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Educational welfare at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: educational welfare

key words found 1 - 153 of 153

Africa South of the Sahara; Ghana; Kenya; Uganda; Zambia
ESSA describes itself as "charity using evidence to improve education in sub-Saharan Africa". This is done primarily through evidence-based research. Focus countries in the period 2021-2026 are Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. Priority topics are access to education, quality of education, transition from school to work, the promotion of African researchers and women in [...]

North America; South America; Latin America; Caribbean
This site lists all the information and links that the Organization of American States (OAS) provides in the field of education. For example, its "Department of Human Development, Education, and Employment" aims at supporting the cooperation between the North and South American member states in educational matters. It created the "Inter-American Teacher Educator Network" [...]

The English site provides a short introduction to the work of the Foundation and their English language publications. "The Vamlas Foundation is the one of the oldest disability organizations in Finland, founded in 1889 by a teacher, Vera Hjelt. She and her colleagues wanted to promote learning and working opportunities of children and youth with disabilities and the Foundation [...]

Germany; Brazil
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on key areas and highlights of German-Brazilian cooperation, and on special activities of the International Bureau. Additionally, you will find some official [...]

Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the development of the cooperation, the political framework, and on key areas. Additionally to the website of the International Office of the BMBF, this website has a focus on cooperation in vocational education and [...]

Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on priorities and highlights of German-Indian cooperation, and on funding for collaborations with India. Additionally, you will find some official documents and [...]

Germany; China, People's Republic of
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and China. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities, on the political framework, on priorities of the cooperation, on research and education in China, on the German-Chinese Innovation Platform and more. Additionally, you will find some official [...]

Russian Federation; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities for Russia, on the political framework, on highlights of the bilateral cooperation as well as its priorities. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links. [...]

Russian Federation; Germany
This website of the German Ministry for Education and Research provided information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Because of Russia's war on Ukraine, these cooperations have been halted since 2022. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

South Africa, Republic; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and South Africa. Among others, this includes information on Opportunities for funding, the political framework, on priorities and highlights of the German-South African cooperation and more. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links, for [...]

Brazil; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on - Funding the cooperation with Brazil - Mobility projects - Political framework - Focus of the German-Brazilian cooperation - Germany and Brazil jointly research climate and resource protection - [...]

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
By creating the education portal, the Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico (DEPR) wants to establish a virtual plat form for a simple distribution of teaching resources and education services which is available for parents and students.

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
The Association of Teachers of Puerto Rico (AMPR) is a professional, non-profit organisation which offers services to education professionals which contribute to improve education quality in Puerto Rico. AMPR assists in the elimination of inequalities in the education sector by influencing public education towards integrity, transparency and stability.

The Centre for Active Education (CEA) supports the integral development of every student by an adaptive pedagogical offer, which adds up to an appropriate teaching-learning-offer. In the CEA, the teaching-learning-process is seen as an active operation, education is therefore adapted to the profil of every pupil.

The objective of Educatrachos, the education portal of Honduras, is to form opinions, sensibilisations and propositions for the improvement of the national education system. This happens on the basis of debates of different actors of the education system to get a specific and relevant complext of themes for this sector. On the homepage, there are links to educative web content [...]

The Education and Family Association (AEF) consists of parents which are committed to the education of their children and organize school centres which offer personalized education to provide each child whith an adequate education.

The education radio Paraguay was started in 1998. It offers cultural and educative programs which communicate ethical, environmental and civic values and strive for the preservation of traditions. The radio has its listeners in Alto Paraná, Iguazú (Argentina) and a large part of Paraná (Brazil).

The Uruguayan Children and Adolescents Institute (INAU) is the rector of policies which are destined to promote, protect and restore the rights of children and the youth. Furthermore, it fosters social integration of the youth of the INAU in cooperation with housing, work, education and health policies. Also, INAU promotes the cultural transformation through communicative [...]

The education portal "Uruguay Educa" provides, in a broad and efficient form, an entity of pertinent, qualitative resources to the education community which correspond to the study plans of the Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP) by using the accessibility of the internet. Furthermore it serves as an access point to digital education services.

Free The Children first started working in Ecuador 10 years ago (stand: January 2012) in partnership with Tom Walsh and the Chimborazo Foundation to provide education to marginalized indigenous children. Since the Adopt a Village model had not yet been developed, the project focused its efforts on building schools. In 2008, it realized the need for further support for these [...]

The website offers a list of NOGs which are active in Ecuador. Many of them work in the education sector. Links lead to the homepage of the organisations.

Ecuador; Guyana; Suriname; Colombia; Venezuela; Peru; Brazil; Bolivia
The Amazonian Universities Association (UNAMAZ) promotes the specialization of professionals and researchers in the countries of the Amazon region to be able to guarantee a better conservation of nature and a better quality of life of the population. Therefore, the objectives of UNAMAZ are the promotion of reciprocal knowledge of the member institutions as well as the [...]

The Panamanian Institute for Radio Education (IPER) offers formal education programs on different levels to raise the standard of education of the Panamanian population. This is effected by the radio as efficient, inclusive and participatory system of distance education which is supported by the population, enterprises and the government of Panama.

The objective of the National Network of Spanish Teachers (REDNADE) is to provide its members with publications and actualisations for the development of the communicative competence of the students. This is undertaken by the application of modern methods and techniques of teaching and language for the benefit of the improvement of national education.

EducaPanamá is the portal of the ministry of education. Its purpose is to promote innovation, creativity and technological actualisation of the population of Panama. Also, it supports the development of academical, cultural, scientifical and technological activities as well as the integration of the education community in cooperative spaces to ensure the exchange of [...]

The National Literacy Committee (CONALFA) was founded through the execution of the alphabetization process as superior organ. Its main task is to define and to certify policies and strategies of the national alphabetization process as well as to foster alphabetization through development entities on a national level. For this purpose, CONALFA promotes the development of [...]

Educación Sin Fronteras is a non-governmental, independent, laic and non-profit development organisation which consists of persons which participate actively in the challenge to effect a more just and more solid education in which the values of equity, democracy and respect of diversity prevail. The organisation was founded in 1988 by a group of professionals of education [...]

The non-profit association `Youth - Education - Help in Bolivia` is the result of an initiative of teachers on a Bolivian-German model school in Sucre, Bolivia, and its friends and members in 1964. Its intention is to offer complementary education measures to the existing school system, but especially for the underpriviledged country population.

The Colombian Federation of Educators (FECODE) is entrusted with the task to answer the necessities and the expectations of the population in relation to education. It contributes to the success of the right on an integral, qualitative education financed by the government. Also, FECODE contributes to the creation of a sovereign, equitable and democratic republic which gives [...]

Educación - Compromiso de Todos is a private iniciative which was founded in 1998 by the UNICEF, several foundations and the Universidad de los Andes as well as the Universidad del Norte. The project contributes to the guarantee of an education as human right on the principles of equality and quality. Starting points for its activities are the government, society as well as [...]

The portal Colombia Aprende is an access and meeting point of the Colombian education community with qualitative contents and services which contribute to the maintenance of equity and to the improvement of education in the country. The portal was created on May 24th, 2004 and takes part in the project `New Technologies` of the National Ministry of Education, furthermore, it [...]

The Virtual Information Centre (CVN) was founded in 2006 to disseminate the topic `education` in the Colombian agendas and media and to motivate the different actors of the education system to contribute to this task. The CVN was an information, dissemination and communication organ of the education sector on local, regional, national and international level. In June 2010, the [...]

The Cooperation Network for Education, Investigation and Development Institutions of Colombia (UNIRED) is a non-profit organization with the objective to operate telematic networks and related services directly or indirectly and to develop strategies for the consolidation of a culture of informatic systems and networks of the Colombian society to achieve a better use of the [...]

The National Learning Service (SENA) aims for the social and technical development of the Colombian workers by offering and executing a free, integral professional vocation to incorporate and form persons active in productive fields which contribute to the social, economical and technological development of the country.

The Administrative Department for Science, Technology and Innovation "Colciencias" fosters public policies to make ICT a public topic in Colombia. The activities for the fullfilment of this task include the agreement of policies which promote the production of knowledge, as well as the creation of ICT skills and the favouring of the dissemination and the use of ICT to foster [...]

Cuba; Caribbean; Latin America
The objective of the Latin-American and Caribbean Pedagogic Institute (IPLAC) is the promotion of the professionality and the continuing vocational training of educators in Latin-America and the Caribbean in the field of educational sciences which is pursued by special programs for teachers, professors and directors of education. Furthermore, the institute contributes to the [...]

The National Agency for the Fight againt Illiteracy (ANLCI) was founded in October 2000. It works together with people which are able to fight or to prevent illiteracy on an institutional level. Its roll is to gather and to optimize the energies, activities and resources of those people, to make the efficiency of their efforts visible. As a group of public interest, ANLCI [...]

The Argentinian Foundation for the Development of Education and Culture (FAPEDEC) is a non-political organisation which was founded in June 1989. Its tasks include the promotion of knowledge about education and competence, the stimulation to sustainable development, the organisation of activities which procure the values of living together, the maintenance of an international, [...]

The objective of the Institute for Investigations of Educational Science (IICE) is the producation of knowledge based on the analysis and the systematic investigation of the present problems in the field of education. In this sense, the goal is also to transform the difficulties, the deficiencies and the failures, which are identified by the production of knowledge, the [...]

The Forum for Education and Human Development of the Initiative for Nicaragua (FEDH-IPN) is a plural network of institutions, organisations, gremiums, social movements, foundations, sectors and individual persons which work voluntarily for the promotion of education and of human development in Nicaragua. The objectives of FEDH-IPN are the facilitation of oppportunities and [...]

The mission of Cantera is to contribute to the building up of a society that is more just, fair and sustainable while at the same time strengthening the identity and capabilities of the persons with whom it works, not only in their individual setting, but also collectively, from the concept and practice of Popular Education, the perspective of gender, intergenerational [...]

Since 1981, the Pukllasunchis Association in Cusco (Peru) works in the field of education and fosters the respect for diversity and co-existance which is based on mutual benefit of persons and groups. The Asociación Pukllasunchis is a non-profit organisation which works to generate proposals which ameliorate the situation of the public education system. To be able to do this, [...]

The Directorate of University Coordination (DCU) is an organism of the ministry of education which is entrusted with the task to check and to analyze the university situation in Peru to provide the top management with effective information and professional jugement and to promote spaces of dialogue about fundamental problems of higher education in Peru to reconcile the [...]

The Peruvian Institute for Education in Human Rights and Peace (IPEDEHP) is an education institution of the public sector which makes proposals in the themes of its competences and supervises their application. Its mission is the promotion of education in human rights and democracy, it works for the construction of a culture of peace, equity and justice in Peru.

The association Entrepreneurs for Education (ExE) is a civil, non-profit society which was founded by entrepreneurs, enterprises and opinion leaders which are engaged in the public education sector of Peru. The association tries to attain economical, social and political equity in the country and to orient it towards sustainable development. ExE is an open movement in which [...]

The Peruvian Institute of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of the Quality of Basic Education (IPEBA) is a public, autonomous institution which is part of the National Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification System of Quality Education (SINEACE). Its main task is to guarantee the quality and permanent improvement of pulic and private colleges and technical [...]

PRISMA works for equity and sustainable development by realizing programs and projects together with the participation of the community which are based on a profound analysis of the necessities of the population.

The National Education Council (CNE) is a technical, specialized, consultative and autonomous organ which is subordinate to the ministry of education. Its task is to contribute to the formulation, the arrangement, the implementation and the evaluation of the national education project as well as to develop, together with the ministry of education, the medium- and long-term [...]

USAID is an independent federal government agency that receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State. Its Work supports long-term and equitable economic growth and advances U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture and trade, global health and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance. USAID provides [...]

The Centres for Techical-Productive Education in Peru (CETPROs) are institutions which offer educational services in the different education sectors and by that obtain the authorization to enact certificates and corresponding technical titles with accordance to the reglementation. They conduct further education activities, actualization and structural change of the work fields [...]

The Project for the Improvement of Basic Education (PROMEB) has the task to support children from rural areas of the North of Peru to complete primary education advantageously and with the asquisition of the demanded basic competences. It wants to promote quality, access, efficiency and equity of basic education in the rural regions.

LSS is a non-governmental association of scientists and their various organisations. It encourages the participation of all scientists regardless of their areas of activity, institution, position or scientific title. The underlying organisational principles of the LSS are democratic, enabling each member to act in the name of the LSS. The goals of the LSS are the development [...]

The Global Compact of the UN is an initiative of ethical responsibility which aims at the recognition of enterprises of all countries concerning ten conduct and activity prinicples regarding human rights, work, environment and the fight against corruption. In November 2003, the system of the United Nations Peru and the CONFIEP, with the support of Perú 2021, officially [...]

The Regional Directorate of Education of the region Ancash was founded in 2003. As specialized organ of the regional government, it is responsible for the education service in its region. It maintains technical-normative relations with the ministry of education. The task of the directorate is the promotion of education, culture, sports, leisure, science and technology. It [...]

In the awareness of environmental protection, the Resource Centre for Environmental Education Brújula Verde offers educational material and tools which help the education institutions to build a consciousness and a sensibility for this issue. Furthermore, it fosters the production of such teaching materials by teachers to include it subsequently in its offer. In addition, [...]

In the whole world, the United Nations work over an ensemble of organisations which calls itself System of the United Nations (SNU) and which was created by the office of the UN, by funds and programs (such as the UNESCO and the WHO) as well as by participating organisations. These organisations include all spheres of economical and social activity. In Peru, the SNU is adapted [...]

The organisations, institutions and member networks of the Peruvian Campaign for the Right to Education (CPDE) exercise their membership in accordance with the principles of the CPDE. Those are the recognition of education as a fundamental human right whose application is guaranteed by the state, the approval of a public, inclusive and anti-discriminative education, the [...]

The Regional Directorate of Education of the region Amazonas strives for an efficient management which allows to meet the educational needs of the population. This includes, that it pays maximum attention to this topic and assures that the teacher conduct in the teaching-learning process favors the integral development of the pupil and thereby ensures the acces of a secure [...]

The Liberian Development Foundation (L.D.F.) is a non-profit tax-exempt organization with the operational objective of seeking funds and material donations to support education and local development in Liberia.

The General Directory for Alternative Basic Education (DIGEBA) is a technical-pedagogical qualified management body. It elaborates norms, policies and proposes agreements for the best development and construction of alternative basic education. Furthermore, it guides the conversation process of centres and education programs for youth and adults, especially of autonomous [...]

The objective of the Dysphasia Corporation of Chile: Yo puedo comunicar (YPC) is to support children and youth so that they can have an efficient education and that they can include themselves in society.

The Grouping of Regional Universities of Chile (AUR) was founded in 1996 and is the continuation of the "Coordinación de Iniciativas de Universidades Regionales". In 2002, AUR resolved on creating the network Sinergi@ Regional, whose task is to foster the capacities and the engagement of citizens, public and private organisations and academies of the regions of Chile to [...]

The State universities of Chile have organized a consortium to create an authority, which ensures coordination, cooperation and complementation between the universities. Problem areas of public politics are identified and analysed, joint academical, administrative and economical programs are developed and the common use of available resources is organised by the consortium. [...]

UVirtual is a network of higher education institutions that fosters the integral use of ICT and supports the acquisition of new knowledge and capabilities in this area. UVirtual tries, through innovation and competences, to increase the development in professional and technical information with the efficient use of methodological and technical ressources. Furthermore, UVirtual [...]

The program Mecesup 2 is part of the efforts of the Chilean government, the improve the transition of its current (stand: June 2011) economy to an economy based on efficient, professional knowledge, by fostering the equality and the efficiency of tertiary education. Thus, the tasks of the program are directed to build the necessary competences which empower Chile to increase [...]

Dominican Republic
"UNIDOSRD" is a nonprofit association dedicated to creating a society of leaders who can improve and contribute effectively to the development of a model nation, bringing the program both national through projects leadership to help raise educational standards in the country. Its objectives are to maintain a cultur of youth leaders which is obtained by programs which are [...]

eRomania Gateway (eRG) is a not-for-profit organization promoting and supporting e-development in Romania. Established in November 2001, the association is an open partnership between the public sector (represented by the Romanian Government as a founding member and under the umbrella of the Romanian Presidency), the business community and civil society organizations. eRG [...]

The Centre for Innovation in Education (TEHNE Romania) is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, ICT in education, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training.

UNICEF partners with government and non-governmental organisations (NGO) to ensure that the basic learning needs and potential of all child ren are met, and to build the capacity of schools and authorities to assist children, especially those from vulnerable communities. The website presents UNICEFs activities in Romania. Under the categories "The Children" > "Early [...]

KEP aims to improve secondary school education for young people in rural Kenya. It is a student based organisation, working in direct partnership with schools and developing their capacity for self led growth. This is primarily achieved through equipping schools with a solid resource base, and also through supporting a wider, more holistic programme.

The mission of the Kenya Institute of Education is to provide curriculum and curriculum support materials. Sections on the website are for example training courses, library services, E-learning, events and a download section

Dominican Republic
Educar is a space for virtual learning communities which serves as source for local education contents, tools, methodology, consultation material, recources and for virtual local and regional communities, which support persons and groups to get independent, to have a direct impact on their close vicinity and to contribute to a better future for themselves and for their [...]

Dominican Republic
The coalition for a worthy education is an efford for a unity of organisations and activists which want to achieve, with civil and pacifist actions, which match a good part of the LEY GENERAL DE EDUCACION 66-97, that 4% of the PIB of the national budget are allocated for education.

Dominican Republic
The Asociación Dominicana de Profesores (ADP) is the national teacher association of the Dominican Republic. It acts as representation and devensive body of the Dominican teacher staff. Furthermore, it promotes social education for all. Except for the news section, the homepage does not contain much information.

Dominican Republic
Educando - The Dominican Education Portal is an initiative, which supports the development of the Dominican digital infrastructure; it examines resources and contents which are of interest for the educational society. Educando directs itself to all participants of the national education: schools, teachers, graduates and managers. The goals of educando are to promote the [...]

Dominican Republic
The Poveda Cultural Centre is contact partner for the national and international field of teacher formation. It fosters and accompanies the formation process of teachers and researchers in the field of socio-educative exchange. The centre aims for social inclusion and equality through a critical and democratical method. This method considers socio-educative practics with whom, [...]

Dominican Republic
Due to the high analphabetism in diverse regions of the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Education Radio (RED). Its goal is to help children and adults of regions with a high rate of analphabetism and in which normal education is difficult to apply, to a basic education through radio.

World Bank's Early Child Development (ECD) is part of the Child and Youth Group in Human Development Network (HDN). Its primary mission is to improve World Bank's staff and clients' knowledge of ECD programming and to improve the quality of World Bank's lending for ECD. This mission is accomplished by maintaining a knowledge base on ECD to support World Bank's [...]

Arab States; North Africa; Middle East
Excellence in Learning and Leadership Foundation (ELLF) is a non-religious, non-political institution which works with every segment and class of the Arab society and responds to their needs by offering capacity building services to aspiring Arab youth, teachers, business leaders and administrators. Sustainable development, social solidarity, good citizenship, social [...]

United Kingdom; England
The Young People´s Learning Agency (YPLA) was established by the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 and launched in April 2010. It is sponsored by the Department for Education and exist to support the delivery of training and education to all 16 – 19 year olds in England. Its work falls into three interlinked areas: Funding learning opportunities for [...]

Germany; international
The IGfH (Internationale Gesellschaft für erzieherische Hilfen) is the German national section of FICE (Fédération Internationale des Communautés Éducatives). The IGfH is a lobby for the rights and needs of young people in public care. It is not oriented towards parties, politics, or religion. Its foundation is one of the biggest foundations in the area of child and youth [...]

Foundation Rwanda's mission is to provide funding for the secondary school education of children born from rape during the 1994 genozide, to link their mothers to existing psychological and medical support services and income generating activities, and create awareness about the consequences of genozide and sexual violence through the use of photography and new media.

The Inspectorate General of Education (IGE) was created to work out the standards of education and to control the implementation of the standards of education for the improvement of the quality of education to enable Rwandese to compete on the world market. The improvement is ensured at different levels (nursery, primary, secondary, vocational training, specialized education, [...]

The Limerick-Rwanda education partnership was established in April 2007 when a contingent from the University of Limerick (UL) travelled to meet with colleagues in the National University of Rwanda (NUR), Butare. The aim of the trip was to explore the possibility for the exchange of experience and mutual learning in the area of teacher education. Since then, several projects [...]

The mission of A Partner In Education (APIE) is to encourage ongoing education for all, regardless of means or background, to further the UN Millennium Development Goals, most specifically the achievement of universal primary education by 2015, to facilitate and improve basic literacy and numeracy to enhance lives and livelihoods, to promote creativity, critical thinking and [...]

The task of the society Soma-Uganda incorporated society is to put as many Ugandan children through school as possible. Especially for orphans and children with critically ill parents, this is the only possibility to create future prospects. Currently (april 2011), it conciliates school sponsorships to attain this goal. In the near future, the society is going to work on [...]

Uganda; Kenya; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Bangladesh; Cambodia; Thailand; Philippines
CO-OPERAID is a non-profit, politically and confessionally independent humanitarian Swiss association with its headquarters in Zurich. The association was founded in 1981. CO-OPERAID is active in the field of education and professional education. Its projects help impoverished children and young people in a current total of seven countries in Africa and Asia: Uganda, Kenya, [...]

Uganda; Rwanda; Kenya
The Mission Work Good News (MFB e.V.) in Großalmerode is a Christian-humanitarian aid organization which works in Eastern Africa since 1962. It focusses on child- and partnership programss, the fostering of school education, women's self-help projects, educational endowment and old people's welfare. For 25 years, child partnerships are successfully conciliated in Uganda, [...]

Education Uganda is a registered charity based in Hampshire and formed in 2006. Its trustees are mainly experienced educationalists whose main aim is to improve primary education in Uganda by the use of individual blackboards, known in Uganda as slates, following techniques used successfully and now fully embedded in English primary schools using individual whiteboards.

The mission of the Uganda Education Project is to provide funds, materials, and human assistance for the education, care and maintenance of the orphans and vulnerable children of Uganda. In furtherance of this mission, the UEP as a charitable organization will maintain the lowest possible administrative costs ensuring that all goods, funds and services are delivered optimally [...]

SchoolNet Uganda was started 1997 as a program jointly supported by World Links for Development (WorLD), currently World Links Organization (, World Bank Institute – ICT for Education Program and Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda. SchoolNet Uganda is an iEARN (International Education and Research Network) centre. As an iEARN centre, [...]

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) is a statutory agency, a supervisor for quality and relevant higher education established under the "Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001" to regulate higher education and to guide the country in the establishment of institutions of higher learning as well as ensure that quality and relevant education is [...]

The Education Department equips the people with knowledge, attitude, values, and skills for Christian living. Its goal is to empower the Church for the provision of holistic education services. The Education Department oversees 55 Pre-primary Schools, 4,904 church-founded Primary Schools, 460 Secondary Schools, 50 post-Primary schools, including Vocational Training Schools, [...]

Somero empowers young people in Uganda through education. Due to the inequality of the sexes, the focus of Somero is on the support of girls and young women. Somero awards educational scholarships to young Ugandans who pursue their dream of education with high motivation, but cannot realize it because of a lack of money or family support. By obtaining the comprehensive [...]

The Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI) is an umbrella organization for Private Training Institutions formed to improve the quality and the image of private vocational institutions, and to strengthen this educational sector as a whole. Its main aim is to foster collaboration between private training institutions throughout the country and to [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education (NASDME) is the professional organization of state officials charged with the administrative responsibilities of using state funds to help all migrant children succeed in school. NASDME provides its members ongoing information about events and activities, and offers new members training, guidance and counsel. It [...]

United States of America (USA)
ESCORT is a national resource center located at the State University College of New York at Oneonta since 1986. It is dedicated to improving educational opportunities for all students, with expertise in serving highly mobile and at-risk populations, specifically children of migrant farmworkers, English learners, homeless students and struggling readers. ESCORT provides [...]

Uganda; Germany
The association Tukolere Wamu incorporated society is active in Uganda as well as in Germany. In Uganda, it plans, supports and realizes projects which serve the help for self-help, the promotion of education and upbringing, the formation, further education and continuing education, the improvement of the live situation for certain socially weak groups, the promotion [...]

The objectives of the Goodness and Mercy Missions (GMM) are the support of disadvantaged people in Cameroonian communities, the supply of education programs which allow youths to enter adult life successfully as well as the fostering of equality for women, the supply of community leadership trainings and the dissemination of the teachings of Christianity.

Die Cameroon Education For All Network (CEFAN) is an association of different organisations of the civil society (associations, non-governmental organisations, syndicats), which are active in the field of education in Cameroon. This non-profit, non-political organisation was founded on october 21, 2005 in Yaoundé and pursues the objective of the realisation of education which [...]

The Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC) is a non-governmental, not for profit organization. Since its inception in 2002, the organization has been working with children/youths, parents, government bodies and intergovernmental bodies in the promotion of community welfare. It works to identify the needs of the child, especially the rural [...]

Cameroon; Germany
Hope Foundation (HF) is a German and Cameroonian non-profit development and non- governmental registered organization. Hope Foundation was founded in the year 2001 with the primary goal of promoting community development and alleviating poverty in rural and needy areas of Cameroon, thereby improving the standards of living of the rural communities in Cameroon. A number of [...]

The Interuniversity Centre for Information and Communication Technologies (CITI) promotes equal access and use of information and communication technologies for the higher education sector. It interconnects the public universities of Cameroon. This means also the providing of products, services and expertise adapted to the needs of the higher education sector.

The purpose of the NEPAD ICT programme is to accelerate development of ICT infrastructure and ICT skills in Africa. It is also intended to bridge digital divide in Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world . The e-Africa Commission was created in 2001 and adopted as an ICT Task Team by NEPAD in 2002. It is responsible for developing policies, strategies and [...]

United Action for Children (UAC) is a Non-Governmental Organisation based in Buea, South West Province, Cameroon. UAC is a non-profit and non-political organisation and commits itself to the development of a caring society for children and young people. The organisation was created in 1996 in response to concerns about children’s education and development in the South West [...]

Cameroon Education Network (CAMEDNET) is an organisation dedicated to inspire educational innovation through cost-effective ICT in order to fight poverty in Africa by and large and Cameroon in particular. Cameroon Education Network is one of Africa's training and recruitment consultancies in the educational arena with a wealth of experience in teaching and learning, [...]

The Cameroon Education Corporation (CEC) is a recognized non-profit organization founded in 1997 in Nashville, Tennessee and now based in Buea, Cameroon. This organization was created for the purpose of fundraising to build the Children’s Reading Corner Library, the CRC Remedial Nursery & Primary School (CRC.Rem) in Buea. CRC. Rem provides pre-nursery, nursery, and [...]

The objectives of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES) are the promotion of the understanding and the solidarity of the member countries, the establishment of a permanent cultural and scientific cooperation between the member countries, to collect and distribute all the university and research documents; statistics, exam information, directories, [...]

The Education System Support Programme was officially launched on 7 December 2006 by the Secretary-General of the Prime Minister’s office who equally installed the management organs of the project. The ministries concerned were the Ministry of Basic Education, the Ministry of Secondary Education and the Ministry of Higher Education. The programme's objectives were the [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE), as a national organisation, connects those interested in education research, tertiary institutions, schools and early childhood centres, government agencies such as the Ministry of Education, and the New Zealand Council for Research in Education. Its membership consists of individuals and organisations with an [...]

Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Morocco; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Tunisia; Yemen; United Arab Emirates; Middle East; North Africa
AMIDEAST is a leading American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST in its early years focused on promoting U.S. study to students in the MENA region and managing U.S. scholarships and exchanges such as the flagship Fulbright Foreign Student Program. Today [...]

The Regional Conference of the Centre (CRC) of Algeria includes 45 higher education institutions, 13 of which are universities, 4 university centres, 15 National schools, 2 Ecoles normales supérieures, 2 preparatory schools, 7 research centres and 2 research units. The CRC acts as administrator and meeting plac of those institutions and its task is to participate in the [...]

The committee for the support of the school enrolment of rural girls (CSSF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1998. The association works on national level for the promotion of the complete school enrolment in all education levels of rural girls. The CSSF supports and initiates actions which aim at the quantitative and qualitative amelioration of the educational offer [...]

USAID’s strategy for education programming reflects unique niches for youth assistance and is based on a two pronged approach. The first prong will target in-school youth through improvements to education quality and relevance aimed at the crucial middle school years in an effort to enhance educational attainment and stem the tide of youth dropping out of school. The [...]

Moroccan Education And Resource Network (MEARN) is a Morocco-based non-profit organization founded by Moroccan educators for the empowerment of all Moroccan children and youth. By providing access to quality education, information and knowledge for the transformation of the Moroccan educational system, MEARN is preparing the youth of Morocco to effectively enter the 21st [...]

The National Centre of Pedagogical Innovations and Experimentation (CNIPE) has the following objectives: * Promote and develop technological cooperation programs with enterprises * Foster promotion-, development- and maintenance-programs related to didactical appliances * Analyse teaching and vocational programs and methods * Supervize the pedagogical research and [...]

The Association works for the preservation of human dignity, the respect for all human rights in their universality and their globality and for the protection, the defense and the promotion of these rights. The Moroccan Association of Human Rights (MAHR) aims notably: - To raise awareness, diffuse and educate on human rights. - To Work for ratification by Morocco of all [...]

Azekka France-Maroc is an association of development aid with the goald to organize a collaboration in the fields of education, access to knowledge, rural development, environmental development and health. On the homepage, information about current projects, news and about Morocco in general can be found.

The institute for philosophy for children, whose support is the Austrian society for philosophy for children, exists since 1985. It fosters education and further education of children, adolescents and adults, advises pedagogical institutions, generates project descriptions, develops and recommends seminar and work papers and serves as philosophical counselling point. On the [...]

The Spanish Society of Pedagogy (SEP) is a non-profit scientific and professional organisation, which is open to all who are interested in education and its amelioration. With the foundation of its journal `Bordón` and the organisation of classes and seminars, it wanted to create a certain ambiance of a pedagogical discussion, which should effect changes in the education [...]

The Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research (VOR) is the official professional association for educational research in the Netherlands and has also Dutch-speaking members from Belgium. It aims to be the voice of educational research and educational researchers in the Netherlands, to take care of the interests of its members, the profession and the professional population, and to [...]

Europe; Belgium
The European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) is an independent association, with its head office in Antwerp. Its infrastructure is provided for by the University of Antwerp. ELA aims to encourage progress in educational rights by promoting the right to education as a right, by elaborating education law as a discipline and by actively supporting every serious [...]

The European Mathematical Society (EMS)'s membership consists of all mathematical societies in Europe and about 2000 individual members who joined through their national societies. The purpose of the Society is to further the development of all aspects of mathematics in the countries of Europe. The Society aims to promote research in mathematics and its applications. It will [...]

Very few girls from rural communities in Morocco get the opportunity of continuing their education after primary school. To help tackle this, Education For All, a Moroccan NGO, is building and running girls’ boarding houses near secondary colleges, allowing some girls from rural families to continue their education. The homepage informs about current and past projects and [...]

Morocco; United States of America (USA)
The website of Fulbright - International Educational Exchange Program contains informations for Moroccans who want to study in the United States as well as for Americans who want to study in Morocco. Listings of related programs in both countries as well as of contact persons can be found.

Morocco; Jordan; Yemen; Egypt
EFE’s mission is to improve the futures of young people in the Middle East and North Africa by giving them the tools to build livelihoods for themselves. Their goal is to give youth whose prospects are limited - either by socio-economic constraints or by inadequate education - cutting-edge professional training that leads directly to job opportunities. EFE operates on three [...]

EFE-Morocco is a non-profit foundation (NGO) with the goal to develop partnerships between public and private sectors in order to realize the Formation-Employment programs which improve the competences of the young peole and which also correspond to the needs and exigences of the enterprises.

On this website, IREX presents it`s activities concerning education programs in "Basic Education Development", "Higher education development", "International Education" and "Research Support".

This website presents activities which the PNUD realizes in Togo as well as objectives it wants to achieve. Furthermore, there are an overview of Togo and publications concerning education and the promotion of development.

The European Institute of Education and Social Policy is a non-profit organisation with thirty-four years experience in the analysis of education and training policies in Europe and in the partner countries of the European Union. The institute was founded in 1975 by the European Cultural Foundation to meet a need of the European Commission by contributing to the development of [...]

United Kingdom
CEM is a not-for-profit organisation and part of Durham University, based in North East England. It provides educational monitoring systems computer-adaptive assessments which are used in schools. Also it is has an educational research unit including a data base and many publications on the area of educational research.

The "European Network for Education and Training e.V.", shortly EUNET, is a network for European educational-facilities. The network consists of Non-Governmental-Organisations that inform, educate or in any other way spreads the European Idea to teenagers and adults. EUNET has the goal to intensify the experience-exchange, to increase the quality of the offers, to [...]

England; Europe; United Kingdom
DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) was established in 1993 in Cambridge, UK. It is a limited liability company and a “Not for Profit” organisation. DANTE's purpose is to plan, build and operate pan-European research networks. It was set up, and is owned, by a group of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs).

The GÉANT network is a pan-European communications infrastructure serving Europe’s research and education community. Co-funded by European National Research & Education Networks (NRENs) and the EC, the GÉANT network and project (also known as GN3) is entering its third generation, along with associated development activities. GÉANT's core objective is to deliver real [...]

Algeria; Cyprus, Republic of; Israel; Egypt; Jordan; Lebanon; Malta; Morocco; Syria; Tunisia; Turkey; Palestinian Territories
EUMEDCONNECT aims to transform the scale and reach of Mediterranean research networking, foster greater levels of research collaboration, and help accelerate the rate of development of the Internet in the region. It was a key part of the European Commission’s EUMEDIS (EUro-MEDiterranean Information Society) programme to promote Information Society objectives in the region, [...]

Founded in 1953, the Network for the system of school associated by the UNESCO, or "Schools associated by the UNESCO", is a global network which unites more than 9000 educational institutions of 180 countries. The member institutions (preschools, primary schools, secondary education institutions, professional institutions, vocational training institutions) work for the [...]

EUMEDIS stands for Euro-MEDiterranean Information Society . This initiative taken by the European Commission in 2000 includes in Sector 5 regional education and training projects, particularly developments in the field of distanc e education. Focal point is co-operation in the area of information society. Project participants are non-commercial private and public [...]

Znanie Association – Sofia, Bulgaria, is a non-profit making organisation, established in 1990, with priorities in training and education. It is an Association of teachers, lecturers, University tutors, and various specialists, aimimg to create possibilities for out-of-school education and long-life qualification to every personality, regardless of his personal background, [...]

Norway Opening Universities (NOU) is a national political initiative for opening Norwegian universities and colleges the access to higher education, opening institutions of higher education to a better understanding of the needs of society and working life and opening universities and colleges to more flexible modes of teaching and learning by stimulating the creative and [...]

The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO-raad) brings together all 39 government-funded Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Together they have over 38,000 employees and over 400,000 students. The HBO-raad focuses on strengthening the social position of Universities of Applied Sciences. To this end it maintains contacts with a broad [...]

Latvian Adult Education Association (LAEA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation which unites adult education providers in Latvia – both individuals and organisations. LAEA was founded on December 14, 1993 with support from Latvia's Ministry of Education and Science and the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association. The aim [...]

eQNet is a three-year Comenius Multilateral Network funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning programme. The project is coordinated by European Schoolnet and involves 9 Ministries of Education or agencies nominated to act of their behalf. The project started in September 2009. The project's primary aim is to improve the quality of educational resources in [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
Universities Scotland exists to represent and promote Scotland's higher education sector and campaign on its behalf. Through this work, it seeks to assist the sector to deliver its essential contribution to the economic, social and cultural needs of Scotland, and to enhance Scotland's international reputation. Under the rubric "briefing", the educational system of Scotland [...]

The federation of francophone students (FEF) is the biggest organisation which regroups student delegations of the French community in Belgium. Presently, it represents nearly houndred thousand students of more than thirty higher education institutions of the French community. The federation's aims are to represent the students on the niveau of the French community as well as [...]

The CARNet network was founded in 1991 by the Ministry of science and technology. CARNet's mission is to provide the infrastructure, knowledge and the necessary resources to individuals and organizations that wish to contribute to the amelioration of the standards of education in croatia. CARNet's activities include the development and maintenance of the national academic [...]

Moldova, Republic of
The mission of Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA is to promote the principles of the open society, supporting individuals and organizations interested in continuous learning and development, in order to achieve a better personal and professional performance and to facilitate their integration into a society in transition. In order to accomplish that, the Center is offering [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
The Ivorian agency Agefop operates in the field of professional education and promotion. It addresses unemployed, handicapped, and people without a school education to support them in finding an opportunity to get a better professional qualification by continuing education or retraining. Therefore, the Agefop offers on its website information about its current projects and [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This text from the website of KERIS is published every two years and provides information about the Korean education system, human resource development, education in the information age and future prospects of Korean education.

The Database contains all the bilateral and multilateral treaties or agreements concluded by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) and the former European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and those concluded under the Treaty on European Union. Agreements signed but not yet in force are identified by an asterisk ( *). The Database does not include [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
The SFC is in charge of distributing funds to colleges and universities in Scotland, it publishes and disseminates relevant information and statistics.

The ministry´s internet portal provides information on family and children policies and back to education programmes for social welfare customers.

United Kingdom
The ESFA brings together the former responsibilities of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to create a single agency accountable for funding education and skills for children, young people and adults. The ESFA is accountable for £65 billion of funding for the education and training sector, ensuring timely and accurate allocations and payment of [...]

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was founded in 1946 as organization of the United Nations specialized for education, sciences, culture and communication. The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to [...]

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