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All you need to know about education in Europe

Available dossiers for this region

Further Information

Regions and Countries in Europe

A selection of websites from our database is provided below concerning the following topics:

 You will find further websites and literature on Europe here:

  1. Websites on Europe
  2. Literature on Europe External Link (German Education Research Portal)
Alternatively, you can search for specific educational topics, institutions and more in Europe in our databases.

Overviews of the education system in Europe

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary [...]
The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education provides national overviews of special needs education in numerous European countries. The information includes the following topics: legal system, financing, [...]

"This report illustrates schematic information on the structure of education systems in European countries, from pre-primary to tertiary level in the school year 2023/2024. It includes national diagrams, a guide to reading the diagrams and a map showing the main organisational models of primary and lower secondary education. The [...]

The website provides annual national reports in English on the situation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in European countries beloning to the EU. ReferNet is a European network that aims at providing information on VET in the European Union. The network was created on the initiative of the European Centre for the Development [...]

These publications by the Eurydice Network give a very good and visually clear overview over the education systems in European countries, which makes comparisons between the countries easier. They are published every year. Among others, the following questions are addressed: What models of primary and lower secondary education exist? [...]

The project seepro-3 ("Systems of early childhood education and professionalisation in Europe") provides reviews and analyses of the professional education and training, occupational profiles and work settings of early childhood personnel in the context of the early childhood education and care (ECEC) systems in 33 European states. You [...]

Ministries responsible for education and science in Europe

Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Norway; Iceland; Greenland; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
Nordic inter-governmental co-operation on research and education is headed up by the education and research ministers, who make up the MR-U. The role of the Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research is to help ensure that the Nordic Region retains [...]

The mission of European Schoolnet is to inspire and support members of education ministries, schools, teachers and relevant education stakeholders in Europe to transform educational processes for the digitized societies of the 21st century. This will be achieved by identifying and testing promising innovative practices. It also [...]

The European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) is a dynamic organisation established in 2009 to represent the interests of employers in the strategic and highly diverse European education sector. They represent education employers in all levels of education, from pre-school to higher education and research. This includes [...]

Educational reports on and education statistics for Europe

Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Switzerland; Greece [...]
Eurydice (formerly Eurypedia and Eurybase) is a network of national units based in all countries of the Erasmus+ programme. [Its] task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they [...]

CEDEFOP is a European agency that helps policy-makers and practitioners of the European Commission, the Member States and social partner organisations across Europe make informed choices about vocational training policy.- This homepage offers links to the Electronic Training Village and to a variety of publications related to VET.

Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Beside statistical data on all areas of education Eurostat particularly provides statistics for the monitoring of the social [...]

Norway; Europe
The history of the Institute goes back to the late 1950s as a group within the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities, NAVF. Through over twenty-five years of activities, the Institute has gained considerable expertise in issues related to research and higher education nationally and internationally. The [...]

A collection of statistics, data and indicators on education in 31 European countries. The search result offers all publications of the "Key data" series. The publications are available for download in serveral languages.

The website provides annual national reports in English on the situation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in European countries beloning to the EU. ReferNet is a European network that aims at providing information on VET in the European Union. The network was created on the initiative of the European Centre for the Development [...]

international; Europe
This information on the vocational education systems and the belonging politics, research and praxis of the EU member countries plus Iceland and Norway are provided by ETV ( European Training Village) and CEDEFOP (reference centre in topics of vocational education). Information is available in German, English and the [...]

The Data without Boundaries – DwB – project exists to support equal and easy access to official microdata for the European Research Area, within a structured framework where responsibilities and liability are equally shared. DwB also takes part in the discussion about metadata standards (SDMX/DDI) with the aim of building a single [...]

The website informs about the shared efforts and goals of the EU member states to improve the competitiveness of the education systems in Europe and to enhance the quality of general and vocational education and training until 2010. The site offers background documents, full texts of biennial joint reports, information on key objectives [...]

Eastern Europe; Europe; East Asia; South-East Asia; Pacific Rim; South Asia; South America; Caribbean; Central Europe [...]
This report is published by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It offers a comparative overview on the labour market situation for young people worldwide. The focus is to detect reasons for youth unemployment [...]

Cedefop´s work on statistics and indicators supports and contributes to statistical developments at European and international levels to improve the relevance and quality of data as well as methods and tools for data collection. Cedefop´s statistics and indicators work also aims to support evidence based policy and practice in [...]

The document presents some of Eurostat’s most interesting data on children and young people in the European Union. It gives an insight into the past, current and future situation of young citizens, ranging from attending school and participating in sport and leisure activities, health,participation in the digital world, to leaving [...]

Last Update: 18.07.2018  -

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