Education Systems International
This page belongs to database Education Systems International.
International Foundation for Science (IFS) - english information
IFS is a NGO (non-governmental organisation) founded in 1972. Funding comes from governmental and non-governmental sources, as well as national and international organisations.IFS has 135 Affiliated Organisations in 86 countries, of which three-quarters are in developing countries and one-quarter in industrial countries. IFS has an international Board of Trustees. The IFS Secretariat is located in Stockholm, Sweden.IFS contributes towards strengthening the capacity of developing countries to conduct relevant and quality research on the sustainable management of biological resources. This will involve the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes, as well as relevant social and economic aspects, important in the conservation, production, and renewable utilisation of the natural resources base.
research; promotion of research; international organisation; international cooperation; science; scientist; scientific work; transfer of knowledge; development cooperation;
Resource type: | Institution/Organisation/Association |
Language: | English |
URL (original): | |
Record-ID: | 7624 |
Update: | 08.02.2012 |
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