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Instructional technology at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: instructional technology

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The IAIED is an interdisciplinary association that brings together the fields of computer science, education and psychology. It promotes research and development of interactive and adaptive learning environments. Among other things, IAIED organises an annual conference and publishes the International Journal of AI in Education (IJAIED) (not freely accessible). You can also [...]

The following books were published in the book series on "Bridging Human and Machine: Future Education with Intelligence" so far (the books are not Open Access): * Emerging Technologies and Pedagogies in the Curriculum (2020) * An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Education (2021) * Innovative Education Informatization with Chinese Characteristics (2022) * [...]

We link to the results for a search for Artificial Intelligence & Education in the German Electronic Journals' Library (EZB) [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

We link to three publications by Unesco on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and inclusion: 1) Artificial intelligence in education, compendium of promising initiatives: Mobile Learning Week 2019 2) Artificial intelligence for Sustainable Development: synthesis report, Mobile Learning Week 2019 3) Artificial intelligence and inclusion, compendium of [...]

Abstract and poster for a talk given at the 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2022). The talk presents the European Union's view of artificial intelligence in connection with education. This perspective was developed on the basis of a literature and document analysis. Please note that we also provide a pdf version of the poster. [...]

"The EDUCAUSE Horizon Report profiles key trends and emerging technologies and practices shaping the future of higher education, and envisions a number of scenarios and implications for that future." The Horizon Reports have been published by the non-profit organisation EDUCAUSE since 2005. This page offers a list of all reports including links. [Abstract: Site editors' [...]

France; Francophone Countries; international
The research chair "Disability, Education and Digital Technologyl" is a project by the "research group on Disability, Accessibility, Educational and School Practices" (Grhapes). Grhapes, for its part, is the research unit of the French "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching"(INSHEA). The [...]

Quality Matters (QM) is an international network of more thn 1500 organisations in more than 25 countries worldwide. It deals with questions of quality control and management of digital educational resources. We link to a White Paper Series first published by QM in 2020 on digital accessibility and inclusion. The series shares the results of a 2019 survey conducted aming QM [...]

France; Francophone Countries; international
The "Observatory for Adapted Digital Resources" (Orna) was created in November 2007 by the Digital Education Department of the French Ministry of National Education. The "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching" (INSHEA) is in charge of Orna. Orna's task is to identify, analyse and evaluate [...]

Canada; international
The Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University is doing research on design and disability. Many of their projects focus on the education area, especially e-learning / new technologies. You will find information on many projects, for example: Project Outside In (Skills Training Program for Youths) , Floe Project (flexible learning for open education), ATutor (Open [...]

Israel; international
The "Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies" was created in 2010 and replaced the "Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technologies in Education" (2004-2010). The centre conducts research on the use of new media and technologies in higher education. The website provides some annual reports and information on events (congresses, workshops etc.). The [...]

"European Schoolnet together [with] its partners has developed three courses for secondary level teachers’ professional development in the digital age. The contents of the modular courses are now all complete and offered free of charge to be used by teacher training organisations and other training providers. The courses, created within EC-funded CPDLab project, have been [...]

international; United States of America (USA)
The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) was founded in 2002. It conducts research in the field of OER and educational information and communication technologies, advises educational leaders and also produces OER. The website provides a lot of information on projects worldwide, for different educational areas and audiences. ISKME received [...]

The IOTI website comprises information on Ireland's 13 Institutes of Technology, which is a type of further education college typical for Ireland and the UK. Amongst others, a focus is on research on education and ICT (e.g. elearning). You will for example find a Centre for Language Acquisition Research, a research group on Language Education & Cultural Studies or Humanities [...]

Ireland; Europe
DCU Institute of Education has the following schools with their respective research topics: - Arts Education & Movement - Human Development - Inclusive & Special Education - Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education - Policy & Practice - STEM Education, Innovation & Global Studies Furthermore, the institute runs the following research centres:- [...]

Russian Federation
This website for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and its surrounding areas and districts has the character of a portal. Approximately Yakutia has the territorial size of India. On the homepage numerous links offer access to information on the resource centre itself, its resources, the education system of the region, networks, projects and services.

"The Australian Information and Communications Technology in Education Committee (AICTEC) is a cross-sectoral, national committee responsible for providing advice to all Australian Ministers of Education and Training on the economic and effective utilisation of online technologies in Australian education and training." Its website offers information on the AICTEC and its [...]

Australia; New Zealand
"The mission of the Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT) is to promote and advance the use and support of information technology in teaching and learning, research and administration in the Universities of Australia and New Zealand." Its website offers information about CAUDIT and its projects, access to its annual reports and links to [...]

United Kingdom
"BESA has over 260 members which include manufacturers and distributors of equipment, materials, books, consumables, furniture, technology, ICT hardware and digital content - all to the education market."

The program Huascarán of the Peruvian Education Ministry intends to develop, execute, evaluate and supervize a national network with educational content which has access to all information resources and which can transmit multimedia contents, to foster the quality of education in rural as well as in urban regions.

This website addresses all persons working as educators, students and parents. The information given is arranged according to the target group. An important thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides information texts on aspects of education in Peru and abroad, texts for teachers, resources, link lists concerning educational software, [...]

The Alice Springs School of the Air provides an educational service for about 140 children living on properties or settlements covering over 1 million square kilometers of Central Australia. The school's website offers information on the following issues: History of the SOA, function of the School, visitors centre, communications, satellite technology. It also provides links [...]

This web site provides access to a wide range of resources in the field of education and culture. Among others there is a centre for virtual learning. The links Webs de Centros and CC.AA. lead to the education services of the autonomous regions.

This web site provides online-courses in Language and Literature, Mathematics, Physiks and Chemistry, Biology and Geology, Geography and History, English.

This web site provides access to online-curricular material for secondary education. Available subjects are natural and social sciences, ethic, languages, math, music and technology.

This website provides links covering the core tasks of the Centre: a search engine for websites of Spanish schools ( searchable via a map) , a list of curricular materials which are certified each year by the Ministry, the online Journal "Red Digital" covering the theme "information and communication technology in education", the international co-operation of Spain in this [...]

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

This agency for education and information technology was established by the administration of canton Zurich. Its objectives are to promote and to link activities in the following areas: use of information technology in education and learning, use of new media in learning, development of information competence, information technology as a subject at school and vocational [...]

This link list provides information about education, vocational education, information technology, teaching and school.

The Centre of Educational Information and Communication (formerly PNTIC) provides this searchable database, which shall serve teachers to learn how to use information and communication technology in their classrooms. The homepage shows links to texts of teaching aids and information material to be used in distant study.

Russian Federation
This website of Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography in the Russian Federation offers a platform for subject specialists to exchange their experiences, to upgrade their professional level and for preparing lessons, particularly with regard to the use of new technologies in teaching geography. On the respective homepage a link to newly developed lessons is [...]

This report (132 pages - PDF-format) represents outcomes of the project "Models of Teacher Professional Development for the Integration of Information and Communication Technology into Classroom Practice", funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training ( DEST).

United States of America (USA)
GEM is sponsored by the US Department of Education and acts as a key one-stop access to thousands of high quality educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. The GEM Consortium consists of 438 members. The website presents the comrehensive collection lists, offers a search database and links to new resources and [...]

Tambartun is working with visually impaired children, youths and adults in 180 local authority areas in Norway. The aims are to establish services to contribute to the fulfillment of the needs of each individual child in their local school and home environment; to gather and distribute information in the field of visual impairment. The homepage informs about research and [...]

EDUVINET is an initiative to promote the use of the Internet for teaching and learning in and between European schools through the development of exemplary teaching content, teacher training and a variety of other supportive measures.- The homepage offers multilingual access to various subjects and provides in particular didactical and methodical hints.

These are the pages of the Faculty of Educational Studies, one of the faculties at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan . An overview on the sixteen research departments (general didactics, history of education, adult education etc.) and the College of Education is given. For each department the main topics of educational research are listed and the head of department is [...]

Commonwealth; international
"The Commonwealth of Learning is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. COL is helping developing nations improve access to quality education and training."

Within the Department of Applied Educational Science studies are being conducted on conditions for learning in social, cultural and institutional settings, the contribution to and effects of digital technology on learning as well as measurement, assessment and evaluation. The department has three strong research areas: Interactive Media and Learning, Measurement and Evaluation [...]

This site provides full texts, articles and news relevant for the target groups teachers, students, researchers and families. Mainly the various opportunities for using information technology in education are concerned

In the decentralized Swedish school system the responsibility for ICT is shared. The role of the Government and its Agencies is to promote the use of ICT in education, mainly by supporting the municipalities and independent schools in their tasks. The website informs about surveys about the use of ICT in Swedish schools and preschools, the promotion of practical ICT and media [...]

international; United States of America (USA)
Besides teaching material that is subject to a fee, Lessonplanet also provides Open Educationa Resources (OER), that is material free of costs and partly adaptable (depending on the licence). You will find these OER in the menu bar at the bottom of the page.

Russian Federation
The Institute for the Study of Russian and Eurasian Education (formerly the Institute for the Study of Soviet Education) was established in 1989 in response to rapid changes occurring in education in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. It can be seen from its website that ISRE gathers timely information about reform initiatives, classroom practices, structural changes in [...]

The Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) is a constituent unit of the National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. Established in 1984 with the merger of the Centre of Educational Technology and Department of Teaching Aids, its chief aim is to [...]

The Forum is a non-profit oganization which brings together the various players in the field of open and distance learning. The website gives texts about the charter, the activities (publications, conferences etc.) of the organization. [This is the homepage for French and English versions].

The purpose of JAPET is to contribute to the promotion of education through its activity based on educational technology. Survey and study for improvement of education is the core part of its activity. JAPET is also involved in spreading the results obtained by such survey and study to practical scenes of teaching and learning not only in classrooms but also in various phases [...]

Cyprus, Republic of
The University of Cyprus in Nicosia is the only university in the Republic of Cyprus. For the Department of Education, which is part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and closely cooperates with the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, the website provides information regarding the following aspects: Academic Staff; Board of the Department; Mission of the [...]

The website of the Philippine Education Ministry offers full texts about the functions and missions of the Ministry and its single departments. Furthermore there are full text documents of publications (annual reports, statistics), research reports, memoranda and legislation of the Ministry. Other links lead to web-based resources for students, teachers and administrators.

"Global Links Television", an award-winning documentary series produced by the World Bank Institute, is licensed to over 60 broadcasters around the world. Video cassettes are also used for educational purposes in secondary schools, universities, and professional seminars.-The Education for all series examines the experiences of three countries that undertook bold and [...]

PROACTe is a service to communicate work funded by the European Union under the Education Area of the Information Society (IST) Programme. The initiators will encourage dialogue between projects and others in the field of educational technologies. Here one can find out what EU projects in educational technologies are doing, discover resources and news on education and training [...]

Snunit, Israel's leading innovator of Internet-based learning applications, answers this need by combining state-of-the-art technology and in-depth knowledge of and experience in educational matters to provide compelling pedagogic applications and content for Israel's education system. Snunit is an independent non-profit organization and principal proponent of utilizing [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
KERIS is an information system that promotes the use of information technology in education. Its tasks are: to provide an e-learning system for schools (EDUNET) and an information network for educational administration (NEIS), to qualifiy teaching and administration personnel in the use of information technology, and to provide access to literature and electronic full text [...]

Latin America
The Latin American Institute for Educational Communication was established in 1956. It is a regional institution for the respective Unesco Member States. The institute is expected to render a contribution towards an improvement of education by applying the new information and communication technologies. On the website the user can find links to the school net, to educational [...]

Amal 1 is a network of more than 128 educational institutions engaged in the advancement of comprehensive and technological education for youth and adults. Located throughout Israel, Amal 1´s schools can be found in Jewish, Druze, Bedouin and Arab communities. The establishment of Amalnet, a computerized communications network encompassing Amal schools, students, teachers, [...]

SNOW is the branch of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University that focuses on inclusive education and learning. Our goal is to provide information and training for educators, parents and students with disabilities on technologies for learning both in and out of the classroom as well as promote understanding of inclusive practices. Our resources are free [...]

Australia; international
"UltiBASE is a peer-reviewed e-journal and resource for tertiary teachers. Its aim is to promote teaching best practice in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education in all tertiary settings." The journal is no longer published, but its archive containing issues from December 1996 till November 2003 is still accessible.

United States of America (USA)
The IMS project was formed as a catalyst for the development of a substantial body of instructional software, the creation of an online infrastructure for managing access to learning materials and environments, the facilitation of collaborative and authentic learning activities, and the certification of acquired skills and knowledge.

United Kingdom
This interactive journal serves a a discussion forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of interactive media and education. "JIME is not simply making the conventional media of paper-based articles available on the Net, but addressing the interactive dimensions which are the essence of the new media; JIME is not simply adding an e- mail listserver to allow [...]

The National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) has been established unter the aegis of the Department of Education and Science. It focus on information and communications technologies ( ICTs) and education. It is responsible for the implementation of the government initiated project "Schools IT2000" which aims to integrate new technologies into schools. The website [...]

The foundation which operates EDUTEKA aims at promoting the quality of basic and middle school education in Colombia through the use of information and communication technology. For this purpose the website provides a variety of resources, texts, curriculum materials, projects and standards about ICT and its use in education.

United States of America (USA)
WestEd is a non-profit research, development and service agency dedicated to improving education and other opportunities for children, youth and adults. Drawing on the best from research and practice, WestEd works with practitioners and policymakers to address critical issues in education and other related areas: from early childhood intervention to school-to-work transition; [...]

United Kingdom
"A centre of international excellence, for the teaching research and development of technology in the service of student learning. We work in collaboration with Open University Faculty and Regional Colleagues. For Practitioners worldwide we offer: Professional development in educational technology, Postgraduate qualifications in open & distance education, International centre [...]

United States of America (USA)
Some education newspapers are presented for on-line inspection, mainly this site provides links to a wealth of links to educational resources and lesson plans for several curriculum subjects (see navigation bar at the right side).

United States of America (USA)
NASA Quest is a rich resource for educators, kids and space enthusiasts who are interested in meeting and learning about NASA people and the national space program. Resources, lesson plans and tools are provided via this website and can be searches in a database.

Homepage of the Association for the Promotion of Projects in Information Technics for Handicapped. ASPHI regards itself as a competence center for the application of information technics and telematics with the aim of integration of handicapped and disadvantaged in school, at work and in the social surroundings.

United Kingdom
The site offers a database of current TV programmes of Channel 4 for pupils, online resources to the programmes for teachers to download, an interactive science section, a forum for discussion, educational CD- ROMs and materials for the deaf and hearing impaired.

United Kingdom; international
"The magazine is designed to act as: a resource for Educational Developers, Librarians and Academic Staff, with material arranged by Discipline and by Educational Issue; a forum for readers to discuss and develop ideas, and identify resources that will aid their work. Content includes: evaluated case studies of teaching and learning in subject discipline areas; contact lists [...]

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