it contains few information in comparison to the Usbek and Russian versions. Chosing the latter you can download school books from ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ [...]
Swiss document server education
Purpose of the Swiss document server education ( is to collect in electronic form the documents from the fields of educational policy, education administration, educational planning and to make it available for the education research and development in Switzerland.
470 - Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008. Tadjikistan Country Case Study
The report from 2007 provides mapping of progress towards the achievement of the EFA (Education for all) goals. It identifies the greatest challenges and examines the efforts of government, international agencies, donors, and civil society with regards to the achievement of the six goals. The text provides basic data about education in Tadjikistan, describes the government [...]
Theses pedagogics
Moldova, Republic of
The National Council on Accreditation and Attestation is an institution of central public administration on evaluation and accreditation of organizations in the field of science and innovations and attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification. It gives out certificates on accreditation on the basis of which scientific institutes are [...]
472 - Republic of Moldova: Regional Preparatory Workshop on Inclusive Education
Moldova, Republic of
The UNESCO International Bureau of Integration in 2007 carried out a workshop on Inclusive Education in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. The full text summarizes the results for Moldova. The first part presents the Moldovian discourse on Inclusive Education. The second part presents Inclusive Policies and Strategies, wheras the third part describes corresponding examples and [...]
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova
Moldova, Republic of
Der Link “Educational System” presents an overview of the Moldovan system of education. The other links are shown in English (and Russian), too but the contents only exist in Romanian.
These are: News and events, about the ministry, modernisation of education, international cooperation, normative acts and publications, quality education in rural areas, press releases, [...]
Education in the Republic of Moldova 2008/2009
Moldova, Republic of
This exhaustive report by the National Office for Statistics delivers data on all segments of education for the years 2008/09. The full text has a table of contents in English.
475 - Higher Education in the Republic of Moldova
Moldova, Republic of
This full text prsented by UNESCO-Cepes Bucharest in 2003 describes the development of the higher education
system in the Republic of Moldova and analyzes its legislative framework and
administrative structures. It outlines the steps in the academic career ladder
and, also, the enrollment patterns and study paths of students.
476 - The International Network for Higher Education in Africa
INHEA presents overall information on higher education in African countries. Among others country profiles, bibliographies, lists of links to relevant actors.
477 - Dirección General de Evaluación de Politicas: Secretaría de Educación Pública
The Homepage of the Secretary of public education within the General Directory of evaluation of politics enlightens procedures and results of evalution of schools and the knowledge of pupils.
The site gives also access to the test questions.
redEtis - Education, Work, Reintegration
The Red Educación, Trabajo, Inserción Social (redEtis) produces and disseminates knowledge on the current Latin American discussions and policies about education, work and social inclusion.
It serves as a bridge between policy makers, practitioners and researchers that facilitates co-operation and networking.
The site offers research reports on the situation of education [...]
Ministry of Education and Culture
Official homepage of the Mozambican Ministry of Education and Culture.
480 - European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET)
EQAVET is a community uniting 33 member states, diverse social partners and the European Commission in order to promote European collaboration in the fields of developing and improving quality assurance in VET. To reach this aim, EQAVET makes use of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework. The website informs about EQAVET members, network activities, European policy [...]
481 - Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouet-Boigny (INP-HP)
Côte d'Ivoire
The INP-HB was established as an Ivorian umbrella organisation for higher education institutions and vocational schools in the fields of business, technical, geological and administrative education. The institute intends to mediate between education policy and its practice and aims to improve the quality of professional qualifications in order to strengthening the Ivorian [...]
482 - IBE Digital Library of National Reports on the Development of Education, 1932-2008
The collection of National Reports has been developed into a digital library, searchable by conference date and country. The National Reports have been presented to the IBE by Ministries of Education at the sessions of the International Conference on Education since 1932. The collection constitutes a unique reservoir of educational information spanning many decades, including [...]
483 - Education in Korea
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This site provides information on the school and administration system, on educational statistics and many publications on education in South Korea. The site is run by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), which is also authorized as the National Center for Educational Statistics since 1997.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
484 - Education in North Korea
Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea)
The site provides extensive information about North Korea, based on studies of the Library of Congress dating from the 1990s. The description of the education system contains the followings chapters: the theme and method of education, primary and secondary schools, social education, higher education and education for adults.
485 - Education in Korea
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This text from the website of KERIS is published every two years and provides information about the Korean education system, human resource development, education in the information age and future prospects of Korean education.
486 - The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The National Academy of Sciences Republic of Korea is the senior national organization of distinguished Korean scientists and scholars in all areas of sciences. NAS promotes learning, research and accomplishments internationally through active exchanges with other national academies and proposes policy recommendation for the promotion of science to the national government.
487 - Ministry of Higher and Secondary Spezialized Education
This portal of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan gives information about the secondary and higher education system. Most of the information is only available in the native language.
488 - World Data on Education, Unesco (6th edition 2006/07 + 7th edition 2010/11)
As the original pages of Unesco are no longer online, we link here to a copy of the pages from the Internet Archive. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all full texts can still be downloaded as pdf files. The two pages offer detailed information on the education systems of 161 countries on the basis of national sources from 2010/11 and 2006/07. The World Data on Education [...]
489 - Insight country report: Spain (Catalonia)
The country report on Spain refers to the specific region of Catalonia as the education system is decentralised: apart from providing references to general curricula, it outlines successful internet platforms for teachers (communication, exchange of digital resources) and strategies and objectives, which are put into practice by the autonomous schools in their respective areas [...]
490 - Insight country report: Poland
This brief outline of the situation of information and communication technology (ICT) at schools in Poland has not been updated since 2003: it was delivered for the Insight website on ICT and schools. The author briefly sketches the objective of leading Poland towards the EU Lisbon Strategy for a knowledge-based society, and illustrates that owing to the decentralised [...]
491 - Insight country report: Austria
Insight, the web base for information and communication technologiy (ICT) at schools, provides access to several country reports (full texts, summaries). This report on the situation of ICT in Austria outlines responsibilities and tasks regarding the development of curricula, school reforms and educational policy-making in Austria, as well as the actual implementation of ICT [...]
492 - Insight country report: Belgium (Flemish speaking)
The Insight web base for information and communication technology ( ICT) at schools provides access to country reports regarding ICT policy and implementation. This report for the Flemish speaking community of Belgium deals with the current guidelines in the context of the educational reform plans in Belgium. Besides, it focuses on the curriculum in relation to ICT, digital [...]
493 - Insight country report: Hungary
The country report on the situation of information and communication technologies at schools in Hungary is part of the Insight web base on ICT at schools. It focuses on recent educational policy reforms, particularly the national core curriculum introducing information technology as a knowledge area taught in specific courses as well as the use of electronic learning resources [...]
494 - Insight country report: Lithuania
Insight, the web base on information and communication technology at schools, provides this document on the situation of ICT in the Lithuanian school system. Following a detailed description of responsibilities in school education policy, particular projects (funded by the EU) such as the project addressing pupils with special needs or the safer internet campaign are [...]
495 - Insight country report: Norway
This comprehensive and well-structured overview of the situation of information and communication technology in Norway focuses on ICT in the education system as well as taking its broader use into perspective. It addresses strategies, implementation, financing, monitoring and evaluation, teacher trainning, and e-inclusion, that is measures targeting the accessibility of ICT [...]
496 - Insight coutry report: Portugal
This report on the situation of ICT in Portugal, published within the framework of the Insight web base on information and communication technology at schools, outlines action programmes and bodies responsible for respective strategies, objectives and implementation. While the school curricula are decentralised, certain recommendations apply to teaching ICT competencies and [...]
497 - Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
The VSO is one of the oldest and largest networks of volunteers operating worldwide twowards reducing poverty and inequality. While it also offers volunteer projects involving young people, it mainly cooperatees with experienced, highly qualified professionals.
498 - (National) Learning and Work Institute
United Kingdom; England; Wales
In 2016, the ‘National Institute of Adult Continuing Education’ (NIACE) and the ‘Centre for Economic & Social Inclusion’ (CESI) formed the new 'Learning and Work Institute'. This policy and research organisation is dedicated to lifelong learning, full employment and inclusion. Thematical areas include 'Life and Society', 'Work and Careers', 'Improving the [...]
499 - PRELEX - Monitoring of the decision-making process between institutions / Werdegang der interinstitutionellen Verfahren
PreLex, the database on inter-institutional procedures follows the major stages of the decision-making process between the Commission and the other institutions: stage of the procedure; decisions of the institutions; persons' names; services responsible; references of documents .etc, and monitors the works of the various institutions involved (European Parliament, Council, [...]
500 - Association for the Development of Education in Africa
The Association for the Development of Education in Africa maintains several working groups on educational issues in Africa, including education sector analysis, distance and open learning, informal learning, learning material, early childhood education, higher education in Africa. A biennial conference is held, and publications can be searched and accessed from the database [...]
501 - European Schoolnet Observatory (former Insight Project): Country Reports
Europe; Austria; Belgium; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
Insight, the web knowledge base for using information and communication technology at schools, offers this search option for country reports, accessible as full texts or summaries of varying dates. These country reports focus on the implementation of ICT at schools, the role of ICT in the curriculum, assessment of ICT competencies, provision of ICT resources and evaluation of [...]
502 - Ministry of Education
Trinidad and Tobago
The website offers general information about the education system, a school directory and special sections for teachers, parents and pupils.
503 - Ministry of Social Development: Education Department
Anguilla; United Kingdom
The website informs about policy guidelines of the department, the structure of education management and lists the primary and secondary schools of the island.
504 - Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development
The website of the ministry offers a school directory, information about programmes and projects and ministerial functions as well as documents for download.
505 - International Review of Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks Internet Archive (INCA)
international; Australia; Canada; England; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Netherlands; New Zealand; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Singapore; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; South Africa, Republic; United States of America (USA); Wales; United Kingdom
INCA (1996-2013) provided descriptions of government policy on education in Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and Wales. It focuses on curriculum, assessment and initial teacher training frameworks for pre-school, primary, [...]
506 - Association of Colleges (AoC)
United Kingdom; England; Wales
The Association of Colleges was created in 1996 as the single voice to promote the interests of further education colleges in England and Wales. The Association provides a broad range of services to its subscribers. It represents their interests locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
507 - Bildung und Erziehung In Japan - Eine Kurzbibliographie
This short bibliography is an excerpt from the database of the "Specialized Information Network International Relations and Area Studies" (FIV-IBLK).
508 - Life Long Learning In Japan
Japanese lifelong learning programmes for adults, despite their accomplishments and admirable objectives, require some significant improvements to fully realize their goals. This essay provides an overview of the principal features and problems of the Japanese system of lifelong learning for adults.
509 - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ( MEXT) is one of the most important ministries in Japan. Information, statistics, research projects and outcomes are presented here. The National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan is affiliated to MEXT.
510 - Ministry of Education
The ministry of education of Laos offers some pieces of information about the education system, partly only in Lao.
Federal Ministry - Republic of Austria - Education, Science and Research
The ministry is responsible for education, science, and research.
512 - Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture and Library Services (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Turks and Caicos Islands
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education of the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory.
513 - Ministry of Education
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education. It provides general information about the education system and the strategic priorities of the government.
514 - Government Departments - Ministry of Education Government Departments " Ministry of Education
Saint Kitts and Nevis
This is the official site of the ministry of education.
515 - Ministry of Education
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education, it provides information about the organisational structure of the ministry and school system in Palau.
Ministry of Education
United Arab Emirates
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education with general information about the education system, education statistics and further links.
517 - Department of Higher Education and Training
This is the official Site of the Ministry of Higher Education Employment and Social Security, it provides information about labour market regulations, training and study opportunities as well as scholarships.
Kurdistan Regional Government - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
This is the official site of the Kurdistan Regional Government's Ministry of Higher Education in Iraq. It provides information about the latest improvements at the universities in the region.
519 - Education in Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinea
The site presents the targets of the five-year-programme to improve the education system in Equatorial Guinea.
520 - Ministry of Education - Afghanistan
This is the official site of the Afghan ministry of education. It provides information about the reconstruction of the education system. Most parts of the site are under construction.
521 - Ministry of Education
Cook Islands
This is the official site of the Cook-Islands ministry of education. It provides information about the education system and provides numerous full text.
522 - Office of the President: Education
This site presents a five-year strategic benchmark to rise the level of education in Afghanistan. It comprises the following programmes: 1. primary and secondary education, 2. higher education, 3. skills development and 4. culture, media, and sport.
523 - Ministry of Education, Training and Employment
Cayman Islands; United Kingdom
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education of the Cayman Islands.
524 - Ministry of Education
Myanmar's Ministry of Education offers pages on the country's school and higher education system, lists of schools and higher education institutions as well as news on education policy. However, information is scarce.
525 - A Myanmar History of Education
The website offers an overview of Myanmar's history of education from the 19th century to the present day. Special emphasis is laid on the historical development of the higher education system and the raise of standards in general education. In recent years a system of open education has been established and regional human resource development centres have been set up.
526 - European Network on Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP)
ENTEP exists to promote co-operation among European Union Member States regarding their teacher education policies in relation to initial, in- service and continuous professional development programmes, in order to: Develop opportunities to learn from each other by analysing and comparing policies and issues, as well as by sharing good practices; Promote the discussion and [...]
Study in South Africa
South Africa, Republic
This site from the South African Consulate General in New York represents in detail South Africa's education structures, education policy, language policy, the National Qualifications Framework, Curriculum 2005, education of learners with special needs, present education system, library and information services sectors.
Flemish Ministry of Education and Training / Vlaams Ministerie van Onderwijs en Vorming
The English website of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training mainly links you to Eurypedia information. Furthermore, it has a link to English publications by the Ministry as well as to a website for foreign students interested in studying in Flanders.
The Dutch website provides general information about the respective education networks opearting in Flanders. [...]
529 - Office of the Non-Formal Education Commission (ONFEC)
Office of the Non-Formal Education Commission (ONFEC), one of the administrative units under the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education has been established since July 7, 2003 as the consequence of the education reform process. The main tasks of ONFEC are to provide and support the services of nonformal and informal education to promote lifelong learning [...]
530 - OECD THEMATIC REVIEW OF TERTIARY EDUCATION - Country Background Report for Norway 2005
This background report for the OECD-review of the Norwegian tertiary education system has been written by NIFU STEP, an independent research foundation, on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Research, January 2005. It describes among others the national context of higher education and the labour market tertiary education, gives an overall description of the tertiary [...]
531 - Forschungsprogramm: Evidenzbasierte Bildung / Research Project: Evidence-Based Education (EBE)
United Kingdom
Evidence-Based Education is part of the research carried out by The Curriculum, Evaluation and Management Centre (CEM), based in Durham University. 'Evidence-Based Education' signifies the idea that educational policy and practice should be guided by the best evidence about what works. Besides an introduction to the topic the website provides a network for those who want to [...]
532 - CERI - Final Workshop for Evidence-based Policy Research in Education
The final workshop in the series took place from 6-7 July 2006 in London with representatives of over 19 countries and the European Commission attended a conference in London jointly organised by OECD/CERI, TLRP and the DfES entitled: Implementation, Scaling Up, and Sustainability: Continuing Discussion on Evidence-Based Policy Research in Education. The conference was the [...]
533 - Bildungsökonomik in Europa
Europe is a forum to promote and disseminate research on the Economics of Education in Europe, provided by the European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE). You will find detailed information by following the links of the menu on the left. EENEE is an EU Think Tank sponsored by the European Commission, Directorate General for Education and [...]
534 - European Network of Experts in the Social Sciences of Education and Training (NESSE)
NESSE is still in a developmental phase (as of January 2007) therefore it has not yet its own website. Coordinator is the Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (INRP) in France. Main aim of the mission is the improvement of policy development in Education and Continuing Education in Europe by constructing a stable and effective network of experts who are involved in [...]
535 - Education and Schools in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The pages are part of "The Saudi Network". The link "Education in Saudi Arabia" leads to information on the education system of the country. It outlines educational policy and acknowledges national achievements in education. According to its own statement further development of the education sector belongs to the priority tasks of this OPEC state. The respective pages include [...]
536 - Portal Vergleichende Bildungspolitik
Russian Federation
Since December 2006 the clearly structured specialized federal information portal "Comparative Educational Policy" has been accessible. It is based on the perception that Comparative Education is one of the most important research fields in the world. Focal point of the homepage is the thematic subdivision of the respective contents and the research disciplines. This [...]
537 - American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI)
United States of America (USA)
President Bush's 2006 education agenda, the American Competitiveness Initiative, aims to strengthen innovation and education in the U.S. by improving math and science education, foreign language studies, and high schools. The site features an overview on statements and speeches and presents involved programs and initiatives.
538 - World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation
The theme of The World Development Report 2007 is youth - young people between the ages of 12 to 24. As this population group seeks identity and independence, they make decisions that affect not only their own well-being, but that of others, and they do this in a rapidly changing demographic and socio-economic environment. The report emphasizes the urgent need to invest more [...]
539 - Ministry of Education (Bhutan)
The Website of the Ministry of Education of Bhutan provides information about the ministry itself as well as a General Education Curriculum, information about the education structure and the number of schools.
540 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Turkey
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
541 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Bulgaria
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
542 - Ländliche Bildung in der VR China
China, People's Republic of
The presentation in form of theses, facts and educational statistics is based on a lecture given by the lecturer in June 2005 in Bonn ( Germany). It deals above all with current developments in Chinese educational policies, in particular the introduction of the nine year compulsory school, the retreat of the state from educational financing and new political approaches in [...]
543 - Education and Training 2010. Diverse Systems, shared goals.
The website informs about the shared efforts and goals of the EU member states to improve the competitiveness of the education systems in Europe and to enhance the quality of general and vocational education and training until 2010. The site offers background documents, full texts of biennial joint reports, information on key objectives and areas of cooperation as well as [...]
544 - Swaziland: Ministry of Education
Eswatini; Eswatini
Focal point of this page is a portfolio of responsibilities of the Ministry of Education. It comprises all the levels and areas of the education system from early childhood education to vocational training or to studies at the University of Swaziland. Various links lead to detailed information on educational issues. It also includes an overview on the national education system.
545 - Ghana: Ministry of Education
The homepage of the Ministry provides information on the mission of this government institution, its aims and tasks.
546 - Ministry of Education - India
Website of the Ministry of Education in India, available in several languages.
547 - The Educational Gateway
The Education Gateway is am information system for teachers, pupils, and researchers concerned with finding information on the Nordic education system on the net. Although most of the site is in Icelandic only, an English version provides an overview of the objectives and central features (information resources on schools and national curricula, special needs education, and [...]
548 - Compulsory School Act Iceland
The website prints the full text of the Compulsory School Act dating from 1995 as school attendance is mandatory for children between six and sixteen years of age. Moreover, the navigation bar provides access to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science home page, a site listing publications, and further acts issued by the Ministry.
549 - Ministry of Education,Culture and Science Publications
The site lists titles of official documents published by the Ministry of Education, which can be accessed as pdf files. Apart from national issues in education, the papers cover international aspects such as the co-operation with other Nordic countries and the EU, and OECD.
550 - UNICEF Turkey: The Girls' Education Campaign
The web site portrays the Girls' Education campaign the Ministry of Education and UNICEF launched in June 2003 in order to augment the number of girls enrolled in primary schools in the Eastern provinces of Turkey. The site lists figures proving a gap between boys ' and girls' enrolment in primary schools, and barriers to girl education,. It also describes the campaign [...]
551 - UNICEF Turkey: Say Yes/ Autumn 2005/Everyone Needs a Quality Education
The article discusses the Millennium Development Goals, particularly the goal towards a universal primary education, in the light of girls' education in Turkey. Statistical figures display a close connectioin between school enrolment and financial status and a strong difference between the West and Eastern regions of Turkey. While progress in the enrolment of girls has been [...]
552 - The Age: Education
The Age is Victoria's leading broadsheet newspaper. The education section provides access to the current edition's articles on educational topics. Older editions can be searched. Editions from up to eight days ago are accessible for free, but a charge applies to view the full text of older articles.
553 - Education Glossary
This glossary provided by the Queensland Department of Employment and Training includes terms and abbreviations likely to be found in educational and training publications on Australia. The focus is on vocational education and training.
554 -
The web site is a plattform aimed at the development of foreign language teaching in the German speaking Cantons of Switzerland. It provides information on the official education directors' conference policy Canton decisions, and practical experiences with early foreign language teaching.
555 - LiteracyNet
"The Australian adult literacy website by the Department of Education, Science and Training contains key information about Australian adult literacy activity and links to a range of additional programme, professional development, resource, and research sites."
556 - Bundesberufsbildungsgesetz Schweiz
The Swiss Act on Vocational Education regulates the cooperation of the State, Cantons and training institutions. The following aspects are addressed: basic vocational training, higher vocational education, further vocational training, qualifications and degrees. Particular emphasis was put on the introduction of equal opportunities measures for less privileged school leavers, [...]
557 - Australian Information and Communications Technology in Education Committee (AICTEC)
"The Australian Information and Communications Technology in Education Committee (AICTEC) is a cross-sectoral, national committee responsible for providing advice to all Australian Ministers of Education and Training on the economic and effective utilisation of online technologies in Australian education and training." Its website offers information on the AICTEC and its [...]
558 - Britisches Bildungsministerium: Publikationen / UK Government Department for Education: Publications
United Kingdom
The Department for Education publishes official documents (white papers, green papers, strategy papers) on this site. Documents can be downloaded or ordered online. The publications can be filtered by keyword, topic, publication type, etc.
559 - Child Care Aware of America
United States of America (USA)
Formelry "The National Association of Child Care Resources & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA)", Child Care Aware is a national network of more than 850 child care resource and referral centers (CCR&Rs) located in every state and most communities across the US. CCR&R centers help families, child care providers, and communities find, provide, and plan for affordable, quality child [...]
560 - Alliance on Early Childhood Finance
United States of America (USA)
The Alliance for Early Childhood Finance is dedicated to seeking more rational financing of early care and education in America through inquiry, analysis and communication among early care and education policy activists. Reports and analysis are available to download. Links to related organisations and further information in the field.
561 - American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
United States of America (USA)
The AACTE is a national voluntary organization of colleges and universities that prepare the nation's teachers and other educational personnel, based in Washington. AACTE is dedicated to innovation in and reforms of teacher education. Publisher of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), Newsletter "AACTE briefs". Reports, CD tapes and further data can be obtained. The website [...]
562 - National Childcare Information Center (NCCIC)
United States of America (USA)
The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), a service of the Child Care Bureau, is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that links parents, providers, policy-makers, researchers, and the public to early care and education information. The website offers access to a childcare database, state profiles, a virtual library (quick, basic and advanced [...]
563 - Boys' education
"Over the past decade there has been considerable community concern that boys in Australian schools are not achieving as well as possible. Some areas of concern for boys compared to girls are their lower literacy achievement, lower school retention and lower levels of participation in higher education. To help those boys who are not achieving in school, the Australian [...]
564 - Australian Education Union (AEU)
The Australian Education Union (AEU) represents its members' interests over a wide range of matters including salaries and teaching and learning conditions. It has a membership of 155,000 educators including teachers and allied educational staff, principals and administrators mainly in government school and TAFE systems. Its website provides information on the union, its [...]
565 - Department of Education and Training, New South Wales
The website of the Department of Education and Training of New South Wales provides information about the department itself, its policies, services and programmes. It also provides access to information on public schools in NSW, TAFE (technical and further education) colleges, training and industry, adult education as well as to statistical data and reports.
566 - Empowering girls through education in India
The UNICEF web site provides information on girls' education in India, and portrays the living circumstances of a girl in an impoverished region. Numerous links lead to information concerning the access to education for girls, also in other countries such as Somalia and Niger. Moreover, the web site offers links to UNICEF programmes related to the improvement of girl [...]
567 - UNICEF India: Education.
The UNICE web site on education in India summarises the present state of primary education in India. After a rise in girl's literacy from 1991 to 2001, a high level of illiteracy persists due to social and regioinal obstacles to the "education for all" pollicy. The page also provides links to current UNICEF education actions in India, and to case studies.
568 - National Development Plan
The NDP is an investment plan for Ireland, which involves an investment of public, private and EU funds over the period 2000-2006. The Plan involves significant investment in health services, social housing, education, roads, public transport, rural development, industry, water and waste services, childcare and local development. This website provides information on the NDP, [...]
569 - Education and Educational Planning in China
China, People's Republic of
This list of links on educational planning was compiled by China Internet Information Center. The following documents are offered in full texts: Government Work Report on Education; Report on the Outline of the 10th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development on Education; Reform measures in Education; Action Scheme for Invigorating Education Towards the 21st [...]
570 - National Policy of Education
The National Education Policy for India is grounded in a paper dated 1968, which has since been amended several times.
National Education Systems
Dominican Republic
The website of the Organisación de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Sciencia y la Cultura (OEI) informs about the education system of the Dominican Republic. In a first section, the organisation of the education system is presented, the second section includes educational legislation, the third section contains education statistics, the forth section comprises [...]
572 - Education Statistics
international; Asia; South-East Asia
This web site lists a number of links to sources dealing with statistical information on education in the internet. Apart from listing the links, it provides abstracts summarising their topical issues. Most of the sources in the collection refer to education statistics on schools in the United States and the United Kingdom. Further information is available for the South Asian [...]
573 - Literacy Facts and Figures in Asia and the Pacific
Asia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Afghanistan; Papua New Guinea; Maldives; India; China, People's Republic of; Malaysia; Thailand; Indonesia; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Mongolia; Myanmar; Iran; Sri Lanka; Cambodia; Laos; Vietnam; Pacific Rim
The site introduces the subject by listing the per centage of literacy in around twenty countries in the Asian-Pacific region. Each country can be accessed individually, moreover, it is possible to search publications, material on the literacy programme and the "Education for All" project of the UNESCO.
574 - Jährliche Umfrage zu Tendenzen der Grundbildung: Umfrage von 2004 / Annual Survey of Trends in Primary Education: Survey of 2004
United Kingdom
This web site is part of the National Foundation for Education Research surveys and summarises the results of the 2004 annual survey of primary education. Head teachers were questioned on trends in education, focussing on aspects of school administration and budgeting. For the first time, curriculum issues were addressed in the survey. The head teachers expressed their wish [...]
575 - Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft
The Austrian National Students Union (ÖH) is based on federal law - the Hochschülerschaftsgesetz. It is the only recognised representation of all students at Austrian Universities and Academies of education. ÖH is financially, administratively and politically independent and represent students politically and administratively on the level of subject, faculty, university and [...]
576 - Auswirkungen der Einführung von Studienbeiträge auf die Studienbeteiligung und das Studierverhalten. Endbericht (2002)
This study authored by the bureau of social technology and evaluation research examines the effects the implementation of study fees has on the participation in studying and the studying behaviour of Austrian students. Within the framework of this examination the choice of subjects and orientation in the labour market is scrutinized, the forces for abandoning studies are as [...]
577 - Global Education Monitoring Report / UNESCO-Weltbildungsbericht
Every year, the Global Monitoring Report assesses where the world stands on its commitment to provide a basic education to all children, youth and adults. The report was developed by an independent team and is published by UNESCO. The full texts of the reports are available for download, the summeries are available in several languages.
578 - Kulturkontakt Austria
Europe; Austria
"Kulturkontakt Austria" is in own words one of the biggest Centres of Competency for cultural education, mediation of culture in schools and beyond, and for educational and cultural cooperation in Middle, East, and Southeast Europe. The site contains among others: education management and quality assurance, new methods of teaching and learning, projects of art and culture in [...]
579 - World Education Report 2000
The report offers "a unique overview of the successive commitments to the implementation of the right to education adopted by the international community, a broad analysis of the progress made towards the implementation of the right to education in different regions of the world, a detailed account of how Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights came to be [...]
580 - Europäisches Jahr der Politischen Bildung
Austria; Europe
The European Year of Citizenship through Education aims at the implementation of the policies and programmes of the European Council for EDC ( Education for Democratic Citizenship) in the national education systems. The Austrian contribution, authored by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, offers for this purpose news on this topic, a survey on the [...]
581 - Berufsbildungssysteme in Europa
international; Europe
This information on the vocational education systems and the belonging politics, research and praxis of the EU member countries plus Iceland and Norway are provided by ETV ( European Training Village) and CEDEFOP (reference centre in topics of vocational education). Information is available in German, English and the languages of the EU member countries. A thematic overview on [...]
582 - Gesamtschule in England
England; United Kingdom
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of England. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
583 - Gesamtschule in Frankreich
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of France. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
584 - Gesamtschule in Dänemark
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Denmark. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
585 - Gesamtschule in Norwegen
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Norway. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
586 - Gesamtschule in Spanien
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Spain. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
587 - Schulpolitik in Österreich
This full text provides information on school political developments in Austria after 1926 and the structure of the national school system. A historical time table (1947-1988) offers an overview on school political decisions. Furthermore, the text presents the structure of the national education of Austria.
588 - Portal Educativo Nacional de Venezuela
The respective homepage offers three focal points: resources, planning and educational policy. Information offers include the National Basic Curriculum, the World of Children and the Liceo Bolivariano. This website has been developed in cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
589 - Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich
This education portal, published by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture offers access to federal and regional institutions of adult education, to consultation und information services, to the topics of continuation of education, women´s education and distance learning, to (online-) publications, an excerpt from the law on supporting adult education, [...]
590 - Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Uganda
This website of the East African state provides information on the educational aims and the mission of education. Besides essential documents and news are available. The link "Strategic objectives" shows that access, equal opportunity and the provision of quality education play a central role in the implementation of educational policy in Uganda.
591 - National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME glad)
NIME is an autonomous body concerned with higher education in multimedia environments. It provides a search engine in order to find offers for multimedia and online learning.
592 - Japan Fact Sheet. Education- Foundation for Growth and Prosperity. Introduction
This website provides an overview of the development of the Japanese education system. Further links lead to a historical outline, schools and curricula (with statistical data), and a site describing the challenge of educational reform in terms of individualisation and internationalisation.
593 - Child Research Net. A Research Site for the Future of Kids
The project "Child Research Net" defines itself as a non profit organisation concerned with educational aspects in Japan. Its addressees are teachers, researchers, and young academics. It provides links to online publications on education related topics, an archive that can be searched for specific topics, a mailing list and a link list as well as a forum for discussion. The [...]
594 - UNESCO New Delhi Office. Education Sector
The website of the UNESCO New Delhi section presents an overview of the mid-term project "Education For All" (EFA, duration 2002-2007), which aims at establishing education as a basic human right. It describes the main objectives in innovation, diversification and quality maintenance, further links lead to other UNESCO activities, the library and publications.
595 - Minister of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
List of responsibilities of the Minister of Education in Barbados.
596 - Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development (CARNEID)
The Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development ( CARNEID), is one of five regional networks established by UNESCO to promote systematic contact among educational institutions in order to promote educational innovation and change. The network offers exchange of information, co-operation, consultative services and support for its members.
597 - Tanzania Education Website (TanEdu)
This website aims to raise the quality of education in Tanzania by means of modern technology. It was developed in 2002 as a project in co- operation between Tanzania Education and the Information Services Trust. Various links and a search engine offer information amongst other things about national educational policy and educational projects. The offer is supplemented by [...]
Education Forum
Peru; Latin America
Foro Educativo is an organisation of educational professionals in the field of education policy and research. It seeks to help improve the quality and equity of education by developing national and regional programs and initiatives in Peru, in cooperation with the public and private sector. Decentralisation in education policy is another import field of activities. The website [...]
599 - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
The homepage of the Ministry of Education of Belarus is not available for the moment. We therefore link to a copy of the homepage in the Internet Archive (as of April 2023).
Huascarán Program
The program Huascarán of the Peruvian Education Ministry intends to develop, execute, evaluate and supervize a national network with educational content which has access to all information resources and which can transmit multimedia contents, to foster the quality of education in rural as well as in urban regions.
This web site of the Education Ministry provides answers to all questions of higher education, from higher education law, study courses, admission, research to evaluation and quality control.
602 - Kiribati education policy. National development strategies 2000-2003
This text describes the plans for the development of the entire Kiribati education sector. Current statistical data are mentioned.
603 - JGuide. Stanford Guide to Japan Information Rresources: Education and Academia: Academic Journals.
The website offers a survey of academic journals dealing with aspects of Asian education systems and policies. The journals are portrayed with respect to their mode of appearance and focus.
Ministry of National Education
The website of the French Ministry of National Education provides an overview of the activities and educational constituents of the Ministry, information about the educational system including educational reports and statistics, information on educational policy and development (including official documents etc) and information for teachers (training, jobs etc). There used to [...]
605 - Education and the World Bank
This is the homepage of the education sector of the World Bank, "the world' s largest external financier of education which is today more committed than ever to helping countries develop holistic education systems aimed both at achieving Education For All ( EFA) and building dynamic knowledge societies that are key to competing in global markets through Education for the [...]
606 - Afghanistan Reconstruction : Education and Training
Among the "key issues" in the homepage there is also a topic "Education and Training" which links to 190 useful web resources about reconstruction of the Afghanistan education sector and current training programs.
607 - UNESCO education databases and tools
On this page, UNESCO lists all of its databases and other tools (e.g. atlases, entire platforms and more) on the subject of education. The list is structured thematically:
* Right to education
* Literacy and lifelong learning
* Policy, planning and management
* Education statistics
* Monitoring progress on education
* Accelerating progress towards Sustainable [...]
608 - Ministry of Education
The web site provides an overview of mission, policy and organizational structure of the Ministry and adjunct administrative bodies. Additional pages cover educational institutions in school, higher, vocational and adult education, loans applications, testing and evaluation, curriculum and learning resources.
National Educational Science, Technology and Innovation Program
The mission of this program is described as "enhancement of the capacity of research and production of knowledge in the area of educational research". The results shall be transformed into educational practice and policy. The homepage has links to the text of the National Plan for the Development of Educational Research, several instruments for implementation of research [...]
610 - Sistema Regional de Información (SIRI)
Latin America; Caribbean
This regional centre of Unesco for Latin America and the Caribbean has the aim to collect, create and disseminate information about education in the region. Its objective is to assist governments in developing methods and concepts of education indicators - therefore it empowers national statistical offices. The homepage provides links to descriptions of the various projects [...]
611 - HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse
This is an online resource centre dedicated to collecting and disseminating research on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education, e.g. sick teachers are absent from school, enrollment rates are decreasing, number of out-of-school orphans is increasing etc. The web site provides all sorts of information documents, e.g. country studies, reports about policies and management, funding [...]
612 - Innova. Observatoire européen des innovations en éducation et en formation
France; Europe
Innova observes and analyses theoretical and practical developments in the field of innovations in the national education policies of the (15) EU-member states. The texts of the respective research and state-of- the-art reports, other publications and a bibliography are accessible via this homepage. General topics are: equal opportunities, learning of foreign languages, [...]
613 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Cyprus
Cyprus, Republic of
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
614 - Mіnіsterstvo osvіti і nauki Ukraїni / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
[Unfortunately, there is no English version of this website anmore since about 2015. You can have an idea of the ministry on an old English website as of about March 2015.]
This website offers: information on the system of education in general and on the different levels and areas of education in particular; documents in full text on educational law and on issues of [...]
Education Department
Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
This web site provides a complex and detailed overview of development and current isues of education in Puerto Rico and the various offers of educational programs at many levels and in many educational fields. The homepage has the following main areas (buttons): mission and tasks of the Ministry (asuntos); organizational structure and responsibilities within the Ministry, [...]
616 - Organization of East Caribbean States. Educational Reform Unit
Caribbean; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; British Virgin Islands; Dominica; Grenada; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; United Kingdom
The OERU operates as a professional customer-needs-driven organisation, providing the best mix of integrative solutions in education reform while promoting and encouraging the full participation of Member States. The web site provides information about the organization's initiatives and projects and gives access to a document library.
617 - Direction de l'Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
The Education Department of Monaco is a part of the Home Office. The hompage provides access to information texts about the tasks of the department (via button "informations générales"), about public and private schools ("les établissements"), about youth and youth policy ("la jeunesse") and about physical education and sports.
618 - Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, des Universités et des Centres universitaires Régionaux et de la Recherche Scientifique
This new portal intends to provide information about all issues of higher education in Senegal. Navigation points exist for the themes: education system, educational policy and programmes, educational administration, texts and reports, discussion list ("échange"), news from school life. Additionally the homepage offers links to a databank of educational institutions from [...]
619 - Ministry of Education
This website contains the information about MOE, structure of education, education system, education administration and management, and educational statistics of Bangladesh. This website also contains the information of the education sector development Program of Bangladesh. The various administrative bodies, the directorates for secondary and higher and for technical [...]
620 - Philippine Research, Education and Government Information Network (PREGINET)
PREGINET is a nationwide broadband network that links academic, research, and government institutions in the Philippines. It interconnects institutions for research and education activities and spearheads the development of applications on areas such as distance education and others. PREGINET facilitates interchange of research information, research and training, [...]
621 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Malta
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
Secondary Education
The web site provides information about a program for the amelioration of the secondary education sector, about technical vocational education and about the Project Montegrande with 51 liceos (secondary schools) participating in innovative initiatives.
623 - Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
This organization is the policy formulation and coordinating body for Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) programs in Nepal. CTEVT formulates policies, ensures quality control, coordinates all the technical education and vocational training related stakeholders, provides services to facilitate technical education and vocational training programs to prepare and [...]
624 - Web resources and links: Official information sources on education
This web site provides an alphabetically ordered list with the Internet resources of official bodies, mainly the Ministries or national boards, which offer information on the respective national education system. The web site also offers a country list structured according to regions.
625 - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
The Ministry of Education and Sports (2001) forms a combination of the structures of three former Ministries (Education, Higher Education and Sports). On the website the new structure can be viewed. Besides the site offers a comprehensive description of aims and measures with regard to the educational reform and information on the document "Quality education for all - Strategy [...]
626 - UNESCO Regional Office in Dakar for Education in Africa
Africa South of the Sahara; Cape Verde; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Senegal; Sierre Leone
The UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa / Bureau régional de l'UNESCO pour l'éducation en Afrique (BREDA) in Dakar is the largest UNESCO Office in Africa. Established in 1970 to address educational planning issues in Africa South of the Sahara, BREDA, over years, extended its fields of action so much that it now covers not only other education sub-sectors but [...]
627 - Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa (ERNWACA) / Réseau Ouest et Centre Africain de Recherche en Education (ROCARE)
Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Côte d'Ivoire; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Mali; Nigeria; Senegal; Sierre Leone; Togo; Mauritania; Niger; Central African Republic; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Guinea-Bissau; West Africa
ERNWACA-ROCARE was founded in 1989 as a network of educational researchers from 17 West and Central African countries. The network cooperates with education ministries, NGOs and universities of the respective countries concerning research projects but also giving advice and dealing with implementation of concepts etc. The website also provides a digital library with many [...]
628 - The Lebanese Association for Educational Studies
The Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) is a non- governmental, non-profit society established in Beirut in 1995. Its thirty eight members (as of March 2003) are university members and/ or education experts from various fields: education, math education, language education, social studies education, curriculum, sociology of education, economy of education, [...]
629 - Oficina Regional de Educación de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC)
Latin America; Caribbean
The Regional Office of Unesco for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago de Chile provides on its homepage information about the following issues: programs and projects, activities and events, regional education statistics, publications and about the services of the Documentation Centre (data base, bibliographies). The menu point "laboratorio" offers texts about research [...]
630 - Centre de Recherche, d'Information et de Production de l'Education Nationale (CRIPEN)
The mission of the Centre is: applied research in education and didactics, information in the education field via educational radio and television and a bulletin, development of instructional programs, production of educational and didactical documents. The web site provides information about organization and personnel of the Centre, the projects realized until now and [...]
Education Management
This department of the Education Ministry mainly has these functions: to promote the implementation of educational policy, to coordinate the entities of the administration at different levels, to collect statistical data, to enhance educational research, to organize further education courses etc.
632 - Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development, Youth and Sports
Saint Lucia
Beside the self-description of the Ministry (organizational structure) the web site provides information about the school field (school system, examinations, admission and transfer, curriculum, teacher information) and human resource development (training opportunities, career guidance); additionally there are: statistical data, scholarship information, policy documents, i.e. [...]