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Textbook at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: textbook

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Germany; Italy; Luxemburg; Sweden; Europe
The project "itm" aimed at analysing teaching material from Sweden, Italy, Germany and Luxembourg with regard to their inclusion-sensitivity. Based on this analysis, the project partners went on to compile evaluation criteria and develop inclusive teaching materials themselves. Under "project goals" you can find a criteria catalogue, a process model, publications, a concept [...]

Since 14 March, schooling has resumed in most regions of Ukraine with the help of distance learning. Ukrainian students both inside and outside the country can access educational online material in Ukrainian. The website offers links to learning materials from Ukraine, Estonia, Poland and Romania.

The Spanish Ministry for Education has requested a 'detailed report' on the content of the textbooks used in Catalonia. The analyse was carried out by the Catalan teacher organisation “Action for Secondary Education Improvement” (AMES) (Acció per a la Millora de l'Ensenyament Secundari). They concluded that the books emphasize the differences between Catalan and other [...]

Palestinian Territories
The site provides information about the faculty itself, as well as specialisations and degrees available there. There are also departments that are listed separately from the faculties, among them the a Curriculum and Courses Department (sometimes also called "Department of Curriculum and Textbooks "). Furthermore, the university website provides a list of freely accessible [...]

Nova Boda is a Ukrainian association for teachers of history, civic education and social studies. The website provides fulltexts of teaching materials as well as publications on the profession of teaching the subjects mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, the website is available in Ukrainian only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) ensures that all school curricula are well-understood and effectively used by teachers via regular visits to schools, training seminars to orient teachers, periodic reviews, research and evaluation of curricula. NCDC attaches great importance to ensuring continuing education and training and the encouragement of individual [...]

The Aga Khan is the head of the muslim Ismailites and considered to be a direct descendant of the prophet Muhamed. Being on of the richest people in the world he funds a lot of development projects in Central Asia. The centre of these activities ist the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). Its Homepage informs about activities in the field of education in Kyrgystan. Apart from [...]

Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; Kyrgyzstan
This report was written in 2002 by the Open Society Institute. First it presents an overview over the social context in the three postsoviet countries. Then it explains specialities and problems of the education system. The chapters focus on the following topics: Access and equity in education, Education financing, Reform capacity, management and governance, Curriculum, [...]

The website of the ministry offers a school directory, information about programmes and projects and ministerial functions as well as documents for download.

This short bibliography is an excerpt from the database of the "Specialized Information Network International Relations and Area Studies" (FIV-IBLK).

This is the official site of the Afghan ministry of education. It provides information about the reconstruction of the education system. Most parts of the site are under construction.

The Textbook Research and Information Centre in Vilnius was established in 1998 in Kooperation with the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig and financed by the Robert Bosch Foundation until 2000. On the homepage the main tasks of the VTIC are summarized focusing on the collection of textbooks and an analysis of problems with regard to the [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The institute is a government-funded educational research institution. The research carried out by KICE covers not only national curriculum and educational evaluation, but also improvement of teaching and learning techniques, development and authorization of textbooks and implementation of national-level educational testing. The web site provides more detailed information [...]

Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Greece; Yugoslavia; Kosovo; Croatia; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Romania; Slovenia; Serbia; Turkey; Hungary; Cyprus, Republic of; Montenegro; Southeastern Europe
In the framework of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research ( Braunschweig/ Germany) developed a project aiming at the "Coordination of Textbook Research, Development and Textbook Comparison in South-East Europe". The establishment of a virtual South-East Europe Textbook Network, which started in February 2001, [...]

The Ministry of Education and Sports (2001) forms a combination of the structures of three former Ministries (Education, Higher Education and Sports). On the website the new structure can be viewed. Besides the site offers a comprehensive description of aims and measures with regard to the educational reform and information on the document "Quality education for all - Strategy [...]

Switzerland; Liechtenstein
The Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (centre for teaching materials of the Swiss cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein) develops teaching and learning aids and provides the basic supply of teaching material for schools in the German-speaking and multilingual cantons and Liechtenstein. The products are conform to the new curricula and developed in close cooperation [...]

This is the website of the Open Society Institute in Azerbaijan, a private operating and grantmaking assistance foundation in the Near East that develops and implements a range of programmes in civil society, culture, education, media, public administration, public health, and human and women's rights, as well as social, legal and economic reform. OSI-AF is part of the Soros [...]

The Institute was founded by the Ministry of Education in 1958 and is now directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. Until 1973 its name was Scientific-Research Institute of Schools, from 1973-1992 it was the Scientific-Research Institute of Pedagogics and in 1992 it received its its present name, Institute of Pedagogics. The [...]

China, People's Republic of
On this site the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics publishes its Statistical Communiques for the years 1998 to 2000. In chapter V ( communique 2000) thereare to be found statistical data on various aspects in the fields of edcuation, science and research.

Montenegro was part of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia.- On this website a full text with the subtitle "Curriculum, Textbooks and School Documents" is offered. The explanations cover the period between between 1812 and 1911. The contribution by A. Rakovic was written in the context of considerations on the cultural heritage of Montenegro.

NIED is responsible for evaluating, designing and developing curricula for the entire educational system, introducing effective approaches to teaching and learning, coordinating the development of instructional materials, educational research, preparing and coordinating an effective system of pre-service and in-service teacher education, and providing training in educational [...]

The homepage of the Education Ministry is structured in six sections, the links of which lead to full texts about: 1) The Ministry and its missions, 2) the educational system (educational objectives and all levels of education), 3) programs, among others gifted education, career guidance, 4) educational institutions ( schools, statistics), information about schools (including [...]

United Kingdom
"ALL is the major subject association for those involved in teaching modern foreign languages (MFL) at all levels and in all languages". It offers books and journals for language teaching, events and a linklist.

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