School at Education Systems International
Keyword from Index: school
key words found 1 - 1005 of 1005
1 - European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE)
The European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) is a dynamic organisation established in 2009 to represent the interests of employers in the strategic and highly diverse European education sector. They represent education employers in all levels of education, from pre-school to higher education and research. This includes different national organisations, such as [...]
2 - Guide pour la scolarisation des EANA (élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés)
This guide to schooling children with a foreign language background was created by the official education portal of the French Ministry of Education. The guide contains worksheets and videos on the topics of "Admission and schooling modalities", "Evaluation of pupils' performance and skills" and "Integration of pupils". [Summary: Editors of Education Worldwide]
3 - Secretaría de Educación Pública (México)
Official homepage of the Secretary of public education of Mexico. The secretary in Mexico is the equivalent to educational ministries in other countries.
4 - "The structure of the European education systems 2023/2024: schematic diagrams." (Eurydice Facts and Figures) [pdf]
"This report illustrates schematic information on the structure of education systems in European countries, from pre-primary to tertiary level in the school year 2023/2024. It includes national diagrams, a guide to reading the diagrams and a map showing the main organisational models of primary and lower secondary education. The information is available for 39 European [...]
List of the European Schools (Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools)
This page of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools provides two lists: that of all (self-declared) European Schools and that of all officially accredited European Schools.
Education and support for Ukrainian refugees
Europe; Ukraine
You will find here a series of articles and resources to support the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of the EU Member States and Erasmus+ countries. Topics are: Online platforms and resources in Ukrainian, School education and solidarity in times of crisis, Refugee education, Professional development courses and Interact with other teachers.
Online educational resources in Ukrainian: schooling in Ukraine under adverse conditions
Since 14 March, schooling has resumed in most regions of Ukraine with the help of distance learning. Ukrainian students both inside and outside the country can access educational online material in Ukrainian. The website offers links to learning materials from Ukraine, Estonia, Poland and Romania.
Background on the Ukrainian education system since 2016
An educational reform that began in 2016 has brought many changes to Ukraine’s education. The page summarises the main points and links to further information.
9 - "Neue ukrainische Schule" – Gewinn an Freiheit im Bildungssystem
The article presents the 2017 in the Ukraine enacted new education act and outlines the basic principles of the reform of the school system that begin in the school year 2018/19.
10 - Was unterscheidet die deutsche Bildung von der ukrainischen?
This text was written by the headmistress of the German school in Kiew and describes the basic differences between the German and Ukrainian school system with regard to learn and teaching methods. The school reform in the Ukraine aims at more competence based learning and modernisation.
11 - Zentrum für Citizen Science des OeAD
The Center for Citizen Science of the OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation) was established in June 2015 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. It serves as an information, advisory and service center for Citizen Science. With it, the OeAD primarily addresses researchers and scientific institutions with the aim of promoting the [...]
Open Teach - Transforming School Education with Quality Assured Open Educational Resources and Practices
Europe; Germany; Greece; Portugal
The Open Teach project aims to empower teachers develop their digital competences profiles and become implementers and promoters of Open Educational Resources and Practices (OER and OEP).
Open Teach offers online courses on digital education and working with OER, including finding, selecting, modifying, re-purposing and evaluating resources. The courses include practical [...]
13 - Open Education as a game changer - stories from the pandemic
The study presents examples of positive initiatives and changes in education originated as a reaction to the closure of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and which are part of what is known as Open Educational Practices and Open Educational Resources.The aim of analysis is to gather information about the most interesting and influential Open Education initiatives [...]
American Academy of Religion: Guidelines for Teaching about Religion in K-12 Public Schools in the United States
United States of America (USA)
Although religion is not a separate, required subject in public K 12 schools, religion is embedded in curriculum standards across disciplines, especially in social studies and English, and there are a growing number of elective courses that focus on religious themes or topics explicitly. Therefore, the American Academy of Religion has published these Guidelines on teaching [...]
History-Social Science (CA Dept of Education)
United States of America (USA)
Information that defines the knowledge, concepts, and skills students should acquire in History-Social Science at each grade level provided by the California Departement of Education.
Consensus Documents (Religious Freedom Center)
United States of America (USA)
The Religious Freedom Center is focused on educating the public about the religious liberty principles of the First Amendment. In collaboration with a variety of National Organisation they provide Consensus Documents that offer guidlines to maintain the principles of religious freedom. Teachers and Public Schools can find information on the role of religion in public education [...]
Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
United States of America (USA)
In this Document, the U.S. Departemen of Education provides information on the current state of the law concerning religious expression in public schools as well as guidance regarding religious expression in particular contexts and teaching about religion in school.
18 - Groupe de travail Learning Analytics - DNE Numeri'Lab GTNum2
This is the official website of the Working Group 2 "Learning Analytics" (GTNum2) as part of the Numerilab, which aims at initiating and supporting projects in the field of digitization. The NumeriLab was / is located at the Directorate for Digitization of Education (Direction du Numérique pour l'Education - DNE), a department of the French Ministry of Education. The site [...]
"tXt Aksjonen" - Reading Promotion for Norwegian Youth
"tXt" for young people was initiated in 1997: it is the largest and oldest reading promotion campaign for Norwegian youth aged 13 to 16 years. With the participation of "Foreningen! Les", the campaign is funded by the Norwegian Center for Arts and Cultural Education. Every year from August to December, high school students throughout Norway are encouraged to develop a positive [...]
The Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators (CCMA)
The Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators is a legally registered Canadian, not-for-profit corporation committed to supporting Canadian Montessori administrators and schools. The CCMA provides a unified voice in negotiations with government and other agencies.
Scotland’s Boarding Schools
Scotland; United Kingdom
The website provides an overview of private boarding schools in Scotland and is aimed primarily at interested parents from abroad.
22 - In Catalonia, language and identity go hand in hand (Deutsche Welle 21.10.17)
Article by the German radio broadcast Deutsche Welle on the question of how identity and language ae related to education and school in Catalonia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
23 - Language rights in Catalonia (Blog Euro Crisis in the Press)
The article was published on 22.04.2014 on the blog "Euro Crisis in the Press" which is run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. The authors argue that in their opinion the current language policy in Catalan schools is unfair as Spanish-Castilian speaking students were disadvantaged by the almost exclusive use of the Catalan language. The blog article also [...]
24 - How schools are dealing with Catalonia’s push for independence (Catalan News 10.10.17)
When it comes to identity and national feelings, the issue of education is never far away. The online magazine Catalan News discusses accusations of “indoctrinating” children made by some objectors to the independence movement in Catalonia.
Catalan News provides news from and about the region of Catalonia in English and for an international readership. It is part of [...]
25 - Spanish Ministry of Education to investigate textbooks used in Catalonia (Catalan News 19.05.17)
The Spanish Ministry for Education has requested a 'detailed report' on the content of the textbooks used in Catalonia. The analyse was carried out by the Catalan teacher organisation “Action for Secondary Education Improvement” (AMES) (Acció per a la Millora de l'Ensenyament Secundari). They concluded that the books emphasize the differences between Catalan and other [...]
Swiss education - The Swiss Education System
"This online representation of the Swiss Education System is a collaboration of the Confederation and the cantons:
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK)." You will find information about the following educational levels:
> The education [...]
27 - anabin - Informationen zum Bildungswesen ausländischer Staaten
anabin is a service of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz) and informs about the recognition of foreign educational qualifications. The website provides information about the education systems of a large number of countries concentrating on school and higher [...]
28 - A-Z Topics: Education (Government of the Netherlands)
The Government of the Netherlands provides an alphabetical list of important topics, which also includes information websites on different sectors of education in the Netherlands. You can find the following topics:
> Freedom of Education
> Primary Education
> Secondary education
> Secondary vocational education (MBO) and higher education
> [...]
29 - The Dutch educational system
This website provides two diagrams and detailed descriptions of the education system in the Netherlands before and after 1997 (introduction of the Act on Adult and Vocational Education). The website is run by the Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB), which advises the government of the Netherlands on issues of vocational [...]
30 - Education in Flanders
English Wikipedia article about the education system in the Flemish Community / Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. You will find the following chapters:
1 Generally
2 Networks
3 Levels
3.1 Basic education
3.2 Secondary education
3.3 Higher education
4 Quality
4.1 Foreign students
5 Language
5.1 Medium of [...]
Pupils and Students after Brexit: Exchange? Now more than ever! (Spiegel Online 24.06.16) [courtesy translation]
United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
Article by the online version of the German journal Der Spiegel, 24.06.16, authors: Armin Himmelrath and Silke Fokken. Available only in German.
English abstract [courtesy translation]: "So far, for German pupils and students the UK has been the number one country for exchange. One of the reasons for that also was the easy crossing of EU bounderies. Will everything change [...]
Blog entries regarding a Brexit and its effects on education by the British Educational Research Association (BERA)
United Kingdom; Europe
On its blog, the British Educational Research Association (BERA) provides some thoughts and views on the Brexit and its possible effects on education. Published so far (as of 27.06.16):
* BREXIT – initial thoughts on effects on our schools (27.06.16)
* First thoughts on Brexit (24.06.16)
* Yesterdays and tomorrows: what the referendum says about education [...]
33 - Red Iberoamericana de Investigación Sobre Cambio Y Eficacia Escolar (RINACE)
Argentina; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The "Iberoamerican Network for Research on School Change and Efficiency" RINACE unites national networks with the same focus in Latin America, Portugal and Spain. Its website provides information on RINACE's organisation, on the members of the national networks, on activities, research, three fulltext journals (Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en [...]
34 - Radicalisation Research
The platform Radicalisation Research "was created and funded by the Religion and Society Research Programme in 2011, itself funded by Britain’s two main grant-giving bodies for the social sciences, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council." Radicalisation Research provides information on research done mainly in the UK and USA [...]
35 - Do export booms discourage schooling? Evidence from Indonesia (2015)
Author: Ian Coxhead, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Draft as of 18 January 2015, do not cite.
"Economic growth is strongly associated with increased education, yet export booms in low-income countries often spark an opposite trend. Rapid growth of jobs in low-skill occupations may lower overall returns to schooling and raise dropout rates, especially among teens from [...]
36 - anabin - Informationen zum Bildungswesen in Indonesien
This site provides short German summaries of the Indonesian school, university and marking system as well as on certificates and degrees. "anabin" is an information database of the German Conference of Ministers of Education - Central Office for Foreign Education (Kultusministerkonferenz - Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen - ZAB). Its mission is to provide [...]
37 - Inclusive special education: the role of special education teachers in Finland (2009)
Article by Marjatta Takala, Raija Pirttimaa and Minna Törmänen, published in: British Journal of Special Education 36 (3) 2009. The article is based on a questionnaire sent to 133 special education teachers teaching in inclusive settings in mainstream education in Finland. The study describes their daily work and the problems they are confronted with. [Abstract: Editors of [...]
38 - Vamlas Foundation - learning and working opportunities for children and youths with disabilities (Vammaisten lasten ja nuorten tukisäätiö)
The English site provides a short introduction to the work of the Foundation and their English language publications. "The Vamlas Foundation is the one of the oldest disability organizations in Finland, founded in 1889 by a teacher, Vera Hjelt. She and her colleagues wanted to promote learning and working opportunities of children and youth with disabilities and the Foundation [...]
39 - Canada Education 53 (2) 2013 - Focus on Inclusion
Canada; Sweden
[We link to a copy of the site from the Internet Archive 2013. Unfortunately, the new journal website only offers 5 free articles and lacks the French articles of the issue.] This 2013 issue of the journal Education Canada has a focus on inclusive education, especially in Higher Education. The articles are available for free.
Table of contents (selection):
* School [...]
40 - Special Education in Arab society in Israel: a profile of institutional discrimination - Introduction [courtesy translation]
Israel; Palestinian Territories
This analyses of the special education situation of the Arab people living in Israel is only available in Hebrew. Nevertheless, the automatic Google-translation can give you some first ideas about the topic. At the end of the first page, you will find a table of contents leading to more chapters. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
41 - Bibliography on Inclusion in Israel: The Integration of Children with Special Needs in Regular Settings [1985-1994]
[This is a copy of the original website as of 01.08.2014. The original website is offline.]
This is a bibliography on the issue of inclusion of children with special needs in regular (educational) settings in Israel. The titles documented run from 1985 to 1994.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
42 - Integration of children with special needs in regular education - Literature Review - Part I / II [Gefälligkeitsübersetzung]
Part two:
*** This literature review is onyl available in Hebrew. Nevertheless, the automatic Google-translation (for part 1 and part 2) can give you some first ideas about the topic. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
43 - Finnish Education Evaluation Council
Finnish Education Evaluation Council is in charge of the evaluation of Finnish primary, secondary, vocational and adult education. The information on its English website was last updated in 2012. Under "publications", you can find short English abstracts of the evaluations carried out so far. Furthermore, you can find information on projects run in the different education [...]
44 - Palestine Strategic Education Plan 2014-2019 & Monitoring & Evaluation System for the Education Development Stratigic Plan 2008 - 2012
Palestinian Territories
This website of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education provides a list of fulltext documents (official documents, working papers, drafts, ..) on its educational planning for 2014 to 2019 and on the evaluation of the previous planning 2008-2012. The main document of the planning 2014-2019, "Education Development Strategic Plan 2014-2019", also provides a [...]
45 - What we do: Education (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East - UNRWA)
Palestinian Territories
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is one of the main actors in the Palestinian education system. UNRWA runs "703 schools, 9 vocational colleges, 2 educational science faculties and 2 teacher-training institutes". These institutions are not only run in the Palestinian Territories, but also in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, [...]
46 - Palestinian Curriculum Development Center
Palestinian Territories
[Unfortunately, many educational websites in Palestine have often become unavailable in recent years. If necessary, please take a look at the Web Archive or at the page of the Palestinian Ministry of Education].The website of the Palestinian Curriculum Development Center is only available in English. It provides an overview over its work, over subjects taught in Palestianian [...]
47 - Education in the Palestinian territories
Palestinian Territories
English Wikipedia article about education in the Palestinian territories. The article is very ample, but obviously has some issues concerning its sources. You will find the following chapters:
1 Education System
2 Education Management
3 Education Finance
4 Education Policy
5 Pre-Primary Education
6 Basic Education
6.1 Preparation Stage
6.2 Empowerment [...]
48 - Canadian Association of School Social Workers and Attendance Counsellors (CASSWAC)
The Canadian Association of School Social Workers and Attendance Counsellors (CASSWAC) is a national organization that links school social workers and attendance counsellors. The mandate of CASSWAC is to promote and encourage the development of quality school social work and attendance counselling in Canada. As a national organization the CASSWAC have an opportunity to be [...]
49 - Policy, Provision and Practice of Inclusive Education in Greece
With that extract from her dissertation in 2006, Kyrini Fotopoulou shows which major points have to be discussed when thinking about inclusion in a Greek context. She is not just analysing the term 'inclusion' itself but gives an insight in the legal framework, educational policy and reality. Furthermore, she makes proposals for reform and gives a conclusion.[Abstract: [...]
Controversy about School Reform: New School Term in Greece Starts with Strikes (16.09.2013)
The German public radio station 'Deutschlandradio': Rodothea Seralidou reports about the concequences of Greek reforms in the educational sector in September 2013 - layoffs, protests and suffering pupils. Available only in German [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
51 - Inclusion and education in European countries - Final Report and Country Reports (2009)
Europe; France; Germany; Hungary; Italy; Netherlands; Poland; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom
was made
INTMEAS‐consortium in
Member [...]
52 - Laboratoire international sur l’inclusion scolaire (LISIS)
international; Switzerland; Canada; Spain; Italy; France
LISIS is a francophone international research group working on inclusion in schools. It was established by Haute Ecole Pédagogique Vaud (Switzerland) and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) (Canada). Researcher from France, Spain and Italy are also participating in LISIS. Their website provides information on their research foci and research groups, on [...]
53 - Promoting Inclusive Teacher Education Series
"Published by UNESCO Bangkok, this publication set is a series of five guides designed for anyone who wants to do advocacy to bring about improvements in pre-service teacher education towards more inclusive education. They discuss challenges and barriers to inclusive education in different areas of teacher education and outline ideas for advocates to consider and adapt [...]
54 - Inclusion of school-age children with disabilities in Ukraine
Article written by the researchers Sharon A. Raver und Kateryna Kolchenko about the inclusion of school-age children with disabilities in Ukraine. Preprint of the article in: Childhood Education, Volume 83, Issue 6, 2007, Special Issue: International Focus Issue 2007. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
55 - Indian Public Schools' Conference (IPSC)
The notion of conference here is used to describe a kind of association which only encompasses a special type of public schools, and not all schools that call themselves "public". The Indian Public Schools' Conference (IPSC) was founded in 1939 and meanwhile has 79 member schools. The website provides information on IPSC history, goals, members, rules, guidelines for [...]
56 - Ethnopädagogik auf dem Portal des OÖ-Stammtisches der Kultur- und SozialanthropologInnen
international; Austria
This web page refers to literature and events of Ethno-Pedagogy which roots in Ethnology and Social and Cultural Anthropology. Among others, terms like ethnography for education or intercultural pedagogy are discussed. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
57 - emis - education management information systems (South Africa)
South Africa, Republic
EMIS is a website of the Ministry of Basic Education. It provides a lot of information (fulltexts) on different educational reports and statistics, partly dating back to 1999.
Content (as of 2013):
- emis information
-> Contacts
- - Schools Masterlist Data
- - Statistical Publications
- - - Education Statistics in South Africa at a Glance Report/ Education [...]
58 - Statistics / Education (China)
China, People's Republic of
The China Education and Research Network provides some basic statistical data and a short report on "2000' Educational Evolution in China" on its English website. The statistics partly comprise different time spans, like 1985-1998, 1952-1998 or 1978-2002. Among others, you will find statistics on number of enrollments, graduates, schools, teachers (by level and type); Basic [...]
Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
China, People's Republic of
The website of the Chinese Ministry for Education informs on its own structure and departments as well as on Chinese educational policy (incl. legal texts) or international agreements in the educational sector. Furthermore, you will find educational statistics (they have to be viewed via the Chinese sight, but there is an English translation for the single documents) and [...]
60 - Schulsozialarbeit in Österreich – die Pilotprojekte
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs supports several pilot projects in the range of school social work in Austria. The website offers information about these projects and provides further publications for download.
61 - Country Dossiers: Brazil - International Bureau of Education (Unesco)
Through its Country Dossiers, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) of the Unesco offers access to various information resources on education in its Member States. This compilation of facts and data from various sources will permit users to gain rapid access to information on each country`s state of education and plans for development, and provide insights into [...]
62 - National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA)
Established in 2011 the National Independent School Alliance (NISA) promotes low-fee and budget private schools in India and the accessibility and affordability of quality education for economically weaker groups. Their web page informs about mission and activities, upcoming events like the Annual School Leaders Summit or the advantages of a membership. NISA represents more [...]
63 - Education - Bookmarks (The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
This page of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides a link list arranged by topic. The section on education offers links to general resources, learning Hebrew, universities and other institutions of higher education, research institutes and academic journals, elementary and secondary schools als well as miscellaneous resources. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
64 - Learning Resource Exchange for Schools (LRE)
LRE offers learning resources for schools from different European countries and 53 institutions. You will find audio, video, pictures, texts, glossaries, courses, presentations, exercises and much more. The search can be specified by language, subject, provider and later filtered by max./min. age and resource type. You can also search via tagcloud. Please note that for some [...]
65 - Mount Pleasant School
Falkland Islands; United Kingdom
The Mount Pleasant School is a primary school of the Falkland Islands. It is visited mainly by children whose parents are of the British Armed Forces. Children which live further out in the country are often educated individually.
66 - Falkland Islands Community School (FICS)
Falkland Islands; United Kingdom
The Falkland Islands Community School was opened in 1992, and caters for pupils of all abilities between the ages of 11 and 16. It also has a role of providing recreational and further education for the entire community.
Swedish Schools Inspectorate
Skolinspektionen (Swedish Schools Inspectorate) supervises schools in Sweden from pre-school to adult eduation. It verifies that the municipality or the independent school complies with the laws and regulations and monitors its quality and results. The website contains information for schools as well as for parents. Reduced information is available in several foreign languages.
Esperanza incorporated society - School Building Projects Guatemala
The association Esperanza incorporated society is a German-Guatemalan cooperation which builds schools in Guatemala. Currently (stand: December 2011) the association has built 42 schools with an invested total amount of over 800.000 €. Also, the association engages in expositions as well as actions within and outside the association to disseminate knowledge about the [...]
Bolivian Physics Society
The Bolivian Physics Society (SOBOFI) has the objectives to contribute to the scientific and technological progress of the country through knowledge as well as through the application of physics in all its aspects, to disseminate the knowledge about the value of physics concerning the development of the country and the knowledge about education activities of this discipline in [...]
School Social Work in Switzerland
School social work (Schulsozialarbeit in German) is a relatively new field of work in Switzerland. In the German speaking part of Switzerland, school social work was established in the mid-1990`s and has expanded rapidly since. It is the fastest growing service amongst all youth services in Switzerland. The website offers a list of school social work offices in the cantons and [...]
71 - The First Educational Portal of Mauritius
The First Educational Portal of Mauritius offers a forum for students concerning topics such as travel and tourism, English studies and business studies. The web page offers free online classes for teachers.
Assication for the Promotion of Equal Opportunity in Schools
The Association for the Promotion of Equal Opportunity in Schools (APFÉÉ) unites persons which are active in the education or the social sector as well as volunteers of the fields of education and research as well as of enterprises. The association connects the schools with the parents, which principally are the furthest away, to make the equality of opportunities in schools [...]
Work Group of German-Argentinian Schools
The Work Group of German-Argentinian Schools unites institutions with German-Argentinian origins in Argentina which have the objective to offer a qualitative and demanding formation in their schools. The mission statement of each of those schools includes, as a crucial point, the dissemination of the German language as cultural opening, the esteem of the needs of the [...]
74 - Association française d`éducation comparée et des échanges (AFDECE)
The AFDECE, formerly founded as ADECE in 1998 and renamed in 2004, unites university and school teachers, school administrators and other relevant officials from the sector of school and higher education administration. The organization aims to promote the exchange and the cooperation between the different education systems and wants to animate to comparative research studies. [...]
75 - Ministry of Education of Zambia - Bildungsministerium Sambias
The Ministry of Education of Zambia provides on its homepage various information about the education system, the institution and its administrative facts, and supplements news, official political documents, guidelines and statistical data. Additionally, students, teachers and parents find useful columns with practical hints to educative questions like learning or after-school [...]
76 - Education in Zambia - Schools, Colleges and Universities
The portal Education in Zambia represents a platform for teachers, students and people who are interested in education. The site provides information about general selective topics and the listing of schools, high schools, colleges and universities of the country. Besides, a school calendar with all the important administrative dates is added.
77 - Ministère de l`Enseignement de Base et de l`Alphabetisation
Burkina Faso
The official homepage of the ministry for basic primary education and alphabetisation presents information about the ministry itsself and its activities and educative programs in the field of primary school education. It is focussed on the political guidelines, esp. educative objectives, decrees and legislation and, on the other hand, necessary details concerning school life [...]
78 - Romania Education: Universities, Academies, Colleges, Schools, Libraries, Resources
The website offers a link list of Romanian universities, academies, colleges, schools, libraries and educational resources.
79 - SchoolsKenya.Net
This site offers a register of schools of various kind in Kenya.
80 - Kenya Education Partnerships
KEP aims to improve secondary school education for young people in rural Kenya. It is a student based organisation, working in direct partnership with schools and developing their capacity for self led growth. This is primarily achieved through equipping schools with a solid resource base, and also through supporting a wider, more holistic programme.
Dominican Education of the Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
In the rubric "Educación", the internet portal República offers an extensive link collection to all kinds of language courses, education institutions, libraries, education portals etc.
National Institute of Statistics: Education
The statistical office offers statistics on schools, school age population, teaching staff, infrastructure of education and graduates. Most of the data are only available upon payment.
83 - Education and Training Inspectorate (eti)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The Education and Training Inspectorate provides inspection services for a number of organisations. These include the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Employment and Learning, the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. All Inspection Reports published by the [...]
84 - Schools in Ghana
This page offers an overview over the schools and universities from Ghana.
85 - Government of Ghana - Official Portal
On Ghana's official governmental website you can find a directory of schools and universities as well as other information and articles on Ghana's education system.
86 - Ghana International School (GIS)
The Ghana International School is a not for profit organization registered under Ghanaian law as a company limited by guarantee. Its income is mainly from fees, although contribution from an active Parent-Teacher Association, alumni and well wishers provide an addition. Fiscal policy is determined by the Board of Directors. The company Regulations provide for a Board of [...]
87 - State House of The Gambia- Children´s Section
The Children´s Section of the State House of Gambia offers a variety of links for children and education.
88 - International Education Exchange (IEE)
International Education Exchange (IEE) is working with the Government of Rwanda to support public education by training teachers, creating school partnerships, and improving infrastructure. As the number of children in school increases rapidly, the Government of Rwanda is now also focusing on the quality of education. A primary emphasis contributing to quality education is [...]
89 - The Gambia Resource Page
The `Gambia Resource Page´ has an education sector. It offers a list of schools, information on scholarships and a list of internetlinks for teachers.
90 - Rwanda Education Assistance Project
The mission of the Rwanda Education Assistance Project (REAP) is to help vulnerable youth and their families gain competence, express their capabilities, sustain community by becoming active participants in their education, and learn the social, emotional, and cognitive skills to shape the emerging future of Rwanda.
In pursuit of these goals, REAP will provide several key [...]
91 - National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)
United States of America (USA)
The National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) is the “leader in life science education.” Since its inception in 1938, thousands of educators have joined NABT to share experiences and expertise with colleagues from around the world, keep up with trends and developments in the field, and grow professionally.
92 - Education-Africa
The page offers various links on the educational system of various African states. It is designed as a Wiki. The different fields are: Ministry of Education, educational system, schools, science and research...
93 - Botswana Examinations Council
Botswana Examinations Council´s key business activity is the development, administration, accreditation and certification of schools examinations in the primary and secondary education sub-sector.
94 - New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE)
New Zealand
The New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE), as a national organisation, connects those interested in education research, tertiary institutions, schools and early childhood centres, government agencies such as the Ministry of Education, and the New Zealand Council for Research in Education. Its membership consists of individuals and organisations with an [...]
95 - Schulen & Hochschulen im Irak
The website offers basic information about the Iraqi education system based on the British school system. The page gives an overview of general characteristics and indicators of the Iraqi education field. Additionally, it presents a list of the private and public universities and colleges of the country including addresses and degree courses.
Catholic Education in Morocco
The ECAM unites private educational institutes which are under the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Morocco (diocese Rabat) and whose persons responsibles are interested in the amelioration of pedagogical activity. The institutions pursue a common educational project which is defined by intern documents of the ECAM.
97 - English Language Schools in Malta
This page lists all licensed language schools which offer English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Malta. The schools are mentioned with name, contact details and homepage.
Education Statistiks (Turkey)
The website offers data tables on formal education, non-formal education and education expenditures. Some of the publications are available as full texts.
99 - Côte d`Ivoire - Institutional Indicators
Côte d'Ivoire
This website contains a list of schools, colleges and universities of Côte d`Ivoire. A link grants access to a more detailled description of the respective institute.
German-speaking Association - Education server
The education server of the German-speaking community belongs to the department "Teaching, Training and Occupation" of the ministry of the German-speaking community. Therefore, its tasks and fields of activities share information and hints in the domains of pedagogic subjects, teaching organization, teachers’ subjects, vocational training and further education, [...]
Franco-Manitoban School Division
The Franco-Manitoban School Division (DSFM) has 24 schools with over 5000 students from kindergarten to grade 12, as well as an adult learning centre. The DSFM is the only school board in Manitoba to offer full-time education in French all over the province.
102 - Obrasovatelnie resursi seti internet
Russian Federation
The site is an online catalogue of internet ressources concerning school education in Russia. Unfortunately, it is in English only.
103 - Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell´Autonomia Scolastica
The national agency for the development of school autonomy was founded in 2007. It fosters autonomy of pedagogical institutions in the European context and it supports pedagogical resaerch and documentation. The page offers links to regional pedagogical research institutions, the Italian ministry of education and the national institute for education evaluation.
104 - Sex Role Education in the USSR
Russian Federation; Uzbekistan; Ukraine; Turkmenistan; Tajikistan; Kyrgyzstan; Kazakhstan; Azerbaijan; Armenia; Georgia; Moldova, Republic of
Landon Pearson is chairperson of
the Canadian Council on Children and
Youth. As wife of the canadian ambessador to the USSR she lived there from 1980 to 1983. In this essay she describes the gender roles in Soviet society and relates it to the education system.
105 - Das Volksbildungswesen der Sowjetunion (UDSSR)
Russian Federation; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Uzbekistan; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Ukraine; Belarus; Moldova, Republic of; Lithuania; Latvia; Estonia
This article published in Septmber 1970 in the International Review of Education describes the education system in the Soviet Union.
106 - Bildungssystem in Russland
Russian Federation
The German-Russian Chamber of International Commerce describes the educational system of the Russian federation.
107 - A Review of Turkish Language Teaching in Kyrgyzstan
This report was published on the site of the Turkish University in Kyrgyzstan. It describes the development of English teaching in Kyrgyz Schools and Universities ince the independence.
The Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Information-Ecucational Portal
The page of the Usbec ministry of education informs about the education system. An English version of the site is available but it contains few information in comparison to the Usbek and Russian versions. Chosing the latter you can download school books from ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ [...]
109 - Botschaft der Republik Usbekistan: Wissenschaft und Bildung
The Usbek Embassy in Germany presents an overview over Science and Education in Usbekistan.
110 - Education Activities in Tadjikistan
The Aga Khan is the head of the muslim Ismailites and considered to be a direct descendant of the prophet Muhamed. Being on of the richest people in the world he funds a lot of development projects in Central Asia. The centre of these activities ist the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). Its Homepage informs about activities in the field of education in Tadjikistan. Apart [...]
111 - Ein Fürst träumt von Afghanistan
The weekly paper "Zeit" delivers a portrait of the Aga Khan, the spiritual head of the muslim Ismailites and one of the richest men in the world. He uses part of his capitel for financing development projects, especially in the field of education in Central Asia. The article roughly describes the situation of education in Tadjikistan.
112 - Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008. Tadjikistan Country Case Study
The report from 2007 provides mapping of progress towards the achievement of the EFA (Education for all) goals. It identifies the greatest challenges and examines the efforts of government, international agencies, donors, and civil society with regards to the achievement of the six goals. The text provides basic data about education in Tadjikistan, describes the government [...]
113 - Viele kleine Schritte nach vorn im Bildungssystem
The article was originally published in the magazine Wostok ("East"). Now it is being offered by the tadjikian embassy in Germany. It describes the development of the education system and education policy in Tadjikistan since the end of the soviet union.
114 - Education in Tajikistan
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics presents data and graphics on the development of school enrollement and literacy in Tajikistan since 1999.
115 - Dirección General de Evaluación de Politicas: Secretaría de Educación Pública
The Homepage of the Secretary of public education within the General Directory of evaluation of politics enlightens procedures and results of evalution of schools and the knowledge of pupils.
The site gives also access to the test questions.
116 - National Rural Education Association (NREA)
United States of America (USA)
The National Rural Education Association (NREA) is the oldest established national organization of its kind in the United States. Through the years it has evolved as a strong organization of rural school administrators, teachers, board members, regional service agency personnel, researchers, business and industry representatives, and others interested in maintaining the [...]
117 - EdNet School and College Listings
The website offers an E-Mail directory of Irish schools and websites of Irish primary and secondary schools as well as higher education and vocational education institutions. In addition there are links to international school listings.
118 - Find a Montessori School or Centre in Australia
The web page of the Montessori Australia Foundation (MAF) provides a directory of Montessori schools and Centres in Australia.
School Search : Montessori Association New Zealand (MANZ)
New Zealand
The web page of the Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) provides a directory of their member schools and early childhood centres.
Intercultural education at schools in Hamburg
The web page of the eduserver Hamburg provides a list of schools in Hamburg with focus on intercultural education, among them Europe schools.
121 - NEOS (Network of Europe Oriented Schools)
NEOS is a network of schools in European countries, based on the ‘Cologne Declaration’. The Cologne Declaration comprises of a binding mission statement and quality standards in the areas Intercultural Learning, Language Learning, Foreign Projects, Orientation Knowledge, European Career Orientation, Curriculum/School Programme, Framework Conditions. NEOS seeks to prepare [...]
122 - School Locator (Association Montessori International / USA)
United States of America (USA)
The web page provides an interactive map depiciting schools in the USA recognized by the Association Montessori Internationale. You can also view the list of AMI recognized schools organized by state.
123 - American Montessori Society [AMS] Member Schools
United States of America (USA); international
The web page of the American Montessori Society provides a directory of AMS member schools in the United States and worldwide. Choose a geographic region from the map below and follow the links to explore the contact information and offerings of the individual schools. Schools may be full, associate, satellite, initiate, or international members of AMS.
Europe Schools Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
The web page of the eduserver Mecklenburg-Vorpommern provides current information about Europe schools in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Among other links concerning Europe it contains a list of the Europe schools.
125 - Qualität in Schulen (Q.I.S.)
With the Q.I.S.-Quality in Schools project the Austrian Ministry of Education intends to encourage and to support schools to review, monitor and develop their own quality. Teachers, pupils and parents who occupy themselves jointly and systematically with quality issues will in future be an indispensable part of school culture. Autonomous quality assurance and quality [...]
Bergen European School
The web page of the European School Bergen informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
Brussels IV European School (Laeken)
The web page of the European School Brussels IV informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
UNESCO Associated Schools – National Coordination
The web page informs about the ASPnet in Brazil. It supplies information about the aims of the network, informs about school projects, partnerships, about membership and provides a directory of all member schools.
Brussels I European School (Uccle)
The web page of the European School Brussels I informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
European School Brussels II
The web page of the European School Brussels II informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
Brussels III European School (Ixelles)
The web page of the European School Brussels III informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
132 - European School of MOL
The web page of the European School Mol informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
Alicante European School
The web page of the European School Alicante informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
European School of Varese
The web page of the European School Varese informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
Luxembourg European School
The web page of the European School Luxembourg I informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
European School Luxembourg II
The web page of the European School Luxembourg II informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
137 - Culham European School
United Kingdom
The web page of the European School Culham informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
European School Frankfurt
The web page of the European School Frankfurt informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
European School München
The web page of the European School München informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.
140 - CIS (Council of International Schools) Members Directory
The web page lists the schools accredited by the Council of International Schools. Detailed information about the schools is available.
Ibero-American Red of UNESCO Associated Schools
South America; Spain; Portugal; Central America
The web page informs about the Ibero-American Red of UNESCO Associated Schools. It supplies information about the aims and projects of the schools and the network. You can find a discussion forum, a chat and a directory of the member schools as well as information about participating countries and further networks. This project is coordinated by the Mexican National [...]
UNESCO Associated Schools
The web page informs about the ASPnet in Peru. It provides information about the objectives and activities of the network and a list of Peruvian ASPnet schools.
UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network – Network of the federal state Vargas
The blog intends to inform about activities, news and projects of UNESCO associated school in the federal state Vargas in Venezuela.
European Schools
The European Schools are official educational establishments controlled jointly by the governments of the Member States of the European Union. In all these countries they are legally regarded as public institutions. The mission of the European Schools is to provide a multilingual and multicultural education for nursery, primary and secondary level pupils.
145 - UNESCO-assoziierte Schulen in der Schweiz
The web page provides information about the ASPnet in Switzerland and offers annual reports of the schools and guidelines.
146 - UNESCO - SCHULEN in Österreich
The web page provides a thorough description of ASPnet’s activities worldwide and in Austria, a national newsletter and a complete list of Austrian ASPnet schools.
147 - UNESCO-Projektschulen im Vereinigten Königreich / UNESCO Associated Schools in the UK
United Kingdom
The web page informs about the ASPnet in the UK. It provides information about the objectives of the network, about membership, a list of all member schools and teaching materials.
148 - The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet)
Founded in 1953, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of more than 8.500 educational institutions in 179 countries. Member institutions – ranging from pre-schools, primary, secondary and vocational schools to teacher training institutions - work in support of international [...]
149 - Lebanese Unesco Associated Schools
The web page provides a brief description of the Lebanese ASPnet, its projects and activities and a list of associated schools.
Associated Schools Project Network (ASPNet)
The web page informs about the ASPnet in Canada. It provides information about the objectives of the network, about membership and a list of Canadian ASPnet schools.
151 - Unesco Asscociated Schools Project Network - ASP
The web page informs about the ASPnet in Denmark. It supplies comprehensive information about the aims and activities of the schools and the network. You can find teaching activities and materials as well as a list of all member schools.
UNESCO associated schools
The web page informs about the ASPnet in Italy. It provides information about the objectives of the network, about membership and a list of Italian ASPnet schools. You can find descriptions of national and international projects and announcements of competitions.
Associated Schools Project
The web page informs briefly about the ASPnet in Latvia. It provides information about the objectives of the network and a list of Latvian ASPnet schools.
UNESCO’s Associated Schools Project Network
The web page informs about the ASPnet in Lituavia. It supplies comprehensive information about the aims and activities of the schools and the network, about projects, competitions and a list of all member schools.
Associated Schools
The web page informs about the ASPnet in Portugal. It supplies information about the aims and activities of the schools and the network, about membership and a list of all member schools.
Spanish Network of UNESCO Associated Schools
The blog presents itself as discussion forum for Spanish UNESCO associated school and intends to inform about activities, news or projects of the national and international ASP network.
157 - ASPnet Unesco scholen in Vlaanderen
The web page provides information about the ASPnet in Flanders, Belgium. You can find a list of flemish ASPnet schools and reports of their activities.
158 - Education in Korea
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This site provides information on the school and administration system, on educational statistics and many publications on education in South Korea. The site is run by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), which is also authorized as the National Center for Educational Statistics since 1997.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
159 - Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS)
Scotland; United Kingdom
Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS) is an independent, educational charity, representing over 70 member schools in Scotland, which educate more than 32,000 children of mixed abilities from diverse backgrounds. SCIS promotes choice, diversity and excellence in Scottish education. The website offers a school database, advice for parents as well as information on [...]
160 - European Schoolnet Observatory (former Insight Project): Country Reports
Europe; Austria; Belgium; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
Insight, the web knowledge base for using information and communication technology at schools, offers this search option for country reports, accessible as full texts or summaries of varying dates. These country reports focus on the implementation of ICT at schools, the role of ICT in the curriculum, assessment of ICT competencies, provision of ICT resources and evaluation of [...]
161 - European Schoolnet Observatory (former Insight Project)
The Insight portal of European Schoolnet is an observatory for ICT in school education primarily designed to support decision makers in Ministries of Education, practitioners in schools and other ICT in education professionals at national, regional or local level across Europe to develop effective strategies for elearning.
162 - European Schoolnet
Europe; Germany; France; Netherlands; Belgium; Austria; Finland; Greece; Denmark; Ireland; Iceland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Malta; Czechia; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Hungary; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of; Estonia; Georgia; Latvia; Luxemburg; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovenia; Spain; Turkey
Founded in 1997, European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. Its main goal is to support the use of and training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at school and in education. It therefore provides various country intersectional projects and initiatives of ICT-based learning and teaching methods and promotes [...]
163 - Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development
The website of the ministry offers a school directory, information about programmes and projects and ministerial functions as well as documents for download.
164 - Ministry of Education
Trinidad and Tobago
The website offers general information about the education system, a school directory and special sections for teachers, parents and pupils.
165 - Ministry of Social Development: Education Department
Anguilla; United Kingdom
The website informs about policy guidelines of the department, the structure of education management and lists the primary and secondary schools of the island.
166 - State Boarding Schools' Association (SBSA)
United Kingdom; England; Wales
State Boarding Schools Association (SBSA) is the national association for state boarding schools within the UK (England & Wales), formerly known as Stabis. UK and other European Union nationals and others with the right of residence in the UK pay only for the cost of boarding, while the education is free. The website offers a school database and parents guide.
167 - EduBase 2 - Register of Educational Establishments in England and Wales
United Kingdom; England; Wales
EduBase is a register of all educational establishments in England and Wales, maintained by the Department for Education. It allows both the general public and government officials to access up to date information.
168 - Japanese Education in the 21st Century
The "Center for US-Japan Comparative Social Studies" is an internet- based non-profit organisation founded in 2000. It aims to provide the general public with information about education, society and culture in Japan in English and about education, society and culture in the United States in Japanese. The book "Japanese Education in the 21st Century" offers detailed [...]
169 - Education in Japan
This website's mission is to help parents and educators who are seeking to provide their children with the best possible education while living in Japan. It offers detailed information on the school system, common leisure time activities, home schooling, international schools, etc..
170 - Ministry of Education
The ministry of education of Laos offers some pieces of information about the education system, partly only in Lao.
171 - National Statistics Centere of the Lao PDR - Education and Literacy
This site offers some statistical details on education in Laos (state of affairs: Population Census 2005): population by school attendance; school enrolment; highest education completed; literacy rates. Additional statistics can be found in the section "Selected Statistics".
172 - Vanuatu Website Directory
The web directory links to the Central School (founded by the British), a French school and the Vanuatu Library Association.
173 - Afdeling Onderwijs
Aruba; Netherlands Antilles; Netherlands
This site offers a list of educational institutions in Aruba and a list of mentors from universities in the Netherlands.
174 - Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture and Library Services (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Turks and Caicos Islands
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education of the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British Overseas Territory.
175 - TCI Mall - Turks & Caicos Islands Community - schools and academics
Turks and Caicos Islands; Caribbean; United Kingdom
This site offers a list of links to the educational institutions on the Turks and Caicos Islands.
176 - Ministry of Education
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education, it provides information about the organisational structure of the ministry and school system in Palau.
177 - Ministry of Education
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education. It provides general information about the education system and the strategic priorities of the government.
Ministry of Education
United Arab Emirates
This is the official site of the Ministry of Education with general information about the education system, education statistics and further links.
179 - Community matters: Education
Aruba; Netherlands Antilles; Netherlands
This site offers a short overview of the education system in Aruba.
180 - Cayman Island Education Portal
Cayman Islands; United Kingdom
The Cayman Island Education Portal" offers links to schools and information about school inspections.
181 - Resident services - Education
Guam; United States of America (USA)
This site provides information about the education system and education possibilities in Guam. - Site of the Ministry of the Federation Wallonia Brussels
This site is managed by the General Administration of education and scientific research of the Federation Wallonia Brussels of Belgium. It presents information for students and parents but also for professionals in the educational sector, esp. teachers. It offers news and official information about the education system, about events, school and academic registers and contact [...]
183 - Ministry of Education
Myanmar's Ministry of Education offers pages on the country's school and higher education system, lists of schools and higher education institutions as well as news on education policy. However, information is scarce.
184 - Get the Right School
United Kingdom
GetTheRightSchool was formed to offer a unique reference point on getting your child into the school of your choice. The website offers features and articles on various aspects of the British school system written by professional journalists and experts. Its objective is to provide parents with help and advice on how to obtain a place at the school of their choice.
185 - - One-stop access to education information in Finland
The portal by the Ministry of Education provides information about studies taught in English. This site contiains useful information about: the Finnish Education System; Studies offered in English; Finnish and Swedish studies. Further more it offers a link directory on education, living and working in Finland.
186 - Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet)
Founded in 1953, UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network ( ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of some 7 900 educational institutions in 176 countries ( ranging from pre-schools and primary to secondary schools and teacher training institutions), who work in support of quality education in practice. On this site you will find [...]
187 - partners in education (pie)
Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Poland; Europe
Detailed Title of the Project: "Prevention of Violence by Improving the Relations between School (Teachers) and Parents; Development of a Special Teachertraining including the Use of New Information Technologies". Based on the Comenius 2.1 activities the project is to lead to the improvement of cooperation between schools and parents in European schools. In addition, the [...]
188 - Frie grundskoler
Information from the Ministry of Education on private schools and on the relevant legislation. Links to private schools in Denmark. Link to the factsheet: Private schools in Danmark.
189 - Dansk Skolemuseum
The Danish School Museum belongs to the Ministry of Education and collects material concerning the history of Danish schools and history of education in Denmark. The museum also has its own research department.
Special Education in Danish Public Schools
Informantion on special needs education in the Danish primary and lower secondary school. A short English description is available here.
191 - Study in Denmark
The Study in Denmark pages will assist you if you are a student wanting to study in Denmark. If your family is moving to Denmark to work and one or more of you would like to study. If you are looking for further education opportunities in Denmark. If you are interested in learning Danish and learning about Danish culture.
192 - Uddannelsesguiden
Guide to more than 2.000 education programmes and jobs in Denmark. You will find special sub-sites for youth education, higher education, adult education and infirmation for parents.
193 - Elektronisk Mødested for Undervisningsverdenen
Teaching aids and information for teachers, pupils and parents.
194 - Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)
United States of America (USA)
DoDEA's schools serve the children of military service members and Department of Defense civilian employees throughout the world. DoDEA consists of two school systems: the DoD Dependents Schools ( DoDDS), which is the overseas school system, and (2) the DoD Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary (DDESS), the domestic school system.
195 - E2C-Europe The European Association of Cities, Institutions and Second Chance Schools
The European Association of Cities, Institutions and Second Chance Schools is an international network organisation in the field of teaching or enabling young people with lack of skills or qualifications to successfully gain access to education programmes or to the labour market. The Association is an independent non-profit organisation. The main aims of the Association are [...]
196 - The Australian Council for Education through Technology Education through Technology
The Australian Council for Education through Technology (ACET) is a council of Australian affiliated technology organisations. It exists to promote and improve the quality of technology education provided in Australia. ACET is the National Professional Association for technology educators representing members from all sectors of education including pre-school, primary schools, [...]
197 - EENet online the European Experts' Network for Education and Technology
The new information and communication technologies ( ICT) change the ways our society creates, stores, manages and disseminates information. The radical shift from the industrial to the information or knowledge society affects all fields of life. As an integral part of our society, the education system is facing new challenges. The relation between education and ICT plays a [...]
198 - Education and Skills In Your Area - England (DfE)
England; United Kingdom
The website offers a range of education and skills statistics for all local areas in England.
199 - Education and Schools in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The pages are part of "The Saudi Network". The link "Education in Saudi Arabia" leads to information on the education system of the country. It outlines educational policy and acknowledges national achievements in education. According to its own statement further development of the education sector belongs to the priority tasks of this OPEC state. The respective pages include [...]
200 - European Network of Innovative Schools
European Network of Innovative Schools The website of ENIS, the European Network of Innovative Schools, provides amongst others Information on the establishment of the network, its four essential objectives, the selection of schools as well as their activities and work results. It is a network of 400 schools in national networks of innovation in 19 countries. ENIS schools are [...]
201 - Germanistik und Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Thailand
After a short introduction to the Thai language and history of German in Thailand the structure of the school and higher education system is explained. The main part describes in detail the situation of learning and teaching German in schools, universities and adult education institutions. Finally, perspectives for future development are given. ( Noraseth Kaewwipat, 2003.)
202 - Education in Oregon
United States of America (USA)
The graph on the homepage symbolizes a one-stop educational mall with "doorways" to Oregon's educational institutions, programmes, and services: Colleges/Universities, Distance Education, Employee Development Opportunities, Online Libraries, K-12 Schools, Finances Career INFO and Transfers, General Oregon Information.
203 - Portal for Education in Thailand
The portal collects websites of Thai educational institutions arranged by region and offers links to other educational resources.
204 - Education in Thailand (Learning Post)
The Learning Post is an English-language newspaper and part of the Bangkok Post. It contains a collection of articles on various aspects of the Thai education system.
205 - Xarxa Educativa N@cional d'Andorra
Andorra is the Andorran education server. It provides information and weblinks about the education system as well as an electronic platform for Andorran schools to present themselves on the internet.
206 - Graphische Darstellung des Bildungssystems Österreich
The bilingual homepage offers apart from a graphical and descriptive presentation of the Austrian educational system links to school forms and types, qualifications, certificates and diplomas. Besides a glossary of educational terms is available.
207 - Educare: Portal de Educação
This is the Education Portal of Portugal. Target group are above all teachers, students/pupils, and parents. A comprehensive navigation bar offers amongst others an access to school issues, interviews and votings, opinions, promotion of talents, educational technology, art, pedagogy and in particular educational legislation. The button "Legislão" leads to diverse core [...]
208 - Rossijskyj Obrazovatel'nyj Forum (Russisches Bildungsforum)
Russian Federation
The website comprises according to its own statement "all facets of the Russian education system". Among the organizers of the Russian Education Forum one can find also the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Focal point of the homepage is the 10th International Specialised Exhibition of educational institutions in preschool, middle school and [...]
209 - Main Trends of Environmental Education in Russia
Russian Federation
This full text provides an analysis of environmental education in Russian schools during the past 10 years. It identifies at least 5 trends: "school ( theoretical) ecology", "technical (industrial) ecology", "socio-political ecology", "playing ecology", 'field ecology". In the 1930s the naturalistic approach in the USSR was changed into a "socialist" one.
210 - Schkol'nij Mir (Welt der Schule)
Russian Federation
The homepage structured in detail contains a collection of references arranged according to categories. Behind each of these categories a numeral indicates the number of available links. The variety of topics includes among others: distance education, history of education, educational legislation, teaching subjects, vocational guidance, educational institutions, education [...]
211 - KM.RU: Obrazovanie
Russian Federation
The Multi-Portal KM.RU, sponsored by a major bank and therefore also advertising medium, offers information on almost all spheres of social life in the Russian Federation. It also provides a particular page on educational issues with articles in full text as well as sections with opinions and comments.
212 - "Russkij Pereplet": Obrazovanie
Russian Federation
"Russkij Pereplet" is a literary Internet Journal, which has been published since April 1999. Part of the portal is the page "Education", which offers a variety of scientific contributions in full text. A particular link is titled "Critical articles and materials on educational reform in Russia".
213 - Nizhni Novgorod: Obrazovanie i Nauka
Russian Federation
This official website of the city of Nizhni Novgorod (the former Gorki), the third-largest town in Russia, offers comprehensive information related to the category "Education and Science". It comprises various sub- categories on different educational areas and issues.
214 - Obrazovanie v Amerike / Bildung in Amerika
Russian Federation
The website "Education in America" provides a Russian view on the education system in the U.S.A. It is subdivided into 3 sections/pages (change of page now and then at the end of the website). It analyses in a critical manner educational policy, school system, educational content as well as attitudes of pupils and students towards learning and future planning.
The link [...]
215 - Ucitel'skaja Gazeta (Lehrerzeiung)
Russian Federation
The "Teachers' Newspaper" has a long tradition which began in the Soviet Union and has been continued in the Russian Federation. The print version has been edited since 1924, the online version has been available since 1995. The website of the weekly newspaper deals with a wide range of school topics: national school, school library, class management, experiments, health, [...]
216 - Definitionen von Curriculum im Web in Englisch
This link list leads to more than 20 definitions of the term "Curriculum" in English and other languages. In education, a curriculum (plural: curricula) is the set of courses and their contents offered by an institution such as a school or university. In some cases, a curriculum may be partially or entirely determined by an external body (such as the National Curriculum for [...]
217 - Education Quality 2004 - 2007
Central Europe
This homepage provides an introduction to the 10 components of the EU-Project INTERREG IIIA Education Quality (EdQ). It comprises amongst others a Model of Basic Competencies, an Online-Library, and a Romance Language Network. The project contributes to educational co-operation in the Central European region. It aims to resume the successful work of the Central European [...]
218 - Red Iberoamericana de Investigación sobre Eficacia Escolar y Mejora de la Escuela" (RIEME)
RIEME is a network of networks. The bilingual website, designed by the Spanish Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa ( CIDE), is an information and communication platform of the Iberoamerican Educational Research Network which organizes co-operation among 18 countries. Various links refer to activities regarding improvement of quality, effectiveness, and equity [...]
219 - Global Rivers Environmental Education Network
This website is to render a contribution to environmental education ( protection of rivers etc.). It offers users educational resources for successful implementation of a school-based water monitoring programme. Besides it gives interested young persons an opportunity to present their own projects. In this way they can compare their work to the work of others in this area.
220 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - Europe
Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Greenland; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Russian Federation; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Vatican City; Turkey; Malta
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Europe. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association of [...]
221 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - Central America
Central America; international; Belize; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Jamaica; Nicaragua; Costa Rica; Panama
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Central America. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International [...]
222 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - Middle East
Middle East; international; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Oman; Palestinian Territories; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Turkey; Yemen; Egypt; Bahrain; Cyprus, Republic of; United Arab Emirates
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in the Middle East. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International [...]
223 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - Australia / Oceania
Australia; Oceania; Fiji; Guam; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Nauru; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Islands; Tuvalu; Northern Mariana Islands; international; United States of America (USA); France
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Australia and Oceania. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International [...]
224 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - North America
North America; international; Canada; United States of America (USA); Mexico
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in North America. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association [...]
225 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - South America
South America; international; Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Suriname; Uruguay; Venezuela; Paraguay; Peru; Latin America
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in South America. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association [...]
226 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - Africa
Africa; international; Algeria; Angola; Botswana; Cameroon; Egypt; Ethiopia; Ghana; Kenya; Liberia; Morocco; Mozambique; Namibia; Nigeria; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Sudan; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Mauritius
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Africa. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association of [...]
227 - World Wide Colleges and Universities - Caribbean
Caribbean; international; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Bermuda; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Guadeloupe; Grenada; Haiti; Martinique; Montserrat; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; Jamaica; United Kingdom; France; United States of America (USA)
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in the Caribbean. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association [...]
228 - The Educational Gateway
The Education Gateway is am information system for teachers, pupils, and researchers concerned with finding information on the Nordic education system on the net. Although most of the site is in Icelandic only, an English version provides an overview of the objectives and central features (information resources on schools and national curricula, special needs education, and [...]
229 - About Malta: Education
Link list on various sectors of education (unsystematic). And two links to English language schools and private schools.
230 - Higher Education in Italy
This brief country profile of Italy is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and to assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]
231 - Programme in International Student Assessment - PISA 2003
New Zealand
This website offers the summary report of the New Zealand results for PISA 2003 as well as general information on PISA.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)
The Australian Institute for Quality Teaching and School Leadership (AIQTSL) was set up in June 2004 as an independent body with funding from the Australian Government to support and advance the quality of teaching in Australian schools as well as the quality of school leadership. Its website provides information on the institute, its completed and current projects as well as [...]
233 - Global Education
Australia; international
"The objective of the Global Education Website is to increase the amount and quality of teaching of global education in Australian primary and secondary schools. As well as country profiles and information about global issues the site contains teaching and learning support materials, teaching ideas and activities, case studies, a professional development event noticeboard, a [...]
234 - Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL)
"The Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) is the major professional association for educational leaders. It draws its membership from all sectors of education in Australia." Its website offers information on ACEL, its activities and publications.
235 - Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA)
The Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) was established in 1983 to provide national advocacy and leadership in curriculum. It draws its membership from all levels and sectors. The website informs about ACSA, its publications and projects.
236 - Education Glossary
This glossary provided by the Queensland Department of Employment and Training includes terms and abbreviations likely to be found in educational and training publications on Australia. The focus is on vocational education and training.
237 - Boys Gender and Schooling
"The Boys Gender and Schooling website has been developed by the Queensland Department of Education and the Arts in response to school and community concerns about boys' education. It rejects the ' gender wars' approach adopted by some commentators in favour of a commitment to gender equity and improved outcomes for all students, male and female." The website provides [...]
238 - Rural and Remote Educators Network
"The Rural and Remote Educators Network is focused on the promotion of and collaboration in rural and remote education - primary, secondary and tertiary. This site hosts several collaborative activities, provides an opportunity for the establishment of networks of educators and community members, and provides access to a range of interesting resource links as well as teacher [...]
239 -
The web site is a plattform aimed at the development of foreign language teaching in the German speaking Cantons of Switzerland. It provides information on the official education directors' conference policy Canton decisions, and practical experiences with early foreign language teaching.
240 - Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
"The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) lists all providers registered to offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered."
241 - Australian Principals' Associations' Professional Development Council (APAPDC)
"The Australian Principals' Associations' Professional Development Council (APAPDC) was set up in 1993 to provide support for principals in their own professional development. It brings together primary and secondary State, Catholic and Independent principals' associations." Its website informs about the council, its projcets, publications and branches and provides links to [...]
242 - Values Education
The Values Education Programme is an initiative by the government to both study and promote values education at Australian schools. The website offers information on the initiative, links to related websites and full-text versions of its publications and newspaper articles about the programme.
243 - Technology Education Federation of Australia (TEFA)
The Technology Education Federation of Australia (TEFA) was formed in 1991 as a federation of national professional associations of technology educators. Its website offers information on technology education in general, TEFA and its projects and provides links to technology education resources.
244 - National Education Directory of Australia (NEDA)
The National Education Directory of Australia (NEDA) is Australia's largest education portal. It allows to search for schools, universities, Tafe, colleges, and further educational institutions across Australia. Apart from education providers, the directory includes providers of student exchanges, student accomodation and recreational courses.
245 - Australian School Library Accosiation (ASLA)
The Australian School Library Association (ASLA) is a federation of state and territory associations. Its website offers information on ASLA, its publications, professional development and research.
Steiner Education Australia (umbrella organisation for Waldorf schools)
Steiner Education Australia is the umbrella organisation for Australian Steiner schools (Waldorf schools). The website provides a list of (member) Waldorf schools, information on the teacher education conference, on further education courses for teachers as well as various resources for teachers and parents. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
247 - "zebis - Portal für Lehrpersonen" der Kantone der Zentralschweiz und des Kanton Wallis
zebis is the education server for central Switzerland and the canton Wallis. It
promotes the publication of open educational resources and supports teachers and schools with curriculum-orientated teaching materials, topical dossiers, job adds, edcuational news, information from the cantons and links to authorities and institutions.
248 - Austega's Gifted Resource Centre
Austega's Gifted Resource Centre is designed for parents and teachers of gifted children and provides information and links on this topic in general as well as on alternative schooling options and Australian organisations for gifted children.
249 - Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS)
"The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) mission is to assist Christian schools in Australia and advocate and protect their interests at the national level." The website informs about the association, its activities, member schools and publications and offers links to related websites and other national organisations concerned with school-level education. | Swiss Specialist Agency for ICT and Education
Switzerland is the Swiss Specialist Agency for ICT and Education. As an agency of the Confederation and the cantons it plays an important role in the quality development of ICT in compulsive and upper-secondary education. It offers services with the aim to: ensure accessibility to digital learning content and online services. Defend the interests of schools against commercial [...]
251 - Christian Schools Australia
"Christian Schools Australia (CSA) supports, enhances and further develops the work of member schools and the wider sector." To non- members, its website offers information on the association, job positions and a list of member schools.
252 - Australian Joint Council of Professional Teaching Associations (AJCPTA)
The Australian Joint Council of Professional Teaching Associations ( AJCPTA) is a federation of state and territory joint councils of teacher professional associations representing its members' interests on a national level. Its website contains information on the AJCPTA and its activities, provides links to related websites and gives access to full-text versions of relevant [...]
253 - Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA)
"The Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA) is the national professional body representing teachers of all languages in Australia. Its role is to promote language learning in Australia." The website contains information on the federation, its publications and links to its member organisations.
254 - Britisches Bildungsministerium: Publikationen / UK Government Department for Education: Publications
United Kingdom
The Department for Education publishes official documents (white papers, green papers, strategy papers) on this site. Documents can be downloaded or ordered online. The publications can be filtered by keyword, topic, publication type, etc.
255 - Department of Education and Training, New South Wales
The website of the Department of Education and Training of New South Wales provides information about the department itself, its policies, services and programmes. It also provides access to information on public schools in NSW, TAFE (technical and further education) colleges, training and industry, adult education as well as to statistical data and reports.
256 - Advice for Living in the Czech Republic: Education
This multilingual website provides information on the education system of the Czech Republic. The respective sections of the text deal with the recognition of certificates and characterize the types of school on each educational level. Numerous links lead to detailed information about the education sector.
257 - Portal der Liechtensteinischen Landesverwaltung: Schulamt
The central education authority of Liechtenstein offers detailed information on the topics: school types, curricula, education authorities, supportive measures, scholarship/ loans, Council of Europe, European Union programmes, quality assurance and development, school statistics, as well as publications, and holidays calendars.
258 - Schulstatistik Liechtenstein
On the website of the education authority of Liechtenstein the school statistics are available for download as full texts.
259 - For all Children to Succeed - A New Network Organisation for Quality Education in Malta
This network shall contribute to the process of the educational reform of Malta. The document, which you can download from this web site, focuses on the creation of new school networks at state primary and secondary education levels, and the restructuring of the Education Division.
260 - An Input-Output Analysis of the Achievement Levels of Secondary Schools in Dominica
Paper by Kay Polydore held at the Dominica Conference 2001 ( University of the West Indies). " This investigation has been undertaken in order to examine the relationship between the inputs and outputs of the secondary schools in Dominica, with a view to identifying factors which are associated with attainment in these schools."
261 - The secondary education support project - reflections on the implementation of a donor-funded project
Paper by John Steward and David Edwards held at the Dominica Conference 2001 (University of the West Indies). "Donor-funded education projects can be of doubtful value unless there is a clear sense of local ownership of the project design and implementation. The Secondary Education Support Project funded by the Department for International Development is reviewed and the [...]
262 - What is bullying?
This website is designed for secondary school teachers and students who require information about bullying. It provides tips how to cope with this problem, as well as myths and facts on the topic.
263 - Skola - Bringing Schools Together
The school net of Malta provides various services for teachers, students and parents. It includes links to web sites concerning primary education and secondary education (e.g. e-learning), and some especially for educators (teachers and parents). Besides, there is an archive of articles with the option to add new ones by filling in a form, an online discussion forum, lists of [...]
264 - Department for Curriculum Management
This website provides information about the Department for Curriculum Management and its various resource centres. It provides access to the Maltese National Minimum Curriculum - a framework establishing parameters within which every school will be empowered to design and propose an educational provision that meets its particular curricular needs - and to the syllabi, [...]
265 - Government of Malta: Education
This site of the homepage of the Maltese government contains links to many pages that include lists of schools, the Exams Department, libraries and how to apply for a scholarship. The General section includes enrolment for evening classes, students' maintenance grants, resources for children and links to related publications.
266 - Federal Agency for Education
Russian Federation
The website of the Federal Agency for Education, an institution subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science, has the character of a portal or gate. The homepage offers access to information on all levels and areas of the education system. The agency is above all responsible for the management of administration and coordination tasks. In order to get an impression [...]
267 - Tibet Education Network (TEN)
China, People's Republic of
This website has been developed in the framework of an educational project as a global resource that fosters and supports the study of Tibet in school and community-based education. It offers links on professional development of teachers, on curriculum and resource development as well as on student programmes and projects up to grade 12.
268 - Belize Schools & Educational Opportunities
A link list of educational institutions in Belize.
269 - The British Schools in the Middle East
Egypt; Bahrain; Jordan; Kuwait; Yemen; Oman; Sudan; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of; Arab States
The BSME is one of the largest associations of British Curriculum schools, which associates more than 50 schools in the Middle East teaching by a British curriculum. It offers annual conferences on current Britsh education policy and school management affairs. The homepages provides a list of member schools and the opportunity to exchange information in the forum.
270 - International Eco-Schools Programme
This website is an information and communication platform for about 11,000 schools participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme (as of 2003/2004). Initiated as a European programme, Eco-Schools have reached now an international dimension. It aims at developing environmentally sustainable schools and the promotion of education for sustainable development. [...]
271 - What is Green Schools?
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Ireland. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an [...]
272 - Il Programma Echo-Schools in Italia
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Italy. Several thousand schools worldwide participate in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education (F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme and receive an award in case of success.
273 - O que é o programa Eco-Escolas?
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Portugal. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting [...]
274 - Ce este Eco-Scoala?
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Romania. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an [...]
275 - Eco-Schools in Africa
South Africa, Republic; Morocco; Tunisia; Uganda; Kenya
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in South Africa. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme [...]
276 - Ministry of education - Government of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
The homepage of the Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka provides timely information on the field of education as well as statistical data on the state school system (governmental schools, students, teachers) for the years 2002 and 2003. Moreover clearly structured full texts are provided on the following topics: 1. Historical overview of education in Sri Lanka, 2. Present [...]
277 - Eco-Écoles en France
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in France.
278 - Ecoescuelas
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Spain. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an [...]
279 - Öko-Schule / The Eco-Schools Programme
United Kingdom
This page provides information on the beginning of the eco-school movement and its programme in Great Britain. Currently more than 40,000 schools in 51 countries are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme founded by the Foundation for Environmental Education (F.E.E.). Members (Eco-Schools) have to complete seven steps of the programme and can get some awards [...]
280 - Japan International Schools (TEPA)
The website is part of the TEPA (The Education Project Asia) project, which maintains a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It shows a map of Japan with access to schools by region. Alternatively, the school sites can be selected from a list of text links. Further links on the site lead to general information on Japan.
281 - Laos International Schools (TEPA)
The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web directory of international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a map of Laos with links of international schools, alternatively their sites can be accessed via a list of text links. Further links lead to general information sources on the country.
282 - Malaysia International Schools (TEPA)
The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web directory of international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a geographical map of Malaysia with links to international schools, which can be alternatively accessed by a text list of links. More links lead to general information on Malaysia.
283 - Philippines International Schools (TEPA)
The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which maintains a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It allows for an access to international schools by a geographical map or a text link list. Further links provide general information on the Philippines.
284 - Singapore International Schools (TEPA)
The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It offers access to schools via a geographical map or an alternative text link. Moreover, it provides links to general information on Singapore.
285 - South Korea International Schools (TEPA)
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The website is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which maintains a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It offers access to schools via a geographical map or an alternative text link. Moreover, it provides links to general information on South Korea.
286 - Brunei International Schools (TEPA)
Brunei Darussalam
The site is part of the TEPA project on international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a map of Brunei with the option of searching schools by location, it is also possible to view a text link list of these schools. Additionally, the site provides link lists organised by topics such as geographics, government, and economic situation of Brunei. Further ressources related to [...]
287 - Cambodia International Schools (TEPA)
The web site belongs to the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) that provides a web directory of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It shows a map of Cambodia with the option to search schools by their location, it also provides a text link access to the schools and links to general information on the country ( geography, politics, business).
288 - China International Schools (TEPA)
China, People's Republic of
The site is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) that operates a web directory of international schools in Southeast Asia. It shows a map of the country with links to schools, which can be alternatively accessed by a text list. Moreover, links to general information on China are available,
289 - Hong Kong International Schools (TEPA)
Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The site belongs to the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) which provides a web catalogue of international schools in the Southeast Asian region. It shows a map of Hong Kong where international schools can be located and their links can be activated - alternatively, they are accessible via a text list. Moreovere, it lists other Hong Kong related sources on the web.
290 - Burma/Myanmar International Schools (TEPA)
The site shows a map of Myanmar with the option to select schools by location, it is part of the TEPA project (The Education Project Asia) on international schools in Southeast Asia. Additionally, it is possible to view link lists on geographical, political and business information on Myanmar.
291 - Education Statistics
international; Asia; South-East Asia
This web site lists a number of links to sources dealing with statistical information on education in the internet. Apart from listing the links, it provides abstracts summarising their topical issues. Most of the sources in the collection refer to education statistics on schools in the United States and the United Kingdom. Further information is available for the South Asian [...]
292 - Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
United States of America (USA)
This is the website of the Education Development Center, Inc., with its Headquarters in Boston, USA. The EDC is an international, non-profit organization with more than 335 projects dedicated to improving schools, enhancing learning, building communities, promoting health, and fostering a deeper understanding of the world.
293 - At a glance: Ecuador
"At a glance: Ecuador" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
294 - At a glance: Eritrea
"At a glance: Eritrea" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
295 - At a glance: India
"At a glance: India" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
296 - At a glance: Iran
"At a glance: Iran" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
297 - At a glance: Jamaica
"At a glance: Jamaica" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
298 - At a glance: Kuwait
"At a glance: Kuwait" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
299 - At a glance: Ghana
"At a glance: Ghana" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
300 - At a glance: Kenya
"At a glance: Kenya" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
301 - At a glance: Guatemala
"At a glance: Guatemala" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
302 - At a glance: Australia
"At a glance: Australia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data on primary school attendance , adult literacy and topics other [...]
303 - At a glance: Argentina
"At a glance: Argentina" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
304 - At a glance: Brazil
"At a glance: Brazil" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
305 - At a glance: Bolivia
"At a glance: Bolivia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
306 - At a glance: Colombia
"At a glance: Colombia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
307 - At a glance: Chile
"At a glance: Chile" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
308 - At a glance: Armenia
"At a glance: Armenia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
309 - At a glance: Azerbaijan
"At a glance: Azerbaijan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
310 - UNICEF Country profiles: Belarus
The UNICEF country profiles provide a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
311 - At a glance: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina
"At a glance: Bosnia and Herzegovina" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance [...]
312 - At a glance: Bulgaria
"At a glance: Bulgaria" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
313 - At a glance: Croatia
"At a glance: Croatia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
314 - At a glance: Cape Verde
Cape Verde
"At a glance: Cape Verde" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
315 - At a glance: Georgia
"At a glance: Georgia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
316 - At a glance: Cuba
"At a glance: Cuba" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
317 - At a glance: Kazakhstan
"At a glance: Kazakhstan " provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
318 - At a glance: Democratic Republic of Korea
Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea)
"At a glance: Democratic Republic of Korea" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund ( UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school [...]
319 - At a glance: Kyrgyzstan
"At a glance: Kyrgyzstan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
320 - At a glance: Latvia
"At a glance: Latvia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult literacy.
321 - At a glance: Lithuania
"At a glance: Lithuania" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
322 - At a glance: Moldova
Moldova, Republic of
"At a glance: Moldova" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
323 - At a glance: Mongolia
"At a glance: Mongolia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
324 - At a glance: Djibouti
"At a glance: Djibouti" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
325 - At a glance: Romania
"At a glance: Romania" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
326 - At a glance: Russian Federation
Russian Federation
"At a glance: Russian Federation" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and [...]
327 - At a glance: Serbia
"At a glance: Serbia and Montenegro" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and [...]
328 - At a glance: Mozambique
"At a glance: Mozambique" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
329 - At a glance: Tajikistan
"At a glance: Tajikistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
330 - At a glance: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
North Macedonia
"At a glance: Macedonia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
331 - At a glance: Turkmenistan
"At a glance: Turkmenistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
332 - At a glance: Ukraine
"At a glance: Ukraine" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
333 - At a glance: Uzbekistan
"At a glance: Uzbekistan" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
334 - At a glance: Ethiopia
"At a glance: Ethiopia" provides a summary of social issues in this country, including health and education. According to the mission of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - as the leading advocate for children's rights - an analysis of the current situation of young children is given. Statistical data refer among others to primary school attendance and adult [...]
335 - Unicef Data by Country: Albania
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) provides statistical data related to children and youth in the respective countries. The statistical data refer to education, early childhood, child health or child protection, among others.
336 - Schulwesen in der Tschechischen Republik
This website offers information on the daily school routine in the Czech Republic and provides numerous links with relevance to education. The text includes critical issues of teaching and the current situation of teachers. It serves all those, who are interested in the exchange of students.
337 - Gesamtschule in Frankreich
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of France. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
338 - Gesamtschule in Dänemark
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Denmark. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
339 - Gesamtschule in Spanien
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Spain. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
340 - Schulpolitik in Österreich
This full text provides information on school political developments in Austria after 1926 and the structure of the national school system. A historical time table (1947-1988) offers an overview on school political decisions. Furthermore, the text presents the structure of the national education of Austria.
341 - Gesamtschule in Norwegen
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Norway. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
342 - Gesamtschule in England
England; United Kingdom
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of England. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
343 - Österreichisches Schulportal
This school portal is the result of cooperation between "Education Highway" and Ministry of Education. Various links are offered referring to the categories Information, Communication, Co-operation and Service. Particularly for teachers an Intranet is being offered. Users have to register for access.
344 - Portal Educativo Nacional de Venezuela
The respective homepage offers three focal points: resources, planning and educational policy. Information offers include the National Basic Curriculum, the World of Children and the Liceo Bolivariano. This website has been developed in cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
345 - Königliches Nationalinstitut für Blinde Menschen: Bildung und Lernen / Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB): Education and Learning
United Kingdom
The RNIB is the national state organisation for the blind. The web site "Education and Learning" states its objectives concerning the support of vision impaired people in education at home, school, and in the community and increasing the number of students in higher education. It provides information for special interest groups (teachers, students, pupils and parents). [...]
346 - India Literacy Project (ILP)
ILP is a non-profit organisation founded by Indians resident in the USA. It takes a holistic approach towards education by promoting basic reading skills, offering vocational training, teacher training courses, and securing school buildings. The organisation works with volunteers, it depends on donations from private persons and companies and cooperates with UNICEF. The home [...]
347 - Central Tibetan Schools Administration
The umbrella organisation unites the Tibetan exile schools located in India. Its objective is to co-ordinate school activities concerning the development of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher training. The home page further lists information on financial aid to students and quality assessment. It contains links to schools, curriculum information, and management
348 - Education
Besides information on environment and history there are also some links to schools and higher education institutions in Belize.
349 - Plenty Belize: Projects in Belize
Plenty Belize is an organisation that assists the (indigenous) people of the district of Toledo in their social and economic development. One of the projects is a school feeding programme for primary school children.
350 - About Belize: Education
With this short text the government of Belize informs about school education, higher education and vocational training in Belize.
351 - List of Barbados school Websites
Short list of school websites in Barbados.
352 - Tanzania Education Website (TanEdu)
This website aims to raise the quality of education in Tanzania by means of modern technology. It was developed in 2002 as a project in co- operation between Tanzania Education and the Information Services Trust. Various links and a search engine offer information amongst other things about national educational policy and educational projects. The offer is supplemented by [...]
353 - Auyantepui
This link list provides annotated link lists in alphabetic order in the following fields: research centres, institutes, academies, organisations, pre schools, primary and secondary schools (Colegios), universities, information resources, projects, congresses and other activities in the area of education in Venezuela.
354 - Tokyo with Kids Forums: Education in Japan.
This site provides a discussion forum for English speaking parents residing in Japan. They can register a profile and communicate with other parents on relevant topics such as childcare, education and school in an intercultural environment.It is possible to search speecific topics by key word,
355 - Belarus - Education, Universities and Schools
This comprehensive link collection is subdivided according to the following categories: Education and training; Universities and higher education institutions; Colleges, schools, lyceums; Child and youth upbringing, students associations. A considerable part of these links refers to the capital of Minsk and to the region of Vitebsk.
Institute for the Promotion of a Quality Education
The objective of the Institute for the Promotion of a Quality Education (EDUCA) is to improve the quality of education in public schools and to support the innovation of teacher education and further education of teachers. The homepage leads to information about these programs and the implementation of these projects.
357 - Educared Perú
This website addresses all persons working as educators, students and parents. The information given is arranged according to the target group. An important thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides information texts on aspects of education in Peru and abroad, texts for teachers, resources, link lists concerning educational software, [...]
Yachay - Peruvian Scientific Network
The portal of the Peruvian scientific net Red Científica Peruana provides a comprehensive link list of Peruvian and Latin American internet content. One of these links at the homepage refers to "educación" and offers a link list of schools (Colegios), universities, academies and institutes of further education, arranged according to the provinces in Peru. Links to libraries, [...]
359 - JGuide. Stanford Guide to Japan Information Resources. Education and Academia.
"The JGuide: Stanford Guide to Japan Information Resources is a topically arranged directory of online information resources in and about Japan, with focus on resources about Japan in the English language. The JGuide is an ongoing project of the US-Asia Technology Management Center (USATMC), School of Engineering, Stanford University. The J Guide project was initiated with [...]
360 - Bund Türkisch-Deutscher Unternehmer: Bildung und Ausbildung
This website of the Union of Turkish-German businesspeople offers full texts dealing with the situation of Turkish migrants in professional education and business in Germany.
361 - Les délégués académiques aux relations européennes et internationales (DAREIC)
France; international
Each French "scientific region" (académie) has an international representative (DAREIC) which co-ordinates school exchange, international activities of schools, programmes for teachers' linguistic improvement and respective pedagogical assistance to schools. The homepage provides addresses of all DAREICs. The "académies" are an administrative structure of the French [...]
362 - Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"The Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment ( CCEA) was established on 1 April 1994 and is a non-departmental public body reporting to the Department of Education in Northern Ireland." Its tasks comprise: advising government on what should be taught in Northern Ireland's schools and colleges, monitoring standards and awarding qualifications.
363 - Education System in Iran
Full text of the Iranian embassy in Norway describing school and higher education in Iran.
364 - Kindergarten und Schule in Südtirol
This website provides information on the German speaking education system in South Tyrolia as follows: 1. School administration, educational research and teacher education and further education of teachers (Schulamt, Pädagogisches Institut), 2. educational institutions as Kindergartens, schools and schools of vocational education and training, 3.teacher associations and [...]
365 - Ministry of Education
The web site provides an overview of mission, policy and organizational structure of the Ministry and adjunct administrative bodies. Additional pages cover educational institutions in school, higher, vocational and adult education, loans applications, testing and evaluation, curriculum and learning resources.
366 - Istituto nazionale per la valutazione del sistema educativo di istruzione e di formazione (INVALSI)
The National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) is the successor of the former CEDE (Centro Europeo dell´ Educazione) and has been established in 1999. Its considerably increased tasks as an "agency supporting the autonomy of schools" are as follows: 1. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system as a whole and in detail - [...]
367 - Character Education and Civic Engagement Technical Assistance Centre
United States of America (USA)
This center will provide support and information for and about schools involved in character education and civic engagement. Through the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 students should leave school armed with the skills they need to compete in a global society. CETAC offers a variety of online resources to help educators learn more about selecting, implementing, and [...]
368 - SchoolNet Global. My life, my family, my world.
The homepage of this website tells us: "Half a million children around the world tell us about their lives, families and communities making this the world's biggest children's contributory website, promoting intercultural understanding and language learning." Contributing pupils come from 34 countries, more than 54,000 published pages are included. The manifold topics and [...]
369 - Consejería de Educación y Juventud de Cantabria
The web site of the "Education Ministry" of the province of Cantabria is divided into three parts: "Educación" provides general information about the school, higher and professional education sectors of the Cantabrian educational system; "Juventud" offers information for young people, e.g. a contest of youth fashion and the part of the Consejo Escolar describes the tasks and [...]
370 - Ley orgánica de Ordenación General del Sistema Educativo (LOGSE)
This web site contains the text of the most important Spanish education reform law of the 1990s.
Education and Training
This link list provides annotated links in the following fields: research centres, institutes, some special schools (Colegios), universities and information resources for various areas of knowledge.
372 - Centre for Environment Education
The Centre for Environment Education (CEE) is a national institute involved in developing programmes and material to create awareness about the environment. Established in 1984, the Centre is supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India and associated with Nehru Foundation for Development. CEE's primary objective is to improve public awareness [...]
In the categorie "Educación", this homepage offers a list of educational institutions. Links lead to the websites of the respective institutions.
374 - bildung + gesundheit
The web site provides an easy access to Swiss centres of competence which are working in the field of health promotion in the schools. Information and materials concerning different health subjects are to be found here.
375 - Ukrainischer Schulserver (Intercl@sa-Netzwerk)
The portal of the Ukrainean School Server, developed in network co-operation with Polisch specialists, focuses above all on the European integration, the national school system, the application of new technologies, the provision of learning and teaching materials and offers information about opportunities for continuing education. On the homepage various links and a search [...]
376 - School of the Air Alice Springs
The Alice Springs School of the Air provides an educational service for about 140 children living on properties or settlements covering over 1 million square kilometers of Central Australia. The school's website offers information on the following issues: History of the SOA, function of the School, visitors centre, communications, satellite technology. It also provides links [...]
377 - Schools of the Air in Australia
Schools of the Air provide educational services to families in remote areas in Australia. This is a list of other Schools of the Air within Australia. The majority of them has Internet access. The SOA in Alice Springs is being considered here as a special case based on its outstanding and innovative role in Central Australia. In order to see where the Schools are located the [...]
378 - The Australasian Association of Distance Education Schools (AADES)
Australia; New Zealand
AADES represents school level distance education throughout Australia and New Zealand. This website provides information about the efforts of the Association to work as a professional advocate for the views and needs of school sector distance education at a state and national level. Besides, it reflects the activities of AADES to promote the innovative high quality practices [...]
379 - Education in Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago
A link list of schools and higher education institutions in Trinidad and Tobago.
380 - Barbados Education and Educational Facilities
The web site provides short texts, addresses and links to educational institutions of Barbados.
381 - Ministry of Education and Development
Bermuda; United Kingdom
The web site provides directories of the Ministry's personnel and of other educational persons, a school directory, a school calendar für the current year and announcements of the Ministry.
382 - Direction de l'Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
The Education Department of Monaco is a part of the Home Office. The hompage provides access to information texts about the tasks of the department (via button "informations générales"), about public and private schools ("les établissements"), about youth and youth policy ("la jeunesse") and about physical education and sports.
383 - Higher Education in Malta
This brief country profile of Malta is offered by EuroEducation Net to provide useful information and assist students in choosing academic courses in one of the educational institutions of this country. The information is structured as follows: education system; admission to higher education and recognition of foreign credentials; student life; international cooperation and [...]
384 - Schools in Malta
This web site provides lists of addresses and internet-addresses of schools and tertiary education institutions in Malta.
385 - Department of Examinations. Sri Lanka National Evaluation and Testing Service
Sri Lanka
The objective of this institution is to provide guidance towards excellence in educational achievement and certification activities using evaluation instrument and methodologies ensuring reliability and validity to suit national needs. Information about services and some test results are available on the homepage.
386 - Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The institute is a government-funded educational research institution. The research carried out by KICE covers not only national curriculum and educational evaluation, but also improvement of teaching and learning techniques, development and authorization of textbooks and implementation of national-level educational testing. The web site provides more detailed information [...]
387 - National Library and Information System Authority: Education
Trinidad and Tobago
The web site contains links to several educational institutions and ministries in Trinidad and Tobago. The navigation bar at the left of the page enables access to the web site of the National Library.
388 - Ministerio de Educación, Portal Educativo "EDURED"
El Salvador
This educational portal provides access to the following information: General information (List of schools searchable via a database; teacher education; resources about moral and civic education and law education; programs and projects (stimulation of reading, English instruction in the primary sector, educational standards, distance education; information about curricula. A [...]
389 - Starting points for education in and about Africa
This page is provided by the Africa Policy Information Centre. It contains starting points for sites and documents relevant to education in and about Africa, including selected sites relevant to general and university-level education, K-12 educational resources, and recommended meta-sites with even more links.
390 - A brief tour through the education system reform in the Republic of Serbia
This comprehensive full text of about 60 pages in pdf-format provides detailed information on the ongoing educational reform process, led by the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, covering the period from January 2001 to June 2003 and beyond. In the document, compiled by Gordana Miljevic, for all levels and areas of the education system guidelines for [...]
391 - the Largest Directory on Yemeni Sites on the Internet
This national portal offers a variety of categorized links and a search facility with access to significant information on education and Yemeni society. Users are recommended to approach the category "Yemeni Universities & Schools" first.
392 - Polski Portal Edukacyjny / Polnischer Bildungsserver
The portal of the Polish Education Server focuses above all on the European integration, the national school system, the application of new technologies, the provision of learning and teaching materials and offers information about opportunities for continuing education. On the homepage various links and a search facility are available.
393 - Educational Statistics
This address provides statistical tables about number of schools, students and teachers, pupil-teacher ratio and graduates in secondary education.
394 - Les statistiques du ministère de l`éducation nationale et de l'enseignement supérieur
This web site provides access to statistical tables concerning a) numbers of students and pupils at all levels, b) numbers of teachers at all levels and c) budget and financing of education.
395 - Curriculum Development Center. Pusat perkembangan kurikulum (PKK)
The texts in English on this homepage {these texts seem to have disappeared from the site?!] provide information about organization, personnel and function ("role") of the Centre, a plan for improving English proficiency among students in Malaysian schools ( GEP) and a link list of international URLs concerning curriculum and syllabus ( see "lesson plan") - the curriculum [...]
396 - Education statistics of the Republic of Maldives
This web site provides statistical data (starting from 2001) on student enrollment, number of schools and teachers. The main part consists of statistics on student enrollment by grade and gender in the capital Male' and the 19 atolls of the Republic of Maldives.
397 - Education statistics
Saint Lucia
By clicking on a map of the island one can get data about schools, teachers and students in the 8 districts of the country.
398 - Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development, Youth and Sports
Saint Lucia
Beside the self-description of the Ministry (organizational structure) the web site provides information about the school field (school system, examinations, admission and transfer, curriculum, teacher information) and human resource development (training opportunities, career guidance); additionally there are: statistical data, scholarship information, policy documents, i.e. [...]
399 - Censo Matricular
El Salvador
This web site provides statistical tables with numbers and location of schools and pupils from 2005 until 2008 which are additionally subdivided in regions and sexes.
Survey System for the Quality of Education
SIMCE is the instrument for quality evaluation of all schools in Chile, based on annual examinations of students between the fourth to eight level of basic education and the second of middle schools. The web site provides the results since 1998, a description of the exams and examples of the questions.
401 - Education statistics digest online
This URL provides access to the yearly statistics of the Education Ministry of Singapore as pdf-files. The reports cover primarily as well as secondary education and universities. They show the number of institutions as well as the number of studentes. Finally they provide an overview about the state expenditures on education.
402 - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The website of the ministry offers a detailed description of the education system in South Korea, gives information about education policy and educational programmes in the school and higher education sectors and provides education statistics and statistics on science and technology.
403 - The National Advisory Centre on Early Language Learning (NACELL)
United Kingdom
"Nacell is a Department for Education and Skills Initiative to promote and develop the provision and quality of Modern Foreign Language learning in the Primary sector." The website comprises information on school projects, materials, professional development and a good practice guide.
404 - GO-teaching
United Kingdom
"GO-teaching is a collaborative LEA service to provide supply teachers to schools. We also help schools to find teachers for permanent positions. The service is strongest in the South West of England, from Oxford to Cornwall, and is extending across other parts of the country."
405 - Centro Nacional de Información y Comunicación Educativa (CNICE)
This website provides links covering the core tasks of the Centre: a search engine for websites of Spanish schools ( searchable via a map) , a list of curricular materials which are certified each year by the Ministry, the online Journal "Red Digital" covering the theme "information and communication technology in education", the international co-operation of Spain in this [...]
406 - Schoolzone
United Kingdom
"Schoolzone was set up by a group of enthusiastic teachers and parents in Oxford in 1997. We could see the need for safe, differentiated Internet material which teachers, students and parents can access easily. So we devised Schoolzone and, with the help of over 400 UK teachers created the site as you now see it." Schoolzone lists a vast number of educational materials [...]
407 - Educaguia. Portal de recursos educativos.
The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]
408 - Institut Coopératif de l'Ecole Moderne - Pédagogie Freinet (ICEM)
The institute calls itself an educational movement which is engaged in research about and diffusion of Freinet-pedagogy. The website provides information about Freinet-pedagogy, regional working groups, the actions which were carried out and publications.
409 - Ideologie und schulischer Werdegang in Kasachstan
This report has a historical dimension. It informs about the organization of education and ideological indoctrination from kindergarten to primary school in the former Soviet Republic Kazakhstan. In a critical manner strengths and weaknesses of the school system of that time are shown.
410 - Erfahrungen nach Schulwechsel (Kasachstan/Deutschland) einer Russlanddeutschen
This is a critical report written by Irina Maslova who grew up in the former Soviet Republic Kazakhstan and came in 1996 with her parents to Germany. This full text offers an intercultural comparison with regard to school and teaching and examines some personal problems of integration.
411 - Geschichte einer Spezialschule mit Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Turkmenistan
This full text reports about the development of this spezialized school, which is financially supported by institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is the history of a boarding school for gifted Turkmenian children from this region. The school offers German as the first foreign language. The text includes photos and statistical data.
412 - Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (APFSLT)
China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong
The Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (APFSLT) is a refereed online periodical (ISSN 1609-4913) dedicated to the effectiveness and interest of learning and teaching science subjects in schools. It was launched by the Science Department of Hong Kong Institute of Education in 2000. This Forum invites contributions in form of hypertext/hypermedia articles for [...]
413 - La scolarisation des élèves en situation de handicap
Since the French law for equality of opportunities and rights (2005), the Promotion of school integration of disabled children increased. The website presents various texts, statements and political declarations concerning this issue, the texts of legal prescriptions, reports and dossiers, references to publications and multimedia resources and a link list.
414 - International Education and Resource Network (iEARN)
iEARN is a non-profit global network that enables young people to use the Internet and other new technologies to engage in collaborative educational projects that both improve learning and personality development. More than 15.000 schools in 100 countries are currently using the communication platform to work together in various projects. The financial and programmatic support [...]
415 - Schools in Armenia
These links to the websites of Armenian schools are arranged according to educational institutions in the capital and those in the region Yerevan as a whole. There are efforts to present most of the information also in English.
416 - ILZ - Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale
Switzerland; Liechtenstein
The Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (centre for teaching materials of the Swiss cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein) develops teaching and learning aids and provides the basic supply of teaching material for schools in the German-speaking and multilingual cantons and Liechtenstein. The products are conform to the new curricula and developed in close cooperation [...]
417 - Eidgenössische Maturitätsprüfung
Those wiching to enrol at a Swiss university must produce a strate- recognized Swiss matriculation certificate ( "Maturity") or a foreign school leaving certificate of equivalent value. All Swiss universities-level institutions are autonomous in the recognition of foreign secondary school-leaving certificates, yet they apply the same, coordinated criteria. At present, about [...]
418 - Comenius State Library of Education
The Comenius State Library of Education is a scientific public library focusing on education and schooling. It provides services to scientists and professionals working in the education system, to university teachers and students studying at faculties of education or social-science faculties. The SPKK established in 1919 offers on its website access to several databases, [...]
419 - Commission for Racial Equality (CRE): Education
United Kingdom
"The section on education gives details of Learning for all, the CRE's standards for racial equality in schools, provides codes of practice for education in England and Wales, and in Scotland, and summarises a report on OFSTED: Inspecting schools for racial equality."
420 - Inspection Services (Departement of Education Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"The Education and Training Inspectorate in promoting the highest possible standards of learning and teaching by: monitoring, inspecting and reporting on the standard of education and training provided by schools, colleges and other grant-aided organisations; and providing relevant advice to the Department of Education, the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure and the [...]
421 - The Catholic Education Service (CES)
United Kingdom; England; Wales
CES is promoting and supporting Catholic education in England and Wales. It represents the interests of Catholic schools and colleges of further and higher education and cooperates with church institutions.
422 - Windows on the World
United Kingdom; international
"Windows on the World is a free, easy to use database for schools and colleges that wish to develop links with other institutions worldwide". The site is provided by the British Council and contains also information about funding opportunities for UK schools and colleges to support international partnerships.
423 - Estyn: Her Majesty's Inspectorate For Education and Training in Wales
Wales; United Kingdom
Estyn's aim is "to raise standards and quality of education and training in Wales through inspection and advice, in support of the vision and strategic direction set out by the Welsh Assembly Government." Inspection reports are available as pdf-files.
424 - Networked Learning Communities
United Kingdom; England
Networked Learning Communities is a pioneering programme launched in 2002 and designed to capitalise upon and celebrate the diversity which exists within the education system. By working in interdependent and mutually supportive ways, groups of schools have formed learning networks and are using diversity within and across schools as a positive force for knowledge-sharing and [...]
425 - Búsqueda de centros escolares
This website allows to search a distinct school in Spain, either geographically via a map or according to levels or curriculum subjects.
426 - Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas. Red Nacional de Apoyo al Estudiante (JUNAEB)
The objective of this organization is to accomplish equality of educational opportunities for all school children through various programmes - not only educational programs, but also nutritional programs and programs for health promotion. JUNAEB is a comprehensive network and is present in over 9.000 schools. The homepage leads to information about these programs and their [...]
427 - National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
Like the University Grants Commission (UGC), NCERT works under the Ministry of Human Resource Development as a coordinative organ in educational training and research. It develops standards, instructional materials and textbooks. The latter is available online as fulltext. It also provides information about programmes and publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
428 - School Information Service
This URL provides a list of links and addresses of schools in Singapore (directly searchable by names or by regions) - schools with gifted education programmes are registered separately. Furthermore, schools can be selected according to certain criteria.
429 - Greek School Network (GSN)
The GSN will service all the units of the Primary and Secondary Education and the Administrative Offices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Information on the project to establish this network environment for pupils, teachers, education administratives and parents (including a Power Point presentation).
430 -
TeachNet Ireland - an initiative of St. Patrick's College Drumcondra- funds innovative Irish teachers throughout Ireland to publish curriculum units that demonstrate the integration of ICT into classroom teaching in a meaningful and practical way. Acces to the TeachNet projects, information on types of grants, practical information on integrating ICT in to classroom.
431 - Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Australia; New Zealand
SCIS is a national cataloguing service for Australian, New Zealand and international schools. It is a cooperative venture of all State Government education systems. The SCIS database contains various catalogue records of educational material including books, audio-visual materials, computer programmes and websites.
432 - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
The VCAA sets the guidelines for what students learn in Victorian schools up to year 12 (replacing the former Board of Studies since March 2001). It is also the VCAA' s job to oversee how learning is assessed. The VCAA services both government and non-government schools and is directly responsible to Victoria's Minister for Education and Training. The website offers [...]
433 - Queensland Studies Authority
The Authority -established in 2002- exercises portfolio-wide responsibilities for the development, review and approval of pre-school guidelines and syllabuses for years 1-12, as well as the development of professional resources for teachers to support the implementation of relevant guidelines and syllabuses. The website offers comprehensive information on the QSA as well as [...]
434 - Student Xpress
Student Xpress is a free paper for secondary school pupils. Much of the content of the paper is written by students. Free access to articles online and former volumes .
435 - Tasmanian Qualifications Authority (TQA)
The Tasmanian Qualifications Authority (TQA) handles matters associated with the certification of Tasmanian trainees and students. It accredits courses, determines assessment and provides certification for the Tasmanian Certificate of Education for all Year 11-12 students in Tasmania. The website provides information on the TQA, its responsibilities and services, on [...]
436 - Northern Territory Board of Studies
The Northern Territory (NT) Board of Studies develops and provides curricula, assessment, reporting and certification to all students in the Northern Territory. The website describes the NT Board of Studies. It is part of the webpages of the NT Department of Employment, Education and Training ( DEET), which provide information on all aspects of education in the NT.
437 - The Education Review Office (ERO)
New Zealand
ERO is the government department which reports publicly on the quality of education in all New Zealand schools and early childhood services, including private schools, kura kaupapa Mäori (Mäori language immersion schools), special schools and ngä köhanga reo (Mäori language early childhood groups). A broad range of online ressources free of charge (handbooks with legal [...]
438 - Schools Audit Commission
United Kingdom
This site of the Audit Commission offers comparative and self- evaluation tools for schools and Local Education Authorities (LEA) on school finances, conrolling school finances and managing school resources.
439 - Trocaire
The aim of the website is to enable teachers, students (and parents) of Civic, Social and Political Education with the aim to develop active participatory citizens. Information on human rights and global issues and presentation of action projects.
440 - Belarus: Education, Universities and Schools
This link list is structured as follows: 1) Education and training, 2) universities and higher education institutions, 3) colleges, schools and lyceums, 4) child and youth upbringing, students associations.
441 - Leaving Certificate Applied Support Service
The aim of this website is to provide information about: the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme in general; latest developments in the programme; current issues for teachers / tutors and schools /centres; forthcoming activities that might be of interest to teachers. The LCA is a distinct, self-contained two-year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working [...]
442 - Ask about Ireland (Environmental Information/ENFO)
ENFO is a public service which provides easy access to wide-ranging and authoritative information on the environment, incl. sustainable development. It was established in 1990 by the Department of the Environment and Local Government. Library database and special information for schools and teachers. Online publications on single environmental issues.
443 - Poland on the Internet: Science and education
This website provides links to the following areas: institutions from various scientific domains, secondary schools, vocational schools, higher education institutions and technical universities, scientific institutes and libraries.
444 - Gaelscoileanna - Irish Medium Education
GAELSCOILEANNA is a voluntary national organisation, established in 1973 as Coiste Náisiúnta na Scoileanna LánGhaeilge (the National Committee of Irish-medium Schools). GAELSCOILEANNA acts as an intermediary between Irish-medium schools and the Department of Education and meets regularly with it to discuss matters relating to Irish medium education and teacher education. [...]
445 - Models of delivery of vocational education and training in schools in rural and remote areas: Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia
This handbook (pdf-file, 42 pages) is a collection of information and case studies about effective strategies for the delivery of vocational education in Australia. It presents a set of guidelines for creating and maintaining a vocational education program. It relates the experiences of teachers, and practitioners who have developed school to work pathways for students in [...]
Escuela Nueva. Foundation Volvamos a la Gente
Latin America; Colombia; Guatemala
The foundation Escuela Nueva is an innovation in the area of basic primary education, especially in rural communities, focusing on community education, co-operative, active and participatory education, a strong connection to the community and a flexible transition of pupils to higher levels. The website provides information about the objectives of the organization and their [...]
447 - Euro - Denmark
Information on the structure of the Danish education system with focus on school and higher education.
448 - Development of methods for self-evaluation in the Danish school sector 2003
Paper presented at ICSEI (International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement) Australia 2003 (ppt) on the methods of self-evaluation at the Danish Folkeskole.
449 - The Computer Education Society for Ireland (CESI)
CESI has as its general aim the promotion of information technology in education. Information on CESI and the government efforts to implement IT in education (links to reports). Information on schools and IT and European IT partner projects. Links to directory of school websites, related educational sites and centres. Archive with research reports.
450 - School Development Planning Initiative (SDPI)
SDPI was established in 1999 to stimulate and strengthen a culture of collaborative development planning in schools, with a view to promoting school improvement and effectiveness. Introduction of services and broad range of guideline materials for schools on school planning (to download). Link list of school planning and educational websites.
451 - School Development Planning Support Primary (SDPS)
SDPS was launched in May of 1999 as part of the National Development Plan 2001-2006, to promote the practice of planning in Primary schools. The service aimed at supporting collaborative planning as a means of promoting school effectiveness and renewal and to avoid early school leaving. The site contains information areas for teachers, parents and boards, links to educational [...]
452 - National Education Welfare Board (NEWB)
The primary function of NEWB, established in 2002, is to ensure that each child in Ireland attends a recognised school or otherwise receives an appropriate education and welfare-focussed services. The website informs on the project development. Link to the Education Welfare Act 2000, and to a news archive.
453 - Youthreach - Ireland's education and training programme for early school leavers
Youthreach is part of a national programme of second-chance education and training in Ireland. Information on the centres, networks, co-ordinators. A virtual library with access to legal matters, reports and relevant documents. Broad range of links to relevant partners national and international. Supported by the Irish Ministry of Education and Science.
454 - Statement of Strategy 2001 - 2004: National Educational Psychological Service Agency
In response to the demand for a psychological service to all schools, the NEP (National Educational Psychological Service) was established September 1999. This strategy statement (PDF-file, 33 pages) outlines NEP's aims and activities for children.
455 - Skolatorg - The School Forum
Skolatorg is a developmental project which began early in 1999 and is aimed at facilitating communication and the information flow between families and compulsory schools (teachers and pupils) by using a specially designed web solution for the school community. Main information in Icelandic only.
456 - Irish Science Teacher's Association
Information on council and branches of the association. Linklist to science associations, events and programmes. Access to the ' Primary Science Newsletter'.
457 - Educational Research Centre - St. Patrick's College
Ireland; international
The Centre works at all levels of the education system, from pre-school to third level. Main tasks are national asessments of educational achievements (PISA), evaluations, analysis of education in Ireland and development of assessment instruments. The Centre publishes the Irish Journal of Education (with full texts until 2010)and some reporst and studies of tests and [...]
458 - National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment was established as a statutory body in July 2001. It has to advise the Minister of Education and Science in matters relating to the curriculum for early childhood education, primary and post-primary schools, and the assessment procedures employed in schools and examinations on subjects that are part of the curriculum. [...]
459 - Educational Assessment Research Unit (EARU)
New Zealand
The Educational Assessment Research Unit (at the University Otago) is contracted by the NZ Ministry of Education to run the "National Education Monitoring Project" (NEMP) and to manage research studies which involve deeper analyses of national research data. Link to the project and information on staff involved.
460 - In2Edu
New Zealand
Free downloadable educational links database with themes and lessons related to the NZ curriculum.
461 - Euro Changeover Board of Ireland - Schools page
Information, curriculum guidelines, worksheet and games on the ' EURO' for schools.
462 - Environmental Education Directory New Zealand
New Zealand
This National Directory of Environmental Education Resources is an outcome of several years of strategic planning for the sustainable management of our environment. Numerous organisations and individuals have produced materials.
463 - Guiding Principles for Business and School Partnerships
United States of America (USA)
Information on partnerships and their value to strengthen quality in education at public schools, published by the Council for Corporate and School Partnership, and have an positive impact on business in the regions. PDF- file, 36 pages.
464 - National Education Monitoring Project New Zealand
New Zealand
The National Education Monitoring Project (NEMP at the University Otago) is contracted by the NZ Ministry of Education to give a broad picture of the achievements of representative samples of New Zealand school students at successive points in time. Purpose of NEMP is to get a broad picture of the achievements of representative samples of New Zealand school students at [...]
465 - Schulen in der Schweiz
This page contains an extensive overview of schools in Switzerland from early childhood education to higher education. The database can be search by the categories school type, subjects and location (cantons).
466 - The College Board
United States of America (USA)
The College Board is a national nonprofit membership association whose mission is to prepare, inspire, and connect students to college and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 4,200 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations.
National Education System of Argentina
The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]
468 - Sistema educativo nacional de Chile
The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]
National Education System of Panama
The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]
National Education System of Honduras
The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]
471 - Self-evaluation in Practice
PowerPoint presentation of the Danish Evaluation Institute EVA on self- evaluation in Danish schools
472 - Indonesia Education
Link list in alphabetical order to Indonesian colleges and universities and a small link list to Indonesian schools on upper secondary level.
473 - The Norwegian Environmental Education Network
The aim of the network is to offer teachers (researchers and the public) a curricular aid that may facilitate the teaching of environmental science, and the realization of practical lessons. It was established in the mid-1990s, when a new core curriculum was formulated where interdisciplinary environmental education received a more central role. There are 805 Norwegian and 83 [...]
474 - Sarepta - Using Space in Education
Sarepta is a special service provided for schools by the Norwegian Space Centre. On the website factual articles, examples and suggestions for teaching and learning activities, and a huge archive of actual satellite images. Access to a link library and information on projects.
475 - Search for Schools, Colleges and Libraries
United States of America (USA)
Search can be carried out by name, city, state, zip-code for public and private schools, colleges and public libraries. Over a link to the school general information is available (school type, adress, teacher/ student, enrollments...). Additional information via further links.
476 - Ed-Data: Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California's K-12 Schools
United States of America (USA)
Fiscal, demographic and performance data on California's K-12 schools. Reports at the state, county, district and school level. Discussions and explanations of California school issues and policies. Link list to data and research on K-12 schools, full texts to download and a database for K-12 schools are offered. The information is updated annually after the California [...]
477 - Subject Association Representative Group (SARG)
SARG is representing subject and teacher associations of Ireland. SARG exists to provide a forum for those associations to share information on topics of mutual interest. Linklist of associations by subjects. Constitution, forms and reports to download. Links to Irish teaching councils and an event calendar are kept.
478 - Ministry of Education
The clearly structured homepage provides information texts about mission and staff of the Ministry, the school system and a school-to- work project, reports about several curriculum subjects and other resources, and about education history of ancient Palau.
479 - KT-Depilin
Faroe Islands; Denmark
KT-depilin is a department of the Faroese Ministry of Education. We provide independent IT-services in the educational system - primarily to the primary and secondary school. KT-depilin aims to become the prime portal for the educational world in the Faroe Islands (currently only introduction in English).
480 - Privatschulen in der Schweiz
This page offers a link list and addresses for all private schools in 13 cantons of Switzerland; the list is searchable according to regions and school levels.
481 - The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
United States of America (USA)
The foundation supports research, publications, and action projects of national significance in elementary/secondary education reform, as well as significant education reform projects in Dayton, Ohio and vicinity. On the website access to a broad range of publications e.g. on school-, teacher and education reform; to the weekly bulletin ' The Education Gadfly' with news and [...]
482 - Steinerschulen
This page offers an overview and adresses about all Rudolf Steiner Schools in Swiss and the ideas of the Waldorf pedagogy.
483 - National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB)
United States of America (USA)
Congress created the 26-member Governing Board in 1988 to set policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - commonly known as the "The Nation's Report Card". Information on NAGP and NAEP work and responsibilities. Publications including frameworks, reports, and brochures (partly in pdf- or html-files) and a linklist are provided.
484 - National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA)
United States of America (USA)
NACSA is a nonprofit membership association of educational agencies across the U.S. that authorizes and oversees charter public schools. Links and information on educational projects. Access to the monthly bulletin ' NACSA Notes' and a quarterly newsletter. Linkliste.
485 - mySchool! Das Luxemburger Schulportal
The school net of Luxemburg provides a whole range of services to schools, teachers and students, such as an on- line library, learning communities, e-learning, a website generator, etc. The homepage offers information for teachers, secondary and primary students. At the right margin there is a link list concerning Luxemburg education.
486 - Schulen und Bildung
This page offers a link list and a search engine about all types of Swiss educational institutions such as schools, higher and adult education institutions etc. Furthermore, links are provided which concern web sites for school education and teaching (teaching and learning software, teaching aids etc), special servers and educational organizations.
487 - Kosovo Projekt
Information on the pilot project of the 'Karl Kübel' foundation in Germany for children traumatized by the war at schools in Kosova.
488 - Special Need Education Department - Virtual School 'Sonderpädagogik'
A cooperation between Physical Education Department and Special Needs Education Department in the Virtual school, European Schoolnet. Information on the community, activities and the team. Access to articles and link lists on disability and education in European languages, good examples and links to related organisations.
489 - Iceland on the Web
Webportal. Under the keyword 'education' broad range of commented links ( in English) to the different sectors of the Icelandic education system.
490 -
United States of America (USA) (a non profit organisation) is a source of school information on elementary, middle and high schools. The net provides information about public, private and charter schools in all 50 states and detailed school profiles for California, Arizona, Texas, Florida and Washington. Access to the databases : search for schools ( National School Guide, State School [...]
491 - Making Schools Work Better for All Children
United States of America (USA)
Information on and link to the the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on parental choice (28.06.2002), allowing policymakers to establish educational programs that allow parents to choose the school that best fits their child's needs, be it public or private. Summaries, statements and analysis.
492 - Curriculum Council of Western Australia
The aim of the Curriculum Council of Western Australia is to set curriculum policy directions for kindergarten to year 12 schooling in Western Australia. The website provides information on the curriculum framework, the post compulsory education review report, year 11 and 12 information and information on VET. Position papers and publications can be downloaded (pdf-files). [...]
493 - Medienrat: Bildungsserver Schweiz
This link list provides information about education, vocational education, information technology, teaching and school.
494 - BZL - Fachzeitschrift für Lehrerbildnerinnen und Lehrerbildner
This site presents an overview about a professional journal "BZL". BZL contains themes about teacher education and further education of teachers and serves as a forum for conceptual and practical problems of teacher education.
495 - Navigation Resources for Rural Schools
United States of America (USA)
Ressource section, providing access to information, databases and links available through the US Department of Education and a data section, providing access to data, periodic studies and tabulations prepared by the National Center for Educational Statistics.
496 - Irish Schools on EduNet
This is a list of schools taking part in the project EduNet, a virtual community for those involved in education in Ireland, and which are constructing WWW sites.
497 - Family Research Council
United States of America (USA)
In 1983, the Family Research Council incorporated as a nonprofit educational institution in the District of Columbia and fosters public debate and formulates public policy that values the family. Special information site on educational issues. Access to 'Ed Facts' analyzing fast-breaking education news with reagads to family policy, schools ( especially in the Washington [...]
498 - Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE)
United States of America (USA)
Created in 1985, the CPRE unites researchers from five of the nation's leading research institutions - the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison -in an effort to improve elementary and secondary education through practical research. On the website access to research projects [...]
499 - The Education Trust
United States of America (USA)
Established in 1990 by the American Association for Higher Education as a special project to encourage colleges and universities to support K-12 reform efforts. Since then, the Ed Trust has grown into an independent nonprofit organization working for the high academic achievement of all students at all levels, kindergarten through college. The Ed Trust focuses on the [...]
500 - National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)
United States of America (USA)
The NCEA is the professional association for all Catholic educators in the US. Good entry to comprehensive information on Catholic education and related institutes in the US. Special information on different NCEA departements e. g. Elementary-, Secondary-, Religious Education. Publications aobut Catholic schools data in HTML and PDF format (e.g. annual statistical report on [...]
501 - National Writing Project (NWP)
United States of America (USA)
The National Writing Project (NWP) is to improve the teaching of writing and improve learning in American schools. Access to a map or a list of NWP local sites in each state. Links to local national networks and national projects. Publications are available in HTML- and PDF-format. 'E-Voice' is a free, bi-monthly email newsletter that provides news updates, articles of the [...]
502 - Charter School Websites per State
United States of America (USA)
Link list of more than 700 Charter Schools online, listed by state.
503 - National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
United States of America (USA)
NAESP wants to support elementary school principals and other educational leaders in their commitment to children. Various educational information accessible via subject search or through a broad range of link lists. Furthermore 'prinicipal's online network', chat and forums are offered. Articles of their magazine "Principal" are partly available online (archived since [...]
504 - OPE Campus Security Statistics Website
United States of America (USA); international
Direct link to reported criminal offenses for over 6000 American colleges and universities worldwide provided by the office of postsecondary education /US Department of Education. The statistics represent alleged criminal offenses reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies. Therefore, the data collected do not necessarily reflect prosecutions or [...]
505 - China Embarks on Basic Education Reform
China, People's Republic of
This full text informs that in most parts of the country China has reached two of its main goals, the eradication of illiteracy and the implementation of the nine-year compulsory education. The contribution mentions measures for improving the quality of education in China, in particular by revised curricula, more effective teaching methods and special promotion of schools in [...]
506 - AfricaEducation
The AfricaEducation homepage provides access to information in the area of education and development in Africa by offering links in different sections as curriculum resources, institutions, who's who, research reports, free resources ( services), school and other projects or online courses for teachers and learners. A text search engine is available to search the site and the [...]
507 - National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)
United States of America (USA)
Promoting educational excellence and equity through bilingual education, NABE is the only national organization exclusively concerned with the education of language-minority students in American schools. The website informs about acvtivities, membership ( seperate member log-in), conferences and legislation. Publications are the Bilingual Research Journal, the Magazine 'NABE [...]
508 - TKI - Assessment
New Zealand
The Mātauranga Māori community offers resources and information relevant to teaching and learning in Māori-medium (including teacher resources exchange, news and events).
509 - EducaRed
This abundant website addresses all persons working as educators - the thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides the following sub-groups: (official) information texts for teachers; resources, i.e. link lists concerning educational software, curriculum materials for curriculum subjects and extra- curricular applications; forums for [...]
510 - Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography (VMOUG)
Russian Federation
This website of Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography in the Russian Federation offers a platform for subject specialists to exchange their experiences, to upgrade their professional level and for preparing lessons, particularly with regard to the use of new technologies in teaching geography. On the respective homepage a link to newly developed lessons is [...]
511 - Dialog mit den Bürgern - Irland - Informationen über das nationale Bildungssystem
Information on the Irish education system, provided by the European Union. Useful list of addresses.
512 - The Belfast Education and Library Board (BELB)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
BELB is charged under the Northern Ireland Education and Libraries Order to secure the provision of facilities for youth services. On the website there are a database of schools, a course database for schools and databases with information on primary, secondary, special education, nursery, curriculum, youth clubs and events available. Search for libraries in Northern Ireland [...]
513 - Council for Education in the Commonwealth (CEC)
Commonwealth; international
"The Council for Education in the Commonwealth (CEC), a parliament- based NGO, was founded nearly 40 years ago, at the time of the first Commonwealth Education Ministers' Conference. Its purpose is to create an informed public opinion on the salient issues concerning education and training in the Commonwealth and to identify appropriate ways in which Britain and the European [...]
514 - Commonwealth Electronic Network for Schools and Education (CENSE)
Commonwealth; international
"CENSE is an initiative of the Commonwealth of Learning, ComSec and Comnet-IT to facilitate contact between national learning grids, schools and institutions throughout the Commonwealth. CENSE will host Commonwealth information, provide support to teachers, learners, education administrators, and promote the awareness and practice of local cultures."
515 - Co-operation Ireland
Ireland; Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Co-operation Ireland is the leading charity working to bring a lasting peace to the island of Ireland. It draws its support from people from all backgrounds in Ireland, Britain and the USA. This site informs in schools projects and encourages schools from both sides of the border to build links and relationships with each other. Successful programmes are now becoming part of [...]
516 - Transform Conflict
Ireland; Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
This site has been developed as a result of two cross-border projects: The Citizenship Development Programme and the Human Rights, Conflict and Dialogue, involving partnerships of the Irish and Northern Irish Education Boards, funded by the European Programme for Peace and Reconciliation. Teachers visiting the site for the first time might find it useful to visit the [...]
517 - ICT op school - ICT at School Foundation
Ict op School is an organisation by and for the schools. It works on the improvement of ICT-products and -services for the integration of ICT in primary and secondary education. On the website information in Dutch on projects, schools online as well as on publications.
518 - International Education in the Netherlands (Internationaal Georiënteerd Onderwijs, or IGO)
International education in the Netherlands is offered in special departments affiliated to eight regular Dutch schools for primary education and eight schools for secondary education. The principle aim is to provide children with such education that they are prepared optimally for either the transition to English language education abroad or a possible transition to full Dutch [...]
519 - BBC Northern Ireland Learning
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Education Programmes on BBC Northern Ireland plus online ressources for primary education (resources for the 3-11 age group as well as other BBC websites suitable for pre-school), secondary education ( resources for the 11-16 age group) and adult education. An archive is kept. Link list to educational sites and library boards.
520 - Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
NICIE was established in 1987 with the aim to co-ordinate efforts to develop integrated education and to assist parent groups in opening new integrated schools. On the site there is information on integrated education in Northern Ireland and a directory of related schools.
521 - The CLASS Project
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
CLASS is a collaborative project between the NI Department of Education and the five Northern Ireland Education and Library Boards with the primary aim to equip schools with an appropriate information management system. Access to project details, links to cooperation partners.
522 - Curriculum Corporation Australia
Curriculum Corporation works in the education sector and is owned by all Australian Education Ministers. It is the key national organisation providing curriculum support to schools and school systems, and producing and disseminating high quality education products and services including books, videos, magazines, multimedia, online services and professional development. Its [...]
523 - VET in Schools
The Training Package Resources for VET in Schools are designed to assist in the implementation of such programs in schools and to improve the transition from: school to further study, school to work, work to further training. All resources have been developed by Australia's Curriculum Corporation. The support materials are available as html or pdf documents and also [...]
524 - SMILEchildren
SMILEchildren is a non-profit, international charitable network. Its mission is to enhance the education and welfare of primary and secondary school-children in Myanmar; especially those who are less advantaged from suburban and rural areas. The homepage provides information about the organization, its members and donors; pictures illustrate the different projects.
525 - Melbourne Education Research Institute (MERI)
MERI is located within the Faculty of Education at The University of Melbourne. MERI's prime role is to identify and support fields of research of genuine international significance, ensure collaborative planning between research and teaching programs and provide assistance and support for researchers and research teams.
526 - Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc. (ACSSO)
ACSSO is a national parent organisation representing the interests of over two million children enrolled in government schools throughout Australia. It comprises ten government school parent organisations in all States and Territories and believes that public education must remain secular and be fully funded by government. Speeches, publications and projectinformation are [...]
527 - Journal of Statistics Education (JSE)
United States of America (USA)
JSE disseminates knowledge for the improvement of statistics education at all levels, including elementary, secondary, post- secondary, post-graduate, continuing, and workplace education. It is published by editors of various American universities. Free access to articles and abstracts, archived since 1993. Index to articles available. Links to related organisations and web [...]
528 - Australian Rural Education Research Association (ARERA)
The website offers access to longitudinal studies and other rural education research activities as well as information on the involved researchers and institutions. Links to related resources are provided. The site seems to be no longer maintained. The information it contains is from 1997-2002.
529 - National Parents Council - Primary (NPC)
NPC is the nationwide organisation of parents of primary school children. More than 900 parent associations are members of NPC, recognised by the government as the organisation that represents the parents of children in primary schools. NPC negotiates with the Minister and Department of Education for improvements in the education system and better resources for primary [...]
530 - Foundation for International Education in the Netherlands (SIO)
SIO ('Stichting Internationaal Onderwijs') supports initiatives designed to raise the standards of international education in the Netherlands. It acts as liaison between schools and parents. On the website addresses and links about higher education, school list and teacher links ( Dutsch or English as foreign language, to libraries...) are provided.
531 - Education, culture and science in the Netherlands
Internet portal of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science with comprehensive information and links about the Dutch education system and the Dutch policy on education, culture and science. Also with practical information about going to school, studying and working in the Netherlands. Full texts are availbe as pdf-files to download.
532 - SchoolWeb Nederlands
Dutch school web featuring online schools, information on studying, dual and intercultural learning as well on published magazines. All information currently only available in Dutch.
533 - Information and Communication Technologies research Policies for Education and Training
The ICT research website contains research material on ICT initiatives relevant to the Australian school sector. It includes a database containinig information about Government ICT policies in Australia.
534 - UNI-C - Denmark´s IT-Centre for Education and Research
Unic-C is a government institution under the Danish Ministry of Education. It is concentrating on IT solutions for education and research (Danish Research Network, "Forskningsnettet") by creating educational material, educational websites, and connection of schools to the Internet. Other areas covered are training of teachers in the use of IT in education. The website informs [...]
535 - The Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA)
EVA is an independent institution formed under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Education. It conducts evaluations of teaching and learning - from primary school and youth education to higher education and adult and post-graduate education. It is the government' s centre of knowledge for educational evaluation. The website informs about current and finished national and [...]
536 - Upper secondary School: Programmes taught in German, French and English
Information provides by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation on German, French and English upper secondary school programmes in Denmark.
537 - Bildungsserver Basel-Stadt
The education platform edu-BS offers comprehensive online information for teachers and schools. Search for teaching materials and links can be specified in various boxes of a search engine. Information on school policy, an event calendar and news are kept additionally. The school section offers general information on institutions in Basel responsible for school issues, an [...]
538 - The Gateway to Educational Materials SM (GEM)
United States of America (USA)
GEM is sponsored by the US Department of Education and acts as a key one-stop access to thousands of high quality educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. The GEM Consortium consists of 438 members. The website presents the comrehensive collection lists, offers a search database and links to new resources and [...]
539 - CYFERnet (Children, Youth and Families Education and Research Network)
United States of America (USA)
CYFERnet offers practical research-based information on early childhood, school age, teens, parents/family, and community. Funded as joint project of the U.S. Department of Agriculture it is a national network of excellence maintained several universities of the USA. The website provides information on programs, evaluation and technology assistance for children, youth and [...]
540 - Die wesentlichen Reformpunkte der Beruflichen Bildung und lebenslanges Lernen in Dänemark.
Speech of the Danish ambassador Henning Gade Berlin to task force 12 - Liflelong learning at the senate in Berlin (2000). The full text (nine pages) outlines the reforms undertaken in the Danish education system since the 90ies, especially in the VET sector and conditions for schools. Furthermore Danish initiatives to foster lifleong learning are described.
541 - Study destination: Spain
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
542 - OECD-PISA - Hongkong PISA Project
Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The student population chosen for PISA is students aged 15 years. The programme is to be part of an ongoing OECD programme of reporting on indicators in education. The learning domains of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy, [...]
543 - Worldwide Classroom: Consortium for International Education & Multicultural Studies: Study destination: Sweden
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools and international schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
544 - Study destination: Russia
Russian Federation
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
545 - Study destination: Ukraine
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
546 - Study destination: United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training ( colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
547 - Study destination:
United States of America (USA)
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
548 - Study destination: Ireland
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
549 - Study destination: China
China, People's Republic of
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
550 - Study destination: Canada (Worldwide Classroom)
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
551 - School Library Associations of South Australia Inc.
SLASA informs about activities at South Australian school libraries and provides information on the profession of teacher librarians as well as further education offers, teaching material, internet ideas and a job database for them. Link to the RCTA (Resource Centre Teachers' Association) advocating the role of teacher librarians and to SASLA the South Australian Library [...]
552 - The National Staff Development Council (NSDC)
United States of America (USA)
NSDC is the National Staff Development Council. It is a national non- profit association of about 10,000 educators, committed to ensuring success for all students by applying high standards for professional development for everyone who affects student learning. The homepage links to information on standards, the NSDC Academy, membership, and on their publications. A quarterly [...]
553 - Developmental Studies Center (DSC)
United States of America (USA)
DSC is a non-profit organization and has developed programs and research to foster children's intellectual, social, and ethical development. Wellknown for its comprehensive school change program developed in the 1980's (Child Development Project CDP). On the website Links to furhter projects, in- and after school programs & materials, and materials for educators. Further [...]
554 - The Charter Friends National Network. (CFNN)
United States of America (USA)
CFNN was established in 1996. Its mission is to promote quality charter schools by connecting and supporting resource centers, charter school associations and other state-level charter support organizations and activities. Research, publications, online communications, a grant program, and multi-state initiatives on high priority issues of common concern to charter schools [...]
555 - Überblick über die öffentlichen Bibliotheken Norwegens und ihre Dienste für Kinder und Jugendliche und einige zukünftige Herausforderungen
Overview presented at the 71th IFLA conference 2005 in Oslo.
556 - Bildung in Russland
Russian Federation
This website of the Russian Internet-Portal "5ballov" (Note Sehr gut) offers educational information on the following categories: lectures, tests, education in Russia, education abroad, higher education institutions in the Russian Federation as well as education and law. Besides it provides latest news on educational developments in the country. Numerous links and search [...]
557 - A national strategy for evaluation and quality development in Norwegian schools 1999.
Report in (HTML-format) of the Norwegian Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs.
558 - Norwegen Portal - Bildung und Forschung
Information gateway of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin. Information on education can be obtained in the following fields: education and research, scholarship and student exchange, studying in Norway, learn Norwegian and hands-on news. Comprehensive list of links.
559 - Trends in Bildung und Schulentwicklung: Deutschland und Europa
Germany; Europe
"While some European countries (e.g. Finland, the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden) have undertaken considerable efforts in the 80ies and 90ies to reform and further develop their schoolsystem, developments in Germany have rather been of selective nature. For this reason and in the context of PISA, the question is posed what makes the difference in the current school [...]
560 - EDUVINET Service: Education via Networks in the European Union
EDUVINET is an initiative to promote the use of the Internet for teaching and learning in and between European schools through the development of exemplary teaching content, teacher training and a variety of other supportive measures.- The homepage offers multilingual access to various subjects and provides in particular didactical and methodical hints.
561 - Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
The Institute is a research and information agency established in 1980 to promote the understanding of factors affecting family stability in Australia. The website offers several databases (e.g. "Family - Australian Family and Society Abstracts Database), journal abstracts about family and education, information on research projects, full text ressources, a page with courses [...]
562 - EdNA Online: School Education
EdNA Online is a service that aims to support and promote the benefits of the Internet for learning, education and training in Australia. These pages provide a directory about school education for students, teachers, principals, parents and a database of web-based resources in key learning areas, information on projects and links to single schools, authorities and agencies.
563 - Department of Employment, Education and Training, Northern Territory
This website informs about Education in the Northern Territory (NT). Access to information about the education system and the Indigenous Education Branch. Addresses and linklists to educational organisations in the NT and nationalwide, NT Vacancies Database. Annual reports and publications are accessible in pdf-format.
564 - myfuture
"myfuture" (launched in 2002) is a high quality system, covering education, training and employment for all Australians. It is designed to explore skills and interests, identify possible career paths, develop career plan and research options for further study and training. With a guide (password necessary/free of charge) assistance in determining personal carrier can be [...]
565 - SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut
The SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut is a research and reference centre in Europe specializing in research on education, child rearing and child welfare. The Institute operates as an institute within the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, is part of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Its aims are twofold: Reserch is done in the field of fundamental and applied research. The [...]
566 - KLIKKEN OP NEDERLAND 2006. Der Internetführer zu Allgemeinbildung, Studium, Praktika, Berufsausbildung, Arbeit und Berufsberatung in den Niederlanden
Comprehensive, detailed internet guide (as of August 2003) on general education, studies, practical training, vocational training, work and vocational guidance in the Netherlands. Many links and some fulltexts ( brochures) for download.
567 - Interuniversity Center for Educational Research (ICO)
ICO is the Dutch Interuniversity Center for Educational Research. Faculty departments and research centres from 15 Dutch universities participate in ICO. The aims are to promote fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of education (e. g. interactive learning, learning and working, teaching and teacher ICT tools for designing, new examination and assessment [...]
568 - Das Bildungswesen in den Niederlanden
This report in html-format is part of the webpresence "Netherland- Studies" of the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg. It outlines in detail the current Dutch education system and the single sectors: Primary, Secondary and Third Education, vocational and adult education. Links and addresses.
569 - Schools Online Curriculum Content Initiative (SOCCI)
The Le@rning Federation is an initiative of State and Federal governments of Australia and New Zealand and primarily concerned with delivering online curriculum content over the period 2001-2006 for schools. The aim of this website is to inform about the progress of the Initiative. The site includes information about the project, key documents and resources (pdf. or html. [...]
570 - ACT Department of Education and Training (DET): Publications
This page belongs to the website of ACT- DET (a website with comprehensive information about the Australian education system, schools and education in Australia). Publications and ressources here offered are: general publications, annual reports (since 1998), census of ACT government preschools, census of ACT government schools and a wide range of reports. The fulltexts are [...]
571 -
The Education Portal is the online entry point to a comprehensive array of Commonwealth Government information and services concerning all aspects and levels of education in Australia. It also provides links to key education and training sites at the national, state and territory level.
572 - Un modelo educativo sin futuro
Germany; Spain
This is a Spanish text about the public reactions in Germany concerning the German results in the PISA-study; partly compared with Spain.
573 - Les élèves de 15 ans. Premiers résultats d'une évaluation internationale des acquis des élèves (PISA)
This pdf-file (6 pp) presents an overview of the French PISA-results, including a comparison with the other participant countries.
574 - Major Changes to ESEA in the No Child Left Behind Act January 2002 (revised January 2003)
United States of America (USA)
The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2001 and is in effect for six years. It builds on the foundation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This paper examine the significant changes the Act will have in future education for children, teacher, parents and the whole American education system (30 pages, pdf. format for download).
575 - The "No Child Left Behind Act" (2001)
United States of America (USA)
The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2001 and is in effect for six years. It builds on the foundation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This document is a copy of the complete statute (670 pages, pdf. format for download).
576 - The SERVE Center - at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
United States of America (USA)
SERVE is an education organization with the mission to support the continuous improvement of educational opportunities for learners in the Southeast of America. The website informs about developed educational programmes and tools for educational practitioners and policymakers. Link to the ELO programs (Expanded Learning Opportunities programs). A variety of free and low-cost [...]
577 - PISA (Polen)
This website provides information on implementation and results of the Polish PISA study in Polish language only
578 - PISA in der Schweiz
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation offers information on the PISA study in Switzerland and the results.
579 - Programme in International Student Assessment - PISA 2000
New Zealand
This page contains downloadable documents about PISA 2000: PISA Framework, Assessing Knowledge & Skills for Life: summary report of the New Zealand results as well as links to related websites.
580 - PISA Austria
This website provides a comprehensive overview of objectives, contents, planning, implementation, organization and results of the PISA-studies 2000 and 2003 in Austria and prospective documents about the participating schools and associated test officers of PISA 2006. The heading "Aktuelles" leads to a newsletter, the project centre, publications and a pdf-file on the brochure [...]
581 - A Nation At Risk
United States of America (USA)
This document is a report to the Nation, the Education Ministy by The National Commission on Excellence in Education ( April 1983). ASCII version of this document (51K) is available. The report analyzes the dangers of a rising tide of mediocrity in American educational foundations that threatens the future as a nation and a people. It develops steps for educational reforms.
582 - El projecto PISA de la
This text by Guillermo Gil Escudero only describes, basic characteristics, planning and implementation, structure and organization of the Spanish PISA study, but doesn't present the national results.
583 - National School Boards Association (NSBA)
United States of America (USA)
The NSBA is a not-for profit federation of state associations of school boards across the United States ( including Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Aims are to foster excellence and equity in public elementary and secondary education in the United States. This internetportal offers a sitemap as guide to the comprehensive information about NSBA, the Federation, the [...]
584 - PISA (Tschechische Republik)
This website provides information on the Czech PISA study in Czech language.
585 - Ready for Life? (PISA Summary Report)
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, which began in 1998. It is to be part of an ongoing OECD program of reporting¤on indicators in education. The student population chosen for PISA is students aged 15 years. The learning domains of reading, mathematical and [...]
586 - OECD-PISA-Norway
This is the Norwegian website about the OECD/PISA programme 2000, 2003 ( Programme for International Student Assessment). It offers general information about the aims of the survey, introduces the Norwegian co-ordinators, national reports, a summary of Norwegian results as well as English publications for download analysing PISA and the results in Norway. (The complete [...]
587 - Youth in Transition Survey (YITS)
The Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) is a new Canadian longitudinal survey that collects information about major transitions in young people' s lives, particularly those between education, training and work. In order to obtain more precise information on skills and knowledge, youth also completed achievement tests as part of the Programme for Internationa l Student [...]
588 - Study Destination: Hungary
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school and higher education, ( also colleges for specific professions) sector which accept international students. Some language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
589 - Study Destination: Iceland
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training ( colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
590 - Study Destination: Italy
The website provides link lists and addresses of educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed.
591 - Study Destination: Malta
The website provides link lists and addresses of educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed.
592 - Study destination: Netherlands
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Several international secondary schools are presented, too. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the [...]
593 - Study Destination: Portugal
The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training ( colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
594 - Study Destination: Czech Republic
The homepage provides link lists of all educational institutions in the school and higher education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
595 - Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Canada
The PISA website of the Canadian government informs about the general background of the study and the individual surveys and lists publications related to PISA. Information on PISA in Canada can also be found on the website of the Council of Ministers of Education. [...]
596 - Study Destination: Austria
This site is provided by "World Wide Classroom", a consortium for international education and multicultural studies, located in Milwaukee (WI) with more than 3000 member organisations in 109 countries. The homepage provides link lists of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training and adult education sector (also colleges for specific [...]
597 - Schola Europaea
The European Schools are official educational establishments controlled jointly by the governments of the Member States of the European Union. In all these countries they are legally regarded as public institutions. The website provides information about school organisation, teaching and the legal basis.
598 - Educationmatters.
"Educationmatters" is Irelands foremost monthly educational journal, published as print version, in the Internet and can be obtained via Email. The Internet homepage provides up to date national and international information in all educational fields.The comprehensive information is offered mostly in short articles or fulltexts (only a few for download. A forum provides the [...]
599 - ScoilNet - network for Irish schools.
ScoilNet is managed by the National Center for Technology in Education (NCTE) and is part of the project "Schools IT 2000". It is an online support service giving information on educational issues generally, for pupils, parents and teachers. The teachers and parents pages offer information about school, curricula, teaching material for download, download of "Education Matters" [...]
600 - Church of Ireland-General Synod Board of Education (Northern Ireland)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The Board comprising bishops, clergy, lay representatives and co- opted members with educational expertise is presenting its members and their educational work. Focus is laid on four areas: 1) schools, colleges and universities; 2) children's ministry; 3) parish development; 4) publications. Multimedia educational materials can be obtained against a fee.
City of Helsinki - Education Department
This website provides useful information about the education services maintained by Eudcation Department of the City of Helsinki and about the Finnish education system. It offers a broad range of links to websites of other education services providers.
602 - Education sector support program 2001/5
This website provides the entire text of the national education planning which comprises the years 2006 - 2010, its management, implementation, funding and particular plans.
603 - Finnen Weltmeister im Lesen.
This fulltext, published by Leena Ikonen at the University of Helsinki, illuminates against the background of the OECD-PISA study how Finland itself discusses the success of reading in international comparison. (link to the on-line magazine "Universitas Helsingiensis").
604 - International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI)
The purpose of ICSEI is to provide a forum for researchers, policy makers, professional developers, administrators and practitioners to share ideas, promote research, and encourage practices that will enhance the quality and equity of education for all students. The website provides: information on members and activities, annual conferences, a journal, list of websites and [...]
WWW home pages of educational institutes
A link list of Hungaarian higher education institutions and schools as well as some other institutions from the education sector.
606 - Xarxa Telemática Educativa de Catalunya
Beside actualities and conference calendar (see "agenda") the Catalonian educational net provides texts, information and curricular materials concerning these areas: 1) Escola Oberta: curricular materials and teaching aids for several subjects, 2) Formació professorat: teacher training, 3) Serveis educatius: Service and documentation centres for schools ands teachers, 4) Link [...]
607 - Educational support sites
This site provides access to EDSNET, a network with information resources for "supporting Namibia's education professionals" and 2) SchoolNet, the Namibian school net for the use by students ("youth empowerment through internet") . Furthermore, there are some links to schools.
608 - Service public: Famille
This website of the French public administation povides information on family law, parents' and children law. Among others, there are section on school and higher education where you will find information on how to register foreign children for school on France. Unfortunately, this website is only available in French. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
609 - Education
This website is a portal for "providing links to the best ways for acquiring education" in Pakistan. Via data base research on may find schools, colleges, universities and vocational training institutes. Furthermore there are links to the library "closest to your vicinity" and to encyclopedias.
610 - Colleges, Universities and Research Institutions in Pakistan
The list is arranged in regions / provinces.
611 - Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
Under "About Us" the act of the establishment of the Board can be read. It says that "the Board shall have power to organize, regulate, develop and control Intermediate Education and Secondary Education." The site is newly constructed and yet incomplete. At time being (2002 May) links to texts are available about activities of the Board, rules and regulations concerning [...]
612 - HEC Recognized Universities and Degree Awarding Institutions (Pakistan, 2011)
This is a list of public and private universities in Pakistan officially recognized by the Higher Education Commission (as of 2011). Links to the respective websites are given when available. See also the Wikipedia list:
613 - Waldorf education directory for Latin America
Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Ecuador; Colombia; Mexico; Peru; Uruguay
This website shows postal and internet addresses of Waldorf schools, teacher training institutions, teacher associations and school associations.
614 - The Association Of The Finnish Vocational Adult Education Centres (AKKL)
AKKL, founded in 1972, is the cooperation body of the 47 Finnish vocational adult education centres. The association aims are to improve the professional competence of the working-age population, increasing the possibilities for studies based on the adults' own choices, to promote vocational adult education in a more international Finland, and to struggle against [...]
615 - Österreichischer Kultur-Service
Austria; Eastern Europe
KulturKontakt Austria (KKA) is one of the largest Austrian centres of competence for cultural education, arts & cultural education, cultural dialogue and educational cooperation with Eastern and South East Europe. It is a non-profit making organisation and has three programme departments: arts & cultural education, educational cooperation and cultural promotion & sponsoring. [...]
The Finnish Institute for Educational Research (KTL - University of Jyväskylä)
The Institute for Educational Research (KTL), a national centre for educational research is a multidisciplinary research institute based at the University of Jyväskylä, established in 1968. The national task of the KTL is investigating, assessing and developing the Finnish educational system and school culture. The institute' s website navigation leads to: introduction, [...]
The Finnish Matriculation Examination
This webpage belongs to the Matriculation Board and works under the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. It provides useful information about the Finnish "Matriculation Examination". Information can be obtained in the following fields: Compulsary and optional tests, levels and descriptions of tests, retaking test and the Matriculation Examination Certificate (levels and [...]
618 - Die Bildungsabteilung von Helsinki.
"EUN School Managers Centre" - the European Space for School Managers is a project of the European Schoolnet in partnership with ESHA (European School Heads Association), the City of Helsinki Education Department and the European Commission. On this site you will find a brief introduction about the duties, aims and departments within the Helsinki City Education Department. It [...]
619 - Education System (Finnish National Board of Education)
The Finnish National Board of Education offers comprehensive information about the Finnish Education System. The detailed description from preschool up to adult education provides a broad overview of the Finnish system as well as of Finnish education policy. Detailed information, statistics and other sources can be obtained through further links. [Abstract: Editors of [...]
The Education Portal of Argentina
Argentina is the Argentinian education server which provides information about school and higher education and offers a digital library covering all disciplines (including education). Various ways of interactive participating communication are accessible, too.
Internet Directory: Education
This five-part link list contains the URLs of foreign colleges, language schools, schools, universities, organizations and others.
622 - Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) Guyana: Education
Guyana; international
This link collection contains some education links from Guyana and the Caribbean - the largest part is international.
Peruvian Colleges
The website presents links to secondary schools (colegios), educational associations, courses and programs, furthermore to information texts concerning several curriculum subjects.
624 - Auyantepui Educación
The link list is arranged into the following groups: academies, associations, libraries, academic centres, secondary schools, pre- school institutions, institutes and university institutes, portals, graduations, educational projects, resources, universities and their subdivisions.
625 - Ministry of Education (MOE)
The website of the Egyptian Education Ministry provides a full text about the education reform strategies, statistics, announcements and statements on education policy and about the girl-oriented community schools. [English version missing temporarily]
National Administration of Public Education
This institution is the highest level board of educational administration in Uruguay. Links on the homepage provide information about activities and tasks of the various branches of educational administration: primary and secondary education, vocational training ( UTU) , teacher education and training (CERP and DFPD).
627 - Educational Research at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
These are the pages of the Faculty of Educational Studies, one of the faculties at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan . An overview on the sixteen research departments (general didactics, history of education, adult education etc.) and the College of Education is given. For each department the main topics of educational research are listed and the head of department is [...]
628 - Wisconsin Center for Education Research
United States of America (USA)
This is the website of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research which is one of the oldest, largest, and most efficient education research centers in the world. As a part of the University of Wisconsin- Madison's School of Education, WCER provides a productive environment where some of the country's leading scholars conduct basic and applied education research. The WCER [...]
629 - HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE)
Scotland; United Kingdom
"HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) began operating as an Executive Agency of the Scottish Executive on 1 April 2001. HM Inspectors undertake first-hand, independent evaluations of the quality of educational provision. Each year we also investigate and publish reports on key aspects of education. Our collation, analysis and publication of the evidence and conclusions from [...]
630 - Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer (VSG)
The organization of Suisse highschool teachers is a national professional association. It represents a united articulated policy in educational panels and takes part in societal discussion about school and education matters.
631 - EduRef: Lesson Plans for Educators
United States of America (USA)
Teaching material sorted by subject.
632 - GOLD – Le buone pratiche della scuola italiana
GOLD (Global On Line Documentation) is an national Italian online educational database which aims to provide and disseminate online information resources and documentations produced from and for schools. A consistent structure of the resources make them easy researchable. GOLD is documentating didactical experiences on all levels of education, including special education. [...]
633 - OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Australia
The site offers comprehensive material and data from the PISA study, mainly concerning the Australian part of the study.
634 - Liechtensteinisches Soziallexikon SOLEX: Schulen
This website contains a detailed dictionary of terms and facilities in connection with the school system of Liechtenstein. Links in the text lead to brief information about vocational training and to a variety of key words. These and other explanations are excerpts from the Liechtenstein Social Dictionary, a directory of social and medical instructions, terms and addresses.
635 - Schulnetz Liechtenstein
The homepage contains current messages and announcements of events from the Liechtensteiner education sector. Within the navigation bar one finds links with detailed material on: PISA 2003, school types, curricula, education authorities, further services, first day at school/ change of school, promotion funds, scholarship/loan, preparing choice of career, Council of Europe, [...]
636 - Projekt Neues Lernen
This website has been developed to support the search for new learning strategies and learning methods. Materials, courses, methods and various events are offered.
637 - Links to education institutions
Links are provided to institutions of higher education, some schools and the Zambian Schoolnet
638 - System of Education of Lithuania (OSEAS Europe)
This website is subdivided as follows: Law on Education; System of higher education; Description of types of education; List of Gymnasiums in Lithuania (1996); Institutions of higher education; List of Colleges in Lithuania ( 1997); Glossary of educational terms.- OSEAS, an acronym which stands for OverSeas Educational AdviserS, is one of seven groups within NAFSA: Association [...]
639 - Asmara university and schools
Some information and pictures of the university and schools in the capital city of Eritrea.
640 - The new index on Africa: Education
This is a search result which compiles a list of African education sites from the country and subject pages of "index on Africa"
The index point "Sociales" has a link "educación formal" which provides statistical tables (in Excel) with numbers of students, teachers and schools and the private higher education sector.
642 - Données démographiques et sociales: Education
Website of the Tunesian national institute for statistics. In the menu bar on the left, under "Education", you will find the following statistics:
- Données sur le 1er cycle de l'enseignement de base
- Données sur le 2eme cycle de l'enseignement de base
- Données sur l'enseignement secondaire
- Taux de scolarisation [Abstract: Site editor’s information [...]
643 - China Statistical Communiques
China, People's Republic of
On this site the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics publishes its Statistical Communiques for the years 1998 to 2000. In chapter V ( communique 2000) thereare to be found statistical data on various aspects in the fields of edcuation, science and research.
644 - Mauritius in figures: education
This page provides a table with numbers of institutions, teaching staff and enrolment figures at various education levels.
645 - Estadístiques: Educació
That website provides some school-statistics tables
646 - Study destination: Thailand
The homepage provides link lists of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for sprecific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.
647 - Links to sites dealing with educational institutions in Morocco
Link list to educational institutions (public, private and for students from abroad) and further information offers on the topic "education in Morocco". The website is run by the "Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange" (new website:
The link offered here leads you to the webarchive and is a copy of the website as of 2007.
648 - Distance Education Center "Eidos"
Russian Federation
Distance Education Center "Eidos" is a non-commercial non-state educational organization server-based in Moscow. Activities of the Center meet the demands of the basic policy directions of the Russian Federation, UNESCO, international organizations on developing distance education (DE). Target groups are children and adults at all levels of education and training.- A well [...]
649 - Russian Centre of Multimedia and Telecommunication in Education (MTO)
Russian Federation
The Centre elaborates and introduces new information technologies in the area of pre-school, primary, secondary and supplementary education. Main activities of the centre are: Creation and development of an information system with regard to educational publishing ( including telecommunication components); Provision of scientific, consultative, and technical support for [...]
650 - Teaching Times
United Kingdom
"Teaching Times is Questions Publishing's daily online news service dedicated to bringing you the latest stories from the educational sector. We gather stories on everything from nursery education to adult learning". In addition there are various materials for teachers and a job search database.
651 - Education in Scotland
Scotland; United Kingdom
The site provided by the British Council offers information on all possibilities of education in Scotland and includes a database for course search.
652 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação: Acre
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education)of the Brazilian federal state Acre. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas of [...]
653 - Secretaria de Estado de Educação: Distrito Federal
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Distrito Federal. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]
654 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação: Pernambuco
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Pernambuco. This is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]
655 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação: Rio de Janeiro
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Rio de Janeiro. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]
656 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Cultura e Desportos: Rio Grande do Norte
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Cultura e Desportos (State Secretariat of Education, Culture and Sports) of the Brazilian federal state Rio Grande do Norte. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports" or "Department of Education, Culture and Sports" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers [...]
657 - Secretaria da Educação: Rio Grande do Sul
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Rio Grande do Sul. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels [...]
658 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação e Inovação: Santa Catarina Santa Catarina
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação, Cultura e Desportos (State Secretariat of Education, Culture and Sports) of the Brazilian federal state Santa Catarina. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports" or "Department of Education, Culture and Sports" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers [...]
659 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação: São Paulo
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the federal state São Paulo. It is, so to speak, the Brazilian "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas [...]
660 - Secretaria da Educação do Tocantins
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education) of the Brazilian federal state Tocantis. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas [...]
661 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação: Minas Gerais
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education), of the Brazilian federal state Minas Gerais. It is, so to speak, the "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and [...]
662 - Secretaria de Estado da Educação: Bahia
This is the Website of the Secretaria de Estado da Educação (State Secretariat of Education), the Brazilian "Ministry of Education" or "Department of Education" of this State, one of the 26 federal states of Brazil. The homepage ( organigramme) offers above all links to matters of public school education, but also to other levels and areas of education. Besides information [...]
663 - Gentle Teaching
This is the home page of a non-violent approach for helping children and adults with special needs. It offers access to the following buttons: gentle teaching international; gentle teaching places; gentle teaching schools; quality of life; quality of life profile; sensory integration; personal teaching plan; placements and courses.
School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)
The organization carries out its activities in the fields of human rights, peace and citizenship education. It proposes teacher training activities, curriculum strategy and content, as well as specific actions contributing to the development of attitudes, skills and knowledge for the enhancement of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and non-violent conflict resolution. The [...]
665 - Le Maroc en chiffres 2007
The site of the maroccan diaspora delivers a statistical overview of Morocco in 2007. The figures on education comprise public spendings, literacy, school attendancy (also in relation to gender), employees/staff.