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Ariadne Pfad:


Education Worldwide


Welcome to Education Worldwide and peace for all mankind!
This site provides you with information on education and educational research in an international context. Our webdossiers are compiled using country or subject specific Internet resources.

New dossier on pro-Palestinian protests at universities worldwide

Pro-Palästina-Proteste an der University of Chicago (USA), Mai 2024. Plakat mit der englischen Aufschrift:
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations at University of Chicago (USA), May 2024. A poster with the inscription: "As you go to class remember that there are no universities left in Gaza".

Emotions are running high at universities around the world. Some people feel reminded of the student protests of the 1960s/70s against the Vietnam War. The current student protests and campus occupations take place against the background of the Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip, which in turn were triggered by the attack on Israel by the Palestinian terrorist organisation Hamas on 7 October 2023.
You can find out what the students are criticising and what demands they are making of their universities in our new dossier.  It also offers an international press review of the demonstrations taking place at universities around the world, as well as statements from academic societies and other organisations in the field of education. 

Lehrermangel nicht nur in Deutschland

Cover der Unesco-Publikation »Global report on teachers: addressing teacher shortages and transforming the profession« sowie eine Tabelle und eine weitere Statistik zum Thema (aus der Publikation)
Copyright: UNESCO/Ilan Godfrey; UNESCO/Santiago Serrano; UNESCO/Erika Piñeros; UNESCO/Nadège Mazars; UNESCO/Rehab Eldalil; UNESCO/Anatolii Stepanov

A new UNESCO report shows that the shortage of teachers is a problem not only in Germany, but worldwide. New data suggests that 44 million additional teachers will be needed to achieve universal primary and secondary education for all children by 2030. This is one of the demands of Goal 4 "Quality Education" of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. From an international perspective, the UNESCO report provides answers to questions such as: "Where is the teacher shortage greatest?", "Why is there so much teacher shortage worldwide?" or "How can the teacher shortage be solved?"

New web dossier: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education – international perspectives

Details eines Wandgraffitis mit der Inschrift:

Not only in Germany, but worldwide, the publication of the chatbot "ChatGPT" has sparked a debate about artificial intelligence.

You can find out on how this debate is being conducted internationally in the education sector in our dossier.  We offer you freely accessible overview literature & systematic reviews, as well as reports, guidelines, frameworks, organisations & networks and projects. You will also find information on AI and education in various countries & regions as well as articles on AI tools in education.

Due to current events: Education in Israel and Palestine

Die Flaggen Israels und Palästinas gehen ineinander über. Davor zwei Hände beim Händeschütteln.
Copyright: Prachatai, "israel-palestine-peace", CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Due to current events we would like to remind you of our two web dossiers on education in Israel and Palestine.

    New webdossier: Cyber attacks on education - a worldwide problem

    Ein Laptop mit ganz vielen Zahlen und einem Schlosssymbol.

    We admit that the topic of our new dossier is not a very festive one given that Christmas is coming soon.  But it is a topic that has directly concerned us at the DBS and DIPF Institute over the past few weeks, as we ourselves have been victims of a cyber attack. Education Worldwide took the opportunity to research the topic of cybercrime in the field of education. It turned out that education is one of the most popular targets for hackers around the world. The sources we compiled for our webdossier will tell you the reasons for this, it will present you facts and statistics, and it will show you some examples of how different countries are dealing with this problem in the education sector.

    Special Focus: Digital Education in Ukraine

    Screenshot der Webseite der NGO Osvitoria (Bildungsprojekte in der Ukraine) mit dem Text
    Website of the NGO Osvitoria which runs educational projects in Ukraine. Among others, it created the national e-platform for distance and blended learning "All Ukrainian Online School (AOS)" jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
    Copyright: Osvitoria

    During the war in Ukraine in 2022, many Ukrainians had to flee to other countries. Once there, the question of schooling for the Ukrainian children quickly arose. In this context, Ukraine's good digital education infrastructure was often praised. It allows Ukrainian children to go on learning in their own language with their own curricula, their own teachers, and maybe their own classmates - no matter whether they may still be in Ukraine or in a totally different country. "Education Worldwide" therefore adds a new section to its webdossier on "Education in Ukraine" which provides information on digital education in Ukraine.

    Chart of the month: Worldwide attacks on education in the context of armed conflicts (2015-2020)

    Grafik, die für ausgewählte Länder zwischen 2015-2020 die Anzahl an Angriffen auf Bildung im Kontext bewaffneter Konflikte dokumentiert.
    The chart documents the number of incidents of attacks on education from 2015 to 2020 in selected countries in the context of armed conflicts. (Link to the original chart)

    With regard to current events (war in Ukraine 2022), our chart of the month highlights the number of attacks on educational institutions in selected countries between 2015 and 2020. As you can see, Ukraine was already included in the sad statistics before 2022. The graph is part of the Unesco Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) 2021/22. The data used for the graph are taken from "Education Under Attack 2020", a report published by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA). There is a "Country Profile" for each country examined. We provide links to the publications of Unesco and the GCPEA as well as to the country profile on Ukraine below.

    Education and COVID-19 - All publications by the Unesco and the OECD at a glance

    Tagcloud zum Thema
    Copyright: DBS/Cohen (created with, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

    The Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Communication Organisation) and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) are two of the largest international players when it comes to reports, studies and other publications on education. Both have therefore published several interesting publications on the subject of the corona pandemic (COVID-19) and education. We link their publication lists here. The literature is usually free of costs and freely accessible. Sometimes it is also available in different languages.

    Country Dossiers

    You can find webdossiers and further information sorted by country. Continents and regions can also be found in the alphabetical list (for example, find “Europe” under E). You can click on continents on the interactive world map. A list of countries belonging to this continent will appear.

    Thematic Dossiers

    Please find webdossiers and further information sorted by theme. These themes can be transnational or country specific.