Education Systems International
This page belongs to database Education Systems International.
Inspection générale de l`administration de l`éducation nationale et de la recherche (IGAENR) - english information
The IGAENR is directly attached to the Education Ministry; it is a sort of "super inspectorate" which watches over the efficient functioning of the whole education system by controlling the functioning, evaluating the efficiency of all educational institutions and giving advice to the political authorities. The homepage offers a short text and links to full texts about the organization, mission and activities (publication of over 100 reports per year). Some reports can be found in full text via "rapports", the button "actualités" shows the most recent reports.
education system; evaluation; school inspectorate; counselling; school system; higher education institute; research; full text information; governmental body; educational administration;
Resource type: | Other Resource Type |
Language: | French |
Belongs to URL: | |
URL (original): | |
Record-ID: | 1000 |
Update: | 23.09.2011 |
Thematic context
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