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School level of education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: school level of education

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South Africa, Republic
In its extensive list of reports, the South African Department of Basic Education offers, among others, the DBE Annual Reports. These reports take up the topics of the DBE Annual Performance Plans, which are also listed, and report to what extent the set goals have been achieved. These reports on basic education are matched by the South African Department of Higher Education & [...]

The Australian Education Report is integrated into an overarching "Report on Government Services" and can be found in Chapter B "Child care, Education and Training". You can find reports starting in 1995. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

"Each academic year, the State School Council prepares, approves and publishes the Report on the State of the Education System. It contains the educational development during the academic year and incorporates the proposals for improvement that the Council deems appropriate to send to the educational administrations." You can find reports starting in 2008. [Abstract: Site [...]

Europe; Ukraine
You will find here a series of articles and resources to support the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of the EU Member States and Erasmus+ countries. Topics are: Online platforms and resources in Ukrainian, School education and solidarity in times of crisis, Refugee education, Professional development courses and Interact with other teachers.

This text was written by the headmistress of the German school in Kiew and describes the basic differences between the German and Ukrainian school system with regard to learn and teaching methods. The school reform in the Ukraine aims at more competence based learning and modernisation.

Website of the Catalan Education Ministry. Unfortunately, this website is only available in Catalan. To get an idea of the site's content, you can have a look at the English thematical pages of the Government of Catalonia ("Generalitat de Catalunya"): "Education and training" and "Universities". The links on the "Education and training" page mostly lead to content in Catalan [...]

The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia covers the issues general education, higher education, vocational education and science. For each topic there are news, facility registers, information on current projects, education programmes and further notes. All infrastructure projects are charted and catalogued, but they are only available in Georgian.

The document presents some of Eurostat’s most interesting data on children and young people in the European Union. It gives an insight into the past, current and future situation of young citizens, ranging from attending school and participating in sport and leisure activities, health,participation in the digital world, to leaving the parental home and entering the [...]

The educational policy outlook provides data-based information on current trends in education in Finland, focusing on policy measures to support learners and improve the quality of teaching alnd learning.

EL.STAT offers data on following educational topics: school, vocational education and training, higher education and (non-formal) adult education.

The education authority Skolverket ist responsible for the official statistics on preschool education, school education, adult education, education expenditure and Swedish education abroad. A comprehensive data collection is available.

United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
Education News is a US-American, freely accessible e-journal on Education Policy Technology, Higher Education, Online Schools, Parenting and K-12 issues. The articles' focus is on the USA, but you will also find some articles on the UK and international topics.

Falkland Islands; United Kingdom
The Mount Pleasant School is a primary school of the Falkland Islands. It is visited mainly by children whose parents are of the British Armed Forces. Children which live further out in the country are often educated individually.

The French-language Wikipedia entry on education in Tunisia presents the educational system of the country, from infancy to adult education. It also provides an overview of the educational reforms since the 50s and a number of links.

United Kingdom
Compilation of statistical releases on children, education and skills.

General school legislation in Australia, 11th republication (effective 1 July, 2011).

The research and documentation centre of South Tyrol´s educational history was initiated by Prof. Helmwart Hierdeis in 2007. It is part of the Department of Educational Science at the University of Bolzano. It focuses on the documentation and research of South Tyrol´s educational history concerning the three language groups within the country. The term education is [...]

The data in this statistical bulletin are official statistics for the Ministry of Education. The Educational Statistical Bulletin (ESB) is an important part of the Ministry of Education’s Education Management Information System (EMIS) that has developed over time. The Bulletin provides statistics that facilitate the formulation of informed decisions that effect the [...]

The statistical office offers statistics on schools, school age population, teaching staff, infrastructure of education and graduates. Most of the data are only available upon payment.

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The Education and Training Inspectorate provides inspection services for a number of organisations. These include the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Employment and Learning, the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. All Inspection Reports published by the [...]

Uganda; Rwanda; Kenya
The Mission Work Good News (MFB e.V.) in Großalmerode is a Christian-humanitarian aid organization which works in Eastern Africa since 1962. It focusses on child- and partnership programss, the fostering of school education, women's self-help projects, educational endowment and old people's welfare. For 25 years, child partnerships are successfully conciliated in Uganda, [...]

Botswana Examinations Council´s key business activity is the development, administration, accreditation and certification of schools examinations in the primary and secondary education sub-sector.

Wide range of school statistics provided by the Department of Education and Skills.

The ministry of education offers statistics on non-university and university education.

The statistical office of Estonia offers statistics on the central areas of education.

This website offers a detailed overview of the EU legislation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. It both describes, as reference point, the legal act and the specific political conditions of the EU for each of the four sectors, and shows a summary of the resulting consequences and measures. In this context, it analyses programmes and initiatives promoted [...]

Education and learning statistics provide information on activities of state, private and church schools and schools establishments respectively. These include in particular data on kindergardens, primary schools, secondary schools and universities, feeding in schools, scholarships and school facilities. Data sources are state statistical surveys of the Ministry of Education [...]

The Franco-Manitoban School Division (DSFM) has 24 schools with over 5000 students from kindergarten to grade 12, as well as an adult learning centre. The DSFM is the only school board in Manitoba to offer full-time education in French all over the province.

SIRIS is an information system that informs about important aspects of the Swedish education system. It presents on school level educational statistics, inspection reports, reports of the schools and communities on quality assurance, expenditure and promotion in the education sector as well as a section on tools for statistical analysis.

Russian Federation
The site is an online catalogue of internet ressources concerning school education in Russia. Unfortunately, it is in English only.

The statistical office of Luxemburg offers statistics on the main education areas.

United States of America (USA)
The National Rural Education Association (NREA) is the oldest established national organization of its kind in the United States. Through the years it has evolved as a strong organization of rural school administrators, teachers, board members, regional service agency personnel, researchers, business and industry representatives, and others interested in maintaining the [...]

As the original pages of Unesco are no longer online, we link here to a copy of the pages from the Internet Archive. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all full texts can still be downloaded as pdf files. The two pages offer detailed information on the education systems of 161 countries on the basis of national sources from 2010/11 and 2006/07. The World Data on Education [...]

This glossary provides French language explanations, definitions and annotations of French terminology related to education and instruction, and its translation into German and Dutch. The entries are chosen on the grounds of their use in Belgium and respective language regions there, not the terminological practice in France or the Netherlands.

Germany; United States of America (USA)
This bilingual glossary focuses on educational terminology, including school types. Cultural differences and idiosyncrasies are explained. Target group: English language (American) users with an interest in Germany. The glossary is provided by the website It belongs to the network Dotdash which is part of the American media and Internet company IAC [...]

The ministry is responsible for education, science, and research.

England; United Kingdom
The website offers a range of education and skills statistics for all local areas in England.

The official Finnish statistics agency provides statistics on all sectors of education in Finland. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Länkskafferiet (the Swedish Link Library) is a referatory for educational use and is meant to be a pedagogical aid for Swedish pupils, between 5 and 18 years of age, in their search for useful information on the Internet. Teachers and librarians can use the service to guide the pupils in their search and find good resources for lesson planning. Länkskafferiet consists of [...]

Education statistics of the Danish statistical office with a comprehensive collection of data tables on all education areas.

This is the website of the European Forum for Freedom in Education which aims to install the human right to freedom in education in schools across Europe and promotes all kind of self-initiative and self- determination at school. For quick users the mission of EFFE is outlined in seven sentences. According to these statements high level education can only be realised if it is [...]

The National Statistical Institute offers a large collection of data on the following topics: university education, transition to the labour market, adult education, education expenditure, pre-university education, information technology in education.

Education statistics covers all levels of education: kindergartens, elementary schools, upper secondary schools with all education programs, post-secondary vocational colleges, higher education institutions with all education programs and all continuing education programs.

The website offers data on the following topics: formal education (child care, school education, higher education, educational expenditure, teaching staff), adult education, further training, lifelong learning, educational attainment and culture.

Under "Population and Social Conditions" EL.STAT offers data on following educational topics: Primary Education, Secondary Education, Post-secondary Education, Tertiary Education, Special Education, Education expenditure, Lifelong learning. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The website comprises statistics on school education, higher education and vocational education and training.

Them ministry is divided into many divisions and then further divided into program areas. The divisions are: Advanced Education, Culture and Heritage, Education Operations and Development, Early Childhood and School Services, Income Security, ECE Service Centres (career development and library services), Official Languages.

United Kingdom
This section pulls together new and current research and evaluation projects, research centres, publications and data from a range of sites, making it easier to compare a selection of individual schools and to see all the information in one place.

The statistical office offers data tables and publications on the following topics: Education, training and learning (general), adult education and training, education finance, education indicators, educational attainment, fields of study, literacy, outcomes of education, students, teachers and educators.

The statistics shed light on Sweden's entire education system: pre-school, compulsory school, upper-secondary school, different forms of adult education, higher education and research, and the transition from school to working life.

The statistical office of Iceland offers statistics on pre-primary institutions, compulsory schools, upper secondary schools and universities.

Cyprus, Republic of
Key figures on general education, schools, higher education and adult education.

The Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas e Informática (INEI), the central statistical office in Peru, offers education statistics on its website. The topics dealt with are analphabetism, teacher statistics, curricula, alumni and years of study in Peru. These educational statistics are accessible via the following path: Peru en cifras - indicadores sociales - educación.

The institute is engaged in research and development activities that aim to improve the efficiency of public education. The institute assists in making professionally well-founded decisions, improving school teaching and learning, strengthening the innovative ability of education and integrating Hungary´s school structure into the European educational environment. The [...]

The Swiss Federal Statistical Office offers in the subject area "Education and Sciences" plenty of up-to-date statistical data referring to all levels of education. These surveys provide an overall information on Switzerland but also on the single cantons. Almost all of these statistics can be downloaded.

INEGI provides geographic, demographic, social (including educational) and economic information on Mexico. It provides the public service of statistical and geographic information.

The website offers numerous statistical data on all areas of education as well as links to further statistical resources.

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has responsibility for public education (kindergarten through Grade 12). The Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development prescribes curriculum and establishes educational goals and standards. Serving Canada´s only officially bilingual province, New Brunswick's education system offers students the [...]

The Ministry provides leadership and direction to the early learning and child care, Kindergarten through Grade 12 education, literacy, and library sectors. The Ministry supports the sectors through funding, governance, and accountability, with a focus on improving student achievement.

The ministry´s website offers information on kindergarten to grade 12 education, advanced learning (vocational training, higher and adult education) as well as reports, research and action plans.

This educational website of the Gouvernment of Québec provides information for students, parents, teachers and school boards. Furthermore, the site targets athlets, coaches, sport organisations and municipalities. Features include a school earch engine, current initiatives, laws and regualtions and information on the education system of Québec in general.

The website of the ministry provides information on education programmes for early education and school education, legislation and publications.

The ministry is responsible for the following sectors: Education, childcare and early education, compulsory education, higher education, university, vocational education and training institutions, life-long learning, examinations, employment and training, public broadcasting services, libraries, national archives, social policy, family policy, child policy, social security, [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Ministry website on education and care.

The Department of Education is comprised of several operational units, including: Acadian and French Language Services, Early Years, Public Schools, Corporate Policy, Corporate Services.

The ministry is responsible for early learning, kindergarten to grade 12, post- secondary education, adult learning and offers information on education programmes, the curriculum, reports and funding.

United Kingdom
"This site contains the latest comprehensive range of official UK statistics and information about statistics as well providing free access to a selection of recently released publications in downloadable pdf format". The statistics offered comprise all areas of general education and vocational education and training.

This website of the Ministry of Education of the Repubic of Hungary is subdivided into the following main topics: Education in Hungary; Higher Education; Hungarian Equivalence and Information Center (HEIC) - recognition of certificates and degrees; Research and Development. The homepage offers search facilities and links to the Hungarian Government Portal and the Commissioner [...]

The Department is involved in the provision of education at the following levels: pre-school, primary school, post-primary school, universities and third level colleges, adult education and further education.

The yearly review is intended for politicians, education managers, scholars, and everyone interested in the country´s education and the context of education. The publication presents key statistical indicators related to the international education indicator systems (UNESCO, OECD, and EU) as well as short explanations of the said indicators.

The English homepage of the Norwegian Education Ministry provides comprehensive information about its organisational structure, education policy, various data and full texts about the education system, as well as access to full-texts on education and research in Norway.

The ministry for education, higher education and research offers detailed information for each department. The website includes press releases, reports and news as well as links to relevant documents and resources.

United States of America (USA)
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences.

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The Department of Education is responsible for the central administration of all aspects of education and related services in Northern Ireland - excepting the higher and further education sector, responsibility for which is within the remit of the Department for Employment and Learning. The Departments main areas of responsibility are in pre-school, primary, post-primary and [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Statistics and Research Branch aims to meet the statistical and research needs of the Department of Education, through the collection and analysis of data that informs policy development, implementation and evaluation. Statistics and Research Branch collects a number of statistics relating to schools, pupils and teachers. Among its publications is the ´Compendium of Northern [...]

United Kingdom
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children´s services. The website offers information on schools, transition from school to training or higher education, early learning, family eduation and social work as well as information on research and statistics and publications.

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