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Vocational training at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: vocational training

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This Education Portal offers an extensive list of vocational training and adult education topics and providers (including commercial ones). Course information can be requested via a web form directly from the provider (in German). In addition, numerous tools for educational advice are offered.

EACG mainly organises training courses for career guidance counsellors at the European level, as well as an annual conference. Moreover, the website has a newsletter (last issue as of July 2016) and some information on EU projects. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC) focusses on research. It has created several awards for professors, PhD researchers and for special merits, organises conferences, provides a bibliographic list (no fulltext), a newsletter, information for members, and under "collaborations" you can find a list of similar international and national [...]

The Network for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in Europe (NICE) began in 2009 with two European projects and was transformed into a foundation in 2017. NICE is a "European network for the academic training of people who practice career guidance and counselling (career practitioners)". Information is provided on three projects run by NICE: "Peer Learning", [...]

The project seepro-3 ("Systems of early childhood education and professionalisation in Europe") provides reviews and analyses of the professional education and training, occupational profiles and work settings of early childhood personnel in the context of the early childhood education and care (ECEC) systems in 33 European states. You will find two documents for each [...]

Website of the Catalan Education Ministry. Unfortunately, this website is only available in Catalan. To get an idea of the site's content, you can have a look at the English thematical pages of the Government of Catalonia ("Generalitat de Catalunya"): "Education and training" and "Universities". The links on the "Education and training" page mostly lead to content in Catalan [...]

The "Programme for Studies on Youth, Education and Employment" PREJET gathers sociologists, researchers in education and labour relations. PREJET does research on educational policy, on different forms of (vocational) training and education, on different players and stakeholders in the field of youth, education and employment, on their experience and on the youths' job [...]

The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education is responsible for all matters concerning Higher Vocational Education (HVE) in Sweden. It analyses labour market demands for qualified workforce, decides which vocational programmes are to be provided as HVE and allocates public funding to education providers. It also monitors and audit education quality and outcome.

The Österreichische Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik (ÖGS) is a non-profit society that fosters remedial language education in theory and practice in Austria (through research and cooperation for the purpose of specialized exchange, of information and further education). The ÖGS publishes the specialist journal "mitSPRACHE" (The German title is ambiguous and means [...]

The Lesezentrum Steiermark (Centre for Reading in Styria) helps communities, parishes, schools etc. to build up libraries and advises them on managing their stock. It initiates and accompanies reading events, trains librarians, works in the field of reading education and thus contributes to the establishment of an efficient network of libraries in Styria.

Ireland; Europe
DCU Institute of Education has the following schools with their respective research topics: - Arts Education & Movement - Human Development - Inclusive & Special Education - Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education - Policy & Practice - STEM Education, Innovation & Global Studies Furthermore, the institute runs the following research centres:- [...]

The Institute for Practical Research and Training was established in 1998 to promote local initiatives in health, education, human rights and good governance in Somaliland. IPRT is based and registered in Somaliland as a nongovernmental, nonpolitical independent organization.

The National Learning Service (SENA) aims for the social and technical development of the Colombian workers by offering and executing a free, integral professional vocation to incorporate and form persons active in productive fields which contribute to the social, economical and technological development of the country.

The Training Centers for Methods of Active Education (CEMÉA) are a movement of persons which are engaged in the practics of the values and principles of the `Éducation Nouvelle` and which develop methods of active education to improve the milieus and institutions through the activation of individuals. They offer diverse internships in the quotidian fields of education, [...]

The National Council for Lifelong Professional Learning (CNFPTLV) is a space of communication for the government, economy and social partners as well as regional councils. It is its task to advise on legislation and reglementation, to evaluate regional politics and to analyse the financing in the fields of professional training and apprenticeship. For this purpose, it products [...]

Created in 1945, and a national state organisation since 1987, the Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP) is known in France and internationally for its skills in assessment, training and evaluation, and for its ideas in the field of international cooperation in education. A benchmark public-sector provider, it draws on a network of experts and national and [...]

Established in 1954, CIFE is a private non-profit-making international organisation which includes several European studies courses as well as conferences, seminars and publications. The programmes of the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) encompass educational and research activities concerning European integration, federalism, regionalism and changes within [...]

The Interdisciplinary Research Group for Socialisation, Education and Formation (GIRSEF) works in the fields of sociology, psychology and education sciences. It was founded in 1998 by the Université catholique de Louvain. The central objective of the GIRSEF is the development of fundamental research and applied research in the field of education and formation. Until now [...]

The Government of the Republic of Zambia has in the recent past embarked on major reforms to review the technical education and vocational training (TEVT) in order to make it more responsive to the current training demands in the economy. In 1994, the Minister of Science, Technology and Vocational Training appointed a widely representative national Task Force to review [...]

This website is the official homepage of the ministry for vocational education of Niger. It contains information about strategies, administrative tasks and general aspects concerning the activities of the ministry.

The websit offers some links to international evaluation organisations, to information about evaluation standards as well as about vocational training.

LSS is a non-governmental association of scientists and their various organisations. It encourages the participation of all scientists regardless of their areas of activity, institution, position or scientific title. The underlying organisational principles of the LSS are democratic, enabling each member to act in the name of the LSS. The goals of the LSS are the development [...]

BPP is Europe’s largest professional education group. It has gained global experience in it's 30 years of existence, and 12 years in Romania (state: 05.2011). BPP trains and publishes study materials for more professional education qualifications and professional development programmes.

Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) is an independent, non-governmental organisation, established in 1994 at the initiative of European Commission. Its mission is, through information, financing, training and advocacy, to develop the capacity of civil society organizations and communities to improve the lives of people.

Romania; Germany
In 1992, the non-profit German-Romanian Foundation Timisoara was founded due to the German-Romanian protocol on government level. It strives for the promotion and development of craft in Romania. Its focusses are structural engineering and reintegration of Romanian returnees. The institute offers vocational training and advanced training for masons, painters and varnishers, [...]

The Inspectorate General of Education (IGE) was created to work out the standards of education and to control the implementation of the standards of education for the improvement of the quality of education to enable Rwandese to compete on the world market. The improvement is ensured at different levels (nursery, primary, secondary, vocational training, specialized education, [...]

International Education Exchange (IEE) is working with the Government of Rwanda to support public education by training teachers, creating school partnerships, and improving infrastructure. As the number of children in school increases rapidly, the Government of Rwanda is now also focusing on the quality of education. A primary emphasis contributing to quality education is [...]

The mission of the Rwanda Education Assistance Project (REAP) is to help vulnerable youth and their families gain competence, express their capabilities, sustain community by becoming active participants in their education, and learn the social, emotional, and cognitive skills to shape the emerging future of Rwanda. In pursuit of these goals, REAP will provide several key [...]

The Ministry of Youth was established on March 7th 2008 with a mandate to ensure that youth are mobilized and committed to implement the Rwanda government programs that will enhance the government to attain sustainable economic growth and development. The ministry of youth is mandated with mobilization, capacity building and advocating for youth initiatives that lead to [...]

Uganda; Kenya; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Bangladesh; Cambodia; Thailand; Philippines
CO-OPERAID is a non-profit, politically and confessionally independent humanitarian Swiss association with its headquarters in Zurich. The association was founded in 1981. CO-OPERAID is active in the field of education and professional education. Its projects help impoverished children and young people in a current total of seven countries in Africa and Asia: Uganda, Kenya, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education (NASDME) is the professional organization of state officials charged with the administrative responsibilities of using state funds to help all migrant children succeed in school. NASDME provides its members ongoing information about events and activities, and offers new members training, guidance and counsel. It [...]

The Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI) is an umbrella organization for Private Training Institutions formed to improve the quality and the image of private vocational institutions, and to strengthen this educational sector as a whole. Its main aim is to foster collaboration between private training institutions throughout the country and to [...]

The Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training Department (BTVET) Portal establishes an entry point for Uganda’s vocational training system and operates as a directory of individuals and organisations participating in or with an interest in the training of persons for jobs. Furthermore, the portal provides a means of disseminating cross cutting information [...]

The autonome academy of the germanophone community of Belgium concentrates on the education of primary school teachers, kindergarden teachers and on health and nursing sciences offering the adequate study program. The site provides information about the studies with instructions on practical courses, the teaching program, organisational facts like access and immatriculation [...]

Burkina Faso; Benin; Cape Verde; Côte d'Ivoire; Guinea-Bissau; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Senegal; Togo
The Panafrican Institute for Development - West Africa/Sahel (PAID/WAS) is a subregional institution founded in 1964. It is part of the network of the international association "Institut Panafricain pour le Développement" (IPD). The area of operation of the IPD-AOS ranges over 12 francophone and lusophone countries of Africa; Burkina Faso, Benin, Cape Verde, the Ivory Coast, [...]

Angola; Burundi; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Gabon; Equatorial Guinea; Comoros; Madagascar; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Rwanda; Sao Tome and Principe; Chad
The Panafrican Institute for Development - Central Africa (IPD-AC) is a subregional institution founded in 1965. It is part of the network of the international association "Institut Panafricain pour le Développement" (IPD). The area of operation of the IPD-AC ranges over 13 countries of Central Africa; Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the [...]

West Africa
PAID-WA is a capacity building institution that has been active in the development arena since 1969. Since then, the institute has been engaged in providing specialised training dedicated to improving living standards, alleviating poverty, promoting change in gender relations and socio-economic planning and development and facilitating institutional strengthening, sustainable [...]

The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy and science research. Besides, in the sectors education, research, language, youth, ministry and minister, the website presents details on political conditions and laws, funding processes, programmes, statistics, [...]

The Institute for the Promotion of Sciences, Creativity, Innovation and Technology (IPSCIT) has the following objectives: * To promote the efficiency of formation and research * To support development projects and activities initiated by stakeholders of society * To foster the emergence of a society of knowledge and know-how in Africa * To promote international cooperation [...]

This website offers a detailed overview of the EU legislation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. It both describes, as reference point, the legal act and the specific political conditions of the EU for each of the four sectors, and shows a summary of the resulting consequences and measures. In this context, it analyses programmes and initiatives promoted [...]

The main objectives of the Ministry for Professional Formation and Education (MFEP) are: * To assure professional qualification which allows to find the right profession or to create an own enterprise * To offer to workers a complementary education which allows to extend or to deepen professional skills to adapt to the evolving labour market * To provide economic operators [...]

USAID’s strategy for education programming reflects unique niches for youth assistance and is based on a two pronged approach. The first prong will target in-school youth through improvements to education quality and relevance aimed at the crucial middle school years in an effort to enhance educational attainment and stem the tide of youth dropping out of school. The [...]

The Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (öibf) is a scientific, non-profit, independent research institute founded in 1970. It manages and carries out research and development in various areas of vocational education and training (VET). Fields of research are initial and further education and training, vocational guidance and counselling, evaluation [...]

On the one hand, the Ruth Cohn institute is an international organization of people who orientate themselves on the model of theme-orientated interaction as a form of vital learning and working in a multiplicity of occupations and who feel connected by this across regional, national and continental frontiers. On the other hand, the Ruth Cohn institute is a vocational [...]

FOREM is a priviledged partner in matters of human resources of enterprises on the fields of: Distribution of employment offers, councelling concerning recruitment, professional orientation of the staff, professional vocation training of the (future) staff. Also, it accompanies job-seekers on their professional project on the fields of: job search, provision and utilization of [...]

The sphere of competence for education and labour market of the IWI carries out studies and reports about the themes "educational system and - policy", "formation and further education", "entrepreneurship", "labour market" and "gender mainstreaming". A focal point of research deals with the problematic of disadvantaged target groups in advanced vocational training and [...]

The Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research (VOR) is the official professional association for educational research in the Netherlands and has also Dutch-speaking members from Belgium. It aims to be the voice of educational research and educational researchers in the Netherlands, to take care of the interests of its members, the profession and the professional population, and to [...]

EFE-Morocco is a non-profit foundation (NGO) with the goal to develop partnerships between public and private sectors in order to realize the Formation-Employment programs which improve the competences of the young peole and which also correspond to the needs and exigences of the enterprises.

The department "directory for management training" of the Moroccan Ministry for national education, higher education, management training and scientific research offers students and pupils information about the Moroccan higher education system, about vocational training, studies abroad etc. In the rubric "bourses de cooperation", scholarships and background information (e.g. [...]

This website of the German ambassady in Ankara contains indications about German-turkish education. Short full texts inform about scholar education and German school in Turkey, Goethe institutes in Turkey, German-turkish exchange and vocational training and continuing training in Turkey. In addition, it presents the Ernst Reuter iniciative and the German-turksh university in [...]

The education server of the German-speaking community belongs to the department "Teaching, Training and Occupation" of the ministry of the German-speaking community. Therefore, its tasks and fields of activities share information and hints in the domains of pedagogic subjects, teaching organization, teachers’ subjects, vocational training and further education, [...]

The Archimedes Foundation is an independent body established by the Estonian government in 1997 with the objective to coordinate and implement different international and national programmes and projects in the field of training, education, research, technological development and innovation. It participates actively in building a knowledge-based Europe by helping to open up [...]

Spain; Germany
ASET (ASOCIACIÓN HISPANO-ALEMANA DE ENSEÑANZAS TÉCNICAS)is a non-profit school association and forms in Madrid together with multinational enterprises (mostly affiliates of german concerns). The bilingual formation is acknowledged in Germany and is promoted by the state. It gives the opportunity to be successfully employd in at least both countries. There are formations for [...]

This website helps with the search for professions or formations. There is a profile search, a free text search and a search by interest. In addition, there are links to diverse professions including links to corresponding institutions.

This Swiss internet portal offers information and assistance regarding career choice (for example a list of interests with the corresponding career suggestions, a calendar for information events etc.), a list of the Swiss university environment including link lists for courses of studies of the different types of higher education as well as information to diverse higher [...]

The Organisation of Tourism Education and Training (OTEK) is the specialized Greek state institution that provides education and training for professions in the field of tourism. OTEK includes the former Schools of Tourism Professions and the Schools for Tour Guides.

Since 2000, Pardada Pardadi Educational Society (PPES) has been improving the lives of girls in rural India. Its mission is to uplift and empower girls from the poorest section of society by providing free education and vocational training - creating a new generation of self-reliant and educated girls who will break the cycle of poverty in the region.

Benin; Burkina Faso; Côte d'Ivoire; Guinea-Bissau; Mali; Niger; Senegal; Togo; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Equatorial Guinea; Chad
The EAMAU (Ecole Africaine des Métiers de l`Architecture et de l`Urbanisme) is a technical college which has been founded from the chiefs of the OCAM during a summit conference on 1975. That transnational college is specialized in architecture, urban development and accommodation all for the benefit of the African states and all to boost their economies. The webpage of the [...]

FESET (Formation d'Educateurs Sociaux Européens / European Social Educator Training) is a European association of training centres for socio-educational care work. Besides promoting the education and training for socio-educational purposes, its aims are to participate in programmes of European bodies and to ensure that the training centres be represented at the institutions [...]

EQAVET is a community uniting 33 member states, diverse social partners and the European Commission in order to promote European collaboration in the fields of developing and improving quality assurance in VET. To reach this aim, EQAVET makes use of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework. The website informs about EQAVET members, network activities, European policy [...]

The website France diplomatie is a website of the ministry of foreign affairs which describes among other things how the higher education in Togo is organised. As the majority of the educational infrastructure is situated in the capital Lomé, the University Lomé, with its five faculties, its five universities of applied sciences, their two institutes and their three training [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
The Ivorian institute IPNETP aims at qualifying trainers for vocational education combined with the wish for pedagogical and technological research activity. The website informs in detail about initial study courses and further education for future trainers.

Côte d'Ivoire
The official website of the Ivorian Ministry of Technical and Professional Education (METFP) contains all basic information about vocational and continuing education. Additionally, it provides recent news on specific developments and scientific projects in this sector and offers administrative and structural information and service features.

TTnet CR is an informal partnership network of organisations providing training of (i) teachers teaching vocational subjects, practice and training, (ii) in-house company instructors, and (iii) trainers of further vocational/occupational training. TTnet’s mission is to support (the development of) proficiency of those training organisations which train teachers of vocational [...]

The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers (DEL) is the national TTnet coordinator with the responsibility of fostering and supporting the national network. The network contributes to analysing and disseminating information on training of teachers and trainers in Europe. E.g. in relation to a Danish project on training of trainers, the networks in [...]

The website informs about the TTNet Spain, its activities, about news, events and provides documents.

United Kingdom
The website provides information about the activities of TTNet in the UK.

The Training of Trainers Network – TTnet – is a network of national networks which was set up by Cedefop in 1998 as a Pan-European forum to allow key players and decision-makers in the field of training of teachers and trainers to share practices, knowledge and expertise on key issues in the training and professional development of vocational teachers and trainers. The [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
NISCC is the regulatory body for the Northern Ireland social care workforce. We are an independent public body, established to increase public protection by improving and regulating standards of training and practice for social care workers.

Scotland; United Kingdom
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) is responsible for registering people who work in social services and regulating their education and training. The SSSC was set up to raise standards in social services. Our role is to increase the protection of people who use social services, to raise standards of practice and to strengthen and support the professionalism of the [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The government of Northern Ireland's department for employment and learning seeks to qualify young people for emplyoyment and to secure their participation in the labour force, it provides funding opportunities for further and higher education and training, statistics and research.

United Kingdom
The General Social Care Council is responsible for setting standards of conduct and practice for social care workers and their employers, for regulating the workforce, and for regulating social work education and training. The GSCC is a Non Departmental Public Body established in October 2001 under the Care Standards Act 2000. It is sponsored by the Department of Health but [...]

South-East Asia; Brunei Darussalam; Indonesia; Cambodia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) runs 26 spezilised institutes for research, training and transfer. You will find the following institues with an educational focus: * SEAMEO Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) * SEAMEO Regional Centre for Community Education Development (SEAMEO CED) * SEAMEO [...]

During the period 1996-2001 a pilot project in the field of advanced vocational education was carried out in Sweden and was integrated into the regular education system in 2002. Kvalificerad Yrkesutbildning (KY) is a new form of post-secondary education that focuses on the application of theoretical knowledge at the workplace. It is a post-secondary educational programme at [...]

CCCF wants to improve the quality of child care services for Canadian families. Aims are to provide information to and facilitating "networking" among a broad range of target groups( e.g. child care organizations, educational institutions, government policy makers...). Furthermore CCCF wants to support initiatives and research to improve the quality of child care services. On [...]

CanLearn Interactive is an initiative of the department of Human Resources Development Canada, and is governed through the participation of all provinces, territories and over 25 Canadian learning and career development organizations. The website is a one- stop web-based resource providing information, products and services to help Canadians decide what and where to study and [...]

The Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) is a new Canadian longitudinal survey that collects information about major transitions in young people' s lives, particularly those between education, training and work. In order to obtain more precise information on skills and knowledge, youth also completed achievement tests as part of the Programme for Internationa l Student [...]

Inforoute FPT calls itself the premiere website for Vocational and Technical Training (VTT) in Québec. The site covers many dossiers of the ministry of education and offers a multitude of products and services directly related to the field of education. You can mainly find information on vocational and technical training programs, such as program content and admission [...]

The General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning in Greece operates under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and is e.g. responsible for: - Development and administration of initial and continuing vocational education and training and general non-formal education - Planning, managing, evaluation and support of the national Lifelong Learning initiatives and programs [...]

The IIEP was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1963 as a specialized centre for training and research in the field of educational planning and management. It was set up to meet the critical needs of UNESCO Member States - many of which were newly-independent - that sought to improve their educational systems. Thhe [...]

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