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Der höhere Sekundarbereich ist für viele die letzte Phase schulischer Bildung vor dem Eintritt in die weiterführende Bildung oder Arbeitswelt. Insofern nimmt dieser Bereich eine Schlüsselstellung in der Vorbereitung auf das Leben ein. Im Jahr 2001 führte die OECD eine Vergleichsstudie zur formalen Sekundarbildung an Schulen durch, um die Voraussetzungen zu prüfen, die [...]

This report summarizes the provision of primary education in 18 countries as it was examined through a thematic study commissioned by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) in England. It includes a summary of trends emerging from this study concerning the following issues: control of and responsibility for primary education; structure and organisation; curriculum: [...]

The article examines the importance of effective secondary education for all children as Australian society embraces globalization. In a global era, where societal development will rely on the knowledge and skills of the workforce, an effective education will become even more important for socio-economic engagement and equality. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds are the [...]

For more than a decade, the United States has participated actively in international projects that are designed to provide key information about the performance of the American education system compared to other countries. These projects include the Indicators of National Education Systems (INES) at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the [...]

The quality of education and training is considered in all Member States to be a concern of the highest political priority. High levels of knowledge, competencies and skills are considered to be the very basic conditions for active citizenship, employment and social cohesion. Lifelong learning is an important means of shaping one's future on a professional and personal level, [...]

In dieser Kurzexpertise wird - neben einer kurz gefassten "Bestandsaufnahme" der derzeitigen Ineffizienzen der österreichischen Schulgovernance - eine Modellversion für eine Schulgovernance neu erstellt. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Modell, das versucht die aus der nationalen und internationalen Forschung bekannten Informationen zu verdichten und so ein idealtypisches [...]

In recent years, initiatives on the part of several international organisations and research institutions have sought to encourage the idea of citizenship education and research into related issues, as well as teaching in this field. ... [At EU level] social inclusion and active citizenship are important policy objectives central to the Lisbon process. In this context, the [...]

This survey, which focuses on the different modes of integration of immigrant pupils adopted in European education systems, is made up of six chapters. Chapter 1 begins with an overview of integration policies and cooperation as outlined in recent legislation and decisions reached at EU level, before going on to consider the important work undertaken in this field also by the [...]

The term 'private education' is often used to express the opposite of ' state education'. Yet in Europe it assumes a very wide range of practical forms. In order that this sector of education systems might become better known, Eurydice published in 1992 a descriptive study of its differing status and patterns of organization in each of the 12 countries of the European [...]

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 12.01.2009  -

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