Research at Education Systems International
Keyword from Index: research
key words found 1 - 676 of 676
1 - Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities
Founded in 2016, The Guild comprises twenty-two of Europe’s most distinguished research-intensive universities in sixteen countries, and is dedicated to enhancing the voice of academic institutions, their researchers and their students. The Guild is committed to the pursuit of excellence, the importance of truth-seeking and trust-building as the foundation of public life, [...]
2 - European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU)
At ECIU University, the university provides a platform for researchers to network, collaborate and engage with stakeholders from business and institutions.
Together, the university aims to create a global and diverse community that works together to inspire progress.
The R&I Hub is a digital community that aims to bring researchers together with colleagues and [...]
3 - League of European Research Universities (LERU)
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) is a major advocate for the promotion of basic research at European research universities. It firmly believes that cutting-edge research plays an essential role in the innovation process and contributes significantly to the progress of society.
LERU works to ensure that politicians, decision-makers and opinion leaders [...]
4 - Education Data Initiative
United States of America (USA)
The Education Data Initiative aims to collect data and statistics about the U.S. education system and make them available in an accessible and comprehensive form. The data comes from academic and federal sources such as the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which often provide complex and hard-to-access raw data. This data is simplified and highlighted. The [...]
5 - European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE)
The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) is a federation of 123 education trade unions in 51 countries, representing in total 11 million members all over Europe. We are the social partner for teachers and other education personnel at European level, and a defender of their interests towards the European Commission and other European institutions.
ETUCE is [...]
6 - Vietnamese-German University
Vietnam; Germany
The Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is an international university in Vietnam, established in 2008 through collaboration between Vietnam and Germany. It follows the German educational model, offering high-quality, internationally recognized undergraduate and graduate programs in fields like engineering, natural sciences, and business. VGU collaborates with German [...]
7 - Conseil Supérieur de l'Éducation, de la Formation et de la Recherche Scientifique: Publications
The Moroccan Supreme Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research offers various reports, studies and evaluations under the Publications category. Among others, you can find the following (courtesy translation, all publications are in French):
- National survey on students and university life (2023)
- Scientific research in Morocco: an evaluative study (2022)
- [...]
AI resources (AI tools in the context of academic reading and writing processes) [courtesy translation]
Founded in 2022, the German "Virtual Competence Center: Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Work (VK:KIWA)" offers a list of AI resources to support academic reading and writing processes. Although the site itself is only available in German, the resources listed are often international. You can find AI resources on:
* Literature research
* Text comprehension
* Text [...]
9 - Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education (RAISE) (MIT Initiative)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the leading universities in the technological field, offers an overview of its research and projects in the field of artificial intelligence and education with the initiative "Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education (RAISE)". The overarching themes are:
* AI Literacy in K-12
* AI for Vocational-Technical [...]
10 - International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE)
The "International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE)" is network of several societies worldwide in the field of information technology and education. The platform primarily offers information about the goals of the alliance, its member societies as well as an event calendar with conference announcements and a list of publications and lectures by members [...]
11 - re3data - Registry of Research Data Repositories
re3data lists research data repositories worldwide. You can either search for repositories or browse by country, discipline / subject or type of research data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
12 - Ministry of Higher Education
The governmental Ministiry of Higher Education is in charge of regulating, expanding and developing Afghanistan's institutions of higher education. On their website you can find various information and documents, e.g. legal documents, an overview of universities in Afghanistan and academic programs such as research projects and e-learning programs. The ministry also publishes [...]
Website: Schweiz forscht
This website, operated by the Science et cité foundation, provides information on Citizen Science in Switzerland and projects from a wide variety of areas can be found. In addition, registration for the Citizen Science Network Switzerland is possible via this website and also other working groups and organizations are presented. You can also find Information on [...]
14 - Österreich forscht
Österreich forscht presents citizen science projects from all over Austria, in which interested people can participate. In addition to the project presentation, general information on citizen science, references to literature on citizen science and event announcements on Österreich forscht can be found. The platform itself was already launched in 2014 as an information [...]
15 - Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA)
Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) is member-based incorporated association that seeks to advance citizen science through the sharing of knowledge, collaboration, capacity building and advocacy.
On their website you can find information on citizen science as well as projects in Australia.
16 -
United States of America (USA) is an official government website designed to accelerate the use of crowdsourcing and citizen science across the U.S. government. The site provides a portal to three key components: a catalog of federally supported citizen science projects, a toolkit to assist federal practitioners with designing and maintaining their projects, and a gateway to a community [...]
17 - EU-Citizen.Science
EU-Citizen.Science is an online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training and resources for citizen science – by the community, for the community.
The vision for the platform is to serve as a Knowledge Hub, in aid of the mainstreaming of citizen science, and build on the growing impact of citizens participating in research across the full range of scientific enquiry. [...]
Citizen Science Center Zurich
The Citizen Science Center Zurich is run jointly by the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. The mission of the Center is to support and promote the collaboration of academic scientists and the general public (“citizens”) to implement co-created Citizen Science (CS) projects.
The Citizen Science Center Zurich (CCCS) supports citizens and researchers in all phases of the [...]
19 - Zentrum für Citizen Science des OeAD
The Center for Citizen Science of the OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation) was established in June 2015 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. It serves as an information, advisory and service center for Citizen Science. With it, the OeAD primarily addresses researchers and scientific institutions with the aim of promoting the [...]
20 - SciStarter
SciStarter is a globally acclaimed, online citizen science hub where more than 3,000 projects, searchable by location, topic, age level, etc, have been registered by individual project leaders or imported through partnerships with federal governments, NGOs, and universities. As a research affiliate of NCSU (NC State University) and ASU (Arizona State University), and a popular [...]
21 - Citizen Science Alliance
The CSA is a collaboration of scientists, software developers and educators who collectively develop, manage and utilise internet-based citizen science projects in order to further science itself, and the public understanding of both science and of the scientific process. These projects use the time, abilities and energies of a distributed community of citizen scientists.
22 - Global Citizen Science Partnership
The Global Citizen Science Partnership is a network-of-networks that seeks to promote and advance citizen science for a sustainable world. Launched in December 2017 at the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment, Citizen Science Global brings together existing networks of citizen science researchers and practitioners with advisory boards representing policy, [...]
23 - European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is a non-profit association which aims to encourage the growth of citizen science in Europe, and to support the participation of the general public in research processes.
ECSA’s mission is to connect citizens and science; to promote sustainable development through citizen science; and to ensure that citizen science [...]
Opening up Slovenia
"Opening up Slovenia" is a bottom-up created and top-down supported new and innovative initiative in which Slovenia as a first European member state will attempt to create a unique nationwide research environment in open education.
25 - Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Unfortunately, there seems to be no English version of this website. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education was created in May 2018, as well as the Ministry of Education which is in charge of the general education. Before, both sections were united in one ministry.
The Russian language version of the website consists of articles, news, important documents, [...]
26 - What’s next? 5 Brexit lessons for European research (Science|Business 26 June 2016)
United Kingdom; Europe
The portal Science|Business tries to "bring together research, industry and policy" and does this by providing articles, reports, networks and more. The author of the Brexit article linked here, Richard L. Hudson, has been working for the "Wall Street Journal" for 25 years, six of which as an editor-in-chief of the European issue (according to Now, he is [...]
swissuniversities works to strengthen and enhance collaboration among Swiss institutions of higher education and promotes a common voice on educational and research issues in Switzerland. Furthermore, swissuniversities performs coordination tasks and acts on the international level as the national rectors' conference for all universities, universities of applied science and [...]
28 - Brexit and UK universities (Universities UK)
United Kingdom; Europe
Infos, FAQs and statements concerning Brexit and scientific / universitary issues - provided by Universities UK, a union of vice-chancellors or principals (executive heads) of universities in the UK. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
29 - Brexit and UK science (The Royal Society)
United Kingdom; Europe
Information page of the Royal Society, which is the United Kingdom's National Academy of Sciences. You will find a lot of information and statements on Brexit and Science in the UK / EU - for example questions on access to research funding or working in the EU and UK as a scientist. You will also find factsheets, like for example "Factsheet: UK research and the EU – [...]
30 - Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN)
Europe; Germany; Italy; France; Spain; Sweden; Portugal; Netherlands; Finland; United Kingdom; Ireland; Denmark; Belgium
The network YERUN was founded in 2014 and has 18 member Universities in Europe. The criterion for membership was that the universities are not older than 50 years. They cooperate in the sector of education, EU policy, graduate employability and research. In 2018, seven member universities came together to form YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe". YUFE wants [...]
31 - Rudolf Steiner Archiv
The Rudolf Steiner Archive is the centre for the dokumentation and editing of the scientific and artistic works of Rudolf Steiner. The website informs about the archive collection, editions and research as well as exhibitions.
32 - European Doctoral Program in Career Guidance and Counselling (ECADOC)
ECADOC was created as a project of the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe (NICE). It was supported financially by the European Union from 2003 till 2006. ECADOC is aiming at promoting exchange and communication on research in the field of career guidance and counselling at a European level, as well as training young researchers in this field. [...]
[ended since about 2019] Canadian Research Working Group on Evidence Based Practice in Career Development (CRWG) / Groupe canadien de recherche sur la pratique en développement de carrière fondée sur les données probantes (GDRC)
international; Canada
The CRWG had a focus on evaluation and assessment of the counselling profession and guidance activities. The website provided a lot of information, fulltexts and instruments from different projects. For example, you could find tools for self-evaluation, as well for counselling professionals (e.g. assessment of competencies) as for people seeking guidance (e.g. "My Career [...]
34 - International Association for Counselling (IAC)
The International Association for Counselling (IAC) was created in 1966 as the "International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling (IRTAC)". It provides a platform for communication for researchers and professionals in counselling and guidance. IAC awards certifications to education programmes and courses in counselling, organises an annual conference with [...]
35 - European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC)
The European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC) focusses on research. It has created several awards for professors, PhD researchers and for special merits, organises conferences, provides a bibliographic list (no fulltext), a newsletter, information for members, and under "collaborations" you can find a list of similar international and national [...]
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
The website of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, which unfortunately is only available in French, provides information on the three foci of the ministry, that is Higher Education, Research and Innovation. You will also find information on the ministry's strategy, on international cooperation, on questions concerning employees in this [...]
37 - DAAD Bildungssystemanalysen: Daten & Analysen zum Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsstandort
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides analyses of higher education, science and research for countries all over the world. The analyses are available in German only.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
38 - Länderbericht Frankreich (BMBF / Kooperation International)
France; Germany
The country reports on this website provide a broad overview of research and education in countries worldwide, including information on the education system, research landscape, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. The superordinate country page additionally provides news, events, documents, general country data and links. The website is provided by the [...]
39 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Frankreich
France; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with France. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
40 - International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE Network)
According to their ow statement, IMISCOE is "Europe's largest network of scholars in the area of migration and integration. The network involves 38 member institutes and over 500 scholars from all over Europe and focuses on comparative research, publications, the organization of events, PhD training and awards and communication. (...) Furthermore, the network publishes [...]
41 - Brexit impact on higher education: Committee publishes evidence
United Kingdom; Europe
Overview provided by the UK Parliament on the results of the Education Committee's inquiry into the impact of exiting the European Union on higher education. The Committee’s inquiry was launched in September 2016, the results were published in December 2016. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
42 - Unesco Institute of Statistics: Georgia
The Unesco Institute for Statistics (UIS) provides the most recent basic data on education in Georgia. You will find information on the following issues:
* General information
* Education System
* Participation in education
* Progression and completion in education
* Education expenditures
* Illiterate population
* Literacy Rate
Furthermore you will find extra [...]
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia covers the issues general education, higher education, vocational education and science. For each topic there are news, facility registers, information on current projects, education programmes and further notes. All infrastructure projects are charted and catalogued, but they are only available in Georgian.
44 - Association of universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) / Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU)
Formerly known as "Vereniging van Samenwerkende Nederlandse Universiteiten", the VSNU officially represents the fourteen Dutch research Universities. The association's website provides information on its focus areas, among others: human resources, research, education, finance, governance & accountability, international affairs, communication & public affairs. Furthermore, [...]
45 - OER Hub - Researching Open Education
The Open Education Research Hub (OER Hub) is a team of scientists who do research on the impact of open educational resources (OER) on teaching and learning practices. The website offers information about current projects, provides research outputs as publications, reports, presentations, infographics and datasets. It also links to online courses which are open entry. Via a [...]
46 - Netherlands house for Education and Research (Neth-ER)
"The aim of Neth-ER is to influence the European policymaking process in an adequate way in order for the Dutch knowledge field to optimally use European policy and instruments that Europe has to offer to the Netherlands. To achieve this, eight Dutch organisations working in the field of education, research and innovation, founded this international non-profit association in [...]
47 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Belgien
Belgium; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Belgium. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
48 - A-Z Topics: Education (Government of the Netherlands)
The Government of the Netherlands provides an alphabetical list of important topics, which also includes information websites on different sectors of education in the Netherlands. You can find the following topics:
> Freedom of Education
> Primary Education
> Secondary education
> Secondary vocational education (MBO) and higher education
> [...]
49 - Research in Flanders
Research in Flanders is a portal run by Flanders Knowledge Area. The website offers some thematic papers on research foci in Flanders, some promotional films on research in Flanders, information on research funding and on some research institutes and centres. The website also has a news section, but which was last updated in June 2015.
The thematic papers deal [...]
50 - STI in Flanders: Science, Technology & Innovation. Policy & Key Figures
These reports are published annually by the Flemish Government, Department of Economy, Science and Innovation. They provide an overview of the current status of Science, Technology an Innovation in Flanders. The chapters cover STI system and organisation, funding, human resources, activities, output and result of STI research. Unfortunately, the site doesn't list former [...]
51 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Niederlande
Netherlands; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with the Netherlands. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
52 - Bildung und Forschung: Niederlande (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Netherlands; Germany
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in the Netherlands, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data. Available only in German.
[Abstract: Editors of [...]
International Affairs: The United Kingdom (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) [courtesy translation]
Germany; United Kingdom
[German only. For a pre-Brexit version of the website as of 2011, take a look at the Internet Archive] Under the category "Bi- and Multilateral Cooperation", the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the partnership between Germany and the United Kingdom in the educational and research sector. The site is available only in English. [...]
54 - Bildung und Forschung: Großbritannien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
United Kingdom
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Great Britain, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
55 - UK scientists dropped from EU projects because of post-Brexit funding fears (The Guardian 12 July 2016)
United Kingdom; Europe
Article from the British daily newspaper The Guardian as of 12 July 2016, author: Ian Sample, Science editor.
Article about the negative effects the Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) already seems to have on science and research in the UK, even before an official request to leave the EU has been handed in by the UK.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
56 - Universities will pay a high price now our future has been voted down (The Guardian 27 June 2016)
United Kingdom; Europe
Article from the British daily newspaper The Guardian as of 27 June 2016, author: Peter Scott, professor at the Institute of Education and former vice-chancellor of Kingston University.
According to Scott, the "Brexit" (the UK leaving the EU) will have negative effects on science and research in the UK.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
57 - What’s next? 5 Brexit lessons for European research (Science|Business 26 June 2016)
United Kingdom; Europe
The portal Science|Business tries to "bring together research, industry and policy" and does this by providing articles, reports, networks and more. The author of the Brexit article linked here, Richard L. Hudson, has been working for the "Wall Street Journal" for 25 years, six of which as an editor-in-chief of the European issue (according to Now, he is [...]
Brexit articles (Science|Business - Bringing together industry, research and policy)
United Kingdom; Europe
The portal Science|Business tries to "bring together research, industry and policy" and does this by providing articles, reports, networks and more. Under the categorie / tag "Brexit" you will find all news, reports etc. that refer to the Brexit and its effects on science and research in the EU.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
UK and German university leaders before Brexit-Referendum: Devastating consequences for Study and Research
United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
On June, 2, 2016, British and German university leaders met in Berlin on the occasion of a jointly organised Rectors' Conference. Among others, they pointed out "how the EU helps academics to carry out cutting-edge research and enables students to study in other parts of the EU". They also warned against the "devastating consequences for study and research" in case of a [...]
Broadcasts from Deutschlandradio on the issue of education and Brexit [only in German]
United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
Radio broadcasts from the German radio Deutschlandradio on the issue of the Brexit and education. Available in German only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
61 - EU exit 'risks British science' (BBC 26 February 2016)
United Kingdom; Europe
BBC article as of 26 February 2016, author: Pallab Ghosh.
Article about the possible negative effects a Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) could have on science and research in the UK.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
What does the Brexit mean for research? (Deutsche Welle 25.06.2016) [courtesy translation]
United Kingdom; Europe
Article of the German radio Deutsche Welle, 25.06.2016, author: Fabian Schmidt.
Available in German only.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
63 - Times Higher Education: EU referendum (articles)
United Kingdom; Europe
Several articles of the online magazine Times Higher Education (THE) on the EU Referendum in the UK about whether the UK should leave the EU or not ("Brexit"). THE is otherwise known for its THE World University Ranking.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Articles with the keyword "Brexit" from University World News
United Kingdom; Europe
Please find a list of article from the e-journal University World News on the discussion about the Brexit, its possible effects on student exchange with the UK, on international cooperation of UK universities and more. University World News comprises a network of some five dozen education journalists based in more than two dozen countries, with representation in all regions. [...]
65 - Scientists For Britain
United Kingdom; Europe
"Scientists for Britain" is a platform of British scientists who think that a Brexit would have more positive effects on British science and research. The plattform was created in opposition to the "Scientists for EU" and during the debate about the UK referendum (23.06.16) on whether the UK should leave the European Union ("Brexit") or not. The platform proposes arguments for [...]
66 - Scientists for EU
United Kingdom; Europe
"Scientists for Britain" is a platform of British scientists who think that a Brexit would have more negative effects on British science and research. The plattform was created during the debate about the UK referendum (23.06.16) on whether the UK should leave the European Union ("Brexit") or not. The platform proposes arguments against a Brexit from the scientific point of [...]
67 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Vereinigtes Königreich
United Kingdom; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with the United Kingdom. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
68 - The international educator’s guide to the Brexit debate
United Kingdom; Europe
On the blog of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), author Laura Mesquita provides an overview over the debate and the arguments regarding the possible consequences of a Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) on education and research. She sees four main topics in the debate: Research funding, EU students, European scholars, Internationalisation vs. [...]
MPs call for contingency plan to protect UK life sciences in event of Brexit
United Kingdom; Europe
Science|Business Publishing informs about a call of members of the British Parliament for a "for contingency plan to protect UK life sciences in event of Brexit". The article compares the British situation after a possible Brexit to the situation in Switzerland after the "Swiss freedom of movement referendum". The result of the referendumg had led to cuts in EU funding for [...]
Researchers reeling as UK votes to leave EU
United Kingdom; Europe
The article describes the reaction of many British scientists to the votum for a Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) in the referendum of 23.06.16.
The article was published in the journal "Nature", a journal for natural sciences, on 24.06.16 by Daniel Cressey and Alison Abbott. It was translated and re-printed in the German scientific journal "Spektrum".
[Abstract: Editors of [...]
DAAD Expert Service: What effects on cooperation with British universities and students' mobility can be expected from a Brexit? [courtesy translation] [pdf]
United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides a list of persons to contact for questions regarding studies abroad, student exchange with the UK, scientific cooperation etc. in case of a Brexit (the UK leaving the European Union). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Blog entries regarding a Brexit and its effects on education by the British Educational Research Association (BERA)
United Kingdom; Europe
On its blog, the British Educational Research Association (BERA) provides some thoughts and views on the Brexit and its possible effects on education. Published so far (as of 27.06.16):
* BREXIT – initial thoughts on effects on our schools (27.06.16)
* First thoughts on Brexit (24.06.16)
* Yesterdays and tomorrows: what the referendum says about education [...]
International Bureau (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the International Bureau (IB) supports international research and education cooperation between Germany and its partners. The IB offers financial support when setting up new contacts and cooperation and advises German universities, companies and institutions outside the university system on international [...]
74 - Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL)
South-East Asia
ASAIHL´s purpose is to assist member institutions to strengthen themselves through mutual self help and to achieve international distinction in teaching, research and public service. In so doing, the institutions contribute strength to their respective nations and to the entire region. Specifically, the Association exists to foster the development of the institutions [...]
75 - Centro REDES - Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior
Argentina; Latin America; North America; Central America
The "Centre for Studies on Science, Development and Higher Education" (Centro REDES) was founded in 2002 by the nonprofit organisation Grupo REDES. The "National Council for Scientific and Technical Research" (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - CONICET) granted the Centro REDES the status of an associated institution in 2003. The Centro's website [...]
76 - Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria (CONEAU)
The "National Commission for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Universities" (CONEAU) recrutes researchers in education and experts from universities in the whole of Argentina to act as evaluators and reviewers. CONEAU's work also includes quality assurance of research and teaching. The evaluation of more than 40 universities is documented in freely accessible publications [...]
77 - Programa de Estudios sobre Juventud, Educación y Trabajo (PREJET)
The "Programme for Studies on Youth, Education and Employment" PREJET gathers sociologists, researchers in education and labour relations. PREJET does research on educational policy, on different forms of (vocational) training and education, on different players and stakeholders in the field of youth, education and employment, on their experience and on the youths' job [...]
78 - Scholars at Risk Network
The Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) was founded in 1999 at the University of Chicago. Meanwhile, the network has more than 300 institutional members in about 40 countries. SAR aims at providing refuge for scholars who face discrimination, censorship, intimidation, or violence in their home countries. The website provides information for scholars who seek support as well as [...]
79 - Radicalisation Research
The platform Radicalisation Research "was created and funded by the Religion and Society Research Programme in 2011, itself funded by Britain’s two main grant-giving bodies for the social sciences, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council." Radicalisation Research provides information on research done mainly in the UK and USA [...]
80 - National Research and Innovation Agency [Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - BRIN]
The National Research and Innovation Agency is a cabinet-level government agency formed by the Indonesian government in 2019. It does not report to the Ministry of Education, but directly to the President. BRIN is a member of the International Science Council (ISC). The site provides information about the tasks of the agency as well as news about activities, cooperations, etc. [...]
81 - Internationale Gesellschaft für Schulpraktische Professionalisierung (IGSP)
The international society for the professionalisation of school practice sees itself as a forum for discussion, development and research on professionalisation processes in the context of practical studies in teacher education worldwide. It aims to foster: 1) discussion and exchange on theoretical and empirical questions in practical studies and professionalisation of [...]
82 - Bildung und Forschung: Indonesien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Indonesia, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
83 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Indonesien
Indonesia; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Indonesia. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
84 - Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Journals
The library of the Northwestern University, USA, provides a list of journals in the field of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies. Unfortunately, the links to the library catalogue don't work. But the list informs you about the journal titles and the more detailed focus of the respective journal. You can look the journals up on the internet by yourself. [Abstract: Editors of [...]
85 - List of Research Centres, Associations & Networks in Migration, Refugee & Diaspora Studies
The Migration and Diaspora Studies at the Carleton University in Canada provide a long link list of research centres, associations and networks working on issues like migration, refugees and diaspora. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Journals on Refugee Issues in the German Library for E-Journals (EZB)
This list provides you with journals on refugee issues and studies recorded in the EZB. The list is the result of a search with the search terms: title = "refugee*" or "Flüchtl*" or "Flucht*". The traffic light system will indicate your access options to the journal. A green light means free access with no fee. For yellow and red lights, please check the access options in the [...]
87 - Inclusive special education: the role of special education teachers in Finland (2009)
Article by Marjatta Takala, Raija Pirttimaa and Minna Törmänen, published in: British Journal of Special Education 36 (3) 2009. The article is based on a questionnaire sent to 133 special education teachers teaching in inclusive settings in mainstream education in Finland. The study describes their daily work and the problems they are confronted with. [Abstract: Editors of [...]
88 - research for inclusive education in international cooperation (refie) - final report
Guatemala; Malawi
The goal of the refie project was to explore the driving mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in education. The research has been conducted using Guatemala (Central America) and Malawi (Southern Africa) as case studies. We link to the project's final report.
The old project website can still be found in the internet archive. provides information on the reserach design and [...]
89 - Disability Information Statistics and News from Central America and Mexico
North America; Mexico; Guatemala; Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Honduras; Nicaragua; Panama; Central America
The website Disabled World is an information site on disability that draws its information from websites all over the world. The sub-site on Central America provides short paragraphs about the situation of people with disabilities in the respective Central American countries. Furthermore, you will find links to online publications and other news from the region. [Abstract: [...]
90 - Society for Disability Studies
United States of America (USA)
The Society for Disability Studies is an association of more than 400 artists, scholars and activists. The website provides information on the society, its link lists, conferences, awards and publications. Unfortunately, a lot of these short informations don't offer further links. The item with the most content is the Society's journal "Disability Studies Quarterly", whose [...]
91 - Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education
Canada; international
The Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education is located at the Western University. Its website provides information on past and current research, publications, a newsletter, a journal on "Exceptionality Education International" with free articles (except the two most recent issues), information on events and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
92 - Inclusive Design Research Centre
Canada; international
The Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University is doing research on design and disability. Many of their projects focus on the education area, especially e-learning / new technologies. You will find information on many projects, for example: Project Outside In (Skills Training Program for Youths) , Floe Project (flexible learning for open education), ATutor (Open [...]
93 - African Journal of Disability
The African Journal of Disability is available on the Internet for free. The first issue was published in 2012. It is the official journal of these three institutions: Center for Disability and Rehabilitation Studies (Ghana), African Network for Evidence-to-Action in Disability and Centre for Rehabilitation Studies (South Africa). The private South African company AOSIS [...]
94 - African Network for Evidence-to-Action on Disability (AfriNEAD)
AfriNEAD aims at improving the usefulness of research on disability in Africa for politics, interest groups, the society as a whole. Amongst others, the website provides information on the AfriNEAD Symposium, on activities, on developments (laws, integration, ...) in the field of disability. There are not many resources under "Research & Resources", but you will find a link to [...]
95 - A-PODD - African Policy on Disability & Development
Africa; Sierre Leone; Uganda; Malawi; Ethiopia
A-PODD was a three year research project (2009-2011) run by the Centre for Global Health at Trinity College Dublin in cooperation with two institutions in South Africa. The website provides the four project reports for the countries analysed (Sierra Leone, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia). "[The] research investigated the need for disability to be included on the agenda of national [...]
96 - West African Regional Portal on the Rights and Inclusion of People with Disabilities / Portail des Droits des Personnes Handicapées en Afrique de l’Ouest (PROADIPH)
West Africa; Mali; Togo; Burkina Faso; Niger; Sierre Leone; Senegal; Benin; Liberia
The portal PROADIPH ist run by currently 8 West African national organisations for people with disabilities. The portal provides very ample information and documentation (fulltexts) on legislation, research reports, projects, conferences, bibliographies, and much more in the respective countries. You will find written documents as well as audio and video material. [Abstract: [...]
97 - African Disability Alliance (ADA) [Webarchive]
Africa; Southern Africa
[Caution: As the original website is momentarily not accessible we link to a copy from the web archive as of March 2022 instead]. The Africa Disability Alliance (ADA), formerly Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (SADPD) until April 2014, is a pan-african agency that works to promote disability programming and policy implementation processes by [...]
98 - Continental Plan of Action for the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities 2010 – 2019
"The African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1999-2009) was adopted by the 35th Session of the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government held in Algiers, Algeria in July 1999. The 1st AU Conference of Ministers of Social Development, which convened in Windhoek, Namibia, 27-31 October 2012, extended the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities for the period [...]
99 - African Disability Rights Yearbook
The African Disability Rights Yearbook is presented as an annual peer-reviewed journal. Contributions to the journal mainly come from scholars doing research on the rights of people with disbilities in Africa. The yearbook has 3 sections: (thematic) articles, country reports, and regional developments. The yearbook was first published in 2013 by the Centre for Human Rights, [...]
100 - Bildung und Forschung: Finnland (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Finland, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or international cooperations. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
101 - Universities and University Networks
The Ministry of Education and Culture provides a list of Finnish universities with links to their homepages. If you scroll down in the left menu bar, you can also find a list of university consortia and Universites of Applied Sciences. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
102 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Finnland
Finland; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Finland. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
103 - Findicator: Education
The official Finnish statistics agency provides information on indicators for different sectors in Finland. You can find 7 educational indicators:
* 20-29-year-olds without post-comprehensive level educational qualification
* Educational structure of population
* Entrance to education
* Patenting
* Progress of studies
* Recipients of financial [...]
104 - Institute for Palestine Studies
Palestinian Territories
The Institute was founded in 1963 in Lebanon and claims to be the "oldest institute in the world devoted exclusively to documentation, research, analysis, and publication on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict." Its website mainly proposes their two main publications, the "Journal of Palestine Studies" and "Jerusalem Quarterly"; under "Resources", you will find [...]
105 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Palästinensische Gebiete
Palestinian Territories; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Palestine. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
106 - Faculty of Education / של הפקולטה לחינוך - University of Haifa
The website of the Faculty of Education at the University of Haifa provides no Ebglish information. An English version of the website is said to be under construction and available soon (information as of 22.08.14).
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
107 - Research Centers - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Israel; international
This site provides a list of research centres at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. You will find the following centres for educational research:
- Center for Futurism in Education
- Center for Excellence in Teaching (no English website available)
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
108 - Research Institutes & Centers - University of Haifa
This page provides a list of research centres and institutes at the University of Haifa. You will find the following centres for educational research:
- Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center for
the Study of Learning Disabilities
- Center for Multiculturalism and Educational Research
- Center for the Study of Child Development
- Center for Brain and [...]
109 - The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Israel; international
"Chartered by law in 1961, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities acts as a national focal point for Israeli scholarship in both the natural sciences and the humanities [The Ministry of Education has a say in certain matters]. The Academy (...) monitor[s] and promote[s] Israeli intellectual excellence, advise[s] the government on scientific planning, fund[s] and [...]
110 - Ministry of Science, Technology and Space
Israel; international
The Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space provides information on research, scientific cooperations, events, Call for Papers, publications and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
111 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Israel
Israel; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Israel. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
112 - Bildung und Forschung: Länderbericht Israel (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Israel, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
113 - International Network for Research in Arts Education (INRAE)
The mission of the International Network for Research in Arts Education is to promote high quality international research in arts education (formal non formal and informal), to conduct research on the implementation of UNESCO’s “Seoul Agenda: Goals for the development of arts education”, and to serve as a forum for the dissemination of research, the promotion of debates [...]
114 - Internationale Zusammenarbeit im Bildungsbereich
The task of the Suisse information-network is to provide specific informaton about supporting programmes of the European Union, COST (European cooperation in scientific and technical research), EUREKA (Organization for European technical cooperation), specialised research programmes and organizations. Moreover the site offers links and addresses of the information-network's [...]
Association of Greek Researchers
"The Association of Greek Researchers is a lobbying association of Greek researchers that are employed in the public research centres and institutes representing the interests of its members." The NGO was established in 1996 and has its seat in Athens. On their webpage they provide information about their activities and offer a list of research instituts that are supervised by [...]
Journal of Modern Greek Studies: Articles on Education
This link leads to articles on the topic 'education' of the Journal of Modern Greek Studies published since 1983. It is the only scholarly periodical to focus exclusively on modern Greece. The Journal publishes critical analyses of Greek social, cultural, and political affairs, covering the period from the late Byzantine Empire to the present. [Abstract: Site editor’s [...]
117 - Department of Educational Science and Early Childhood Education (DESECE) - University of Patras
The Department no longer provides an English website. But you can find a journal that has English and French articles, the Mediterranean Journal of Education. Until 2020, the department published the Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair. Both are accessible freely. [Abstract: Site editor’s information]
National Center of Social Research – ΕΚΚΕ
The National Center of Social Research –ΕΚΚΕ- was established in 1959 under the auspices of UNESCO and is the only public institution in Greece dedicated to the social sciences. ΕΚΚΕ is a public law legal entity supervised by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and religious matters. [...]
119 - Hellenic Association for Education (HEAd) / Ελληνική Εκπαιδευτική Εταιρεία (EEE)
The Hellenic Association for Education (HEAd) offers not just a bilateral cooperation with the University of Dundee in an undergraduate and postgraduate programm. It also forces with the Research Centre for Learning & Innovation activities at European and International levels in a number of significant learning innovation projects. HEAd was founded by the initiative of [...]
National and Kapodestrian University of Athens: Pedagogy
The oldest institution of higher education in the modern Greek state is the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, usually referred to simply as University of Athens (UoA). The UoA was founded in 1837 and unites today 8 departments of various faculties. The department for Educational Sciences for example consists of the Faculty of Primary Education and the Faculty of [...]
121 - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Faculty of Education / Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης (ΑΠΘ): Παεδαγωγική Σχολή
The website provides information on internal organisation, history, contemporary research projects and study programs. Unfortunately, some categories have no content. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
122 - Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED)
"[ANED] was created by the European Commission in December 2007.DOTCOM: the Disability Online Tool of the Commission [...] to support policy development in collaboration with the Commission's Disability Unit. Its philosophy and aims support the objectives of European disability policy towards the goal of full participation and equal opportunities for all disabled [...]
123 - INCLUD-ED - Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from Education
Website of a research cooperation funded by EU on inclusion and social cohesion. Includ-ed ran from 2006 to 2011. Research centre from 14 countries participated. The website provides information on the research topics, on results, conferences, researchers and more. Unfortunately, many fulltexts under "results" are not availably anymore. You will still find the fulltexts of [...]
124 - incluD-ed - European Network on Inclusive Education & Disability (until ca. 2018)
[The network existed until about 2018. We link to a Internet Archive copy of its website as of April 2022] The European Network on Inclusive Education & Disability was co-financed by the European Social Fund and had a focus on employability and working inclusion. The website provided a database of experts and organisations having a focus on inclusion in Europe.
Furthermore, [...]
125 - European Yearbook of Disability Law
This is the official yearbook site of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy (CDPP) at the University of Galway. Unfortunately, compared to the former website, this one provides little information and more broken links.
Please go directly to the publisher's website for detailed information and tables of content.
The Internet archive furthermore provides the old CDLP [...]
126 - Disability History Lecture Series
"In the past few decades ‘disability’ has climbed the academic ladder. Just as race, class and gender it now is being considered an advantageous instrument for critically exploring a wide range of societal issues.
The aim of the Disability History Lecture Series organized at the KU Leuven is to explore and promote the innovative role ‘disability’ can play at the [...]
General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT)
The General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) in the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece is e.g. responsible for research cooperation and support in science and technology. At a multilateral level its mission is to harmonize research and technological activities with the demands of the international community.
[Abstract: Site editor’s [...]
DAAD Country Information: Greece
Greece; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Greece. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
129 - NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD)
United States of America (USA)
The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) “started the Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD), formerly the NICHD Study of Early Child Care (SECC), in 1991. Working with more than 1,300 children and their families from when the children were infants until they turned 15, the researchers collected information in four phases and [...]
130 - Inclusive Education for children with Disabilities in Ukraine - Canada-Ukraine Project, April 2008 - March 2013
Ukraine; Canada
Short final report of a Canadian-Ukrainian project to support inclusive education in Ukraine. Unfortunately, the project website is offline since 2016. An older version of the website as of 22.06.2016 from the Internet Archive doesn't provide the material that was on the site. The website provided information on inclusion in Ukraine, sometimes also compared to the situation [...]
131 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Ukraine
Ukraine; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Ukraine. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
132 - Länderbericht (Bildung & Forschung): Ukraine (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Ukraine, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
133 - The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU / NAS) - Національна академія наук України
The website National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU or NAS) provides a first impression of its content via the English navigation menu. Unfortunately, most of the contents under these English labels are in Ukrainian language. You will find some English information in the "Brief annual reports in English", the conference announcements and others. You will find some [...]
134 - EU-Russia Year of Science 2014
Russian Federation; Europe
The official website of the EU-Russia Year of Science provides information on events, projects and news from the research landscape in Russia and the European Union. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
135 - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto / Institut d´études pédagogiques de l´Ontario de l´Université de Toronto (OISE)
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto is recognized around the world as a leader in initial and continuing teacher education, graduate programs in education and education research. OISE is the largest and most research-intensive faculty of education in Canada, and one of the largest in North America.
136 - Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus (DWIH) - Moskau (Deutschland Land der Ideen)
Germany; Russian Federation
The German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in Moscow act as forum for exchange and cooperation in science and research between Russia and Germany. The website provides ample information on research and innovation in Russia and Germany, on events and projects, on partner organisations as well as science news. [Abstract: Site editor’s information]
137 - Deutsch-Russische-Partnerschaft / Deutsch-Russisches-Wissenschaftsjahr 2011/12 (Die Strategische Partnerschaft Deutschland-Russland in Bildung, Forschung und Innovation)
Russian Federation; Germany
Even if this site is provided by the same authors and under almost the same name with the same categories as the "DR-Portal", the content itself is different. Additonally to the categories "Parnership, Education, Research and Innovation", a focus is on the "German-Russian Year of Education, Science and Innovation 2011/12". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
138 - Statusbericht Deutsche Kooperations-Programme: Russland (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Russian Federation; Germany
The website provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) informs about political framework for scientific and technological cooperation, key areas and highlights of bilateral cooperation and funding for collaborations with Russia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
139 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Russische Föderation
Russian Federation; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Russia. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
DFG Office India (German Research Foundation)
India; Germany
"Apart from coordinating and supporting existing projects, the DFG brings together eminent researchers from both countries with each side complementing the other, thereby creating synergy. The DFG Delhi Office is undertaking these tasks jointly with the existing Indian partner institutions - the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Indian National Science Academy [...]
141 - Bildung und Forschung: Indien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in India, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
142 - Bildung und Forschung: Südafrika (BMBF / Kooperation International)
South Africa, Republic
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in South Africa, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
143 - MOSSA - Grupo de Investigación en Etnografía de los Procesos Educativos y de Antropología Aplicada a la Educación - GRAFO (Grupo de “Recerca” en Antropología Fundamental y Orientada)
international; Spain
MOSSA is a Spanish research group for ethnography of educational processes and for applied ethnology in education. This group works under the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and is part of an ethnological research group called GRAFO. Unfortunately their page provides only few information. See the website of GRAFO for further details like research methods etc. [Abstract: [...]
144 - Ethnopädagogik auf dem Portal des OÖ-Stammtisches der Kultur- und SozialanthropologInnen
international; Austria
This web page refers to literature and events of Ethno-Pedagogy which roots in Ethnology and Social and Cultural Anthropology. Among others, terms like ethnography for education or intercultural pedagogy are discussed. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
145 - Ethnography of the University Initiative (EUI)
United States of America (USA); international
A project of the University of Illinois encourages student to use a variety of ethnographic, archival, and related methods to examine the university in the broader context of the social and political context. Among others, the topics include globalization and the university, learning communities, student writing or university and community. [Abstract: Site editor’s [...]
146 - Groupe de Recherche “Les approches qualitatives et ethnographiques de la recherche en sciences de l’éducation” - AFIRSE (Association Francophone Internationale de Recherche Scientifique en Education)
international; Francophone Countries
The research group ´´Les approches qualitatives et ethnographiques de la recherche en sciences de l’éducation´´ (Qualitative and Ethnographic Approaches in Educational Research) is a section of AFIRSE, the International Francophone Association for Scientific Educational Research. Among others, AFIRSE publishes an e-journal, organizes conferences and focuses especially [...]
147 - Network 19 Ethnography - EERA (European Educational Research Association)
Europe; international
The Ethnography network aims at focussing on ethnographic educational research. It organizes the Ethnography and Education Conference, publishes the journal Ethnography and Education and a book series. Additionally the network runs an email listserve. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
DFG Office in Latin America (German Research Foundation - São Paulo)
Brazil; Germany
"The DFG Office in São Paulo serves as an administrative branch and point of contact for advising and mentoring local researchers and research institutes. It already boasts a strong regional network of partner organisations.
This cooperation between institutions facilitates the initiation and execution of joint and co-funded research projects in all scientific fields." The [...]
149 - Bildung und Forschung: Brasilien (BMBF / Kooperation International)
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Brazil, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
150 - Artikel zu Bildung und Forschung aus der Zeitschrift OSTEUROPA
Russian Federation; Eastern Europe; Belarus; Central Asia
This sub-category of the OSTEUROPA (Eastern Europe) magazine´s website provides a list of articles published on the topics of education and research, including abstracts. The articles themselves are subject to a fee.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
151 - Russian Academy of Sciences - Российская академия наук
Russian Federation
"The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) is a network of Russian scientists and scientific research institutes. With the science and research organisation run by the Academy, it constitutes the main center of basic research in the fields of natural and social sciences in Russia."
See also information on the adopted reform / dissolution of RAN in 2013.
[Abstract: Editors of [...]
152 - Russian-Indian Scientific and Technological Centre
Russian Federation; India
The "non-commercial partnership ‘Russian-Indian Scientific Technological Centre’ was established by the Heads of the Russian Federation and the Republic of India […] in 2007. (...) The main goals of [the] Centre establishing [are]:
- participation in developments and provision of services in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research [...]
- studying [...]
East-West-Science Centre (OWWZ) - Hessian Centre of Competence in Educational and Scientific Cooperation with Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Russian Federation; Belarus; Czechia; Poland; Ukraine; Hungary; Eastern Europe
The OWWZ provides information for researchers as well as students. You will find information on relevant courses, cooperation in research projects, networks and web portals, research promotion opportunities and more. The portals and networks include: German-Russian Cooperation Network Biotechnology, NanoBRIDGE Germany-Russia, NetMADE - Germany-Hungary Renewable Energy Network, [...]
154 - DR-Portal: Die Strategische Partnerschaft Deutschland-Russland in Bildung, Forschung und Innovation
Russian Federation; Germany
The portal of the International Office of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the German-Russian cooperation in education, research and innovation. You will find information on the political framework for the cooperation, on means of conveyance, on education and research projects and others.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
155 - DFG-Büro Russland / GUS
Russian Federation; Germany
The German Research Foundation (DFG) gives grants for research projects and coordinates cooperations of researchers worldwide. The website provides information on current news and reports as well as tasks and contacts of the office.
"For decades [the DFG] has been coordinating an intense scientific exchange with Russia and supports the development of the bilateral [...]
156 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Indien
Germany; India
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with India. Information only available in German.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
157 - DAAD Länderinformationen: China
China, People's Republic of; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with China. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Brazil: Research Partner for Sustainability and Innovation (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; Brazil
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on key areas and highlights of German-Brazilian cooperation, and on special activities of the International Bureau. Additionally, you will find some official [...]
159 - Länderbericht (Bildung & Forschung): China (BMBF / Kooperation International)
China, People's Republic of
The website, which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview over research and education in China, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Germany and India: Partners in Education and Research (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the development of the cooperation, the political framework, and on key areas. Additionally to the website of the International Office of the BMBF, this website has a focus on cooperation in vocational education and [...]
Sharing Global Responsibility: German-South African Year of Science 2012/2013
Germany; South Africa, Republic
Under the category "Bi- and Multilateral Cooperation" (in this case forwarded to "International Science Years"), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the Science Year 2012/2013 betwenn Germany and South Africa. Furthermore, you will find information on the political framework for scientific and technological cooperation, on key [...]
Country Cooperations: China (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; China, People's Republic of
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and China. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities, on the political framework, on priorities of the cooperation, on research and education in China, on the German-Chinese Innovation Platform and more.
Additionally, you will find some official [...]
German-South African Year of Science: Enhancing Science Partnerships for Innovation and Sustainable Development
Germany; South Africa, Republic
Official website of the German-South African Year of Science 2012/13. The main part of the website provides information on cooperation projects sorted by topics: Astronomy, Bioeconomy, Climate Change, Social Sciences & Humanities, Human Capital Development, Health Innovation, Urbanisation / Megacities. Furthermore, you will find information on events, partners, press releases [...]
Country Cooperations: India (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on priorities and highlights of German-Indian cooperation, and on funding for collaborations with India. Additionally, you will find some official documents and [...]
Cooperation with the Russian Federation (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Russian Federation; Germany
This website of the German Ministry for Education and Research provided information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Because of Russia's war on Ukraine, these cooperations have been halted since 2022. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Country Cooperations: Russian Federation (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Russian Federation; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities for Russia, on the political framework, on highlights of the bilateral cooperation as well as its priorities. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links. [...]
167 - Bildung und Forschung: Russland (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Russian Federation
The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Russia, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
168 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Südafrika
South Africa, Republic; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with South Africa. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Country Cooperations: South Africa (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
South Africa, Republic; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and South Africa. Among others, this includes information on Opportunities for funding, the political framework, on priorities and highlights of the German-South African cooperation and more. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links, for [...]
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation with South Africa (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) [courtesy translation]
Germany; South Africa, Republic
This site provides information on cooperation between Germany and South Africa in the field of education and research. The information is provided by the website "International Cooperation" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
171 - South African Council for Educators (SACE)
South Africa, Republic
"SACE is the professional council for educators, that aims to enhance the status of the teaching profession through appropriate Registration, management of Professional Development and inculcation of a Code of Ethics for all educators." The website provides information on the structure and work of SACE, including the work of their two departments "Professional Development & [...]
China – partner, systemic rival and competitor (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Germany; China, People's Republic of
Under the category "International Affairs", the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the partnership between Germany and China in the educational and research sector. The website provides an introductory text on the partnership, as well as news on relevant events and many links to projects, events, other relevant organisations and [...]
173 - Deutsch-Chinesisches Jahr der Wissenschaft und Bildung 2009/10
China, People's Republic of; Germany
Official website of the German-Chinese Year of Science and Education 2009/10. The website provides information on research and educational policies, on education landsacapes, on educational and university cooperation, on events, partners, supported projects and official statements and memoranda. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
174 - Concórdia - Acervo de atos internacionais do Brasil: Educação
Brazil; international
This website is run by the Brasilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provides information on international agreements of Brazil with other countries. The agreements can be searched for in a database. Among others, you can search for agreements in the field of education or science and technology. We provide a link to results for "educação" (education) in the title of the [...]
German House of Science and Innovation (DWIH) - São Paulo (Research in Germany, Land of Ideas)
Germany; Brazil
The website of the DWIH in Sao Paulo provides information on the respective German and Brazilian Research and Innovation Landscape, as well as a Map of Science which shows existing cooperations in science and research between German and Brazilian institutions, a Science Calendar with Brazilian-German events and news and highlights in science and research. The German Houses for [...]
176 - Deutsch-Brasilianisches Jahr der Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation 2010/2011 - Brasil-Alemanha 2010/2011: Ano da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Brazil; Germany
Official website of the German-Brazilian Year 2010/11. The website provides information on goals of the year, events, event support, partners, important persons in the German-Brazilian cooperation, press releases, as well as the final report and the joint declaration of intention for free download. You will also fin general information on science policies, science cooperation [...]
177 - Centre for Indian Studies in Africa (CISA)
India; South Africa, Republic
"The Centre for Indian Studies in Africa (CISA) was established at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg towards the end of 2007: the first in Africa to focus on India. In 2009, the Centre received major funding from the Mellon Foundation to establish a Chair in Indian Studies and fellowships for graduate students. CISA promotes teaching, research and [...]
178 - DAAD Länderinformationen: Brasilien
Brazil; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Brazil. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Country Cooperations: Brazil (International Bureau of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Brazil; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on
- Funding the cooperation with Brazil
- Mobility projects
- Political framework
- Focus of the German-Brazilian cooperation
- Germany and Brazil jointly research climate and resource protection
- [...]
180 - Deutsche Kooperations-Programme: Brasilien (Stand: August 2013) (BMBF / Kooperation International)
Brazil; Germany
[Caution: This website is from the Internet Archive and is not up to date anymore - information as of August 2013]
The website provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) informs about political framework for scientific and technological cooperation, key areas and highlights of bilateral cooperation and funding for collaborations with Brazil. [...]
German-Brazilian Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2010/11
Brazil; Germany
This website of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the German-Brazilian Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2010/11. The website gives an overview over performed activities, the fulltext of the final report and the declaration of intent, links to articles in the media, as well as the link to the homepage of the [...]
182 - Deutsche Kooperations-Programme: Indien (Stand: Juli 2014) (BMBF / Kooperation International)
India; Germany
[Caution: This website is from the Internet Archive and is not up to date anymore - information as of July 2014]
´´The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports German-Indian cooperation with the initiative 'India and Germany – Strategic Partners for Innovation'´´. The website, which is provided by the BMBF, informs about the political framework for [...]
183 - German House for Research and Innovation - DWIH New Delhi (Germany, Land of Ideas)
India; Germany
The German Houses for Research and Innovation (DWHI) are installed by the German Government, with the support of the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). The Institute in New-Delhi focuses especially on Indian students, researchers and potential project partners who are [...]
184 - Education - Bookmarks (The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
This page of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides a link list arranged by topic. The section on education offers links to general resources, learning Hebrew, universities and other institutions of higher education, research institutes and academic journals, elementary and secondary schools als well as miscellaneous resources. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
185 - Center for International Higher Education (CIHE)
The Center for International Higher Education defines its mission to be advancing knowledge about the complex realities of higher education in the contemporary world. It promotes the belief that an international perspective will foster enlightened policies and practices. To this end, the Center publishes International Higher Education, a book series on higher education, as [...]
Austrian Archives for Adult Education
The Austrian Archives for Adult Education manages the historical legacy of the Austrian adult education centres. It preserves the materials, documents and business records that have been handed down throughout the history of the Austrian Adult Education Centres, their forerunners and umbrella organisations. Therefore, it makes a contribution to the memory and self-reflective [...]
187 - Knowledge Alliance
United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1971, Knowledge Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan organization focused on learning and applying what works to dramatically improve K-12 public education. We advocate for the greater use of research-based knowledge in education policy and practice at the federal, state, and local levels. Knowledge Alliance is comprised of leading education organizations that are [...]
188 - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, is a strategic instrument to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach. The mission of ESFRI is to support a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe, and to facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to the better [...]
189 - Data without Boundaries (DwB)
The Data without Boundaries – DwB – project exists to support equal and easy access to official microdata for the European Research Area, within a structured framework where responsibilities and liability are equally shared. DwB also takes part in the discussion about metadata standards (SDMX/DDI) with the aim of building a single point of access for official microdata. [...]
190 - Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft
The Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Ludwig Boltzmann Society), which was founded in 1960, is a private sponsor of research establishments in Austria. Its Institutes deal with questions relating to medicine, humanities, social sciences and cultural sciences. The LBG, which is financed from public and private resources, is divided into Institutes and Clusters and currently [...]
Rector´s Conference of Alps-Adriatic Universities
Austria; Germany; Croatia; Hungary; Slovenia; Italy; international
The aim and purpose of founding the Rectors´ Conference was to enable collaboration between the universities and colleges and to seize the diverse opportunities available for scientific, artistic and future-oriented cooperation.
Issues of cultural, scientific, political or general importance are dealt with in the form of symposia and research projects.
192 - bidok - behinderung inklusion dokumentation
The abbreviation bidok stands for disability, inclusion, documentation. bidok is a web project researching into integrative/ inclusive education and disability studies at the Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, University of Innsbruck. Its main task is making specialist journal articles accessible in the full text library. Since bidok makes full texts available (and not [...]
Research Institute for Vocational Training and Adult Education (IBE)
The IBE was founded in the year 1980 as a non-profit assoication by the worker representiative organization, unions, companies and the Johannes Kepler University Linz. The intention of this foundation was to establish a research institut which does education research from employee´s perspective. So the basis for present academic work was laid - the exploration of the labour [...]
194 - Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development - National Research Center on Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT)
international; United States of America (USA)
The Neag Center at the University of Connecticut is part of the National Research Center on Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT). Together with the University of Virginia they do research on giftedness, gifted education and promotion. While Neag concentrates on mathematics, the University of Virginia analyses reading and language. The website offers many resources, including fulltext [...]
195 - Latin America Learning - Open Resources Collection
Latin America; Mexico; Bahamas; Barbados; Guyana; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Haiti; Jamaica; Suriname; Peru; Venezuela; Costa Rica; Argentina; Brazil; Nicaragua; Guatemala; Guatemala; Panama; Bolivia; Colombia; Chile
Latin America Learning was a project of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Michigan State University. You can browse for OER resources and projects by country, region or topic. You will also find information on research activities as well as further news. [Source: Editors of Education Worldwide]
196 - - pathway to irish research
Ireland; international
RIAN offers a search over 7 repositories (databases with online fulltexts) of the following Irish university libraries including the Dublin Institute of Technology:
* Dublin City University
* NUI Galway
* NUI Maynooth
* Trinity College Dublin
* University College Cork
* University College Dublin
* University of Limerick [...]
197 - National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL)
NAIRTL is financed by the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) of the Higher Education Authority Irlands and is an initiative of several Irish universities. NAIRTL aims at enhancing and improving the interaction and integration of research, teaching and learning in Higher Education. Students are meant to participate in the process, too, in order to guarantee a better education for [...]
198 - The International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) (formerly Orton Dyslexia Society) is an international, non-profit, scientific and educational organization dedicated to the study and treatment of dyslexia. The IDA was first established nearly 50 years ago to continue the pioneering work of Dr. Samuel T. Orton, who was one of the first to identify dyslexia and its remediation.
199 - HORIZON 2020 - The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
"[Horizon 2020] will combine all research and innovation funding currently provided through the Framework Programmes for Research and Technical Development, the innovation related activities of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)." Its website provides information and other resources on [...]
200 - Education by Numbers – the tyranny of testing
United Kingdom
The book and blog of a Times Educational Supplement journalist deal critically with standards, tests and accountability of schools as well as their gains and effects on today´s British education system. The website contains a small collection of research papers, inquiries, literature and documentaries on the topic.
First Education Portal of Honduras
The portal was created due to the necessity to establish a virtual plat form which directs itself to education institutions for the purpose of curriculum integration of TIC in class rooms and which offers teaching courses to teachers, students, parents and authorities of public education centres in general. Also, it provides teachers and researchers of the education sector [...]
Program for the Development of Basic Sciences
The Program for the Development of Basic Sciences (PEDECIBA) was founded in October 1986 through an agreement of the ministry for education and culture and the UDELAR as well as with the active participation of the Programa de las Naciones Unidas Para el Desarrollo (PNUD). In 1995, the law for national budget established the program permanently. The central objectives of [...]
National Agency for Investigation and Innovation
The objectives of the National Agency for Investigation and Innovation (ANII) are the design, the organisation and the administration of planes, programs and instruments which contribute to the scientifical-technological development and to the dissemination and strengthening of innovation capacities. Furthermore, ANII fosters the communication and coordination between the [...]
204 - Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) - Sede Ecuador
Ecuador; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American institute for social science) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by UNESCO. IThe homepage of the Ecuadorian office presents abundant information on educational issues: Programs and projects, publications, products, research results, full text information as well as the educational journal "Propuesta [...]
National Investigation and Education Network of Ecuador
The National Investigation and Education Network of Ecuador (CEDIA) has the task to promote, coordinate and develop advanced information and telecommunication networks to enhance scientific technological research and education in an innovative way.
Association of Private Universities of Panama
The Association of Private Universities of Panama (AUPPA) is an institution which consists of several private universities which are constituted and authorized by the laws of the Panamanian government. The objective of AUPPA is to function as representative of the member institutions and as counsil organ for the state, private enterprises as well as for the population. In [...]
Ministry of Science and Technology
Costa Rica
The Ministry for Science and Technology (MICIT) was founded in 1986 as a first period as National Science and Technology Program which was operating until 1990. During this period, it structured the national science and technology system, which incorporated the different institutions which worked in the field of science and technology. Its task is to promote and to stimulate [...]
Bolivian Studies Association
The mission of the Bolivian Studies Association (AEB) is to advance and promote research and knowledge of Bolivia through providing an interdisciplinary forum and resource for collaboration, research, publication, study, founding and employment opportunities.
Bolivian Embassy in Germany
Bolivia; Germany
The website of the Bolivian Embassy in Germany contains information about Bolivia and the binational exchange with Germany. Under the category `Kultur und Bildung` there are indications about the Bolivian education system, Bolivian universities, German-Bolivian societies, Bolivian artists and research institutions.
School Social Work in Switzerland
School social work (Schulsozialarbeit in German) is a relatively new field of work in Switzerland. In the German speaking part of Switzerland, school social work was established in the mid-1990`s and has expanded rapidly since. It is the fastest growing service amongst all youth services in Switzerland. The website offers a list of school social work offices in the cantons and [...]
Centre for Peace Education and Investigation
The Centre of Peace Education and Investigation (CEIPAZ) analyzes and popularizes, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the connection between conflicts, development and education. Furthermore, it investigates the principal tendencies of the international system and promotes education, development and peace.
Cooperation Network for Education, Investigation and Development Institutions of Colombia
The Cooperation Network for Education, Investigation and Development Institutions of Colombia (UNIRED) is a non-profit organization with the objective to operate telematic networks and related services directly or indirectly and to develop strategies for the consolidation of a culture of informatic systems and networks of the Colombian society to achieve a better use of the [...]
National Information System for Higher Education
The National Information System for Higher Education (SNIES) was created to respond to the information necessities of the higher education sector of Colombia. It serves as source of information for institutions and academical programs approved by the National Ministry of Education, it counsels and fournishes data, statistics and indicators of relevancy, reliability and [...]
National Academic Network of Advanced Technology
The National Academical Network of Advanced Technology (RENATA) connects, communicates and favours the cooperation between academical and scientifical institutes of Colombia and the international academical networks and centers of investigation. Furthermore, it fosters the dialogue between its members. The work of RENATA orients itself on the principles of cooperation, [...]
Central Institute for Educational Sciences
The social objective of the Central Institute for Educational Sciences (ICCP) is, since its foundation in 2001, the normative and methodological management of research activities and pedagogical experimentation to perfect and transform the national education system. It contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality of education and observes the implementation of [...]
Latin-American and Caribbean Pedagogic Institute
Cuba; Caribbean; Latin America
The objective of the Latin-American and Caribbean Pedagogic Institute (IPLAC) is the promotion of the professionality and the continuing vocational training of educators in Latin-America and the Caribbean in the field of educational sciences which is pursued by special programs for teachers, professors and directors of education. Furthermore, the institute contributes to the [...]
Argentinian Group of Mathematics Education
The Argentinian Group of Mathematics Education (GAEM) is an association of Argentinian researchers and teachers which are involved in mathematics education of every level. The first objective of the group was the creation of an independent virtual space which allows to exchange productions, research results and information in regard to didactics and education of mathematics. [...]
Argentinian Foundation for the Development of Education and Culture.
The Argentinian Foundation for the Development of Education and Culture (FAPEDEC) is a non-political organisation which was founded in June 1989. Its tasks include the promotion of knowledge about education and competence, the stimulation to sustainable development, the organisation of activities which procure the values of living together, the maintenance of an international, [...]
National Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology
The National Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology is an organ of the ministry for science, technology and productive innovation. Through its 4 funds - fund for scientifical research (FONCyT), technological fund Argentina (FONTAR), trust fund of the promotion of software industry (FONSOFT) and Argentinian sectorial fond (FONARSEC), the Agency fosters the [...]
Institute for Investigations of Educational Science
The objective of the Institute for Investigations of Educational Science (IICE) is the producation of knowledge based on the analysis and the systematic investigation of the present problems in the field of education. In this sense, the goal is also to transform the difficulties, the deficiencies and the failures, which are identified by the production of knowledge, the [...]
221 - Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)
Established in 1954, CIFE is a private non-profit-making international organisation which includes several European studies courses as well as conferences, seminars and publications. The programmes of the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) encompass educational and research activities concerning European integration, federalism, regionalism and changes within [...]
Information and Anaysis of Libraries and Library Science in Nicaragua
BiblioNica, Information and Analysis of Libraries and Library Science in Nicaragua has the main task to work out results of analyses in regard to the situations of the libraries and the execution of library sciences in Nicaragua and to disseminate them. This is done in 3 steps:
(1) The constant observation of the situation of the libraries of the country, (2) the [...]
Research and documentation centre of South Tyrol´s educational history
The research and documentation centre of South Tyrol´s educational history was initiated by Prof. Helmwart Hierdeis in 2007. It is part of the Department of Educational Science at the University of Bolzano. It focuses on the documentation and research of South Tyrol´s educational history concerning the three language groups within the country. The term education is [...]
Interdisciplinary Research Group for Socialization, Education and Formation
The Interdisciplinary Research Group for Socialisation, Education and Formation (GIRSEF) works in the fields of sociology, psychology and education sciences. It was founded in 1998 by the Université catholique de Louvain. The central objective of the GIRSEF is the development of fundamental research and applied research in the field of education and formation. Until now [...]
225 - Ministère de l`Enseignement Supérieure, de la Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique - Ministerium für Hochschulwesen, wissenschaftliche Forschung und technologische Entwicklung
The website of the Ministry of Education of Gabon presents information about the activities of the ministry, its structure, statistical data about the education system with a focus on higher education and the relevant documents referring to the education and research policy adding news and trends of the field of education.
226 - Enseignement Supérieur et Recherche Scientifique
The Mauritanian Ministry for National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research provides on its website documents, laws and official decrees concerning the official higher education and scientific policy.
227 - Ministère d`Etat de l`Education Nationale, à l`Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche Scientifique
This website shows the official representation of the Mauritanian Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Burkina Faso
The official homepage of the ministry for secondary and higher education and scientific research presents the ministry with its political objectives, plans, laws and guidelines including administration data. Additionally, the site contains information and documents about the education system with its recently initiated reform process, about school and university institutions, [...]
229 - - The Foundation for the International Promotion of Spanish Universities
Spain; international
In accordance with the 2007 amendment of the Universities Act, in October 2008 the Council of Ministers authorized the creation of, the Foundation for the International Promotion of Spanish Universities. is a public sector foundation that aims to promote the Spanish university system throughout the world. The foundation was set up by the Spanish [...]
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
The Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (Hungarian abbreviation: OTKA) has been the major funding agency of basic science and scholarship since 1986 when the transition to competitive research funding started in Hungary. Upon a government decree, OTKA has been operating as an independent non-profit organisation since 1991 in order to provide independent support to scientific [...]
231 - International Foundation for Science (IFS)
IFS is a NGO (non-governmental organisation) founded in 1972. Funding comes from governmental and non-governmental sources, as well as national and international organisations.IFS has 135 Affiliated Organisations in 86 countries, of which three-quarters are in developing countries and one-quarter in industrial countries. IFS has an international Board of Trustees. The IFS [...]
Universities of Peru
The website offers a link list to the universities of Peru. Also, it shows brief information about the universities concerning main research fields and contact details.
National Research Council
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is a public institution dedicated to research in Spain. Belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Secretary of State for Research, its main objective is to develop and promote research that will help bring about scientific and technological progress, and it is prepared to collaborate with Spanish and [...]
234 - National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System (NARCIS)
"NARCIS is the main national portal for those looking for information about researchers and their work. Besides researchers, NARCIS is also used by students, journalists and people working in educational and government institutions as well as the business sector.
NARCIS provides access to scientific information, including (open access) publications from the repositories of [...]
Scientific Research Promotion Fund
The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) is Austria's central funding organization for basic research.
The purpose of the FWF is to support the ongoing development of Austrian science and basic research at a high international level. In this way, the FWF makes a significant contribution to cultural development, to the advancement of our knowledge-based society, and thus to the [...]
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Based on a government mandate, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports scientific research in all academic disciplines, from history to medicine and the engineering sciences. To ensure its independence, the SNSF was established as a private foundation in 1952. Its core task is the evaluation of research proposals. By allocating public research money based on the [...]
237 - Royal Society of Canada / Société royale du Canada (RSC-SRC)
The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) is the senior national body of distinguished Canadian scholars, artists and scientists. The primary objective of the RSC is to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences. The RSC consists of nearly 2000 Fellows, who are selected by their peers for outstanding contributions to the natural and social sciences, in the arts and in the [...]
Scientific Research Fund
The Scientific Research Fund (FNRS) contributes to the development of basic research of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and fosters its quality. The FNRS wants to focus the challenges which are connected to the changes of research policy on an international level as well as help the researchers of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels to integrate themselves into the European [...]
Research Foundation Flanders
The Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) is an independent agency that supports fundamental research in all disciplines in Flanders. The FWO provides the necessary funding on the basis of an interuniversity selection. FWO is the Flemish successor to the National Fund for Scientific Research, which was founded in 1928.
Estonian Science Foundation
The Estonian Science Foundation (ETF), established on July 1990 by Estonian Government, is an research-funding organisation. Its main goal is to support the most promising research initiatives in all fields of basic and applied research. The ETF uses state budget appropriations to award peer-reviewed research grants to individuals and research groups on a competitive basis.
Academy of Finland
The Academy of Finland’s mission is to finance high-quality scientific research, act as a science and science policy expert, and strengthen the position of science and research.
The Academy works to contribute to the renewal, diversification and increasing internationalisation of Finnish research. Its operation covers the full spectrum of scientific disciplines.
The [...]
National Centre for Scientific Research
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France's Ministry of Research.
Founded in 1939 by governmental decree, the tasks of the CNRS are to evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, [...]
243 - Royal Society (RS)
United Kingdom
The aim of the Royal Society (RS) is to expand the frontiers of knowledge by promoting the development and use of science, mathematics, engineering and medicine.
Its priorities address the future of science in the UK and beyond. RS aims to invest in future scientific leaders and in innovation, influence policymaking with the best scientific advice, invigorate science and [...]
Lithuanian Scientific Society (LSS)
LSS is a non-governmental association of scientists and their various organisations. It encourages the participation of all scientists regardless of their areas of activity, institution, position or scientific title. The underlying organisational principles of the LSS are democratic, enabling each member to act in the name of the LSS.
The goals of the LSS are the development [...]
National Research Fund
Since 1999, the National Research Fund (FNR) has developed various thematic and structural funding instruments that helped to construct Luxembourg’s reputation as a research site.
The FNR serves all branches of science and the humanities with an emphasis on strategically aligned research domains. A Performance Contract, concluded with the Ministry of Higher Education and [...]
246 - National Research Foundation (NRF)
South Africa, Republic
"As an independent government agency, the NRF promotes and supports research in all fields of knowledge. It also conducts research and provides access to National Research Facilities." A focus is on natural sciences. The website provides a lot of information on projects, programmes, scholarships, research centres, centres of excellence, annual reports on research in South [...]
247 - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Turkey. It was established in 1963 with a mission to advance science and technology, conduct research and support Turkish researchers. The Council is an autonomous institution and is governed by a Scientific Board whose members [...]
Database of the Swiss Contact Point for Educational Research
The website of the Swiss Contact Point for Educational Research offers three freely available databases. They cover institutions, projects and reserchers in the field of education all over Switzerland and give an overview on the latest developments in educational research.
Research Directory of the Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences
The database offers a research inventory of the Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences. Queries could cover topics, methods, funding or disciplines. The database is accessbile in three languages - German, English and French.
The overall responsibility is taken by the University of Lausanne.
Cyberdocencia - Specialized Information of the System of Continuous Training for Teachers
Cyberdocencia consists of multidisciplinary experts of education, especially of the direction of pedagogical higher education (DESP). Its functions are the formulation of national curricula, the design of policies and strategies for the continuing formation and the capacity of teachers in their respective work areas, the diagnose of the teacher situation and its professional [...]
Direction of Educational Research, Supervision and Documentation
The Direction of Educational Research, Supervision and Documentation (DISDE) is a specialized organ of the ministry of education which is charged with the promotion and implementation of the research which can serve as basis for the development of a qualitative educational supply, as well as with the supervision and the verification of the efficiency of this supply which is [...]
252 -
Coherencia is a political pedagogical institution which debates about problems and opportunities of the country. It was founded by and for citizens to achieve the productive transformation of persons and institutions through vocational training, participation and an impact on society. Coherencia consists of two independent organisations: the project Coherencia, which was [...]
National Women's Office
The task of this website is to analyse the principal studies for the service of the National Women's Office and for other institutions, whose themes are directly related to women's affairs and with the existent gender-inequalities. Furthermore, the website provides necessary information for private as well as public organisms and for the civil population, to change the [...]
254 - National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection (INCSMPS)
The object of the National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection (INCSMPS) is the research and development in the field of social and humanist sciences. Therefore, the institute’s main object of activity is to carry out surveys and research with theoretical-applicative character in fields of national interest regarding the human resources management, [...]
255 - BPP Professional Education Romania
BPP is Europe’s largest professional education group. It has gained global experience in it's 30 years of existence, and 12 years in Romania (state: 05.2011). BPP trains and publishes study materials for more professional education qualifications and professional development programmes.
Centre for Innovation in Education
The Centre for Innovation in Education (TEHNE Romania) is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, ICT in education, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training.
257 - Institute of Development Management (IDM)
Lesotho; Botswana; Eswatini; Eswatini
The Institute of Development Management (IDM) was established in 1974 as a regional organisation in Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland (BLS) to help meet the management needs of the region through management development activities including training, consultancy, research, and the establishment of a Management Resource Centre.
Dominican Virtual Library
Dominican Republic
Biblioteca Dominico-Virtual was created to contribute to the education and formation of students. Its objective is to facilitate the research and competence process. It is a tool for professionals respectively for all those who want to deepen their knowledge, according to the large variety and profundity of themes and branches.
Currently (mai 2011), the homepage contains more [...]
Latin-American Committee for Educational Mathematics
Argentina; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Chile; United States of America (USA); Guatemala; Mexico; Panama; Puerto Rico; Peru; Dominican Republic; Uruguay; Venezuela; Caribbean
The Latin-American Committee for Educational Mathematics (CLAME) unites accredited researchers and teachers of the field of educational mathematics of Latin-America. The main objective of the association is to connect actions and shared interests with the aim to promote qualitative research and its actualization and to attain professionalization of the teachers through [...]
Poveda Cultural Centre
Dominican Republic
The Poveda Cultural Centre is contact partner for the national and international field of teacher formation. It fosters and accompanies the formation process of teachers and researchers in the field of socio-educative exchange. The centre aims for social inclusion and equality through a critical and democratical method. This method considers socio-educative practics with whom, [...]
261 - National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD)
United States of America (USA)
The National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD) was initially established (in 1962) to investigate the broad aspects of human development as a means of understanding developmental disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities, and the events that occur during pregnancy. Today (april 2011), the Institute conducts and supports research on [...]
262 - National Centre for Children in Poverty (NCCP)
United States of America (USA)
The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) is the nation’s leading public policy center dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well-being of America’s low-income families and children. NCCP uses research to inform policy and practice with the goal of ensuring positive outcomes for the next generation. It promotes family-oriented solutions at the [...]
263 - National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education (ECI)
United States of America (USA)
The National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education (ECI) was created to carry out a comprehensive program of research, development, and dissemination to improve early childhood development and learning. The Institute helps its members through grants for national research and development centers, grants for field-initiated studies, and in-house research; [...]
264 - Universitas 21 - The network for international higher education
Universitas 21 is an international network of 23 leading research-intensive universities in fifteen countries. The network's purpose is to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between the member universities and to create opportunities for them on a scale that none of them would be able to achieve operating independently or through traditional bilateral alliances.
265 - Men in Early Childhood Care and Education Network New Zealand (EC-MENz)
New Zealand
The Men in Early Childhood Care and Education Network New Zealand (EC-MENz) was installed to promote Early Childhood Education as a great career for men, to network with other men involved in Early Childhood Education, to support men in the early childhood education sector and those in training,
to promote the role of men as carers and educators of children, to collect and [...]
266 - Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA)
The Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA) is a non-profit making organization established to promote co-operation amongst examining and assessment bodies in Africa. The main objectives for which the AEAA is established include the promotion of co-operation amongst examining and assessment bodies in Africa, the encouragement of relevant examining and [...]
267 - National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
United States of America (USA)
The National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition collects, coordinates and conveys a broad range of research and resources in support of an inclusive approach to high quality education for ELLs. To fulfill its mission NCELA supports high quality networking among state-level administrators of Title III programs.
In addition to SEA coordinators, NCELA serves other [...]
268 - Education-Africa
The page offers various links on the educational system of various African states. It is designed as a Wiki. The different fields are: Ministry of Education, educational system, schools, science and research...
269 - Conseil Interuniversitaire de la Communauté française (CIUF)
The interuniversitary council CIUF is the official platform for the fine tuning between the academic, student, political, economic and administrative fields. Its 39 members focus on higher education. The council aims to the promotion, maintaining and organization of the cooperation between the single participants of the higher education system of Belgium, esp. institutes, [...]
270 - Autonome Hochschule in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft (DG)
The autonome academy of the germanophone community of Belgium concentrates on the education of primary school teachers, kindergarden teachers and on health and nursing sciences offering the adequate study program. The site provides information about the studies with instructions on practical courses, the teaching program, organisational facts like access and immatriculation [...]
271 - Australian Teacher Education Association
he Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) is the major professional association for teacher educators in Australia. The mission of the Australian Teacher Education Association is to promote:The preservice and continuing education of teachers in all forms and contexts; Teacher education as central in the educational enterprise of the nation; Research on teacher [...]
Panafrican Institute for Development - Central Africa
Angola; Burundi; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Gabon; Equatorial Guinea; Comoros; Madagascar; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Rwanda; Sao Tome and Principe; Chad
The Panafrican Institute for Development - Central Africa (IPD-AC) is a subregional institution founded in 1965. It is part of the network of the international association "Institut Panafricain pour le Développement" (IPD). The area of operation of the IPD-AC ranges over 13 countries of Central Africa; Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the [...]
Panafrican Institute for Development West Africa/ Sahel (PAID/WAS)
Burkina Faso; Benin; Cape Verde; Côte d'Ivoire; Guinea-Bissau; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo
The Panafrican Institute for Development - West Africa/Sahel (PAID/WAS) is a subregional institution founded in 1964. It is part of the network of the international association "Institut Panafricain pour le Développement" (IPD). The area of operation of the IPD-AOS ranges over 12 francophone and lusophone countries of Africa; Burkina Faso, Benin, Cape Verde, the Ivory Coast, [...]
274 - Pan African Institute For Development - West Africa (PAID-WA)
West Africa
PAID-WA is a capacity building institution that has been active in the development arena since 1969. Since then, the institute has been engaged in providing specialised training dedicated to improving living standards, alleviating poverty, promoting change in gender relations and socio-economic planning and development and facilitating institutional strengthening, sustainable [...]
Study in Belgium in Wallonia and Brussels
This website contains general information about the organisation of studies in Belgium, especially in Wallonia and Brussels, the francophonic part of the country. It offers an overview of higher education in the fields of university education and sporadic of non-university higher education, combined with sectors covering the financial aspects of studying, the conditions of [...]
Centre for Diversity and Learning
The Centre for Diversity and Learning is attached to Ghent University in Flanders. The principal goal of the SDL is to support the interculturalisation of the Flemish education world by providing a coherent and scientifically-based support to professionals and organizations active both inside and outside the field of education. The central subject of the CDL is the social and [...]
Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy and science research. Besides, in the sectors education, research, language, youth, ministry and minister, the website presents details on political conditions and laws, funding processes, programmes, statistics, [...]
278 - Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles
The Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, the renamed former French community of Belgium, represents the francophone Walloon part of Belgium. It has its own government and parliament with certain administrative competences in chosen departments, that means culture, sports, youth, health and especially education. On the website, the federation offers beside general data and articles [...]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
The website of the "centre for historical pedagogic" at the catholic university of Leuven provides an overview of the research fields and key domains of the pedagogic and psychological sector which are: history of education, education in sociocultural view, school cultur, history of psychological and pedagogical sciences, intercultural identity, methodology, epistemology and [...]
Ministry of Sports and Physical Education
The Ministry for Sports and Physical Education (MINSEP) has the task to develop, implement and evaluate sport policies and policies for physical education. In concrete terms, this means, relative to education, that it conceptualizes strategies and development schedules for sports and physical education, that it generates education programs for physical education in the [...]
281 - The Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research (MR-U)
Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Norway; Iceland; Greenland; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
Nordic inter-governmental co-operation on research and education is headed up by the education and research ministers, who make up the MR-U. The role of the Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research is to help ensure that the Nordic Region retains a leading position as a knowledge and skills region. Nordic co-operation involves Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway [...]
Institute for the Promotion of Sciences, Creativity, Innovation and Technology (IPSCIT)
The Institute for the Promotion of Sciences, Creativity, Innovation and Technology (IPSCIT) has the following objectives:
* To promote the efficiency of formation and research
* To support development projects and activities initiated by stakeholders of society
* To foster the emergence of a society of knowledge and know-how in Africa
* To promote international cooperation [...]
African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education
The objectives of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES) are the promotion of the understanding and the solidarity of the member countries, the establishment of a permanent cultural and scientific cooperation between the member countries, to collect and distribute all the university and research documents; statistics, exam information, directories, [...]
284 - EthiopiaED
EthiopiaED is a free resource to support the development of educational research in Ethiopia. There is material distributed on three fields on this page:
1. Research methods and methodologies
2. Research reports
3. Policy resources
Ministry for Secondary and Higher Education and for Scientific Research
The minister of secondary and higher education and scientific research is charged, in relation to the according ministries, with the elaboration, the implementation and the follow-up of secondary and higher education and of scientific research in conformity with the orientations defined by the Supreme Council for the Restauration of Democracy.
Digital Francophone Campus of Alger
The CNF Alger, as other digital francophone Campi in other countries, is a meeting point for researchers and students of tertiary education. Its mission is to implement AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) program assistance in a way that enables them to draw the attention of the scientific and pedagogical community in Algeria. That means that it makes available the [...]
Regional Conference of Eastern Universities
The main objectives of the Regional Conference for Eastern Universities (CRUE) are the development of networks for higher education insitutions, ways and means of education of regional development and scientific information networks, reglementations with regard to pedagogic, sciences and administration and regional commissions for the evaluation of new offers of graduate and [...]
Centre for Scientific and Technical Research for the Development of the Arabian Language
The Centre for Scientific and Technical Research for the Development of the Arabian Language (CRSTDLA) is structured in 5 divisions: 1. Computer linguistics, 2. Spoken communication and language pathology, 3. Comparative and Arabian didactics, 4. Arabian linguistics, lexicographie and terminology and 5. Semiotics.
On the homepage, publications (Brochures of the centre as [...]
289 - International Institute for Higher Education in Morocco (IIHEM)
The International Institute for Higher Education is a private degree granting institution for higher education in the areas of management, science and technology. The Institute currently (february 2011) offers programs in management science, engineering and computer information systems. The Institute's central purpose is teaching and applied research and development. It [...]
Romanian Academy
The Romanian Academy is incorporated and functions autonomously. Its activity is financed by the state, as well as by donations, legacies and other funds earmarked for the accomplishment of academic goals. The Academy administers its assets independently. It has several main objectives: cultivation of the national language and literature, study of the national history, [...]
Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (öibf)
The Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (öibf) is a scientific, non-profit, independent research institute founded in 1970. It manages and carries out research and development in various areas of vocational education and training (VET). Fields of research are initial and further education and training, vocational guidance and counselling, evaluation [...]
Austrian Institute for Adult Education
The Austrian Institute for Adult Education is a research and development organisation and a consulting agency focusing on adult education and lifelong learning. The focuses of its activities include: regionalisation of education (learning regions); general aspects of adult education such as environmental education, political education, health education, etc.; developing [...]
German Historical Institute Warsaw
The task of the German Historical Institute Warsaw is the scientifical research of Polish history and the German-Polish relations in the European and International context. In this area, the institute conducts innovative fundamental research which focuses on Polish history in its European environment and the history of German-Polish relations in principle in its whole [...]
Orient Institute Istanbul
The Orient-Institut Istanbul supports academic research, with current interests spanning from the study of the plurality of Turkic languages and peoples, Ottoman history, to the current dynamic development of the region. Much of its work is conducted in cooperation with universities and independent academic institutions, both in Turkey and abroad.
The Orient-Institut [...]
National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education (NIVE)
The main tasks of the institute are research and development of vocational and adult education. Further more, it offers information services, publications, statistical data, further education of teachers and trainers, organisation and preparation of vocational examinations and the financing of projects.
296 - Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)
United States of America (USA)
The CIS is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization founded in 1985. It is the nation`s think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States. It is the Center´s mission to expand the base of public knowledge and understanding of the need for an [...]
297 - Institut für Jugendkulturforschung
The institute for research on youth culture deals with applied youth research; it carries out questionnaire surveys, content analyses, qualitative social research etc. The institute also offers seminars.
Austrian Society for Historical Pedagogic and School History
Founded in 1988 in Klagenfurt, the ÖGHPS sees its tasks in the development of activities all kind which serve the exploration and presentation of educational history as well as being a central assembly point of information about educational history. It publishes a series of "Retrospectives in the matter of education". Also, gymnasial school leaving examination themes and [...]
European Institute for Intercultural and Interreligious Research
The EIF purposes scientific research and teaching in the field of intercultural and interreligious encounters and relations, primarily in the frame of European integration. The aim of EIF is to prepare, to realize, to analyze and to procure scientific research projects and studies as well as regular expert conferences and education events which relate especially to fields of [...]
Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children and Youth (ACPC)
The institute for philosophy for children, whose support is the Austrian society for philosophy for children, exists since 1985. It fosters education and further education of children, adolescents and adults, advises pedagogical institutions, generates project descriptions, develops and recommends seminar and work papers and serves as philosophical counselling point. On the [...]
301 - International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE)
The International Standing Conference for the History of Education has been organized to:
Foster research in the scholarly field of the history of education; facilitate international contact, intellectual exchange, and cooperation between all who work in the field of the history of education; develop an appreciation of the field of the history of education; encourage the [...]
Austrian Academy of Sciences
To meet its statutory mission of promoting the sciences in every respect, and in the awareness of its social, cultural and economic responsibility, the Academy promotes and conducts application-oriented basic research. Renowned researchers from Austria and abroad have formed a comprehensive knowledge pool covering a wide array of disciplines for the sake of progress in science [...]
303 - Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research Europe (SIETAR Europe)
SIETAR Europa (The International Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) is an interdisciplinary, professional service organisation whose purpose is to implement and promote cooperative interaction among peoples of diverse cultures, races and ethnic groups. The objective of SIETAR Europa is to encourage the development and application of knowledge, values, [...]
304 - The European Mathematical Society (EMS)
The European Mathematical Society (EMS)'s membership consists of all mathematical societies in Europe and about 2000 individual members who joined through their national societies. The purpose of the Society is to further the development of all aspects of mathematics in the countries of Europe. The Society aims to promote research in mathematics and its applications. It will [...]
305 - IREX: Education support
On this website, IREX presents it`s activities concerning education programs in "Basic Education Development", "Higher education development", "International Education" and "Research Support".
Netherlands Youth Institute
The Netherlands Youth Institute (Dutch: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut) is the Dutch national institute for compiling, verifying and disseminating knowledge on children and youth matters, such as youth care, parenting support and child education. The Netherlands Youth Institute`s main aim is to improve the physical, cognitive, mental and social development of children and young [...]
307 - Pan-European research and education network (GÉANT)
The GÉANT network is a pan-European communications infrastructure serving Europe’s research and education community. Co-funded by European National Research & Education Networks (NRENs) and the EC, the GÉANT network and project (also known as GN3) is entering its third generation, along with associated development activities.
GÉANT's core objective is to deliver real [...]
308 - Archimedes
The Archimedes Foundation is an independent body established by the Estonian government in 1997 with the objective to coordinate and implement different international and national programmes and projects in the field of training, education, research, technological development and innovation.
It participates actively in building a knowledge-based Europe by helping to open up [...]
309 - Study in Ukraine
Information for people interested in studying in the Ucraine. Besides general information about the Ucraine you'll especially find an extensive list of universities, institutes and study and phd programmes.
The State fund for fundamental researches
The Ukrainian State fund for fundamental researches prsents its programmes, funding possibilities, activity reports, publications, links and contacts.
311 - incrEAST
Europe; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Moldova, Republic of; Russian Federation; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan
Information Exchange in Science and Technology between the European Research Area and Eastern European / Central Asian Countries incrEAST is an information platform designed to: intensify international cooperation in science and technology, facilitate the networking of research organisations and institutions in the countries of Eastern Europe/ Central Asia (EECA) and the [...]
The Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (NAPS) - Національна академія педагогіч&
Homepage of the Academy for Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (NAPS). The Academy has 5 departments and 17 institutes that do research in different pedagogical and educational fields. Unfortunately, the superordinate website is available in Ukrainian only. It provides information on the history, structure, current activities of the Academy. The subordinated websites of the [...]
313 - EU cooperation in education in Central Asia
Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Turkmenistan; Tajikistan; Uzbekistan
The European External Action Service shortly presents the EU cooperation with the Central Asian countries within the field of education.
314 - Botschaft der Republik Usbekistan: Wissenschaft und Bildung
The Usbek Embassy in Germany presents an overview over Science and Education in Usbekistan.
315 - About Uzbekistan: Science and Education
The Usbek Embassy to the United States presents the education system of Uzbekistan. It has a focus on research institutes.
316 - Development of Education System in Uzbekistan: 2000-2004 statistical bulletin
The Uzbek Center for Statistics offers a full text on education.
The chapters are devided into:
1. Demographic Indicators
2. Basic Indicators of Education
3. Pre-School Education (number and type of schools, pupils, teachers)
4. General education establishments (Numbers and type of establishments, number and gender of pupils; tuition language; graduates)
5. Secondary [...]
317 - Cross-Disciplinary Initiative for Collaborative Efforts of Research on Learning [CICERO Learning]
CICERO Learning is a network for researchers and research groups on learning. The primary members of the network are based in different universities and research institutes in Finland. The network builds co-operation with research groups and units around the world. CICERO Learning network was established in 2005, and is coordinated by the University of Helsinki, Finland.
The [...]
318 - Fulbright Scholar Program - Country Pages
international; United States of America (USA)
The Fulbright Program is one of the major US American academic exchange programs. Its Council for International Exchange of Scholars delivers overall information about a wide selection of countries. It sets a special thematic focus on travel and university.
319 - Science
The site gives (among others) an overview about history and actors in slovenian science.
An extended list links universities, public research institutions, libraries etc. to the page.
There is also available a chapter on education (
320 - Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
On its English page, the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation offers a brief overview of its areas of activity as well as selected news in the field. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Institute of International and Social Studies (IISS)
The Institute has specialized on
domestic and international projects in sociology, political science and international relations. It performs basic research and applied studies on relevant issues to the Estonian society and participates in training of the specialists of the field. It primary contains the departments Lifestyle's Research, Etnosociology and Political Studies [...]
322 - Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRELL) (ca. 2005-2017)
[The Centre seems to have ceized its work around Jnuary 2017. The link provided here is from the Internet archive as of June 2019]. The Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRELL) was established in 2005 in order to provide expertise in the field of indicator-based evaluation and monitoring of education and training systems and their contribution to the achievement of [...]
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The Academy, responsible for the whole fields of sciences and arts, concentrates on some main tasks which are the promotion and organization of scientific research and the encouragement of the application of the findings of this research, the development of artistic and cultural activities and the handling with Croatian cultural heritage and its affirmation throughout the [...]
Estonian Academy of Sciences
The Academy represants an association of top-level scientists and scholars with commitment to advance scientific research and represent Estonian science nationally and internationally. The primary mission of the Academy is to assist in building a knowledge-based Estonia, fostering adaptation of new knowledge for economic growth and improvement of the quality of life and [...]
Romanian Institute for Adult Education (IREA)
IREA was established as a Rumanian pedagogic research institute in the field of adult and continuing education, aiming to provide scientific and methodological support for all adult education institutions in Romania and to strengthen the link between the academics and practitioners in adult learning area. Its main purpose is to conduct research and to publish materials [...]
326 - European Union 7th Framework Programme: Opportunities for Researchers from the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities. Analysis of SSH Relevant Topics in Areas other than Theme 8 Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities
Europe; international
The document lists opportunities that are not part of Theme 8 “Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities” within the 7th European Framework Programme (FP7) but could be of interest to researchers from this field.
327 - NET4SOCIETY - Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities
Europe; international
NET4SOCIETY is the international network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in the 7th European Framework Programme (FP7). National Contact Points are set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding.
NET4SOCIETY offers dedicated networking workshops, specific high quality trainings, and mentoring to the SSH [...]
7th Research Framewort Programme : Find a project
The database comprises projects funded by the 7th Research Framewort Programme.
329 - : Co-ordination of Research Policies with the Western Balkan Countries
Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Montenegro; Kosovo; Serbia; North Macedonia; Europe
The Western Balkan Countries INCO-NET enhances integration of the Western Balkan countries (WBC) in the European Research Area. The initiative is supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The Western Balkan countries INCO-NET will assist in developing the relationship between the EU and the WBCs in the [...]
330 - Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS)
Islamic Countries; international
IAS's mission is to provide an institutional set up for the utilisation of Science and Technology for the development of Islamic countries and humanity at large and to increase interaction among scientists and facilitate the exchange of views on development issues, and to function as the Islamic Brain Trust helping the Islamic and Developing Worlds in scientific and [...]
331 - The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The National Academy of Sciences Republic of Korea is the senior national organization of distinguished Korean scientists and scholars in all areas of sciences. NAS promotes learning, research and accomplishments internationally through active exchanges with other national academies and proposes policy recommendation for the promotion of science to the national government.
332 - Korea Research Foundation
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
Korea Research Foundation (KRF) is a national organization dedicated to social and scientific development. Main tasks of the KRF are as follows: 1) promotion of basic research, 2) support for women and young scientists, 3) promotion of scientific exchange and cooperation between North and South Korea and international research partners, 4) advancing progress in science and [...]
333 - AMS-Forschungsnetzwerk
The Public Employment Service (PES) research network of the PES Austria, Dep. for Labour Market Research and Vocational Information contains a comprehensive information system and a service platform, whose goals are to present and utilise results and activities in the fields of labour market, vocational, educational and qualification research. Research (e.g. full text [...]
334 - Schweizerisches Institut für Kinder- und Jugendmedien (SIKJM)
The Schweizerische Institut für Kinder- und Jugendmedien (SIKJM) - the Swiss Institute for Child and Youth Media- is a merger of the Schweizerischen Bund für Jugendliteratur (SBJ) with the Schweizerischen Jugendbuch-Institut (SJI) that was founded in 2002, as part of the Johanna Spyri foundation. It receives support from the ministries of science, culture and education and [...]
335 - World Data on Education, Unesco (6th edition 2006/07 + 7th edition 2010/11)
As the original pages of Unesco are no longer online, we link here to a copy of the pages from the Internet Archive. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all full texts can still be downloaded as pdf files. The two pages offer detailed information on the education systems of 161 countries on the basis of national sources from 2010/11 and 2006/07. The World Data on Education [...]
336 - European Network for Copyright in support of Education and Science (ENCES)
ENCES (European Network for Copyright in support of Education and Science) is an EU-wide network of organizations and individuals in science and education who share the view that copyright is a socially valuable construct and that the primary objective of copyright is to promote the progress of science, education, and culture as public goods.
ENCES' basic assumption is [...]
337 - European Research Council
The European Research Council was founded by the EU as of 2007 in order to complement the FP 7 research promotion programme of ideas, it is investigator-driven and thus takes a bottom-up approach. Researchers are promoted if they prove to be excellent in science and technology, and prove themselves to be successful in a highly competitive programme. The ERC cooperates with [...]
338 - Kooperation International: Länderübersicht
international; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; United Kingdom; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Russian Federation; Sweden; Serbia; Turkey; Ukraine; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Canada; Mexico; United States of America (USA); Egypt; South Africa, Republic; Jordan; China, People's Republic of; India; Indonesia; Japan; Vietnam; Australia; New Zealand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Ukraine; Serbia; Colombia; Algeria; Tunisia; Kenya; Senegal; Israel; Singapore; Malaysia; Vietnam; Thailand
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany (BMBF) links information on countries and multilateral organisations on this site, with a focus on education and research from an international perspective. Available only in German.
339 - Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
United Kingdom
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) was created by the merger of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR). Education-related policy areas of the department are further education and skills and
higher education.
340 - Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI)
United Kingdom
The Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) was established in November 2002, with the aim to ensure as far as possible that higher education policy development in the UK is informed by research and by knowledge of the experience of others. HEPI's key function is to raise issues, stimulate discussion and disseminate research findings. It aims to build a bridge between policy [...]
341 - New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe
Europe; Austria; Canada; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Iceland; Ireland; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Sweden; United Kingdom
NORFACE - New Opportunities for Research Funding Co-operation in Europe - is a partnership between 18 research councils to increase co-operation in research and research policy in Europe. The fifteen partners involved are the research councils for the social sciences from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, [...]
342 - European Science Foundation (ESF)
The European Science Foundation (ESF) is an association of 78 member organisations devoted to scientific research in 30 European countries. ESF's core purpose is to promote high quality science at a European level. The Foundation is committed to providing scientific leadership through its networking expertise and by ensuring that there is a European added value to all of its [...]
343 - - The Swiss Portal for Research and Innovation
This portal gives an overview of sciences, employment, funding, research area, universities and other research institutions in Switzerland. provides also practical information about research mobility and living in Switerland including immigration, taxation, driving licenses and legal issues. It is intended for researchers and students, and all those who are [...]
344 - Vereinigung Für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung
"VSJF - German Association for Social Science Research on Japan" was founded in 1988. Its general aim was and still is to strengthen the study of contemporary Japan in the German-speaking countries. Under "activities" you can find the section group on education. The database experts allows the search for experts in specific fields.
345 - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ( MEXT) is one of the most important ministries in Japan. Information, statistics, research projects and outcomes are presented here. The National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan is affiliated to MEXT.
Federal Ministry - Republic of Austria - Education, Science and Research
The ministry is responsible for education, science, and research.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
This is the official site of the Iraq ministry for higher education and scientific research. It informs about the departments of the ministry and the higher education institutions in Iraq.
348 - Dansk Skolemuseum
The Danish School Museum belongs to the Ministry of Education and collects material concerning the history of Danish schools and history of education in Denmark. The museum also has its own research department.
349 - Work in Denmark
An official internet portal for researchers and professionals interested in an international career in Denmark.The homepage 'workindenmark. dk' is created to make it easier for foreign knowledge workers to gather information on moving to, working, and living in Denmark. It also contains information directed at Danish businesses and research institutions.
350 - Pædagogisk Psykologisk fagportal
The aim of the Pedagogics and Psychology Gateway is to be part of the umbrella of information gateways under DEFF (Denmark's Electronic Research Library), and in this structure the provider of national and international information ressources in relation to Pedagogics and Psychology. To offer a joint entrance to electronic ressources in Pedagogics and Psychology. The gateway [...]
351 - Euraxess Belgium - Belgian National Portal for Mobility in Research
This portal offers incoming researchers and scientists general and practical information about working and living in Belgium including useful links to legal and administrative fields, cultural information, information about the national mobility centres, the national research landscape, job vacancies, research fellowships and grants.
352 - European Network for Improving Research and Development in Educational Leadership and Management (ENIRDELM)
ENIRDELM is both a horizontal (many nations) and vertical (multiple- roles and levels) network which brings together school leaders, educational administrators, trainers, researchers and consultants in the field of educational leadership and management. Its members engage in organised networking (annual conference in September, web-site, joint research and development [...]
353 - GIGA-Informationszentrum
Africa; Asia; Latin America; Middle East
The four regional libraries of the GIGA Information Centre collect literature on economic, political and social developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Besides library catalogues the service comprises online bibliographies and internet resources. GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies emerged from the German Overseas Institute (founded in [...]
354 - The Research Council of Norway
The Research Council of Norway is a national strategic body and funding agency for research and innovation activities. It covers all fields of research and innovation and works together with research institutions as well as the private and public sectors to reach the national goals and quality targets set in this area. The website features information on research programmes, [...]
355 - OECD THEMATIC REVIEW OF TERTIARY EDUCATION - Country Background Report for Norway 2005
This background report for the OECD-review of the Norwegian tertiary education system has been written by NIFU STEP, an independent research foundation, on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Research, January 2005. It describes among others the national context of higher education and the labour market tertiary education, gives an overall description of the tertiary [...]
356 - Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) / Office de la qualité et de la responsabilité en éducation (OQRE)
EQAO´s tests measure student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics in relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations. The resulting data are supposed to provide accountability and a gauge of quality in Ontario´s publicly funded education system. The objective and reliable results from EQAO´s tests complement the information obtained from classroom and other [...]
357 - Bulgarian-Romanian Interuniversity Europe Center (BRIE)
Bulgaria; Romania; Germany; Europe
On the homepage the main objective of the project is outlined: a common regional cross-border cooperation in education and research between the frontier cities of Ruse (Bulgaria) and Giorgiu(Romania) involving German and other European partners. Both of these towns have common historical roots and are forming two pillars of the so-called "Danube Bridge". In the framework of [...]
358 - Textbook Research and Information Centre (VTIC)
The Textbook Research and Information Centre in Vilnius was established in 1998 in Kooperation with the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig and financed by the Robert Bosch Foundation until 2000. On the homepage the main tasks of the VTIC are summarized focusing on the collection of textbooks and an analysis of problems with regard to the [...]
359 - Eurodoc
EURODOC is the European Council of doctoral candidates and young researchers. It takes the form of a federation of national associations of Ph.D. candidates and young researchers. EURODOC's objectives are: To represent doctoral candidates and junior researchers at the European level in matters of education, research, and professional development of their careers. To advance [...]
360 - League of European Research Universities (LERU)
This website of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) founded in 2002 as an association with twelve member institutions provides information on the mission of of LERU, its members, publications and activities. The League - sharing the values of high- quality teaching within an environment of internationally competitive research - acknowledges that Europe has lost [...]
361 - Asean-European Academic University Network (ASEA UNINET)
Asia; Europe; Austria; Denmark; Germany; Greece; Italy; Indonesia; Netherlands; Spain; Czechia; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam; Malaysia; Russian Federation; Pakistan; Myanmar; Slovakia
The organisation is a network of European and Asian universities, which was founded in 1994 in order to co-ordinate science, research and university teaching in the areas of science and technology, health, humanities (culture, music) and economics. The website informs about objectives, links to member universities, and poceedings. Only universities can become members. [...]
362 - European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL)
The European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning ( EUROCALL) is an association of language teaching professionals from Europe and world-wide, which aims - according its website information - to: (1) promote the use of foreign languages within Europe, (2) provide a European focus for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice relating to [...]
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
The Australian Institute for Quality Teaching and School Leadership (AIQTSL) was set up in June 2004 as an independent body with funding from the Australian Government to support and advance the quality of teaching in Australian schools as well as the quality of school leadership. Its website provides information on the institute, its completed and current projects as well as [...]
364 - Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA)
The Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) was established in 1983 to provide national advocacy and leadership in curriculum. It draws its membership from all levels and sectors. The website informs about ACSA, its publications and projects.
365 - Environmental Education
The Environmental Education Website of the Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage offers extensive information for students and teachers as well as businesses and the general public. It provides links to various government bodies and centres dealing with environmental education, such as the National Environmental Education Council (NEEC) or the Australian [...]
366 - National Union of Students (NUS)
"The National Union of Students (NUS) is the peak student organisation body of Australia representing student interests to government, universities and the community." Its website contains information on the NUS, its activities and campaigns as well as information and advice on various aspects of student life.
367 - Australian School Library Accosiation (ASLA)
The Australian School Library Association (ASLA) is a federation of state and territory associations. Its website offers information on ASLA, its publications, professional development and research.
368 - Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium (ALNARC)
"The Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium ( ALNARC) represents a national collaboration between five university- based research centres. The consortium's activities include research conversations, documentation of research projects, sponsoring practitioner researchers to investigate their own practice, and collaboration with state literacy and numeracy [...]
369 - Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT)
Australia; New Zealand
"The mission of the Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT) is to promote and advance the use and support of information technology in teaching and learning, research and administration in the Universities of Australia and New Zealand." Its website offers information about CAUDIT and its projects, access to its annual reports and links to [...]
370 - LiteracyNet
"The Australian adult literacy website by the Department of Education, Science and Training contains key information about Australian adult literacy activity and links to a range of additional programme, professional development, resource, and research sites."
371 - Foundation for International Studies
The Foundation for International Studies is the international relations arm of the University of Malta. It is an autonomous, self-governing organisation housing the University of Malta's international office and hosting a number of institutes which have an international vocation. Devoted to the pursuit of research and training in various fields of interest, the Foundation's [...]
National Commission Persons with Disability
The Commission helps to meet the demand for an adequate number of professionals working in different fields related to disability, doing work that is supported by applied, scientific research. For instance, there is a training and research programme named PEKTUR for people with disabilities and their families, other concerned individuals, practitioners, administrators, policy [...]
373 - University of Malta - Research
Link list about research at the University of Malta: It provides a manual for project cycle management, a survey of current fields of research, research papers, abstracts, titles of papers, articles, books or chapters in books, publications by staff of the University of Malta and articles in (local) newspapers.
374 - The German Language in education in Belgium
This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Belgium. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]
375 - Charlotte Bühler-Institut für praxisorientierte Kleinkindforschung
With the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, the Charlotte Bühler association ( registered association) was founded in 1992. Its aim is to conduct an institute for early childhood research combining theory as well as practice. The institute was given the name "Charlotte Bühler Institute for Practice-Oriented Early Childhood Research" [...]
376 - Quality Improvement Agency (QIA)
United Kingdom
The agency is a non-departmental public body and the successor to the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA). It also hosts some of the resources of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI), other ALI- resources are now available from Ofsted. The role of the QIA is to work across the learning and skills sector to improve performance. The agency conducts research, [...]
377 - The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Bonn Office
The Bonn liaison office of the JSPS was the first to be founded in Europe in 1992. Its objective is to offer advice to scientists and graduates who intend to perform research in Japan. It offers information on fellowships, research projects, contact adresses, and recent developments. The links "forschen in Japan" and "Links" lead to more facts concerning residence in Japan [...]
378 - The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
The JSPS was founded as an autonomous body for the promotion of all sciences in 1932, and operates as a "quasi-government organisation" since the 1960s. Its main objective concerns the promotion of international co-operation in the field of university education. The home page provides links to the budget, objectives, organisational structure, overseas offices and international [...]
379 - Education and Research Network (ERNET)
ERNET India is the National Research and Education Network dedicated to support the needs of the research and education community within the country. It was established in 1998 as an autonomous scientific society under the Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India. It operates ERNET network – a pan-Indian terrestrial and satellite [...]
380 - National Report - Republic of Croatia
The report reflects the efforts of the Croatian government to strenghten the educational sector. Focal point will be the area of higher education regarding the following aims: acceptance of European standards; assurance of quality in teaching and research; increase in the number of students and the budgetary investment. This full text contains statements on the new Higher [...]
381 - Caribbean Early Childhood Development (CaribECD)
The objective of this website is "to increase the sharing of information, strategies, resources and overall communication on early childhood, parenting and the family within the Caribbean". The website offers access to various early childhood associations in the Caribbean, information on conferences and research, a newsletter and links.
382 - Commonwealth Scholarship & Fellowship Plan (CSFP)
"The Plan aims to provide a network of study opportunities throughout the Commonwealth. Although special emphasis is placed on the needs of developing nations, the scheme is intended as a genuine partnership, with opportunities and benefits for all member countries. Awards under the scheme are not made by any central body. It is for each Commonwealth country to decide whether [...]
383 - Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM)
"The mission of the CCEAM is to improve educational administration, management and leadership in Commonwealth countries. CCEAM is an international organisation linking professionals who manage educational institutions and/or teach or research in educational administration."
384 - St George's University, Grenada
The university has been offering courses in the field of medical studies since 1977 and has expanded its range of courses on other fields of study since 1996.
385 - Learning for Tomorrow's World: First results from PISA 2003
This OECD web site presents an introduction to the PISA 2003 results ( first published on Dec. 6, 2004) and offers links to downloads of the report (English version).
386 - University of Belize
The faculties and facilities of the university are introduced. There is also information about research projects.
387 - DAAD New Delhi - Information Office for India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka
India; Sri Lanka; Nepal; Bangladesh; Germany
"DAAD" stands for "Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst", also known as German Academic Exchange Service. DAAD is a joint organization of German institutions of higher education and student bodies. Their aim is to promote academic cooperation worldwide, especially through the exchange of students, scholars, academics, and scientists. The homepage provides links for South [...]
388 - Azerbaijan Research Educational Network Association (AzRENA)
The Azerbaijan Research and Education NetworksAssociation ( AzRENA) was established in August 2000 by leading institutes and universities due to an initiative of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic. AzRENA connects 15 research and education centers. The respective website serves more than 6,000 users as an information and [...]
389 - Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) - Sede Argentina
Argentina; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American institute for social science) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by UNESCO. It has offices in 16 Latin American Countries. The homepage of the office in Argentina presents abundant information on educational issues: Programs and projects, publications, products, research results, full text [...]
390 - America Latina Interconectada Con Europa
Latin America; Europe
This website has been developed in the framework of the ALICE-project. The abbreviation stands for "America Latina Interconectada Con Europa". The European Commission is actively supporting the project and co-funds it with 10 million Euros. The ALICE project was set up in 2003 to develop an IP research network infrastructure within the Latin American region and towards Europe. [...]
Peruvian Academical Network
Peru; Latin America
Red Académica Peruana (RAAP) is an initiative of different private and public institutions. Its objective is to establish a scientific network in Peru to support investigation and education as well as academic interchange und cooperation. The project is part of a mayor program, Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas (Clara), which aims to build national research and [...]
392 - Education and Training
Arab States
This is a collection of internet links to educational institutions, organisations and associations as well as to research institutes in Arab countries or where Arab is the language of communication. All educational levels and subject matters are included.
393 - Bildung und Wissenschaft Liechtenstein
This wetsite is part of the homepage "Portal des Fürstentums Liechtenstein". The website offers links to full texts about the following topics: Overview of the education system, general education, vocational education and training, vocational and academic guidance, scholarships, research.
National Educational Science, Technology and Innovation Program
The mission of this program is described as "enhancement of the capacity of research and production of knowledge in the area of educational research". The results shall be transformed into educational practice and policy. The homepage has links to the text of the National Plan for the Development of Educational Research, several instruments for implementation of research [...]
University Consortium
This organization coordinates the four private universities in Peru. Its objective is to promote the quality of the universities' research and teaching through joint efforts in order to promote a modern development of the country. The homepage provides links to the four member universities, to the university network Red Universitaria para el Desarrollo (http:// [...]
396 - - el portal de los universitarios
Latin America
This portal for university graduates provides access to various information which could be important for these persons: link lists of institutions, departments and institutes, lists of libraries and research institutions, advice for internet facilities and international contacts etc.
397 - HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse
This is an online resource centre dedicated to collecting and disseminating research on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education, e.g. sick teachers are absent from school, enrollment rates are decreasing, number of out-of-school orphans is increasing etc. The web site provides all sorts of information documents, e.g. country studies, reports about policies and management, funding [...]
398 - La main à la pâte. Enseigner les sciences à l`école maternelle et élémentaire
This website is intended to serve as a platform for information, advice and exchange for all persons interested in the topic of science education in the elementary and primary sector. This is done through online and print documents, discussion lists, subscription to current information, search engines, publications and expert consultation.
Corporation for University Promotion
The general mission of this organization is to promote higher education as a basic prerequisite of the enhancement of social, scientific and technological progress and to disseminate knowledge into the society. The web site provides information about the corporation itself, a study program in "asentamientos humanos", publications (among them the journal "Estudios Sociales") [...]
400 - Unión de Universisades de América Latina (UDUAL)
international; Latin America
This organization is concerned with various topics of promotion and coordination of the tertiary institutions in the member states, their quality development, institutional empowerment of the universities, coordination and integration of study programs and research. The web site provides extensive information, documents, statistics, and links to institutions and programs
401 - African Technology Forum
African Technology Forum (ATF) is the premier source of information on science and technology in Africa. They provide practical information to corporations, individuals and institutions in the US, Africa and the rest of the world. They publish a quarterly magazine on science and technology in Africa, and provide consulting services and networking opportunities for those [...]
402 - Association of Universities - Grupo Montevideo
international; South America
The association describes itself as a common, regional, academic environment of cultural, educative, technological and scientific cooperation. Mainly, its objectives are promotion of scientific research, academic further education, knowledge transfer into the societies of the member countries. The homepage provides further information about current, upcoming and carried out [...]
403 - African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI)
Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
ANSTI, the African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions, is an organ of cooperation that links African institutions engaged in university level training and research in the fields of science and technology. It was established in January 1980, through the financial support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Educational, Scientific and [...]
404 - African Economics Research Consortium (AERC)
Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), established in July 1988, is a public non-profit organization. Its principal objective is to strengthen local capacity to conduct independent research into problems pertinent to the management of economies in sub-Saharan Africa. The website contains information about the AERC, its training and research programs. Sections as [...]
405 - Regiones - Regions - Regiones
international; Latin America
Educational information can be accessed from this web site by firstly clicking the respective country and then activating the link "Education and Research" in the country web site. This provides a list of educational and training institutions and other relevant organisations.
406 - Asociación Iberoamericana de Educación Superior a Distancia (AIESAD)
international; Latin America
This association has as objective the information, coordination and cooperation of distance study institutions in Latin America. The following fields are concerned: research, training of professors, promotion of the use of new technologies in distance study, development of instructional material, promotion of and participation in evaluation, quality assurance and certification [...]
407 - National Institute of Higher Education Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST)
Trinidad and Tobago
This web site is a complimentary information service offered by the National Institute of Higher Education Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST) which is mandated to develop these areas, to coordinate training programs and popularise science and technology. The other main mission is the accreditation of post-secondary educational programmes. The homepage shows the [...]
408 - Bases de Datos de Tesis Doctorales (TESEO)
This web site provides an instrument for searching Spanish doctoral theses. These are equipped with the bibliographical entries and keywords / abstracts. Entering the keyword "pedagogia", in Jan 2004 resulted in 2799 titles.
409 - Higher Education Commission (HEC)
The Commission has been set up to facilitate the development of the universities of Pakistan to be world-class centres of education, research and development. The mandate of the HEC encompasses all degree granting universities and institutions, and supports the attainment of quality education in these institutions by facilitating and co-ordinating self-assessment of academic [...]
410 - Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education
Trinidad and Tobago
The ministry was established in December 2001 and one of its primary responsibilities is the development of the national human resource through tertiary education and training in the areas of academics, technical vocational training, scientific research and discovery. The web site's major parts are about the ministry itself, its sub-units (research, planning and technical [...]
Rectors Conference of the Chilean Universities
The council of Chilenian university heads has as its main objectives to develop high quality research, to accredit the study programs and to create the prerequisites for a more equal access to higher education. The web site provides information about these objectives and the organisational structure of the council; mainly there are links to the member universities and to their [...]
412 - South-East Europe Textbook Network
Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Greece; Yugoslavia; Kosovo; Croatia; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Romania; Slovenia; Serbia; Turkey; Hungary; Cyprus, Republic of; Montenegro; Southeastern Europe
In the framework of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research ( Braunschweig/ Germany) developed a project aiming at the "Coordination of Textbook Research, Development and Textbook Comparison in South-East Europe". The establishment of a virtual South-East Europe Textbook Network, which started in February 2001, [...]
413 - Philippine Research, Education and Government Information Network (PREGINET)
PREGINET is a nationwide broadband network that links academic, research, and government institutions in the Philippines. It interconnects institutions for research and education activities and spearheads the development of applications on areas such as distance education and others. PREGINET facilitates interchange of research information, research and training, [...]
414 - Science and Technology Education Network (STEdNet)
This is s a collaborative project of Philippine institutions concerned with science education whose goal is to make science education researches and statistical data easily accessible through the power of information technology. The main product offered on the web site are four data bases for science education research: dissertations, investigative projects, action research [...]
415 - Oficina Regional de Educación de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC)
Latin America; Caribbean
The Regional Office of Unesco for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago de Chile provides on its homepage information about the following issues: programs and projects, activities and events, regional education statistics, publications and about the services of the Documentation Centre (data base, bibliographies). The menu point "laboratorio" offers texts about research [...]
416 - Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (CNEAI)
This commission registers ans evaluates the research activities of university professors and other scientists regularly in a six-year period. The web site provides information about members, legal bases and the formal evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria. Educational research can be found in the seventh discipline "ciencias sociales..." on the homepage.
417 - The ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme
United Kingdom
"TLRP (Teaching and Learning Research Programme) is a coordinated research initiative. Its overarching purpose is to support and develop educational research leading to improvements in outcomes for learners of all ages, in all sectors and contexts of education, training and lifelong learning throughout the UK. The first projects began work in 2000 and the Programme is [...]
418 - UkraineGateway
This gateway with its various country-specific area-oriented information offers access to a variety of educational information. From the homepage the link "Education and Research" leads to up-to-date information on the higher education system. The link "Training" provides access to texts on the Ukrainean Distance Learning System.
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences is an association of the five Swiss academies of natural sciences, medical sciences, humanities and social sciences and technical sciences. The academies engage themselves specifically for an equitable dialogue between science and society, and they advise politics and society in science based and issues relevant to society. They [...]
National Research Programmes (NRPs)
NRPs embrace research projects that contribute to solving the key problems of today. Federal offices, research institutes, research groups or individual persons propose topics and potential priorities for an NRP to the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). The Federal Council makes the final selection of topics, which it then refers on to the SNSF to [...]
421 - Forschungseinrichtungen von nationaler Bedeutung
This website presents information about funding of research of non- university institutions in Switzerland: the procedure of approval of applications, the criteria for assessment of applications, legal prescriptions. There is also a link list with currently funded research and service institutions.
422 - Rat der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen (ETH-Rat)
The ETH-Board is elected by the Federal Council as the controlling body of the ETH (Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences) domain. It determines the strategic direction of the ETH domain, allocates the funding provided by the Swiss Confederation to the six ETH institutions, coordinates their activities, puts forward their presidents and directors to the Federal Council for [...]
423 - Forschungsförderung durch den Bund
Article 64 of the Swiss Constitution obliges the Confederation to promote scientific research. In carrying out this task the Confederation supports free basic research by financing the Swiss National Science Foundation and scientific academies as so-called National institutions promoting science. The website provids information baout the vraious conditions, regulations and [...]
424 - Nationale Institutionen der Forschungsförderung
The federal law on research designates the Swiss National Science Foundation and the four academies of sciences as institutions promoting research. These institutions receive federal credits through the Federal Office for Education and Science. These credits are granted ... for the promotion of research. The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) is the most important [...]
425 - Links zu Hochschul- und Forschungspolitischen Institutionen
This page includes a link list to following themes: Federal Authority of the Swiss Confederation, Authorities for education and science, Domain of the Swiss Federal Instituts of Technology, Networking in Higher Education, Cantonal Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences, Institutions promoting research, National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR), Research [...]
426 - Internationale Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Wissenschaft
Education, Research and Science are by nature international and qualitatively involve cooperation around the world. The international character of research is particularly important where the necessary financial investments to set up the infrastructure needed for research are beyond the capacities of an individual country. On the other hand, the oppurtunities provided by [...]
427 - Forschungsinformationssystem ARAMIS
The ARAMIS information system provides scientific, financial, organizational and personal data about research and development activities which are wholly or partly financed or implemented by the Swiss Confederation. The Confederation devotes around SFR 1.2 billion annualy to research and devolepment, not including the Federal Institutes of Technology. According to its mission [...]
428 - European University Institute (EUI)
This website provides information on research and teaching at the European University Institute in Florence and offers access to archives and a variety of services of the institute. The EUI was founded in 1972 by the European Community Member States. Its main objective is to provide advanced academic training to PhD students and to promote research at the highest level. It [...]
429 - PISA in-depth reports
PISA is developing a series of thematic reports that will examine the implications of the results from PISA 2000 in a series of policy-relevant areas. Currently, thematic reports are planned in the following areas: social background and student performance; analyses of the nature, development and impact of literacy skills; foundations of lifeflong learning; the role of [...]
430 - PISA 2000 sample tasks
This website provides download files which summarise the conceptual framework on which the PISA 2000 assessment is based. It then illustrates how the assessment is to be performed by reproducing sample assessment items and explaining what each is measuring.
431 - Internationale Zusammenarbeit im Bildungsbereich
The task of the Suisse information-network is to provide specific informaton about supporting programmes of the European Union, COST (European cooperation in scientific and technical research), EUREKA (Organization for European technical cooperation), specialised research programmes and organizations. Moreover the site offers links and addresses of the information-network's [...]
432 - Korea National Institute for Special Education (KNISE)
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The institute strives for integrating handicapped people into society so that every student with disabilities should be treated with respect and dignity as they are. This is done, among others, through research and providing professional development opportunities for special education professionals. The website provides information about purpose and history of the institute, [...]
433 - Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development (APJTED)
Hong Kong; Asia
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development ( APJTED) is an international refereed journal dedicated to theory development, empirical research, policy formulation, and practical improvement in teacher education, staff development, and teaching. It is published biannually with articles in English or Chinese. The Journal is one of the major publications of The [...]
434 - The German language in education in South Tyrol (Italy)
This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in South Tyrol (Italy). It comprises information on features of the educational system, [...]
435 - TEKES - The National Technology Agency
Tekes, finances research and development (R&D) projects of companies and universities in Finland. Information on technology programmes ( subject search possible) , national and international co-operations. Publications to download.
436 - Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC)
United Kingdom
"The Equal Opportunities Commission is the leading agency working to eliminate sex discrimination in 21st Century Britain". One of its areas of activities is education and skills. Besides general information on equal rights the site offers sections on policy and campaigns, research and statistics.
437 - Belarus: Science, research and development
Besides "general topics" the site provides links to the Academies of Sciences, research and development institutions, international relations and collaborations, R & D legislation and conferences.
438 - Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES)
This website contains links to 1) reports and statistics about research in Portugal (international comparisons, productivity of research, public budget and business investments), 2) publications, 3) databases about Portuguese doctoral theses, research projects in Portugal, R&D Institutions, Scientific Production (using science citation index) and other links, 4) program and [...]
439 - Poland on the Internet: Science and education
This website provides links to the following areas: institutions from various scientific domains, secondary schools, vocational schools, higher education institutions and technical universities, scientific institutes and libraries.
440 - National Research Council / Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The website characterises aims and activities of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). There is a list of member institutes and of research focuses as well as statistics. The Italian version of this website contains additional information, e.g. publications and news.
441 - Österreichische Universitätenkonferenz (uniko)
Universities Austria handles the internal coordination of the 21 public Austrian universities, it represents them in national and international organisations and is the public voice of the universities. Furthermore, Universities Austria provides administrative and organisational support to the National University Federation (Dachverband der Universitäten).
442 - Canadian Literacy and Learning Network (CLLN)
Canadian Literacy and Learning Network is the national hub for research, information and knowledge exchange, increasing literacies and essential skills across Canada. CLLN, a non-profit charitable organization, represents literacy coalitions, organizations and individuals in every province and territory in Canada. The project is funded by the Government of Canada´s Office of [...]
443 - The Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA)
United Kingdom
"The Learning and Skills Development Agency is a strategic national resource for the development of policy and practice in post-16 education and training. The Agency was previously known as the Further Education Development Agency (FEDA). The LSDA provides a comprehensive training and conference programme for education practitioners as well as managing a wide range of research [...]
444 - The Computer Education Society for Ireland (CESI)
CESI has as its general aim the promotion of information technology in education. Information on CESI and the government efforts to implement IT in education (links to reports). Information on schools and IT and European IT partner projects. Links to directory of school websites, related educational sites and centres. Archive with research reports.
445 - Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
The ministry is responsible for management and planing of higher education of IRAN.Training of expertise in all levels from and first degree to Doctorate is organized under supervision of this ministry. The homepage provides access to texts about the higher education system in Iran and the policy of the Ministry, statistical data about higher education, a database consisting [...]
446 - Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT)
Information on the federation and the point system for universities. List of publications, annual reports to download, links to legal statements, salary schemes and research information.
447 - The German language in education in Alsace, France
This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Alsace, France. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]
The Norwegian Institue for Children's Book
NBI is an information centre and document archive for literature for children and young people. It is also a specialist library. As of 2002 NBI' s collection numbers 58.000 volumes. The collection is computerized. From the database book lists are being compiled which will be available on request. Much of the collection is available for loan. Broad range of links to related [...]
449 - Network for IT-Research and Competence in Education (ITU)
ITU is an unit, which is a part of the Faculty of Education at the University of Oslo. It is part of the education ministry's measures to strengthen R & D in the pedagogical use of ICT in education. The network co-ordinates research through interdisciplinary co-operation and network building. From 1 January 2010 ITU is a part of the National Centre for ICT in Education, under [...]
450 - Internationales Büro des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF): Norwegen
Norway; Germany
IB, the 'Internationales Büro' supports the German Ministery for Education and Research (BMBF) in international co-operations. Information on German-Norwegian co-operations in the field of science and technology (history, subjects). Links to partners in Norway.
European Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology
EUROSCIENCE, the voice of scientists in Europe) is a pan-European Association established in 1997 in Strasbourg. It is open to scientists of all disciplines, including social sciences and the humanities, as well as to any person with an interest in improving interactions between science, technology and society. On its website the Association welcomes teachers, people from the [...]
European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP)
France; Europe
This international institute regards itself as an experienced and innovative service provider in elaborating educational policy, the evaluation of educational reforms and the provision of education and training programs at European, national and institutional level. The focus of its work is education policy in a European context. The website compiles information about the [...]
University of Helsinki - Digital Theses (E-thesis)
A service provided by the Helsinki University Library together with the Helsinki University Press and the faculties of the university. The site contains doctoral dissertations and master's and licentiate's theses from the university of Helsinki with several search facilities. All E-thesis publications are freely accessible via the Internet and available as a PDF file (some [...]
454 - The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy (AFSK)
The institute is a research institute under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. It is responsible for carrying out both basic research and long-term competence-building, together with more practical-oriented analyses and investigations. One focus is laid on research in research the other on analysis of industrial research. Access to publications online [...]
455 - The Danish National Research Database
It presents an overall picture of research in progress and published Danish research with more than 150.000 research references. The database has been established by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and is today a part of Denmark's Electronic Research Library. The database contains three types of information: literature, research projects, profiles of [...]
The Swedish Research Council
The Swedish Research Council has a leading role in developing Swedish research of the highest scientific quality, thereby contributing to the development of society. Besides research funding, the agency advises the government on research-related issues and participates actively in the discussions to create understanding of the long-term benefits of research.
The Knowledge Foundation
The Foundation supports research that is conducted at Sweden´s new universities, provided that industry provides a matching amount and actively participates in order to achieve development there as well. The Knowledge Foundation was established in 1994 and since then it has invested some SEK 8.2 billion in more than 2,300 projects.
Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU)
SIU is a Norwegian centre of expertise whose objective is to promote the participation of Norwegian educational and research institutions in international cooperation. It is the internationalisation arm of the Norwegian Council for Higher Education. Information on SIU, international cooperation, projects, programmes, publications and conferences. Access to various own [...]
Nordic Child Culture Research
Norway; Sweden; Denmark; Finland; Iceland; Northern Europe
BIN-Norden is a Nordic research network based on humanistic, cultural-historical and aesthetical studies. It is a continuation of previous Nordic network and Nordic collaboration since the 70s. Originally, focus was on literature and new media for children, children's folklore and their oral expressions; now all humanistic studies based on a cultural-historic, [...]
460 - CultureNet Iceland
Webportal with a broad range of links to organisations, institutes and networks in the cultural sector in Iceland (libraries, archives, museums.. .).
461 - Hugvísindastofnun - Center for Research in the Humanities
The Centre provides a common forum for research at the faculty of humanities. It was founded in an effort to strengthen research, and to coordinate the activities of five research institutes associated with the faculty (Institute of Literary Research, Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Linguistics (in english), Institute of History, Institute of Foreign Languages). The [...]
462 - Verein Schweizerischer Mathematik- und Physiklehrer (VSMP)
The Association of Swiss Mathematics and Physics Teachers is one of the members of the Association of Swiss Secondary Teachers. Its aim is the furtherance of the mathematics and physics instruction under the dual viewpoint of science and methodological / educational research.
463 - Schweizer Hochschulen
This site contains a link list of Swiss universities and links about studying, teaching and research in Swiss universities.
464 - Digithek. Top-Tipps zum Online-Recherchieren
This site is a link list of important websites for the purpose of procuring of information (libraries, information centres, education servers etc.) für education and instruction. The focus is on vocational and secondary education. Meanwhile, the WWW provides a wealth of institutions and information abouth this branch of knowledge. Here, one finds a variety of international, [...]
465 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1915, the association has helped to shape American higher education by developing standards and procedures for quality education and academic freedom in American colleges and universities. Highly reputated publications as 'The Redbook' - Widely regarded as an authoritative source on sound academic practice (can be ordered from Johns Hopkins University Press); [...]
466 - AfricaEducation
The AfricaEducation homepage provides access to information in the area of education and development in Africa by offering links in different sections as curriculum resources, institutions, who's who, research reports, free resources ( services), school and other projects or online courses for teachers and learners. A text search engine is available to search the site and the [...]
467 - TKI - Assessment
New Zealand
The Mātauranga Māori community offers resources and information relevant to teaching and learning in Māori-medium (including teacher resources exchange, news and events).
468 - Co-operation Ireland
Ireland; Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Co-operation Ireland is the leading charity working to bring a lasting peace to the island of Ireland. It draws its support from people from all backgrounds in Ireland, Britain and the USA. This site informs in schools projects and encourages schools from both sides of the border to build links and relationships with each other. Successful programmes are now becoming part of [...]
469 - Helsinki University Knowledge Database -
The research project database 'TUHTI' includes information on more than 2000 research projects at the University of Helsinki. Fast search and advanced search forms are available or search can be done via the project index, projects by department or subject search. The output menu presents the resources with an abstract in English, keywords, a link to seperate project sites [...]
470 - Väestöliitto - The Family Federation of Finland
Väestöliitto is a non-governmental organisation working for the welfare of families. It was founded in 1941 and has 25 member organisations. The main objective is to produce services and do research for the private and public sector. The federation co-operates with various international organisations. On the homepage access to information on departments, education, [...]
471 - Australian Libraries Gateway (ALG)
ALG is a free one-stop-shop for information on more than 5,400 Australian libraries, their collections and services. The Gateway has been developed on behalf of the Australian library community by the National Library of Australia and received initial funding as part of Australia's Cultural Network (ACN). On the website, guides to information retrieval with a special page for [...]
472 - Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
United States of America (USA)
OSTP serves as a source of scientific and technological analysis and judgment for the American president. It has a prominent role in advancing science and education and investment in applied research, and international cooperation. OSTP has established the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in 1993 and in 2001 the President' s Council of Advisors on Science and [...]
473 - SURFnet - High quality internet for higher education and research
SURFnet is the national computer network for higher education and research in the Netherlands. SURFnet connects the networks of universities, colleges, research centres, academic hospitals and scientific libraries to one another and to other networks in Europe and the rest of the world. On the website information on the organisation SURF, seminars and innovative projects can [...]
474 - SURF Foundation
SURF is the joint network services and ICT organisation of the Dutch institutions of higher education and research. It supports and facilitates realisations in the field of ICT. The internet platform for the network is SURFnet ( On the website the organisation and a comprehensive list of projects with relevant links are provided. Publications can be [...]
475 - Advisory council for science, technology and innovation (AWTI) / Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie (AWTI)
The AWTI advises the Government and the Parliament on policies related to scientific research, technological developments and innovation. Knowledge, research and innovation are important for all policy areas. In spite of this, the AWTI mainly relates to the areas dominated by the minister of Education, Culture and Science (science policy) and Economic Affairs (innovation [...]
476 - Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI)
DASTI is an information and consultancy unit situated in the Danish Research Agency and primarily a service to Danish researchers and scientists. The aims are to inform on national as well as European and international funds available for research and development projects, in which Danish researchers and scientists can participate and to inform on vacant positions for which [...]
477 - The Danish Rectors' Conference: Publications in English
Publications in English on Danish universities. Published by the Danish Rectors' Conference.
478 - NORDUnet Nordic Infrastructure for Research and Education
Northern Europe; Denmark; Finland; Iceland; Norway; Sweden
NORDUnet is a joint collaboration by the 5 Nordic National Research and Education Networks in Denmark (Forskningsnettet), Finland (Funet), Iceland (RHnet), Norway (Uninett) and Sweden (SUNET) and operates a world-class Nordic and International network and eInfrastructure service for the Nordic research and educational community.
479 - Science and Research
The pages belong to the internet presence '' published by the Danish Foreign Ministry. Full texts (html-format) inform about the history of Danish research, the Danish universities and current research in Denmark (e.g. education system, family education). Daily news of the Danish research life, addresses and links. The whole internet presence provides comprehensive [...]
480 - Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS)
CAGS brings together Canadian institutions and organizations having an interest in postgraduate education. These include universities which have active post graduate programs, national graduate student organizations, and certain other organizations such as granting councils. CAGS is an Associate Member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). This site [...]
481 - Department for Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, New Brunswick
The section on post-secondary edcucation covers information on post-secondary institutions, apprenticeship and trades, certification, funding and financial information, research and innovation.
482 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) / Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH)
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) is the federal research funding agency that promotes and supports postsecondary-based research and training in the humanities and social sciences. By focusing on developing Talent, generating Insights and forging Connections across campuses and communities, SSHRC strategically supports world-leading [...]
483 - The National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE)
United States of America (USA)
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education is committed to providing innovative approaches to improving the practice of career and technical education at local, state, and national levels leading to improved student achievement. The homepage offers information about the centre's structure, work and partners, its programmes, projects and publications. The [...]
484 - Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF)
The 'Danish National Research Foundation' is committed to funding research within the basic sciences, life sciences, technical sciences, social sciences and the humanities. The website provides information on the board, main activities, and types of grants. Publications are availabe to download ( PDF-format) . Links to Danish ministries, universities and research institutes.
485 - Improving Educational Quality Project (IEQ)
The Improving Education Quality Project is a long-term initiative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Bureau to assist USAID Missions and host countries implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. The website includes ( see "materials") information about the program [...]
486 - Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEFF)
Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEFF) is an organisational and technological partnership between research libraries co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. DEFF's purpose is to advance the development of a network of electronic research libraries that make available their electronic and [...]
487 - Forum for European-Australian Science & Technology cooperation (FEAST)
Australia; Europe
The European Union initiative FEAST aimed at enhancing research collaboration with Australia was launched in 2000. FEAST aims to highlight existing multilateral and bilateral science and technology cooperation between Europe and Australia. It is a practical initiative with an ongoing electronic forum. The website provides information about registration and partnering, FEAST [...]
488 - Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (VTU)
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation was created in November 2001 in extension of the former Ministry of Information Technology and Research to comprise the universities (research and education), industrial research and Denmark's policy on technology and innovation. Publications (reports, acts etc.) are available in HTML, PDF format or as Word.doc to download. A [...]
489 - Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
United States of America (USA)
SRCD is a multidisciplinary, not-for-profit association with an international membership of approximately 5,000 researchers, practitioners, and human development professionals from over 50 countries. 'Child Development', the journal of the Society, is devoted to original interdisciplinary contributions on topics in child development from the fetal period through adolescence. [...]
The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
The STINT Foundation was established in 1994 by the government. The mandate is to support the internationalisation of Swedish research and higher education and has two main components: to enhance the quality of Swedish research and higher education and to advance Sweden´s relations with other nations, culturally, economically and scientifically. The homepage links to [...]
From Preschool to University in Sweden
Sweden is managed by the Swedish Institute (Svenska Institutet). Under "From Preeschool to University in Sweden" you can find short information about the Swedish education system.
492 - Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
NSD, established in 1971, is a national multidisciplinary research service facility under the Research Council of Norway with a strategic responsibility for maintaining data resources and data access for Norwegian research. NSD has established e.g. the Norwegian Research Database (NFI) and a national database for statistics on higher education. The homepages gives access to [...]
493 - Tambartun Ressource Center - Norwegian Support System for Special Education.
Tambartun is working with visually impaired children, youths and adults in 180 local authority areas in Norway. The aims are to establish services to contribute to the fulfillment of the needs of each individual child in their local school and home environment; to gather and distribute information in the field of visual impairment. The homepage informs about research and [...]
494 - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
NTNU is a centre for technological education and research in Norway, with a solid foundation in the natural sciences. This tradition is interwoven with broadly based expertise in the classical university disciplines. Acces to the NTNU Library, the oldest academic library in Norway (its origin can be traced back to 1768) and to the journal "GEMINI" - research news. Further [...]
495 - The Nordic Academy for Advanced Study (NorFA)
NorFA is funded by the Nordic countries, and operates under the Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers. It is a platform for analysis and dialogue for Nordic research training and research co- operation. NorFa initiates networks i. g. in social sciences/education. The homepage presents the organisation, more than 56 networks, a catalogue of research courses and [...]
496 - Centre for Sami Studies
The aims of the Centre for Sámi studies are to contribute to increased research and education regarding Sámi relations at the University of Tromsø. The website is an information portal not only about sami but also about indegenous related research. The homepage provides articles and bibliographies (some online) and links to other indigenous web-pages.
497 - Social and Cultural Planning of the Netherlands (SCP)
The SCP Office of the Netherlands is a government agency doing independent scientific research. The main fields studied are health, welfare, social security, labour market and education, and especially the interfaces between these different social fields. Most publications are available in Dutch with an English summary. Some publications are entirely in English. They can be [...]
498 - National Science Week
National Science Week is Australia's annual celebration of science and technology. It's a time when schools, universities, science organisations, research centres, businesses, industry organisations, media outlets and individuals bring science out to the public. It is supported e.g. by the Commonwealth Government, the Australian Teachers Association, and the Department of [...]
499 - Norwegen Portal - Bildung und Forschung
Information gateway of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin. Information on education can be obtained in the following fields: education and research, scholarship and student exchange, studying in Norway, learn Norwegian and hands-on news. Comprehensive list of links.
National Library of Sweden
The National Library of Sweden has been collecting everything printed in Sweden or in Swedish since 1661. The National Library is also a humanities research library that purchases scholarly literature in several languages. The National Library administers and develops LIBRIS, the national library catalogue system. On the website you can search four different catalogues.
501 - Swedish Institute for Studies in Education and Research (SISTER)
SISTER started work in 2000. The Institute is an initiative for independent analysis and investigation of the Swedish educational and research system and of innovation process in an international comparative perspective. The website is kept mainly in Swedish. A detailed English overview (most links are leading back to Swedish pages). Access to the research programme "The [...]
502 - SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut
The SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut is a research and reference centre in Europe specializing in research on education, child rearing and child welfare. The Institute operates as an institute within the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, is part of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Its aims are twofold: Reserch is done in the field of fundamental and applied research. The [...]
503 - Australian Research Council (ARC)
The ARC makes recommendations to the Minister for Education for the funding of research proposals. This site aims to provide information about the ARC, its research programmes, grant application information, some information on research highlights, research collaboration between Universities and industry and its people. All ARC publications are online and are in Portable [...]
504 - Higher Education Report for the 2002 - 2004 Triennium
The report has three main purposes. It provides: an overview of the higher education sector in 2001, including new government policies and initiatives; a review of the performance of higher education institutions and information on the allocation of funding for the 2002-2004 triennium. The report, the executive summary, references and an index can each be downloaded as [...]
505 - Higher Education in Ireland
The Department of Education and Skills has the overall responsibility for education in Ireland. This document gives an introduction to the structure and programmes in the higher education sector.
506 - Report on Access to Third-Level Education (2001)
The study examines access by mature and disadvantaged students and students with disabilities to third level education. Chapter 1 explores definitions of access and illustrates why access by underrepresented groups to third level education should be improved. Chapter 2 considers the need to increase representation by students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [...]
507 - Ireland's National Education and Research Network (HEAnet)
HEAnet is the name given to the Internet portal providing a collection of networking services and facilities which support the communication requirements of the Irish education and research community (including the Universities and Institutes of Technology). The website provides access to the National Information Server. A number of major dataset services for the education and [...]
Ministry of Education and Research
The website of the Ministry of Education and Research informs about people working there and the organisation of the ministry. Latest news are available as well as the latest publications or press releases. Areas of responsibility: education and research, gender equality, policy for civil society, youth policy.
509 - Finnish science and technology information service.
Finland contains key statistics and other data on Finnish science and technology. There are also links for more in-depth information: statistical and other publications, documents and databases. This service is jointly maintained and developed by: Ministry of Trade and Industry; Ministry of Education; Academy of Finland; National Technology Agency (Tekes); Science and [...]
510 - University of Helsinki: Research.
The University of Helsinki is Finland's most multidisciplinary higher education institution. The page: 'Research' provides a short abstract about research at the university, a linklist to the research project database, publication database and expert database. Addresses and links to obtain more information on research services (e.g. financing) are available as well as links [...]
The Finnish knowledge base (Finnbase) is intended to inform the debate in Finland on how to improve the standing and quality of vocational education. It is a knowledge base on Finnish and European experience in the field of enhancing the attractiveness of vocational education. The Finnbase is envisaged as a tool for accompanying ongoing research and for facilitating continuous [...]
512 - National College for School Leadership (NCSL)
United Kingdom
"The National College for School Leadership (NCSL) provides career- long learning and development opportunities, professional and practical support for England's existing and aspiring school leaders". The web service includes information on the latest documents on school policy, documents and tools for school management, a knowledge pool, research and development resources [...]
513 - Education and Research 2003-2008. Development Plan
The development plan is based on the education and science policy objectives set in the Finnish Government's strategy document. The point of departure in the development plan is to ensure that basic security in education is realised. The aim is to prevent exclusion and to intervene at the earliest possible stage in risk factors, thereby realising basic security in education [...]
514 - Centre for Higher Education Research
The Centre for Higher Education Research is one of the structural units of the National Institute of Education, established in 1998. The mission of the Centre for Higher Education Research is to support reform efforts in higher education with its information, research and advisory activities.
515 - Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
The AIU enhances the cooperation of Indian universities in many ways. It looks after its interests in national higher education policy and helps its member universities to fulfil their objectives and services. The homepage shows links to texts about: objectives, organisation of AIU and its publications, including short summaries and order forms.
[Abstract: Editors of [...]
516 - Der europäische Forschungsraum
The task of the Suisse information-network is to provide specific information about supporting programmes of the European Union: COST (European cooperation in scientific and technical research), EUREKA (Organization for European technical cooperation), specialised research programmes and organizations. Moreover the site offers links and addresses of the information-network's [...]
517 - Ciência e Educação em Moçambique
The link list has three parte: ministries, higher education, research.
518 - Addis Ababa University
The homepage provides links to the departments, faculties, institutes and sub-institutions with their study courses.
519 - Research Projects
"Acting on a mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research undertaken inside and outside universities and fosters young scientific talent. (...) The project data base contains all current projects supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This data base is updated twice-yearly. (end of May and [...]
520 - SNF Project Database
"Acting on a mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research undertaken inside and outside universities and fosters young scientific talent. (...) The project data base contains all current projects supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This data base is updated twice-yearly. (end of May and [...]
521 - Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung - Homepage
"Acting on a mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research undertaken inside and outside universities and fosters young scientific talent."
522 - Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the United Kingdom (HERO)
United Kingdom
"HERO is the official gateway site to the UK's universities, colleges and research organisations. HERO is organised into six zones that cover the key areas of higher education (Studying, Research, Business, Inside HE, Culture and Sport, Universities and Colleges)".
523 - University of the South Pacific (USP)
Oceania; Pacific Rim; Tuvalu; Tonga; Solomon Islands; Niue; Nauru; Marshall Islands; Kiribati; Cook Islands; Fiji; Vanuatu; Samoa; New Zealand
The University of the South Pacific (USP) is the premier provider of tertiary education in the Pacific Region, and an international centre of excellence for teaching and research on all aspects of Pacific culture and environment. The homepage offers links to services for students (e.g. courses, counselling) and staff (e.g. staff directory and departments) and research [...]
524 - TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
The Lynch School of Education at Boston College conducts the TIMSS and PIRLS studies for the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). Therefore, this website and the IEA's website provide the most comprehensive information on TIMSS and PIRLS.
The Lynch School of Education's website offers information on the studies TIMSS [...]
525 - National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST)
United States of America (USA)
The CRESST mission focuses on the assessment of educational quality, addressing persistent problems in the design and use of assessment systems to serve multiple purposes. The homepage offers a link to the description of the 5 research programs, links to the reports and publications (library), to the services, information pages for parents and tools for searching the site.
Department of Applied Educational Science
Within the Department of Applied Educational Science studies are being conducted on conditions for learning in social, cultural and institutional settings, the contribution to and effects of digital technology on learning as well as measurement, assessment and evaluation. The department has three strong research areas: Interactive Media and Learning, Measurement and Evaluation [...]
527 - Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa (HSRC)
South Africa, Republic; Africa
The Council conducts applied social-scienfitic research projects and coordinates research programs that are policy-oriented and user- driven. The homepages has links to the following programs concerning educational matters: Assessment technology and educational evaluation, child, youth and family development, education policy research.
528 - Educarchile. El portal de la educación
This site provides full texts, articles and news relevant for the target groups teachers, students, researchers and families. Mainly the various opportunities for using information technology in education are concerned
529 - European Institute for the Media (EIM)
The European Institute for the Media (EIM), based in Düsseldorf and Paris, is a think tank for research and strategy concerning developments in European media and communications, including learning strategies. This website provides information on main areas of research and offers links to the buttons: communication policies; digital world; media and democracy; debate and [...]
530 - University of Mauritius
This web-site provides the usual information texts about the university, its academic programs and courses, research programs, admission, student services, and in this case also about distance education programs.
531 - University of Zimbabwe
The homepage provides the usual links to the sites of the administration, including registry, of the faculties departments and institutes, (among others an education faculty), research activities, libraries and the supporting service organizations.
532 - China Statistical Communiques
China, People's Republic of
On this site the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics publishes its Statistical Communiques for the years 1998 to 2000. In chapter V ( communique 2000) thereare to be found statistical data on various aspects in the fields of edcuation, science and research.
Ministry of Education and Culture
The fundamental objective of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) of Paraguay is to guarantee a qualitative education to contribute to the improvement of life quality of the population. Also, it stimulates and develops investigation programs for education, research and technology, promotes the use of social communication media for education, develops and implements the [...]
534 - Comparative Education Research Center
China, People's Republic of
This page gives an overview on the history and tasks of the Comparative Education Research Center of the China National Institute for Educational Studies. It lists the employed researchers with their respective focus of research interest and enumereates the research projects dealt with at the centre.
535 - Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)
AESOP is a network of universities and university departments that teach and conduct research within the field of urban and regional planning. The network exists to promote the development of the teaching curricula and research within the Member Schools through regular dialogue, exchange visits and the dissemination of research and best practice. These aims are achieved [...]
School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)
The organization carries out its activities in the fields of human rights, peace and citizenship education. It proposes teacher training activities, curriculum strategy and content, as well as specific actions contributing to the development of attitudes, skills and knowledge for the enhancement of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and non-violent conflict resolution. The [...]
537 - Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning
Formerly known as "European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education", the network has meanwhile become a research centre. Its main goal is to gather, store and distribute information through a documentation and information network for regional and minority languages in the European Union. Mercator is a network of three research and documentation centres (in [...]
538 - Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development (ISED)
The institute is an inter-university, national research institute that conducts research on the education and development of children and adolescents from birth through young adulthood. The main goal of ISED research is to determine in what manner, and to what extent, the development of children and youth can be optimized through better child rearing, socialization and [...]
539 - Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) / Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) NWO falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and is the biggest funding institution for science and research in the Netherlands. As such, it also decides about the funding of broader research programmes or strategies. NWO's website provides detailed and ample information on [...]
540 - Research Unit for the Sociology of Education (RUSE)
RUSE is the only institution in Finland specialising in research of the sociology of education and educational policy. It does international comparative research in the field of sociology of education and has established in 1998 the European Postgraduate Network together with eight European countries. The homepage provides information about research areas and projects, [...]
541 - Korean Council for University Education (KCUE)
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) is a central advisory agency of Korean universities to enhance the quality of university education and cooperation among member institutions. It is an intermediate organization between government and university community. KCEU has made efforts to promote the development of Korean higher education by expanding university [...]
542 - Africa: Education, communication and development
This site is useful for anyone who is involved or interested in education and development in Africa. The site mainly comprises annotated lists of links to relevant sites of interest, and the emphasis is on distance education. Main sections are: institutions, associations and resources of distance education, education research for quality of life, journals and distance [...]
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Website of the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
544 - Danish Research and Development Centre for Adult Education
The Danish Research and Development Centre for Adult Education aims to support innovation and development within adult and general education ( "folkeoplysning"). The work of DRDC is directed towards all sectors that deal with adult education and "folkeoplysning" such as associations, local communities, housing areas and educational establishments. The DRDC is a private and [...]
545 - Les IUFM de France (Instituts Universitaires de Formation des Maitres)
This URL provides the entry to all information about the teacher education institutes at universities: the courses of study, educational and documentary resources (teaching material in a broad sense), the IT facilities, research and international contacts. Additionally there are links to discussion lists and search engines. A country map provides links to the local IUFMs.
546 - Conservatiore national des arts et métiers (CNAM)
This national institution enables about 70,000 adults per year to complement their vocational qualification in 7 occupational areas on an university level. Additionally, eight comprehensive research fields are operated; the third basis of CNAM is a museum and a scientific - technological library. The homepage presents a full text with integrated links containing all relevant [...]
547 - University of the West Indies. Cave Hill Campus.
The Cave Hill Campus is one of the three campuses of the University of the West Indies (UWI). The other two are in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. The website informs about the academic programme and facilities of this campus.
548 - Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo (CINDA)
Latin America; Europe
The Centre is an international academic institution which unites important universities in Latin America and Europe; its mission is to work with problems of the economic and social development of Latin America. The website provides texts about the tasks of CINDA, its program (promotion of science and technology), publications and seminars.
549 - Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST)
The National Centre for the Coordination and Planning of Scientific and Technical Research has the following main tasks: promotion of scientific-technical research, Coordination of research activities on national level, Development of co-operative relations. The homepage of the CNRST supplies information on: research areas promoted, call for tenders for research projects, co- [...]
550 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
CODESRIA's principal objectives are facilitating research, promoting research-based publishing and creating multiple fora geared towards the exchange of views and information among African researchers. It challenges the fragmentation of research through the creation of thematic research networks that cut across linguistic and regional boundaries.- In particular this website [...]
551 - The National Institute of Multimedia Education
The National Institute of Multimedia Education was established as an institute for collaborative use of information technology by national universities. As a core institution promoting the use of multimedia in higher education, NIME focuses on research and development of educational methods implementing media, and disseminates its findings to higher education institutions. The [...]
552 - National Women's Education Center
The National Women's Education Center (NWEC) was established to contribute to the promotion of women's education as an institution for social education. These are its main tasks: Conducting of study and training programmes; National and international exchange programmes; Surveys and research seminars on women's and family education; Construction of databases on Japanese and [...]
553 - Sri Lankan Academic Web Sites and Information
Sri Lanka
The list comprises the Universities and High Schools, the Lanka Educational Academic and Research Network and institutes of research and development, professional and other academic institutes.
554 - Lanka Educational Academic and Research Network (LEARN)
Sri Lanka
LEARN ist the Sri Lankan provider for Internet and e-mail services. The list includes: educational institutions (with e-mail addresses), mainly the universities (if available with the URLs of their faculties), Research and Development institutions.
555 - National University of Singapore
The homepage provides links to texts about admissions (information on undergraduate and postgraduate admissions, bursaries and scholarships and fee payment schemes); information on faculties and Graduate Schools, their programmes and curricula; on research, publications, resources and practical advice for students.
Training Program for Intercultural Bilingual Education for the Andean Countries
Bolivia; Colombia; Chile; Ecuador; Peru
The programme for intercultural, bilingual education is a project of the Andes countries. Its main purpose is to promote the education of the indigenous people. The homepage informs about mission and actions of the programme: training of teaching staff, research, publications and documentation.
557 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The homepage of the university provides information about the administrative units, faculties and institutes, admissions, especially also for overseas students, research and service units. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
558 - Bolivia Web - Education
The list presents links (annotated in English) to education centres and institutes, the universities and information about study abroad.
559 - Service d`histoire de l`éducation (SHE)
The website of the research and service laboratory "Department of the History of Education" provides information about the research programme, seminars and conferences and publications of the department and shows the content pages of the review "Histoire de l`éducation". A database "International Guide for Research in the History of Education" is announced. Furthermore, an [...]
560 - Les inspections générales (l'inspection générale de l'éducation nationale, IGEN, et l'inspection générale de l'administration de l'éducation nationale et de la recherche, IGAENR)
IGEN and IGAENR are the principal authorities of the French education inspection which evaluates and controls all types of educational institutions, its personnel and contents, and supplies the Ministry with proposals for education policy. The website informs about the organizational structure and the activities of IGEN and IGAENR and provides full texts of its published [...]
561 - Europe et international (Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche)
France; Europe; international
The website of the French Ministry of Education provides information on France`s international coordination and cooperation in education: schools abroad, study abroad of French students and of foreign students in France, cooperation in the field of schools, higher education and research, French language instruction abroad, German, English and foreign language instruction in [...]
562 - Latin American Council of Social Sciences / Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)
Latin America
Founded in 1967, the network CLACSO now counts more than 580 participating institutes, centres and associations in more than 45 countries doing social science research on and in Latin America. Among the members and research subjects, you will also find educational ones. CLACSO moreover runs a network of virtual libraries and repositories with an overall search over more than [...]
563 - Cunningham Library - Catalogues and Databases
This site of Cunningham Library of the Australian Council for Educational Research provides access to several databases, such as EdResearch Online, the Education Researchers database, or the Education Thesaurus as well as links to other international databases. Further databases are available to subscribers.
564 - Adminet France. Higher education and research
This link list gives a rather heterogeneous impression. It lists resources from official bodies (ministries, national organizations) and from "other resources". By clicking "edu" in the navigation bar at the top of the homepage a link list for education is provided.
565 - Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA)
This site describes the main activities and the departments (accessible via ´´linky´´) of the Slovak Academic Information Agency which offers its services through a network of nine branches for the development of education and consulting in the educational sector. The homepage provides information about non-governmental orgtanisations and academic programmes.
566 - Institute of Information Science Science
The Institute of Information Science (IZUM) is an information infrastructural service for Slovenian science, culture and education. The activities of IZUM are mainly engaged in the development and operation of the COBISS system and services (co-operative online bibliographic system and services), which represents the root of the library information system in Slovenia (over 230 [...]
Statistics Schweden: Education and Research
The statistics shed light on Sweden's entire education system: pre-school, compulsory school, upper-secondary school, different forms of adult education, higher education and research, and the transition from school to working life.
568 - Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET)
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
KRIVET organizes its activities of vocational education around six main functions: (1) research and development, ( 2) evaluation and accreditation (of vocational qualifications), ( 3) information management, (4) policy consultation, ( 5) public services, ( 6) International cooperation.
569 - Direción General de Universidades
The information provided on this website of the Higher Education Department of the Education Ministry includes information about all issues of higher education policy such as legislation, evaluation of higher education staff and other evaluation issues, congresses, research etc.
570 - Educational Institutions and Research Centres in Pakistan
Link list of the institutions of higher education in Pakistan, ordered by regions of the country.
571 - National Training Agency (NTA)
Trinidad and Tobago
The National Training Agency is the new umbrella agency for effecting reform in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Trinidad and Tobago. Its role is to co-ordinate and regulate technical and vocational education and training, promoting and facilitating a coherent system of quality TVET, e.g. by developing occupational standards and national vocational [...]
572 - Academia Sinica
The Academia Sinica was founded in Nanking on June 9, 1928. As the most significant academic institution in the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Academia Sinica has two basic missions: conducting scientific research in its own institutes, as well as providing guidance, channels of communication, and encouragement to raising academic standards in the country. The homepage of the [...]
573 - Ciencia y Tecnología - Ministerio del Poder Popular para Ciencia y Tecnologia, Venezuela
The site of the Ministry of Science and Technology provides information about mission and activities of the Ministry and affiliated institutions, mainly concerning technological development. With "Indicadores y Estadísticas" one can find information about funding; human capital in science and research; and results of science policy.
574 - Ministério da Educação
The homepage of the Ministry of Education in Brazil leads to the organizational structure of educational administration, to actions and programmes and to research. There are also navigation facilities to different areas of education (higher education, postgraduate studies, vocational training, distance education, special education, school education, elementary education, youth [...]
National Information Infrastructure Development Institute (NIIF)
The NIIF provides central information services and maintains a country-wide computer network for the academic and research community in Hungary. The development of the Hungarian Academic & Research Network has been financed and coordinated by a governmental programme: the National Information Infrastructure Development Programme.
Observatory for Educational Development, Budapest
The Observatory Centre for Educational Development is a research office at Corvinus University of Budapest dedicated to the development of the education sector. Our top-priority areas of research include:
information analysis related to VET/ adult education (financing, management, social and economic benefits); initial and continuing training of teachers and school leaders; [...]
Academical Network Uruguay
The Academical Network of Uruguay (RAU) is an association of the faculties and institutes of the National University and ov numerous other institutions of education and research. One focus is the promotion of the use of information technologies and the Internet for academic purposes. The site provides access to institutions with similar missions and to national, Latin-American [...]
SUNET: Advanced network for research and education
SUNET started in the 1980s as a research project for Swedish computer scientists, and paved the way for the Internet in Sweden. SUNET´s aim is to provide Swedish universities and colleges with access to well-developed and effective national and international data communication and related services that meet their needs, whatever their geographical location.
579 - Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB)
United Kingdom
The Arts and Humanities Research Board provides funding and support in three programmes: advanced research; postgraduate research and training; and special funding for museums, libraries and galleries.
580 - Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi (CEE)
The centre works on all problems of labour market and occupational research; the homepage leads to the documentation unit with searchable databases, cooperations with universities, publications of the CEE, its research program and seminars.
581 - Institut de Recherche sur l'Education (IREDU): Sociologie et Economie de l'Education - Université de Bourgogne
IREDU is located at the University of Bourgogne and has a focus on the sociology and economy of education. Furthermore, IREDU is a partner institute of the Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Qualifications (CEREQ). The website provides information on the structure and activities of IREDU, study opportunities, research projects, publications (partly fulltexts), events, [...]
582 - Établissements d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche (Liste de tous les établissements publics relevant du ministre chargé de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche)
List of public institutions in higher education and research in France that are subject to the Ministry of Education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
583 - Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE)
The association represents the French Grandes Écoles as well as foreign higher education institutions of excellence that meet the membership criteria relating to structure, recruitment methods, teaching methods and support provided to students. The CGE accredits its members´ educational programmes and represents the institutions´ interests towards politics, economy and [...]
584 - National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN)
United Kingdom
"With over seventy branches across the country The National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) is the leading organisation in the UK which aims to promote the education, training, advancement and development of all those with special educational needs". The site offers a book list with order service, papers of the organisation as full texts and a database on [...]
585 - Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)
The National Polytechnical Institute is the leading tertiary educational institution in the field of technology. The institute with its activities renders a significant contribution to instruction and research as well as to the dissemination of findings of science and technology. On the websites the user can find information on the calendar of studies and on issues of [...]
586 - L'Enseignement Supérieur à Madagascar
The homepage of the Higher Education Ministry leads to full texts about structure and mission of the Ministry and of other organizations of research and higher education, to the web-sites of the 6 universities and of private institutions. Additional current information.
587 - Higher Education Authority (HEA)
The Higher Education Authority is the statutory planning and development body for higher education and research in Ireland. The HEA has wide advisory powers throughout the whole of the third-level education sector. In addition it is the funding authority for the universities, institutes of technology and a number of designated higher education institutions.
The research [...]
588 - ODESSA State Polytechnic University
OSPU was founded in 1918 originally as a polytechnic Institute in the course of the creation of a range of higher educational institutions targeting to increase the level of new formation of students by means of focussing on applied and natural sciences as well as engineering. It has quickly developed into a major institution charged with the education of professionals and [...]
589 - Société Internationale pour l´Education, la Formation et la Recherche Interculturelle (SIETAR)
The Society is a NGO and the "leading organisation of its kind". Its aim is "to implement and promote the growth of knowledge and skills in the field of international and intercultural communication, organisations, and policy". The homepage offers texts about respective training courses and a "Center of Gipsy Studies"
590 - Agence Nationale pour le Développement de la Recherche Universitaire
The National Office for the Development of University Research in Algeria has been established by law in 1995. Its main task is to promote and to initiate the development and improvement of research activities. It carries out its activities in the framework of the National Research Programmes. Beside a very detailed organigramme of the institution there is a survey on the [...]
591 - European University Association (EUA)
The European University Association (EUA) represents and supports higher education institutions in 47 countries, providing them with a unique forum to cooperate and keep abreast of the latest trends in higher education and research policies. It actively promotes the European dimension of academic and institutional activities by facilitating dialogue and cooperation among its [...]
592 - Tel Aviv University
Israel; international
The homepage of the university provides information about die academic units, research, admissions, especially also for overseas students, student services and libraries. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
593 - African Educational Research Network (AERN)
These "international linkages on African education" permit to reveal internet information about all aspects and institutions of education in Africa, for example: universities and other national educational institutions, African Studies and Africa-related institutions, research, indexes of online journals and radio programmes, further link collections about research and [...]
594 - Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Qualifications (CEREQ)
The Centre for research on education, training and employment makes studies and statistical surveys on the training - employment relationship. The homepage shows links to texts about the departments, tasks and missions of the centre (documentation centre, publications, bookstore, discussion groups) and services (e.g. a network of associated centres). Direct access is provided [...]
595 - Inspection générale de l`administration de l`éducation nationale et de la recherche (IGAENR)
The IGAENR is directly attached to the Education Ministry; it is a sort of "super inspectorate" which watches over the efficient functioning of the whole education system by controlling the functioning, evaluating the efficiency of all educational institutions and giving advice to the political authorities. The homepage offers a short text and links to full texts about the [...]
596 - Université d'Abomey-Calavi (UAC)
The homepage of the University of Benin shows links which lead to full texts about entrance regulations, departments, institutes, rectorship and library. Two other links lead to texts about research (database of researchers in their institutes) and two subject courses of the university.
597 - Israel Science and Technology Homepage
Israel Science and Technology Homepage is the national database and directory of science and technology related sites in Israel. The site also includes sections on Jewish scientists and students in the Diaspora.
598 - The International Scholarship Section (IS)
The International Scholarship Section (IS) administers the exchange of students and researchers within the framework of the bilateral cultural agreements and other international programmes. The homepage provides access to information about the current exchange and scholarship programs.
599 - The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU)
Norway; Europe
The history of the Institute goes back to the late 1950s as a group within the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities, NAVF. Through over twenty-five years of activities, the Institute has gained considerable expertise in issues related to research and higher education nationally and internationally. The Institute is a key actor in delivering statistics, [...]
600 - Council for Higher Education
Israel; China, People's Republic of; India
"The Council for Higher Education (CHE) was established in accordance with the Council for Higher Education Law 5718-1958, as the State institution in Israel responsible for higher education. The goal was to establish a public, apolitical, independent and professional body to stand between the Government and the institutions of higher education and to deal with all issues [...]
601 - Korean Education and Research Information Service (KERIS)
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
KERIS is an information system that promotes the use of information technology in education. Its tasks are: to provide an e-learning system for schools (EDUNET) and an information network for educational administration (NEIS), to qualifiy teaching and administration personnel in the use of information technology, and to provide access to literature and electronic full text [...]
602 - Potential Plus UK (formerly The National Association for Gifted Children NAGC)
United Kingdom
An independent charity which works with the whole family to support the child who is gifted and talented. A relaunch of the site is planned for 2013.
603 - Lingu@NET Virtual Language Centre
United Kingdom
"Lingu@NET, a virtual language centre on the World Wide Web, provides quality-assured information and resources on-line for language teachers, learners and researchers". The main sections are: learning materials, professional development, research, websites, discussion forum.
604 - Academia Europaea
The Academia Europaea was founded in 1988 as an international, non- governmental association of individual scientists and scholars, aiming to promote learning, education and research. It currently brings together nearly 1800 members from 35 European and seven non- European countries. The Academia's membership covers a wide range of disciplines, including the physical sciences [...]
605 - Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
TERENA carries out technical activities and provides a platform for discussion to encourage the development of a high-quality computer networking infrastructure for the European research community.
606 - European Current Research Information System (EuroCRIS)
international; Europe
EUCRIS offers information on research and education in Europe and other regions of the world (Japan, Canada, USA, Israel). A list of links provides access to national information units.
607 - Education and Research in Norway
News, general information and documents relating to education and research are provided by the Norwegian Government and its ministries.
608 - BIBSYS
BIBSYS is a shared library system for all Norwegian University Libraries, the National Library and a number of research libraries. The BIBSYS database contains information about books, series, journals etc. that is held by these libraries (more than 6 million copies).
609 - Instituto Latinomericano de la Comunicación Educativa
Latin America
The Latin American Institute for Educational Communication was established in 1956. It is a regional institution for the respective Unesco Member States. The institute is expected to render a contribution towards an improvement of education by applying the new information and communication technologies. On the website the user can find links to the school net, to educational [...]
610 - The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)
United States of America (USA)
The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) serves education leaders in middle level schools and high schools, including administrators, teachers, students, and others interested in education and the welfare of today's youth. The site provides a wide range of services for members and non-members as professional development programs, information about [...]
Ministry of Culture and Education
The homepage of the Ministry of Culture and Education has full texts, graphs and links referring to the following areas: education system, educational law, structure and organization of primary, secondary and tertiary education and fields of international cooperation as well as adult education. A comprehensive educational reform in 2000 changed the structure and contents in [...]
612 - Elements
"This magazine is a publication of the University of Limerick. It is aimed at 5th and 6th year students in Irish schools and their teachers. Each issue contains articles by scientists and engineers from UL and elsewhere describing interesting aspects of their work".
FORS data service
The data service of FORS is a national resources centre for the sociological research and teachings. The principal purpose of the data service is it to revalue the research potential for sociological researchers and students by making available a rich data corpus for the secondary analysis.
614 - Forschungsinformationssystem über Forschungsprojekte (ARAMIS)
"The ARAMIS Information System for research and development projects in Switzerland is intended to provide information to interested parties about research which is financed or carried out by the Federal Government, to improve co-ordination and to increase transparency in this area."
Swiss Science Council (SSC)
The Swiss Science Council (SSC) is the advisory body to the Federal Council for issues related to science, higher education, research and technology policy. Acting as the voice of the scientific community, the SSC formulates overarching concepts for the benefit of the Federal Council and proposes implementing measures to it. The goal of the SSC, in conformity with its role as [...]
616 - Schweizerische Akademie für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW)
The Academy coordinates research and teaching in the field of humanities and social sciences. The site contains: a newsletter, an agenda, information about fellowship, a publication list, documents concerning educational policy.
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
As the Confederation’s specialised agency for the ERI system, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation has the following remit: Establishing a strategic overview of the Swiss education, research and innovation system and preparing federal performance and resource plans. Pursuing international networking activities and ensuring that Switzerland remains [...]
618 - Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
United States of America (USA)
ACF is a federal agency funding state, local, and tribal organizations to provide family assistance (welfare), child support, child care, Head Start, child welfare, and other programs relating to children and families. The homepage provides access to information about ACF programs and projects, contacts, grants and contracts (funding opportunities), state and local resources [...]
619 - The Finnish University and Research Network
FUNET is a super-speedy data communications network that serves the Finnish scientific community and connects over 80 research organizations and some 350 000 users in Finland. All types of data communication is offered, including modern communications services: Video conferences, media services, wireless network roaming. The homepage provides detailed information on the FUNET [...]
620 - Departement für Sonderpädagogik der Universität Freiburg
Special education deals with particular educational situations of children, adolescents and adults, who experience long-term difficulties in their development education and formation. The Departement and the affiliated Institute of Special Education meet the challenge of these issues in practice, research and theory.
621 - National Institute of Disability Management and Research
The National Institute of Disability Management and Research ( NIDMAR) is a cooperative venture between employers and trade unions which conducts research and education directed towards re- integrating disabled workers into the work place. The web site provides links, information on training programs, research activities, products and services, and information on REHADAT [...]
622 - Vecova Centre for Disability Services and Research (Vecova)
Vecova is an affiliate research institute of the University of Calgary. Its mission is to build the capacity of persons with disabilities and to enrich communities through leadership, innovation and collaboration. Besides research it offers social, residential, recreational, training amd employment opportunities.
623 - Projektdatenbank Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
"Acting on a mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research undertaken inside and outside universities and fosters young scientific talent. (...) The project data base contains all current projects supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This data base is updated twice-yearly. (end of May and [...]
624 - Telelearning Network of Centres of Excellence: Educating the Educators/Réseau des centres d'excellences en TéléApprentissage: Formation des pédagogues.
TACT is a virtual community of support and communication for professional development. The acronym TACT stands for TéléApprentissage Communautaire et Transformatif (French), and for Technology for Advanced Collaborative Teaching (English). It stresses that successful integration of web-based facilities into the learning and, later, working environment implies extensive [...]
625 - Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA)
"AVETRA is Australia's only national, independent association of researchers in vocational education and training (VET)." Its web site provides information on the association, projects and useful link lists to information sources and related organisations.
626 - National Science Foundation (NSF)
United States of America (USA)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science and to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare". With an annual budget of about .9 billion (FY 2010), NSF is the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's [...]
627 - National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL)
United States of America (USA)
NCSALL was established in 1996 from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). It was closed in 2007. The goal of NCSALL was to help the field of adult basic education define a comprehensive research agenda; to pursue basic and applied research under that agenda; to build partnerships between researchers and practitioners; and to [...]
628 - Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT)
The Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training ( ACIRRT) is one of Australia's leading, multi-disciplinary, research and training organisations. It monitors and analyses the changing nature of work. The web site provides information on conferences, research, publications and links.
629 - Centre for the Economics of Education and Training (CEET)
The Centre undertakes research, research training, consultancies and dissemination on the economics and finance of education and training. The main areas of study are occupational and skill changes in the Australian economy, participation and outcomes in education and training and costs, efficiency and alternative forms of financing of education and training. Its website [...]
630 - L´Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
international; Francophone Countries
Due to its presence on nearly every continent, AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) is considered as a worldwide network of higher education and research institutions in the French-speaking countries. Piloted by its head office in Montréal (Canada) and supported by the central service office in Paris (France), this university association is operating under several [...]
631 - Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ) / Association canadienne des revues savantes (ACRS)
The Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ) was organized in 1990 to ensure the well-being of learned journals in Canada as important disseminators of scholarly work. Representing over one hundred and forty Canadian journals, CALJ concentrates its efforts in three main areas, Education, Promotion, Lobbying. The website is funded in part by Canada's Schoolnet. It [...]
632 - Networks: An On-Line Journal for Teacher Resarch
United States of America (USA)
Networks is the first on-line journal dedicated to teacher research. The journal will provide a forum for teachers' voices, a place where teachers working in classrooms, from pre-school to university, can share their experiences and learn from each other. In each issue, you will find feature-length articles, as well as short reports of work-in- progress, book reviews, and [...]
633 - UK Research Office (UKRO)
United Kingdom; Europe
"UKRO is a subscriber based organisation providing information & advice primarily to UK organisations on European Union funded opportunities for research & higher education". Access to detailed information is only available for subscribers.
634 - Universities Scotland
United Kingdom; Scotland
Universities Scotland, formerly The Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals (COSHEP), unites the Scottish higher education institutions and "exists to promote their good work, to argue for the public support needed to maintain and build on their achievements, and to develop policy on Scottish higher education issues".
635 - Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (ldac) / Association canadienne des troubles d’apprentissage (acta)
The LDAC is a national, non-profit voluntary organization. It is dedicated to advance the education, employment, social development, legal rights and general well-being of people with learning disabilities. There is a Learning Disabilities Association in each province and territory of Canada and from these extends a network of chapters in more than 140 communities across the [...]
636 - ulti
Australia; international
"UltiBASE is a peer-reviewed e-journal and resource for tertiary teachers. Its aim is to promote teaching best practice in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education in all tertiary settings." The journal is no longer published, but its archive containing issues from December 1996 till November 2003 is still accessible.
637 - Colleges and Institutes Canada / Collèges et instituts Canada
Colleges and Institutes Canada is the national, voluntary membership organization representing colleges, institutes and polytechnics in Canada and internationally.
The Secretariat represents members with the federal government and industry. It also organizes conferences and workshops for college staff, students and board members to facilitate networking and participation in [...]
638 - Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP)
United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) is to promote understanding of means by which resources are generated, distributed and used to enhance human learning. The AEFP is a non-profit professional and academic association representing a variety of disciplines, perspectives and points of view. The AEFP promotes its mission by: Encouraging [...]
Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET)
Acting on behalf of the Federal Administration, the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) provides tertiary-level basic and continuing training to VET/PET professionals. SFIVET also conducts research and development in the VET/PET field. SFIVET provides: Basic and continuing training of VET/PET professionals at vocational schools, professional [...]
640 - Copac - National, Academic and Specialist Library Catalogue
United Kingdom
"COPAC is a new national Online Public Access Catalogue, providing unified access to the online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland".
641 - National Academic Mailing List Service
United Kingdom
JISCmail provides electronic discussion lists for the UK higher education community. You can search for a list by category or alphabetically and open your own list. There are plenty of lists for education.
642 - Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
AARE is an association of persons interested in fostering educational research in Australia. AARE facilitates contact between educational researchers and encourages and actively lobbies for development of all aspects of educational research. AARE assists members with educational research by conducting an Annual Conference, conducting Research Training Workshops, supporting [...]
Ministry of National Resources
This website of the Ministry of Education of the Repubic of Hungary is subdivided into the following main topics: Education in Hungary; Higher Education; Hungarian Equivalence and Information Center (HEIC) - recognition of certificates and degrees; Research and Development. The homepage offers search facilities and links to the Hungarian Government Portal and the Commissioner [...]
644 - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
United Kingdom
"The ESRC is the UK's largest independent funding agency for research and postgraduate training into social and economic issues". There is a list of publications that can be ordered online, access to the database REGARD (on research in the social sciences) and a link list.
645 - Latvian Academy of Sciences
Information about Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS), its scientific institutions