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Fluechtling refugee at Education Systems International

Free keyword: Fluechtling refugee

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Syria; Europe
EDU-SYRIA Scholarship Program is a humanitarian project funded by the European Union to improve the livelihood options of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian youths in Jordan through having access to higher and vocational education and having improved their employability. German Jordanian University is the administrative and management body of the project via a consortium [...]

Europe; Ukraine
"Building on the findings of the joint ETUCE – EFEE project “European Sectoral Social Partners in Education promoting effective integration of migrants and refugees in education” (2017-2019), the project ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ aims to further build the capacity of the education trade unions on [...]

"The International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC) is a cross-sectoral global coalition comprised of governments, international and regional organizations, NGOs, think tanks, academics, and civil society. The main objective of IDAC is to improve statistics and data on migrant and forcibly displaced children with the goal to support evidence-based policymaking [...]

Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Colombia; Costa Rica; Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This page of the OECD contains current studies and analyses on issues relating to the integration of people with a migration background and refugees in the OECD countries. The topics include language training, recognition of educational qualifications, digital and social participation.

Europe; Ukraine
You will find here a series of articles and resources to support the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of the EU Member States and Erasmus+ countries. Topics are: Online platforms and resources in Ukrainian, School education and solidarity in times of crisis, Refugee education, Professional development courses and Interact with other teachers.

A very extensive and informative page of the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) on how to teach about refugees. On the one hand, there are general, cross-age information such as "Words matter", "Facts and figures", "Including refugees in your classroom". On the other hand, age-specific teaching materials are provided (age 6-18). Furthermore, materials on how [...]

As part of the Erasmus Plus project, the project partners conducted four workshops with 70 Arabic-speaking tutors and trainers in Germany, Italy, Turkey and Sweden. Together they have developed a training concept and a training tool for teachers, educators and volunteers, which supports newly immigrated children with innovative pedagogical methods such as self-organized [...]

For a long time now, Jordan has been hosting refugees from other countries. The Syrian refugees have become the biggest refugee community during the last years. Among them, there are many school-aged children. This website documents challenges and solutions about how to organise the schooling of these children. One major solution was the introduction of the socalled "double [...]

Arab States; Europe; Germany
The dictionary provides children and youths with explanations about political terms, institutions, and mechanisms in Arabic. It aims at giving children an insight into "democratic life in our society". The dictionary is also accessible in German and English (with more entries than in the Arabic version). It was compiled by the German Federal Agency for Civic [...]

According to their ow statement, IMISCOE is "Europe's largest network of scholars in the area of migration and integration. The network involves 38 member institutes and over 500 scholars from all over Europe and focuses on comparative research, publications, the organization of events, PhD training and awards and communication. (...) Furthermore, the network publishes [...]

The Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) was founded in 1999 at the University of Chicago. Meanwhile, the network has more than 300 institutional members in about 40 countries. SAR aims at providing refuge for scholars who face discrimination, censorship, intimidation, or violence in their home countries. The website provides information for scholars who seek support as well as [...]

The international Refugee Research Network was created by researchers from the Center for Refugee Studies,York University, Canada. The website provides information on research activities, publications, other networks and organisation and more. Among others, the network also hosts the website of the initiative "Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER)". The Refugee [...]

The Migration and Diaspora Studies at the Carleton University in Canada provide a long link list of research centres, associations and networks working on issues like migration, refugees and diaspora. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The library of the Northwestern University, USA, provides a list of journals in the field of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies. Unfortunately, the links to the library catalogue don't work. But the list informs you about the journal titles and the more detailed focus of the respective journal. You can look the journals up on the internet by yourself. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

This list provides you with journals on refugee issues and studies recorded in the EZB. The list is the result of a search with the search terms: title = "refugee*" or "Flüchtl*" or "Flucht*". The traffic light system will indicate your access options to the journal. A green light means free access with no fee. For yellow and red lights, please check the access options in the [...]

The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) consists of more than 11,500 individual members and 130 partner organizations in 170 countries. You will find well-known organisations like UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF, World Vision or Save the Children among the members. The website provides ample information on activities, projects, on current thematic areas and focus [...]

The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is a UN Agency supporting the protection and the rights of refugees all over the world. This includes the right to education, among others.The education site of UNHCR provides information on UNHCR's activities in refugee education. This includes programmes and projects, publications (strategies, guidelines, reports and [...]

Official site of the National Museum of Immigration in Paris. The museum opened in 2007 and presents the history of immigration to France. It is supposed to enforce the solidarity and integration of the French society. We link you to the sub-section "school and students" which provides a pedagogical access to the museum, including resources for teachers. [Abstract: Editors [...]

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