Teacher at Education Systems International
Keyword from Index: teacher
key words found 1 - 464 of 464
1 - International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, or Teacher Task Force (TTF)
The International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, also known as the Teacher Task Force (TTF), is a unique partnership created in 2008 to advocate for teachers and the teaching profession around the world. It is dedicated to raising awareness, expanding knowledge and supporting countries towards achieving target 4.c of SDG 4.
2 - European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE)
The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) is a federation of 123 education trade unions in 51 countries, representing in total 11 million members all over Europe. We are the social partner for teachers and other education personnel at European level, and a defender of their interests towards the European Commission and other European institutions.
ETUCE is [...]
3 - Conseil Supérieur de l'Éducation, de la Formation et de la Recherche Scientifique: Publications
The Moroccan Supreme Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research offers various reports, studies and evaluations under the Publications category. Among others, you can find the following (courtesy translation, all publications are in French):
- National survey on students and university life (2023)
- Scientific research in Morocco: an evaluative study (2022)
- [...]
4 - La Educación Obligatoria en México. Informes 2014 - 2019
The "Informes sobre la Educación Obligatoria en México" (Reports on Compulsory Education in Mexico) were published by the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) from 2014 to 2019. They summarised the various studies, evaluations and statistics produced by the INEE for the year in question.
As other reports are also listed under the link provided, we offer [...]
Education and support for Ukrainian refugees
Europe; Ukraine
You will find here a series of articles and resources to support the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of the EU Member States and Erasmus+ countries. Topics are: Online platforms and resources in Ukrainian, School education and solidarity in times of crisis, Refugee education, Professional development courses and Interact with other teachers.
Open Teach - Transforming School Education with Quality Assured Open Educational Resources and Practices
Europe; Germany; Greece; Portugal
The Open Teach project aims to empower teachers develop their digital competences profiles and become implementers and promoters of Open Educational Resources and Practices (OER and OEP).
Open Teach offers online courses on digital education and working with OER, including finding, selecting, modifying, re-purposing and evaluating resources. The courses include practical [...]
7 - KlasCement - belgische Online-Plattform für OER
KlasCement is a very successful Belgian online platform where teachers share free learning resources. The content is also available in English.
8 - Teaching about refugees (UNHCR)
A very extensive and informative page of the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) on how to teach about refugees. On the one hand, there are general, cross-age information such as "Words matter", "Facts and figures", "Including refugees in your classroom". On the other hand, age-specific teaching materials are provided (age 6-18). Furthermore, materials on how [...]
Consensus Documents (Religious Freedom Center)
United States of America (USA)
The Religious Freedom Center is focused on educating the public about the religious liberty principles of the First Amendment. In collaboration with a variety of National Organisation they provide Consensus Documents that offer guidlines to maintain the principles of religious freedom. Teachers and Public Schools can find information on the role of religion in public education [...]
Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
United States of America (USA)
In this Document, the U.S. Departemen of Education provides information on the current state of the law concerning religious expression in public schools as well as guidance regarding religious expression in particular contexts and teaching about religion in school.
National Education Association: Religion and public schools: Promoting mutual respect and understanding
United States of America (USA)
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the government from establishing an official religion, supporting religious activity, or giving preference to any religion. It also prohibits the government from interfering with the expression of religious beliefs. The tension between these two prohibitions has created significant confusion regarding what schools [...]
Religion in the Public Schools (Texas Association of School Boards)
United States of America (USA)
School districts in Texas have to navigate seemingly contradictory legal requirements in the area of religion in public schools. Schools cannot establish religion by coercing, endorsing, or promoting religious views in schools. At the same time, schools cannot interfere with individuals’ free expression of their beliefs and religion can be a part of the school curriculum. [...]
ENABLE - Self-learning for Arab refugee children
As part of the Erasmus Plus project, the project partners conducted four workshops with 70 Arabic-speaking tutors and trainers in Germany, Italy, Turkey and Sweden. Together they have developed a training concept and a training tool for teachers, educators and volunteers, which supports newly immigrated children with innovative pedagogical methods such as self-organized [...]
Eurydice National Education Systems: Switzerland
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
15 - 800.000 feignasses: catégorie "élections présidentielles"
Among others, this website provides videos of the candidates to the French presidency 2017 explaining their position on educational issues, a table which compares the position of the different candidates on education, an explanatory video for children, as well as several articles on the subject of education during the presidential election.
The website "800.000 feignasses" [...]
16 - EMC: Des ressources pour (faire) suivre les élections présidentielles
eduscol, the informational website of the French Ministry of Education, provides links for teachers to prepare their courses on the French presitential election 2017. The links are mainly to be found within two subjects: EMC - Enseignement moral et civique (moral and civic education), and histoire-géographie (history-geography).
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
National Center for Teacher Professional Development
The main goal of Teacher’s Professional Development Center is to improve teaching quality at schools, set high standards of teaching and learning, as well as to raise teachers’ status.
The center carries out its activities in the following areas: professional development of teachers; to attract and support qualified staff and new candidates during preparation process and [...]
18 - Education GPS (OECD): Belgium - Overview of the education system (EAG 2016)
This OECD website provides information on the education system in Belgium, on education indicators and statistics. The interactive website can be used to compare Belgium's educational data with those of the average OECD data or with the data of other countries. You can create graphs, tables and others, which can be exported as a pdf-document. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
19 - Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) - NWO division / Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek (NRO) - NWO-onderdeel
The "Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO)" aims at strengthening the cooperation between research, practice and educational policy. NRO's main activities are the coordination and funding of programmes and projects (among others, e.g. the big international assessments like PISA, TIMSS or PIRLS). The English website provides a list of projects whose detailed [...]
Onderwijscoöperatie (Education Cooperative)
The Education Cooperative unites several educational workers unions:
* Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb) (with a short English description on their website)
* Beter Onderwijs Nederland (BON)
* CNV Onderwijs (with a short English description on their website)
* Federatie van Onderwijsvakorganisaties (FvOv)
* Platform Vakinhoudelijke Verenigingen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Platform [...]
21 - Dutch Association for Teacher Educators (VELON) / Vereniging van Lerarenopleiders Nederland (VELON)
Unfortunately, the Dutch Association for Teacher Educators (VELON) no longer provides the short English description of the association that it used to have on its website. You can only look it up in the Internet Archive (as of 2018). In Dutch, you can find manifold information about the profession, its norms and rules, official documents concerning the profession, an online [...]
22 - Flemish Association for Teacher Educators (VELOV) / Vereniging Lerarenopleiders Vlaanderen (VELOV)
Unfortunately, the website of the Flemish Association for Teacher Educators (VELOV) is only available in Dutch. The website informs about VELOV and provides teaching material, information on professionalisation initiatives, working groups for different topics, as well as a newsletter and information on the annual VELOV congress. Every three years, this congress is organised [...]
Teacher Organisation in Flanders / Lerarenverenigingen in Vlaanderen
The Flemish ministry of Education provides a list of teachers' organisation for different subjects in Flanders. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
24 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Belgium (Flemish Community)
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
25 - Eurydice National education Systems: Netherlands
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
International Association of German Language Teachers
The international association of German language teachers acts as an umbrella organisation of the national associations of German language teachers and represents around 250.000 teachers of German in 84 countries. It provides information about the association´s activities and events and connects German teachers of all continents via its discussion forum.
27 - Colectivo Argentino de Educadores y Educadoras / Docentes que hacen Investigación desde la Escuela
[Please note: As the website is currently not available anymore we link to an older version from the Internet archive. 23.03.16; For more information on the Colectivo please also take a look at the publication "Investigación educativa y trabajo en red"] The "Community of Educators who do Research starting from School" wants to promote educators as active actors participating [...]
28 - Education Counts! (2011)
***Links to three fulltext articles of the book: see [more]***
These conference proceedings document presentstions made at the "Indonesian Student International Conference: Thinking of Home While Away" in Melbourne, Australia, 16-18 July 2010. You can find the following chapters as fultexts on the Internet:
Chapter 1 - Education Counts!Why education counts and what counts [...]
29 - SMERU Research Institute: Research Topic Education
SMERU Research Institute does research in socio-economic issues, among other on poverty and inequality, social protection, education, health, children and youth, community-driven development, labor, microfinance, and more. The site about SMERU's research focus on education informs you about recent research activities and publications (free download). Education related [...]
30 - Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia [Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia]
Website of the National Teachers' Association of Indonesia. The website provides ample information on the association's aims and activities. Unfortunately, the information is in Indonesian only (English information is outdated). You can find English information on the country specific news sites of the umbrella organisation "Educational International" (see for the right hand [...]
31 - Réforme du collège : revue de presse (Reform des Collège: Pressespiegel)
France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) provides a press review in German and French on the discussions about the French educational reform of the lower secondary education in 2014/15 under Minister for Education Vallaud-Belkacem. Especially the changes planned for the German language classes sparked a huge controversy. The press in France [...]
32 - Questions/réponses sur la nouvelle organisation du collège (éduscol)
éduscol is a portal provided by the French Ministry for Education for professionals in education. The page linked here provides information on the reform of the French Collège under minister Vallaud-Belkacem starting in 2015. You will find question and answers, explanations and graphics, as well as all important official documents. Currently, this specific page is available [...]
33 - Inclusive special education: the role of special education teachers in Finland (2009)
Article by Marjatta Takala, Raija Pirttimaa and Minna Törmänen, published in: British Journal of Special Education 36 (3) 2009. The article is based on a questionnaire sent to 133 special education teachers teaching in inclusive settings in mainstream education in Finland. The study describes their daily work and the problems they are confronted with. [Abstract: Editors of [...]
34 - OAJ - Trade Union of Education in Finland (Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö)
The OAJ has more than 120,000 members, ranging from teachers in early childhood education to lecturers in universities. The website provides information about the work of OAJ, the Finnish education system, teacher education, ethical principles of the profession and more.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
35 - Faculty of Education - Al-Aqsa University, Gaza
Palestinian Territories
The English version of the website is still empty after the website's relaunch (as of 30.08.17). That's why we provide an older version of the website as of 08.04.2016 from the Internet Archive for the time being. The faculty has 8 departments:
* Department of Special Education
* Department of Kindergarten
* Department of Education
* Department of [...]
36 - National Institute for Educational Training (NIET)
Palestinian Territories
The National Institute for Educational Training (NIET) is in charge of teacher and other instructors' education and training in Palestine. This one information page in English provides an overview over tasks, goals and activities of the NIET. The rest of the website is in Arabic. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
37 - MOFET Institute
Israel; international
"The MOFET Institute is a national intercollegial center for the research and development of programs in teacher education and teaching in the colleges. (...) It was founded by the Department of Teacher Education in the Ministry of Education in 1983 and is a Ministry of Education-funded non-profit organization." The English website is less comprehensive than the Hebrew one, [...]
38 - Research Centers - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Israel; international
This site provides a list of research centres at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. You will find the following centres for educational research:
- Center for Futurism in Education
- Center for Excellence in Teaching (no English website available)
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
39 - Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe (HOPE)
Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe (HOPE) is an association of European hospital teachers who work in Hospital and at home with sick children. The association has the following objectives: To establish the right for hospitalized children to education according to their individual needs in a suitable environment; to work towards the implementation of the European [...]
40 - Education in Crisis: Country Profile Greece (as of 2016)
[Please note: As the original website is not available anymore, we link to a copy from the Internet Archive as of 2016].
"Education in Crisis" provides under the section 'Country Profiles' > 'Europe' also information on Greece. You will find an overview of past and current issues of changes in the educational system, some facts and data, references to union contacts and [...]
Controversy about School Reform: New School Term in Greece Starts with Strikes (16.09.2013)
The German public radio station 'Deutschlandradio': Rodothea Seralidou reports about the concequences of Greek reforms in the educational sector in September 2013 - layoffs, protests and suffering pupils. Available only in German [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Greece' School System Needs Reform (14.01.2013)
Daphne Grathwohl from Deutsche Welle reports about status and development of the Greek educational system. She interviews an Athenian school rector and the präsident of the Greek teachers union OLME. Available in German only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Hellenic Educational Society
The webpage of the Hellenic Educational Society informs about their objectives, functions and provides helpful links (Σύνδεσμοι) on Greek educational institutions in politics and research. There is, too the possibility to have an online insight in already published issues of the 'Pedagogical Review' [...]
Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME)
OLME is one of the Civil Servants’ Federations; it consists of 91 local unions and is the only secondary state school teachers union in Greece with more than 55,000 members. OLME was established in 1924 with the purpose to secure teachers’ working rights and to promote Greek culture. Nowadays OLME focuses on: - The co-ordination of all local unions it consists of, aiming [...]
(Primary) Teachers' Federation Greece
The Teachers' Federation Greece is mainly active in primary education politics and has its seat in Athens. DOE was established in 1922.Besides its commitment to improve primary education or to protect and promote professional and material interests of primary school teachers other purposes are declared in the statutes (in Greek only).
[Abstract: Editors of Education [...]
Ukrainian Scientific Journals for the Search Term "teach* / pedagocical" (Педагогічний)
Ukraine; international
The Ukrainian National Library Vernadsky provides a database for scientific journals. You will find here a link to a search result for the word "teach* / pedagocical" (Педагогічний) in the title of the respective journals. Each journal has a small informational text and partly also fulltexts of the [...]
47 - All-Ukrainian Association "Nova Doba" for Teachers of History, Civic Education and Social Studies / Всеукраїнської асоціації "Нова Доба"
Nova Boda is a Ukrainian association for teachers of history, civic education and social studies. The website provides fulltexts of teaching materials as well as publications on the profession of teaching the subjects mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, the website is available in Ukrainian only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
48 - European Schoolnet Academy
The platform is run by European Schoolnet, a network of 30 European Ministries of Education. It provides online courses for teachers. The duration and start date is given for each course on the course website. The first two courses provided are: "Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching" and "Future Classroom Scenarios". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
49 - Teacher´s newspaper (Учительская газета)
Russian Federation
The website of the teacher´s newspaper provides information about the Russian education sector from the perspective of and with the focus on teachers.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide
Russian teacher of the year
Russian Federation
The organisation "teacher of the year" hosts the competition with some sub branches, in which the best Russian teacher is elected.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
51 - Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature - Российское общество преподавателей русского языка и литературы
Russian Federation
The website of the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature provides information about its activities, proceedings of conferences, information on published journals and others. The website is available only in Russian.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
52 - Educations Labour Relations Council (ELRC)
South Africa, Republic
The South African ELRC is acting as a kind of agent for conflict resolution between different trade unions in the public education sector and the respective ministries in charge (acting as employers). The website provides information on their service for conflict resolution, on agreements, legislations and regulations, on links to different trade unions in the educational [...]
53 - National Committee of the Chinese Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Health and Sports Workers' Union (JKWWT - ACFTU)
China, People's Republic of
The "National Committee of the Chinese Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Health and Sports Workers' Union" (JKWWT) is a socalled Industrial Union and member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU). Its website provides information on the work of the committee, on news about working conditions in the educational sector, on conferences (also scientific ones), on [...]
54 - Statistics / Education (China)
China, People's Republic of
The China Education and Research Network provides some basic statistical data and a short report on "2000' Educational Evolution in China" on its English website. The statistics partly comprise different time spans, like 1985-1998, 1952-1998 or 1978-2002. Among others, you will find statistics on number of enrollments, graduates, schools, teachers (by level and type); Basic [...]
Share My Lesson (Open educational resources platform)
; United States of America (USA); ; international
Share My Lesson is a place where educators can come together to create and share their very best teaching resources. Developed by teachers for teachers, this free platform gives access to high-quality teaching resources and provides an online community where teachers can collaborate with, encourage and inspire each other. Share My Lesson has a significant resource bank for [...]
56 - National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL)
NAIRTL is financed by the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) of the Higher Education Authority Irlands and is an initiative of several Irish universities. NAIRTL aims at enhancing and improving the interaction and integration of research, teaching and learning in Higher Education. Students are meant to participate in the process, too, in order to guarantee a better education for [...]
57 - AISHE International Conference Series (AISHE-C)
Ireland; international
AISHE is a society for research in learning and teaching in higher education. The website of their conference, which takes place annually since 2008, offers information on the current as well as past conferences.
Please find the conference themes here:
2012: Responding to Change: Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2011: The Challenge for Graduates in a [...]
58 - All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE)
AISHE is a society for research in learning and teaching in higher education. It organises the annual "AISHE International Conference Series (AISHE-C)" and publishes the open access e-journal "All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J)", the AISHE Readings (AISHE-R), an occasional series of scholarly publications, and their conference [...]
59 - School of Education - University College Cork
international; Ireland
The School of Education has a focus on the following topics:
* Sports Studies and Physical Education (SSPE) Home
* Early Years and Childhood Studies Section
* Science Education Section
* PDE (Post-Primary Teaching)
* Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education Needs (SEN)
There are currentlich three bigger research projects:
* Multiple [...]
60 - All-Ireland Doctoral Conference
Ireland; international
The conference is meant for doctoral students in Ireland who do research on educational issues. In 2012, it took place for the 4th time. The theme of this 4th conference was: "Expanding the Horizon of Doctoral Research in Education - Comparing, Adapting, Advancing". You will find a programme for the conference that took place in 2011, listing the presentations that were given [...]
61 - Review of teachers´ standards
United Kingdom
On 11 March 2011, the Secretary of State for Education announced the details of a Review of Teachers’ Standards. The first report of the Review was published on 14 July 2011 and ministers have accepted the Review´s recommendations for a new set of standards, which will set the minimum requirements for teachers´ practice and conduct. This section contains information about [...]
Uruguayan Society of Mathematics Education
The objectives of the Uruguayan Society of Mathematics Education (SEMUR) are the promotion of Uruguayan mathematics theacers and of activities of mathematics education in Uruguay. Also, it gathers study, discussion and proposal groups which elaborate mathematics plans and programs for all levels. Thus they develop into professionals which are capable of contribute to a serious [...]
Uruguayan Federation of the Teaching Profession - Primary Education Workers
The Uruguayan Federation of the Teaching Profession - Primary Education Workers (FUM-TEP) was founded in 1945 by the teacher confederation of Uruguay as well as the federation of teacher associations of Uruguay. Its objective is to represent all teachers which are actively involved in teaching, to maintain and tend to perfect the autonomous public teaching in technical, [...]
Nacional Federation of Professors for Secondary Education in Uruguay
The National Federation of Professors for Secondary Education in Uruguay (FENAPES) is an association which includes 51 member institutions of the country. The management body is the association congress which gathers every two years and elects an executive committee. The federation maintains many contacts with other syndical education organisations through the Coordinadora de [...]
EducarEcuador - The Innovation Portal
EducarEcuador is an education portal of the ministry of education. It is a working basis which supports all pedagogic issues of the teaching staff on the level of early education, basic education and secondary education. The portal is a virtual space which allows teachers to participate actively in learning processes and thereby contribute to the qualitative improvement of the [...]
National Network of Spanish Teachers
The objective of the National Network of Spanish Teachers (REDNADE) is to provide its members with publications and actualisations for the development of the communicative competence of the students. This is undertaken by the application of modern methods and techniques of teaching and language for the benefit of the improvement of national education.
Association of Teachers of Secondary Education
Costa Rica
The Association of Teachers of Secondary Education (APSE) of Costa Rica has the objective to improve the professional conditions of its members with regard to the scientific, legal and social norms which determine the teaching profession. Also, it defends the labour laws of its members as well as their social and economical interests and promotes the development of a solidly [...]
Pycho-Pedagogical Centre of Higher Education Investigation
The Psycho-Pedagogical Centre for Higher Education Investigation (CEPIES) was founded on Oktober 26th, 1988 by the internal congress of the Universidad de San Andrés (UMSA). It is a centre for teacher training which is subdued to the vice-rectorate and which has the task to improve the work of the teaching staff of higher education institutions. URL: [...]
Educators Association of Cuba
The Educators Association of Cuba (APC) is a scientific, national association with legal statutes which consists of persons which are or were active in teaching or educational sciences. The main objective is to unite all actors of teaching, practical instructional work and educational sciences as well as all persons which are known for their merit and their commitment in [...]
Argentinian Group of Mathematics Education
The Argentinian Group of Mathematics Education (GAEM) is an association of Argentinian researchers and teachers which are involved in mathematics education of every level. The first objective of the group was the creation of an independent virtual space which allows to exchange productions, research results and information in regard to didactics and education of mathematics. [...]
Argentinian Society of Education in Mathematics
The Argentinian Society of Education in Mathematics (SOAREM) was founded in 1998. Its objective is the promotion of the pedagocical and professional level of teachers and all who are interested in the fields of education in mathematics. Therefore, SOAREM gives impulses for the development of education research related to mathemtatics, it analyses the networking of mathematical [...]
National Network of Practics and Residencies of Teacher Training
The Red Nacional de Prácticas y Residencias en la Formción de Docentes is a meeting point for persons and institutions which deal with teacher training. The task of the network is the elaboration of a systematics of exchange of knowledge and expertise which were built in the training institutions as well as in the universities. The RED fosters different alternative [...]
73 - Associaton des professeurs de langues vivantes (APLV)
The Associaton des professeurs de langues vivantes (APLV) unites teachers of modern foreign languages from kindergarden until university. Founded in 1902, the organization stands for independence of the administration and syndicates. The website provides current news for its members in the field of modern languages regarding cultural aspects and presents background information [...]
74 - Ministry of Education of Zambia - Bildungsministerium Sambias
The Ministry of Education of Zambia provides on its homepage various information about the education system, the institution and its administrative facts, and supplements news, official political documents, guidelines and statistical data. Additionally, students, teachers and parents find useful columns with practical hints to educative questions like learning or after-school [...]
75 - 2004 Educational Statistical Bulletin Sambia
The data in this statistical bulletin are official statistics for the Ministry of Education. The Educational Statistical Bulletin (ESB) is an important part of the Ministry of Education’s Education Management Information System (EMIS) that has developed over time. The Bulletin provides statistics that facilitate the formulation of informed decisions that effect the [...]
Cervantes Institute
Spain; Latin America
The Cervantes Institute is a public institution which was founded in 1991 by the promotion of Spanish teaching and language and for t he diffusion of Spanish and Latin-American culture. It is located in Madrid, Spain and in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, the birth place of Miguel de Cervantes. The centres of the institute are located in all five continents. The tasks and functions [...]
77 - Independent Schools Education Association Inc (ISEA)
New Zealand
The Association represents the interests of all teachers and support staff in independent schools in New-Zealand. The website informs about the history of the union and membership issues and offers links to related organisations.
Teacher College of Peru
The Teacher College of Peru (CPPe) was founded in 2004. It is an institution with legal status, which gathers education professionals of Peru. The CPPe is a professional, ethic and deontological institution which promotes the competence of the teaching profession, its professional revaloration as well as the quality of education and the national development.
Education Portal - PerúEduca
The Education Portal PerúEduca is an interactive communication channel where the different education participants can gather and which is maintained by teachers as well as students in the teaching-learning process. Thus, the homepage offers information for teachers/lecturers, pupils/students as well as information about courses and the education community in Peru.
Direction of Educational Research, Supervision and Documentation
The Direction of Educational Research, Supervision and Documentation (DISDE) is a specialized organ of the ministry of education which is charged with the promotion and implementation of the research which can serve as basis for the development of a qualitative educational supply, as well as with the supervision and the verification of the efficiency of this supply which is [...]
Cyberdocencia - Specialized Information of the System of Continuous Training for Teachers
Cyberdocencia consists of multidisciplinary experts of education, especially of the direction of pedagogical higher education (DESP). Its functions are the formulation of national curricula, the design of policies and strategies for the continuing formation and the capacity of teachers in their respective work areas, the diagnose of the teacher situation and its professional [...]
Centre for Continuing Education, Experimentation and Educational Research
The Centre for Continuing Education, Experimentation and Educational Research (CPEIP), a department of the Chilean Ministry of Education, has the task to develop, implement and evaluate programs which facilitate the professional development of teachers and managers relating to educational policies of the Ministry of Education. These programs are developed with regard to the [...]
Enlaces - Centre for Education and Technology
Enlaces, the Centre for Education and Technology (CET), a department of the Ministry of Education of Chile, has the task to improve the quality of education by including educational IT in the school system, which is adequat to the necessities of the information society. Concrete objectives are the support of school to make the lessons more efficient, the developemt of new [...]
84 - CPEIPVirtual
CPEIPVirtual was founded 2006 in the course of a joint project of the Centre for Continuing Education, Experimentation and Research (CPEIP) and the Centre for Education and Technology "Enlaces".
Since 2002, CPEIP has developed an online teacher distance learning programme which includes various courses and Enlaces has dedicated itself to the task of facilitating the access [...]
Chilean Teacher Evaluation System
The National Teacher Evaluation System is a mandatory evaluation process for the 70,000 teachers who work in public schools in Chile. Its purpose is to strengthen the teaching profession and to improve the quality of education.
Since its beginning in 2003, there have been done more than 80,000 evaluations (up to 2010), for those who are practicing in Preschool, Primary, [...]
Network for Teachers of Teachers
The Network teachers of teachers is a program of the ministry of education of Chile with the task, to strengthen the teacher profession. This is accomplished by the application of the capabilites of teachers which were acknowledged as excellence teacher by the Asignación de Excelencia Pedagógica (AEP) by contributing to the professional development of the teacher entity. The [...]
Assignment for Pedagogic Excellence
The accreditation program of the assignment of pedagogic excellence (AEP) is a program of the ministry of education with the task, to strengthen the quality of education through the acknowledgement of professional performance. The accreditation process permits to identify those teachers which show knowledge, capabilty and competence in their performance. Those teachers, then [...]
National Institute of Statistics: Education
The statistical office offers statistics on schools, school age population, teaching staff, infrastructure of education and graduates. Most of the data are only available upon payment.
Latin-American Committee for Educational Mathematics
Argentina; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Chile; United States of America (USA); Guatemala; Mexico; Panama; Puerto Rico; Peru; Dominican Republic; Uruguay; Venezuela; Caribbean
The Latin-American Committee for Educational Mathematics (CLAME) unites accredited researchers and teachers of the field of educational mathematics of Latin-America. The main objective of the association is to connect actions and shared interests with the aim to promote qualitative research and its actualization and to attain professionalization of the teachers through [...]
Academical Alliance
Dominican Republic
The Academical Alliance (AA) regroups teachers, employees and students of the universities. Its goal is to contribute to the defence and the development of its members by allocating itself as developed institution which contributes, by qualitative and efficient means, to the progress of the country.
91 - Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français (FIPF)
The "Fédération internationale des Professeurs de français" is an internationally acting association of teaching staff (teachers, professors) of the French language, which has as its goal to raise the popularity and a worldwide acceptance of the language and its cultural francophonic background.
92 - Men in Early Childhood Care and Education Network New Zealand (EC-MENz)
New Zealand
The Men in Early Childhood Care and Education Network New Zealand (EC-MENz) was installed to promote Early Childhood Education as a great career for men, to network with other men involved in Early Childhood Education, to support men in the early childhood education sector and those in training,
to promote the role of men as carers and educators of children, to collect and [...]
93 - International Education Exchange (IEE)
International Education Exchange (IEE) is working with the Government of Rwanda to support public education by training teachers, creating school partnerships, and improving infrastructure. As the number of children in school increases rapidly, the Government of Rwanda is now also focusing on the quality of education. A primary emphasis contributing to quality education is [...]
94 - National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC)
The National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) ensures that all school curricula are well-understood and effectively used by teachers via regular visits to schools, training seminars to orient teachers, periodic reviews, research and evaluation of curricula.
NCDC attaches great importance to ensuring continuing education and training and the encouragement of individual [...]
95 - Uganda Digital Education Resource Bank (UDERB)
The Uganda Digital Education Resource Bank (UDERB) consists of educational resources which can be used by teachers and students to support and enhance the teaching and learning process in Uganda secondary schools. Currently (April 2011), the site is still partly under construction; more educational content will be added.
96 - Bildungsserver der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens: Zahlen und Fakten
The Bildungsserver is the website of the department for teaching, education and trraining and employment of the ministry of the German-speaking community. The section "Zahlen und Fakten" offers information on the budget as well as figures on pupils and teachers.
97 - Algerian Research Network
The Algerian Research Network (ARN) has been founded in the early nineties. It serves as technological infrastructure for all those who take part in higher education and scientific research.
ARN provides national and international connectivity and follows, in its technical development, the continuing evolution of technical media.
The network allows to comply with the [...]
98 - Portail éducatif Tarbiya.ma
Initiated by Project ALEF of USAID , with support from Microsoft and UNESCO , Tarbiya.ma is a community portal that stimulates the discussion and sharing of information between teachers, parents, experts and other education professionals to help improve the quality of education in Morocco.
Centre for Education Development (CED)
The Centre for Education Development (CED) was established on 1 January 2010, as the result of merger of National In-Service Teacher Training Centre and Methodological Centre of Psychological-Pedagogical Counselling. CED is a national teacher training institution.
The Centre objectives include:
* actions for quality assurance in education, particularly through [...]
Mohammed VI foundation of the promotion of social works of education and vocational training
The Mohammed 6 foundation was created in the course of the application of the national charta for education and vocational training. It`s goal is the structural improvement of the social condition of teachers` families which includes nearly 300 000 people, teachers, functionaries and pensioners from the field of education / vocational training.
101 - TALIS - The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey
The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) helps answer the question how countries can prepare teachers to face the diverse challenges in today’s schools. TALIS asks teachers and schools about their working conditions and the learning environments. It covers important themes such as initial teacher education and professional development; what sort of [...]
European Network of Language Teachers Associations (REAL)
The ultimate aim of the project is to create a sustainable and vibrant umbrella organisation, with legal status, under which many kinds of associations – large, small, monolingual, multilingual, representing not only the “big” languages of Europe, but also the rich variety of languages to be found within our borders – can meet and find ways to motivate learners, [...]
103 - Education in Canada (1996-2000)
This annual review of statistics on Canadian education was published for the years 1996 till 2000. It summarized information on institutions, enrolment, graduates, teachers and finance for all levels of education and provides an analysis of the data. Ten-year time series were shown for most variables at the Canada level and five-year time series at the provincial level. The [...]
Spanish Federation of Associations of Teachers of the French Language
The Fédération espagnole d'associations de professeurs de français (FEAPF) brings together the associations of teachers of French throughout Spain at every educational level. It coordinates the associations nationally and ensures their representation on the international stage. Its work is structured along three lines: educational politics, training and the dissemination [...]
105 - Education Development in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan: Challenges and Ways forward
Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; Kyrgyzstan
This report was written in 2002 by the Open Society Institute. First it presents an overview over the social context in the three postsoviet countries. Then it explains specialities and problems of the education system. The chapters focus on the following topics: Access and equity in education, Education financing, Reform capacity, management and governance, Curriculum, [...]
106 - Association générale des enseignants des écoles et classes maternelles publiques (ageem)
The association of teachers and educators in pre-school education (until 2006 ´Association Générale des Institutrices et Instituteurs des Ecoles et classes Maternelles publiques´ AGIEM) deals with current developments in its vocational field, informs about the daily work in pre-schools and features a list of publications. The website shows the range of activities of its [...]
107 - Schools Recruitment Service
United Kingdom
This archived service provided information regarding recruitment of teaching and supporting staff at schools and other educational institutions, i.e. teachers, teaching assistants, special needs education specialists, receptionists etc.
108 - Ministry of Education
Trinidad and Tobago
The website offers general information about the education system, a school directory and special sections for teachers, parents and pupils.
109 - Anguilla Teachers' Union (ATU)
Anguilla; United Kingdom
The website offers news and contributions supplied by teachers.
110 - Commonwealth Secretariat: Education
Commonwealth; international
Our goal is to support Commonwealth governments in their efforts to attain universal, sustainable and high quality education for all citizens. We work closely with ministries of Education and various partners to address the six action areas in education across the Commonwealth. These include achieving Universal Primary Education; eliminating gender disparities in education; [...]
111 - Japanese Education in the 21st Century
The "Center for US-Japan Comparative Social Studies" is an internet- based non-profit organisation founded in 2000. It aims to provide the general public with information about education, society and culture in Japan in English and about education, society and culture in the United States in Japanese. The book "Japanese Education in the 21st Century" offers detailed [...]
112 - Ministry of Education
Cook Islands
This is the official site of the Cook-Islands ministry of education. It provides information about the education system and provides numerous full text.
Enseignement.be - Site of the Ministry of the Federation Wallonia Brussels
This site is managed by the General Administration of education and scientific research of the Federation Wallonia Brussels of Belgium. It presents information for students and parents but also for professionals in the educational sector, esp. teachers. It offers news and official information about the education system, about events, school and academic registers and contact [...]
114 - partners in education (pie)
Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Poland; Europe
Detailed Title of the Project: "Prevention of Violence by Improving the Relations between School (Teachers) and Parents; Development of a Special Teachertraining including the Use of New Information Technologies". Based on the Comenius 2.1 activities the project is to lead to the improvement of cooperation between schools and parents in European schools. In addition, the [...]
115 - Vejviseren
The 'Vejviseren' is a guide to Danish schools and educational institutions with information on teachers, accessibility for handicapped and the use of IT. Only in Danish.
116 - Elektronisk Mødested for Undervisningsverdenen
Teaching aids and information for teachers, pupils and parents.
117 - The Australian Council for Education through Technology Education through Technology
The Australian Council for Education through Technology (ACET) is a council of Australian affiliated technology organisations. It exists to promote and improve the quality of technology education provided in Australia. ACET is the National Professional Association for technology educators representing members from all sectors of education including pre-school, primary schools, [...]
118 - The European Standing Conference of History Teachers' Associations
EUROCLIO, acknowledged as a Non-Governmental Organisation by the Council of Europe, unites its members, the History Teachers' Associations. Nowadays (2006) EUROCLIO represents about 65.000 history teachers in more than 40 countries. The website of EUROCLIO serves as an information and communication platform with regard to publications, teaching materials, projects and courses.
119 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Bulgaria
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
120 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Turkey
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
121 - Learning Centre of the Australian Children's Television Foundation
The Learning Centre of the ACTF is a unique resource for educators. Television, film and multimedia have an important role in learning across curriculum areas and topics. The ACTF has quality Australian resources to support educators in primary to tertiary and community roles. Over 200 lesson plans for K-10 are being offered.
122 - Educare: Portal de Educação
This is the Education Portal of Portugal. Target group are above all teachers, students/pupils, and parents. A comprehensive navigation bar offers amongst others an access to school issues, interviews and votings, opinions, promotion of talents, educational technology, art, pedagogy and in particular educational legislation. The button "Legislão" leads to diverse core [...]
123 - European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL)
The European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning ( EUROCALL) is an association of language teaching professionals from Europe and world-wide, which aims - according its website information - to: (1) promote the use of foreign languages within Europe, (2) provide a European focus for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice relating to [...]
124 - Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
United States of America (USA)
CAEP was founded in 1954 as an independent accrediting body. It focusses to help establish high quality teacher preparation. The U. S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognize CAEP as a professional accrediting body for teacher preparation. The websites captures among others information on national standards in teacher education, [...]
125 - Global Education
Australia; international
"The objective of the Global Education Website is to increase the amount and quality of teaching of global education in Australian primary and secondary schools. As well as country profiles and information about global issues the site contains teaching and learning support materials, teaching ideas and activities, case studies, a professional development event noticeboard, a [...]
126 - Boys Gender and Schooling
"The Boys Gender and Schooling website has been developed by the Queensland Department of Education and the Arts in response to school and community concerns about boys' education. It rejects the ' gender wars' approach adopted by some commentators in favour of a commitment to gender equity and improved outcomes for all students, male and female." The website provides [...]
127 - Rural and Remote Educators Network
"The Rural and Remote Educators Network is focused on the promotion of and collaboration in rural and remote education - primary, secondary and tertiary. This site hosts several collaborative activities, provides an opportunity for the establishment of networks of educators and community members, and provides access to a range of interesting resource links as well as teacher [...]
128 - Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA)
The Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) was established in 1983 to provide national advocacy and leadership in curriculum. It draws its membership from all levels and sectors. The website informs about ACSA, its publications and projects.
129 - Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA)
The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) aims to advance the practice and study of distance education in Australia and foster communication between distance educators. Its website provides information on ODLAA, its activities and publications as well as links to related websites.
130 - Primary English Teaching Association (PETA)
"The Primary English Teaching Association (PETA) is committed to promoting awareness of the importance of children's language development and the significance of the teacher's role in education." The website informs about PETA and its projects and provides information on resources for teachers and links to related websites.
131 - Technology Education Federation of Australia (TEFA)
The Technology Education Federation of Australia (TEFA) was formed in 1991 as a federation of national professional associations of technology educators. Its website offers information on technology education in general, TEFA and its projects and provides links to technology education resources.
132 - Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER)
"The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation ( ACHPER) is a national professional association representing people who work in the areas of Health Education, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, Dance, Community Fitness or Movement Sciences. The mission of the Council is to promote healthy lifestyles for all Australians and particularly to study and [...]
133 - Australian College of Educators
"The Australian College of Educators (ACE) is a peak body that exists to advance the education profession nationally across all sectors and levels for the individual and collective success of Australia' s educators. " To non-members, the website offers information on the College, its activities and research and a list publications.
134 - Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA)
"The Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA) is the national professional body representing teachers of all languages in Australia. Its role is to promote language learning in Australia." The website contains information on the federation, its publications and links to its member organisations.
135 - Australian Learning Disability Association (ALDA)
The Australian Learning Disability Association (ALDA) represents the interests of students with learning disabilities and aims to raise awareness and acceptance of learning disability nationally. Through this site ALDA aims to provide access to information and resources for individuals with learning disabilities, their families, educators and the general public of Australia. [...]
136 - Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA)
"The Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) is the peak body representing science teachers in Australia. It is the federation of eight state and territory Science Teacher Associations. Through its council structure it represents and supports science teachers and teaching." Its website informs about ASTA and provides links to its member organisations and to resources [...]
137 - Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE)
The AATE is the national arm of Australian state/territory associations for the teaching of English. It gives teachers a voice on national issues concerned with teaching and learning in English. Its website provides information on its conferences and publications as well as links to projects, member and other organisations.
138 - Australian Council of TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Associations (ACTA)
The Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) is the national coordinating body for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Its objectives are to represent and support the interests of its members, to ensure access to English language instruction for speakers of other languages and to promote study, research and development of TESOL at state, national [...]
139 - Australian Joint Council of Professional Teaching Associations (AJCPTA)
The Australian Joint Council of Professional Teaching Associations ( AJCPTA) is a federation of state and territory joint councils of teacher professional associations representing its members' interests on a national level. Its website contains information on the AJCPTA and its activities, provides links to related websites and gives access to full-text versions of relevant [...]
140 - Austega's Gifted Resource Centre
Austega's Gifted Resource Centre is designed for parents and teachers of gifted children and provides information and links on this topic in general as well as on alternative schooling options and Australian organisations for gifted children.
141 - American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
United States of America (USA)
The AACTE is a national voluntary organization of colleges and universities that prepare the nation's teachers and other educational personnel, based in Washington. AACTE is dedicated to innovation in and reforms of teacher education. Publisher of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), Newsletter "AACTE briefs". Reports, CD tapes and further data can be obtained. The website [...]
142 - Independent Education Union of Australia (IEU)
"The Independent Education Union of Australia (IEUA) is the federally registered industry union representing all employees working in non-government schools and institutions across Australia. Included in its membership are principals, teachers and various categories of clerical, administrative, educational support staff and school services officers employed in primary and [...]
143 - Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
United States of America (USA)
ACEI is an organization of teachers, parents, and other adults interested in promoting best educational practices for children from infancy through early adolescence. Members are dedicated to a flexible, child-centered approach to education. ACEI, is represented at the United Nations and has been granted consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council [...]
144 - Australian Education Union (AEU)
The Australian Education Union (AEU) represents its members' interests over a wide range of matters including salaries and teaching and learning conditions. It has a membership of 155,000 educators including teachers and allied educational staff, principals and administrators mainly in government school and TAFE systems. Its website provides information on the union, its [...]
145 - Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT)
"The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT) is a confederation of affiliated associations. It aims to support and enhance the work of teachers, to promote the learning of mathematics and to represent and promote interests in mathematics education." Its website provides information on the AAMT and its projects and a comprehensive link list.
146 - Australian Literacy Educators' Association (ALEA)
"The Australian Literacy Educators' Association (ALEA) is dedicated to the improvement of literacy development and language learning at all levels. It provides support and professional development to educators and others interested in literacy through international, national, state and regional conferences, workshops and seminars, journals, position papers and other [...]
147 - Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE)
"The ACCE (Australian Council for Computers in Education) is the national professional body for those involved in the use of learning technology in education. The Council consists of representatives from the state and territory Computer Education Groups and the Australian Computer Society. It publishes the journal 'Australian Educational Computing' and authorises annual [...]
148 - Education for Rural Development: Tool Kit
Education for Rural People (ERP) is a promotional measure taken by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN and Unesco. This website is about the ERP Tool Kit which provides education and training materials for rural teachers, instructors, trainers, parents, researchers and others involved in formal and non-formal education for rural people. The Tool Kit draws on [...]
149 - For all Children to Succeed - A New Network Organisation for Quality Education in Malta
This network shall contribute to the process of the educational reform of Malta. The document, which you can download from this web site, focuses on the creation of new school networks at state primary and secondary education levels, and the restructuring of the Education Division.
150 - Malta Union of Teachers
The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) is over 6000 members strong, representing all grades of teachers in the public and private sectors from Kindergarten to University. Over the years the MUT developed its dual role of a strong and effective trade union and an experienced professional educational organisation. This website offers information on joining, the Capital Language [...]
151 - What is bullying?
This website is designed for secondary school teachers and students who require information about bullying. It provides tips how to cope with this problem, as well as myths and facts on the topic.
152 - The African Education Knowledge Warehouse (AEKW)
The African Education Knowledge Warehouse (AEKW) is a pan- African education portal which serves African SchoolNet practitioners, policymakers and school-based communities on ICTs in education across Africa. Various links provide an access to centres for special target groups (teachers, learners and others).
153 - Skola - Bringing Schools Together
The school net of Malta provides various services for teachers, students and parents. It includes links to web sites concerning primary education and secondary education (e.g. e-learning), and some especially for educators (teachers and parents). Besides, there is an archive of articles with the option to add new ones by filling in a form, an online discussion forum, lists of [...]
154 - Foundation for Educational Services (FES)
The FES is conceived as a mechanism that enables the Education Division at the Ministry of Education to provide, among others, a range of innovative educational initiatives in the field of literacy support. It develops and manages educational programmes: the Hilti Programme ( family literacy clubs, named Hilti Clubs, are aimed at students in the early primary years and their [...]
155 - Department for Curriculum Management
This website provides information about the Department for Curriculum Management and its various resource centres. It provides access to the Maltese National Minimum Curriculum - a framework establishing parameters within which every school will be empowered to design and propose an educational provision that meets its particular curricular needs - and to the syllabi, [...]
156 - Government of Malta: Education
This site of the homepage of the Maltese government contains links to many pages that include lists of schools, the Exams Department, libraries and how to apply for a scholarship. The General section includes enrolment for evening classes, students' maintenance grants, resources for children and links to related publications.
157 - European Forum for Teachers of Religious Education
This is the website of the European Forum for Teachers of Religious Education. It exists to form a European organization to promote the teaching of Religious Education. Member organizations represent teachers in schools, colleges and universities and work together to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and working methods.
158 - The Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers (A&BUT)
Antigua and Barbuda
The union represents the interests and rights of teachers in Antigua and Barbuda.
159 - The Barbados Union of Teachers
The union represents the interests and rights of teachers in Barbados. The site includes a Teachers' Handbook with detailed information on the teaching profession and a Code of Ethics.
160 - Le Syndicat des Enseignants (SE-UNSA)
The teacher union has been established in 1992. It represents teacher with the following French occupational titles: instituteurs, professeurs des écoles (inclusive école maternelle), des collèges, des lycées et lycées professionnels, technologiques, des enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive, des conseillers principaux d' éducation, enseignants spécialisés, [...]
161 - Polish System of Education
This information on the Polish education system after the educational reform in 1999 has been compiled by the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange in Poland. It provides a comprehensive overview on all levels and areas of the education sector and on academic titles and degrees. The presentation contains a graph on the structure of the education system.
162 - Ministry of education - Government of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
The homepage of the Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka provides timely information on the field of education as well as statistical data on the state school system (governmental schools, students, teachers) for the years 2002 and 2003. Moreover clearly structured full texts are provided on the following topics: 1. Historical overview of education in Sri Lanka, 2. Present [...]
163 - Jährliche Umfrage zu Tendenzen der Grundbildung: Umfrage von 2004 / Annual Survey of Trends in Primary Education: Survey of 2004
United Kingdom
This web site is part of the National Foundation for Education Research surveys and summarises the results of the 2004 annual survey of primary education. Head teachers were questioned on trends in education, focussing on aspects of school administration and budgeting. For the first time, curriculum issues were addressed in the survey. The head teachers expressed their wish [...]
164 - Beit Berl College
Beit Berl College is one of the oldest colleges (founded in 1946) and one of the leading institutions for teacher training in Israel. The college holds academic courses for teacher training (pre-school, primary and high school, special and informal education, and youth advancement), arts and the cinema, nature and the environment, and also diploma studies in librarianship, [...]
165 - Schulwesen in der Tschechischen Republik
This website offers information on the daily school routine in the Czech Republic and provides numerous links with relevance to education. The text includes critical issues of teaching and the current situation of teachers. It serves all those, who are interested in the exchange of students.
166 - Inter-Pedagogika
Russian Federation
This website, elaborated under the responsibility of a lady, a pedagogical scientist from St. Petersburg, has the character of an education portal. It is available to teachers, parents and students. Inter-Pedagogika stands for a pedagogy which is international, interactive and interesting. The respective homepage offers various links leading to partial areas of pedagogy, in [...]
167 - European Association for Music in Schools (EAS)
This website of the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS) serves music educators - teachers, artists, scientists - as a platform in order to increase their commitment to enlarging and improving music lessons throughout the countries of Europe. A special page, at present still under construction and titled "Music education in the school systems of Europe" takes users [...]
168 - Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT)
The Caribbean Union of Teachers offers a common forum for the teacher unions of the Caribbean and organises events.
169 - India Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
The Society unites professionals in higher technical education in order to improve the quality of engineering and technical education at higher education level. The projects operate both nationally and internationally. Newsletters, publications and regular conferences provide opportunities for exchanging information. Moreover, the Society is advisory to the Government of India [...]
170 - Königliches Nationalinstitut für Blinde Menschen: Bildung und Lernen / Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB): Education and Learning
United Kingdom
The RNIB is the national state organisation for the blind. The web site "Education and Learning" states its objectives concerning the support of vision impaired people in education at home, school, and in the community and increasing the number of students in higher education. It provides information for special interest groups (teachers, students, pupils and parents). [...]
171 - The League for the Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers (LECT)
Commonwealth; United Kingdom
"LECT's mission is to support teachers and promote excellence in education through developing, supporting and promoting a wide range of international professional development programmes for teachers and educators." Activities include study visits and exchange, information sharing and international collaboration.
172 - Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME)
"CASTME is a professional organisation that links Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Educators across the Commonwealth." Its objective is the enhancement of teaching and learning of science, technology and mathematics throughout the Commonwealth.
173 - Botschaft von Japan. Austauschmöglichkeiten
The website is designed by the Japanese Council in Germany, it offers information about the major non commercial academic exchange programmes between the two countries (JET, DAAD, competitions, stipends). A vast collection of links to further exchange sites can be downloaded from this page.
174 - Teachers for a Better Belize
"Teachers for a Better Belize, a U.S. nonprofit organization, is a partnership of volunteer educators from the U.S. & Belize who coordinate teacher-training workshops and distribute school supplies in the Toledo region of Belize. Our goal is to equip Toledo's elementary school teachers with the training and supplies they need to help their students achieve educational success [...]
175 - Educared Perú
This website addresses all persons working as educators, students and parents. The information given is arranged according to the target group. An important thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides information texts on aspects of education in Peru and abroad, texts for teachers, resources, link lists concerning educational software, [...]
176 - General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland is the statutory, independent body for the teaching profession and is dedicated to enhancing the status of teaching and promoting the highest standards of professional conduct and practice."
177 - General Teaching Council for Wales
Wales; United Kingdom
"The General Teaching Council for Wales is the statutory, self- regulating professional body for teachers in Wales. It seeks to raise the status of teaching by maintaining and promoting the highest standards of professional practice and conduct in the interests of teachers, pupils and the general public."
178 - Kindergarten und Schule in Südtirol
This website provides information on the German speaking education system in South Tyrolia as follows: 1. School administration, educational research and teacher education and further education of teachers (Schulamt, Pädagogisches Institut), 2. educational institutions as Kindergartens, schools and schools of vocational education and training, 3.teacher associations and [...]
179 - Europäischer Frühling. Die Erweiterung
Europe; international
[Caution: This is a copy from the website archive as of 2007. We will soon offer new information]
The European Union is on the verge of a historic moment. Ten new countries are set to join the EU on 1 May 2004 and three candidate countries are preparing for membership. Spring Day in Europe gives schools the opportunity to debate and celebrate the enlargement of the EU. [...]
180 - Santillana (editorial)
Santillana is a Spanish publisher that provides various instructional aids, games, instructional information, information texts and other resources for teachers, parents and pupils.
181 - Consejería de Educación y Juventud de Cantabria
The web site of the "Education Ministry" of the province of Cantabria is divided into three parts: "Educación" provides general information about the school, higher and professional education sectors of the Cantabrian educational system; "Juventud" offers information for young people, e.g. a contest of youth fashion and the part of the Consejo Escolar describes the tasks and [...]
182 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Cyprus
Cyprus, Republic of
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
183 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Malta
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
184 - Educational Statistics
This address provides statistical tables about number of schools, students and teachers, pupil-teacher ratio and graduates in secondary education.
185 - Les statistiques du ministère de l`éducation nationale et de l'enseignement supérieur
This web site provides access to statistical tables concerning a) numbers of students and pupils at all levels, b) numbers of teachers at all levels and c) budget and financing of education.
186 - Education statistics of the Republic of Maldives
This web site provides statistical data (starting from 2001) on student enrollment, number of schools and teachers. The main part consists of statistics on student enrollment by grade and gender in the capital Male' and the 19 atolls of the Republic of Maldives.
187 - Education statistics
Saint Lucia
By clicking on a map of the island one can get data about schools, teachers and students in the 8 districts of the country.
188 - European Federation for Intercultural Learning
EFIL is the umbrella organisation of the European AFS Organisations in Europe. AFS (formerly American Field Service) is a non-profit volunteer based educational organization offering exchanges for students, young adults and teachers in over 50 countries around the world. The respective website provides information on member organisations, programmes and activities. Besides it [...]
189 - Education statistics digest online
This URL provides access to the yearly statistics of the Education Ministry of Singapore as pdf-files. The reports cover primarily as well as secondary education and universities. They show the number of institutions as well as the number of studentes. Finally they provide an overview about the state expenditures on education.
190 - GO-teaching
United Kingdom
"GO-teaching is a collaborative LEA service to provide supply teachers to schools. We also help schools to find teachers for permanent positions. The service is strongest in the South West of England, from Oxford to Cornwall, and is extending across other parts of the country."
191 - Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) Teaching Union
Scotland; United Kingdom
"Founded in 1847 The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is the oldest teaching union in the world. EIS priorities in trade union work are a commitment to high standards of education and to a society which offers young people the best opportunities in education, training as well as social and cultural development. In addition to its professional role, the Institute has [...]
192 - Teacher Support Network
United Kingdom
"Teacher Support Network is a national charity that provides practical and emotional support to teachers and lecturers (both serving and retired) and their families, regardless of age, length of service or union affiliations." Financial problems and retirement are the main issues.
193 - Les chiffres clés du système éducatif (Schlüsselzahlen zum Bildungssystem)
This website of the French Ministry of Education offers a brief overview of key figures on education (quantity of pupils, teachers, certificates, institutions, and finances). You will furthermore find links to the following publications: "Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche" und "L'éducation nationale en chiffres". [...]
194 - Schools in Armenia
These links to the websites of Armenian schools are arranged according to educational institutions in the capital and those in the region Yerevan as a whole. There are efforts to present most of the information also in English.
195 - Schweizerisches Zentrum für die Mittelschule (ZEM CES)
The ZEM organizes didactical and educational-methodical training courses for teachers at schools of upper secondary level. In the range of quality development it provides training for school leaders and persons who are responsible for quality and advises schools in matters of quality development. The website provides an overview of the various training courses.
196 - EFA 2000 assessment country report on basic education in Mongolia
This is the country report of the Mongolian coordinator in the framework of the activity "Education for All - Assessment 2000" based on the World Declaration "Basic Education for All" launched in Jomtien/Thailand in 1990. Respective measures are financed by international organizations, e. g. Unesco and World Bank. This analysis offers an overview on state and perspectives of [...]
197 - Teachernet: The education site for teachers and school managers
United Kingdom
A collection of resources for teachers provided by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). Topics include teaching and learning, management, professional development, research and UK education policy as well as communications services and a recruitment services for schools seeking to employ qualified staff .
198 - Teachers magazine
United Kingdom; England
"Teachers magazine was launched in the spring of 1999 and is the Department for Education and Skills' magazine for the teaching profession in England. The magazine is primarily written for classroom teachers in the primary and secondary sectors but heads of department, senior teachers and headteachers also form part of the readership. Since January 2002, the magazine has been [...]
199 - teachnet.ie
TeachNet Ireland - an initiative of St. Patrick's College Drumcondra- funds innovative Irish teachers throughout Ireland to publish curriculum units that demonstrate the integration of ICT into classroom teaching in a meaningful and practical way. Acces to the TeachNet projects, information on types of grants, practical information on integrating ICT in to classroom.
200 - EdNa Online Theme Pages for Australian Schools
The purpose of this page is to provide teachers and students with evaluated quality resources from the searchable EdNA Online database on a wide variety of themes.
201 - Quality Teaching - National Quality Teacher Information Exchange Project (NQTIE)
The National Quality Teacher Information Exchange Project is being undertaken from July 2001- June 2003. This is the Commonwealth Quality Teacher Programme national website. The website plays the dual role of providing information and acting as an interactive communication place (news, newsletter, calendar, teacher stories, chat) . It offers access to research papers, [...]
202 - Queensland Studies Authority
The Authority -established in 2002- exercises portfolio-wide responsibilities for the development, review and approval of pre-school guidelines and syllabuses for years 1-12, as well as the development of professional resources for teachers to support the implementation of relevant guidelines and syllabuses. The website offers comprehensive information on the QSA as well as [...]
203 - The Department of Conservation: For Teachers
New Zealand
The Department of Conservation is the central government organisation charged with conserving the natural and historic heritage of New Zealand. The special service for schools comprises link lists with relevant topics for lessons and projects; project information (free access to full texts) and a calendar.
204 - PBS Ready To Learn
United States of America (USA)
PBS - Ready To Learn is supported from the National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education in the U.S. Department of Education. Internet portal reflecting puppet or animal shows on TV ( sesamstreet, between the lions...) with education programmes and e- learning offers, games, stories, music ... for children. Seperated entry with broad range of ressources for [...]
205 - Ask about Ireland (Environmental Information/ENFO)
ENFO is a public service which provides easy access to wide-ranging and authoritative information on the environment, incl. sustainable development. It was established in 1990 by the Department of the Environment and Local Government. Library database and special information for schools and teachers. Online publications on single environmental issues.
206 - Deutschunterricht in Albanien
In diesem Artikel wird der Versuch unternommen, eine allgemeine The article provides an overview on learning and teaching foreign languages in Albania, focussing on the German language (publisher: DaF- Mosaik - Internetinformation for German teachers in South-East Europe).
207 - School Development Planning Support Primary (SDPS)
SDPS was launched in May of 1999 as part of the National Development Plan 2001-2006, to promote the practice of planning in Primary schools. The service aimed at supporting collaborative planning as a means of promoting school effectiveness and renewal and to avoid early school leaving. The site contains information areas for teachers, parents and boards, links to educational [...]
208 - Primary Curriculum Support Programme (PCSP)
The purpose of the PCSP is to mediate the Primary School Curriculum for teachers towards enabling them to implement it in their schools. This website aims to inform them of the workings and structures of the Support Programme. Each curricular area contains details of the timescale for in-service training and implementation, as well as useful downloadable resources. PSCP was [...]
209 - The Association of CSPE Teachers (ACT) - Supporting Citizenship Education in Ireland
The aims of ACT are to support the teachers of Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) and to represent them. Information on the constitution, action projects and events. Free access to 'ACTIVATE' , the newsletter of ACT. Full text articles and statements and commented useful links for CSPE teachers are available.
210 - Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme - Link Modules Assessment Guidelines
Summary (PDF-file, 72 pages) of the principal changes in the revised ' Link Modules' (the defining curriculum for the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme - LCVP) , examined for fist time in 2004. ( Background-) information for teachers.
211 - skoool.ie
skoool.ie is a collaboration between AIB Bank, The Irish Times, and Intel® Ireland to foster highly innovative, interactive and exciting learning. Focus is laid on the Irish Junior and Senior Cycle curricula. Target groups are students, teacher and parents. Broad range of learning and information resources in the style of a web-portal.
212 - Skolatorg - The School Forum
Skolatorg is a developmental project which began early in 1999 and is aimed at facilitating communication and the information flow between families and compulsory schools (teachers and pupils) by using a specially designed web solution for the school community. Main information in Icelandic only.
213 - Irish Science Teacher's Association
Information on council and branches of the association. Linklist to science associations, events and programmes. Access to the ' Primary Science Newsletter'.
214 - Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (iatse)
Information on aims, membership and the annual conference. Newletter ' Update' and Journal of Special Need in Education "REACH".
Ministry of Education
The web site of the Ministry of Education of Cuba (URL: http://www.cubaeduca.rimed.cu or http://www.cubagob.cu/des_soc/mined/mined.htm) doesn`t exist at the moment (stand: September 2011). This website provides a description of the activities of the Ministry.
216 - The Post- Primary Languages Initiative
The Post-Primary Languages Initiative is in place since September 2000 with the purpose of implementing the policy of the Department of Education & Science Ireland of enhancing and expanding the teaching of languages in second-level schools. The initiative is also engaged in research on teaching materials, the planning networking days for teachers and the dissemination of [...]
217 - Subject Association Representative Group (SARG)
SARG is representing subject and teacher associations of Ireland. SARG exists to provide a forum for those associations to share information on topics of mutual interest. Linklist of associations by subjects. Constitution, forms and reports to download. Links to Irish teaching councils and an event calendar are kept.
218 - Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de l'Enseignement Superieure
The website of the Education Ministry provides: texts of educational law and regulations, detailed statistical tables of pupil and teacher numbers and educational funding, a short overview of the school system, including a map with links to individual schools, texts concerning educational programs and planning and an access point to examination requirements at all educational [...]
219 - Gesellschaft der Deutschlehrer Irlands (GDI)
Online resources for German language lessons and on language certificates. Links to related organisation and competitions in Ireland.
220 - Educate Together
'Educate Together' is the representative organisation of the 'Educate Together schools' and associations throughout the republic of Ireland. Schools operated by those member associations have a distinct ethos: a.) all children having equal rights of access to the school, b.) co-educational, c.) child centred, d.) participation by parents. Presentation of the schools via an [...]
221 - Aarhus College of Education
Historical and actual outline of the College established as a merger in 1989. Information on studying and services.
222 - Skårup College of Education
Skårup College of Education is the oldest teacher training institution in Denmark. Information on the aims of teacher education, the structure of studying at Skårup, practical information. Links to teacher unions and related Danish organisations.
223 - The Danish National Union of Upper Secondary School Teachers (GL)
'Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening' (GL) was founded in 1890 and has more than 11.500 members. Information on the organisational structure of the union, activities, teacher working conditions and international co-operation. General information on teacher education and the Danish Education System.
224 - Lernklick - Computerunterstützer Unterricht
This site contains various offers for using computers in education, for example learning software, e-learning programmes, apps, teaching aids and a few hints on computer based learning.
225 - Verein Schweizerischer Mathematik- und Physiklehrer (VSMP)
The Association of Swiss Mathematics and Physics Teachers is one of the members of the Association of Swiss Secondary Teachers. Its aim is the furtherance of the mathematics and physics instruction under the dual viewpoint of science and methodological / educational research.
226 - The Education Canada Network (ECN)
ECN is Canada´s largest educational e-recruitment resource network with a nationwide online database. Access to the database and joboffers of the provinces and territories, of national and international educational organisations.
227 - BZL - Fachzeitschrift für Lehrerbildnerinnen und Lehrerbildner
This site presents an overview about a professional journal "BZL". BZL contains themes about teacher education and further education of teachers and serves as a forum for conceptual and practical problems of teacher education.
228 - The Independent School Teachers Association of New Zealand (ISTANZ)
New Zealand
The association represents the interests of all teachers in independent schools. Information on the history of ISTANZ and on membership. A newsletter can be obtained free of charge. Link list to related organisations in NZ.
229 - National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ)
United States of America (USA)
The NCTQ has its origins in the 'Teacher Quality Initiative', a joint project of the 'Education Leaders Council' and the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation. NCTQ is a nonprofit organization devoted to the pursuit of teacher quality. It aims to provide up-to-the-minute information on what the various education policy options are, which may work well, which seem not to work at [...]
230 - California Teachers Association
United States of America (USA)
CTA is a teacher organization that represents and serves more than 330, 000 members - consisting of teachers and other education employees in California. Comprehensive information offer on e.g. training, legal services, quality education, higher education. Link to the Student California Teachers Association's ( SCTA), the own magazine "California Educator" (online features, [...]
231 - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
United States of America (USA)
ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 7,000 foreign language educators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry. It is dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages and to innovative ways of language education. A download library provides publications and ACTFL whitepapers. [...]
232 - The New Zealand Reading Association (NZRA)
New Zealand
NZRA consists of regional councils which encourage membership of teachers, parents, and literacy educators. The purpose of the NZRA is to encourage literacy learning and reserach in literacy education.
233 - Physical Education New Zealand - Te Reo Kori Aotearoa (PENZ)
New Zealand
Physical Education New Zealand - Te Reo Kori Aotearoa is a non-profit organisation for people interested in promoting quality physical education. PENZ actively promotes and develops physical education, and supports educators and others by providing opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding about all aspects of physical education. On the website you will find [...]
234 - Early Childhood Council New Zealand (ECC)
New Zealand
The ECC supports the independent centres of the Early Childhood Sector in New Zealand by providing services and benefits, fostering a high quality early childhood service. Through this web site the ECC provides up to date information on issues relevant to its members, including matters related to legislation and regulation, industrial relations, training, events, funding and [...]
235 - Distance Education Association of New Zealand
New Zealand
DEANZ is a national association for professionals working in flexible, open and networked education committed to fostering growth, development, research and good practice in distance education, open learning and flexible delivery systems for education. Access to the Journal of Distance Learning (only latest issue with abstracts online) and to the newsletter 'Flier' (archive [...]
236 - EducaRed
This abundant website addresses all persons working as educators - the thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides the following sub-groups: (official) information texts for teachers; resources, i.e. link lists concerning educational software, curriculum materials for curriculum subjects and extra- curricular applications; forums for [...]
237 - Federation of Internet Education
Russian Federation
This website focuses on projects promoting different target groups in handling new technologies, especially the Internet. It offers specialized information for teachers, parents, teenagers and writers. Providers invite for social rating of electronic resources in the field of education.
238 - Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography (VMOUG)
Russian Federation
This website of Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography in the Russian Federation offers a platform for subject specialists to exchange their experiences, to upgrade their professional level and for preparing lessons, particularly with regard to the use of new technologies in teaching geography. On the respective homepage a link to newly developed lessons is [...]
239 - Ulster Teachers' Union (UTU)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Founded in 1919, the Ulster Teachers' Union is one of the largest organisations of teachers in Northern Ireland. The page informs about protection, benefits and services for teachers and about comments on educational issues.
240 - NASUWT Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
NASUWT is one of the largest teachers' unions and the only one to organise in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. NASUWT has members in all sectors of education and represents teachers in all roles including heads and deputies. The website provides news and information for teachers and informs about legal services and training courses. Addresses of local councils [...]
241 - Russian Educational Portal
Russian Federation
This official portal offers plenty of well structured educational information about the Russian Federation and even up to regional pages. There is a catalogue of resources for pupils, teachers, parents and administrators. Access is provided to national portals and the educational portal of Unesco. Besides documents and legal texts of the Russian Ministry of Education are [...]
242 - Curriculum Corporation Australia
Curriculum Corporation works in the education sector and is owned by all Australian Education Ministers. It is the key national organisation providing curriculum support to schools and school systems, and producing and disseminating high quality education products and services including books, videos, magazines, multimedia, online services and professional development. Its [...]
243 - Making better connections
This report (132 pages - PDF-format) represents outcomes of the project "Models of Teacher Professional Development for the Integration of Information and Communication Technology into Classroom Practice", funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training ( DEST).
244 - Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug: Education
Russian Federation
The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is located in the Middle of Russia. It occupies the central part of the West-Siberian plain. The page on Education comprises links to the following areas and levels of the education system: In-service educator training; Pre-school Education; Primary Education; General Secondary Education; National Schools; Initial Vocational Training; [...]
245 - Bildungsserver Basel-Stadt
The education platform edu-BS offers comprehensive online information for teachers and schools. Search for teaching materials and links can be specified in various boxes of a search engine. Information on school policy, an event calendar and news are kept additionally. The school section offers general information on institutions in Basel responsible for school issues, an [...]
246 - Survival Guide for New Teachers
United States of America (USA)
Report on how new teachers can work effectively with veteran teachers, parents, principals, and teacher educators ( HTML-format). The publication from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, is also available in portable document format (pdf) [2.0MB]..
247 - Integration of Handicapped Pupils in the Mainstream School System.
Full Text (HTML-Format) about the efforts to integrate handicapped pupils in the Danish school system. Hisorical review from 1969, the situation in the 70ies and plans for the future. The text is provided from the Danish Ministry of Education.
248 - Facts and Figures Education Indicators Denmark 2000.
This publication (HTML Format) presents a number of general indicators, which are to be seen as directions for where the development goes or is expected to go in the Danish education system. The indicators are grouped under three headings: 1.) Resources. 2.) Pupil / student flows 3.) Results. A presentation of the Danish Education System is preceding. The whole publications is [...]
249 - School Library Associations of South Australia Inc.
SLASA informs about activities at South Australian school libraries and provides information on the profession of teacher librarians as well as further education offers, teaching material, internet ideas and a job database for them. Link to the RCTA (Resource Centre Teachers' Association) advocating the role of teacher librarians and to SASLA the South Australian Library [...]
250 - The National Staff Development Council (NSDC)
United States of America (USA)
NSDC is the National Staff Development Council. It is a national non- profit association of about 10,000 educators, committed to ensuring success for all students by applying high standards for professional development for everyone who affects student learning. The homepage links to information on standards, the NSDC Academy, membership, and on their publications. A quarterly [...]
251 - Developmental Studies Center (DSC)
United States of America (USA)
DSC is a non-profit organization and has developed programs and research to foster children's intellectual, social, and ethical development. Wellknown for its comprehensive school change program developed in the 1980's (Child Development Project CDP). On the website Links to furhter projects, in- and after school programs & materials, and materials for educators. Further [...]
252 - Soth African Democratic Teachers Union
South Africa, Republic
This teachers union characterizes itself as having a "progressive vision". It is the largest teachers union in South Africa (140,000 members). The website gives information about the activities in educational and professional policy, publications, speeches and press releases, events and conferences etc. and gives access to articles of the electronic version of the journal "The [...]
253 - Bildung in Russland
Russian Federation
This website of the Russian Internet-Portal "5ballov" (Note Sehr gut) offers educational information on the following categories: lectures, tests, education in Russia, education abroad, higher education institutions in the Russian Federation as well as education and law. Besides it provides latest news on educational developments in the country. Numerous links and search [...]
254 - Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA)
Central Europe; Eastern Europe
The Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA) was founded as a result of the growth of American and International schools in Central and Eastern Europe. The primary goal of CEESA is to provide a forum for on-going communication, cooperation, and professional growth among member institutions.- The CEESA website offers useful links for students, teachers and [...]
255 - Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques de l`Enseignement Public (APMEP)
The homepage of the French Association of Mathematics Teachers has links to texts about the organization itself, its publications, services, activities and statements and databases concerning problems of mathematics instruction.
256 - Schools Online Curriculum Content Initiative (SOCCI)
The Le@rning Federation is an initiative of State and Federal governments of Australia and New Zealand and primarily concerned with delivering online curriculum content over the period 2001-2006 for schools. The aim of this website is to inform about the progress of the Initiative. The site includes information about the project, key documents and resources (pdf. or html. [...]
257 - education.gov.au
The Education Portal is the online entry point to a comprehensive array of Commonwealth Government information and services concerning all aspects and levels of education in Australia. It also provides links to key education and training sites at the national, state and territory level.
258 - A Nation At Risk
United States of America (USA)
This document is a report to the Nation, the Education Ministy by The National Commission on Excellence in Education ( April 1983). ASCII version of this document (51K) is available. The report analyzes the dangers of a rising tide of mediocrity in American educational foundations that threatens the future as a nation and a people. It develops steps for educational reforms.
259 - Canadian Teachers´ Federation (CTF) - Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants (FCE)
The Canadian Teachers´ Federation (CTF) is a national alliance of provincial and territorial teacher organizations that represent nearly 200,000 elementary and secondary school teachers across Canada. CTF strives to help with increasing teachers´ influence with the government, with improving salaries and working conditions and with being a contact for teachers in hard times [...]
260 - Center On Personnel Studies in Special Education (COPSSE)
United States of America (USA)
COPSSE, is supported by a cooperative agreement between the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs ( OSEP), and the University of Florida. Fostering research in special education focus is laid on teacher quality in the area of special education. Project overview in a brochure to download. Profile of special education in each state. Access to papers [...]
261 - Scholastic's Early Childhood Today (ECT)
United States of America (USA)
ECT is an online magazine for child care center owners, directors and early childhood educators providing research, teaching tips, activities, management strategies, and technology updates (publishing house is Scholastic's). It offers online material for classroom activities, articles and surveys of experts for download. Special attention is turned on fostering early literacy [...]
262 - Department of Education and Early Development Alaska
United States of America (USA)
This Internet portal offers detailed and comprehensive information about education, assesment and the education system in Alaska, files and an online directory for Alaska public schools and districts as well as a list of links and contact addresses to ministries, organisations and educational information providers. Fulltexts are available for download.
263 - ScoilNet - network for Irish schools.
ScoilNet is managed by the National Center for Technology in Education (NCTE) and is part of the project "Schools IT 2000". It is an online support service giving information on educational issues generally, for pupils, parents and teachers. The teachers and parents pages offer information about school, curricula, teaching material for download, download of "Education Matters" [...]
264 - Educational support sites
This site provides access to EDSNET, a network with information resources for "supporting Namibia's education professionals" and 2) SchoolNet, the Namibian school net for the use by students ("youth empowerment through internet") . Furthermore, there are some links to schools.
265 - Waldorf education directory for Latin America
Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Ecuador; Colombia; Mexico; Peru; Uruguay
This website shows postal and internet addresses of Waldorf schools, teacher training institutions, teacher associations and school associations.
266 - OECD Online Education Database
The OECD Education Database provides internationally comparable data on key aspects of education systems. The database covers: enrollments, graduates and new entrants by sex, age and level of education, foreign students, teaching staff and expenditure.
Statistics Austria: Education, culture
The website offers data on the following topics: formal education (child care, school education, higher education, educational expenditure, teaching staff), adult education, further training, lifelong learning, educational attainment and culture.
268 - Central Statistics Office
By clicking `Education´ one comes to the website of the Education Statistics Unit with a link a list of statistical tables about the number of students and educational institutions.
269 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Latvia
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
270 - Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer (VSG)
The organization of Suisse highschool teachers is a national professional association. It represents a united articulated policy in educational panels and takes part in societal discussion about school and education matters.
271 - Projekt Neues Lernen
This website has been developed to support the search for new learning strategies and learning methods. Materials, courses, methods and various events are offered.
The index point "Sociales" has a link "educación formal" which provides statistical tables (in Excel) with numbers of students, teachers and schools and the private higher education sector.
273 - Données démographiques et sociales: Education
Website of the Tunesian national institute for statistics. In the menu bar on the left, under "Education", you will find the following statistics:
- Données sur le 1er cycle de l'enseignement de base
- Données sur le 2eme cycle de l'enseignement de base
- Données sur l'enseignement secondaire
- Taux de scolarisation [Abstract: Site editor’s information [...]
274 - China Statistical Communiques
China, People's Republic of
On this site the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics publishes its Statistical Communiques for the years 1998 to 2000. In chapter V ( communique 2000) thereare to be found statistical data on various aspects in the fields of edcuation, science and research.
275 - Educacao
The page shows the numbers of schools, registered students and teaching staff by level of public education, 1997. The data are shown separately for each province of the country.
276 - Distance Education Center "Eidos"
Russian Federation
Distance Education Center "Eidos" is a non-commercial non-state educational organization server-based in Moscow. Activities of the Center meet the demands of the basic policy directions of the Russian Federation, UNESCO, international organizations on developing distance education (DE). Target groups are children and adults at all levels of education and training.- A well [...]
277 - Teaching Times
United Kingdom
"Teaching Times is Questions Publishing's daily online news service dedicated to bringing you the latest stories from the educational sector. We gather stories on everything from nursery education to adult learning". In addition there are various materials for teachers and a job search database.
278 - Disseminating the European Dimension in teacher Education (DEUDITE)
The Association for Teacher Education in Europe has been granted the project « Disseminating the European dimension in teacher education: Working seminars for professionals in education and training» offer to create and implement a European network through the organisation of several activities both at the national and European level. The overall aim of the project is [...]
279 - Le Maroc en chiffres 2007
The site of the maroccan diaspora delivers a statistical overview of Morocco in 2007. The figures on education comprise public spendings, literacy, school attendancy (also in relation to gender), employees/staff.
280 - Sectoral Activities Programme: Education
This website describes the mission and activities of the International Labour Organization in the education sector; links are provided to electronic and print publications of the ILO (e.g. conference papers) and to other international organizations working in related fields.
281 - Department of Education and Training, Australian Capital Territory
The website of the Department of Education and Training of the Australian Capital Territory provides information on its servies and programmes, information for students, parents and teachers, access to its publications and other resources as well as a school directory.
Swedish Teachers´ Union
Lärarförbundet is the largest union for teachers and heads of schools and the fourth largest professional trade union in Sweden.
283 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Hungary
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
284 - South Dakota Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]
285 - Tennessee Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Tennessee Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
286 - Vermont Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Vermont Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
287 - Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
United States of America (USA)
The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]
288 - West Virginia Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The West Virginia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
289 - Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
United States of America (USA)
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
290 - Utah State Board of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Utah State Office of Education is the central governmental authority for education in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
291 - South Carolina Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The South Carolina Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
292 - Nebraska Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Nebraska Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
293 - Nevada Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Nevada Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
294 - New Hampshire Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The New Hampshire Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
295 - State of New Mexico Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The State of New Mexico Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
296 - North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
United States of America (USA)
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]
297 - North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
United States of America (USA)
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U. S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website i s ma inly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]
298 - Ohio Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Ohio Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
299 - Oklahoma State Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
300 - Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
United States of America (USA)
The Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are [...]
301 - Pennsylvania Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
302 - Montana Office of Public Instruction
United States of America (USA)
The Montana Office of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
303 - Minnesota Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]
304 - Kansas State Board of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Kansas State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]
305 - Kentucky Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Kentucky Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
306 - Louisiana State Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Louisiana State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
307 - Maine Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Maine Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
308 - Massachusetts Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Massachusetts Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
309 - Michigan Department of Education (MDEnet)
United States of America (USA)
The Michigan Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
310 - Mississippi Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Mississippi Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
311 - Fédération des enseignants documentalistes de l'Education nationale (FADBEN)
This union represents those French teachers who work as documentalists in the schools and are responsible for the application of media and technologies. The website provides information about the union itself, the occupational profile, recruitment and official texts, the actions and publications of the union, e.g. the full text of the members' newsletter.
312 - Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI): Education Statistics
Marshall Islands
On this website statistical data are provided on: Enrollment by Grade and Sex; Number of Schools; Number of Students; Scholarships; Post- Secondary School Enrollment.
313 - Illinois State Board of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Illinois State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]
314 - Arkansas Department of Education General Education Division
United States of America (USA)
The Arkansas Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
315 - Colorado Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Colorado Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
316 - Delaware Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Delaware Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
317 - Florida Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Florida Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
318 - Georgia Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Georgia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
319 - Hawaii Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Hawaii Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
320 - Idaho Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Idaho Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
321 - Iowa Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Iowa Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
322 - Indiana Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Indiana Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
323 - Alabama Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Alabama Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
324 - Texas Education Agency
United States of America (USA)
The Texas Education Agency is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]
325 - Connecticut State Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Connecticut State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
326 - New York State Education Department
United States of America (USA)
The New York State Education Department is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
327 - New Jersey Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The New Jersey Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
328 - California Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The California Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
329 - Maryland State Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Maryland State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]
330 - Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
United States of America (USA)
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points [...]
331 - Arizona Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Arizona Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
332 - Oregon Department of Education
United States of America (USA)
The Oregon Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]
333 - Ministère de l'Education et de l'Enseignement Technique
French Polynesia; France
The homepages provides links to full text information about the education system, the Ministry and its departments, the education law, school statistics, the schools and teachers. The text ("Mot du Ministre" on the homepage is a presentation of the education policy.
334 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Portugal
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
335 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Lithuania
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
336 - American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
United States of America (USA)
The American Federation of Teachers (AFL) is one of the leading trade unions of teachers and health professionals in the United States. It represents about one million employees in schools and colleges. Providing comprehensive information on its Web Site the AFL supports teaching staff and health care workers in fulfilling their task to ensure optimal learning conditions for [...]
337 - National Education Association (NEA)
United States of America (USA)
The National Education Association (NEA) is one of the leading trade unions of teachers in the United States. It represents about 2.6 million employees in schools and colleges. Providing comprehensive information on its website the NEA supports teaching staff and parents in fulfilling their task to ensure optimal learning conditions for all pupils/ students and to guide them [...]
338 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Slovenia
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
339 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Slovakia
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
340 - Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau: Education
The website offers general education statistics from 1990 onwards.
341 - TEFL International
TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. TEFL is an international training organization that creates intercultural opportunities for its customers through teacher education, language training, camps and internships. This well structured homepage is subdivded into: English Teacher Training, English Adventure Camp an Intern Programme.
342 - Ivory Coast - A country study
Côte d'Ivoire
The index on the homepage in chapter 2 provides links to short texts about education, though updated 1988.
343 - Statistics Canada: Education, training and learning
The statistical office offers data tables and publications on the following topics: Education, training and learning (general), adult education and training, education finance, education indicators, educational attainment, fields of study, literacy, outcomes of education, students, teachers and educators.
344 - American Association for Health Education (AAHE)
United States of America (USA)
This website of the American Association for Health Education serves health educators, teachers and other professionals who promote the health of all people. AAHE encourages, supports, and assists health professionals concerned with health promotion through education and other systematic strategies.
345 - International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Study Association on Teachers and Teaching
The International Study Association on Teacher Thinking - ISATT has recently changed its name to the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching, to reflect the broadened nature of the research and interests of its growing membership. It was founded in October 1983 at a symposium for research on teacher thinking at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. The purpose [...]
346 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Poland
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
347 - Nordens Folkliga Akademi
Northern Europe
The Nordic Folk Academy offers courses, conferences and seminars for teachers and leaders in the field of lifelong learning. It is situated in Goteborg, Sweden. The homepage has a link to the study courses, a publication list, the library and special programmes of co-operation with the Baltic.
348 - Syndicat National des collèges et des lycées (SNCL)
The website of this union of secondary teachers presents information about current professional issues concerning its members in the various branches of the secondary school system (e.g. salaries, teacher education, services of the SNCL) and the union's statements regarding French school policy.
349 - Central Bureau of Statistics - Education
The Central Bureau of Statistics of Israel provides data tables from the publication ´Statistical Abstract of Israel´ (also see for further tables under "Chapter 8: Education"), a separate page on higher education statistics, results from the OECD publication "Education at a Glance" as well as many of their own publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
350 - Education Statistics - Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Palestinian Territories
The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics also provides ample statistics including indicators for the education sector. The site furthermore provides information about publications and press releases.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
351 - Statistics Indonesia: Education
The national statistics agency of Indonesia also provides statistics on education. Among others, you will find the education monitor which has been published since 1994. You can also find the number of schools, pupils and teachers for different school types and class levels, enrollment rates, illiteracy rates, and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
352 - Oficina Nacional de Estadística
Dominican Republic
The website of the national statistics office offers, amongst others, statistics on education. Under the rubric "Productos sociales - Educación", several statistics about the number of students in different institutes respectively regions, about the different education institutes as well as about the teaching staff can be found. The data cover a period of about 10 years.
353 - Professional Association of Teachers (PAT)
United Kingdom
"The Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) is an independent trade union and professional association for teachers, head teachers, lecturers; education support staff (PAtT) and, in our Professional Association of Nursery Nurses (PANN) section, nursery nurses, nannies and other childcarers". The site informs about the organisations activities and sub-sections.
354 - Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Patoss)
United Kingdom
"As a professional association of teachers of students with specific learning difficulties, it is for all those concerned with the teaching and support of pupils with SpLD: dyslexic, dyspraxic, ADD, and Aspergers syndrome". The website offers events and publications.
355 - Welsh Government Department for Statistics and Research: Education & Skills
Wales; United Kingdom
The Welsh Government offers basic data on the Welsh education system.
356 - Finding a teaching post in the
United Kingdom
Information about finding employment as a teacher in the UK.
357 - International Confederation of Principals (ICP)
The ICP is the leading international organisation for school principals. It was founded in 1990 with the clear intention to promote better understanding and closer relationships among principals of all nations, and to enhance their professional and leadership qualities. The objective of this mandate is to develop ICP members who are more responsive to the needs and aspirations [...]
358 - Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Tirol
The academy is responsible for teacher education (primary, lower secondary and special-needs schools) in Tirol ( Austria). The website gives access to information texts about: news ( conferences, timetable) , the academy itself and its work, the study programs and courses, practical details for students, e.g. registration and counseling, international issues ( student [...]
359 - Pädagogisches Institut des Landes Tirol
Institutions of teacher education and further education of teachers in Tirol: Information about seminars, working groups, projects, and materials.
360 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Estonia
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
361 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Romania
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
362 - NASUWT Teachers' Union
United Kingdom
NASUWT is an independent teachers' union. The site informs about the union's influence on educational policy and services for members. There is also information about employment conditions and a collection of ressources.
363 - Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL)
United Kingdom
"ATL's 150,000-strong membership spans every sector of education, from early years through to further education. It includes special needs teachers, peripatetic tutors and teacher trainers, deputy heads and FE management spine staff - but not serving headteachers and principals". Besides information on current political and professional issues there are sections about [...]
364 - National Education Union (NEU)
United Kingdom
The NEU was created in 2017 by merging the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers. It is now the biggest education union in the UK.
The site offers a wide range of information on all aspects of the teacher profession as well as on the union's work. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
365 - Wiener Bildungsnetz
Information texts for students, teachers and parents about school, instruction, further education, school adminsitration, and new media in school.
366 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Austria
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
367 - Pädagogisches Institut des Bundes für Niederösterreich
This website offers information for teachers, papers for in-service teacher training and an address database of Austrian schools.
368 - Salzburger Bildungsnetz
Information about the entire public education sector in the country Salzburg, institutions of adult education, libraries, instruction, further programs and addresses of schools.
369 - Styrian Education Server
Education server with data base search for institutions of educational administration, schools, and teacher training. The emphasis is put on music education, physics and computer science.
370 - Vorarlberger Bildungsserver
The server offers comfortable searching possibilities for schools, institutions, events and materials for teacher training and for other education servers in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
371 - Willkommen im Bildungsland Kärnten
The information offered puts the emphasis on schools and school administration in Kaernten. Besides there are still short link lists to institutions and references to events.
372 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Iceland
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
373 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Liechtenstein
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
374 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Czech Republic
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
375 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Greece
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
376 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Netherlands
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
National Ministry of Education Colombia
The website of the Colombian Education Ministry provides information about the mission and objectives of education in Colombia (peace, equality), assessment and accountability, and access to relevant material for the different sectors (from pre-primary to tertiary education).
378 - National Grid for Learning Cymru
Wales; United Kingdom
"The National Grid for Learning Cymru website provides schools in Wales with a range of bilingual services that include: VTC Cymru - The Virtual Teachers' Centre Cymru (teaching and learning materials), Good Practice, Learning Communities for educational organisations, associations, teacher groups and other educational professions, The Learning Country ( primary resources), [...]
379 - General Teaching Council for England (GTC)
England; United Kingdom
"The Council will aim to: Raise the status and public standing of teachers by representing their professional interests; influence education policy by advising the Secretary of State on professional matters; guarantee high professional standards through the Register of Teachers and Code of Practice".
380 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Ireland
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
381 - Eurydice National Education Systems: France
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
382 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Luxembourg
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
383 - Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE)
The ATEE was founded in 1976 to create a wide European network in order to foster closer liaison and co-operation between institutions for the education of teachers and those responsible for that education in Europe. The ATEE provides the vital role of a formal organisation and permanent forum for European and international contacts between persons and institutions in charge [...]
384 - European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE)
The European Trade Union Committee for Education represents 81 teachers' unions in 19 EU Member States and EFTA countries. The ETUCE has also associated member organisations in the Central and Eastern European countries. The website offers the calendar of activities, information on decisions of the Executive Board, a newsletter and references to publications.
385 - Tiroler Bildungsservice
A very extensive, but less systematic side, that tries to cover all possible areas of education, including children, parents, school, teachers, students, occupation, institutions, authorities, news. College and study are not included.
386 - Ministry of National Education / Turkey
This homepage is subdivided into the following parts: organization of the ministry, services for teachers and students, history of education policy in Turkey, qualitative developments in education, the educational system, objectives and strategies of education policy, management and inspection of the educational organisation, innovations, educational statistics, international [...]
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc. (WCGTC) is a worldwide non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of [...]
388 - The World Bank Group / Resources for Schools
The World Bank Group invites with its websites students and teachers to explore countries and regions. It offers learning materials for classroom work and links to schools around the world. Full text information can be downloaded free of charge. The data provided enable the user to learn more about the socio-economic and the socio- cultural conditions of countries all over the [...]
389 - Information pour une formation efficace (INFOREF)
INFOREF is a registered association which aims to instruct teachers and students as well as other interested persons to use and master new technologies in order to put their personal and professional goals into practice. The association offers educational software and bibliographical databases with entries about teaching materials and relevant educational journal literature.
390 - European Association of Teachers / Association Européenne des Enseignants (AEDE)
AEDE aims to be an association for all teachers wishing to work together for the creation of a united Europe, aims to widen the teachers knowledge of European issues and to show them the means and methods which can rapidly lead to the creation of a European Union.
391 - Restode - Serveur pédagogique de l`Enseignement organisé par la Communauté française
Restode is the Eduserver of the French-speaking community of Belgium. The network provides overall information on the educational system and intends to facilitate the communication and to help realise educational projects. The starting points are "Education", "Library", "Orientation" and "Events". They provide e.g. access to texts with various issues, to addresses of [...]
392 - Parentkind - Bringing together home & school
United Kingdom
Parentkind (formerly The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations - NCPTA) "is the network of PTA [Parent Teacher Associations] fundraisers in the UK."
393 - Ministry of Education Guyana
The homepage offers - beside links to full texts about mission, structure and personnel of the Ministry - links to 1) education statistics: numbers of students and teachers, enrollment, nursery education, also by regions; 2) schools: list of schools by region; and 3) projects of the Ministry: secondary school reform, primary education improvement, basic education teacher [...]
394 - Educational Information System
Snunit, Israel's leading innovator of Internet-based learning applications, answers this need by combining state-of-the-art technology and in-depth knowledge of and experience in educational matters to provide compelling pedagogic applications and content for Israel's education system. Snunit is an independent non-profit organization and principal proponent of utilizing [...]
395 - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
IATEFL´s mission is to link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals throughout the world. It provides publications, holds an annual conference, offers scholarships and special interest groups and links with associated professional organisations in other countries.
396 - Department of Education and Children's Services, South Australia
The website of the Department of Education and Children's Services offers extensive information on all aspects of education in South Australia. It is organised according to levels of education and concerned groups (students, parents, etc.).
397 - New South Wales Board of Studies
The functions of the Board of Studies NSW include responsibility for curriculum development, registration and accreditation of non- government schools and home schooling, and the assessment and examination of student achievements for the awarding of the NSW School Certificate and Higher School Certificate. Its website includes curricula information, timetables, an archive of [...]
398 - New South Wales Public Schools
The site contains information about the public schools in New South Wales: departmental information, information for teachers, students and parents (documents, curricula, e-journal, calender of events, links to related organistaions, statistical data).
399 - Department of Education and the Arts, Queensland
The website of the Department of Education and the Arts of Queensland provides extensive information for students, parents, international students, schools and educators. It also contains a school directory.
400 - Education Bureau
Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The homepage of the Education Department of Hong Kong provides information about really all questions of the school system in Hong Kong - therefore we do not offer a detailed abstract.
401 - Direccao dos Servicos de Educacao e Juventude (DSEJ)
Macau; China, People's Republic of
Links are offered providing access to information on the following themes: spheres of responsibility in education (organizational chart), schoolnet and schools with statistical data, teacher and teacher education, educational legislation.
402 - Potential Plus UK (formerly The National Association for Gifted Children NAGC)
United Kingdom
An independent charity which works with the whole family to support the child who is gifted and talented. A relaunch of the site is planned for 2013.
403 - Association for Science Education Scotland (ASE)
Scotland; United Kingdom
"ASE Scotland is the Scottish Region of the Association for Science Education (see separate entry), the largest subject professional association in the UK". The website informs about the activities (events) of the organisation.
Pestalozzi School
Established in 1934, this school served children of emigrants to be taught in a spirit of democracy and freedom based on ideas of Pestalozzi. Today it is a successful bilingual school offering education from kindergarten to the secondary school leaving certificate of Argentine. Teachers of this school are recruited from Argentine and Germany.
405 - Association for Science Education (ASE)
United Kingdom
ASE is a forum for all concerned with science education from primary school to tertiary levels. There are zones for teachers and technicians, a section on safety and health in science, databases on literature and events, publications and an online shop.
406 - (Ministry) Department of Basic Education, South Africa
South Africa, Republic
This is the official website of the Ministry for Basic (primary and secondary) Education in South Africa. The website provides information on school development, different forms of performance assessment, materials for educators / teachers, information on educational management and administrative questions. Furthermore, you will find information on educational programmes like [...]
407 - Norsk Pedagogisk Dataforening
The site contains information about internet courses for teachers.
408 - Skolenettett
The School Net is an electronic meeting place for school staff, students and parents, and anyone else with an interest in schools. The site contains information about schools in Norway, database information (exchange programmes, schools abroad) and linklists.
Statistics Norwey: Education
The website offers numerous statistical data on all areas of education as well as links to further statistical resources.
410 - The Irish Centre For Talented Youth (CTYI)
CTYI "aims to identify high ability children from diverse social backgrounds and help them reach their full potential through fast paced, stimulating weekend and summer programmes. It aims to assist parents and teachers by providing access to information and resources and to research and evaluate talent development". There is information about the various course programmes and [...]
411 - The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)
United States of America (USA)
The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) serves education leaders in middle level schools and high schools, including administrators, teachers, students, and others interested in education and the welfare of today's youth. The site provides a wide range of services for members and non-members as professional development programs, information about [...]
412 - Irish National Teachers' Organization (INTO)
INTO "is the largest teachers' trade union in Ireland. It represents teachers at primary level in the Republic of Ireland and at primary and post-primary level in Northern Ireland". Besides information on the union's services, policy and publications the website contains a section on professional development, an electronic journal and offers a variety of interactive [...]
413 - National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE)
United Kingdom; England
"NACE is the Association that helps teachers help able and talented children through provision of In-Service training, conferences and consultancy to teachers, schools and LEAs; offering a wide range of publications for sale; advising educational agencies, e.g. DfEE, SCAA and Ofsted, on provision for able children". The website informs about the research centre and gives [...]
414 - Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI)
"The Teachers' Union of Ireland is a Trade Union organising teachers and lecturers in Ireland engaged in post-primary, higher and further education". The website informs about the services provided for members and contains the full texts of the union's press releases and publications.
415 - Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)
The Council was founded in 1958 in order to coordinate school examinations in anglo-Indian schools, and conducts examinations at three levels (ten year, twelve year and vocational education). Its objective is to permit as much diversity as possible for the development of schools within a democratic framework. The home page offers further information, also on teacher training, [...]
416 - Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI)
"The ASTI acts as a professional association voicing the concerns and interests of the teaching profession at second-level and as a registered trade union which protects teachers and fights for improvements in their pay and conditions of employment". The website informs about the services for members and publications by ASTI. Press releases and the association's magazine are [...]
417 - Special Education Technology British Columbia (SET-BC)
SET-BC - Special Education Technology-British Columbia is a provincial Resource program of the BC Ministry of Education established to assist school districts to educate students with disabilities.The Provincial Resource Team, located at the Provincial Centre are responsible for administrative and support services for the provincial program. These services are structured [...]
418 - New Zealand Principals' Federation
New Zealand
The New Zealand Principals' Federation offers news, media releases and resources for download as well as a magazine with full text archive.
419 - New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association
New Zealand
The society presents texts on their activities and service resources, it also provides an online-library with publications and a separate section for members.
420 - National Association of Media Educators (N.A.M.E.)
New Zealand
This website provides information about the Association, conferences and linklists concerning institutions and courses for media studies, a online journal "Script" and a text about why to teach and study media studies.
421 - Teach
New Zealand
Growing New Zealand school rolls make teaching here an attractive career. Whether you're a kiwi considering teacher training, an overseas teacher seeking new challenges, or a New Zealand-trained teacher looking for job vacancies, TeachNZ has training, immigration and employment information or schoolarship informations you need to find your way into a kiwi classroom. TeachNZ [...]
422 - Zeitschrift Bildung Schweiz (Schweizer Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerzeitung)
This site offers an index of contents and a full text archive of the Swiss teacher journal ( "Bildung Schweiz").
423 - Telelearning Network of Centres of Excellence: Educating the Educators/Réseau des centres d'excellences en TéléApprentissage: Formation des pédagogues.
TACT is a virtual community of support and communication for professional development. The acronym TACT stands for TéléApprentissage Communautaire et Transformatif (French), and for Technology for Advanced Collaborative Teaching (English). It stresses that successful integration of web-based facilities into the learning and, later, working environment implies extensive [...]
424 - Networks: An On-Line Journal for Teacher Resarch
United States of America (USA)
Networks is the first on-line journal dedicated to teacher research. The journal will provide a forum for teachers' voices, a place where teachers working in classrooms, from pre-school to university, can share their experiences and learn from each other. In each issue, you will find feature-length articles, as well as short reports of work-in- progress, book reviews, and [...]
425 - General Teaching Council for Scotland (gtc)s
United Kingdom; Scotland
"The General Teaching Council for Scotland is a statutory body, formally established by the Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965. Its overarching role is the maintenance and wherever possible the enhancement of professional standards. All its activities are directed towards improving the quality of teaching in Scotland. The work of most of the Council's committees can be [...]
Get into Teaching
United Kingdom
The Teaching Agency is responsible for initial teacher training (ITT) in England. It provides a comprehensive programme of support, providing guidance all the way through the application process.
427 - Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET)
United Kingdom
"UCET acts as a national forum for the discussion of matters relating to the education of teachers and to the study of education in the university sector and contributes to the formulation of policy in these fields. Its members are the universities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland involved in teacher education, and a number of colleges of higher education in the [...]
428 - Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungamt: Berufspädagogik Zürich
The unit vocational pedagogy at the department of vocational education in Zurich concentrates on the training, further and continuing education of vocational school teachers, on their didactical support, on school development and on innovative projects in vocational education. The website provides links to vocational schools and institutes for further and continuing education, [...]
429 - EduNet
EduNet likes to offer the opportunity for schools to participate in its network in the internet. It likes to encourage computer and communication skills and contacts between students worldwide. The websites offer links to particpating Irish schools and to schools, colleges and universities in other countries. There is also a huge list of links to educational resources for [...]
430 - Ontario Ministry of Education and Training. Ministère de l'éducation et de la formation.
The website of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training provides the most up-to-date information about education and training in Ontario today, including: information about the ministry and its various agencies; the latest news releases and statements by the minister; ministry publications and connections to related websites.
431 - Dachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (LCH)
The LCH (umbrella organisation of Swiss teacher associations) promotes the reputation of the teaching profession, stands up for good working conditions and supports professional development. It represents the opinions of teachers in public and in the media and initiates developments in education. The site offers access to the current issues and archive of the periodical [...]
Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET)
Acting on behalf of the Federal Administration, the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) provides tertiary-level basic and continuing training to VET/PET professionals. SFIVET also conducts research and development in the VET/PET field. SFIVET provides: Basic and continuing training of VET/PET professionals at vocational schools, professional [...]
433 - Aussie School House
Aussie SchoolHouse is a project owned and managed by the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE). It works cooperatively with partners to foster web-based projects and provides educational leaders with resources and support to manage their own projects. The homepage gives access to information about the ASH and its current projects.
434 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Norway
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
435 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Sweden
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
436 - Syndicat National des Enseignements de Second Degree (SNES)
Colourful but not well arranged homepage of the greatest teacher union in secondary education. The links are leading to full texts with publications, statements and political positions of the union. A second sort of full texts is concerned with information and advices for teachers' practical work, e.g. texts of legal regulations or how to calculate one' s salary.
437 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Finland
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides comprehensive country profiles on education systems in Europe (formerly Eurypedia". All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit responsible for regularly [...]
438 - Association pour le Developpement de l`Allemand en France (ADEAF)
The ADEAF is the association for French German-language teachers in France. It promotes the dissemination of German language in France and works in close cooperation with the DFJW / OFAJ (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk / Office franco-allemand pour la Jeunesse), the Goethe institutes and Austrian cultural institutions and the French-language teachers` association in [...]
439 - Graduate School of Education
United Kingdom
"The School has strong research profile - it is currently rated as one of the leading research schools in the country. All of our lecturing staff are active in one of our seven research centres which are linked around the common theme of Culture and Learning in Organisations. In addition we have a long and distinguished tradition of carrying out international consultancy and [...]
440 - Ministério da Educação (ME)
The first button of the navigation bar "Topicos Gerais" provides (as many other sites of Education Ministries) extensive overviews about all parts of the Portuguese education system, politics, statistics, laws etc. The other buttons lead to the departments of the Ministry and their activities and services; a school-year calendar is also shown.
441 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Italy
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
442 - The Teachers Village
United States of America (USA)
This web-site is sponsored by the Education Department and may be regarded as a sub-site to "The Teacher/ Pathfinder". It mainly covers the classroom-related part of teachers' work and everyday activities. Numerous features provide materials, information and counseling for teachers.
443 - Edunet
EDUNET is defined as a tool for secondary and primary students who want to have contact and exchanges with other school classes in the matter of classroom projects. The web-site therefore provides links, e. g. a database from which one can select project and correspondence partners, sites of other classes, current and past project clusters; for example, at time there is a [...]
444 - Syndicat des enseignants romands
Swiss e-journal in French.
445 - Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA)
United Kingdom
"SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education, and was formed in 1993 by the merger of the Standing Conference on Educational Development (SCED) and the Staff Development Group of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). The Association for Education and Training [...]
446 - Educators and parents area of NASA Quest.
United States of America (USA)
NASA Quest is a rich resource for educators, kids and space enthusiasts who are interested in meeting and learning about NASA people and the national space program. Resources, lesson plans and tools are provided via this website and can be searches in a database.
447 - Newspapers in education
United States of America (USA)
Some education newspapers are presented for on-line inspection, mainly this site provides links to a wealth of links to educational resources and lesson plans for several curriculum subjects (see navigation bar at the right side).
448 - Education Highway Oberösterreich
Austrian school server with links to at present 146 general and vocational schools. To many links is given a description of the emphasis and special supplies of the school mentioned.
449 - Deutscher Bildungsserver
The German Education Server (eduserver) is an information portal maintained by the federal authorities and the sixteen federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver provides access to information on the education system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver makes the high-quality information available through a system of databases. The range of [...]
Eurydice (National Education Systems, Comparative Reports, Interactive Publications)
Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Switzerland; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Croatia; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Turkey; Europe; Austria
Eurydice (formerly Eurypedia and Eurybase) is a network of national units based in all countries of the Erasmus+ programme. [Its] task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work.
Eurydice publishes descriptions of national education systems, comparative reports devoted to specific topics, indicators and statistics, as well as news and [...]
451 - oz-TeacherNet
oz-TeacherNet aims at enhancing the professional use of the Internet by teachers. Information and links are provided to curriculum projects, addresses of teacher organizations and schools on the Internet.
452 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Denmark
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
453 - Algemeen Pedagogisch Studiecentrum / National Center for School Improvement
APS International invites teachers to learn about modern models for instruction, based on up to date, research based knowledge in such a way that these models can be applied in local settings. We also understand the need to involve principals, parents, education officials and the community at large in any school improvement effort. APS International aims at generously sharing [...]
454 - The Danish University of Education
The university has been founded in through a merger of the Royal Danish School of Educational Studies and the Danish National Institute for Educational Research. It is an institution entrusted with the twofold task of teaching and research: "The university aims to promote research and postgraduate education at the highest level across the full range of educational disciplines [...]
455 - Education Week on the Web
United States of America (USA)
This electronic version of the hard copy journal contains articles and information for educators, as well as "issues pages" that cover hot topics in the education industry, like school vouchers, charter schools, the Internet, and more. They plan to start charging for access shortly, but at the moment they're offering it on a free trial basis.
456 - Sektornet: the complete network solution for the entire educational sector
UNI-C, an IT company, connects schools to the Internet - or to Sektornet, the special connection to the Internet provided for schools in Denmark. More than 2500 Danish educational institutions are connected to Sektornet - the gateway to the Internet for more than half a million Danes. From this homepage links lead to educational websites, an educational portal, to educational [...]
457 - Channel 4 Schools
United Kingdom
The site offers a database of current TV programmes of Channel 4 for pupils, online resources to the programmes for teachers to download, an interactive science section, a forum for discussion, educational CD- ROMs and materials for the deaf and hearing impaired.
458 - Association of International Educators (NAFSA)
United States of America (USA); international
NAFSA: Association of International Educators promotes the exchange of students and scholars to and from the United States. The Association sets and upholds standards of good practice, and provides professional education and training that strengthen institutional programs and services related to international educational exchange. NAFSA provides a forum for discussion of [...]
459 - Eurydice National Education Systems: Spain
Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]
460 - Institute of Education, University of London
United Kingdom
"The Institute is the largest institution in the United Kingdom devoted to the study of education and related areas...The Institute of Education' s mission is to pursue excellence in education by engaging in: research and scholarship of national and international significance, which builds on the Institute's strong research base; high quality, innovative postgraduate and [...]
461 - Statistics and Research Branch (DENI)
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Statistics and Research Branch aims to meet the statistical and research needs of the Department of Education, through the collection and analysis of data that informs policy development, implementation and evaluation. Statistics and Research Branch collects a number of statistics relating to schools, pupils and teachers. Among its publications is the ´Compendium of Northern [...]
462 - Consejería de Educación - Junta de Andalucía
This clearly structured homepage of the Council for Education in Andalusia provides an overview on the structure and function of the Consejería and on its branches in various cities and on central services in the province. There is also a link to the School Council of Andalusia.
463 - Scottish Council for Research in Education (SCRE)
Scotland; United Kingdom
The SCRE's "aims are to conduct and communicate research to support policy-making and practice in education and to assist others ( including teachers and policymakers) to make the most effective use of research methods and research-based information". Annual reports, press releases, newsletters and briefing papers as full texts. Special pages on bullying at school, a research [...]
464 - The Dearing Report (NCIHE)
United Kingdom; Scotland
"This web site hosts the reports we submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Employment, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in July 1997. Our Committee was appointed with bipartisan support on 10 May 1996 to make recommendations on how the purposes, shape, structure, size and funding of higher education, including support for students, should develop to meet [...]
News worldwide
- For the Frankfurt Book Fair 2024: New dossier on education in Italy
- Science at war: Ukraine and Russia research reposition themselves (DLF Kultur 11.07.24) [courtesy translation]
- #ETU4REF - ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ (project 2023-2025)
- Reconstruction Ukraine: The importance of science, Interview Ursula Paintner, DAAD (DLF 11.06.24) [courtesy translation]