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Ariadne Pfad:


The United Kingdom: a role model for inclusive education?

The right of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to be educated in mainstream schools was determined in 1993. Legislation and provisions have since undergone several changes and reforms, the latest being introduced in 2014 by the Children and Families Act.

United Kingdom; England
This website by the British government provides access to documents concerning special educational needs of children and young people with disabilities, e.g. statutes and guidelines, government policy, consultations. The thematic scope covers SEND, inclusive schooling, children with learning difficulties, etc.

United Kingdom
On 1 September a major change to the special educational needs (SEN) system in England came into effect. The Children and Families Act 2014 has been passed by the UK Parliament and this sets out a new framework for SEN provision along with a new SEN and Disability Code of Practice. The new legislation expands the age-range [...]

United Kingdom
A guide for parents of children with disabilities, information regarding available support and assistance (financial and otherwise) for children with special (educational) needs).

The Green Paper consultation was publlished by the Department of Education in 2011. One of the rationales was to make provisions for children and young people with special educational needs more effective, beyond giving parents control and establishing a system harmonises educational needs, health and care provisions. Future measures (see the Children and Families Act 2014) [...]

The Children and Families Act 2014 brings together legislation concerning children in care, looked after, adoption, and (chapter 3) children with special needs and disabilities (SEND). In the case of SEND, health plans are outlined targeting health, care and education. The targeted age group is 0 to 25.

The 2010 Equality Act marks a reform in the legislation against discrimination in public life in the UK, itcovers race, disability, religious orientation, sex and sexual orientation.

; England; Scotland; international
The Virtual Issue, published online as volume 35 of th eBritish Journal of Special Education, hosts four articles on the topic of "special needs education" and "learning support". P First published in 2008, the articles focus on the topic of "inclusive" versus mainstream education and highlight some [...]

; ; Northern Ireland; Wales; England; Scotland
Overview and details regarding the disability allowance for students in higher education with a disability or long-term health condition. Eligibility is subject to a needs assessment and grants are non-refundable.

; England
The website by the British government informs students with disabilities or special needs about their eligibility and funding that is available on top of grants/loans for students, to cover expenses owing to their individual special needs.

Last Update: 27.03.2023  -

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