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Database at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: database

key words found 1 - 418 of 418

The World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE) brings together data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), other national household surveys and learning assessments from over 170 countries. Users can compare education outcomes between countries, and between groups within countries, according to factors that are associated with [...]

The online African Education Research Database (AERD) has been developed by the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre at the University of Cambridge, in partnership with ESSA. The database aims to raise the visibility of African research, consolidate the evidence base for policy and practice, and inform future research priorities and partnerships. The [...]

re3data lists research data repositories worldwide. You can either search for repositories or browse by country, discipline / subject or type of research data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

South America; Latin America; Africa; South Asia; South-East Asia; Eastern Europe; Pacific Rim
The "NORRAG - Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training" presents a project that aims at giving the so-called Global South a voice. With #TheSouthAlsoKnows Project, Education experts from the Global South can network, register for an expert database and publish articles on a wide variety of topics related to education and education policy on [...]

SciStarter is a globally acclaimed, online citizen science hub where more than 3,000 projects, searchable by location, topic, age level, etc, have been registered by individual project leaders or imported through partnerships with federal governments, NGOs, and universities. As a research affiliate of NCSU (NC State University) and ASU (Arizona State University), and a popular [...]

Brazil; international
The Brazilian Initiative for Open Education brings together productions and projects from the UNESCO Chair for Distance Education and the Educadigital Institute, which promote the issue of Open Education in Brazil. The website provides academic research, publications, production of resources and repositories, as well as face-to-face and distance training courses. All of this [...]

Latin America; South America
This is a list of results from the World Bank's publications' database / repository. The publications are available in open access and for free. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This Education Portal offers an extensive list of vocational training and adult education topics and providers (including commercial ones). Course information can be requested via a web form directly from the provider (in German). In addition, numerous tools for educational advice are offered.

The Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators is a legally registered Canadian, not-for-profit corporation committed to supporting Canadian Montessori administrators and schools. The CCMA provides a unified voice in negotiations with government and other agencies.

CAIS (Canadian Accredited Independent Schools) includes over 90 schools, all of which commit to undergoing a reflective and collaborative school improvement process, meet National Standards, and participate in research and professional development. This website presents the approximately 30 boarding schools of the association.

United States of America (USA); Canada
The Association of Boarding Schools serves college-preparatory boarding schools in the United States, Canada, and around the globe. The Association leads a domestic and international effort to promote awareness and understanding of boarding schools and to expand the applicant pool for member institutions. An overview of further networks and associations can be found under the [...]

The History of Education knowledge portal enables researchers, students, teachers and interested members of the public to carry out discipline-specific and multilingual research on sources and data relating to the history of education research in Switzerland. Various digital sources on the history of education are accessible through a search mask. This site offers an easy way [...]

The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) existed from 2007 till 2015. It was meant to support the EU member states and the European Commission in cooperating in lifelong guidance policy in education and the employment sector. In meetings, webinars and others, comprehensive material was elaborated to inform policy and decision makers. The website provides a [...]

Israel; international
"The MOFET Institute is a national intercollegial center for the research and development of programs in teacher education and teaching in the colleges. (...) It was founded by the Department of Teacher Education in the Ministry of Education in 1983 and is a Ministry of Education-funded non-profit organization." The English website is less comprehensive than the Hebrew one, [...]

[The network existed until about 2018. We link to a Internet Archive copy of its website as of April 2022] The European Network on Inclusive Education & Disability was co-financed by the European Social Fund and had a focus on employability and working inclusion. The website provided a database of experts and organisations having a focus on inclusion in Europe. Furthermore, [...]

Ukraine; international
The Ukrainian National Library Vernadsky provides a database for scientific journals. You will find here a link to a search result for the word "Education" (Освіта) in the title of the respective journals. Each journal has a small informational text and partly also fulltexts of the articles in the journal. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

Ukraine; international
The Ukrainian National Library Vernadsky provides a database for scientific journals. You will find here a link to a search result for the word "teach* / pedagocical" (Педагогічний) in the title of the respective journals. Each journal has a small informational text and partly also fulltexts of the [...]

Ukraine; international
The Ukrainian National Library Vernadsky provides a database for scientific journals. You will find here a link to a search result for the word "Pedagogics" (Педагогіка) in the title of the respective journals. Each journal has a small informational text and partly also fulltexts of the articles in the journal. [...]

The three libraries, Education, Jewish Education and Social Work, amalgamated in July 2003 to form a unified library at the Mount Scopus campus, as part of the Libraries Authority. The multi-disciplinary collections include education, social work and related fields such as psychology, psychotherapy, sociology and anthropology, connected to different age groups and population [...]

The website of the Brazilian Association for Distance Learning provides very ample information and resources on distance learning in Brazil. You will find a course serach, a search for course providers, a search for professionals in this area, fulltext documents, podcasts, legislative documents, periodically published evaluations and statistics on distance learning in Brazil, [...]

Through its Country Dossiers, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) of the Unesco offers access to various information resources on education in its Member States. This compilation of facts and data from various sources will permit users to gain rapid access to information on each country`s state of education and plans for development, and provide insights into [...]

The education authority Skolverket ist responsible for the official statistics on preschool education, school education, adult education, education expenditure and Swedish education abroad. A comprehensive data collection is available.

United States of America (USA)
The Library of Congress is the nation´s oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library´s mission is to support the Congress in fulfilling its constitutional duties and to further the progress of [...]

With approximately 8 million books and objects, the Austrian National Library is the biggest library in Austria. In addition to the more than 3 million books, its international prestige is based particularly on the nine special Departments with their unique objects – manuscripts, incunabula, music autographs, photographs, maps, globes, etc. The Library was a universal [...]

This project is run by the Unesco Chairs of Athabasca University, Canada, and Open University of the Netherlands. It collects links to articles and other literature on Open Educational Resources. You will find different possibilities to search for resources, e.g. by keywords, country, publication year or type and more. [Source: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Ireland; international
RIAN offers a search over 7 repositories (databases with online fulltexts) of the following Irish university libraries including the Dublin Institute of Technology: * Dublin City University * NUI Galway * NUI Maynooth * Trinity College Dublin * University College Cork * University College Dublin * University of Limerick [...]

The portal was created due to the necessity to establish a virtual plat form which directs itself to education institutions for the purpose of curriculum integration of TIC in class rooms and which offers teaching courses to teachers, students, parents and authorities of public education centres in general. Also, it provides teachers and researchers of the education sector [...]

The website offers list of univerities of Guatemala. The entries include longer, detailled descriptions of the universities. Links which lead to the homepages of the universities are not available on the website.

The portal is a repository of literary texts of the university culture which expands constantly through the participation of new writers and cooperation partners. The portal offers prose as well as poetry, recommandations and critiques.

United Kingdom
Compilation of statistical releases on children, education and skills.

The National Information System for Higher Education (SNIES) was created to respond to the information necessities of the higher education sector of Colombia. It serves as source of information for institutions and academical programs approved by the National Ministry of Education, it counsels and fournishes data, statistics and indicators of relevancy, reliability and [...]

EIPEE is a one-year project (March 2010 - February 2011) supported by the European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture under the Lifelong Learning: Education and Training Policies (agreement number 2009-11932). The project examines the links between research and decision-making in education policy across Europe. The information on this website relates to [...]

Asia; Pacific Rim
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) offers a data centre whose database includes country-level data related to demography, migration, education, health, poverty, gender, employment, economy, government finance, transport, and environment.

"NARCIS is the main national portal for those looking for information about researchers and their work. Besides researchers, NARCIS is also used by students, journalists and people working in educational and government institutions as well as the business sector. NARCIS provides access to scientific information, including (open access) publications from the repositories of [...]

Lesotho; Botswana; Eswatini; Eswatini
The Institute of Development Management (IDM) was established in 1974 as a regional organisation in Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland (BLS) to help meet the management needs of the region through management development activities including training, consultancy, research, and the establishment of a Management Resource Centre.

Kenya is an Educational Directory & Portal for Searching & Learning about courses, careers, schools, colleges and universities.

Kenya is a database with information on many educational institutions in Kenya. Their Dynamic College Search simplifies the complex process of finding a college.

The mission of the Kenya Institute of Education is to provide curriculum and curriculum support materials. Sections on the website are for example training courses, library services, E-learning, events and a download section

Dominican Republic
Biblioteca Dominico-Virtual was created to contribute to the education and formation of students. Its objective is to facilitate the research and competence process. It is a tool for professionals respectively for all those who want to deepen their knowledge, according to the large variety and profundity of themes and branches. Currently (mai 2011), the homepage contains more [...]

Dominican Republic
Cámbrico is an interactive portal, which functions as data base and search engine for primarily academical information and, therefore, ensures a more qualitative knowledge acquisition. This tool filtres and analyzes in objective and precise search processes in the temporal and geographical context, to find adequate data in all its depth. This project satisfies the prevailing [...]

World Bank's Early Child Development (ECD) is part of the Child and Youth Group in Human Development Network (HDN). Its primary mission is to improve World Bank's staff and clients' knowledge of ECD programming and to improve the quality of World Bank's lending for ECD. This mission is accomplished by maintaining a knowledge base on ECD to support World Bank's [...]

The Department of State for Education of Gambia is resolved to provide access to quality education to develop a computer literate and technologically competent populace with renewed emphasis on Science, Technology, Agriculture and the Arts in developing a productive and capable human resource base. On the homepage of the department, there is a `resource Center` with various [...]

The Uganda Digital Education Resource Bank (UDERB) consists of educational resources which can be used by teachers and students to support and enhance the teaching and learning process in Uganda secondary schools. Currently (April 2011), the site is still partly under construction; more educational content will be added.

The site of the Royal Library of Belgium offers a broad access to the onlince catalogues of the Belgian libraries and universities and a overview of current publications and source collections of the library's inventory. Additionally, it exists the possibility to inform about library services, current expositions, projects and a sector with online publications.

The institute, founded in 1965 as non-profit society, sees itself as service and communication centre for the field of child and youth literature. Its tasks are, besides the counselling activity, the further and continuing education of referral organisations, creation of national and international networks and the development resp. procurement of information, data bases and [...]

United Kingdom
CEM is a not-for-profit organisation and part of Durham University, based in North East England. It provides educational monitoring systems computer-adaptive assessments which are used in schools. Also it is has an educational research unit including a data base and many publications on the area of educational research.

The Turkish Statistical Institute offers numerous data and publications on all important subject areas. The website also contains a database that enables users to compile data of their own choice.

The aim of AIKOS is to help the citizens of Lithuania to choose a marketable profession, which can be obtained for the first time or through re-training at Lithuanian or European higher and vocational schools, by accumulating, processing, and presenting easily accessible information to a wide range of users. AIKOS is an open vocational information, counselling, and guidance [...]

The education server of the German-speaking community belongs to the department "Teaching, Training and Occupation" of the ministry of the German-speaking community. Therefore, its tasks and fields of activities share information and hints in the domains of pedagogic subjects, teaching organization, teachers’ subjects, vocational training and further education, [...]

The offers of the Internet portal are amongst others a search in and after libraries, journals, data bases and online literature concerning adult education, information about promotion possibilities, links to job fairs and publications of the bm:ukk. Shortly (state: 12.2010), this offer is extended by a database unique in Austria which provides different [...]

This homepage grants access to an overview of the economy, politics, culture etc. of the Netherlands. The category "Bildung" contains information about Dutch schools in Germany, international school in the Netherlands, a list of the Dutch universities including links to their homepages as well as links about studies in the Netherlands. Furthermore, information about [...]

Study in Sweden is a comprehensive resource for information about higher education in Sweden. The site incorporates a database of English-language degree programs, information about Sweden´s universities as well as practical facts concerning application procedures, scholarships, visas, accommodation and information for learning Swedish as a foreign language.

United Kingdom
Educators need research evidence to underpin practice and policy making. The Educational Evidence Portal (EEP) is a site run by the CfBT Education Trust. It is designed for both professional and lay people who are interested in education and children's services. It offers a central point of access to documents from a range of reputable UK sources which are all quality [...]

international helps students who are interested in studying abroad to find information about education alternatives all over the world. The website contains a database on study courses and language courses, study guides on various countries of the world, a search facility for institutes and an international education dictionary that explains common terms and acronyms.

Dyslexia International (formerly Dyslexia International – Tools and Technologies), a non-profit organisation, was registered in Belgium in 2000. The Association works with leading experts to create and promote tools and technologies that enable dyslexic learners to succeed. Now as an NGO in operational relations with UNESCO, the organisation’s main focus is to share [...]

The database comprises projects funded by the 7th Research Framewort Programme.

international; Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Montenegro; Kosovo; Serbia; North Macedonia; Europe
The database informs about scholarships and grant opportunities from various organisations for students and graduates from South East Europe. It comprises programmes offered by funding organisations worldwide. The database is part of the Western Balkan Countries INCO-NET. This initiative enhances integration of the Western Balkan countries (WBC) in the European Research Area. [...]

The collection of National Reports has been developed into a digital library, searchable by conference date and country. The National Reports have been presented to the IBE by Ministries of Education at the sessions of the International Conference on Education since 1932. The collection constitutes a unique reservoir of educational information spanning many decades, including [...]

The web page lists the schools accredited by the Council of International Schools. Detailed information about the schools is available.

Islamic Countries; international
The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC ; formerly SESRTCIC) , was founded as a subsidiary organ of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The basic mandate drawn up for SESRIC is threefold: 1. To collate, process and disseminate socio-economic statistics and information on and for the utilisation of the member [...]

Eastern Europe; Central Asia; international; Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; China, People's Republic of; Georgia; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Japan; Yemen; Jordan; Cambodia; Kazakhstan; Qatar; Kyrgyzstan; Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Kuwait; Laos; Lebanon; Macau; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Oman; Pakistan; Philippines; Palestinian Territories; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Syria; Tajikistan; Taiwan; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; United Arab Emirates; Vietnam
Country information for applicants for a study abroad in a Asia. In order to view them one has to select the respective country. There is an address of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), country information of the German Foreign Office, information about the education system and higher education, a specific link list, information about scholarship programmes and [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The National Library of Korea, the nation's largest library, has a collection of over 7 million volumes. As a library representing Korea, the National Library of Korea collects all the books and documents produced in Korea to fulfill the first and foremost mission of preserving national publications.

Access to six databases collecting legal documents, including Finnish acts of parliament, and English language translations as far as they exist. The databases can be searched by using English terms, i.e. "education".

The Database contains all the bilateral and multilateral treaties or agreements concluded by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) and the former European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and those concluded under the Treaty on European Union. Agreements signed but not yet in force are identified by an asterisk ( *). The Database does not include [...]

Each year the European Community concludes a number of Agreements with third countries, as well as with international organisations. These Agreements may be of an extensive nature, such as Trade, Cooperation and Development and Association Agreements or they may cover a wide range of specific subjects including: science and technology; transport; etc. Information concerning [...]

COST is based on networks, called COST Actions, centered around research projects in fields that are of interest to at least five COST countries. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research for peaceful purposes as well as activities of public utility, as part of the Lisbon objectives. Every COST Action has an objective, defined goals and clear deliverables. These [...]

The documents edited by COST Actions or the COST Office can be searched in this database. A link to the publication is shown when available.

United Kingdom
This archived service provided information regarding recruitment of teaching and supporting staff at schools and other educational institutions, i.e. teachers, teaching assistants, special needs education specialists, receptionists etc.

United Kingdom; England
The website provided by the Department of Health informs about social work in England and routes to qualifications. A course database is offered.

Scotland; United Kingdom
Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS) is an independent, educational charity, representing over 70 member schools in Scotland, which educate more than 32,000 children of mixed abilities from diverse backgrounds. SCIS promotes choice, diversity and excellence in Scottish education. The website offers a school database, advice for parents as well as information on [...]

United Kingdom
The Higher Education Empirical Research (HEER) database comprises summaries of evidence-based published research on a range of topics related to higher education. It is intended for use by policy-makers, academics and researchers in higher education. The HEER database has been developed by the Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI) of The Open University.

PreLex, the database on inter-institutional procedures follows the major stages of the decision-making process between the Commission and the other institutions: stage of the procedure; decisions of the institutions; persons' names; services responsible; references of documents .etc, and monitors the works of the various institutions involved (European Parliament, Council, [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
Insight, the web knowledge base for using information and communication technology at schools, offers this search option for country reports, accessible as full texts or summaries of varying dates. These country reports focus on the implementation of ICT at schools, the role of ICT in the curriculum, assessment of ICT competencies, provision of ICT resources and evaluation of [...]

Find-eR is the European Commission union catalogue referencing library collections of a network of libraries. In addition to the Central Library, some 15 smaller specialised libraries and documentation centres participate in this co-operation network. Find-eR covers the EU's official publications and documents of most intergovernmental organizations, commercial, academic and [...]

ELFI is a German language service for research funding information. While public funding has been cut short and competition has grown, higher education institutions in Germany need to acquire external funding. In many cases, the quality of research is assessed by scientists' ability to tap external funding sources, hence they are in need of information regarding funding [...]

This glossary provides French language explanations, definitions and annotations of French terminology related to education and instruction, and its translation into German and Dutch. The entries are chosen on the grounds of their use in Belgium and respective language regions there, not the terminological practice in France or the Netherlands.

The website focuses on a database presenting French language resources (websites) on educational issues, from ministries and other recognised institutions such as the United Nations. These can be accessed by thematic dossiers on topics such as peace education, education and the internet, experimental science or diversity. Furthermore, the index is based on international [...]

United Kingdom; England; Wales; Northern Ireland
The National Database of Accredited Qualifications (NDAQ) contains details of qualifications that are accredited by the regulators of external qualifications in England (Ofqual), Wales (DCELLS) and Northern Ireland (CCEA). Users can search for details on current and expired accredited qualifications.

United Kingdom; England; Wales
EduBase is a register of all educational establishments in England and Wales, maintained by the Department for Education. It allows both the general public and government officials to access up to date information.

United Kingdom
The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is the UK's largest voluntary provider of adult education. Ever since it was founded in 1903, in order to support the educational needs of working men and women, the WEA has maintained its commitment to provide access to education and learning for adults from all backgrounds, and in particular those who have previously missed out [...]

United Kingdom; England; Wales
State Boarding Schools Association (SBSA) is the national association for state boarding schools within the UK (England & Wales), formerly known as Stabis. UK and other European Union nationals and others with the right of residence in the UK pay only for the cost of boarding, while the education is free. The website offers a school database and parents guide.

"VSJF - German Association for Social Science Research on Japan" was founded in 1988. Its general aim was and still is to strengthen the study of contemporary Japan in the German-speaking countries. Under "activities" you can find the section group on education. The database experts allows the search for experts in specific fields.

This site offers a database for practical further training courses in Belgium. You can search for examples of training and vocational programmes, continuing education and language courses, as well as companies or educational institutions. Additionally, in the sector "bibliothèque", there are selected literary abstracts available.

The site provides information on study opportunities in Flanders, Belgium: It answers questions about Flanders, living in Flanders, the education system of Flanders and funding opportunities. The database can be searched for study programmes or for Flemish higher education institutions. Besides, the brochure "Study in Flanders" is available for download.

The aim of the clearinghouse is to identify good practice in education. It creates an overview of the current best knowledge of good educational practice and communicates it to practitioners and politicians. The main product is the systematic review, which is carried out according to a standard method. The International evidence base is a database of systematic reviews in the [...]

The German Information Network International Relations and Area Studies (FIV-IBLK) is a cooperation of 12 independent German and one nordic research institute. Together, they produce the database "World Affairs Online", one of the largest bibliographic social science databases in Europe. The main subject areas covered are global and regional developments, for eign and security [...]

European InfoNet Adult Education is a European network in the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig Network. It is an agency providing information about current developments in adult education from European countries and the EU level. InfoNet provides a comprehensive, constantly growing database, a thematic information letter, has a network of around 25 [...]

Information in Danish on university courses in pedagogy and education science.

The 'Vejviseren' is a guide to Danish schools and educational institutions with information on teachers, accessibility for handicapped and the use of IT. Only in Danish.

The first Folk High School was founded in Rødding, Denmark, in 1844, on the initiative of Kristen Kold who was inspired by the educational thinking of N.F.S. Grundtvig. Grundtvig identified a growing democratic need in society of enlightening the often both uneducated and poor peasantry. This social group had neither the time nor the money to enroll at a university and needed [...]

The Higher Education Register is a legal register that contains all the accredited higher education programmes in Flanders, Belgium. The search engine ('Find a programme') gives access to all these programmes. The Website provides also links and information about studying in Flanders, the degree structure, admission and visa requirements, institutions of higher education, [...]

SourceOECD provides online access to all OECD publications - in particular those in the field of education - issued from January 1998. It comprises about 2,000 monographs, 30 databases and more than 20 periodicals. SourceOECD offers access to full-text publications in pdf format. It is also possible to access the OECD statistical databases and build one's own data tables and [...]

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Kosovo; Croatia; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Sweden; Switzerland; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Czechia; Turkey; Ukraine; Hungary; Vatican City; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of
Currently country informations for applicants to study abroad in a European country are only available in German. In order to get this service you have to choose a specific country. At the country page you will find the address of the regional bureau of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), cultural and educational information, a link list as well as information about [...]

The Education Gateway is am information system for teachers, pupils, and researchers concerned with finding information on the Nordic education system on the net. Although most of the site is in Icelandic only, an English version provides an overview of the objectives and central features (information resources on schools and national curricula, special needs education, and [...]

This web site is a valuable information tool for students wishing to attend higher education (H.Ed.) programmes in Italy, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. It provides the following information: types of H.Ed. institutions (university and non-university sector), admission procedures, study programmes, university degrees, non-university H.Ed. qualifications [...]

United States of America (USA)
The ECTA Center supports the national implementation of the early childhood provisions (1-5 years) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This is done by transferring knowledge about early childhood research, practices that work, and policies to assist states and their stakeholders to accomplish goals and plans for systems change.

Steiner Education Australia is the umbrella organisation for Australian Steiner schools (Waldorf schools). The website provides a list of (member) Waldorf schools, information on the teacher education conference, on further education courses for teachers as well as various resources for teachers and parents. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

"The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) lists all providers registered to offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered."

The National Education Directory of Australia (NEDA) is Australia's largest education portal. It allows to search for schools, universities, Tafe, colleges, and further educational institutions across Australia. Apart from education providers, the directory includes providers of student exchanges, student accomodation and recreational courses.

The Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) is an independent, not-for-profit national agency that promotes, audits, and reports on quality assurance in Australian higher education. The website contains information on AUQA and gives access to full-text versions of its publications as well as to the Good Practice Database, which contains Good Practices in higher [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Child Trends DataBank examines and monitors more than 100 indicators that focus on risks and positive developments for children. For each indicator it summarizes what the research says about its importance to children’s development, tracks trends over time and by subgroup, and highlights strategies likely to improve well-being. It also provides links to state, local, and [...]

United States of America (USA)
CEEP is the successor to the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE), which was part of the national information system in education, called ERIC, from 1967 through December 2003. CEEP is part of the Early Childhood and Parenting ( ECAP) Collaborative within the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They work [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), a service of the Child Care Bureau, is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that links parents, providers, policy-makers, researchers, and the public to early care and education information. The website offers access to a childcare database, state profiles, a virtual library (quick, basic and advanced [...]

New Zealand has replaced The new site ( as of September 2005) is a portal on New Zealand education information for prospective international students seeking quality education. It has a number of new features including streamed video interviews with students and dedicated country specific information areas.

The purpose of the foundation is the coordination, promotion and financial planning of adult education in Liechtenstein. The website offers a course database, an overview of course organisers and links to other institutions and organisations in adult education.

The website of the Educational Programme of the European Union LEONARDO DA VINCI for Liechtenstein contains descriptions of the objectives of the programme. There are also lists of adresses, deadlines and news as well as a link list with programme partners and databases in the field of initial vocational training.

"The UNESCO Library provides reference and information services, including online searches, to the organization as a whole, as well as to the general public with an interest in UNESCO's fields of competence." The collections comprise library and archive services, UNESCO publications, periodicals and documentation resources.

In 2001 the Minister for Education and Science asked the Dublin Institute of Technology and St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra to jointly establish CECDE.The aim of the CECDE is to develop and co-ordinate early childhood education in pursuance of the objectives of the White Paper 'Ready to Learn' and to advise the Department of Education and Science on policy issues in this [...]

This web site of the Maltese government offers access to pages of following institutions: National Library of Malta, Malta Public Libraries, Gozo Public Libraries and National Archives of Malta. Besides, there are links to different pages of catalogues (particularly the Malta Public Libraries Online Catalogue), publications and to information on opening hours.

The job market service (AMS) offers plenty of information on options for vocational and further education, vocational trends and tests for disposition. A compass for jobs and one for apprentices as well as the information programme "your choice" shall give vocational orientation. The job information centres (BIZ) yield for free a large variety of information media about [...]

The IAU is an international association of universities from all over the world. It aims at establishing sustainable high quality university education. The home page lists the association policy, references and publications as well as a link leading to online databases. The following data bases are available: Education Systems (search by country), Higher Education and List of [...]

ERNET India is the National Research and Education Network dedicated to support the needs of the research and education community within the country. It was established in 1998 as an autonomous scientific society under the Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India. It operates ERNET network – a pan-Indian terrestrial and satellite [...]

This website aims to raise the quality of education in Tanzania by means of modern technology. It was developed in 2002 as a project in co- operation between Tanzania Education and the Information Services Trust. Various links and a search engine offer information amongst other things about national educational policy and educational projects. The offer is supplemented by [...]

The homepage of the Argentinian National Library has links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online. It provides a link list of national libraries woldwide, information on librarian formation as well as cultural events.

The homepage of the Brazilian National Library has links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online.

international; Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; North Macedonia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxemburg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Moldova, Republic of; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Europe
The European gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications offers national profiles according to the following structure: National Information Centres, National education bodies, System of education, University education, Quality assurance, Post-secondary non-university education, Recognized higher education institutions, Policies and procedures for the [...]

This website provides a list of websites dedicated to Higher Education in Japan, each link is succinctly described by formal aspects and content. The links lead to information on private universities, specific subjects, and entry requirements for students.

The database is maintained by students and staff at the Yamasa Multimedia Studio, with financial assistance provided by Japan's Hattori Foundation in response to the demands and needs of many international students hoping to study in a Japanese university or graduate school. The Yamasa Institute as a body of the Hattori Foundation ( which supports education programmes at all [...]

"The JGuide: Stanford Guide to Japan Information Resources is a topically arranged directory of online information resources in and about Japan, with focus on resources about Japan in the English language. The JGuide is an ongoing project of the US-Asia Technology Management Center (USATMC), School of Engineering, Stanford University. The J Guide project was initiated with [...]

The website of educational statistics by the World Bank makes a variety of national and international data sources available in one place and compiles World Bank data on education topics. Access to the data is by theme or country.

INRULED is a professional resource centre and commits itself to promoting international research and development of methods and techniques of rural education. It awards fellowhip grants and various training-workshops, regional meetings of chosen topics related to rural education and rural development are provided. The homepage gives access to information about these [...]

On this page, UNESCO lists all of its databases and other tools (e.g. atlases, entire platforms and more) on the subject of education. The list is structured thematically: * Right to education * Literacy and lifelong learning * Policy, planning and management * Education statistics * Monitoring progress on education * Accelerating progress towards Sustainable [...]

The web site gives access to statistical tables, publications and information by country, as well as the OECD Education Online Database.

From pre-primary school enrolment to tertiary graduation rates, the UIS is the leading source for international education statistics. Covering more than 200 countries and territories, the UIS database covers all education levels and addresses key policy issues such as gender parity, teachers and financing.

This network of Venezolanian universities serves as a technical platform of communication between the Higher Education Ministry and the universities and of mutual communication between universities; its mission is to build up and facilitate the flow of information via telecommunication in an easy and efficient way. The contents of this flow are issues of administration and of [...]

The National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) is the successor of the former CEDE (Centro Europeo dell´ Educazione) and has been established in 1999. Its considerably increased tasks as an "agency supporting the autonomy of schools" are as follows: 1. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system as a whole and in detail - [...]

The services of this Centre are information, documentation and publication in the field of special education. An information centre, a library, an information bulletin and other special publications are provided. The web site presents information about the services and has a search form for a search with costs in the databases of the Centre.

international; China, People's Republic of; Greece; Japan; Turkey; United States of America (USA)
The International Youth Exchange and Visitors´ Service in the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) e.V. offers an online manual for experts in the field of international youth work. The category ´Länderinfos´ (country information) provides structured dossiers on youth work and youth politics for several countries. The dossiers are subdivided as follows: 1. General country [...]

Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
ANSTI, the African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions, is an organ of cooperation that links African institutions engaged in university level training and research in the fields of science and technology. It was established in January 1980, through the financial support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Educational, Scientific and [...]

international; Latin America
This organization has as its objectives to promote postgraduate studies and assure the quality of the training of university staff in the member states and, furthermore, to provide information about respective programmes. With the button Información one gets information texts about statutes, activities and objectives of the AUIP. Additionally, there is a list of member [...]

This web site provides an instrument for searching Spanish doctoral theses. These are equipped with the bibliographical entries and keywords / abstracts. Entering the keyword "pedagogia", in Jan 2004 resulted in 2799 titles.

This new portal intends to provide information about all issues of higher education in Senegal. Navigation points exist for the themes: education system, educational policy and programmes, educational administration, texts and reports, discussion list ("échange"), news from school life. Additionally the homepage offers links to a databank of educational institutions from [...]

international; North America; Central America; Caribbean; Latin America
This link list has 4 sections: North America, Central America, Caribbean and South America. Each section contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. At the beginning regional institutions from the entire continent are listed.

international; Russian Federation; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Moldova, Republic of; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the entire region are listed.

international; Africa
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the African region are listed.

international; Asia; Pacific Rim; Oceania
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the Asian / Pacific region are listed.

international; Europe
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the entire European region are listed.

international; Middle East; Arab States
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the entire Middle East region are listed.

At this site one finds online courses, accredited degree programs, certificates, professional continuing education and learning resources in 241 subject areas offered by educational institutions, companies and individuals from all over the world. World Wide Learn allows to find hundreds of online degrees, courses, training, tutorials, workshops and other educational resources [...]

The main objective of the Office is to collect, compile and disseminate all kinds of information and statistics relating to post primary stages of education in Bangladesh as well as in other countries. The homepage gives access to data about the educational structure of Bangladesh, key educational indicators, databases and specific data on: student enrollment, teaching and [...]

El Salvador
This educational portal provides access to the following information: General information (List of schools searchable via a database; teacher education; resources about moral and civic education and law education; programs and projects (stimulation of reading, English instruction in the primary sector, educational standards, distance education; information about curricula. A [...]

This is s a collaborative project of Philippine institutions concerned with science education whose goal is to make science education researches and statistical data easily accessible through the power of information technology. The main product offered on the web site are four data bases for science education research: dissertations, investigative projects, action research [...]

United Arab Emirates; Bahrain; Kuwait; Saudi Arabia; Oman; Qatar
The Gulf Arab States Educational Research Center was founded in 1977 and has taken up work at its headquarters in Kuwait in 1979. GASERC participates in developing the educational process in the Member States by ensuring the adequacy, the updating and the integration of that process to make it an effective factor in developing the human resources and supporting the social and [...]

RelatED is a databank of good practices in education for learning to live together. It provides a service for the dissemination of concise information on promising initiatives in learning to live together, primarily in school settings. The databank is structured to provide data on key elements of such initiatives including their background, principal objectives and activities, [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
The Regional Office of Unesco for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago de Chile provides on its homepage information about the following issues: programs and projects, activities and events, regional education statistics, publications and about the services of the Documentation Centre (data base, bibliographies). The menu point "laboratorio" offers texts about research [...]

Central Europe; Eastern Europe an online archive which provides worldwide access to articles, scholarly journals, electronic books and re-digitized documents pertaining to European - in particular Central and Eastern European - topics. There is a facility for online searches in the central database.

The web site provides information about mission, collections, catalogue (also on-line) and services for customers and publishers.

Latin America
This education server opens the access to teaching aids and curricular materials which are available on-line.

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about all issues of higher education. Particular features are: higher education statistics (see "SIES") and a searchable data base of all tertiary institutions ( see "directorio de instituciones").

This web site provides information about higher education laws and prescriptions. It is arranged in 1) legislation conerning the students ( admission, scholarships, various degrees), 2) legislation concerning the higher education institutions themselves ( mainly administration) and 3) legislation for the teaching staff. There is also a link to the resp. database LEDA [...]

This database enables to search the texts of all educational laws and prescriptions which the Federal State or the provinces have promulgated.

This web site shows a graph of the development of education acts since 1970 and provides links to the texts of the respective laws.

This web site provides access to online-curricular material for secondary education. Available subjects are natural and social sciences, ethic, languages, math, music and technology.

The Pôle emploi, a fusion of the Agence Nationale de l`Emploi (ANPE)and the network Association pour l`emploi dans l`industrie et le commerce (Assédic) is a sort of electronic national labour office with regional departments. The website is structured into a room for job seekers and one for employers. Additionally, there is a news corner. Information is provided about job [...]

This website provides download files which summarise the conceptual framework on which the PISA 2000 assessment is based. It then illustrates how the assessment is to be performed by reproducing sample assessment items and explaining what each is measuring.

The Comenius State Library of Education is a scientific public library focusing on education and schooling. It provides services to scientists and professionals working in the education system, to university teachers and students studying at faculties of education or social-science faculties. The SPKK established in 1919 offers on its website access to several databases, [...]

United Kingdom
"CERUK is a database, sponsored by NFER, DfES and the EPPI Centre (The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co- ordinating Centre), that seeks to include all recently completed and ongoing research in the United Kingdom, from large sponsored programmes to individual projects. Information is gathered annually from all institutions where research is undertaken. This [...]

United Kingdom
The Global Dimension website provides teachers with resources, practical guidance and support to enable them to include the topic in the curriculum.

United Kingdom; England
Networked Learning Communities is a pioneering programme launched in 2002 and designed to capitalise upon and celebrate the diversity which exists within the education system. By working in interdependent and mutually supportive ways, groups of schools have formed learning networks and are using diversity within and across schools as a positive force for knowledge-sharing and [...]

United Kingdom; international
"Windows on the World is a free, easy to use database for schools and colleges that wish to develop links with other institutions worldwide". The site is provided by the British Council and contains also information about funding opportunities for UK schools and colleges to support international partnerships.

United Kingdom
"Curriculum Online is the Department for Education and Skills' Portal which gives direct access to the widest range of free and priced digital materials for teaching and learning."

This URL provides an overview of internet resources and services whcih the Council of Europe offers for youth. They are arranged according to topics ans types. There is also a link list concerning youth issues.

The Center was founded by the General Directorate of Educational Technologies, Ministry of Education Turkey to provide access to information sources in different formats and user services for the researchers in the field of education. The Center's collection includes monographs, videotapes, filmstrips, presentations, audiotapes, CDs- DVDs-VCDs, posters and photos. Search in a [...]

Asia; Pacific Rim
Jointly development of the Asia/Pacific Cultural Center UNESCO ( ACCU) and UNESCO Bangkok. Free use of data, e.g. statistical information, reports and analytical studies on innovative literacy programmes and projects (PDF-Files), database learning materials and guides, curriculum information for the involved countries,

Qualifax is published by the Institute of Guidance Counsellors (IGC) and is available on the web and on CD. High-speed, searchable database of over 3,500 full time courses covering all Higher Education Institutions in all of Ireland (degree, diploma, certificate, PLC's). For each course, the following information is provided: 1. basic entry requirements, 2. detailed document [...]

TeachNet Ireland - an initiative of St. Patrick's College Drumcondra- funds innovative Irish teachers throughout Ireland to publish curriculum units that demonstrate the integration of ICT into classroom teaching in a meaningful and practical way. Acces to the TeachNet projects, information on types of grants, practical information on integrating ICT in to classroom.

The Institute is a linguistic research institute of the Finnish State. Finnish, Swedish, the Saami languages, Romani and the Finnish sign language are studied here. Extensive library and comprehensive linguistic archives. Databases only to be researched in Finnish language.

The Institute of Migration was founded in 1974, and has its headquarters in Turku. Main tasks are documentation of research material relating to international and internal migration; to carry out migration research, and to develop co-operation between the universities and special organizations related to migration, both within Finland and abroad. Online search in Finnish in [...]

Australia; New Zealand
SCIS is a national cataloguing service for Australian, New Zealand and international schools. It is a cooperative venture of all State Government education systems. The SCIS database contains various catalogue records of educational material including books, audio-visual materials, computer programmes and websites.

Achieve Online has been developed to provide a range of educational tools, utilities, and reference materials for students, teachers and parents in one convenient location. It offers link databases on educational subjects, articles on educational hot topics (archived) and information on educational competitions.

CMIS is a part of the Curriculum Directorate, Office of Government Schools, Western Australia. The Evaluation section identifies curriculum materials that support school curriculum applications and coordinates the evaluation of those resources. All forms of resources are reviewed for teachers and students: print; non-print; audio visual; videocassettes; computer software [...]

Ireland, is a one-stop shop operated by Learning Ireland - a Dublin-based educational publishing company. The guide incorporates The National Education Database with currently 22,000 courses ( education option at night) listed in the database. Wide range of information on education and lifelong learning.

United States of America (USA)
The RRCNA is a not-for-profit association of Reading Recovery professionals (teachers, university trainers and professors) and partners. The Council provides a wide variety of programs and services, including publications, annual conferences, and special institutes and academies (link lists). Access to research reports to download and to the journal 'Literacy Teaching and [...]

United States of America (USA)
PBS - Ready To Learn is supported from the National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education in the U.S. Department of Education. Internet portal reflecting puppet or animal shows on TV ( sesamstreet, between the lions...) with education programmes and e- learning offers, games, stories, music ... for children. Seperated entry with broad range of ressources for [...]

An all-Ireland network to promote effective interventions with young people at risk. Project database and examples of good practice, information about involved agencies, networking, online journal free of charge, link list.

This website contains links to 1) reports and statistics about research in Portugal (international comparisons, productivity of research, public budget and business investments), 2) publications, 3) databases about Portuguese doctoral theses, research projects in Portugal, R&D Institutions, Scientific Production (using science citation index) and other links, 4) program and [...]

ENFO is a public service which provides easy access to wide-ranging and authoritative information on the environment, incl. sustainable development. It was established in 1990 by the Department of the Environment and Local Government. Library database and special information for schools and teachers. Online publications on single environmental issues.

CAIS is a community of independent schools in Canada, which promotes the quality of education of its members by observing performance and compliance of educational standards. These are – besides being up to date with national standards – always desired to be congruent with the internationally accepted criteria and model core standards and therefore updated annually based [...]

international; Asia; Pacific Rim
The Institute has two roles. As the Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, it is the technical advisory body to all field offices and Member States of the region and the site of regional programmes in most areas covered by the Education Sector. It also houses regional advisory units in Culture and Social and Human Sciences and staff from the Communication and [...]

The Swedish Public Employment Service is Sweden´s biggest employment service. The English website offers detailed information for migrants. Basic information is available in various languages.

The Education Provider Locator - an offer of the Department of Education and Science has three search criteria to use: selection by county, by a type of education provider or by a school number.

NDA is an independent statutory agency established under the Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform by the National Disability Authority Act 1999. NDA strives to ensure that the rights and entitlements of people with disabilities are protected. In this context NDA undertakes e.g. research and develop statistical information for the planning, delivery and monitoring of [...]

The ministry is responsible for management and planing of higher education of IRAN.Training of expertise in all levels from and first degree to Doctorate is organized under supervision of this ministry. The homepage provides access to texts about the higher education system in Iran and the policy of the Ministry, statistical data about higher education, a database consisting [...]

CDVEC is the local education authority for Dublin City and its inner suburbs. It provides a wide range of opportunities for the younger generation of Dubliners, and its life-long education programme offers to adults in all age groups career- improvement, leisure, and self-development courses. Access to a course database, the CDVEC Newsletter ( in extracts online), information [...]

Comhairle is the national support agency responsible for the provision of information, advice and advocacy to members of the public on social services, belonging as a statutory agency, to the Department of Social & Family Affairs. Access to research reports on social policy. The Citizens Information Database (CID) covers all aspects of civil and social rights and entitlements [...]

New Zealand
Free downloadable educational links database with themes and lessons related to the NZ curriculum.

New Zealand
This National Directory of Environmental Education Resources is an outcome of several years of strategic planning for the sustainable management of our environment. Numerous organisations and individuals have produced materials.

United States of America (USA)
The Center provides information and analysis for those involved in managing the higher education enterprise internationally through publications, conferences, and the maintenance of a database of individuals and institutions. It is especially concerned with creating dialogue and cooperation among academic institutions in the industrialized nations and those in the developing [...]

This page contains an extensive overview of schools in Switzerland from early childhood education to higher education. The database can be search by the categories school type, subjects and location (cantons).

United States of America (USA)
The database informs about undergraduate and graduate programmes and universities in the US.

NBI is an information centre and document archive for literature for children and young people. It is also a specialist library. As of 2002 NBI' s collection numbers 58.000 volumes. The collection is computerized. From the database book lists are being compiled which will be available on request. Much of the collection is available for loan. Broad range of links to related [...]

The aim of the network is to offer teachers (researchers and the public) a curricular aid that may facilitate the teaching of environmental science, and the realization of practical lessons. It was established in the mid-1990s, when a new core curriculum was formulated where interdisciplinary environmental education received a more central role. There are 805 Norwegian and 83 [...]

'Norgesuniversitetet' is a collaboration between institutions of higher education and employers' and employees' interest organisations in Norway. Major internet services are a database containing several thousand courses (Button: Finn kurs), and a Marketplace where industry and public organisations can find providers to help them develop new courses or training sch emes [...]

United States of America (USA)
Fiscal, demographic and performance data on California's K-12 schools. Reports at the state, county, district and school level. Discussions and explanations of California school issues and policies. Link list to data and research on K-12 schools, full texts to download and a database for K-12 schools are offered. The information is updated annually after the California [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Directory is intended to help you identify and contact organizations that provide information and assistance on a broad range of education-related topics. Various search facilities (simple, advanced search, organization list, state- territory search). Description and comments on each organisation with links on their internet presences.

United States of America (USA)
Search can be carried out by name, city, state, zip-code for public and private schools, colleges and public libraries. Over a link to the school general information is available (school type, adress, teacher/ student, enrollments...). Additional information via further links.

This page offers a link list and addresses for all private schools in 13 cantons of Switzerland; the list is searchable according to regions and school levels.

The Swiss Federation of Private Schools (SFPS) is comprised of 240 schools, including some of the most significant and oldest in the country. About 100'000 pupils, students and apprentices from Switzerland and from over 100 countries, including Switzerland attend Swiss private schools.

United States of America (USA)
CRESST is a partnership of UCLA, the University of Colorado, Stanford University, RAND, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Southern California, Educational Testing Service, and the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. The CRESST mission focuses on the assessment of educational quality. Virtual library with reports (searchable by author or keyword; full texts [...]

The school net of Luxemburg provides a whole range of services to schools, teachers and students, such as an on- line library, learning communities, e-learning, a website generator, etc. The homepage offers information for teachers, secondary and primary students. At the right margin there is a link list concerning Luxemburg education.

The European Association for the Education of Adults is an association of non-governmental organisations actively involved in the development of adult education throughout Europe. The association is made up of more than 100 organisations in 34 countries (as of September 2005) . Die EAEA closely co-operates with UNESCO and the European Commission. Links on the homepage lead to [...]

During the period 1996-2001 a pilot project in the field of advanced vocational education was carried out in Sweden and was integrated into the regular education system in 2002. Kvalificerad Yrkesutbildning (KY) is a new form of post-secondary education that focuses on the application of theoretical knowledge at the workplace. It is a post-secondary educational programme at [...]

It presents an overall picture of research in progress and published Danish research with more than 150.000 research references. The database has been established by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and is today a part of Denmark's Electronic Research Library. The database contains three types of information: literature, research projects, profiles of [...]

The site was established in 2002 by the danish Children's Culture Council and presents extensive information on all aspects of children and culture. In danish only.

SIU is a Norwegian centre of expertise whose objective is to promote the participation of Norwegian educational and research institutions in international cooperation. It is the internationalisation arm of the Norwegian Council for Higher Education. Information on SIU, international cooperation, projects, programmes, publications and conferences. Access to various own [...]

Länkskafferiet (the Swedish Link Library) is a referatory for educational use and is meant to be a pedagogical aid for Swedish pupils, between 5 and 18 years of age, in their search for useful information on the Internet. Teachers and librarians can use the service to guide the pupils in their search and find good resources for lesson planning. Länkskafferiet consists of [...]

Norway; Iceland; Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
NOSP contains references to serials available in Nordic and Baltic libraries. Article copies may be requested from the holding libraries via the online ordering service. NOSP covers all subject areas. The main emphasis is, however, on natural science, medicine and social science. NOSP has been existing since 1977 and is based on a co-operation between national union [...]

United States of America (USA) (a non profit organisation) is a source of school information on elementary, middle and high schools. The net provides information about public, private and charter schools in all 50 states and detailed school profiles for California, Arizona, Texas, Florida and Washington. Access to the databases : search for schools ( National School Guide, State School [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of ALISE is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education. On the website information on aims, membership and conferences. Access to ' JELIS', a quarterly (only against subscription); to the ALISE statistical report; to the 'KALIPER' report ('Educating Library and Information Science Professionals for a [...]

Languages Canada was formed in March of 2008 as a result of a merger between the Canada Language Council (CLC) and CAPLS – The Canadian Association of Private Language Schools. It represents the two official languages English and French and promotes quality, accredited English and French language training in Canada, both nationally and internationally. All member schools are [...]

ECN is Canada´s largest educational e-recruitment resource network with a nationwide online database. Access to the database and joboffers of the provinces and territories, of national and international educational organisations.

CRIAW is a national, not-for-profit organization committed to advancing women's equality through research. Links to universities supporting research in this field. Publications on woman-centered research, maintenance of a database of feminist researchers as well as of a resource center. Links to Canadian women's organizations, studies programs, journals and directories.

United States of America (USA)
The National Indian Education Association ( NIEA) provides adresses who offer educational programs for natives. Contact information and links are provided. Further links to national networks, programs and media.

This sub-site to the Danish education guide offers extensive information on adult education and training in Denmark. It gives you access to general descriptions of education programmes, single subject programmes, etc. and information on the actual courses: time, price and place. On the information page about Vidar additional links and information on Danish adult education.

United States of America (USA)
Ressource section, providing access to information, databases and links available through the US Department of Education and a data section, providing access to data, periodic studies and tabulations prepared by the National Center for Educational Statistics.

The Citizens Information website is an Irish e-government initiative providing information fur use by the general public. Under the topic 'education' information on all levels of the Irish education system is given in abstracts, summaries and commented links. Print versions of full-text documents exist.

United States of America (USA)
The NCEA is the professional association for all Catholic educators in the US. Good entry to comprehensive information on Catholic education and related institutes in the US. Special information on different NCEA departements e. g. Elementary-, Secondary-, Religious Education. Publications aobut Catholic schools data in HTML and PDF format (e.g. annual statistical report on [...]

United States of America (USA); international
Direct link to reported criminal offenses for over 6000 American colleges and universities worldwide provided by the office of postsecondary education /US Department of Education. The statistics represent alleged criminal offenses reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies. Therefore, the data collected do not necessarily reflect prosecutions or [...]

The AfricaEducation homepage provides access to information in the area of education and development in Africa by offering links in different sections as curriculum resources, institutions, who's who, research reports, free resources ( services), school and other projects or online courses for teachers and learners. A text search engine is available to search the site and the [...]

New Zealand
The Mātauranga Māori community offers resources and information relevant to teaching and learning in Māori-medium (including teacher resources exchange, news and events).

This is the website of a Catalonian project concerning computers in musical education. The English homepage offers the following texts: a tutorial about using computers in musical education; lesson plans belonging to this curriculum subject; internet resources about computers in musical education; the database TERLEDMUS with European popular songs and a multimedia dictionary [...]

The Centre of Educational Information and Communication (formerly PNTIC) provides this searchable database, which shall serve teachers to learn how to use information and communication technology in their classrooms. The homepage shows links to texts of teaching aids and information material to be used in distant study.

This abundant website addresses all persons working as educators - the thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides the following sub-groups: (official) information texts for teachers; resources, i.e. link lists concerning educational software, curriculum materials for curriculum subjects and extra- curricular applications; forums for [...]

FAS provides information on all educational and vocational training opportunities within the European Union. On the website access to an interactive multimedia career guidance database, a job and course database, reports on Irish vocational education and labour market development. A comprehensive linklist with Irish, European and international URL's.

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
BELB is charged under the Northern Ireland Education and Libraries Order to secure the provision of facilities for youth services. On the website there are a database of schools, a course database for schools and databases with information on primary, secondary, special education, nursery, curriculum, youth clubs and events available. Search for libraries in Northern Ireland [...]

Offer for professionals involved in vocational education. The portal comprises information from apprentice ship firms, professional associations, charges for vocational education, vocational schools and other related institutions. The links are arranged in these groups: vocational schools and training companies, training of teaching staff, vocational education in Switzerland [...]

Ireland; Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
This site has been developed as a result of two cross-border projects: The Citizenship Development Programme and the Human Rights, Conflict and Dialogue, involving partnerships of the Irish and Northern Irish Education Boards, funded by the European Programme for Peace and Reconciliation. Teachers visiting the site for the first time might find it useful to visit the [...]

Weboffer for students and graduates from 'The Association of Graduate Careers Services in Ireland (AGCSI) Several databases ( employers database, postgraduate courses, advice on jobs placements, student events, career services, academics-for academic staff working in higher education in Ireland).

Access to the online Catalogue (accessible in English, Dutch, French), digitized and other collections, archives, overview of all research projects and publications related to information on social history.

The research project database 'TUHTI' includes information on more than 2000 research projects at the University of Helsinki. Fast search and advanced search forms are available or search can be done via the project index, projects by department or subject search. The output menu presents the resources with an abstract in English, keywords, a link to seperate project sites [...]

The Australian National Library's database of Australian electronic journals. Search of the AJOL database by entering title, keywords or subjects. Access to more than 2000 resources. Established in 2001.

ALG is a free one-stop-shop for information on more than 5,400 Australian libraries, their collections and services. The Gateway has been developed on behalf of the Australian library community by the National Library of Australia and received initial funding as part of Australia's Cultural Network (ACN). On the website, guides to information retrieval with a special page for [...]

Child and Youth Health is an independent state government health unit. On the website, information and services for parents, educators, children, teenagers and young adults are presented.

Curriculum Corporation works in the education sector and is owned by all Australian Education Ministers. It is the key national organisation providing curriculum support to schools and school systems, and producing and disseminating high quality education products and services including books, videos, magazines, multimedia, online services and professional development. Its [...]

ACYS provides information products and services for those working in the youth field and for anyone with an interest in youth: 1.) 'Youth Studies Australia', an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, issued quarterly 2.) 'Youth Field Xpress', a monthly email newsletter free of charge 3.) Bibliography on youth and the future. Two ACYS databases: 1. ) 'Youth Monitor [...]

United States of America (USA)
NIFL is a federal organization that shares information about literacy and supports the development of high-quality literacy services. Access to various programmes and databases. The 'partnership for reading' programme offers information about effectiv teaching of reading for all ages. America' s Literacy Directory. Nifl's learning dissabilities initiative. Policy and [...]

The KDC forms part of the Catholic University Nijmegen. Its objectives are to collect and make accessible documentation on catholic life in the Netherlands and to promote research and publications about historical and present developments in Dutch Catholicism. On the website on-line search over the Online Public Access Catalogue. Accessible are bibliographies of individuals, [...]

The Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences covers the entire field of learning, comprising two divisions: a Science Division and a Humanities and Social Sciences Division. The main objective is advising the government in all fields of science. KNAW is also responsible for a number of leading institutes which carry out fundamental research in the life sciences, humanities and [...]

DASTI is an information and consultancy unit situated in the Danish Research Agency and primarily a service to Danish researchers and scientists. The aims are to inform on national as well as European and international funds available for research and development projects, in which Danish researchers and scientists can participate and to inform on vacant positions for which [...]

The ICT research website contains research material on ICT initiatives relevant to the Australian school sector. It includes a database containinig information about Government ICT policies in Australia.

Cirius is a governmental institution connected to the Danish Ministry of Education. Established in July 2000, it informs the Danish educational sector and foreign nationals who want information about the Danish education system. The three major educational programmes of the European Union, Socrates, Leonardo, Youth are coordinated here. The website offers information on grants [...]

The education platform edu-BS offers comprehensive online information for teachers and schools. Search for teaching materials and links can be specified in various boxes of a search engine. Information on school policy, an event calendar and news are kept additionally. The school section offers general information on institutions in Basel responsible for school issues, an [...]

United States of America (USA)
GEM is sponsored by the US Department of Education and acts as a key one-stop access to thousands of high quality educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. The GEM Consortium consists of 438 members. The website presents the comrehensive collection lists, offers a search database and links to new resources and [...]

The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) is a policy and research oriented facility that focuses on early childhood education and child care (ECEC) and family policy in Canada and internationally. It has been developed and staffed by individuals with diverse backgrounds including early childhood education, psychology, library sciences, political science, women´s [...]

Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEFF) is an organisational and technological partnership between research libraries co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. DEFF's purpose is to advance the development of a network of electronic research libraries that make available their electronic and [...]

The aim of Studera is to provide prospective Swedish students with relevant information about higher education opportunities, as well as information about careers and postgraduate studies. For non-Swedes the English homepage offers links to websites on international admission to Swedish higher education.

NSD, established in 1971, is a national multidisciplinary research service facility under the Research Council of Norway with a strategic responsibility for maintaining data resources and data access for Norwegian research. NSD has established e.g. the Norwegian Research Database (NFI) and a national database for statistics on higher education. The homepages gives access to [...]

Australia; international
VOCED is the UNESCO/NCVER research database for technical and vocational education and training, an international database of research abstracts, in English (produced by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Adelaide). The database has extensive coverage of Australian material and includes a wide range of key international information. Each entry [...]

The SCP Office of the Netherlands is a government agency doing independent scientific research. The main fields studied are health, welfare, social security, labour market and education, and especially the interfaces between these different social fields. Most publications are available in Dutch with an English summary. Some publications are entirely in English. They can be [...]

Russian Federation
This website of the Russian Internet-Portal "5ballov" (Note Sehr gut) offers educational information on the following categories: lectures, tests, education in Russia, education abroad, higher education institutions in the Russian Federation as well as education and law. Besides it provides latest news on educational developments in the country. Numerous links and search [...]

The National Library of Sweden has been collecting everything printed in Sweden or in Swedish since 1661. The National Library is also a humanities research library that purchases scholarly literature in several languages. The National Library administers and develops LIBRIS, the national library catalogue system. On the website you can search four different catalogues.

The Institute is a research and information agency established in 1980 to promote the understanding of factors affecting family stability in Australia. The website offers several databases (e.g. "Family - Australian Family and Society Abstracts Database), journal abstracts about family and education, information on research projects, full text ressources, a page with courses [...]

EdResearch Online is a database of 9643 online articles from leading educational journals. Full-text versions of the articles in pdf format can be purchased directly from Cunningham Library, the producer of EdResearch Online.

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is the statistical branch of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The Institute produces the data and methodologies to monitor trends at national and international levels. It delivers comparative data for countries at all stages of development to provide a global perspective on education, [...]

"myfuture" (launched in 2002) is a high quality system, covering education, training and employment for all Australians. It is designed to explore skills and interests, identify possible career paths, develop career plan and research options for further study and training. With a guide (password necessary/free of charge) assistance in determining personal carrier can be [...]

The homepage of the French Association of Mathematics Teachers has links to texts about the organization itself, its publications, services, activities and statements and databases concerning problems of mathematics instruction.

NTIS is a database on vocational education and training in Australia. It contains detailed information about courses, qualifications, training packages, competency standards, new projects and a linklist of training organisations.

This internet portal offers two search facilities 1. to find information about courses offered by Australian education institutions, 2. and/or education institutions themselves. The search can be defined and limited through offered search criteria. The results the databases are supplying are: 1. overview of all search results with the headings links, provider, course degree, [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
PREAL seeks to help improve the quality and equity of education in Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting better education policy. Its objectives are: 1) build public and private sector support for educational reform; 2) strengthen public and private sector organizations working for educational improvement; and 3) identify and disseminate best education policies and [...]

The main missions of this institute are: 1) Dissemination of expertise and counseling in the field of prevention and promotion of health, 2) the development of health education and therapeutic education. The website offers information about the organizational structure and members of the institute, provides data bases with literature and other resources about health education [...]

The web-site provides information about trade union education in Europe: courses, resources (i.e. a database of documents in the ETU Education Research Centre), programs of the EU concerning trade union education, projects and access to a "virtual campus".

United States of America (USA)
As of 10.01.2018, no link could be found to the homepage of the US National Library of Education apart from the catalog link. Unfortunately, the catalog website doesnt't provide any background information.

FETAC is a single statutory awarding body for further education and training. Its key acitivities are to make, to determine and to promote awards. Standards for awards will be determined by FETAC in partnership with education, training and industry. The homepage informs about FETAC, provides a list of more than 200 certificates and their meanings, a newsletter, links to [...]

HEAnet is the name given to the Internet portal providing a collection of networking services and facilities which support the communication requirements of the Irish education and research community (including the Universities and Institutes of Technology). The website provides access to the National Information Server. A number of major dataset services for the education and [...]

The website gives access to a database, various statistical tables as well as a publication directory on education statistics.

This shared web site contains information on all open university studies organized in Finland, who have the aim to be open for all, regardless of age and educational background. In addition to the course database ( detailed database with linklist to projects and studies), this service gives information about the basic ideas of open university and offers student guidance [...]

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Austria, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2002. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education" but with very poor results.

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Spain, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education" which is rather comprehensive.

Beside actualities and conference calendar (see "agenda") the Catalonian educational net provides texts, information and curricular materials concerning these areas: 1) Escola Oberta: curricular materials and teaching aids for several subjects, 2) Formació professorat: teacher training, 3) Serveis educatius: Service and documentation centres for schools ands teachers, 4) Link [...]

This website of the French public administration offers an opportunity for all citizens to get information about their rights in vocational education. There is a pre-prepared list of themes which includes VET for specific groups (e.g. handicapped, youth, unemployed), but one may also search for one' s own specific questions.

This website is a portal for "providing links to the best ways for acquiring education" in Pakistan. Via data base research on may find schools, colleges, universities and vocational training institutes. Furthermore there are links to the library "closest to your vicinity" and to encyclopedias.

Finland contains key statistics and other data on Finnish science and technology. There are also links for more in-depth information: statistical and other publications, documents and databases. This service is jointly maintained and developed by: Ministry of Trade and Industry; Ministry of Education; Academy of Finland; National Technology Agency (Tekes); Science and [...]

The University of Helsinki is Finland's most multidisciplinary higher education institution. The page: 'Research' provides a short abstract about research at the university, a linklist to the research project database, publication database and expert database. Addresses and links to obtain more information on research services (e.g. financing) are available as well as links [...]

The Finnish knowledge base (Finnbase) is intended to inform the debate in Finland on how to improve the standing and quality of vocational education. It is a knowledge base on Finnish and European experience in the field of enhancing the attractiveness of vocational education. The Finnbase is envisaged as a tool for accompanying ongoing research and for facilitating continuous [...]

United Kingdom
"Education UK is the British Council’s official website for international students who are interested in a UK education. In 2012, the website received two million unique visitors worldwide. The British Council’s Education UK team connects international students with UK education". [Abstract: Site editor’s information]

Argentina is the Argentinian education server which provides information about school and higher education and offers a digital library covering all disciplines (including education). Various ways of interactive participating communication are accessible, too.

Commonwealth; international
"The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is a voluntary society, founded in 1913, which is registered as a Charity and governed by its member institutions through an elected council. Among its key activities are: assisting members to develop the capacity of their human resources; promoting, through several programmes, the movement of academic and administrative [...]

"Acting on a mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research undertaken inside and outside universities and fosters young scientific talent. (...) The project data base contains all current projects supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This data base is updated twice-yearly. (end of May and [...]

"Acting on a mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research undertaken inside and outside universities and fosters young scientific talent. (...) The project data base contains all current projects supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This data base is updated twice-yearly. (end of May and [...]

This is an annotated link list of national or regional online databanks resp. bibliographies and library OPACs world wide, arranged alphabetically.

Online catalogue of the library of the Spanish Education Ministry; a simple bibliographical search tool is offered. With "materias" one can entry content index words

The Lynch School of Education at Boston College conducts the TIMSS and PIRLS studies for the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). Therefore, this website and the IEA's website provide the most comprehensive information on TIMSS and PIRLS. The Lynch School of Education's website offers information on the studies TIMSS [...]

United Kingdom
"ERA is a comprehensive database comprising specially selected high-quality abstracts which cover the current international research in education. A versatile research tool, ERA is supported by a fully-flexible search engine, and comprises links to the full-text online versions of articles where possible. Library's Articles Direct TM document supply service provides access to [...]

This site provides full texts, articles and news relevant for the target groups teachers, students, researchers and families. Mainly the various opportunities for using information technology in education are concerned

United States of America (USA)
Teaching material sorted by subject.

GOLD (Global On Line Documentation) is an national Italian online educational database which aims to provide and disseminate online information resources and documentations produced from and for schools. A consistent structure of the resources make them easy researchable. GOLD is documentating didactical experiences on all levels of education, including special education. [...]

Inforoute FPT calls itself the premiere website for Vocational and Technical Training (VTT) in Québec. The site covers many dossiers of the ministry of education and offers a multitude of products and services directly related to the field of education. You can mainly find information on vocational and technical training programs, such as program content and admission [...]

United States of America (USA); Canada
This site provides links to all sorts of information about loans, scholarships and other types of financial support for students in the USA. There is a special page for Canadian students in the section ´Other types of aid´.

CHILDE (Children's Historical Literature Disseminated throughout Europe) is a project, funded under the European Commission's CULTURE 2000 programme, that uses web technology to allow wider and more open access to images from collections of early children's books in Europe. The digitised European historical children's book collection featured on this site will be a key [...]

This is a resource base of methodological approaches in VET and HRD research. European projects in educational research are faced with a common methodological problem: how to analyse issues across countries, cultures, organisations, regions or systems. The aim of the ACROSS Base is to provides evidence of methodology from a broad range of projects and related studies (see [...]

United Kingdom
"Teaching Times is Questions Publishing's daily online news service dedicated to bringing you the latest stories from the educational sector. We gather stories on everything from nursery education to adult learning". In addition there are various materials for teachers and a job search database.

Scotland; United Kingdom
The site provided by the British Council offers information on all possibilities of education in Scotland and includes a database for course search.

United States of America (USA)
ERIC/ACVE provides comprehensive information services in the areas: Adult and Continuing Education; Career Education - childhood through adult vocational and technical education - including employment and training. - This homepage offers links to full text resources.

United States of America (USA)
The database ABLEDATA, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability andRehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education is the Premier Source for Information on Assistive Technology. ABLEDATA is a federally funded project whose primary mission is to provide information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and [...]

This database is produced by the Unesco Education Documentation Service ( in cooperation with 12 participant organizations. It includes some 25. 000 references since 1988 on higher education systems, administration, planning and policy, costs and finances, evaluation of higher education, issues related to staff and students, cooperation, mobility and [...]

SAALT delivers professional development and projects which support adult and applied learning and teaching. Its website provides information on its services and gives access to two databases of resources and journal articles concerning adult education.

Formerly known as "European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education", the network has meanwhile become a research centre. Its main goal is to gather, store and distribute information through a documentation and information network for regional and minority languages in the European Union. Mercator is a network of three research and documentation centres (in [...]

EDU-fi is a service maintained by the National Board of Education in Finland. It gives information on education and training in Finland, on ongoing development, school projects and provides resources for teaching and learning. The homepage shows a) navigation areas providing full texts about news, a database of schools and universities on the net and links to other nets, [...]

The website offers a database of distance study courses at Swedish universities and institutions of adult education.

This site provides selected information sources and databases on Africa (Africa Studies). Information ressources include, for example, country specific information sources; subject related information sources; libraries and databases; journals and magazines.

Scotland; United Kingdom
SCRAN is the history and culture site which lets you learn directly by accessing images, movies, sounds and virtual reality. There are one million heritage records from museums, galleries, archives and media. Searches can be made in 1 million records. The point "education" in the navigation bar provides ready a huge variety of copyright-cleared resources for educational use. [...]

This website, managed by DG Information Society, contains a wealth of thematic information produced mainly by the European Commission and other Community actors. Currently around 30 content providers publish on this site, more than 130,000 visitors (2 million hits) navigate it per month. The various topics and policy areas, including education and training, are arranged [...]

This website refers to nine databases on the following categories: Educational Journals; Education in the Press; Culture; Educational Legislation; Guide to enterprises and organizations in the education sector; children's and youth literature; professional books and curricular materials; Didactical CD-ROM; Didactical videos. These databases contain 70.000 records covering the [...]

This very detailed and comprehensive website of the Education Ministry provides full texts mainly about the mission of the Ministry, legal texts and documents of the Ministry, about projects of amelioration and modernization of Venezuela's education, an access to databases about education statistics and administration, information about the services of the Ministry and links [...]

The information and documentation centre IDES offers the following online services regarding the Swiss education system: Information on edcuation in the cantons, cantonal educational legislation, curricula, the Swiss document server on education as well as a parliamentary documentation on educational policy in the cantons.

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Denmark; Germany; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Eritrea; Estonia; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guatemala; Grenada; Greece; Guinea; Guyana; Haiti; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Yemen; Jordan; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Kazakhstan; Qatar; Kenya; Colombia; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Croatia; Cuba; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Latvia; Lebanon; Libya; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Madagascar; Maldives; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Malta; Morocco; Mauritania; North Macedonia; Mexico; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nepal; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Netherlands; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Oman; Austria; Pakistan; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Rwanda; Romania; Russian Federation; Zambia; Saudi Arabia; Sweden; Switzerland; Senegal; Serbia; Zimbabwe; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Saint Lucia; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Suriname; Syria; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Chad; Czechia; Turkey; Tunisia; Ukraine; Hungary; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Vietnam; Central African Republic; Cyprus, Republic of; international
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). In contrast to these, the PEER portal focuses more strongly on the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) and on achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) "Quality Education". The country profiles contain the following topics: Overview, Inclusion, Financing [...]

The Chilenian education net has the task to enable and promote the use of information technology in schools. The web-site contains links to education web-sites and to full texts of articles in the Internet. The network provides resources in the areas of pre-school, primary and secondary school and vocational education. Within these categories the links are arranged according [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
The homepage provides access to the Ibero-American information and documentation service institutions in the education area via indexes of countries, the names of libraries and information centres, subjects and databases.

Eastern Europe; Central Europe; international
The Central and Eastern European Education Directory provides 23 education profiles by country. It aims to provide comprehensive information on the structure of the respective education system and in particular on undergraduate and post-graduate programmes offered by over 1300 academic establishments in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS. The Directory is [...]

The homepage of the Peruvian National Library has links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online.

Latin America; Spain
This network is an information system of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) which provides information texts about the education systems of the member states prepared by the education ministries. The homepage contains texts describing this project and links to the texts about the respective countries [these have been entered in this database] and to the education [...]

The Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) is a private non-profit organisation of Estonian origin. Innovations in public information infrastructure, information and communications technologies mediated distance education are the main areas of its activities. IBS has successfully implemented several projects in these fields contributing so to the development of effective and [...]

The observatory observes the use of the new information and communication technologies in education. The homepage refers to texts about the annual conferences of ORME, its dossiers (with order form), projects and conferences and a data base with full texts.

United Kingdom; England; Wales; Northern Ireland
"Ufi is taking forward the Government's vision of a 'University for Industry', by stimulating and meeting demand for lifelong learning among businesses and individuals. Working as a public-private partnership in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Ufi aims to put individuals in a better position to get jobs, improve their career prospects and boost business [...]

This site of Cunningham Library of the Australian Council for Educational Research provides access to several databases, such as EdResearch Online, the Education Researchers database, or the Education Thesaurus as well as links to other international databases. Further databases are available to subscribers.

Africa South of the Sahara; Africa; international; Angola; Equatorial Guinea; Ethiopia; Benin; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Djibouti; Côte d'Ivoire; Eritrea; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Kenya; Comoros; Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Niger; Nigeria; Rwanda; Zambia; Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierre Leone; Zimbabwe; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Sudan; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Togo; Chad; Uganda; Central African Republic
Country information for applicants for a study abroad in an African country (Sub-Sahara region). In order to view them one has to select the respective country. There is an address of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) , country information of the German Foreign Office, information about the education system and higher education, a specific link list, information [...]

INTERCARIF is the association of the Centres d'Animation et de Ressources de l`Information sur la Formation (CARIF) and the Observatoires régionaux emploi formation (OREF) which exist in each French region. By clicking the single parts of the map a list of these regional centres is presented which shows the local resources of trainings, documentary sources and other [...]

KOTA is a statistical database maintained by the Finnish Ministry of Education. It contains data describing university performance by institutions and by fields of study from 1981 until 2009. Data from 2010 onwards will be shown on a new reporting system due to be released in 2011.

This is a Spanish portal to educational information in the Internet. By clicking on "inicio" or "indice" a list of 13 portals or link lists ( directorios) is opened.

A search engine gives access to all information secondary school students should have about the French secondary school leaving examinations (baccalauréat), e.g. official regulations, admission, realization, results, statistics, elaboration of the exam themes.

The databases REDINET contain information on educational research, periodicals, innovations in education and on didactical ressources produced in Spain. Via "Comunidades Autonomas" one can find regional resources.

This database provides a collection of definitions on specific terms on the European dimension of education. These definitions were selected from various national and European sources and comprise programmes, projects, networks and organizations as objects of explanation. All terms are available in three languages (DE, FR, EN). For the most part definitions are also given in [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
A wide range of statistical data and information on important aspects of the Scottish education system.

Russian Federation
This database offers a list of the Regional Centers of International Cooperation included to the Register of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Higher School. Centers of International Cooperation and Academical Mobility". Arranged in a tabular form this list provides names and addresses of the respective centres and their basic institutions. Via a list of [...]

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
OEI is an international organization of the Ibero-American countries which promotes the co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture and has a "governmental" character. Its aim is to advance an integrated development of the region in these matters. The website offers (see "que es la OEI?") information about the organizational structure, implemented activities [...]

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The institution is the information and documentation centre of OEI (see there), responsible for educational documentation in the Ibero-American countries. The website provides access to all information services: searching in the CREDI databases, selective dissemination of information, catalogue of new acquisitions of journals and monographs in the CREDI library, indexes of [...]

Caribbean; Latin America
REDUC is a network representing the regional centre for educational information and documentation in the Latin American countries which collects and disseminates literature and research documents about education in the region. It consists of 22 centres in 19 countries. The site contains a description of the tasks and work of REDUC and information about publications, training [...]

The web-site of the professional association of French information and documentation specialists offers - besides information about the association - full texts about the fields and occupational profiles of the occupation, training courses and continuing education, congresses, and articles from the journal edited by ADBS. There are also lists of addresses of information [...]

The centre works on all problems of labour market and occupational research; the homepage leads to the documentation unit with searchable databases, cooperations with universities, publications of the CEE, its research program and seminars.

Data base, which offers links as an education server to schools, academies, school projects, education programs, universities and further training with a comfortable search tool.

Education server with data base search for institutions of educational administration, schools, and teacher training. The emphasis is put on music education, physics and computer science.

Information about the entire public education sector in the country Salzburg, institutions of adult education, libraries, instruction, further programs and addresses of schools.

United Kingdom
"With over seventy branches across the country The National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) is the leading organisation in the UK which aims to promote the education, training, advancement and development of all those with special educational needs". The site offers a book list with order service, papers of the organisation as full texts and a database on [...]

PROACTe is a service to communicate work funded by the European Union under the Education Area of the Information Society (IST) Programme. The initiators will encourage dialogue between projects and others in the field of educational technologies. Here one can find out what EU projects in educational technologies are doing, discover resources and news on education and training [...]

EuroEducation Net aims to provide useful information and assist students in choosing undergraduate, postgraduate and a variety of other academic courses offered by over 900 education institutions in Europe, Russia and the CIS. The entry profiles include: description of courses and schools, contact details, application procedures, admission requirements, cost of studies, [...]

The IREMs have the mission to provide continuing education for mathematics teachers and to make practically relevant and basic research on mathematics instruction. The homepage of the Marseille IREM offers links leading to publications, lectures and conferences, the research topics (arranged in links for specific secondary schools - Lycée Professionel) , an overview about [...]

Russian Federation
The Library is the repository of pedagogical literature, information and bibliographical centre for the libraries of educational institutions, initial professional and in-service teacher education. Scientific-research activity of the Library is the component of the researchers of Russian Academy of Education. The Library has the constant contact with the scientists, [...]

The homepage of this parents' union offers links to full texts about current issues of school policy, to texts and publications of the PEEP, direct information and counselling of parents and a documentary database which can be consulted for "all knowledge for our children"

Russian Federation
This homepage offers a well structured and grouped variety of links on education in and via the Internet in the Russian Federation. These websites are the outcome of the project "All education in the Internet". The following categories are amongst others available: a main theme, opinions on a certain topic, news and hints on catalogues, resources and programmes.

The Centre was installed by the Ministry for Youth and Sports and offers information for adolescents about "all topics that may interest them": orientation about vocational training and professions, health, sports, leisure, practical life, youth projects, European information. Via data base search one can find places for practical work.

The CERIST is a scientific and technical institution of infrastructure for information services. Through its homepage there are among others different bibliographic databases accessible: the Bibliographie de l' Algerie (Algerian National Bibliography), the Fonds National des Thèses ( Directory of doctoral thesis), Algeriana (publications on Algeria from abroad), the [...]

China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong
The main objective of the C-ERIC project is to use the American Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) system as a reference to provide a bibliographic database. The C-ERIC database provides author, title, keyword search plus full-text search both in English and Chinese ( BIG5). The full texts of C-ERIC documents are generally available from the C-ERIC journal [...]

Over 11,000 web pages on this site are accessible through a table comprising amongst others the following links - many of them related to education and training: Databases online, International organizations, International NGOs, World problems, Human potential, Human values, Knowledge Organizations, Language/Culture etc.

Restode is the Eduserver of the French-speaking community of Belgium. The network provides overall information on the educational system and intends to facilitate the communication and to help realise educational projects. The starting points are "Education", "Library", "Orientation" and "Events". They provide e.g. access to texts with various issues, to addresses of [...]

The page of the Aranne Central Education Library (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) provides access to: Internet Resources, Education Databases, Educational Organizations in Israel and abroad.

United Kingdom
A directory of more than 2000 independent schools which also offers a school placement service and information on financing and scholarships.

United Kingdom; Ireland
"eduserv CHEST negotiates for the supply of software, data, information, training materials and other IT related products to the Higher and Further Education community in the UK and Republic of Ireland".

The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training ( colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country. WorldWide [...]

The Centre for research on education, training and employment makes studies and statistical surveys on the training - employment relationship. The homepage shows links to texts about the departments, tasks and missions of the centre (documentation centre, publications, bookstore, discussion groups) and services (e.g. a network of associated centres). Direct access is provided [...]

United Kingdom
"BIDS is the best known and most widely used bibliographic service for the academic community in the UK". It offers free access to bibliographic databases for various subjects, full text delivery of journal articles is possible. A password is necessary.

This website provides a searchable database and link list through which all educational institutions in Spain can be found. The homepage shows four groupings: higher education, postgraduate studies, "Colegios" (i.e. pre-school and school), vocational education. Additionally, there are various services and information about special areas e.g. e-learning

The ISFOL (Institute for the promotion of vocational training for workers) is a public, academic research institution which aims to promote in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, the regions, the social partners, other state administration institutions, the European Union and international organisations the development of vocational training. The website of the [...]

The homepage of the University of Benin shows links which lead to full texts about entrance regulations, departments, institutes, rectorship and library. Two other links lead to texts about research (database of researchers in their institutes) and two subject courses of the university.

United States of America (USA)
The Legal Information Institute is the most excellent site for all aspects of laws and constitutions, not only for the United States but also internationally. The selection "education" gives general information on the legal system of education and links to many useful sources.

United Kingdom
ASE is a forum for all concerned with science education from primary school to tertiary levels. There are zones for teachers and technicians, a section on safety and health in science, databases on literature and events, publications and an online shop.

United Kingdom
"Lingu@NET, a virtual language centre on the World Wide Web, provides quality-assured information and resources on-line for language teachers, learners and researchers". The main sections are: learning materials, professional development, research, websites, discussion forum.

Database: Partners for international cooperation within the Socrates Programme can be searched and the profile of the own organization can be entered.

The School Net is an electronic meeting place for school staff, students and parents, and anyone else with an interest in schools. The site contains information about schools in Norway, database information (exchange programmes, schools abroad) and linklists.

BIBSYS is a shared library system for all Norwegian University Libraries, the National Library and a number of research libraries. The BIBSYS database contains information about books, series, journals etc. that is held by these libraries (more than 6 million copies).

United States of America (USA)
ERIC provides unlimited access to more than 1.4 million bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials, with hundreds of new records added multiple times per week. If possible, links to full text in Adobe PDF format are included. Within the ERIC Collection, you will find records for: journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference [...]

United States of America (USA)
The site provides access to ERIC databases (Bibliographic data and a Directory to institutions) and full texts.

United States of America (USA)
The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) serves education leaders in middle level schools and high schools, including administrators, teachers, students, and others interested in education and the welfare of today's youth. The site provides a wide range of services for members and non-members as professional development programs, information about [...]

Costa Rica
The web-site of the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education (MEP) are rather extensive and well designed. The homepage is leading to full text information about education policy, education statistics, instructional information, information for children, youth and families (e. g. leisure activities and sports) and information for teachers (e.g. laws, educational [...]

Find the right university, college, career college, language school, secondary (high) school or elementary school for you. Students interested in learning English as a second language can find out about ESL and TOEFL scores. Post-secondary programs such as MBA, computer science, engineering and business are also featured. Learn about visas, tuition, application requirements [...]

The data service of FORS is a national resources centre for the sociological research and teachings. The principal purpose of the data service is it to revalue the research potential for sociological researchers and students by making available a rich data corpus for the secondary analysis.

"The ARAMIS Information System for research and development projects in Switzerland is intended to provide information to interested parties about research which is financed or carried out by the Federal Government, to improve co-ordination and to increase transparency in this area."

The National Institute of Disability Management and Research ( NIDMAR) is a cooperative venture between employers and trade unions which conducts research and education directed towards re- integrating disabled workers into the work place. The web site provides links, information on training programs, research activities, products and services, and information on REHADAT [...]

The regional centre is serving professional instructors of all kinds as a source for their initial and continuing education. It provides scientific information about continuing and adult education. For this purpose it offers: training courses and forums, documentary databases with over 6000 references (literature, audiovisual aids), and educational resources (thematic [...]

New Zealand
Besides its catalogues and databases the library offers school curriculum resources and information on school library development.

The Centre Inffo an information centre for vocational (continuing) training under the aegis of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Health. Its role as a resource centre for processing and disseminating information is to devise and set up development programmes for information, documentation and studies in the field of continuing vocational training. It co-ordinates [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority coordinates qualifications in secondary schools and in post-school education and training, maintains national standards, ensures recognition of overseas qualifications and administers national secondary and tertiary examinations. Scholarships and awards, adresses of education professionals, teaching and examination materials, [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) offers educational research, publications and seminars in New Zealand. NZCER's current mission is to support educators through research, resources, and information. The web site contains information about: research programmes; advisory, library and information services; pedagogical and psychological test advisory [...]

"Acting on a mandate issued by the Swiss Federal Government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research undertaken inside and outside universities and fosters young scientific talent. (...) The project data base contains all current projects supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This data base is updated twice-yearly. (end of May and [...]

ABES is a public national institution under the tutelage of the French Education Ministry. Founded in 1995, its mission is to operate a university documentation system as information network of the French university libraries ("Système universitaire de documentation SU"). ABES records and locates the resources of the French university libraries and gives access to them via [...]

La Documentation francaise is a central service administrative direction of the Prime Minister with the function to inform citizens, public administration and professionals about "basic and actual problems interesting France and the world", i.e. political. economic and social actualities. The homepage shows the three fields of action: 1) documentation: collecting documentary [...]

United States of America (USA); international
The U.S. Network for Education Information (USNEI) was created in 1996 as a national information and referral service to assist American educators, students, and parents with access to reliable information about international education and provide basic information and referral contacts to resources within US education. The site gives access to a well-structured link database [...]

United Kingdom
"COPAC is a new national Online Public Access Catalogue, providing unified access to the online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland".

The institute is an organization of the Ministry for Youth and Sports. Its aims are to promote youth education, the activities of youth associations and actions in favour of adolescents and to develop international cooperation in these areas. The homepage offers links to: the French Youth Council, the documentary resources of INJEP ( databases and other services), [...]

The office, founded unter the protection of the French Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is the official information centre concerning school issues, studies, professions and vocational training. The information relates to most of the professions for which training is available. An "atlas" describes the school and higher education [...]

United Kingdom
"EMIE (Education Management Information Exchange) offers an information service on education policy and management issues which is free to staff in local education authorities in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man". It is provided by the National Foundation for Educational Research and offers a database of LEA documentation and full texts [...]

United Kingdom
"The ESRC is the UK's largest independent funding agency for research and postgraduate training into social and economic issues". There is a list of publications that can be ordered online, access to the database REGARD (on research in the social sciences) and a link list.

Russian Federation
The Centre for Informatization of the Russian Ministry of Education is the guiding institution for the partial programme "Informatization of higher education institutions, development of the system of education and training on the basis of modern information technologies". There are 14 links on this website mainly providing information on: the structure of the education [...]

Shis URL gives acces to a searchable database which collects and organizes relevant information on all areas of the curriculum, along with other materials and information of use in carrying out educational activities generally. It aims to be the documentary database at the service of ALL teachers in the Catalan education system.

The homepage of the University Library of Gerona provides access to its catalogues and to those of other Catalonian libraries and their catalogues, e.g. of all Catalonian university libraries and other resources for students and researchers.

The National Library of Portugal provides the database PORBASE online, i.e.the national bibliography of Portugal. Additionally, there are links to international co-operation partners (see German abstract).

The Centre is the documentation and information centre of the Institute of Educational Innovation. It collects and disseminates educational resources. These materials (monographs, journals, videos, software, slides, cassettes, CDs and CD-ROMs) are searchable through the bibliographical database EDUCbase.

United Kingdom
Ofsted regulates and inspects childcare and children’s social care and inspects: schools, colleges, initial teacher education, work-based learning and skills training, adult and community learning, education and training in prisons and other secure establishments, the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (Cafcass). The reports are accessible via a database.

United States of America (USA)
This web-site is sponsored by the Education Department and may be regarded as a sub-site to "The Teacher/ Pathfinder". It mainly covers the classroom-related part of teachers' work and everyday activities. Numerous features provide materials, information and counseling for teachers.

United Kingdom
The British Library receives a copy of every publication produced in the UK and Ireland. The collection includes well over 150 million items, in most known languages - 3 million new items are added every year. The BL has manuscripts, maps, newspapers, magazines, prints and drawings, music scores, and patents. Its Sound Archive keeps sound recordings from 19th-century cylinders [...]

United Kingdom; international
"SOSIG is an online catalogue of thousands of high quality Internet resources relevant to social science education and research. Every resource has been selected and described by a librarian or subject specialist". The emphasis is on the UK with a growing number of international links. There are also conferences, courses and full texts on subject guides for downloading.

The IDES information and documentation centre is affiliated with the EDK general secretariat (Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education). It systematically collects information and documents about the Swiss education system and makes them accessible.

United Kingdom; international
"The ICDL is a documentation centre specialising in collecting and disseminating information on distance education worldwide. ICDL is part of the Open University Institute of Educational Technology, which received world class rating in the 1992 and 1996 Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Research Assessment Exercises". It offers databases on distance [...]

United States of America (USA)
The American Center for the Study of Distance Education (ACSDE) offers conference proceedings, monographs, bibliographies and reports published by ACSDE

United Kingdom
"A centre of international excellence, for the teaching research and development of technology in the service of student learning. We work in collaboration with Open University Faculty and Regional Colleagues. For Practitioners worldwide we offer: Professional development in educational technology, Postgraduate qualifications in open & distance education, International centre [...]

The Swiss Association for Continuing Education "Swissuni" is an association based in Bern (year of foundation: 2002). Its purpose is to promote continuing education at universities in Switzerland and to promote cooperation between the continuing education offices of the universities (cantonal universities and federal institutes of technology). Members are the continuing [...]

CORDIS provides on its website information on a vast range of research, development and innovation activities undertaken on a European level. CORDIS is the starting point for: keeping up-to-date on current research, establishing strategic directions and making policy decisions, identifying potential funding sources for research and technological development, finding partners [...]

The German Education Server (eduserver) is an information portal maintained by the federal authorities and the sixteen federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver provides access to information on the education system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver makes the high-quality information available through a system of databases. The range of [...]

The International Bureau of Education (IBE) is the UNESCO institute specializing in educational contents, methods and structures. Its overall mission is to contribute to the attainment of quality Education for All (EFA). To this end, the IBE builds networks to share expertise on curriculum development in all regions of the world, and aims to introduce innovative approaches in [...]

The National Centre for Distance Studies is the greatest of its sort in the francophone area. The homepage gives access to comprehensive information about tasks and activities concerning distance learning focussing on distance courses for school and high education and vocational training.

Originally known as the National Adult Literacy Database (NALD), Copian had its beginnings in 1989, in the early days of the Internet, when it was conceived to make use of the new technology to connect literacy organizations across Canada. A project of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges, the idea was to create a database of literacy programs that disparate [...]

The National Library of the Netherlands on this homepage offers information about its tasks, its collections and special catalogues. Online search in the catalogues is provided.

The Centre for Innovation of Education and Training is an independent institution serving the (formal) recognition and development of competencies, skills, expertise and knowledge. One of CINOP's main tasks is the conceptual development of powerful learning environments. E-learning and the development of multi-media are another concern. CINOP deals with applied research and [...]

The main task of the SLO is the devolpment and dissemination of information about curricula. SLO, serving as a national expertise centre, provides independent and professional advice and support for curriculum development in primary, secondary, and vocational education. The emphasis is on the translation of educational innovation into products and services that are of [...]

Canopé, formerly "Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP)", is the national French information and documentation network for teachers to help them with their daily classroom practice. The website provides mainly (official) texts about various practical issues in the 3 school levels, information about teaching aids and material, products and catalogues of [...]

United States of America (USA)
NIEER supports early childhood education initiatives by providing information based on research. NIEER was established at Rutgers University's Graduate School of Education (The State University of New Jersey). Access to the 'state databank' with useful links on early childhood and statistical information. A broad range of information is freely accessibly in the resource [...]

United States of America (USA)
This homepage provides access to many useful databases in the fields of handicap, special needs and rehabilitation: The reference database REHABDATA, and databases about support and research projects, resources, internet addresses and much more.

United Kingdom
The site offers a database of current TV programmes of Channel 4 for pupils, online resources to the programmes for teachers to download, an interactive science section, a forum for discussion, educational CD- ROMs and materials for the deaf and hearing impaired.

United Kingdom
The Independent Schools Council offers general information about the UK independent sector and advice on how to go about choosing an appropriate school for your child. The site includes a database of nearly 1300 independent schools.

This homepage offers an opportunity to reach more than 16.800 libraries world-wide by means of a powerful search engine. Users have to insert a keyword or part of the name of the respective library for getting access. With the entry "Spain" 20 links to Spanish libraries are provided, including pedagogical ones.

The Interuniversitary Association for Pedagogical Research offers a wide range of information for educational research reaching from electronic publications and the provision of teaching aids up to the organisation of virtual conferences. The association is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).- The user can find a great variety of links to [...]

United Kingdom
CAUTION: As of 1 August 2013 the British Education Index (BEI) was sold to EBSCO Information Services. Therefor, services that were previously free of charge might become subject to a fee. The British Education Index (BEI) began life in the early 1960s as a simple author and subject index to the contents of educational journals published in the UK. The service now also [...]

United Kingdom
"We provide a rapid and comprehensive document delivery and interlibrary loan service to researchers and scholars in all kinds of libraries and organisations".

"EdNA Online is a service that aims to support and promote the benefits of the Internet for learning, education and training in Australia. It provides a directory about education and training in Australia and a database of web-based resources useful for teaching and learning." In addition, it provides full text versions of relevant publications, several newsletters and [...]

United Kingdom
"The Institute is the largest institution in the United Kingdom devoted to the study of education and related areas...The Institute of Education' s mission is to pursue excellence in education by engaging in: research and scholarship of national and international significance, which builds on the Institute's strong research base; high quality, innovative postgraduate and [...]

The largest research library in Ireland. Library contains e.g. a bookstock of 4. 25 million volumes. The Online Catalogue indexes more than two-thirds of the Library's collections. It includes all books received since 1963, all periodical titles and many special collections.

This database of didactical resources offers on its homepage links to child literature, youth books, teacher guides, curricular materials as well as to educational software and didactical videos.

The website of this cooperative online-catalogue provides links to the OPACs of the scientific libraries in Austria, grouped according to the Federal States. Especially the catalogues of the educational academies in each State are shown. There is also an catalogue with literature concerning "education and culture" which is integrated in the cooperative catalogue since March [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
The SCRE's "aims are to conduct and communicate research to support policy-making and practice in education and to assist others ( including teachers and policymakers) to make the most effective use of research methods and research-based information". Annual reports, press releases, newsletters and briefing papers as full texts. Special pages on bullying at school, a research [...]

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