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Ariadne Pfad:


Education in Ukraine

Ukrainian flag in front of the Golden Gate in Kyiv during the Vyshyvanka parade 2013.
Ukrainian flag in front of the Golden Gate in Kyiv during the Vyshyvanka parade 2013.
Copyright: Vlad Yaitskiy, "Ukrainian flag fluttering", CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

As early as 2014, we had created two web dossiers on education and educational research in Ukraine on the occasion of the so-called  Crimean Crisis. Now, 8 years later, the dossiers have regained a sad topicality due to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. 

The  Crimean Crisis, which was an indirect implication of the 2013 Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, was at the centre of politics, media and public discourse since February 2014.
In 2011, the German researcher Wolfgang Mitter wrote an interesting article in English called "Internal conflicts in Ukraine and their impacts on education" (no online fulltext), which was published in the book "The political function of education in deeply divided countries", edited by Theodor Hanf.
Furthermore, the dossier provides a small insight into language issues in Ukraine, which were one of the reasons for protests by the Russian majority living on the Crimean Peninsula against the new Ukrainian government.
A small special focus is also dedicated to the issue of inclusion in Ukraine.
The dossier is structured as follows:

General Information on Education

The website which is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), provides a broad overview of research and education in Ukraine, including information on statistics, educational reports, policy or cooperation with Germany and other countries. Additionally, you will find basic country data.
[Abstract: [...]

The country dossier for Ukraine, compiled by the International Bureau of Education of the Unesco (IBE), provides information on statistics (from the World Data on Education - WDE), national education reports, education plans and policies, a bibliography (partly with fulltexts) and links to other sources. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

A Ukrainian textbook and a gas mask are lying in an abandoned school in a town near Chernobyl, Ukraine.
The abandoned city of Pripyat is the theme of many pictures on the net. Because it was very close to Chernobyl, it had to be evacuated during the nuclear power plant disaster in 1986.

Ukraine; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Ukraine. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

br>The following publication has a chapter "Overview over the Russian Education System" (only in German)

Die vorliegenden drei Länderstudien wurden im Rahmen der Programmentwicklung für diesen Bereich gefördert. Annegret Wulff hat 2006 im Auftrag des Deutsch-Russischen Forums e.V. Rahmenbedingungen, Akteure und Ansätze für Demokratiebildung und demokratische Schulkultur in Russland untersucht. Stephan Malerius recherchierte für die Europäische Austausch GmbH im selben Jahr [...]

Educational Policy: Ministries in charge, Authorities, Official Documents

[Unfortunately, there is no English version of this website anmore since about 2015. You can have an idea of the ministry on an old English website as of about March 2015.]

This website offers: information on the system of education in general and on the different levels [...]

The "Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine" is a "national government agency (...) that oversees awarding of advanced academic degrees". The website is available in Ukrainian only. You will find some information on this kind of institutions in general in former Soviet states in the [...]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Ukraine you can find documents starting in the year 1991. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Educational Reports and Statistics

The State Statistics Service of Ukraine provides basic statistics starting from 1990 on the following educational sections:
* Preschool institutions (1990-2012)
* General education schools (1990-2014)
* Vocational schools (1990-2012)
* Institutions of higher learning (1990-2014)
[Abstract: Editors of [...]

The Unesco Institute for Statistics (UIS) provides the most recent basic data on education in Ukraine. You will find information on the following issues:
* General information
* Education System
* Participation in education
* Progression and completion in education
* Education expenditures
* [...]

NationMaster provides aggregrated data and statistics from different sources like e.g. UNESCO Institute for Statistics, CIA World Factbooks oder World Development Indicators.The data can be transformed into graphs, compared to other countries and more.
NationMaster is provided free of charge by the Australian company [...]

This publication is an "Educational Policy Recommendations". It was supported by the United Nations Development Programme/Ukraine through the Education Policy and Peer Education Project: "Studies on quality of national education conducted by means of monitoring technologies at national, regional and local levels are presented in this book. National innovative experience of the [...]

Networks, Unions, Associations

Homepage of the Academy for Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (NAPS). The Academy has 5 departments and 17 institutes that do research in different pedagogical and educational fields. Unfortunately, the superordinate website is available in Ukrainian only. It provides information on the history, structure, current activities of the [...]

The website National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU or NAS) provides a first impression of its content via the English navigation menu. Unfortunately, most of the contents under these English labels are in Ukrainian language. You will find some English information in the "Brief annual reports in English", the conference [...]

The website provides a short introduction into the creation, history and activities of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine, which is part of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine. More information on official documents and reports, legal protection, international and regional activities, the trade union [...]

A child climbs up the mosaic facade of school #5 in the city of Donetsk.
A child climbs up the facade of school #5 in the city of Donetsk.

[PLEASE NOTE: As the original website is offline, the link provided here leads you to the webarchive and is a copy of 18.06.2015 of the original website.]

This page provides a short obverview over the creation, structure and activities of the "Free Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine", which is part of the [...]

Nova Boda is a Ukrainian association for teachers of history, civic education and social studies. The website provides fulltexts of teaching materials as well as publications on the profession of teaching the subjects mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, the website is available in Ukrainian only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Research Literature on Education in Ukraine

The present state of Ukraine is characterised by internal instability which, on the one hand is maintained by a common feeling that the coherence of state and nation should not be contested as such. On the other hand this coherence is permanently jeopardised by non-existence of a stable national identity which might comprise all citizens of ethnic, religious and historical [...]

Ukraine; Russian Federation
In this article of 2008, the researchers Laada Bilaniuka and Svitlana Melnyk explore the history, the current meaning, the language policy and the conflict about the use of Russian and Ukrainian language in Ukraine. The article appeared in: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Volume 11, [...]

V.A.Suchomlinskij (1918 - 1970) is one of the great pedagogues in the field of alternative education. His writings have been translated into 53 languages. His most famous book is "My heart belongs to the children". German researchers cooperated with the "Ukrainian Suchomlinskij Society" (Kiev) at the beginning of years 2000. The [...]

Ukraine-Analyses regularly publishes analyses of the recent political, economic and social developments in Ukraine. One sub-topic is education and science. The authors are international scientist and experts. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

"This paper is part of a larger study in progress. Drawing on a Foucauldian concept of governmentality, it explores the major political and educational discourses which inform the external testing of schoolgraduates reform in Ukraine. The study interprets the introduction of standardized testing within awider framework of shifting rationalities of policy-making in Ukraine [...]

Special Focus: Inclusion

"Children with complex developmental disorders remain outside the education system, as always. They need centers, specialists, individual approaches, but the main thing is socialization. Their parents say: 'In Ukraine, inclusion is only intended for mass schools.' And not everyone has the strength and opportunity to deal with their child independently." An article on inclusion [...]

"(...) One of the initiatives currently being discussed [in Ukraine around 2007] is integration of students with disabilities with their nondisabled peers in educational and social settings. The debate has prompted heated discussions and caused some to recommend a reexamination of the special education system (Zasenko, 2004). This article discusses some of the initial actions taken in this debate, and presents some of the pressing barriers that will have to be addressed to make inclusion a reality for Ukraine's young people and citizens with special needs." [Abstract: Site editor’s information]

Article written by the researchers Sharon A. Raver und Kateryna Kolchenko about the inclusion of school-age children with disabilities in Ukraine. Preprint of the article in: Childhood Education, Volume 83, Issue 6, 2007, Special Issue: International Focus Issue 2007. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

A letter arrangement made of cubes and a humming top at the Kiev Flower Show 2013.
A letter arrangement with a humming top at the Kiev Flower Show 2013.

Ukraine; Belarus; Russian Federation
This Russian language website provides a lot of information on disability in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. You can look up thematic keywords, links to organisations in the three countries, authors and their publications. Many links also provide fulltexts (reports, articles, analyses, guides, guidelines, and [...]

Ukraine; Canada
Short final report of a Canadian-Ukrainian project to support inclusive education in Ukraine. Unfortunately, the project website is offline since 2016. An older version of the website as of 22.06.2016 from the Internet [...]

Special Focus: Digital Education in Ukraine

Screenshot of the website of the NGO Osvitoria (educational projects in Ukraine) with the text
Website of the NGO Osvitoria which runs educational projects in Ukraine. Among others, it created the national e-platform for distance and blended learning "All Ukrainian Online School (AOS)" jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Copyright: Osvitoria

During the war in Ukraine in 2022, many Ukrainians had to flee to other countries. Once there, the question of schooling for the Ukrainian children quickly arose. In this context, Ukraine's good digital education infrastructure was often praised. It allows Ukrainian children to go on learning in their own language with their own curricula, their own teachers, and maybe their own classmates - no matter whether they may still be in Ukraine or in a totally different country. "Education Worldwide" therefore provides information on the subject of digital education in Ukraine.

Overviews & Scientific Articles

An overview of the technical and digital equipment and skills in Ukraine (as of June 2021) as well as joint projects to promote them with the "EU4Digital" initiative. The article also provides some interesting further links. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The article is part of a conference proceedings for the EDULEARN19 conference that took place in Spain from 1-3 July 2019. The authors are members of the project MoPED - Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments which is cofunded by the European Union. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The article was published in the conference proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Economy (ISCDE 2019).

Two articles on lifelong learning and digital education in Ukraine, with a focus on vocational education & training (VET) and adult education as well as the legal framework (Read the 2nd article here: The authors are Stas Dunaevskiy and Anastasia Volkova, both from Kyiv National Economic University, according to the website. According to the [...]

The European Training Foundation (ETF) provides information on the situation of e-learning in Ukraine in December 2019. The focus is on digital skills and learning in Vocal Education and Training (VET). This article is part of the ETF series Digital Factsheet". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

In the Media

“'We are starting the development of digital education in Ukraine – a national educational platform and e-books will be created (...) Modern technologies in schools will motivate children to study and develop practical skills and competences', the minister for Education and Science of Ukraine, Lilija Hrynevych, explained at the round table 'New educational quality through [...]

"Since September 2018, Max has been going to school in Cherkasy, Ukraine. When it comes to digitization, things work out better there than in Germany. But progress also has disadvantages: a school app for parents, for example." Article by Maximilian Hertel on the website of the mdr (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk / Central German Broadcasting), available only in German. [Abstract: [...]

"The quarantine became a real problem for the students and their parents. The Ministry of Education of Ukraine declared that the coronavirus does not hinder the teaching process and everyone is moving to distance learning. (...) However, as practice shows, not all schools have been able to set up distance learning. For many, it amounted to a banal dispatch of homework and [...]

"There is not just one, but several learning portals for learners from Ukraine. However, they are in danger of collapsing under the weight of inquiries from all over Europe. German Education Ministers do not give preferential treatment to Ukrainian teachers." Article published by the German Portal "Table Bildung" as of 25.03.22. Available only in German [Abstract: Site [...]

Further Information

Website of the Ukrainian Education Ministry concerning a project about digital education. The Ministry's website is only available in Ukrainian, but the project's website is also available in English: [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Last Update: 17.06.2024  -

News on Education & Ukraine

  1. University World News: Ukraine
  1. #ETU4REF - ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ (project 2023-2025)
  2. Reconstruction Ukraine: The importance of science, Interview Ursula Paintner, DAAD (DLF 11.06.24) [courtesy translation]
  3. Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in schools in Europe.
  4. Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in higher education in Europe.
  5. Ukrainian science - Political scientist: Situation is more "dramatic than ever" (DLF 20.11.23) [courtesy translation]
  6. War in Ukraine: Everyday university life between air raids and exams (DLF 20.11.23) [courtesy translation]
  7. School in Ukraine - Unicef chief: The children need to be together (DLF 09.11.23) [courtesy translation]
  8. Destroyed schools, bomb shelters, air-raid sirens: Ukraine’s children begin another school year in wartime (Education International 31.08.23)
  9. Country Profile Ukraine (taken from "Education Under Attack 2020") [pdf]
  10. Chart of the month: Worldwide attacks on education in the context of armed conflicts (2015-2020)
  11. Minister demands exclusion of Russia from Bologna Process (Uni World News 05.03.22)
  12. Open letter of Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine (27.02.22)
  1. Higher Education: A struggle to shake off the Soviet era mindset (11.12.15)
  1. Greifswald Ukrainian Summer School (11.-22.08.15)
  1. University Greifswald (Germany): Ukrainian Studies Might Get Cut (20.07.15) [courtesy translation]

Dossiers by the German Edu Server

  1. Educational Research in Ukraine
  1. Education in Russia


    1. Education in Ukraine

    Virtual Libraries

    1. Web Resources on Ukraine from ViFaOst (Virtual Library Eastern Europe)
    1. Slavistics-Portal - Virtual Library Slavistics


    1. tranzyt. Literature from Poland, the Ukraine and Belarus. (Leipzig Book Fair)


    1. Ukraine: Soviet Past, European Future? (German Association for East European Studies, 27.03.2014)

    Political & Historical Background

    1. Die Ukraine inmitten der Krise. Chancen und Probleme einer neuen politischen Kultur (03/2014) - Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
    1. Ukraine-Analysen der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
    1. The Future of EU-Ukraine Relations. Four Scenarios (03/2014) - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
    1. Ukraine Office - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung


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