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Ariadne Pfad:


Fact Sheet: Building an Americanization Movement for the 21st Century: A Report to the President of the United States from the Task Force on New Americans

h t t p s : / / w w w . u s c i s . g o v / s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / d o c u m e n t / r e p o r t s / T a s k F o r c e o n N e w A m e r i c a n s R e p o r t . p d fExterner Link

This report is the culmination of more than two years of research into immigrant integration efforts across all sectors of society in the United States. The report provides an overview of successful integration initiatives observed in many sectors and prescribes recommendations to launch a coordinated national campaign—similar to past Americanization movements—to promote the assimilation of immigrants into American civic culture. The recommendations ... are actions that all sectors of society can undertake under a federal call to action. To renew an Americanization movement, state and local governments, community and faith-based organizations, businesses, adult educators, libraries, civic organizations, and the philanthropic sector must be partners to this strategy.

Fach, Sachgebiet

USA, Integration, Migrant, Migration, Bildungspolitik, Integrationspolitik, Multikulturalität, Strategie, Cultural Pluralism, Diversity, Recommendation, Erziehung, Policy, Citizenship,

Bildungsbereich kein spezifischer
Ressourcenkategorie Artikel/Aufsatz/Bericht/Thesenpapier
Angaben zum Autor der Ressource / Kontaktmöglichkeit Task Force on New Americans [ed.]
Erstellt am 01.01.2008
Sprache Englisch
Rechte Keine Angabe, es gilt die gesetzliche Regelung
Zugang ohne Anmeldung frei zugänglich
Kostenpflichtig nein
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Technische Anforderungen Acrobat Reader
Zuletzt geändert am 07.10.2020

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