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Overview at Education Systems International

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"The platform seek to act as a central access point to education resources in Europe related to Artificial Intelligence. It targets all levels of education, from basic AI literacy for all, to courses for university students, and to re-skilling of workers." The site currently offers an education catalogue with AI related training courses, a catalogue of European initiatives on [...]

This page of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools provides two lists: that of all (self-declared) European Schools and that of all officially accredited European Schools.

The article provides an overview of the Ukrainian education system, with a particular focus on the field of vocational education and training and the educational attainment of the Ukrainian population, as well as women's employment.

Basic information on the Ukrainian school system, higher education system and teacher education system. Under the heading "Zuständige Stellen" you can find a list of institutions responsible for education in the Ukraine. The information is provided by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB), the central authority for the evaluation of foreign qualifications in Germany.

In order to facilitate exchange across borders, a number of internationally active organisations with different missions have emerged and cooperate in a variety of thematic ways. On this website you will find short descriptions of their main fields of activity and links to the corresponding websites. An interactive world map links to kindergartens, Waldorf schools, [...]

The website gives an overview of the missions and responsibilities of the ministry and its departments.

This interactive map provides short information on guidance and counselling in European countries. The texts also contain links to further information on the subject of guidance in the respective country. Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance and counselling in the educational and employment sector. The website is [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The website of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, which unfortunately is only available in French, provides information on the three foci of the ministry, that is Higher Education, Research and Innovation. You will also find information on the ministry's strategy, on international cooperation, on questions concerning employees in this [...]

France; Germany
The country reports on this website provide a broad overview of research and education in countries worldwide, including information on the education system, research landscape, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. The superordinate country page additionally provides news, events, documents, general country data and links. The website is provided by the [...]

The Centre for the Study of the Netherlands at the University of Muenster offers via the platform NiederlandeNet a compilation of information on education and research in the Netherlands. Topics are: archives in the Netherlands, German in the Netherlands, the school system of the Netherlands, studying in the Netherlands, Dutch in German schools.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Netherlands; Germany
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in the Netherlands, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. Available only in German. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

United Kingdom
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Great Britain, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Indonesia, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Indonesian Embassy in London, UK, provides a good overview on the Indonesian education system, its history and related educational policy - includng a graph on educational levels. In the left hand menu bar you will furthermore find two sites on Indonesian universities and research institutes. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Finland, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or international cooperations. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Israel, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia
This OECD-website lists international websites related to child well-being research. It differentiates between international organisations, european organisations, non-profit-organisations international research projects, ministries, governmental facilities, statistics agencies and universities.

The program "Virtual Campus Switzerland" has the goal to make new communication technologies usable for the higher education system. To this purpose, the program promotes projects which develop high quality electronic dicactic materials. The web site describes the financinbg of the program and offers a direct link to Swiss Virtual Campus (

The section for Modern Greek Studies („Neogräzistik“) of the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität (University) Munich provides a very detailed overview of (digital) journals, libraries, documentation centers, catalogues of Greek scientific and cultural institutions. ”Modern Greek studies focus on the study of language, literature and culture of the history of language, [...]

The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Ukraine, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in India, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

South Africa, Republic
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in South Africa, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Brazil, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

China, People's Republic of
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in China, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Russian Federation
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Russia, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This page provides a fact sheet on the Human Development Index (HDI) of India. The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are enriched by statistical comparable data on life expectancy, school enrolment, literacy, illiteracy rate, income and promotion of women and thereby allows a view on [...]

Through its Country Dossiers, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) of the Unesco offers access to various information resources on education in its Member States. This compilation of facts and data from various sources will permit users to gain rapid access to information on each country`s state of education and plans for development, and provide insights into [...]

The section ´´Education´´ provided by the National Portal of India is organized by the topics elementary, secondary and higher secondary, higher and adult education. After your selection of interest you can find relevant links and short descriptions of websites from related educational institutions or about related educational informations. You can as well find a quick [...]

This site provides short reports by members of EERA (European Educational Research Association) on the situation of education research in their respective countries. The following countries have been covered so far: Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). The organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
The website contains a listing of the private and public universities in Puerto Rico. Further links show a short description of the universities as well as available courses of studies and links to the respective homepages.

The website presents a listing of the private and public universities of Honduras. Furthermore, there are a brief outline of the offered courses of study of the respective universities as well as links to the respective homepages.

Wikipédia - List of universities in Somalia

Africa; Algeria; Angola; Benin; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Comoros; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Djibouti; Egypt; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Kenya; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius; Morocco; Mozambique; Namibia; Niger; Nigeria; Rwanda; Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierre Leone; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Sudan; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Togo; Tunisia; Uganda; Western Sahara; Zambia; Zimbabwe
The site offers short, informative articles for most countries on earth that serve to give a first overview of the country. Specific topics are discussed in further contributions. The site makes no claim to completeness, may in some cases, however, be quite helpful.

The site offers a brief, informative overview of the education system in Gabon, an overview of the universities and some links.

Short educational and country profile for Libya.

Burkina Faso
Short and informative profile of the educational system of Burkina Faso.

Côte d'Ivoire
List of public and private universities of the country.

The guide to higher education in Egypt, by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE​​) provides information about higher education and the development of higher education in the country, information about higher education policy and an overview of the individual universities.

The report on higher education in Tunisia by the EU's higher education programme TEMPUS initially provides a detailed description of the Tunisian higher education system. In further chapters it examines current challenges, such as the Bologna process, and participation in EU programs. TEMPUS is the European Union’s programme which supports the modernisation of higher [...]

Latin America; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Guyana; Jamaica; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago; Uruguay; Venezuela; France; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
The website of the Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) offers extensive link lists to institutions and websites of the primary, secondary and higher education field as well as to language courses and to scholarships. The links are arranged by country or by category.

Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Europe; Czechia; Russian Federation
The website provides short reports in English about the situation of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for each of the member countries of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The reports are structured as follows: Introduction Overview Politics and Law Future trends/key concerns/directions Structure overview Key Providers/Main [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

Switzerland; Germany; Austria; Poland; France; Portugal; Hungary; Estonia; Lithuania; Finland; Japan; New Zealand; Philippines
In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool.

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

New Zealand
In 2007, the TU Dresden finished a comparative analysis of the school systems and informatics education within 13 different European and international countries. The research intended to create the basics for an overview on informatics education concentrating on primary and secondary schools all over the world by neglecting the fields of higher education and preschool. This [...]

The portal provides information about the field of Gabonese higher education including its relevant institutions. The website offers details on the single universities, research institutes and Écoles Supérieres of the country, their activities, their administrative structur and official directives. Additionally, the site contains reports published by the Ministry of [...]

The Burundian embassy in the United States offers information about the education system of its own country, in terms of basic contact and structure data and specifications.

This website of the Central Statistical Office Zambia provides recent statistical data about the main sectors of Zambian society and policy, for the field of education the Zambia DHS EdData Survey from the year 2003 which is available for download. This report offers up-to-date household-based information on education among children of primary school age in order to inform [...]

The portal Education in Zambia represents a platform for teachers, students and people who are interested in education. The site provides information about general selective topics and the listing of schools, high schools, colleges and universities of the country. Besides, a school calendar with all the important administrative dates is added.

The Embassy of Mauritania in Beijing describes on this site the national education system of Mauritania including the changes by the latest education reform.

This website of the portal, maintained by the Eritrean Ministry of Information, offers an overview of the Eritrean education system. It focuses on basic information about the school system, the field of higher education and vocational training.

Malawi SDNP is a Malawi Government Programme executed by the National Commission for Science and Technology. The page gives an overview on the education system of Malawi under the category `Education´.

The website of the Universidad Perú offers links to universities and education institutions in Lima as well as in the different regions of Peru.

The website offers a link list of Romanian universities, academies, colleges, schools, libraries and educational resources.

Under the categorie "Infrastructura Statistica", the National Institute of Statistics (INS) offers education and culture statistics. The data, which are only available in Romanian, present facts of different educational sections from the years 2009 to 2011.

Dominican Republic
Dominicana on line, an information portel of the Dominican Republic, offers detailed knowledge of diverse aspects of the country. The category "Educación e Investigación" presents general information about "Primary, Secondary & Superior Education", a list of Dominican universities including information about the subjects as well as links to the homepages of the higher [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Clearinghouse provides cross-national, comparative information about the policies, programs, benefits and services available in the advanced industrialized countries to address child, youth, and family needs. Coverage focuses on 23 advanced industrialized countries.

Dominican Republic
The website offers links to different higher education institutions of the Dominican Republic.

The homepage "Conference Alerts" offers an overview of worldwide academical conferences. One list shows conferences by category, the other by country. Under the category "Education", conferences about the themes e-Learning, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Teaching and Learning can be found.

The network offers institution details as well as contact informations about child care institutions in the different cantons of Switzerland.

This page offers an overview over the schools and universities from Ghana.

The Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, the renamed former French community of Belgium, represents the francophone Walloon part of Belgium. It has its own government and parliament with certain administrative competences in chosen departments, that means culture, sports, youth, health and especially education. On the website, the federation offers beside general data and articles [...]

The website offers basic information about the Iraqi education system based on the British school system. The page gives an overview of general characteristics and indicators of the Iraqi education field. Additionally, it presents a list of the private and public universities and colleges of the country including addresses and degree courses.

This link list of the Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene includes all the universities of Algeria. Those are categorized in Ouest, Est and Centre, the three administration districts of the universities of Algeria. Furthermore, there are also education institutions which are not enlisted in the MESRS (Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de [...]

On this website, there is a brief description of tertiary education in Morocco as well as a link list with the Moroccan universities.

On this website, full texts inform about education in Morocco. Also, there is a link list with the Moroccan universities.

The internet portal "L`Etudiant Marocain" informs about courses of studies in Morocco, tertiary education, studies abroad, scholarships and stages as well as professions. Also, information about publications and events which deal with higher education can be found.

This website presents activities which the PNUD realizes in Togo as well as objectives it wants to achieve. Furthermore, there are an overview of Togo and publications concerning education and the promotion of development.

The Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Training and Scientific Research offers information about current ministers, the Moroccan educational reform and the emergency program 2009-2012 of the application of this reform. Furthermore, the homepage contains an overview of the Moroccan education system as well as links to Morokkan educational forums. Also, the [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
This website of the UNICEF gives a short overview of the profile of the Cote d'Ivoire. In addition, press releases and official statements can be looked at. The category activities > education offers information about the current situation of education of the Cote d`Ivoire as well as about local projects run by the UNICEF and key data as well as news on the topic of education [...]

This website of the croatian ministry of science, education and sports contains an overview of the education system in Croatia and its branches. Thus, there is information about "Preschool Education", "Elementary Education", "Secondary Education" and "Higher Education". In addition, there are indications about education programs and about education of national minorities.

Côte d'Ivoire
This website contains a list of schools, colleges and universities of Côte d`Ivoire. A link grants access to a more detailled description of the respective institute.

The internet portal offers a list of the university cities of Slovakia inlcuding basic information about the city, a link list of the local universities and cultural offerings. Besides, it informs about scholarships of different providers as well as about regional, national and Europe-wide education programs. The category "Study in English" contains specifications [...]

The categorie "Education" of the state portal of the Republic of Slovenia contains descriptions of the Slovenian education system. There are brief descriptions and links of primary, secondary and tertiary education as well as of student exchanges, of international schools, acknowledgement of university diplomas and adult education in Slovenia.

This website of the German ambassady in Ankara contains indications about German-turkish education. Short full texts inform about scholar education and German school in Turkey, Goethe institutes in Turkey, German-turkish exchange and vocational training and continuing training in Turkey. In addition, it presents the Ernst Reuter iniciative and the German-turksh university in [...]

The website of Forthnet contains link lists to universities, libraries, education portals, private schools etc. of Greece. Furthermore, there are links to similar websites.

This section of the homepage of the Greek ambassady Berlin presents in a full text a briev overview of the Greek school system.

The website "studyindenmark" provides information about study programs (programs taught in English, summer schools etc.), a link list of Danish education institutions including a list of their courses of studies as well as links to their homepages, progress reports of foreign students, indications about tuition and scholarships as well as a categorie for student life in [...]

The internet portal "" offers information about studies abroad in Norway. There is a general overview of living and studying in Norway and about the Norwegian education system. In addition, there are publication about those and other themes for download.

The Slovak ministry for education, science, research and sport presents information about the Slovak education system, about regional education and its financing as well as about the Slovak program for lifelong learning.

The categorie "Education" of this website contains a list of the romanian universities. Links lead to the homepages of the particular institutions.

The homepage of the Austrian accreditation council contains a list of the private universities of Austria. In addition the courses of studies, the type of studies, the duration, the ECTS points as well as the respective resulting degree are indicated.

This Internet portal offers information about diverse aspects of the studies in the Netherlands as acknowledgement of study degrees, financing, application, courses of study etc. In addition, it contains a list of Dutch universities as well as progress reports and information about seminars concerning studies in the Netherlands. Furthermore, a newsletter is available.

This homepage grants access to an overview of the economy, politics, culture etc. of the Netherlands. The category "Bildung" contains information about Dutch schools in Germany, international school in the Netherlands, a list of the Dutch universities including links to their homepages as well as links about studies in the Netherlands. Furthermore, information about [...]

The homepage gives insight to Swiss education. Different links lead to the categories "general overview", "compulsory schooling", "post-compulsory schooling", "tertiary education" and "current challenges" (reorganisation of the university system and international comparison), in which those themes are described in an overview.

The finnish Folk High School Association supervises the educational policy, works on the networking of folk high school and on their development and improvement, ensures international cooperation and publishes the Kansanopisto magazine (available only in Finnish). There is a search function for short and long courses as well as for folk high schools in Finland. The link "Folk [...]

This Swiss internet portal offers information and assistance regarding career choice (for example a list of interests with the corresponding career suggestions, a calendar for information events etc.), a list of the Swiss university environment including link lists for courses of studies of the different types of higher education as well as information to diverse higher [...]

The task of the ministry of national education and vocational training is the planning and the administration of education available in Luxemburg, except for higher education which is the responsibility of the ministry for culture, higher education and research. Over links on the homepage, comprehensive descriptions of the educational environment of Luxemburg as well as [...]

Anabin is the acronyme for "Acknowledgement and evaluation of foreign education certificates. For this purpose, this data base provides an extensive documentation about the education systems, the different certificates and academical degrees for multiple countries as well as their significance at the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)at the office of the permanent [...]

The website of the Kosovan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology outlines the pre-academic and the academic education system as well as the vocational education. Different links lead to international partnership projects and to cognizant contact points. In addition, educational laws and regulations, administration instructions and publications can be found.

Cyprus, Republic of
The homepage of the euroguidance centre in Cyprus grants access to the euroguidance homepage. Also, informations about the studies in Cyprus, about studies in Europe, a list of Cyprus' educational insitutes with links as well as a link list of helpful European education projects and a presentation of education events in Cyprus are available.

Scotland; United Kingdom
Universities Scotland exists to represent and promote Scotland's higher education sector and campaign on its behalf. Through this work, it seeks to assist the sector to deliver its essential contribution to the economic, social and cultural needs of Scotland, and to enhance Scotland's international reputation. Under the rubric "briefing", the educational system of Scotland [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
On this website of the International Bureau of Education, reports on the development of education of the Ivory coast from 1965 to 2001 are available. Some of the reports can be viewed in French.

Côte d'Ivoire
'African Studies' is an institution of the Columbia University which collects material in regard to politics, education, culture etc of the countries of Africa south of the Sahara. The website for the Ivory Coast offers links to reports, monographies, statistics concerning history, politics, education and culture of the country. Furthermore, it contains a list of the ivorian [...]

The website offers a concise overview of the Swedish education system with brief information about: pre-school, childcare for schoolchildren, compulsory school, non-compulsory schooling, folk high schools (independent adult education colleges), higher vocational education, universities and university colleges. In addition, there is a presentation of the education system with [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This site provides information on the school and administration system, on educational statistics and many publications on education in South Korea. The site is run by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), which is also authorized as the National Center for Educational Statistics since 1997. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Eastern Europe; Central Asia; international; Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; China, People's Republic of; Georgia; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Japan; Yemen; Jordan; Cambodia; Kazakhstan; Qatar; Kyrgyzstan; Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Kuwait; Laos; Lebanon; Macau; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Oman; Pakistan; Philippines; Palestinian Territories; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Syria; Tajikistan; Taiwan; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; United Arab Emirates; Vietnam
Country information for applicants for a study abroad in a Asia. In order to view them one has to select the respective country. There is an address of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), country information of the German Foreign Office, information about the education system and higher education, a specific link list, information about scholarship programmes and [...]

Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea)
The site provides extensive information about North Korea, based on studies of the Library of Congress dating from the 1990s. The description of the education system contains the followings chapters: the theme and method of education, primary and secondary schools, social education, higher education and education for adults.

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This text from the website of KERIS is published every two years and provides information about the Korean education system, human resource development, education in the information age and future prospects of Korean education.

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The Korea Council for College Education (KCCE) promotes research on the education system, curriculum, teaching methods, evaluation and academic affairs of colleges, thus contributing to enhancing their independence and improving the quality of education. The full text reflects the present and future prospects of the colleges and universities in Korea with many statistics [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This website provides information on the vocational education system in South Korea in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Insight, the web base for information and communication technologiy (ICT) at schools, provides access to several country reports (full texts, summaries). This report on the situation of ICT in Austria outlines responsibilities and tasks regarding the development of curricula, school reforms and educational policy-making in Austria, as well as the actual implementation of ICT [...]

The country report on Spain refers to the specific region of Catalonia as the education system is decentralised: apart from providing references to general curricula, it outlines successful internet platforms for teachers (communication, exchange of digital resources) and strategies and objectives, which are put into practice by the autonomous schools in their respective areas [...]

The country report on the situation of information and communication technologies at schools in Hungary is part of the Insight web base on ICT at schools. It focuses on recent educational policy reforms, particularly the national core curriculum introducing information technology as a knowledge area taught in specific courses as well as the use of electronic learning resources [...]

Insight, the web base on information and communication technology at schools, provides this document on the situation of ICT in the Lithuanian school system. Following a detailed description of responsibilities in school education policy, particular projects (funded by the EU) such as the project addressing pupils with special needs or the safer internet campaign are [...]

This brief outline of the situation of information and communication technology (ICT) at schools in Poland has not been updated since 2003: it was delivered for the Insight website on ICT and schools. The author briefly sketches the objective of leading Poland towards the EU Lisbon Strategy for a knowledge-based society, and illustrates that owing to the decentralised [...]

This comprehensive and well-structured overview of the situation of information and communication technology in Norway focuses on ICT in the education system as well as taking its broader use into perspective. It addresses strategies, implementation, financing, monitoring and evaluation, teacher trainning, and e-inclusion, that is measures targeting the accessibility of ICT [...]

This report on the situation of ICT in Portugal, published within the framework of the Insight web base on information and communication technology at schools, outlines action programmes and bodies responsible for respective strategies, objectives and implementation. While the school curricula are decentralised, certain recommendations apply to teaching ICT competencies and [...]

United Kingdom
Discover Uni offers search facilities for courses at British universities and colleges including statistical data and reviews to compare institutions.

Overview about the education system in Ireland from primary school to the different types of the second level and third level system. You can also find some information about universities and colleges in Ireland.

Falkland Islands; United Kingdom
This website of the government of the Falkland Islands offers a short text about the school system.

Isle of Man; United Kingdom
On this site you can find information about primary and secondary schools, along with further education institutions. There is also departmental information, a support section including information on grants, and school holiday dates.

Norfolk Island; Australia
The text informs about school education on the island, funding and legislation as well as activities in youth policy.

This glossary provides French language explanations, definitions and annotations of French terminology related to education and instruction, and its translation into German and Dutch. The entries are chosen on the grounds of their use in Belgium and respective language regions there, not the terminological practice in France or the Netherlands.

Germany; United States of America (USA)
This bilingual glossary focuses on educational terminology, including school types. Cultural differences and idiosyncrasies are explained. Target group: English language (American) users with an interest in Germany. The glossary is provided by the website It belongs to the network Dotdash which is part of the American media and Internet company IAC [...]

Francophone Countries
The platform provides information regarding distance learning, including references, conference announcements, for francophone users all over the world.

international; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; United Kingdom; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Russian Federation; Sweden; Serbia; Turkey; Ukraine; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Canada; Mexico; United States of America (USA); Egypt; South Africa, Republic; Jordan; China, People's Republic of; India; Indonesia; Japan; Vietnam; Australia; New Zealand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Ukraine; Serbia; Colombia; Algeria; Tunisia; Kenya; Senegal; Israel; Singapore; Malaysia; Vietnam; Thailand
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany (BMBF) links information on countries and multilateral organisations on this site, with a focus on education and research from an international perspective. Available only in German.

The glossary explains English language terms and acronyms from the field of learning disability and ADHS.

international; Australia; Canada; England; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Netherlands; New Zealand; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Singapore; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; South Africa, Republic; United States of America (USA); Wales; United Kingdom
INCA (1996-2013) provided descriptions of government policy on education in Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and Wales. It focuses on curriculum, assessment and initial teacher training frameworks for pre-school, primary, [...]

This is a report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the situation of women in Japan, including some details concerning education. In particular the articles 10 and 11 are offering information on the situation of women in the educational system.

The "Center for US-Japan Comparative Social Studies" is an internet- based non-profit organisation founded in 2000. It aims to provide the general public with information about education, society and culture in Japan in English and about education, society and culture in the United States in Japanese. The book "Japanese Education in the 21st Century" offers detailed [...]

The "Japan Handbuch" offers a extensive introduction to Japan. All fields, from applied geography to culture, are covered. The first 109 pages are assigned to the field of education.

This website's mission is to help parents and educators who are seeking to provide their children with the best possible education while living in Japan. It offers detailed information on the school system, common leisure time activities, home schooling, international schools, etc..

This site gives a historical survey of Laotian education from the early period of temple schools up to the contemporary general education system. Information is given especially on the National University of Laos (NUOL) regarding its development and faculties.

Turks and Caicos Islands
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education of the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory.

This is the official site of the Ministry of Education. It provides general information about the education system and the strategic priorities of the government.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
This is the official site of the ministry of education, it provides information about the education system and educational institutions.

Netherlands is a website for pupils, parents, teachers and careers advisers from Germany who are interested in studying in the Netherlands. There are field reports on video, online-seminars and a complete list of bachelor study programmes in the Netherlands.

Montserrat; Caribbean; United Kingdom
This is the official site of the department of education, it provides information about the educational system, and the curriculum.

Bermuda; United Kingdom
This text provides an overview of the public and private education system, early childhood education in Bermuda and the possibilities to study abroad.

Aruba; Netherlands Antilles; Netherlands
This site offers a short overview of the education system in Aruba.

Equatorial Guinea
The site presents the targets of the five-year-programme to improve the education system in Equatorial Guinea.

Guam; United States of America (USA)
Official and up to date website of the Department of Education on the island of Guam (Insular Areas of the United States). The U.S. Department of Education provides a different link for Guam on its website, but this link is outdated. This site offers information about the public education system in Guam, especially about education policy, the curriculum, statistics and [...]

This is the official site of the Afghan ministry of education. It provides information about the reconstruction of the education system. Most parts of the site are under construction.

Cook Islands
This is the official site of the Cook-Islands ministry of education. It provides information about the education system and provides numerous full text.

This site presents a five-year strategic benchmark to rise the level of education in Afghanistan. It comprises the following programmes: 1. primary and secondary education, 2. higher education, 3. skills development and 4. culture, media, and sport.

Guam; United States of America (USA)
This site provides information about the education system and education possibilities in Guam.

This site offers you an overview of the educational system of the Cayman Islands and its facilities.

This site offers information about the educational system of the Comoros.

This site is managed by the General Administration of education and scientific research of the Federation Wallonia Brussels of Belgium. It presents information for students and parents but also for professionals in the educational sector, esp. teachers. It offers news and official information about the education system, about events, school and academic registers and contact [...]

The site provides information on study opportunities in Flanders, Belgium: It answers questions about Flanders, living in Flanders, the education system of Flanders and funding opportunities. The database can be searched for study programmes or for Flemish higher education institutions. Besides, the brochure "Study in Flanders" is available for download.

United Kingdom
GetTheRightSchool was formed to offer a unique reference point on getting your child into the school of your choice. The website offers features and articles on various aspects of the British school system written by professional journalists and experts. Its objective is to provide parents with help and advice on how to obtain a place at the school of their choice.

The website offers an overview of Myanmar's history of education from the 19th century to the present day. Special emphasis is laid on the historical development of the higher education system and the raise of standards in general education. In recent years a system of open education has been established and regional human resource development centres have been set up.

The 2007 edition investigates the effects of expanding tertiary education on labour markets. Graduation rates from higher education have grown significantly in OECD countries in recent decades, but has the increasing supply of well-educated workers been matched by the creation of high-paying jobs? Or will everyone with a university degree some day work for the minimum wage? [...]

The portal by the Ministry of Education provides information about studies taught in English. This site contiains useful information about: the Finnish Education System; Studies offered in English; Finnish and Swedish studies. Further more it offers a link directory on education, living and working in Finland.

South Africa, Republic
This site from the South African Consulate General in New York represents in detail South Africa's education structures, education policy, language policy, the National Qualifications Framework, Curriculum 2005, education of learners with special needs, present education system, library and information services sectors.

Information from the Ministry of Education on private schools and on the relevant legislation. Links to private schools in Denmark. Link to the factsheet: Private schools in Danmark.

The Danish Adult Education Association is an organisation which promotes nonformal adult education through collaboration, information and development. DAEA represents 32 member organisations. Adult education in Denmark consists of a broad variety of programmes and institutions, both in the formal and in informal sector. Most of them are partly financed by the state or the [...]

Informantion on special needs education in the Danish primary and lower secondary school. A short English description is available here.

Introduction to the Danish adult vocational training programmes.

Information in Danish on university courses in pedagogy and education science.

In the category "Education in Denmark", a brief overview of the Danish education system as well as a more detailled version, an explanation of Danish degrees as well as a listing of Danish higher education institutes can be read both in Danish and in English.

The Study in Denmark pages will assist you if you are a student wanting to study in Denmark. If your family is moving to Denmark to work and one or more of you would like to study. If you are looking for further education opportunities in Denmark. If you are interested in learning Danish and learning about Danish culture.

Whoever is interested in studying in Belgium gets advice as well as useful information on this web site, for example about the Belgian higher education system in general, university courses, application and funding. Furthermore the site provides an overview of seminars to studying in Belgium, which are organized by EDU-CON.

This portal offers incoming researchers and scientists general and practical information about working and living in Belgium including useful links to legal and administrative fields, cultural information, information about the national mobility centres, the national research landscape, job vacancies, research fellowships and grants.

United Kingdom; Wales
The Care Council for Wales was established in October 2001 to promote high standards of conduct and practice among social care workers and high standards in their training. The aim is to ensure that children and adults who are receiving social care services (e.g. child day care) in Wales can rely on a workforce that is properly trained, appropriately qualified and effectively [...]

The education system of Thailand is described briefly according to its history, organizational structure, features of primary curriculum, and the plans of the Thai government concerning educational programmes.

This site gives a detailed overview of education in Thailand according to the following regards: education in Thai history; administrative structure; formal education; non-formal education; special and welfare education; vocational schools and specialized institutes; higher education; international programmes in education; outlook for Thailand in the Seventh National Economic [...]

United States of America (USA)
In September 2006, Secretary Spellings announced her action plan to make higher education in the U.S. more accessible, affordable, and accountable. This site offers access to the announcement of Action Plan (September 26, 2006), fact-sheets and speeches, and to the commission on the future of higher education and its final report " A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of [...]

United States of America (USA)
President Bush's 2006 education agenda, the American Competitiveness Initiative, aims to strengthen innovation and education in the U.S. by improving math and science education, foreign language studies, and high schools. The site features an overview on statements and speeches and presents involved programs and initiatives.

United States of America (USA)
The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) was established in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences to provide educators, policymakers, and the public with a central and trusted source of scientific evidence of what works in education. The WWC is administered by the Department, through a contract to a joint venture of the American Institute for [...]

This site belongs to the Mahidol University's Web Server. It gives a survey of Tai education history and it contains information about modern education and high education in nowadays Thailand.

The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) provides information and referral services to individuals and organizations on the recognition of academic and occupational credentials for working and studying in Canada and abroad. The website features information on studying and working in Canada as well as abroad, on the recognition of foreign [...]

With this detailed article the Armenian embassy in the USA provides information about history, structure and funding of the Armenian education system. Further issues like special education, collecting statistics or the introduction of an education information system are discussed, too.

The Website of the Ministry of Education of Bhutan provides information about the ministry itself as well as a General Education Curriculum, information about the education structure and the number of schools.

"Bhutan Portal" is the official website of Bhutan's government. The section "Education, Learning And Employment" provides an overview of Bhutans school system. Different types and levels of school education are described. In addition, some information about vocational education and training and higher education is given.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

China, People's Republic of
The presentation in form of theses, facts and educational statistics is based on a lecture given by the lecturer in June 2005 in Bonn ( Germany). It deals above all with current developments in Chinese educational policies, in particular the introduction of the nine year compulsory school, the retreat of the state from educational financing and new political approaches in [...]

The bilingual homepage offers apart from a graphical and descriptive presentation of the Austrian educational system links to school forms and types, qualifications, certificates and diplomas. Besides a glossary of educational terms is available.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Vietnam. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Timor-Leste. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. Based on a Five Year Plan (2002-2007) fundamental aims and tasks of an educational reform are explained in the text.

Russian Federation
The famous State Moscow Lomonosov University provides on this page a full text about the Russian education system subdivided into the following sections: Compulsory Basic Education, Higher Education, Entry requirements for Russia's universities, Training of Teachers in Russia.

United Kingdom; Gibraltar
Under the Constitution, the Minister for Education is responsible for education in Gibraltar. The Department of Education and Training, under the control of the Director of Education and Training, is responsible for the management of education, training and matters relating to youth and culture in Gibraltar. The website gives an overview of the education system in Gibraltar.

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Kosovo; Croatia; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Sweden; Switzerland; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Czechia; Turkey; Ukraine; Hungary; Vatican City; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of
Currently country informations for applicants to study abroad in a European country are only available in German. In order to get this service you have to choose a specific country. At the country page you will find the address of the regional bureau of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), cultural and educational information, a link list as well as information about [...]

Website of the Ministry of Education in India, available in several languages.

This web site is a valuable information tool for students wishing to attend higher education (H.Ed.) programmes in Italy, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. It provides the following information: types of H.Ed. institutions (university and non-university sector), admission procedures, study programmes, university degrees, non-university H.Ed. qualifications [...]

This brief country profile of Italy is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and to assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

The web site portrays the Girls' Education campaign the Ministry of Education and UNICEF launched in June 2003 in order to augment the number of girls enrolled in primary schools in the Eastern provinces of Turkey. The site lists figures proving a gap between boys ' and girls' enrolment in primary schools, and barriers to girl education,. It also describes the campaign [...]

On this website, the portal "academics-India" provides links to texts on Supreme Court rulings concerning (higher) education, e.g. ruling on the funding of private higher education institutions, and quotes for muslim students.

United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1985 the Council's mission is to emphasize the importance and increase the recognition of professionals who care for children from birth through five years in childcare centers, family child care homes, and as home visitors. Access to information on several programmes, workshops and seminars for educators and to a national directory of Early Childhood Teacher [...]

United States of America (USA)
The two primary, repeating early childhood surveys are the School Readiness (SR-NHES) and Early Childhood Program Participation ( ECPP-NHES or ECE-NHES) surveys. On this site the NCES informs on the two surveys as part of the National Household Education Surveys Program.

The National Education Directory of Australia (NEDA) is Australia's largest education portal. It allows to search for schools, universities, Tafe, colleges, and further educational institutions across Australia. Apart from education providers, the directory includes providers of student exchanges, student accomodation and recreational courses.

"The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) lists all providers registered to offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered."

Austega's Gifted Resource Centre is designed for parents and teachers of gifted children and provides information and links on this topic in general as well as on alternative schooling options and Australian organisations for gifted children.

"The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) mission is to assist Christian schools in Australia and advocate and protect their interests at the national level." The website informs about the association, its activities, member schools and publications and offers links to related websites and other national organisations concerned with school-level education.

"Christian Schools Australia (CSA) supports, enhances and further develops the work of member schools and the wider sector." To non- members, its website offers information on the association, job positions and a list of member schools.

United States of America (USA)
NBCDI sponsors educational programs to assist in the development of children. ln many regions of the country, the NBCDI is represented by affiliate chapters that provide direct services at the community level. Focus is to improve child welfare services, make universal early care and education a reality, build family support services, press for educational reform and provide [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Child Care Bureau is dedicated to enhancing the quality, affordability, and availability of child care for all families. It administers federal funds to states, territories, and strives to assist low-income families in accessing quality child care for children when the parents work or participate in education or training. The website features statistical reports, provider [...]

On the website of the education authority of Liechtenstein the school statistics are available for download as full texts.

The UNICE web site on education in India summarises the present state of primary education in India. After a rise in girl's literacy from 1991 to 2001, a high level of illiteracy persists due to social and regioinal obstacles to the "education for all" pollicy. The page also provides links to current UNICEF education actions in India, and to case studies.

The UNICEF web site provides information on girls' education in India, and portrays the living circumstances of a girl in an impoverished region. Numerous links lead to information concerning the access to education for girls, also in other countries such as Somalia and Niger. Moreover, the web site offers links to UNICEF programmes related to the improvement of girl [...]

The NDP is an investment plan for Ireland, which involves an investment of public, private and EU funds over the period 2000-2006. The Plan involves significant investment in health services, social housing, education, roads, public transport, rural development, industry, water and waste services, childcare and local development. This website provides information on the NDP, [...]

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Belgium. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]

China, People's Republic of
Milestones of the development of education in China are characterized in brief. In this context issues like eradication of illiteracy, implementation of compulsory primary education and reform of higher education in the country are taken up.

The National Education Policy for India is grounded in a paper dated 1968, which has since been amended several times.

Pratham is one of the largest privately funded networks promoting the elementary education of children, particularly in slum areas of large cities. It was awarded the World Bank Global Development Prize.

UNDP in Albania works to reach the Millennium Development Goals, supports European Union integration, and responds to other national priorities through the Human Development Approach. The website features a broad range of information, a virtual library, country reports, projects, a newsletter ... .

United Kingdom
TCRU is a multidisciplinary research unit within the Institute of Education at the University of London. The Unit was founded in 1973 by Professor Jack Tizard and focusses on four streams of research: 1) Health and well-being of children, young people, and families; 2) Research on parenting and family support; 3.) Studies of children's services and environments; 4.) Studies [...]

The website is part of the TEPA (The Education Project Asia) project, which maintains a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It shows a map of Japan with access to schools by region. Alternatively, the school sites can be selected from a list of text links. Further links on the site lead to general information on Japan.

The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web directory of international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a map of Laos with links of international schools, alternatively their sites can be accessed via a list of text links. Further links lead to general information sources on the country.

The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web directory of international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a geographical map of Malaysia with links to international schools, which can be alternatively accessed by a text list of links. More links lead to general information on Malaysia.

The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which maintains a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It allows for an access to international schools by a geographical map or a text link list. Further links provide general information on the Philippines.

The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It offers access to schools via a geographical map or an alternative text link. Moreover, it provides links to general information on Singapore.

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which maintains a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It offers access to schools via a geographical map or an alternative text link. Moreover, it provides links to general information on South Korea.

Brunei Darussalam
The site is part of the TEPA project on international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a map of Brunei with the option of searching schools by location, it is also possible to view a text link list of these schools. Additionally, the site provides link lists organised by topics such as geographics, government, and economic situation of Brunei. Further ressources related to [...]

The site shows a map of Myanmar with the option to select schools by location, it is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) on international schools in Southeast Asia. Additionally, it is possible to view link lists on geographical, political and business information on Myanmar.

The web site belongs to the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) that provides a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It shows a map of Cambodia with the option to search schools by their location, it also provides a text link access to the schools and links to general information on the country ( geography, politics, business).

China, People's Republic of
The site is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) that operates a web directory of international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a map of the country with links to schools, which can be alternatively accessed by a text list. Moreover, links to general information on China are available,

Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The site belongs to the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web catalogue of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It shows a map of Hong Kong where international schools can be located and their links can be activated - alternatively, they are accessible via a text list. Moreovere, it lists other Hong Kong related sources on the web.

Asia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Afghanistan; Papua New Guinea; Maldives; India; China, People's Republic of; Malaysia; Thailand; Indonesia; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Mongolia; Myanmar; Iran; Sri Lanka; Cambodia; Laos; Vietnam; Pacific Rim
The site introduces the subject by listing the per centage of literacy in around twenty countries in the Asian-Pacific region. Each country can be accessed individually, moreover, it is possible to search publications, material on the literacy programme and the "Education for All" project of the UNESCO.

United Kingdom
This web site is part of the National Foundation for Education Research surveys and summarises the results of the 2004 annual survey of primary education. Head teachers were questioned on trends in education, focussing on aspects of school administration and budgeting. For the first time, curriculum issues were addressed in the survey. The head teachers expressed their wish [...]

the The Austrian analogue to the German Federal Agency for Employment is the "Labour market service" (AMS) and the "Vocational information system", a service company under public law outsourced 1994 from the Ministry of economics. In the AMS Vocational information system there are, divided into 24 vocational fields, ca. 600 descriptions of occupations, links from these [...]

"At a glance: Eritrea" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: India" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Iran" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Jamaica" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Kuwait" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Ecuador" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Ghana" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Guatemala" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Kenya" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Argentina" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Australia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data on primary school attendance , adult literacy and topics other [...]

"At a glance: Brazil" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Bolivia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Chile" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Colombia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

The online full text "Bildungswegweiser Österreich" (education map Austria), authored by "Schulpsychologie-Bildungsberatung" (school psychology-educational guidance), offers a comprehensive and detailed survey of the Austrian educational system und additionally contains descriptions of diverse educational institutions' characteristics and curricula. By way of introduction it [...]

The website about paths of education in Austria, provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs, begins with a schematic overview of the different, partly vocational school forms and of possible transitions between types of schools or educational attainments respectively. In the following text the particular types of school from the primary sector to [...]

The UNICEF country profiles provide a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Cuba" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Armenia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Azerbaijan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina
"At a glance: Bosnia and Herzegovina" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance [...]

"At a glance: Bulgaria" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Croatia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Cape Verde
"At a glance: Cape Verde" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Georgia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Kazakhstan " provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea)
"At a glance: Democratic Republic of Korea" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund ( UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school [...]

"At a glance: Kyrgyzstan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Latvia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.

"At a glance: Lithuania" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Moldova, Republic of
"At a glance: Moldova" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Mongolia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Djibouti" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Romania" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

Russian Federation
"At a glance: Russian Federation" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and [...]

"At a glance: Serbia and Montenegro" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and [...]

"At a glance: Mozambique" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Tajikistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

North Macedonia
"At a glance: Macedonia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Turkmenistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Ukraine" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Uzbekistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

"At a glance: Ethiopia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]

The council of universities for applied sciences (FHR) is an authority responsible for quality assurance in the Austrian university of applied sciences-sector (UAS-sector). The main tasks of the FHR are the accreditation and evaluation of courses of study. Under the heading ' quality assurance UAS-sector' ('Qualitätssicherung FH-Sektor') this site report on evaluation [...]

The Bonn liaison office of the JSPS was the first to be founded in Europe in 1992. Its objective is to offer advice to scientists and graduates who intend to perform research in Japan. It offers information on fellowships, research projects, contact adresses, and recent developments. The links "forschen in Japan" and "Links" lead to more facts concerning residence in Japan [...]

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) provides statistical data related to children and youth in the respective countries. The statistical data refer to education, early childhood, child health or child protection, among others.

The study compass offers information about studies at Austrian scientific universities, academies and universities for applied sciences. The website is divided into faculties and subjects and informs about study options at the different universities. Regarding the subjects as such information is given on the content of studies, structure and duration, the qualification [...]

This site, provided by the ministry of education, offers information and links to the education system in Austria. It is divided into the following topical fields: schools, universtities and other tertiary educational institutions, career start and further education after finishing one´s degree, vocations, adult education, institutions and law, studying abroad. The site ends [...]

This website offers information on the daily school routine in the Czech Republic and provides numerous links with relevance to education. The text includes critical issues of teaching and the current situation of teachers. It serves all those, who are interested in the exchange of students.

This full text offers a historical retrospective and an up-to-date overview on the development of education in Armenia. In particular it describes the reform process with significant decisions with regard to decentalization, language of teaching and structure of the education system. In this context also core problems and deficits in the Armenian school sector are raised.

This full text, comprising six pages (A4-format), offers basic information on the following aspects: main issues in basic education, democratization of the education system, strategies for improving access and providing funds, strategies for assuring the quality of education.

Europe; Austria
"Kulturkontakt Austria" is in own words one of the biggest Centres of Competency for cultural education, mediation of culture in schools and beyond, and for educational and cultural cooperation in Middle, East, and Southeast Europe. The site contains among others: education management and quality assurance, new methods of teaching and learning, projects of art and culture in [...]

international; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Colombia; Comoros; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Laos; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Mexico; Micronesia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Mongolia; Morocco; Mozambique; Montenegro; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Palestinian Territories; Oman; Pakistan; Palau; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierre Leone; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Suriname; Eswatini; Eswatini; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe
This page provides a country list with fact sheets on the Human Development Index (HDI). The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are enriched by statistical comparable data on life expectancy, school enrolment, literacy, illiteracy rate, income and promotion of women and thereby allows a [...]

international; Europe
This information on the vocational education systems and the belonging politics, research and praxis of the EU member countries plus Iceland and Norway are provided by ETV ( European Training Village) and CEDEFOP (reference centre in topics of vocational education). Information is available in German, English and the languages of the EU member countries. A thematic overview on [...]

This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of France. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.

This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Denmark. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.

This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Norway. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.

This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Spain. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.

This full text provides information on school political developments in Austria after 1926 and the structure of the national school system. A historical time table (1947-1988) offers an overview on school political decisions. Furthermore, the text presents the structure of the national education of Austria.

England; United Kingdom
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of England. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.

This website offers comprehensive information on the education system of the country and is structured as follows: 1. Introducation, 2. Schools ( Kindergarten, Elementary School, Apprenticeship, Secondary School, University, Fachhochschule), 3. Graphical chart of the education system, 4. Education on the Internet. Links within the full texts also lead to the Cantons.

The IAU is an international association of universities from all over the world. It aims at establishing sustainable high quality university education. The home page lists the association policy, references and publications as well as a link leading to online databases. The following data bases are available: Education Systems (search by country), Higher Education and List of [...]

The organisation was founded in 1985 with the aim of offering high quality higher education to a broad spectre of people particularly in remote areas. It has meanwhile established a comprehensive network of programmes and sub-divisions all over the country. The homepage provides numerous links relating to the Ministry of Human Resources, the Distance Education Council, [...]

Russian Federation
This case study, comprising 20 pages, analyzes reform processes in the field of technical and vocational education between 1985 and 1994. It contains the following sections: Interdependence between vocational education and labour market; Reform of vocational education; The State standard as the basis for a new model of vocational education; Vocational education as a means of [...]

This full text contains the following sections on education: general education, technical and vocational training; higher education and distance education. In his prelimary remarks the author, who worked as a government advisor in Mongolia from 1998 to 2001, analyses the transformation process in this country which has been executed since 1989/1990.

The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Historical background; 2. The process and impact of institutional reform; 3. The ingredients of institutional transformation; 4. Economic, political and education sector transformation; 5. unfinished business.

South Africa, Republic
The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Transforming South African Higher Education, 1990-2003: Goals, Policy Initiatives and Critical Challenges and Issues; 2. Equity and Development in Post-Apartheid South African Higher Education; 3. Strategic Co-operation Scenarios for Post-School Education in the Eastern Cape; 4. Assessing the Eastern Cape Study.

This speech of 2001 is an outline of the educational reform process in Indonesia. It is subdivided into the following sections: 1. Historical background on Indonesian education reform; 2. Contexts of Education Reform; 3. Laws and Policies of the National Education System; 4. Formation of the Committee on Education Reform; 5. Review and Consultation Process; 6. The Strategy of [...]

The case study concentrates particularly on Makerere University and contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Problems of Makerere University in the context of political climate (1970-1990); 4. Change and recovery through institutional reform; 5. Challenges and unfinished business: 6. Recommendations; 7. Conclusion.

Caribbean; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; British Virgin Islands; Anguilla; Montserrat; Cayman Islands; Turks and Caicos Islands; Dominica; Grenada; Jamaica; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Trinidad and Tobago; United Kingdom
The website offers short introductory texts on the education systems of the Caribbean Islands.

The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Students: access and equity; 4. Teaching Staff; 5. Relevance, quality and quantity; 6. ICT policies and use; 7. Finance and governance; 8. Conclusions and recommendations.

Choike is a portal on Southern civil societies that provides full length reports, an NGO directory, news, and links to international campaigns such as the UNESCO Literacy Decade (2003-2012). It covers aspects concerning society, communication, globalization and environment. The section on education can be searched for literacy campaigns and target groups as well as NGOs and [...]

NIME is an autonomous body concerned with higher education in multimedia environments. It provides a search engine in order to find offers for multimedia and online learning.

United Kingdom
The RNIB is the national state organisation for the blind. The web site "Education and Learning" states its objectives concerning the support of vision impaired people in education at home, school, and in the community and increasing the number of students in higher education. It provides information for special interest groups (teachers, students, pupils and parents). [...]

The project "Child Research Net" defines itself as a non profit organisation concerned with educational aspects in Japan. Its addressees are teachers, researchers, and young academics. It provides links to online publications on education related topics, an archive that can be searched for specific topics, a mailing list and a link list as well as a forum for discussion. The [...]

The web site is provided by the exchange programme of the Tokyo Institute of Technology and presents links to all the information associated with the exchange programme YSEP. Students from associated universities can find links to essential information, research topics, professors, life in Japan, application forms and a list of recent participants with their native countries [...]

The site introduces the JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization), an autonomous institution officially authorised to prepare students for the access requirements to Japanese universities, in particular language courses and basic skills (sciences, culture). It also offers grants and scholarships, and further links lead to information concerning courses and student life on [...]

This website provides an overview of the development of the Japanese education system. Further links lead to a historical outline, schools and curricula (with statistical data), and a site describing the challenge of educational reform in terms of individualisation and internationalisation.

The Ministry for Tribal Affairs was constituted in order to improve the social and economic situation of the impoverished tribes living in rural areas. Its particular objective concerns educational measures such as hostels for scholars, literacy schemes in low literacy districts educational and vocational training schemes and a book bank. The web site contains links to related [...]

The website of the UNESCO New Delhi section presents an overview of the mid-term project "Education For All" (EFA, duration 2002-2007), which aims at establishing education as a basic human right. It describes the main objectives in innovation, diversification and quality maintenance, further links lead to other UNESCO activities, the library and publications.

ILP is a non-profit organisation founded by Indians resident in the USA. It takes a holistic approach towards education by promoting basic reading skills, offering vocational training, teacher training courses, and securing school buildings. The organisation works with volunteers, it depends on donations from private persons and companies and cooperates with UNICEF. The home [...]

The website is designed by the Japanese Council in Germany, it offers information about the major non commercial academic exchange programmes between the two countries (JET, DAAD, competitions, stipends). A vast collection of links to further exchange sites can be downloaded from this page.

NAAC is an autonomous body affiliated to the University Grants Council. It is concerned with the assessment and accreditation of financial support to higher education institutions such as grants, stipends and project financing. The home page outlines its primeval goal of developing quality criteria for higher education by evaluation and self assessment. The page provides links [...]

With this short text the government of Belize informs about school education, higher education and vocational training in Belize.

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the school system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the Turkish education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). The organization and levels/areas of the Latvian education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

The National Council on Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) in Argentina was founded in 1958. The web site provides information about the organizational structure, administrative bodies, statutes, activities and programs, documents and other publications of the council and a link list of the member universities and institutes. According to its website, both the [...]

The institute of science of education (ISE) in Paraguay is an educational institution for teacher training and further education. The website gives an overview of political reform programs and objectives in the field of primary and secondary education and teacher training. It offers information on topics as bilingual intercultural education, the use of new information and [...]

Chile; Latin America
PRIE is a regional project of the Chilean Government in cooperation with Latin American governments and international organisations. Its objective is to develop comparable indicators for education quality and statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean. The homepage provides an overview about the school systems in different countries taking in to account geographic, [...]

This website is provided by English speaking parents residing in Japan. It aims at collecting all information about raising and educating children in Japan parents who are new to the country may need. Numerous links lead to babysitting, nursery institutions and schools. There is a focus on the education of children with special needs. This particular section of the site lists [...]

This web site of the Education Ministry provides answers to all questions of higher education, from higher education law, study courses, admission, research to evaluation and quality control.

This text provides answers to all questions concerning vocational education in Spain.

This wetsite is part of the homepage "Portal des Fürstentums Liechtenstein". The website offers links to full texts about the following topics: Overview of the education system, general education, vocational education and training, vocational and academic guidance, scholarships, research.

JET (Japanese Exchange and Teaching Programme) is an organisation founded by national ministries (Education, Foreign, Economy) and local bodies. Its major goal is to interest foreign academics in spending a year in Japan, e.g. as exchange teachers at Japanese schools. The programmes and requirements are described.

international; Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; North Macedonia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxemburg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Moldova, Republic of; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Europe
The European gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications offers national profiles according to the following structure: National Information Centres, National education bodies, System of education, University education, Quality assurance, Post-secondary non-university education, Recognized higher education institutions, Policies and procedures for the [...]

This website provides a list of websites dedicated to Higher Education in Japan, each link is succinctly described by formal aspects and content. The links lead to information on private universities, specific subjects, and entry requirements for students.

The website offers a survey of academic journals dealing with aspects of Asian education systems and policies. The journals are portrayed with respect to their mode of appearance and focus.

"The JGuide: Stanford Guide to Japan Information Resources is a topically arranged directory of online information resources in and about Japan, with focus on resources about Japan in the English language. The JGuide is an ongoing project of the US-Asia Technology Management Center (USATMC), School of Engineering, Stanford University. The J Guide project was initiated with [...]

The website of the French Ministry of National Education provides an overview of the activities and educational constituents of the Ministry, information about the educational system including educational reports and statistics, information on educational policy and development (including official documents etc) and information for teachers (training, jobs etc). There used to [...]

This website provides access to precise information on the French higher education system, study courses, preparation of a study sojourn for foreign applicants, opportunities of financing studies, promotion and advice, practical information and useful links.

This website provides information on the German speaking education system in South Tyrolia as follows: 1. School administration, educational research and teacher education and further education of teachers (Schulamt, Pädagogisches Institut), 2. educational institutions as Kindergartens, schools and schools of vocational education and training, 3.teacher associations and [...]

The English version of the web site of the Lithuanian Ministry of Education provides an overview of the educational system, educational legislation, vocational training, higher and adult education, a link list of texts on educational reform (pdf and doc-files), statistical data (mainly enrollment) and general information about the country and its history. [ The version in [...]

The web site provides an overview of mission, policy and organizational structure of the Ministry and adjunct administrative bodies. Additional pages cover educational institutions in school, higher, vocational and adult education, loans applications, testing and evaluation, curriculum and learning resources.

Latin America
This portal for university graduates provides access to various information which could be important for these persons: link lists of institutions, departments and institutes, lists of libraries and research institutions, advice for internet facilities and international contacts etc.

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Cambodia is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

Sri Lanka
The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Sri Lanka is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

This web site wants to meet the need for a comprehensive, free, and impartial source of information online for students from other countries planning to study in Spain and of Spaniards wishing to study abroad - so this primary source of information on line in students' search for international study opportunities was created. Additionally, the following services are provided: [...]

The web site of the "Education Ministry" of the province of Cantabria is divided into three parts: "Educación" provides general information about the school, higher and professional education sectors of the Cantabrian educational system; "Juventud" offers information for young people, e.g. a contest of youth fashion and the part of the Consejo Escolar describes the tasks and [...]

international; China, People's Republic of; Greece; Japan; Turkey; United States of America (USA)
The International Youth Exchange and Visitors´ Service in the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) e.V. offers an online manual for experts in the field of international youth work. The category ´Länderinfos´ (country information) provides structured dossiers on youth work and youth politics for several countries. The dossiers are subdivided as follows: 1. General country [...]

Cyprus, Republic of
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Schools of the Air provide educational services to families in remote areas in Australia. This is a list of other Schools of the Air within Australia. The majority of them has Internet access. The SOA in Alice Springs is being considered here as a special case based on its outstanding and innovative role in Central Australia. In order to see where the Schools are located the [...]

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
This web site provides a complex and detailed overview of development and current isues of education in Puerto Rico and the various offers of educational programs at many levels and in many educational fields. The homepage has the following main areas (buttons): mission and tasks of the Ministry (asuntos); organizational structure and responsibilities within the Ministry, [...]

Bermuda; United Kingdom
The web site provides directories of the Ministry's personnel and of other educational persons, a school directory, a school calendar für the current year and announcements of the Ministry.

Currently, this web site provides a text about the history of education in Haiti and two links of contacts to the tertiary institutions.

The text provides an overview of the development and current status of the education systems of the Caribbean states and territories; some institutions, mainly universities and colleges are named.

The Education Department of Monaco is a part of the Home Office. The hompage provides access to information texts about the tasks of the department (via button "informations générales"), about public and private schools ("les établissements"), about youth and youth policy ("la jeunesse") and about physical education and sports.

This brief country profile of Malta is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This new portal intends to provide information about all issues of higher education in Senegal. Navigation points exist for the themes: education system, educational policy and programmes, educational administration, texts and reports, discussion list ("échange"), news from school life. Additionally the homepage offers links to a databank of educational institutions from [...]

Saudi Arabia
This overview on the Saudi Arabian education system (not vocational education) provides short information on the education system as a whole (administration and finance, size, structure, private and public education, academic year, teacher education) and on its parts as there are primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and higher education. Each chapter comprises data on age [...]

This website contains the information about MOE, structure of education, education system, education administration and management, and educational statistics of Bangladesh. This website also contains the information of the education sector development Program of Bangladesh. The various administrative bodies, the directorates for secondary and higher and for technical [...]

A short text about the education system in the Bahamas with personal remarks of the author on possible improvements.

The Deputy Ministry for Science and Technology (VCyT) is subordinate to the ministry of education of Bolivia. It is responsible for the planification and the support of research, development and innovation activities of the country. The web site provides descriptions of the three departments of the Ministry: general university education, technical and technological education [...]

This web site provides vast information about all issues of policy, reforms and programmes concerning pre-school education in Chile, about curriculum development and publications

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The web site provides information about a program for the amelioration of the secondary education sector, about technical vocational education and about the Project Montegrande with 51 liceos (secondary schools) participating in innovative initiatives.

The Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) is a non- governmental, non-profit society established in Beirut in 1995. Its thirty eight members (as of March 2003) are university members and/ or education experts from various fields: education, math education, language education, social studies education, curriculum, sociology of education, economy of education, [...]

Saint Lucia
Beside the self-description of the Ministry (organizational structure) the web site provides information about the school field (school system, examinations, admission and transfer, curriculum, teacher information) and human resource development (training opportunities, career guidance); additionally there are: statistical data, scholarship information, policy documents, i.e. [...]

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about all issues of higher education. Particular features are: higher education statistics (see "SIES") and a searchable data base of all tertiary institutions ( see "directorio de instituciones").

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about basic education in Chile. Beside the general overview there are separate sites about rural basic education, intercultural and bilingual education and special needs education. Via the box at the right margin one can access new educational programs, curricula and other innovations; the link PME provides a [...]

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about adult education in Chile, mainly about the various programmes for completion of basic and middle education (where you can learn what?), the lifelong education programme "Chilecalifica" and literacy programmes.

The Latvian National Observatory is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Latvia by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This website [...]

The Slovak National Observatory is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Slovakia by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This website [...]

The Polish National Observatory is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Poland by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This website [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The website of the ministry offers a detailed description of the education system in South Korea, gives information about education policy and educational programmes in the school and higher education sectors and provides education statistics and statistics on science and technology.

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The British Council Northern Ireland promotes education, the arts, governance and society of Northern Ireland internationally and provides advice and help for international students.

Wales; United Kingdom
"The work of the British Council in Wales concentrates on the arts from Wales, the promotion of education in Wales, the international promotion of Wales, its language and culture and on providing support to international students who live and study in Wales through British government and other scholarship and training awards."

Unfortunately, the web site of this "School Council" doesn't provide any description of its tasks. The links on the homepage give access to texts about the organizational structure of the Council and its legal bases (which obviously define the Council's participation in the formulation of education policy in the country). The link "informes" provides annual reports of the [...]

This site provides a comprehensive overview of the Swiss education system. For all levels texts are offered which describe the types of institutions, their development, statistical data, contents of learning, requirements, further education, and additionally information about federal / regional / local competencies in education policy and about educational expenditures. [...]

This website provides links covering the core tasks of the Centre: a search engine for websites of Spanish schools ( searchable via a map) , a list of curricular materials which are certified each year by the Ministry, the online Journal "Red Digital" covering the theme "information and communication technology in education", the international co-operation of Spain in this [...]

This web site offers an introductory text about the two educational levels, including a timetable, and a link to search engines which enable searches for preschool and primary institutions in each province.

This web site provides an extensive information text about the final examination of the secondary school, e.g. the various forms and grades of the examination (professional, technical etc.), the curriculum contents, the execution and legal prescriptions. Via a search engine one can search individual secondary schools.

This is the initial page for information about the Spanish education system with a graphical representation of the system and links to its sub-systems.

This web site provides an introductory information text about the secondary education system and its structure and curricular contents, a list of all legislative documents concerning secondary education and a link to a search engine with which individual schools can be searched.

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

Cyprus, Republic of
Information and links to five areas of the education system of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ( T R NC): pre-school education, primary education and secondary education, higher education, and informal education. Link to TRNC Ministry of National Education and Culture. Further information on the country and interactive communication is offered over the navigation on [...]

This report is a stocktaking research on policies for education for democratic citizenship in Southeast Europe. It examines a wide spectrum of the actions taken and changes happening in the country in the field of building democratic capabilities.

This website of the French Ministry of Education offers a brief overview of key figures on education (quantity of pupils, teachers, certificates, institutions, and finances). You will furthermore find links to the following publications: "Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche" und "L'éducation nationale en chiffres". [...]

This web site provides comprehensive information about the network of French university libraries, their activities, organization and services. For example, there are links to texts about user education, dissemination of doctoral theses, cataloguing and digitalization, documentation systems, publications and data bases and information for the library professionals.

Switzerland; Liechtenstein
The Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (centre for teaching materials of the Swiss cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein) develops teaching and learning aids and provides the basic supply of teaching material for schools in the German-speaking and multilingual cantons and Liechtenstein. The products are conform to the new curricula and developed in close cooperation [...]

This website presents information about funding of research of non- university institutions in Switzerland: the procedure of approval of applications, the criteria for assessment of applications, legal prescriptions. There is also a link list with currently funded research and service institutions.

The program "Virtual Campus Switzerland" has the goal to make new communication technologies usable for the higher education system. To this purpose, the program promotes projects which develop high quality electronic dicactic materials. The web site describes the financinbg of the program and offers a direct link to Swiss Virtual Campus (

This page provides a graphic and informative overview of the Swiss education system.

The ZEM organizes didactical and educational-methodical training courses for teachers at schools of upper secondary level. In the range of quality development it provides training for school leaders and persons who are responsible for quality and advises schools in matters of quality development. The website provides an overview of the various training courses.

Article 64 of the Swiss Constitution obliges the Confederation to promote scientific research. In carrying out this task the Confederation supports free basic research by financing the Swiss National Science Foundation and scientific academies as so-called National institutions promoting science. The website provids information baout the vraious conditions, regulations and [...]

The federal law on research designates the Swiss National Science Foundation and the four academies of sciences as institutions promoting research. These institutions receive federal credits through the Federal Office for Education and Science. These credits are granted ... for the promotion of research. The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) is the most important [...]

Those wiching to enrol at a Swiss university must produce a strate- recognized Swiss matriculation certificate ( "Maturity") or a foreign school leaving certificate of equivalent value. All Swiss universities-level institutions are autonomous in the recognition of foreign secondary school-leaving certificates, yet they apply the same, coordinated criteria. At present, about [...]

The ARAMIS information system provides scientific, financial, organizational and personal data about research and development activities which are wholly or partly financed or implemented by the Swiss Confederation. The Confederation devotes around SFR 1.2 billion annualy to research and devolepment, not including the Federal Institutes of Technology. According to its mission [...]

This page describes the levels of the education system in Liechtenstein.

Education, Research and Science are by nature international and qualitatively involve cooperation around the world. The international character of research is particularly important where the necessary financial investments to set up the infrastructure needed for research are beyond the capacities of an individual country. On the other hand, the oppurtunities provided by [...]

The ETH-Bibliothek is on the one side the central library of the academic libraries in Switzerland and on the other side it takes the function as the Swiss Center for information on science and technology.

This website provides link lists about current developments in European education and training policy, EU documents and legal issues in this area.

This bilingual Website provides information on the project activities of the IDRC in Mongolia which have been carried out since 1990. The International Development Research Centre is a public corporation created by the Canadian government. It supports the Mongolian Government in the development of communication infrastructures, particularly in the field of education. Based on [...]

This is the country report of the Mongolian coordinator in the framework of the activity "Education for All - Assessment 2000" based on the World Declaration "Basic Education for All" launched in Jomtien/Thailand in 1990. Respective measures are financed by international organizations, e. g. Unesco and World Bank. This analysis offers an overview on state and perspectives of [...]

This lecture held by Delgermaa Ganbaatar on the topic "Education of Women in Modern Mongolia Among Nomadic Population and Ethnic Minorities" belongs to a series of lectures, offered by the Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AARI) in the U.S.A. This full text, supplemented by 10 Video Clips, reflects Mongolian educational history and draws also attention to current [...]

Overview on the structure of the educational system in Greece (with a focus on secondary and higher education)

Detailed report on the stages of primary education, including kindergarten and primary school.

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in South Tyrol (Italy). It comprises information on features of the educational system, [...]

The national website of the United Republic of Tanzania - section education - provides basic information about the structure of its education and training system, the ministries concerned, its bilingual policy (English and Kiswahili) and education reforms. An address list compiles stakeholders and institutions (national institutes, councils, commissions; university level [...]

Internet portal with information to all aspects of life in Ireland. Description of the Irish education system for movers to Ireland.

The aim of this website is to provide information about: the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme in general; latest developments in the programme; current issues for teachers / tutors and schools /centres; forthcoming activities that might be of interest to teachers. The LCA is a distinct, self-contained two-year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working [...]

Brunei Darussalam
The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks in higher education policy.

The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks in higher education policy.

The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks in higher education policy.

The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks on higher education policy.

The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks on higher education policy.

Information on the structure of the Danish education system with focus on school and higher education.

In diesem Artikel wird der Versuch unternommen, eine allgemeine The article provides an overview on learning and teaching foreign languages in Albania, focussing on the German language (publisher: DaF- Mosaik - Internetinformation for German teachers in South-East Europe).

The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks in higher education policy.

The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks in higher education policy.

The text about the higher education system of the country largely is structured according to a common pattern for all RIHED Member States: types of higher education institutions, internal control, co-ordination, administration and governance of the institutions and remarks in higher education policy.

The ministry is responsible for management and planing of higher education of IRAN.Training of expertise in all levels from and first degree to Doctorate is organized under supervision of this ministry. The homepage provides access to texts about the higher education system in Iran and the policy of the Ministry, statistical data about higher education, a database consisting [...]

Access to information on programmes and initiatives of the 2002 revised curriculum for primary education in Ireland.

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

This page contains an extensive overview of schools in Switzerland from early childhood education to higher education. The database can be search by the categories school type, subjects and location (cantons).

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The Federal Office for Education and Science deals with various files concerning grants. It works partly concerns federal subsides to the cantons for expenditeurs on grants for Swiss students. OFES also coordinates and finances scholarships for foreign students at Swiss universities or conservatories. Furthermore, it administrates 3 special scholarships; the web site provides [...]

In November 2006 the European Union adopted a new generation of education and youth programs for the years 2007-2013: The Program "Lebenslanges Lernen" (lifelong learning) includes the general and the vocational education, the program "Jugend in Aktion" (Youth in Action) the out-of-school youth activities.

The web site shows a short verbal description of the Swiss education system and illustrates this through a graphical scheme.

Latin America; Caribbean
The Bank was established in December of 1959 to help accelerate economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean; this is done by mobilizing resources for the region (using own capital, fund raising, supplementing private investment). The education website provides information about the work and projects of the Bank.

The web site provides an overview of higher education in Switzerland. Via a Swiss map one can connect to the web sites of the individual universities and technical colleges.

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Alsace, France. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]

The Childcare Resource and Research Unit is a Canadian early childhood education and child care (ECEC) policy research institute. In its ISSUE File collection of online resources it highlights useful online resources detailing and discussing Sweden´s highly developed ECEC system. Material is divided into four sections: Documents from the Swedish government, reports from the [...]

Norway; Germany
IB, the 'Internationales Büro' supports the German Ministery for Education and Research (BMBF) in international co-operations. Information on German-Norwegian co-operations in the field of science and technology (history, subjects). Links to partners in Norway.

This is a text about the education system of Iran and the tasks of the education and the higher education ministry in this context.

The web site of the Ministry of Education of Cuba (URL: or doesn`t exist at the moment (stand: September 2011). This website provides a description of the activities of the Ministry.

VTOS is funded by the Department of Education and Science with assistance from the European Social Fund to enable, as a priority group, unemployed people to access education and training with a view to progression to employment. Information on VTOS projects, centers, research. Links to the network for Irish schools, the European Social Fund and the Education Ministry.

The clearly structured homepage provides information texts about mission and staff of the Ministry, the school system and a school-to- work project, reports about several curriculum subjects and other resources, and about education history of ancient Palau.

The website of the Education Ministry provides: texts of educational law and regulations, detailed statistical tables of pupil and teacher numbers and educational funding, a short overview of the school system, including a map with links to individual schools, texts concerning educational programs and planning and an access point to examination requirements at all educational [...]

Solomon Islands
The homepage contains a short description of the ministry of education. Also, it informs about activities of the VSA on the Solomon Islands and about vacancies with the VSA, the partner organisation.

Greenland; Denmark
Short introduction to the ministry's aims and activities and education in Greenland.

This page offers an overview and adresses about all Rudolf Steiner Schools in Swiss and the ideas of the Waldorf pedagogy.

This page offers a link list and a search engine about all types of Swiss educational institutions such as schools, higher and adult education institutions etc. Furthermore, links are provided which concern web sites for school education and teaching (teaching and learning software, teaching aids etc), special servers and educational organizations.

This website provides information about all preventive and educational activities of Unesco against AIDS.

The Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture awards annually a number of scholarships to foreign students for study of the Icelandic language, literature and history at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík. To date information on the application procedure ( application form to download).

This site contains various offers for using computers in education, for example learning software, e-learning programmes, apps, teaching aids and a few hints on computer based learning.

This site is a link list of important websites for the purpose of procuring of information (libraries, information centres, education servers etc.) für education and instruction. The focus is on vocational and secondary education. Meanwhile, the WWW provides a wealth of institutions and information abouth this branch of knowledge. Here, one finds a variety of international, [...]

The Republik of China yearbook - Taiwan 2002 contains a chapter on the education system which is electronically published on this site. It provides an overview on the Taiwanese education system and describes all levels from compulsory to special education as well as supplementary educational opportunities. The final part deals with current educational reforms and curricula [...]

This center supports the successful collaborative efforts between the U.S. Agency for International Development ( USAID), the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the Universities of Tirana, Shkodra, Vlora, and Korca in Albania. The overall goal is to assist Albania in the transition to a productive and successful market-driven economy. On the website summarized information on [...]

The Vietnamese Ministry of Education delivers and overview of the educational system and policy in Vietnam.

Information on the Irish education system, provided by the European Union. Useful list of addresses.

The web site provides links to the following topics: a collection of sports tuition exercises for all school levels, sport links on the web, sports quotes, and a sports shop. Furthermore, a news letter can be ordered and a communication forum is provided.

Offer for professionals involved in vocational education. The portal comprises information from apprentice ship firms, professional associations, charges for vocational education, vocational schools and other related institutions. The links are arranged in these groups: vocational schools and training companies, training of teaching staff, vocational education in Switzerland [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
This website of CAIN provides some brief background information on education in Northern Ireland with special emphasis on religion and values. The CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) Web site contains information and source material on 'the Troubles' and politics in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present. [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors [...]

International education in the Netherlands is offered in special departments affiliated to eight regular Dutch schools for primary education and eight schools for secondary education. The principle aim is to provide children with such education that they are prepared optimally for either the transition to English language education abroad or a possible transition to full Dutch [...]

Russian Federation
This official portal offers plenty of well structured educational information about the Russian Federation and even up to regional pages. There is a catalogue of resources for pupils, teachers, parents and administrators. Access is provided to national portals and the educational portal of Unesco. Besides documents and legal texts of the Russian Ministry of Education are [...]

The association is founded in 1996 for promoting development and research of Technology Education in Finland. On the website presentation of the organisation and their activities. Comprehensive link list to resources of technology in education.

Founded in 1969, FAEA is an umbrella organisation for liberal adult education in Finland. Its member organisations are the Association of Adult Education Centres, the Finnish Folk High School Association, eleven liberal organisations working in the field of adult education which maintain Finland's eleven study circle centres, the KVS foundation and the Swedish-speaking [...]

Russian Federation
This website belonging under the category "Russian North and Far East Regional Pages" offers a full text with tables, statistics and literature references well arranged by Joachim Otto Habeck. The chapter "Education, Language and Culture" provides basic information on this topic.

Interactive website for children/pupils providing general information on Denmark, its history, geography, politics, learning and daily life.

Tne of the worlds largest student organisation. AIESEC is a global network of 50,000 members across more than 83 countries world-wide. It facilitates international exchange of students and recent graduates and fosters international understanding and cooperation. On the website the information on the aims of the organisation, addresses and activies is kept mainly in Icelandic, [...]

ACHBE is a special interest group, committed to providing support, advice and information to individuals and organizations on the subject to educate children at home. The association has no political or religious affiliations and provides information on home education, standardising testing, legislation on the website.

SLASA informs about activities at South Australian school libraries and provides information on the profession of teacher librarians as well as further education offers, teaching material, internet ideas and a job database for them. Link to the RCTA (Resource Centre Teachers' Association) advocating the role of teacher librarians and to SASLA the South Australian Library [...]

Australia; Europe
The European Union initiative FEAST aimed at enhancing research collaboration with Australia was launched in 2000. FEAST aims to highlight existing multilateral and bilateral science and technology cooperation between Europe and Australia. It is a practical initiative with an ongoing electronic forum. The website provides information about registration and partnering, FEAST [...]

Sweden is managed by the Swedish Institute (Svenska Institutet). Under "From Preeschool to University in Sweden" you can find short information about the Swedish education system.

Overview presented at the 71th IFLA conference 2005 in Oslo.

National Science Week is Australia's annual celebration of science and technology. It's a time when schools, universities, science organisations, research centres, businesses, industry organisations, media outlets and individuals bring science out to the public. It is supported e.g. by the Commonwealth Government, the Australian Teachers Association, and the Department of [...]

This full text "National Education Programme" in Armenia is provided by the Open Society Institute Armenia, an institution sponsored by the SOROS Foundation Network centers in New York and Budapest. The programme is one out of 13 (as of July 2002) directed towards various areas of social transformation in the country. This page includes information on the Programme Strategy [...]

The International Summer School (ISS) is an academic center for learning in an international context, and a forum for fostering intercultural understanding. 500 students from all over the world to its wide variety of graduate and undergraduate courses, mostly within the liberal arts and social sciences. The ISS course catalogue, addresses and information about ISS are kept on [...]

The Faculty of Education at the University of Oslo is Norway's largest institution for the educational sciences. The page provides acccess to information about the faculty and its courses, the distinct departments and to information on research.

This governmental website provides information for indigenous students, parents and teachers and covers all levels of education. It also inlcudes information on the goevernment's policy and programmes concerning indigenous education.

NCISA represents the interests of the independent school sector on a national basis. Its eight member state and territory associations of independent schools represent 982 schools. The homepage comprises four main information units: 1. about independent schools ( incl. statistical data) , 2. funding information, 3. information for schools ( manuals in pdf- format) , 4. media [...]

The SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut is a research and reference centre in Europe specializing in research on education, child rearing and child welfare. The Institute operates as an institute within the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, is part of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Its aims are twofold: Reserch is done in the field of fundamental and applied research. The [...]

ITS has specialized on interdisciplinary policy research. It belongs to the University of Nimwegen. Particualr competence is also offered in the educational sector. The website presents the institute, research projects (around 200 per year) and their services. Reports and publications can only be odered via E-Mail or directly in at ITS.

This pdf-file (6 pp) presents an overview of the French PISA-results, including a comparison with the other participant countries.

This full text from the magazine "TIME Asia" informs at three pages on current problems of education in Asian countries. After years of bureaucratic stagnation particularly parents demand more flexibility of their political decision makers in the education system. Despite that, students from Asia have achieved the best results in the international achievement tests in the [...]

This website provides a comprehensive overview of objectives, contents, planning, implementation, organization and results of the PISA-studies 2000 and 2003 in Austria and prospective documents about the participating schools and associated test officers of PISA 2006. The heading "Aktuelles" leads to a newsletter, the project centre, publications and a pdf-file on the brochure [...]

This website offers short versions of school and education systems in 31 European countries as well as Information on European educational programmes and comparative country studies. They include e.g. the duration of school time, transitions from one level to the other on the educational ladder, access requirements to universities, VET and continuing education according to [...]

The website of the university provides informative texts about its organizational structure, departments and study programs and practical information about admission, fees, scholarships, special programs and services.

The Department of Education and Skills has the overall responsibility for education in Ireland. This document gives an introduction to the structure and programmes in the higher education sector.

The study examines access by mature and disadvantaged students and students with disabilities to third level education. Chapter 1 explores definitions of access and illustrates why access by underrepresented groups to third level education should be improved. Chapter 2 considers the need to increase representation by students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [...]

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Japan, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2002. One of these links at the country- specific homepage refers to "education".

"Educationmatters" is Irelands foremost monthly educational journal, published as print version, in the Internet and can be obtained via Email. The Internet homepage provides up to date national and international information in all educational fields.The comprehensive information is offered mostly in short articles or fulltexts (only a few for download. A forum provides the [...]

ScoilNet is managed by the National Center for Technology in Education (NCTE) and is part of the project "Schools IT 2000". It is an online support service giving information on educational issues generally, for pupils, parents and teachers. The teachers and parents pages offer information about school, curricula, teaching material for download, download of "Education Matters" [...]

This website provides useful information about the education services maintained by Eudcation Department of the City of Helsinki and about the Finnish education system. It offers a broad range of links to websites of other education services providers.

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Haiti, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education".

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Afghanistan, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2002. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education".

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Austria, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2002. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education" but with very poor results.

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Spain, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education" which is rather comprehensive.

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Grenada, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education".

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Armenia selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2002. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education": Private and governmental education institutions, chairs of Armenology, academic societies, think tanks and research institutions both in [...]

The homepage describes the educational system of Croatioa and has lists and links to the academic or scientific institutions located in the indicated cities. Links to the universities are shown separately.

This link list provides the access to the homepages of the most important universities in Bulgaria. Some homepages offer their information only in bulgarian.

This full text contribution informs about state-of-the-art and perspectives of environmental education in Norway. The diversity of Norwegian activities in this field includes project work, cross-sectoral cooperation, raising competence of teachers, related tasks for children and youth, elaboration of materials and provision of thematic courses. The Norwegian agency emphasizes [...]

This full text contribution analyses the linguistic situation in Kazakhstan, the former central-asian Soviet Republic in the framework of transformation processes in general and educational reform in particular. The US-American author shows that the linguistic "Kazakization" has caused serious problems in financing and staffing educational institutions, since the ethnic [...]

The new Constitution of Finland entered into force on 1 March 2000. This web site contains information on the new Constitution under the heading the constiution in full-text version and the development of constitutional law in Finland under the: The Finnish System of Government . The Constitution of Finland is available in English translation, as well as in a number of other [...]

This comprehensive analysis of the Polish education system in full text, elaborated by Joanna Jung-Miklaszewska ( Warsaw 2000), was provided for the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange and financially supported by the European Commission. The study comprises almost all areas and levels of education in Poland and is structured as follows: structure of the [...]

The University of Helsinki is Finland's most multidisciplinary higher education institution. The page: 'Research' provides a short abstract about research at the university, a linklist to the research project database, publication database and expert database. Addresses and links to obtain more information on research services (e.g. financing) are available as well as links [...]

AKAVA - the Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland - is a trade union formed by 32 affiliates and with about 400 000 members and with 80% unionization rate. The website provides information: about AKAVA and a list of the 32 affiliates ( without links) , useful general information about trade unions in Finland, about Finnish trade union work in the EU and [...]

United Kingdom
"Education UK is the British Council’s official website for international students who are interested in a UK education. In 2012, the website received two million unique visitors worldwide. The British Council’s Education UK team connects international students with UK education". [Abstract: Site editor’s information]

AKKL, founded in 1972, is the cooperation body of the 47 Finnish vocational adult education centres. The association aims are to improve the professional competence of the working-age population, increasing the possibilities for studies based on the adults' own choices, to promote vocational adult education in a more international Finland, and to struggle against [...]

The purpose of the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Polytechnics ARENE is to develop an internationally first-class system of polytechnics. ARENE, located in Helsinki, approves recommendations and declarations and issues statements. Linklists of all Finnish Polytechnics, to Education Ministeries and Organisations as well as to sources about Finland in general are published.

The Institute for Educational Research (KTL), a national centre for educational research is a multidisciplinary research institute based at the University of Jyväskylä, established in 1968. The national task of the KTL is investigating, assessing and developing the Finnish educational system and school culture. The institute' s website navigation leads to: introduction, [...]

This webpage belongs to the Matriculation Board and works under the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. It provides useful information about the Finnish "Matriculation Examination". Information can be obtained in the following fields: Compulsary and optional tests, levels and descriptions of tests, retaking test and the Matriculation Examination Certificate (levels and [...]

The Finnish National Board of Education offers comprehensive information about the Finnish Education System. The detailed description from preschool up to adult education provides a broad overview of the Finnish system as well as of Finnish education policy. Detailed information, statistics and other sources can be obtained through further links. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

"EUN School Managers Centre" - the European Space for School Managers is a project of the European Schoolnet in partnership with ESHA (European School Heads Association), the City of Helsinki Education Department and the European Commission. On this site you will find a brief introduction about the duties, aims and departments within the Helsinki City Education Department. It [...]

The homepage of the National Institute of Education (NIE) in Bulgaria offers a survey over the main activities of the institute. Further links inform on the structure of the institute, the publications and international projects.

The Centre for Higher Education Research is one of the structural units of the National Institute of Education, established in 1998. The mission of the Centre for Higher Education Research is to support reform efforts in higher education with its information, research and advisory activities.

This website of the Argentinian Education Ministry provides information about all issues of studying in Argentina and the higher education system. An index of the services offered and a thematic index give access to the texts.

Argentina is the Argentinian education server which provides information about school and higher education and offers a digital library covering all disciplines (including education). Various ways of interactive participating communication are accessible, too.

This full text describes the programmes for promotion of foreign and local indigenous languages in India; further information about the responsible institutions is accessible via links in the full text.

This web site provides a description of the Jamaican education system and the mission and objectives of educational policy in each of the educational levels.

The task of the Suisse information-network is to provide specific information about supporting programmes of the European Union: COST (European cooperation in scientific and technical research), EUREKA (Organization for European technical cooperation), specialised research programmes and organizations. Moreover the site offers links and addresses of the information-network's [...]

The Government Information Service of Barbados offers an overview of the school and higher education system with some remarks about vocational education.

The website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology provides full texts with plans and statements concerning higher education policy and legislation and science policy, the organization structure and mission of the Ministry and educational legislation.

The link list has three parte: ministries, higher education, research.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The homepage of the Slovak PHARE project on recognition of higher education diploma contains full text information about the education system, the higher education system, the legislative framework and the access to higher education in the Slovak Republic.

An overview of curricula for the different types of schools in Liechtenstein. This website provides full text information on the validity of the curriculum, its construction and implementation. Aims for orientation, framework conditions, integration of learning fields and hierarchies of aims play an important role in this.

The website "Education and Science" of the portal of the Principality of Liechtenstein offers information to every field of education available in Liechtenstein as well as links for career counseling and university research.

United Kingdom
This website provides full text information about the examination and certification system in the United Kingdom at the end of the upper secondary general education. The United Kingdom was one of the 17 countries participating in a Pilot Electronic Conference (1999) and submitting a report on the present-day situation in this field by formulating statements to six conference [...]

Info-Poland is the Website of the Polish Academic Information Center and at the same time a result of U.S.-American and Polish co-operation in higher education. This homepage offers links to the following categories: Education System; Higher Education; Learning Polish; Primary and Secondary School; Scholarships.

These are the pages of the Faculty of Educational Studies, one of the faculties at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan . An overview on the sixteen research departments (general didactics, history of education, adult education etc.) and the College of Education is given. For each department the main topics of educational research are listed and the head of department is [...]

This Academic Glossary contains brief explanations of Polish terms, including academic degrees and titles related to Polish universities and other higher education institutions in Poland.The page is a service of the Polish Academic Information Center in co-operation with a U.S.- American university.

The Hungarian Ministry for National Ressources informs about the Hungarian system of higher education. It offers a wide range of links to higher education institutions and related websites.

United States of America (USA)
This website of the U.S. Network for Education Information offers a structured full text with links on the education system in the U.S. according to the following items: General Resources; Organisation of U.S. Education; U.S. Institutions and Programs; Studying in the United States; Teaching in the United States.

United Kingdom
"HERO is the official gateway site to the UK's universities, colleges and research organisations. HERO is organised into six zones that cover the key areas of higher education (Studying, Research, Business, Inside HE, Culture and Sport, Universities and Colleges)".

An overview is presented about the education system and policy in Uzbekistan. Additionally, there are links to addresses of libraries ( with short text descriptions), universities and education abroad.

The wite shows a short text about education in Micronesia and few statistical data

This website of the International Confederation of Principals offers brief and up-to-date news on education worldwide. Focal point on this site are the so-called Position Papers on the work of school heads and school leadership.

Russian Federation
This critical analysis in full text, dating from 1998, is subdivided into the following sections: 1. Basic thoughts on reforming the education system from a historical point of view; 2. General information on financing and the development of the educational system, 3. Fundamental conceptual approaches to reforming the Russian education system. There are six statistical tables [...]

This website offers for young Omanis, supported by programmes of the government of the Sultanate Oman, comprehensive information for gaining National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ).- In the former British Protectorate the influence of British education on the education system of the Arab state has remained until today. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) are UK [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; England; Scotland; Wales
The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education provides national overviews of special needs education in numerous European countries. The information includes the following topics: legal system, financing, identification of special educational needs, special needs education within the education system, teacher training, - basic and specialist teacher training, [...]

The European Experts' Network for Educational Technology (EENet) provides on its website general information on the education system in Austria and about the implementation of ICT policies in this country ( initiatives, programmes, projects, infrastructure, funding, teacher education and training, content development, evaluation and research etc.) The site is available in an [...]

This website provides a comprehensive overview of the Australian education system. It covers the topics of Higher education, Technical and vocational Training, Secondary school, Higher education, Teacher education, School education

This website contains a detailed dictionary of terms and facilities in connection with the school system of Liechtenstein. Links in the text lead to brief information about vocational training and to a variety of key words. These and other explanations are excerpts from the Liechtenstein Social Dictionary, a directory of social and medical instructions, terms and addresses.

The homepage contains current messages and announcements of events from the Liechtensteiner education sector. Within the navigation bar one finds links with detailed material on: PISA 2003, school types, curricula, education authorities, further services, first day at school/ change of school, promotion funds, scholarship/loan, preparing choice of career, Council of Europe, [...]

This website has been developed to support the search for new learning strategies and learning methods. Materials, courses, methods and various events are offered.

This website provides information on: educational terminology, translated credentials, figures and trends of Hungarian education, facts on Hungarian higher education, system of academic degrees, higher education and further research credentials and degrees (before and after 1993), grading scale, Hungarian higher education institutions.- OSEAS, an acronym which stands for [...]

This website, prepared by Mihaela Arsene, provides facts and figures on the higher education system in Romania, its components and levels.- OSEAS, an acronym which stands for OverSeas Educational AdviserS, is one of seven groups within NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

This fact sheet on educational developments in Uzbekistan elaborated by Fazilat Khalilov, EIS Tashkent, provides an overview on the education system, in particular the system of higher education, after the implementation of reforms. A full text offers information on accreditation issues, the institutional structure, admission, study programme and degrees.- OSEAS, an acronym [...]

This fact sheet on educational developments in Armenia, elaborated by the Armenian Ministry of Education and Science, provides an overview on the education system, in particular on the system of higher education, after the implementation of reforms. A full text offers information on accreditation issues, the institutional structure, admission, curricula and degrees.- OSEAS, an [...]

These full texts on educational developments in Ukraine, elaborated by the Lvov Educational Information Center of Ukraine, provides an overview on the education system, in particular on the system of higher education, after the implementation of reforms. This document offers information on accreditation issues, the institutional structure, admission, curricula and degrees.- [...]

This web-site is paper submitted for diploma examination at the university of Freiburg, Switzerland. This site contains a link list for the various African states, international organizations and the African continent as a whole. The list is browsed gradually by us for new educational links.

China, People's Republic of
This page gives an overview on the history and tasks of the Comparative Education Research Center of the China National Institute for Educational Studies. It lists the employed researchers with their respective focus of research interest and enumereates the research projects dealt with at the centre.

This short version on the education system in Poland is subdivided into the following sections: Historical overview; Educational policy and school education in the post-communist era; The Polish school of the future.

Scotland; United Kingdom
The site provided by the British Council offers information on all possibilities of education in Scotland and includes a database for course search.

The above description of the Polish system of education has been prepared for the needs of the implementation of the Diploma Supplement in Poland. The text provides detailed information on the recognition of diplomas and other qualifications.

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education)of the Brazilian federal state Acre. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas of [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Distrito Federal. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Pernambuco. This is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Rio de Janeiro. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Cultura e Desportos (State Secretariat of Education, Culture and Sports) of the Brazilian federal state Rio Grande do Norte. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports" or "Department of Education, Culture and Sports" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Rio Grande do Sul. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Cultura e Desportos (State Secretariat of Education, Culture and Sports) of the Brazilian federal state Santa Catarina. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports" or "Department of Education, Culture and Sports" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the federal state São Paulo. It is, so to speak, the Brazilian "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Tocantis. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education), of the Brazilian federal state Minas Gerais. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]

This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education), the Brazilian "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage ( organigramme) offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas of education. Besides information [...]

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Andorra, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education".

Antigua and Barbuda
This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Antigua, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education".

ENQA is a European Network to disseminate information, experiences, good practices and new developments in the field of quality assessment and quality assurance in higher education between interested parties: public authorities, higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies.- The Website aims at assisting the enqa member agencies find and share information about [...]

AESOP is a network of universities and university departments that teach and conduct research within the field of urban and regional planning. The network exists to promote the development of the teaching curricula and research within the Member Schools through regular dialogue, exchange visits and the dissemination of research and best practice. These aims are achieved [...]

This comprehensive country study for Turkmenistan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (education system; curriculum; higher [...]

This comprehensive country study for Kazakhstan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" which can be found by scrolling down or applying [...]

This comprehensive country study for Kyrgyzstan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (education system; instruction; curriculum; [...]

This comprehensive country study for Lithuania was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1995. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education", which can be found by scrolling down or applying [...]

This comprehensive country study for Latvia was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1995. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "Urbanization, Employment, and Education", which can be found by [...]

Moldova, Republic of
This comprehensive country study for Moldova was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1995. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "Education, Health and Welfare" which can be found by scrolling [...]

This comprehensive country study for Tajikistan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (historical development; education in the [...]

This comprehensive country study for Azerbaijan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "Education, Health and Social Welfare", which can be found [...]

This comprehensive country study for Uzebekistan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (education system; curriculum; instruction) [...]

South Africa, Republic
The Division for Lifelong Learning (DLL) is an institute of UWC, which works with and across faculties in the interests of the development of the university as an excellent lifelong learning institution, promoting a learning culture both on campus and beyond.

The General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning in Greece operates under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and is e.g. responsible for: - Development and administration of initial and continuing vocational education and training and general non-formal education - Planning, managing, evaluation and support of the national Lifelong Learning initiatives and programs [...]

The Association for Teacher Education in Europe has been granted the project « Disseminating the European dimension in teacher education: Working seminars for professionals in education and training» offer to create and implement a European network through the organisation of several activities both at the national and European level. The overall aim of the project is [...]

This is the home page of a non-violent approach for helping children and adults with special needs. It offers access to the following buttons: gentle teaching international; gentle teaching places; gentle teaching schools; quality of life; quality of life profile; sensory integration; personal teaching plan; placements and courses.

This text was written in 1995 and is a local copy - the original source is not accessible nowadays.

The original source of this full text is a database of the Turkish Foreign Office which was not accessible. The local copy in this URL provides information about die education system, financing, the Education Ministry, content of education programmes, evaluation, text books and teaching materials, educational legislation, international activities and higher education. [This [...]

EDU-fi is a service maintained by the National Board of Education in Finland. It gives information on education and training in Finland, on ongoing development, school projects and provides resources for teaching and learning. The homepage shows a) navigation areas providing full texts about news, a database of schools and universities on the net and links to other nets, [...]

The Swedish National Council of Adult Education is a non-profit association with certain authoritative tasks delegated by the government and the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament). The Council distributes government grants to study associations and folk high schools, submits budgetary documentation and annual reports to the government and follows up and evaluates folkbildning [...]

The primary objective of this website is to give a general overview about the educational systems in Bangladesh. The site was originally created as a term paper for a humanities course in a Canadian college, titled "Comparative Education". The chapters of the full text are: History of Bangladesh, education systems, general statistics, gender differences, regional differences. [...]

The homepage of the Taiwanese Ministry of Education offers mainly full texts and graphs on the following topics: The Taiwanese system of education, educational statistics, schools and higher education institutions in Taiwan, international cultural and educational relations, vocational and technical education, higher education in Taiwan, educational literature, progress report [...]

This page contains a short text about Ghana' s education system and some links to higher and secondary education institutions.

Website of the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Libya's national report regarding 'Education for all", evaluation for the year 2000, consists of 3 parts. The first part is a general survey on Lybia : demographic, geographic and historical conditions that were suitable for establishing a particular educational system. Following that, is a general description of the educational system's development and the mechanism that [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The institute is a government funded, yet independently operated R&D institution in education. Since its founding in 1972, KEDI has been active on almost every education front, developing educational policies, strategies, and programs. The main functions are: 1) providing support of educational information for schools, 2) research & development of educational policy, 3) [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Serbia; Montenegro
This full text published by Tünde Kovac-Cerovic, Carolin Leutloff, Elmar Pichl is a national report on the issue "Education for peace, tolerance and democracy in Yugoslavia", embedded in a presentation of educational developments prior to and after the conflicts in former Yugoslavia. In this analysis particularly social and political conditions are characterized. Examples [...]

This full text published by Maria Antova, Vladimir Atanasov, Radosveta Drakeva bears the heading "Education for Human Rights, Peace, Stability, and Democracy". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into three main sections: Part One: Basic problems of the Bulgarian education system; Part Two: [...]

This full text published by Fatmira Myteberi bears the heading "Education for Peace, Stability and Democracy in Albania". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into two main sections: 1. On the Way to Change; 2. Implemented and Ongoing Projects at the Pre-University Level of Education (K-12).

Bosnia and Herzegovina
This full text published by Christof Bender bears the heading "Searching for a Strategy ...: Multiethnicity, Tolerance and National Stereotypes in the Educational Systems of Bosnia and Herzegovina". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided five main sections: 1. Introduction; Background - Key-Factors; 3. [...]

North Macedonia
This full text published by Ilo Trajkovski bears the heading "Education for Peace, Stability and Democracy in the Republic of Macedonia ( FYROM)". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into four main sections: 1. The Normative Commitment of Macedonian Educational Reforms to Peace, Stability and [...]

This full text published by Laura and Carol Capita is a national report on "European educational collaboration for peace, stability and democracy". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into six main sections: 1. Introduction; 2. The Situation Prior to 1989. The Situation in 1990; 3. The Significance [...]

This full text published by Albert Mrgole bears the heading "Perspectives for Multicultural Co-operation in Slovenian Education: Framework for a Country-Wide Report". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into four main sections: Part 1: European and Multicultural Perspectives in Elementary and Middle [...]

South Africa, Republic; South America
The Electronic Schoolbook (TES) serves as a comprehensive, definitive resource for South African Schools connected to the Internet. There are individual province listings and individual network listings. Besides there is a link to non South-African schools. SchoolNet SA is at the forefront of ICT implementation strategies in South African schools.

ATHENA is a Socrates Thematic Network Project in which 80 Women' s and Gender Studies Programmes at universities, research institutes and documentation centres in Europe participate. ATHENA was created in 1996 by the Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe (AOIFE), and was selected as a Socrates Thematic Network Project in September 1998. The [...]

This website, managed by DG Information Society, contains a wealth of thematic information produced mainly by the European Commission and other Community actors. Currently around 30 content providers publish on this site, more than 130,000 visitors (2 million hits) navigate it per month. The various topics and policy areas, including education and training, are arranged [...]

A comprehensive list of links with brief comments regarding the contents of each link offers various possibilities to get information on this African country. Most of these pages have been devoloped by Somalis in exile. Among other things they provide information on the education system and the University of Amoud.

This full text published by Ladislav Bognar bears the heading "Problems and Perspectives in the Development of Schooling in Croatia". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into: Introduction; School System; Value Education; Minority Education; Peace Education and Human Rights; Changes in the Croatian [...]

This national institution enables about 70,000 adults per year to complement their vocational qualification in 7 occupational areas on an university level. Additionally, eight comprehensive research fields are operated; the third basis of CNAM is a museum and a scientific - technological library. The homepage presents a full text with integrated links containing all relevant [...]

This URL provides the entry to all information about the teacher education institutes at universities: the courses of study, educational and documentary resources (teaching material in a broad sense), the IT facilities, research and international contacts. Additionally there are links to discussion lists and search engines. A country map provides links to the local IUFMs.

Southeastern Europe
This website has been developed as a result of co-operation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Austria financially supported by the European Commission. It is to improve cultural contacts, the exchange of information and project implementation between South East European states in the education sector. There are various links on the homepage to [...]

This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Albania. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following categories: Basic [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina
This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some are only available in pdf- format. They are subdivided into the following [...]

This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Bulgaria. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following categories: Basic [...]

North Macedonia
This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Macedonia. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following categories: Basic [...]

Moldova, Republic of
This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Moldova. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following categories: Basic [...]

This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Romania. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following categories: Basic [...]

This website has been developed as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Albania. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following categories: Basic [...]

This well structured website offers information on the issues: Language Use in Society; General Information about the Trilingual School System; Language Use in School; Immigrants in the Luxembourg School System; Results and Future Prospects.

This website has been developed between about 2001-2003 as a result of cooperation between the University of Ljubljana CEPS and KulturKontakt Österreich in the framework of the South East European Educational Cooperation Network. The web pages contain various core documents on education in Croatia. Some are only available in pdf-format. They are subdivided into the following [...]

This photo album provides an overview on the historical development of education in Micronesia. It clearly reflects the stages of educational development in this region. Starting with issues of traditional education, the authors analyse the impact of colonial education and missionary schools as well as the pedagogical influence of occupying powers.

This lecture, held in 1999 by Elizabeth D. Rechebi from Micronesia, reflects personal and social experiences about the history of education in this region. It becomes obvious that education has been dominated by foreign influence until now. In particular curricula and textbooks give evidence of this. The author refers to deficits in the education system and appeals to foreign [...]

This very detailed and comprehensive website of the Education Ministry provides full texts mainly about the mission of the Ministry, legal texts and documents of the Ministry, about projects of amelioration and modernization of Venezuela's education, an access to databases about education statistics and administration, information about the services of the Ministry and links [...]

United States of America (USA)
The South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Tennessee Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Vermont Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The West Virginia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The South Carolina Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Utah State Office of Education is the central governmental authority for education in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Nevada Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New Hampshire Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The State of New Mexico Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U. S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website i s ma inly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Ohio Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Nebraska Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Kansas State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Kentucky Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Louisiana State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Maine Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Massachusetts Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Michigan Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Mississippi Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Montana Office of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

This overview of the present situation of the education system in Thailand and its financing after the economic crisis of 1997/1998 ( which did not strike Thailand as severe as other Asian countries) has been prepared by the World Bank. It comprises the chapters: background information, challenges of the crisis and response to the crisis, including the role of the World Bank.

This overview of the present situation of the education system in Thailand and its financing after the economic crisis of 1997/1998 has been prapared by the World Bank. It comprises the chapters: background information, challenges of the crisis and response to the crisis, including the role of the World Bank

This overview of the present situation of the education system in the Philippines and its financing after the economic crisis of 1997/ 1998 has been prepared by the World Bank. It comprises the chapters: background information, challenges of the crisis and response to the crisis, including the role of the World Bank.

Russian Federation
The Institute for the Study of Russian and Eurasian Education (formerly the Institute for the Study of Soviet Education) was established in 1989 in response to rapid changes occurring in education in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. It can be seen from its website that ISRE gathers timely information about reform initiatives, classroom practices, structural changes in [...]

Marshall Islands
This full text provides not only an overview of the education system in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, it also informs about the history of education in this country. The presentation starts with traditional Marshallese education, deals with missionary schools and colonial education and ends up with the state-of-the-art of the current situation in the educational sector.

This brief presentation of the education system in Malta was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Sweden was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

South Africa, Republic
This brief presentation of the education system in South Africa was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

United States of America (USA)
This brief presentation of the education system in the United States was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Israel was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Iceland was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in France was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Luxemburg was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Belarus was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Liechtenstein was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Romania was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Japan was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Canada was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This brief presentation of the education system in the Republic of Korea was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Lithuania was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
This brief presentation of the education system in Northern Ireland was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Poland was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

Russian Federation
This brief presentation of the education system in the Russian Federation was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" ( Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in the Slovak Republic was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in the Czech Republic was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Turkey was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

The site gives an overview about the Suisse education system. In particular there is information about administration and competences, about specific education sections as pre-school, primary and secondary education, vocational and adult education. For every education section a key data statistic exists .

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Denmark; Germany; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Eritrea; Estonia; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guatemala; Grenada; Greece; Guinea; Guyana; Haiti; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Yemen; Jordan; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Kazakhstan; Qatar; Kenya; Colombia; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Croatia; Cuba; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Latvia; Lebanon; Libya; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Madagascar; Maldives; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Malta; Morocco; Mauritania; North Macedonia; Mexico; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nepal; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Netherlands; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Oman; Austria; Pakistan; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Rwanda; Romania; Russian Federation; Zambia; Saudi Arabia; Sweden; Switzerland; Senegal; Serbia; Zimbabwe; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Saint Lucia; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Suriname; Syria; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Chad; Czechia; Turkey; Tunisia; Ukraine; Hungary; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Vietnam; Central African Republic; Cyprus, Republic of; international
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). In contrast to these, the PEER portal focuses more strongly on the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) and on achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) "Quality Education". The country profiles contain the following topics: Overview, Inclusion, Financing [...]

After a text about catholic schools, this full text offers information on the education system of the Republic of Kiribati. It is subdivided according to the following educational levels: kindergarten, primary education, secondary education, technical education and universities.

Marshall Islands
On this website statistical data are provided on: Enrollment by Grade and Sex; Number of Schools; Number of Students; Scholarships; Post- Secondary School Enrollment.

United States of America (USA)
The Arkansas Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Colorado Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Delaware Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Florida Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Georgia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Hawaii Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Idaho Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Iowa Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Illinois State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Indiana Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Argentina was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Belgium was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
The homepage provides access to the Ibero-American information and documentation service institutions in the education area via indexes of countries, the names of libraries and information centres, subjects and databases.

This brief presentation of the education system in Austria was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Albania was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Australia was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Brazil was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Bulgaria was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Texas Education Agency is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

China, People's Republic of
This brief presentation of the education system in China was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Denmark was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Estonia was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Finland was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Greece was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in India was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Indonesia was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Italy was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre- school [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Connecticut State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New York State Education Department is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New Jersey Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The California Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Maryland State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Arizona Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina
This brief presentation of the education system in Bosnia and Herzegowina was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" ( Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

England; Wales; United Kingdom
This brief presentation of the education system in England and Wales was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Oregon Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Alabama Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Hungary was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Iran was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school education, [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Croatia was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in the Netherlands was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Norway was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Portugal was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
This brief presentation of the education system in Scotland was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Slovenia was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Spain was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in the Ukraine was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Cyprus, Republic of
This brief presentation of the education system in Cyprus was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Latvia was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Living with children - information about the world of childhood. This is the motto of this website which provides information for parents and children on issues of family education: responsibility of parents, school attendance, travelling with children, leisure time, events, club, rights of children and much more.

The Association of African Universities is an international non- governmental organisation set up by the universities in Africa to promote cooperation among themselves and between them and the international Academic community.- This website provides among other things information on the core programme of the AAU and on useful resources.

CODESRIA's principal objectives are facilitating research, promoting research-based publishing and creating multiple fora geared towards the exchange of views and information among African researchers. It challenges the fragmentation of research through the creation of thematic research networks that cut across linguistic and regional boundaries.- In particular this website [...]

UNICEF's aim is to get more girls into school, ensure that they stay in school and that they are equipped with the basic tools they need to succeed in later life. As part of its on-going efforts to ensure every girl and boy their right to an education, UNICEF's acceleration strategy is speeding progress in girls' enrolment in 25 selected countries during the 2002-2005 [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the global membership organisation of educational institutions, national and regional associations, corporations, educational authorities and agencies in the fields of open learning, distance education, and flexible, lifelong learning.- Using the new opportunities via the WWW and providing essential [...]

Latin America; Caribbean; Virgin Islands of the United States; Argentina; Barbados; Belize; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Ecuador; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Guyana; Honduras; Jamaica; Colombia; Cuba; Martinique; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago; Uruguay; Venezuela; United States of America (USA); France
This list provides, first, links to the higher education institutions in the countries (alphabetically arranged), followed by links to international higher education resources, international educational exchanges and to information about scholarships and grants.

For the time being this website is only offered in the official language of the country. But short information on the aims and tasks of the Institute in English ( and French (www. directory/ centres/ bye.htm) is available at other sites. The Republican Institute of Vocational Education (RIPO) was founded in December 1992 after the [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Education Association (NEA) is one of the leading trade unions of teachers in the United States. It represents about 2.6 million employees in schools and colleges. Providing comprehensive information on its website the NEA supports teaching staff and parents in fulfilling their task to ensure optimal learning conditions for all pupils/ students and to guide them [...]

United States of America (USA)
The American Federation of Teachers (AFL) is one of the leading trade unions of teachers and health professionals in the United States. It represents about one million employees in schools and colleges. Providing comprehensive information on its Web Site the AFL supports teaching staff and health care workers in fulfilling their task to ensure optimal learning conditions for [...]

Tajikistan; Uzbekistan; Asia
This is the summarized version of a report by Ralph Kuehn to the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, Stuttgart (autumn 1997). The expert investigates possibilities of cooperation with German partners. His message reads: Higher education and science in Uzbekistan und Tadshikistan have not changed since the declaration of independence in 199, particularly in view of organization and [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Ireland was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" ( Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Website of the Syrian Ministry of Education, only avaliable in Arabic. There is also a website for the Ministry of Higher Education, which is also only available in Arabic.

The Ministry is entrusted with the task of supervising higher education institutions and overseas scholarships and following up research activities and higher studies. It also works towards promoting external scientific and cultural relations in the field of higher education.- This website defines the function of the Ministry and names the various public and private colleges [...]

the well structured website, which is partially still under construction offers access to the following links: structure of the education system, basic education, training and examinations. The English version is also availible.

The Sultan Qaboos University is the intellectual and scientific centre of the Sultanate of Oman. The College of Education is part of it und comprises seven departments and the Educational Research Center. The College is entrusted with the task to prepare highly qualified teachers to teach in various specializations at both preparatory and secondary levels in keeping with the [...]

international; United States of America (USA)
The Center for Global Education, affiliated with the University of Southern California's International and Intercultural Education programme in the Rossier School of Education is committed to international and global education as an integral part of the primary, secondary and higher education of students in the U.S. and abroad in the 21st century. Working in partnership with [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

This site of the Education Ministry provides overviews of the education system in Singapore concerning the levels which are characterized through the above key words. The homepage also has navigation buttons for programmes, educational institutions, examinations and syllabuses, resources.

At the bottom of the homepage there is a bar of pictures: by clicking "study" a site is provided with information about studying and studying conditions, financing, fees and scholarships and international schools in Singapore. The link "Centre of educational excellence" provides short descriptions of the country's universities (partly with links); "Overview of education" [...]

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Singapore. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Cambodia. It is offered by the SEAMEO ( Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Laos. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 10 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

South-East Asia; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Myanmar; Timor-Leste; Vietnam
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) was established in November 1965 as a chartered international organization whose purpose is to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in the Southeast Asian region. This website provides information on activities of the SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) which administers a variety of programmes on behalf [...]

Brunei Darussalam
This full text provides basic information on the education system of Brunei Darussalam. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Malaysia. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Myanmar. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of the Philippines. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Thailand. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

international; Asia; North America; South America; Central America; Africa; Europe; Japan; Indonesia; India; Hong Kong; Morocco; Tunisia; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Mozambique; Kenya; Egypt; Algeria; Puerto Rico; Panama; Mexico; Guatemala; El Salvador; Canada; Venezuela; Peru; Ecuador; Colombia; Chile; Brazil; Bolivia; Argentina; Ukraine; Serbia; Switzerland; Sweden; Spain; Russian Federation; Romania; Portugal; Poland; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Lithuania; Kyrgyzstan; Italy; Hungary; Greece; Germany; France; Finland; Denmark; Czechia; Bulgaria; Belgium; Austria; Yemen; Vietnam; United Arab Emirates; Turkey; Thailand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Singapore; Philippines; Pakistan; Oman; Nepal; Mongolia; Malaysia; Laos; Jordan; Israel; Iran; China, People's Republic of; Taiwan; Channel Islands; Caribbean; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
TEFL stands for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language". This website offers information on the situation of teaching English in various countries.

The International Society for Educational Planning was established in Washington 1970 to foster the professional knowledge and interests of educational planners. Through conferences and publications, the Society promotes the interchange of ideas within the planning community. The membership includes persons from the ranks of governmental agencies, school-based [...]

TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. TEFL is an international training organization that creates intercultural opportunities for its customers through teacher education, language training, camps and internships. This well structured homepage is subdivded into: English Teacher Training, English Adventure Camp an Intern Programme.

The index list on the homepage provides fulltexts about education in Chad, though updated 1988.

Côte d'Ivoire
The index on the homepage in chapter 2 provides links to short texts about education, though updated 1988.

UNICEF, acting in about 160 countries is dedicated to meet basic needs of children, also in the field of basic education. The Children's Fund of the United Nations offers on its homepage a survey on its various acitivities. To get full texts on education a searchable database is available.

TESOL stands for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. TESOL's mission is to develop the expertise of its members and others involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages to help them foster effective communication in diverse settings while respecting individuals' language rights. This website provides information on activities and services of [...]

Latin America; Spain
This network is an information system of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) which provides information texts about the education systems of the member states prepared by the education ministries. The homepage contains texts describing this project and links to the texts about the respective countries [these have been entered in this database] and to the education [...]

El Salvador
The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

Costa Rica
The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports provides on these pages information on Vocational Education and Training. A list of links comprises among others: occupational categories, admission criteria, certificates, EU programmes and contact addresses in the provinces of Spain.

Official information page of the Ecuadorian representation of the "Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI)". It provides news, events, projects and more about education, science and culture in Ecuador. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

The site provides information about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial education; compulsory [...]

This website provides information on the eight research areas of the department, its research results since 1990, current research projects, projects submitted for approval, activities and co-operation at international level. Main concern is a contribution to the modernization of education in Lithuania. The department is part of the Institute of Educational Studies of the [...]

The SPC is a state non-profit educational institution. It was founded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania in 2001 after the restructuring of the Institute of Pedagogy. The website comprises information about the SPC, a virtual library of education, services (consulting...), research project (Textbook Research and Information Centre, a project [...]

The Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) is a private non-profit organisation of Estonian origin. Innovations in public information infrastructure, information and communications technologies mediated distance education are the main areas of its activities. IBS has successfully implemented several projects in these fields contributing so to the development of effective and [...]

On this site, the Government of New South Wales offers a compilation of links to information on all aspects of education that can be found on its websites. It is organised according to level of education.

This URL provides access to information about all issues concerning the services of French university libraries, including documentary services and access to the servers and catalogues of the libraries, publications, related organizations and vocational education of library and documentation personnel.

The Mexican Council of Educational Research is an association aiming at coordinationg actions and interests of educational researchers and at promoting quality research. This homepage provides in tabular form information on status, organization and activities of the Council.

HERDSA is a scholarly society which encourages and promotes quality teaching and learning in higher education in Australasia. Its website provides information on the society and its activities as well as links to teaching resources from Australasian Universities and other related websites.

United States of America (USA)
IDRA is an independent, non-profit organization that advocates the right of every child to a quality education. For more than 20 years, IDRA has worked for excellence and equity in education in Texas and across the United States. IDRA conducts research and development activities; creates, implements and administers innovative education programmes; and provides teacher, [...]

Section of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). This association seeks to advance statistical education at all levels, from primary school through training of professionals. It places a strong emphasis on international co-operation and the exchange of information through its programme of publications and meetings.- This websites provides information about the [...]

This website contains multilingual information about the French school system: nursery school; civics education; modern languages; education in the arts; information technologies in education; managing student educational difficulties; priority education; school education in figures; glossary of abbreviations. [English homepage: substitute D0039 for D0034 in the URL]

This website can be used as a very comprehensive entrance to information about the French education system, mainly school education. The index page offered here has links to texts (programs and courses) for the primary school, the general and the vocational secondary school, curriculum subjects the programs for the priority education zones, continuing education for teachers [...]

Latin America
Founded in 1967, the network CLACSO now counts more than 580 participating institutes, centres and associations in more than 45 countries doing social science research on and in Latin America. Among the members and research subjects, you will also find educational ones. CLACSO moreover runs a network of virtual libraries and repositories with an overall search over more than [...]

The Spanish Association for Orientation and Psychopedagogy is a professional association of people involved in orientation and counselling in the fields of education, work, business both in governmental as well as non-governmental institutions.- A tabular overview on the homepage provides access to information on character, objective, structure and activities of the [...]

United States of America (USA)
This association is dedicated to the professional development of all who participate in decision-making related to higher education. Its members are similar associations from all over the world. This website of the AIR offers resources for educational research, an on-line journal and fulltexts of papers presented in its annual forum.

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development is a unique international, nonprofit, nonpartisan association of professional educators whose jobs cross all grade levels and subject areas. Founded in 1943, ASCD's mission is to forge covenants in teaching and learning for the success of all learners.- This website provides information on training opportunities and [...]

The portal of the Secretariat of Public Education provides structured information on the following educational areas and levels: basic education, secondary education, higher education, indigenous education and technological education. Besides a variety of links is offered containing more information on education and training in Mexico. Focal point is the National Education [...]

The main aim of the European Association for International Education is to stimulate and facilitate the internationalisation of higher education in Europe and to enhance the quality of international education.- This website provides information on forthcoming annual conferences and current training courses and publishes a newsletter and papers on issues of concern to those [...]

The International Study Association on Teacher Thinking - ISATT has recently changed its name to the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching, to reflect the broadened nature of the research and interests of its growing membership. It was founded in October 1983 at a symposium for research on teacher thinking at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. The purpose [...]

Africa South of the Sahara; Africa; international; Angola; Equatorial Guinea; Ethiopia; Benin; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Djibouti; Côte d'Ivoire; Eritrea; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Kenya; Comoros; Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Niger; Nigeria; Rwanda; Zambia; Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierre Leone; Zimbabwe; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Sudan; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Togo; Chad; Uganda; Central African Republic
Country information for applicants for a study abroad in an African country (Sub-Sahara region). In order to view them one has to select the respective country. There is an address of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) , country information of the German Foreign Office, information about the education system and higher education, a specific link list, information [...]

Arab States; Africa; Asia
ALECSO is a specialized Arab organization, established by the League of Arab States. Its primary responsibility is the promotion and co-ordination of educational, cultural and scientific activities at the regional and national levels in the Arab world. It helps to evolve and implement new approaches and strategies of educational, cultural and scientific development that are [...]

Developing a Worldwide Network of Networks of Adult Education Documentation and Information Services, today called ALADIN, is an answer to the explosion of demand for new skills and adult learning generating an increasing demand for adult education documentation and information.- This website provides an overview on the development, the objectives and the activities of the [...]

The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers - is a national institution responsible for qualifying postgraduate teacher training for vocational teachers; professional pedagogical in-service and further training of teachers and leading staff at business colleges, technical colleges, labour market training centres etc. - This homepage leads to the [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

This website offers a lot of information on Ireland's school and university system. Among others, it contains numerous addresses of universities in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The website especially addresses students from abroad who are interested in studying in Ireland.

The Schools Integration Project (SIP) has been one of the Irelands key initiatives since 1998 to integrate ICT in teaching and learning. Focussing on whole school development, SIP examines and explores a range of teaching/ learning topics specifically from an ICT integration perspective in more than 90 pilot projects in a number of 'lead' schools . On the website the [...]

Africa; international
ADEA (an initiative of the World Bank in 1988) is a network and a partnership. This means that ADEA is neither a funding agency nor a traditional organization or an investment project. ADEA is a network of: African Ministries of Education; development agencies; education specialists and researchers; NGOs active in education.- This website provides access to working groups, [...]

The Eurydice report offers a detailed survey on the education system in Slovenia: political and economic background, general organisation of the education system, pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education, adult education, teachers and education staff, evaluation of the education system, European dimension of education.

INEE, the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System, is a department of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science that depends on the General Secretary of Education and Vocational Training. It is located in the Spanish capital Madrid. Its main goal is to evaluate the quality of the education system. Important supplementary information will be found in [...]

The databases REDINET contain information on educational research, periodicals, innovations in education and on didactical ressources produced in Spain. Via "Comunidades Autonomas" one can find regional resources.

The information provided on this website of the Higher Education Department of the Education Ministry includes information about all issues of higher education policy such as legislation, evaluation of higher education staff and other evaluation issues, congresses, research etc.

The Revista Española de Pedagogía publishes three issues a year, which constitute a volume of about 600 pages. This website provides a table of contents and abstracts of the various contributions. Articles of previous years can also be found.

The Spanish Confederation of Associations of Pupuls' Fathers and Mothers (CEAPA) units parents, whose sons and daughters are studying in public non-universitarian educational institutions. CEAPA is a state association of provincial and autonomous federations and confederations acting on behalf of parents. This homepage provides information on: objectives, government organs, [...]

The National Catholic Association of Family Heads and Pupils' Parents was founded in 1929 to protect family interests and to make sure that their children in school receive an education according to their beliefs and convictions. The confederation promotes the unity and co-operation of family and school. At present it counts 51 provincial federations integrating a great [...]

China, People's Republic of
This website of the International and Comparative Education Research Institute (ICERI) of the Beijing Normal University wants to give an overview on current comparative educational research in China. The information is offered under the following headlines: Information on the institute, Comparative Education in China, Resource Centre and Related Links. There is also offered [...]

The site gives an overview of the Universities and Institutions of Higher Education in Croatia in the following cities: Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Zagreb, Dubrovnik.

This web-site provides an overview of the vocational schools in Austria, the legal regulations which guide them, the admission rules and the occupations for which training is offered.

China, People's Republic of
The Department of Education of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Germany gives short information for German students on the Chinese system of education, on the application for visa for study purposes in China and on scholarships.

The European Training Foundation has supported the establishment of a National Observatory in Romania hosted within the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) . The Romanian National Observatory (RNO) started its activity in September 1996 as a component part of the National Observatory Network . The National Observatory gathers and analyses information on developments of the [...]

This Information offers acces to all Austrian vocational and educational information centres of the chambers of economics and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the vocational and educational information server, to education promotions, to new occupations. Additionally one finds here an extensive collection of interesting links to vocational information, educational [...]

The International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) is a membership organization of nearly 220 higher education institutions in the United States and 35 other countries that are committed to international exchange. ISEP serves its member institutions and their students by facilitating affordable university-level exchanges on a reciprocal basis. ISEP is committed to international [...]

The homepage of the Cambodian Education Ministry has links to full texts concerning the following issues: 1) various educational programs, education policy and reform, especially in the fields of basic education, education for all and e-learning; 2) a country education profile (education system and education policy); 3) the organizational structure of the Ministry. The [...]

The National Observatory of Romania is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Romania by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This [...]

The National Observatory of Slovenia is part of the National Observatory network launched by the European Training Foundation in 1996. It identifies priorities and gives advise on policies for further development of vocational training in Slovenia by collecting data on, and carrying out structured assessments of vocational education, training and labour market reform.- This [...]

The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central research institution in Slovenia in the field of education undertaking basic and applied research and implementing various projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas.- On the website information is provided on the history and structure of the institute, its goals and research [...]

This Website has been created to support teachers and pupils in Slovenia in using the new information technologies. It was established by the Ministry of Education and Sports together with the National Institute of Education. The main concern is to develop computer literacy. For this purpose a programme has to be implemented whose tasks are described in detail.

A comprehensive country study on education in Latvia is offered on this website. The education system is described in the context of its socioeconomic framework conditions and the history of the country. A graph regarding the structure of the education system is included. A particular section informs about the development of legislation in the field of education.

The Academical Network of Uruguay (RAU) is an association of the faculties and institutes of the National University and ov numerous other institutions of education and research. One focus is the promotion of the use of information technologies and the Internet for academic purposes. The site provides access to institutions with similar missions and to national, Latin-American [...]

South Africa, Republic
This website is designed to support higher education in South Africa and people working to transform it. There are links to most South African universities, technikons, and higher education consortia, as well as numerous research and policy documents.

The Electronic Traning Village has been initiated by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training ( CEDEFOP) using the latest available technology to bring the most up- to-date information in the field of vocational education and training in Europe. The Electronic Training Village facilitates the flow of information amongst and between policy makers, [...]

Europe; Belgium
The College of Europe is a unique and innovative postgraduate institute specialising in European education and training, which it has been pioneering at its Bruges campus since 1949, and since 1994 also at its campus at Natolin, Warsaw. Intensive programmes are offered in European integration issues. At Natolin issues relating to economic, legal and political transition and [...]

The IIEP was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1963 as a specialized centre for training and research in the field of educational planning and management. It was set up to meet the critical needs of UNESCO Member States - many of which were newly-independent - that sought to improve their educational systems. Thhe [...]

Russian Federation
This database offers a list of the Regional Centers of International Cooperation included to the Register of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Higher School. Centers of International Cooperation and Academical Mobility". Arranged in a tabular form this list provides names and addresses of the respective centres and their basic institutions. Via a list of [...]

The ICP is the leading international organisation for school principals. It was founded in 1990 with the clear intention to promote better understanding and closer relationships among principals of all nations, and to enhance their professional and leadership qualities. The objective of this mandate is to develop ICP members who are more responsive to the needs and aspirations [...]

An electronic version (pdf format) of the directory of more than seventy European associations, networks and social partners active in the field of education is available. The data contained in this document - which will be updated regularly - are a practical tool for all those concerned with education in Europe.

The Council's mission is to help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world. Council is one of the largest international education organizations in the world with almost 800 professionals and support staff working in more than 30 countries. This website offers information on travel, [...]

The European Centre for Modern Languages was set up in Graz (Austria) under an enlarged Partial Agreement, initially for three years (1994-1997). This period has been extended until December 2002. At present 34 states are members of the ECML. Within the framework of cultural co-operation and respecting the rich linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe, the Centre has as its [...]

More than 1500 publications in English and French regarding all activities of the Council of Europe (41 Member States) - also in the field of education - are offered. They include country studies on the school system (secondary stage) and publications on interdisciplinary topics of educational development.- This website shows the cover of newly published monographs which can [...]

The site of the Moroccan Ministry of Education shows the organizational structure of the Ministry and full texts on the education system, the activities concerning educational policy and their successful implementation in various areas of the education system and a section with various publications.

United States of America (USA)
This website provides current information on the latest developments in educational reform.- The Center for Education Reform helps people bring fundamental reforms to their schools. The Center works throughout the nation with educators, parents and others who care about promoting educational excellence in America's schools. Founded in 1993, the Center is a results-oriented [...]

Europe; Germany
Information regarding the EU action programme YOUTH and the German agency YOUTH is available. The menu "Information on the Programme" includes facts and measures about the programme. In the menu "Information for Youth" reference to funding possibilities is given. The menu "Dialogue" names contact partners in the German agency and provides a list of publications. The menu [...]

Russian Federation
Just like the education on the whole, media education in Russia resided under harsh ideological pressure for many years. Access to media information (films, books about movies, etc.) was denied by censorship. However media education in Russia has existed already for about 85 years. The webpage of the Russian Association for Film and Media Education offers an extensive list of [...]

The National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is a multidisciplinary Research Centre. Its aim is to perform, finance and support high-level research projects in the areas of humanities and natural sciences. During its years of operation the NHRF has developed and performed research projects in the fields of history, physics, chemistry, material sciences, biology and [...]

Cyprus, Republic of
The University of Cyprus in Nicosia is the only university in the Republic of Cyprus. For the Department of Education, which is part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and closely cooperates with the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, the website provides information regarding the following aspects: Academic Staff; Board of the Department; Mission of the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Mongolia is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Ghana is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

Bolivia; South America
The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Bolivia is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

Brazil; South America
The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Brazil is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Ecuador is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

El Salvador
The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on El Salvador is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Nepal is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Peru is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Bangladesh is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in [...]

China, People's Republic of
The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on China is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Namibia is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Malaysia is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on the Philippines is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Pakistan is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Thailand is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The website of the Philippine Education Ministry offers full texts about the functions and missions of the Ministry and its single departments. Furthermore there are full text documents of publications (annual reports, statistics), research reports, memoranda and legislation of the Ministry. Other links lead to web-based resources for students, teachers and administrators.

The website gives an overall view of the missions and responsibilities of the ministry and its various departments.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

China, People's Republic of
The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange(CSCSE) is a registered corporate body affiliated to the Ministry of Education (MOE), People's Republic of China. As an organization with full legal status, CSCSE is entrusted by MOE to provide services to assist scholarly exchanges between China and other parts of the world, including Chinese students and scholars studying [...]

This brief country profile of Hungary is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the higher education isntitutions of the country. The information ist sturctured as follows: structure of the education system (types of schools and leaving certificates, types of higher education institutions); higher [...]

The RoEduNet was created in July 1993. From the very beginning RoEduNet was conceived as an open structure, offering free access to the academic, scientific and cultural nonprofit institutions; once the first institution was connected - the University of Bucharest, August 1993 - the nucleus of the academic data communication infrastructure was created. RoEduNet is an [...]

This site provides all important information useful for foreign students and researchers who intend to study or do research in France. The homepage has the following links: 1) The French higher education system, 2) course catalogue, 3) French society, 4) living in France, 5) preparing your visit, 6) EGIDE services and actualities. [English version with extension uk/home. htm]

France is subdivided into 30 regional administration districts (académies) which may called up through this site. Then the educational institutions and other educational information concerning the respective region may be clicked.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

This web-site offers information for applicants which are valuable for beginning a study time in France. The website contains information about "studies and employment" and includes, among others, links concerning studies abroad; other sections are "leisure time and culture" and information concerning the "daily life" of the prospective students. Places for work and practical [...]

This is a link list for all courses of studies and other training programs for academic professions in France, including distance studies; the web-sites of higher education institutions and of the secondary schools are searchable. There is also a glossary, and the button "SCUIO" opens the addresses of the guidance offices of the universities.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The website of the Colombian Education Ministry provides information about the mission and objectives of education in Colombia (peace, equality), assessment and accountability, and access to relevant material for the different sectors (from pre-primary to tertiary education).

Latin America; Spain
Link list in alphabetical order of the countries.

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Vietnam is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Chad is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The patrimonial information portal (Landeskundiches Informationsportal/ LIP) on Uganda is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Botswana is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Ethiopia is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Mozambique is one out of more than 30 profiles on developing countries provided by the German Foundation for International Development (DSE) together with four other German institutions active in the field of development cooperation. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Cameroon is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work i n the [...]

This brief country profile of France is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the higher education isntitutions of the country. The information is structured as follows: structure of the education system ( types of schools and leaving certificates, types of higher education institutions); higher [...]

South Africa, Republic
The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on South Africa is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in [...]

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Tansania is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the [...]

United Kingdom
A compact overview of the British education system with emphasis on higher education.

This brief country profile of the Slovak Republic is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international [...]

Moldova, Republic of
This brief country profile of Moldova is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Switzerland is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation [...]

This brief country profile of Georgia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

Serbia; Montenegro
This brief country profile of Yugoslavia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation [...]

This brief country profile of Ukraine is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Latvia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Lithuania is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation [...]

This brief country profile of Poland is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

Russian Federation
This brief country profile of the Russian Federation is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international [...]

This brief country profile of Romania is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the higher education isntitutions of the country. The information ist sturctured as follows: structure of the education system ( types of schools and leaving certificates, types of higher education institutions); higher [...]

This brief country profile of Slovenia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Azerbaijan is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation [...]

This brief country profile of Belarus is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Albania is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Armenia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina
This brief country profile of Bosnia&Herzegovina is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international [...]

This brief country profile Bulgaria is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Croatia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of the Czech Republic is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international [...]

This brief country profile of Kazakhstan is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation [...]

North Macedonia
This brief country profile of Macedonia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation [...]

This brief country profile of Estonia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

This brief country profile of Estonia is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]

List of Cameroon universities, partly with links.

This project is a joint venture of CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Educational Training), together with the Research Forum WIFO Berlin, to provide an Overview of European Research ( ERO) on vocational education and training (VET) and human resource development (HRD). ERO is designed as a web-based meeting point of networks with the aim of sharing information on [...]

The NCSA promotes study abroad programs in Africa and seeks to improve the quality of these programs. This site provides the most comprehensive listing available of programs for study abroad in Africa available to U.S. students.

EuroEducation Net aims to provide useful information and assist students in choosing undergraduate, postgraduate and a variety of other academic courses offered by over 900 education institutions in Europe, Russia and the CIS. The entry profiles include: description of courses and schools, contact details, application procedures, admission requirements, cost of studies, [...]

The National Polytechnical Institute is the leading tertiary educational institution in the field of technology. The institute with its activities renders a significant contribution to instruction and research as well as to the dissemination of findings of science and technology. On the websites the user can find information on the calendar of studies and on issues of [...]

The Centre for Research and Business Education is a higher education institution specialized in the field of social sciences. For more than 25 years experiences have been gained which are utilized to acquire and spread knowledge on essential issues of contemporary social reality. Providing specific and modern core programmes of high quality and priority a contribution is to be [...]

The homepage of the Higher Education Ministry leads to full texts about structure and mission of the Ministry and of other organizations of research and higher education, to the web-sites of the 6 universities and of private institutions. Additional current information.

The English version does not provide active links for all of the issues which the homepage shows. Accessible are: the Directorate of Examinations, the Capacity Building Project in Management of Qualitative Development of Education Services, a text on e-learning and one on ICT use in education. Furthermore, there is one about the "Vision Forum or the Future of Education in [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The European Trade Union Committee for Education represents 81 teachers' unions in 19 EU Member States and EFTA countries. The ETUCE has also associated member organisations in the Central and Eastern European countries. The website offers the calendar of activities, information on decisions of the Executive Board, a newsletter and references to publications.

The main objective is to establish a flexible multilingual trans-national forum for the development of teacher education in Europe linking together as many universities and other institutions as possible. This network is funded by the European Commission within the SOCRATES/ ERASMUS programme.- Links of this homepage lead to a "Search-the- Site"-Module and to information on [...]

Russian Federation
The Library is the repository of pedagogical literature, information and bibliographical centre for the libraries of educational institutions, initial professional and in-service teacher education. Scientific-research activity of the Library is the component of the researchers of Russian Academy of Education. The Library has the constant contact with the scientists, [...]

Central Europe; Eastern Europe
The Civic Education Project (CEP) is a not-for-profit international education organization dedicated to assisting universities in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. CEP is affiliated with the Central European University, founded by philanthropist George Soros, and with Yale University. CPS is currently active in Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech [...]

The Enabling Education Network (EENET) has been set up to establish an information-sharing network aimed at supporting and promoting the inclusion of marginalised groups in education world wide.- This homepage offers various links to reports, case studies, training materials, publications bibliographies on topics regarding handicapped children, teacher education and family [...]

VOCTADE is a research project for the development of knowledge bases in the field of distance education and training, with a particular focus on the European distance training industry market.- This website offers full texts on the project, its focus and goal. It names the participating research institutions, outlines the research methodology and presents definitions of terms [...]

The objectives of EADTU are to: promote higher level distance education in Europe; support bi-lateral contacts between academic staff of the participating universities; support co-operation in the field of research, course development,course and credit transfer; develop new methods and techniques for higher distance education including new technologies and media; organise [...]

EGRIS is a research network consisting of partners in Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The main activities consider the changing structures and processes of social integration in the context of new trajectories between youth and adulthood as well as the consequencies for education and welfare.- This homepages offers [...]

AOIFE is a European association for Women's Studies based on institutional membership, a structure which links institutions dedicated to initiating and supporting feminist education and research in Europe, a forum for collectively addressing and acting on issues concerning Women's Studies by means of co-operation and networking, a platform from which to submit carefully [...]

Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The HKIER develops, supports, and coordinates long-term multi- displinary research programmes. Each of these programmes consists of a number of research projects conducted by researchers of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and other tertiary institutions. Several ongoing policy-related research projects, supported by various funds from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, [...]

OSPU was founded in 1918 originally as a polytechnic Institute in the course of the creation of a range of higher educational institutions targeting to increase the level of new formation of students by means of focussing on applied and natural sciences as well as engineering. It has quickly developed into a major institution charged with the education of professionals and [...]

This homepage presents in particular the address of the Ministry of Education in Doha, including phone and fax numbers as well as the name of the Minister of Education. A link to "Arab World Online" offers internet access to Arab associations, societies, clubs and organizations.

This homepage is subdivided into the following parts: organization of the ministry, services for teachers and students, history of education policy in Turkey, qualitative developments in education, the educational system, objectives and strategies of education policy, management and inspection of the educational organisation, innovations, educational statistics, international [...]

Pakistan; international
The Aga Khan University's Institute for Educational Development (AKU- IED) aims to improve the quality of education in developing countries through research, educational programmes, capacity-building, partnerships, policy initiatives and a commitment to wider social development. Established in 1993, with grant support of US $ 12.5 million from the Commission of the European [...]

Educational Testing Service is the world's premier educational measurement institution and a leader in educational research. A private nonprofit company, dedicated to serving the needs of individuals, educational institutions and agencies, and governmental bodies in 181 countries, ETS develops and annually administers more than 11 million tests worldwide on behalf of clients [...]

Russian Federation
This homepage offers a well structured and grouped variety of links on education in and via the Internet in the Russian Federation. These websites are the outcome of the project "All education in the Internet". The following categories are amongst others available: a main theme, opinions on a certain topic, news and hints on catalogues, resources and programmes.

The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc. (WCGTC) is a worldwide non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of [...]

The Ministry of School Education, Youth and Sports is a central body of governmental administration for preschool education, school education at primary and secondary level and higher education as well as for science policy, research and development in the context of international co-operation in these areas. In addition the Ministry is responsible for academic degrees and [...]

This Website serves as an information and communication platform for European educational researchers in the field of Comparative Education. It concentrates on the organisational and content-related preparation of its annual conferences. This website provides information on the history of CESE, its members and their publications. At a time when European education faces immense [...]

This website offers an overview regarding the mission of the Ministry od Higher Education in Cuba. Its main functions and objectives in view of personality development of undergraduates are explained in fulltexts. In this context politico-ideological values as well as aspects concerning the economic development of the country play an important role.

This 'Window on VET systems' provides information on recent developments in vocational education and training (VET) in the EU member states and other European countries. There are two main sections: One of these contains EU overviews which are prepared twice each year. The other consists of country specific reports. These sections are available by links.

This Homepage reflects the mission of EUCEN: The European Universities Continuing Education Network is an organisation for universities concerned with the development of Continuing Education in Europe. Many European universities see themselves as international institutions. To establish a network for continuing education has been one way in which these universities can express [...]

Over 11,000 web pages on this site are accessible through a table comprising amongst others the following links - many of them related to education and training: Databases online, International organizations, International NGOs, World problems, Human potential, Human values, Knowledge Organizations, Language/Culture etc.

This homepage of the Ministry of Education offers a survey on the national education system supported by an organizational chart and a link to educational institutions. There are also full texts on educational law (higher education and continuing education) as well as on perspectives of educational development. A school directory and an outline on the history of education in [...]

This homepage offers a link list to all ministries of the country, including the Ministry of Education. Websites offer in tabular form the addresses of the various educational departments and units of this Ministry and all schools located in the capital Harare.

The Sudan-Net offers various links to the different areas of Sudanese Society, in particular to the tertiary educational institutions. Most of the websites give information about structure, organization and responsibilities of individuals. Special attention deserves a private university in Sudan dedicated to educating women, strengthening women's roles in national and rural [...]

This Homepage of the Ministry of Education and Science offers links to the various educational institutions, to educational administration, educational laws in the nineties and educational statistics. Other links lead to networks and projects, publications and to a summary of government priorities in the education sector.

The site of this ministrycan be accessed through a selection list. The first section of homepage provides the user with a detailed listing of senior officials in the Ministry, and key functions of the Ministry and its three departments for science and technology, technical and vocational education and higher education. It is followed by a fulltext which gives an overview on [...]

This homepage offers a school directory and an survey on the organizational structure of the Ministry of Edcuation and its Departments. Besides the annual education statistics of Maledives for the two previous years is given. One link leads to information on studying abroad. A discussion forum for teachers is also available.

This website is intended to give a comprehensive introduction to ALTE, its member organisations, their joint aims and the projects they are involved in together. The site is organised as follows. The Introduction to ALTE describes the rationale behind the founding of ALTE, lists its current membership and states its aims and objectives. The ALTE Framework gives details of the [...]

The network aims at improving academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study in the Member States of the EU and the EEA countries. The network is part of the Community's Programme SOCRATES, which stimulates the mobility of students and staff between higher education institutions in these countries. This homepage offers a guide to higher education systems and [...]

EFECOT is a European organization, which devotes itself to the right of appropriate education of occupational travellers. EFECOT is a European federation of parties involved in the education of the children of bargee, circus families, fairground families and seasonal workers.

The Instituto Bet El A-743 offers an educational programme which is implemented as a special project of the Ministry of Education of Argentina. Pre-school education and five years of primary education are followed by grades 6 and 7 (Intermediate Level). At this level, teaching is particularly orientated towards the development of cognitive, affective and social competencies. [...]

Europe; international
Europa Publications are the publishers of The Europa World Year Book, The World of Learning, The International Who's Who and other internationally acclaimed reference works.

The World Bank Group invites with its websites students and teachers to explore countries and regions. It offers learning materials for classroom work and links to schools around the world. Full text information can be downloaded free of charge. The data provided enable the user to learn more about the socio-economic and the socio- cultural conditions of countries all over the [...]

The EAN aims to encourage wider access to higher education in all European countries for those who are currently under-represented, whether for reasons of gender, ethnic origin, nationality, age, disability, employment status, income level, family background, vocational training, geographic location, or earlier educational disadvantage.

The site offers some short texts about the education system in Flanders (compulsory education, higher education, funding education, educational networks, school and academic year) and links to Flemish universities and colleges.

Restode is the Eduserver of the French-speaking community of Belgium. The network provides overall information on the educational system and intends to facilitate the communication and to help realise educational projects. The starting points are "Education", "Library", "Orientation" and "Events". They provide e.g. access to texts with various issues, to addresses of [...]

This Website of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides a short overview over education in Israel. You will find the following sections: Adult Education, Challenges, Higher Education, Preschool Education, Primary and Secondary Education. The menu bar on the right provides you with additional links and information to the specific sections. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

Edutech is a comprehensive education reform programme; it has four related components: Curriculum Reform, Developing Human Resources, Physical Renovations, Technological Infrastructure.

The homepage offers - beside links to full texts about mission, structure and personnel of the Ministry - links to 1) education statistics: numbers of students and teachers, enrollment, nursery education, also by regions; 2) schools: list of schools by region; and 3) projects of the Ministry: secondary school reform, primary education improvement, basic education teacher [...]

This website provides a searchable database and link list through which all educational institutions in Spain can be found. The homepage shows four groupings: higher education, postgraduate studies, "Colegios" (i.e. pre-school and school), vocational education. Additionally, there are various services and information about special areas e.g. e-learning

The website of the Department of Education of Victoria provides extensive information on the various levels of education as well as access to various publications.

The site of the Department of Education is designed so that parents and guardians, educators, students and administrators can link directly to the areas of this site that have been developed specifically for them.

The site contains information about the public schools in New South Wales: departmental information, information for teachers, students and parents (documents, curricula, e-journal, calender of events, links to related organistaions, statistical data).

The website of the Department of Education and the Arts of Queensland provides extensive information for students, parents, international students, schools and educators. It also contains a school directory.

Côte d'Ivoire
The homepage of the Ministry which is responsible for pre-schools and schools offers the opportunity to gather information around the domains of the Ministry. On the one hand, it shows the primary tasks, projects, activities and research objectives of the Ministry, on the other hand, it offers a broad spectrum of useful information for daily school life, especially concerning [...]

Israel; China, People's Republic of; India
"The Council for Higher Education (CHE) was established in accordance with the Council for Higher Education Law 5718-1958, as the State institution in Israel responsible for higher education. The goal was to establish a public, apolitical, independent and professional body to stand between the Government and the institutions of higher education and to deal with all issues [...]

The homepage of the Education Ministry is structured in six sections, the links of which lead to full texts about: 1) The Ministry and its missions, 2) the educational system (educational objectives and all levels of education), 3) programs, among others gifted education, career guidance, 4) educational institutions ( schools, statistics), information about schools (including [...]

The Englisch homepage of the Thai Education Ministry leads to full texts about 1) the Ministry and its Departments, 2) Education statistics (budget, personnel, student numbers, also Buddhist institutions), 3 ) international schools in Thailand (regulations and standards). 4) The button "about MOE" gives access to various texts about the education reform 1996-2007 and 5) [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
KERIS is an information system that promotes the use of information technology in education. Its tasks are: to provide an e-learning system for schools (EDUNET) and an information network for educational administration (NEIS), to qualifiy teaching and administration personnel in the use of information technology, and to provide access to literature and electronic full text [...]

In spite of the label "english" all links of the site are leading to texts in Malayan or to empty sites with the single exception of information on the Ministry itself ("About MOE") ( entered in this database).

The General Direction of Culture and Education of the province Buenos Aires implements national educational policy at provincial level according to regional particularities. The Institution has an Educational Information and Documentation Centre.

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) promotes and underpins the work of foundations and corporate funders active in and with Europe. Established in 1989 by seven of Europe's leading foundations, the EFC today has a membership of over 160 independent funders and serves a further 7,000 organisations linked through networking centres in thirty-five countries across Europe. The [...]

The site contains information about activitities/institutions in the field of Montessori method.

Statistical tables with data from 1992 to 2008 can be reached from the homepage of the National Statistical Institute via the path "estadisticas sociales" - "educación". The information can be specified in view of the theme, the space of time, the period and the characteristica.

international; Europe
CIDREE consists of educational bodies which have a recognised major role in the field of curriculum development and/or educational research within their own countries. CIDREE promotes international collaboration by organising joint projects in educational research and development. A typical project consists of four to eight CIDREE member institutions across Europe with one [...]

The School Net is an electronic meeting place for school staff, students and parents, and anyone else with an interest in schools. The site contains information about schools in Norway, database information (exchange programmes, schools abroad) and linklists.

international; Europe
The EuRaTIN network encompasses the Brussels based R&D liaison offices of Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. EuRaTIN offers a free service to look for research partners in Europe.

The Academia Europaea was founded in 1988 as an international, non- governmental association of individual scientists and scholars, aiming to promote learning, education and research. It currently brings together nearly 1800 members from 35 European and seven non- European countries. The Academia's membership covers a wide range of disciplines, including the physical sciences [...]

The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) is an independent European organisation dedicated to the support, improvement, management and analysis of academic cooperation within Europe and between Europe and other parts of the world. It was created in July 1993 with the legal status of a non-profit-making international association according to Belgian law and a secretariat in [...]

The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation carries out studies and promotes an international dialogue about education across OECD countries. As part of the Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development, based in Paris, it is a focal point for information and discussion on trends in education systems throughout the industrialised world. The website gives [...]

Latin America
The Latin American Institute for Educational Communication was established in 1956. It is a regional institution for the respective Unesco Member States. The institute is expected to render a contribution towards an improvement of education by applying the new information and communication technologies. On the website the user can find links to the school net, to educational [...]

The pages of the Peruvian Education Ministry are providing full text information concerning all issues of education and education policy in this county, the Ministry and its activities and mission, projects of modernization, publications and events (congresses), statistical diagnoses and analyses.

REDEC is a network of UNAM, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, in the field of continuing education. This homepage offers information on current events, documents and continuing education courses by using modern technologies.

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is one of the leading institutions at tertiary level in this country. It is famous for its high standards in view of teaching and research, particularly in the field of educational sciences and culture.- On this website the university provides information characterizing its profile: the provision of Open Education; Distance [...]

This homepage of the SEP offers a comprehensive overview on the organization and structure of the education system and provides an orientation with regard to the abundance of educational opportunities. Besides official documents are available.- In the centre of current educational developments particular attention is paid to a reform of Basic Education (more than 6 million [...]

The homepage of the Education Ministry provides an overview of all questions of education and education policy in this country. The links are leading to project and program descriptions of the Ministry (educational reform, literacy, educational planning), educational indicators and statistics. The education law and other documents concerning the Ministry's policy are offered [...]

Costa Rica
The web-site of the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education (MEP) are rather extensive and well designed. The homepage is leading to full text information about education policy, education statistics, instructional information, information for children, youth and families (e. g. leisure activities and sports) and information for teachers (e.g. laws, educational [...]

The homepage of the Ministry of Culture and Education has full texts, graphs and links referring to the following areas: education system, educational law, structure and organization of primary, secondary and tertiary education and fields of international cooperation as well as adult education. A comprehensive educational reform in 2000 changed the structure and contents in [...]

The homepage of the Chilenian Education Ministry is leading to full text information about the Ministry, the preschool, school and higher education system and reforms in these areas, cultural activities and one discussion forum named "round table". The education statistics may be shown as full texts, but individual searches in the statistical data base are also possible. Links [...]

The homepage of the Bahrain Education Minsitry offers full texts concerning the organizational structure of the Ministry, all levels of education, educational law, programs of continuous education, basic data of educational policy, public libraries and the educational documentation library. Links are provided for e-mail addresses of official institutions and schools and to [...]

Find the right university, college, career college, language school, secondary (high) school or elementary school for you. Students interested in learning English as a second language can find out about ESL and TOEFL scores. Post-secondary programs such as MBA, computer science, engineering and business are also featured. Learn about visas, tuition, application requirements [...]

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has responsibility for public education (kindergarten through Grade 12). The Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development prescribes curriculum and establishes educational goals and standards. Serving Canada´s only officially bilingual province, New Brunswick's education system offers students the [...]

The web site of the Department of Education provides information on the education system and the schools of the Yukon Territory including information about public schools, advanced education, libraries and archives and education support services and much more educational items.

The homepage of the Department of Education provides information on the education system of Newfoundland and Labrador and on "special projects online". The site further provides access to publications (full text/statistics) and a link list.

This educational website of the Gouvernment of Québec provides information for students, parents, teachers and school boards. Furthermore, the site targets athlets, coaches, sport organisations and municipalities. Features include a school earch engine, current initiatives, laws and regualtions and information on the education system of Québec in general.

The ministry´s website offers information on kindergarten to grade 12 education, advanced learning (vocational training, higher and adult education) as well as reports, research and action plans.

The French Ministry of Labour and Health is also responsible for vocational education and has installed an own department for this section (Formation professionnelle / Apprentissage). The URL is the entry to this area which offers full texts on the legal basis of work and vocational education, research and statistics and links to publications and documents and to the regional [...]

New Zealand
Growing New Zealand school rolls make teaching here an attractive career. Whether you're a kiwi considering teacher training, an overseas teacher seeking new challenges, or a New Zealand-trained teacher looking for job vacancies, TeachNZ has training, immigration and employment information or schoolarship informations you need to find your way into a kiwi classroom. TeachNZ [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority coordinates qualifications in secondary schools and in post-school education and training, maintains national standards, ensures recognition of overseas qualifications and administers national secondary and tertiary examinations. Scholarships and awards, adresses of education professionals, teaching and examination materials, [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) offers educational research, publications and seminars in New Zealand. NZCER's current mission is to support educators through research, resources, and information. The web site contains information about: research programmes; advisory, library and information services; pedagogical and psychological test advisory [...]

New Zealand
Comprehensive background information, statistics, strategies and policies, full text material, consultation regarding education sectors (early childhood, primary and secondary education, tertiary education, Maori education, international aspects), budget, teacher employment.

The website is intended for foreigners who want to study or work in Canada. It gives detailed information about the application procedure for study and work permits.

Exhaustive contributions to the Austrian higher educaton system, studying, course guidance, colleges of technology, scholarships, higher education law, and information for international students. Moreover a list with contact information in the university sphere is offered, e.g. for the topics of women´s promotion, international science relations, studying with disabilities, [...]

Cyprus, Republic of
This homepage of the Ministry offers information on tasks, duties and the structure of this governmental institution as well as information on the structure of the education system, on developments and innovations in the educational sector. It also informs on programmes ( SOCRATES) and projects.- There are a number of links to other educational institutions in Cyprus.

"The Faculty of Education has taken on a variety of roles that are linked to a wider conception of education and training. Its main focus remains pre-service and in-service teacher education." The Faculty's website offers a short survey of its main fields of study, courses, admission, boards, conferences, programmes, projects and journals as well as addresses and publications [...]

The VECO community includes coordinators, teachers, careers advisors, workplace supervisors,workplace trainers, employers and others involved or interested in Vocational Education and Training programs in Australian schools. In particular VECO is for those involved in structured workplace learning programs. The homepage connects with people (discussion lists, special focus [...]

This website by the Department of Education, Science and Training ( DEST) offers comprehensive information on and links to Australian universities and private institutions of higher education as well as information on general and financial aspects of studying in Australia and abroad. The list of higher education providers is organised by State or Territory.

United Kingdom
"This site contains the latest comprehensive range of official UK statistics and information about statistics as well providing free access to a selection of recently released publications in downloadable pdf format". The statistics offered comprise all areas of general education and vocational education and training.

This homepage informs on the past and present of the Warsaw University. It provides information on activities in the field of international co-operation, particularly within the framework of the educational programmes SOCRATES and LEONARDO. A variety of links lead to governmental institutions; universities of the country and the Polish Academy of Sciences. The link "libraries" [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides comprehensive country profiles on education systems in Europe (formerly Eurypedia". All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit responsible for regularly [...]

The office, founded unter the protection of the French Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is the official information centre concerning school issues, studies, professions and vocational training. The information relates to most of the professions for which training is available. An "atlas" describes the school and higher education [...]

The homepage of the University Library of Gerona provides access to its catalogues and to those of other Catalonian libraries and their catalogues, e.g. of all Catalonian university libraries and other resources for students and researchers.

Entry-side of the ministry, that offers information about tasks and the structure of the ministry, with access to all departments and subdivisions, with statements on persons. Furthermore, linklists are offered to schools, state and private, colleges, adult education and further interesting sides on "Luxembourg".

English information about the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs are hardly provided. Content in Greek refers to the Ministry’s structure and organization like its four General Secretariats – of Research and Technology, Lifelong Learning, Youth and Religious Affairs. Furthermore it links to information about reforms and examination, a help desk and contact [...]

Overview of the Portuguese higher education system, public and private universities, post-graduate studies, scholarships and funding, teaching personnel and higher education laws and regulations.

The first button of the navigation bar "Topicos Gerais" provides (as many other sites of Education Ministries) extensive overviews about all parts of the Portuguese education system, politics, statistics, laws etc. The other buttons lead to the departments of the Ministry and their activities and services; a school-year calendar is also shown.

This web-site presents information about the activities and action fields of this department of the Education Ministry.

The homepage of the university provides an overview about history, organizational structure and faculties of the university and its courses, the degrees which can be obtained and the participation in programs of the European Union.

United Kingdom
This site contains detailed information about the student loan scheme for higher education. It is explained who is eligible, how to apply for a loan, repayment etc.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The EDK is the coordinating body of the education ministers of the 26 cantons responsible for education, culture and sports. The website offers basic information about the Swiss education system as well as publications of the EDK on educational policy.

The IDES information and documentation centre is affiliated with the EDK general secretariat (Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education). It systematically collects information and documents about the Swiss education system and makes them accessible.

"Europa" is the portal site of the European Union. It provides up-to-date coverage of European Union affairs and essential information on European integration, also in the field of education. Users can also consult all legislation currently in force or under discussion, access the websites of each of the EU institutions and find out about the policies administered by the [...]

Established in January 1996, SchoolWorld was designed with the premise that schools should be allowed to participate in a wide range of varied programs and projects, interact with other schools from the world, and be provided a platform for using the Internet for educational enhancement..

The Association gives information about its activities and provides numerous further resources, e.g. counselling service, texts of conferences, books and videos available or to lend, family and government activities concerning gifted children.

The German Education Server (eduserver) is an information portal maintained by the federal authorities and the sixteen federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver provides access to information on the education system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver makes the high-quality information available through a system of databases. The range of [...]

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) is Australia's principal research and evaluation organisation for the vocational education and training sector in Australia. It is an independent organisation responsible to a board of directors representing employers, unions, education and training organisations, government, and others with an interest in [...]

Responsibilities of the Danish Ministry of Education cover all levels and areas of education. Therefore this website provides the respective links to vocational training, adult education and higher education. Besides the site offers facts about the education system in Denmark, information on projects and instructions for the introduction and utilization of new educational [...]

The National Centre for Distance Studies is the greatest of its sort in the francophone area. The homepage gives access to comprehensive information about tasks and activities concerning distance learning focussing on distance courses for school and high education and vocational training.

Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Switzerland; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Croatia; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Turkey; Europe; Austria
Eurydice (formerly Eurypedia and Eurybase) is a network of national units based in all countries of the Erasmus+ programme. [Its] task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work. Eurydice publishes descriptions of national education systems, comparative reports devoted to specific topics, indicators and statistics, as well as news and [...]

oz-TeacherNet aims at enhancing the professional use of the Internet by teachers. Information and links are provided to curriculum projects, addresses of teacher organizations and schools on the Internet.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

The Royal School of Library and Information Science (with locations in Kopenhagen and Aalborg) is an educational and research institution responsible to the Danish Ministry of Cultural Affairs for education, research and development to the highest level in the field of library and information science (LIS).- From the clearly structured homepage links provide access to: General [...]

The Dutch search item "onderwijs" or the English item "education" give access to a comprehensive link list for all matters of education and science in the Netherlands.

United States of America (USA)
The Office of Special Education and and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), a unit of the U.S. Department of Education, offers a an overview on support programmes that assist in educating children with special needs, in the rehabilitation of youth and adults with disabilities, and supports research to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. The website also provides a [...]

UNI-C, an IT company, connects schools to the Internet - or to Sektornet, the special connection to the Internet provided for schools in Denmark. More than 2500 Danish educational institutions are connected to Sektornet - the gateway to the Internet for more than half a million Danes. From this homepage links lead to educational websites, an educational portal, to educational [...]

The Spanish Confederation of Teaching Centres was founded in 1977 and is an association which represents the major part of private education in Spain. This website provides information on educational opportunities offered by more than 5.000 institutions in the non-universitary sector, in particular related to issues of teaching.

United Kingdom
The Independent Schools Council offers general information about the UK independent sector and advice on how to go about choosing an appropriate school for your child. The site includes a database of nearly 1300 independent schools.

This society is dedicated to the fields of educational research and pedagogics and offers on its homepage information about the S. E.P. and its activities as well as electronic publishing.

This website offers topic-related data from the recently published issues of the journal, in particular on evaluation, achievement and quality assurance in schools as well as analyses for decision-making and school administration.

The Interuniversitary Association for Pedagogical Research offers a wide range of information for educational research reaching from electronic publications and the provision of teaching aids up to the organisation of virtual conferences. The association is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).- The user can find a great variety of links to [...]

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

Revista de Educación is a quarterly published journal of the Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación (INCE), which belongs to the Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain. On the website the recently published issues on twelve subject categories are offered dealing among others with student [...]

This homepage offers an opportunity to reach more than 16.800 libraries world-wide by means of a powerful search engine. Users have to insert a keyword or part of the name of the respective library for getting access. With the entry "Spain" 20 links to Spanish libraries are provided, including pedagogical ones.

United Kingdom; Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland; England
The website gives a detailed overview of study opportunities in the UK for foreign students, including English language courses, choice of courses

The Australian Government Department of Education and Training is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality early childhood education, school education, higher education, vocational education and training, international education and research.

"EdNA Online is a service that aims to support and promote the benefits of the Internet for learning, education and training in Australia. It provides a directory about education and training in Australia and a database of web-based resources useful for teaching and learning." In addition, it provides full text versions of relevant publications, several newsletters and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Department of Education provides overall information on the national educational system with many links to governmental or supported institutions which work in the different applied or research fields.

This list of links offers access to the public archives and libraries in the ten autonomous regions of Spain.

The homepage of the National Library offers information on catalogues, consultation rooms, the Spanish Focal Point, international cooperation, services, publications and resources of bibliographic interest. Besides there is reference to expositions and collections.

The homepage of the National University of Distance Education ( UNED) offers among other things information on the organization and structure as well as on the aims and activities of this educational institution. The user can find links to about 40 associated centres of this Open University in Spain. The UNED also operates a net of external centres in different parts of the [...]

The Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes offers profound information on the "new" education system in Spain (LOGSE) and on educational reforms on the Canary Islands. A comprehensive list of links includes teaching aids and other assistance. Particular attention should be paid to the collection of links regarding educational law and legislation.

The National University of Distance Education (UNED) was established in 1972. Its central administration is located in Madrid. UNED maintains 117 study centres in Spain, 5 in cities of other European countries (Bonn, Brussels, Geneva, London, Paris) and 4 in Latin America. Study courses offered also include sciences of education.

The centre is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Culture. By means of its programme it inspires and supports the spreading of new technologies at non-universitary level in particular in the areas of preschool education, primary and secondary education.- On this homepage possibilities are explained which the Internet offers in view of interpersonal and [...]

The project MENTOR "Telematic tutorials via Internet" is a system in the framework of Open and Distance Learning initiated by the Centro Nacional de Información y Comunicación Educativa (CNICE) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. It is a specific form of teaching and learning by applying new technologies, in particular the Internet. The telematic tutor is a [...]

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain is responsible for all areas and levels of education in the country. There is an organizational chart of the Ministry on the website. According to the different responsibilities of this governmental institution links to educational institutions in the field of vocational training and adult education are available as well [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
Responsibilities include: Further and higher education, science and lifelong learning, school education, training and skills, HM Inspectorate of Education and the Scottish Qualifications Authority, nurseries and childcare, children's services, children's hearings, social work and HM Social Work Inspectorate.

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