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Library at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: library

key words found 1 - 191 of 191

Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
"Riberdis (Repositorio IBERoamericano sobre DIScapacidad) is an Iberian-American repository for literature on disability. It summarizes and disseminates the scientific production generated in Latin America and Spain on subjects related to disability, in a digital format and in free access. Riberdis is managed by the Spanish Centre for Disability Documentation (CEDD), [...]

Keeping Up With ... is a publication by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) with brief information on trends in academic library science and higher education. It provides an introduction to the topic and a summary of key points. The present article on Learning Analytics also contains some critical thoughts on the topic. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The Guide of the Northcentral University Library is a good and well sorted resource for information about Learning Analytics. The resources are sorted as follows:* Specialized Databases * Journals * News & Magazines * Books * Background Information * Reports * Dissertations * Videos * Websites * Statistics * Organizing Research & [...]

The three libraries, Education, Jewish Education and Social Work, amalgamated in July 2003 to form a unified library at the Mount Scopus campus, as part of the Libraries Authority. The multi-disciplinary collections include education, social work and related fields such as psychology, psychotherapy, sociology and anthropology, connected to different age groups and population [...]

Website of the Brazilian Association for Education (ABE), created in 1924. The website provides information on the history, structure and aims of ABE, some articles on educational issues, the wordings of laws in the Brazilian educational sector, a small newsletter as well as further current news on education in Brazil. Access to the archive and library is subject to (free) [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Library of Congress is the nation´s oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library´s mission is to support the Congress in fulfilling its constitutional duties and to further the progress of [...]

The Lesezentrum Steiermark (Centre for Reading in Styria) helps communities, parishes, schools etc. to build up libraries and advises them on managing their stock. It initiates and accompanies reading events, trains librarians, works in the field of reading education and thus contributes to the establishment of an efficient network of libraries in Styria.

With approximately 8 million books and objects, the Austrian National Library is the biggest library in Austria. In addition to the more than 3 million books, its international prestige is based particularly on the nine special Departments with their unique objects – manuscripts, incunabula, music autographs, photographs, maps, globes, etc. The Library was a universal [...]

The Administrative Library is a reference library and open to the general public. Employees of the Federal Government and the Länder and other public organizations are entitled to borrow items. The Digital Administrative Library makes e-publications of the Austrian ministries and public administration accessible in full text. The database contains open as well as restricted [...]

The objectives of the Uruguayan Society of Mathematics Education (SEMUR) are the promotion of Uruguayan mathematics theacers and of activities of mathematics education in Uruguay. Also, it gathers study, discussion and proposal groups which elaborate mathematics plans and programs for all levels. Thus they develop into professionals which are capable of contribute to a serious [...]

The BAnQ (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec) is an association of the Quebec national library and several national archives of the Canadian province of Quebec, which aims as the superior national library to preserve any historical and cultural heritage of the province. BAnQ serves as a storage for large amounts of documents of different types like print media [...]

The National Library System (SINAB) is a decentralized entity of the ministry of education. It promotes the participation of the Ecuatorian population in the community of the cultural field around the library. The library system is part of a new political and cultural democratisation conception with the aim to remedy the deficiencies of the library services and of the [...]

Latin America; Caribbean; Argentina; Bolivia; Chile; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Dominican Republic; Uruguay; Venezuela; Spain; Portugal; United States of America (USA); Germany; Caribbean
The Network of Virtual Libraries of Social Sciences of Latin-America and the Caribbean (CLASCO) has the objectives to promote and to facilitate the access to research results of the member centres of CLASCO. For this purpose, CLASCO has created a virtual library which grants free access to the different contents. CLASCO was founded by the libraries of the members of the [...]

On its website, CubaEduca, the Cuban Education Portal, offers elaborate information on the Cuban education system and on the different branches of study as well as links to educational websites as education TV, information centres etc. and to pedagogical journals. A news section informs about current educational activities in Cuba.

The Virtual Library of Sciences in Cuba constitutes one of the principal services of the Red Cubana de la Ciencia. Its task is to facilitate the access and the management of relevant, disposable information and knowledge of the country, especially that which is related to science, technology and innovation. The management of the contents is under the responsibility of the [...]

The website offers links to governmental organisms, national and private universities as well as to scholarships and to other educational institutes.

BiblioNica, Information and Analysis of Libraries and Library Science in Nicaragua has the main task to work out results of analyses in regard to the situations of the libraries and the execution of library sciences in Nicaragua and to disseminate them. This is done in 3 steps: (1) The constant observation of the situation of the libraries of the country, (2) the [...]

“Biblioteca De Amicis“ was founded as Italy’s first child and youth library in 1971 in Genua following the example of the International Child and Youth Library in Munich. The library is acclaimed for its innovative activities, it promotes literacy and especially media and information competency. In particular, the library maintains many reading clubs for different age [...]

The BNCR is one of the national central libraries and one of the legal deposit libraries with emphasis on foreign publications about Italy. It publishes the bibliography ``Bollettino delle opere moderne straniere (BOMS)``.

The BNCF is one of the national central libraries and responsible for assembling the national bibliography. It is the legal deposit library for Italy.

"NARCIS is the main national portal for those looking for information about researchers and their work. Besides researchers, NARCIS is also used by students, journalists and people working in educational and government institutions as well as the business sector. NARCIS provides access to scientific information, including (open access) publications from the repositories of [...]

Biblioniños is a public library for Chilean children, an educational and cultural space which was expressly created for children up to 12 years so they can occupy themselves with reading and benefit from it. The homepage offers, in a child-friendly interface, software that puts reading across to children in a playful way. Also, it informs about expositions and events which [...]

The website offers a link list of Romanian universities, academies, colleges, schools, libraries and educational resources.

The website informs, in short full texts, about the history of education in Romania as well as about the Romanian education system. Furthermore, a link list to the Romanian universities and descriptions about the Romanian libraries as well as about admission requirements can be found.

Dominican Republic
In the rubric "Educación", the internet portal República offers an extensive link collection to all kinds of language courses, education institutions, libraries, education portals etc.

The organization “La Joie par les livres“ was founded in 1963 by a private sponsor, Anne Gruner-Schlumberger. The organization intends to provide children with free access to a library in their neighbourhood. The respective library was opened in 1965. Today, “La Joie par les livres“ is associated with the French National Library, more precisely with its department [...]

The site of the Royal Library of Belgium offers a broad access to the onlince catalogues of the Belgian libraries and universities and a overview of current publications and source collections of the library's inventory. Additionally, it exists the possibility to inform about library services, current expositions, projects and a sector with online publications.

The Interuniversity Centre of Documentary Resources (CIRD) is a support centre for the distribution and the production of documentary resources and the promotion of the utilization by the national university community. Its main objective is the contribution to a promotion of the capacities of the higher education sector by modernizing and ameliorating the univeristy [...]

The Orient-Institut Istanbul supports academic research, with current interests spanning from the study of the plurality of Turkic languages and peoples, Ottoman history, to the current dynamic development of the region. Much of its work is conducted in cooperation with universities and independent academic institutions, both in Turkey and abroad. The Orient-Institut [...]

The Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic (SKIP in Czech) is a voluntary, special and professional organization of librarians and information professionals which has a character of a civic association. The mission of SKIP is an effort to constantly improve the standards of library and information services and in that manner to increase the [...]

The website of Forthnet contains link lists to universities, libraries, education portals, private schools etc. of Greece. Furthermore, there are links to similar websites.

The site gives (among others) an overview about history and actors in slovenian science. An extended list links universities, public research institutions, libraries etc. to the page. There is also available a chapter on education (

This is the state agency Latvian Academic Library (LAL), which is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, a research institution, universal research library, cultural and knowledge centre that collects, preserves, systematizes and provides public access to printed matter, manuscripts, electronic publications and other types of documents. [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The National Digital Library (Dibrary) is organized by the Korean National Library. The digital library offers not only its own information but also information from various university libraries and organizations around the world through open access. The adresses of providers are also listed.

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The National Library of Korea, the nation's largest library, has a collection of over 7 million volumes. As a library representing Korea, the National Library of Korea collects all the books and documents produced in Korea to fulfill the first and foremost mission of preserving national publications.

The documentation and research centre Pestalozzi Yverdon was created in 1977. Among its objectives are the promotion of the scientific discussion about the life and work of Pestalozzi, especially in French speaking countries. It possesses a library with works about and from Pestalozzi (e.g. all volumes of the critical edition of his works and letters) as well as works about [...]

The Pestalozzianum Research Library is a traditional research library focusing on history of schooling, history of education and related fields. At the same it is the centre of the Pestalozzi Research and cooperates with domestic and foreign institutions. The Pestalozzi Research Library´s missions are: As complete as possible collection and archiving of history of education [...]

France; Francophone Countries
The network of French-speaking digital national libraries (Réseau francophone numériques) provides this document listing national libraries all over the world.

Find-eR is the European Commission union catalogue referencing library collections of a network of libraries. In addition to the Central Library, some 15 smaller specialised libraries and documentation centres participate in this co-operation network. Find-eR covers the EU's official publications and documents of most intergovernmental organizations, commercial, academic and [...]

The Commission's central library was established in 1958 when the EU institutions were founded. Its collections provide both a historical and contemporary vision of European integration. This site aims to provide all the information you need to visit the library and cosult its collections. The library catalogue ECLAS, is continually being improved.

The web directory links to the Central School (founded by the British), a French school and the Vanuatu Library Association.

The ILO (International Labour Organization) Library in Geneva is the world's leading library on the world of work. It serves as a knowledge base of key information on work issues, sustainable livelihoods, and the work-related aspects of economic and social development, technological change and human rights. The ILO Library is the core repository of ILO publications produced [...]

The Royal Library is both national library of Denmark and university library of the University of Kopenhagen. Its collection can be accessed by subject and ressource type.

Africa; Asia; Latin America; Middle East
The four regional libraries of the GIGA Information Centre collect literature on economic, political and social developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Besides library catalogues the service comprises online bibliographies and internet resources. GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies emerged from the German Overseas Institute (founded in [...]

United Kingdom
The EPPI-Centre is dedicated to making reliable research findings about health, education and welfare accessible to the people who need them, whether they are making policy, practice, or personal decisions. The Evidence Library contains summaries and full reports of all of the EPPI- Centre's systematic reviews. EPPI also offers courses on systematic research synthesis.

A taxonomy is a system for classification. The Taxonomy Warehouse - created in 2001 and available free to users - provides for a variety of areas, including education, more than 660 taxonomies, classified by 73 subject domains. This page offers an overview on the leading education thesauri and their producers.

The Textbook Research and Information Centre in Vilnius was established in 1998 in Kooperation with the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig and financed by the Robert Bosch Foundation until 2000. On the homepage the main tasks of the VTIC are summarized focusing on the collection of textbooks and an analysis of problems with regard to the [...]

SourceOECD provides online access to all OECD publications - in particular those in the field of education - issued from January 1998. It comprises about 2,000 monographs, 30 databases and more than 20 periodicals. SourceOECD offers access to full-text publications in pdf format. It is also possible to access the OECD statistical databases and build one's own data tables and [...]

Russian Federation
The homepage structured in detail contains a collection of references arranged according to categories. Behind each of these categories a numeral indicates the number of available links. The variety of topics includes among others: distance education, history of education, educational legislation, teaching subjects, vocational guidance, educational institutions, education [...]

Russian Federation
The "Teachers' Newspaper" has a long tradition which began in the Soviet Union and has been continued in the Russian Federation. The print version has been edited since 1924, the online version has been available since 1995. The website of the weekly newspaper deals with a wide range of school topics: national school, school library, class management, experiments, health, [...]

Central Europe
This homepage provides an introduction to the 10 components of the EU-Project INTERREG IIIA Education Quality (EdQ). It comprises amongst others a Model of Basic Competencies, an Online-Library, and a Romance Language Network. The project contributes to educational co-operation in the Central European region. It aims to resume the successful work of the Central European [...]

The Australian School Library Association (ASLA) is a federation of state and territory associations. Its website offers information on ASLA, its publications, professional development and research.

"The UNESCO Library provides reference and information services, including online searches, to the organization as a whole, as well as to the general public with an interest in UNESCO's fields of competence." The collections comprise library and archive services, UNESCO publications, periodicals and documentation resources.

This web site of the Maltese government offers access to pages of following institutions: National Library of Malta, Malta Public Libraries, Gozo Public Libraries and National Archives of Malta. Besides, there are links to different pages of catalogues (particularly the Malta Public Libraries Online Catalogue), publications and to information on opening hours.

This site of the homepage of the Maltese government contains links to many pages that include lists of schools, the Exams Department, libraries and how to apply for a scholarship. The General section includes enrolment for evening classes, students' maintenance grants, resources for children and links to related publications.

The education and school service for development policy and global learning BAOBAB has the following schedule: documentation, selling and distributing of materials and media for development political education, specialist counselling, measures in training and continuing education (seminars and workshops), networking of initiatives in development political education, [...]

The National Educational Library and Museum (NELM) is the information centre for educational science, public education and the history of education. It collects documents of the special literature of educational science and presents its material remains. It publishes also special bibliographies and data bases in that fields. Finally it is a methodical and coordinating centre [...]

The author of this full text underlines the significant role of education, libraries and information services in the Central Asian region. She refers to the civil war and the social transformations in the 1990s in Tajikistan and outlines the development of the education system and the libraries.

"The National Library Service was established in 1985 to coordinate the network of libraries in Barbados and plan and develop the lending, reference and technical services in the Public Library Service. The Library Service also coordinates the school and government libraries, and is responsible for preserving government documents and newspapers on microfilm."

The homepage of the National Library of Colombia offers links to texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online. Also, there is reference to collections as well as a directory of all public libraries according to the departments.

The homepage of the National Library of Mexico offers links with texts about its objectives, structure and services as well as to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online. It refers to information on collections, exhibitions and other cultural events.

This website about the National Library of Guatemala presents texts about its objectives, structure and services. There is neither a homepage nor access to online catalogues or databases at present (December 2011).

The homepage of the National Library of Venezuela offers links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online. Besides there is reference to expositions and collections as well as other cultural events.

The homepage of the National Library of Panama offers links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases, services and catalogues which are searchable online.

The homepage of the Brazilian National Library has links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online.

The homepage of the Argentinian National Library has links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online. It provides a link list of national libraries woldwide, information on librarian formation as well as cultural events.

The portal of the Peruvian scientific net Red Científica Peruana provides a comprehensive link list of Peruvian and Latin American internet content. One of these links at the homepage refers to "educación" and offers a link list of schools (Colegios), universities, academies and institutes of further education, arranged according to the provinces in Peru. Links to libraries, [...]

INRULED is a professional resource centre and commits itself to promoting international research and development of methods and techniques of rural education. It awards fellowhip grants and various training-workshops, regional meetings of chosen topics related to rural education and rural development are provided. The homepage gives access to information about these [...]

Latin America
This portal for university graduates provides access to various information which could be important for these persons: link lists of institutions, departments and institutes, lists of libraries and research institutions, advice for internet facilities and international contacts etc.

The National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) is the successor of the former CEDE (Centro Europeo dell´ Educazione) and has been established in 1999. Its considerably increased tasks as an "agency supporting the autonomy of schools" are as follows: 1. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system as a whole and in detail - [...]

The services of this Centre are information, documentation and publication in the field of special education. An information centre, a library, an information bulletin and other special publications are provided. The web site presents information about the services and has a search form for a search with costs in the databases of the Centre.

The Institute is the central research and teaching facility for special education in Japan. It has the following aims: To undertake applied researches in the field of special education to analyse teaching methodology. To provide professional and technical in-service training for teachers of special education. To disseminate research findings and to promote collaborative [...]

Trinidad and Tobago
The web site contains links to several educational institutions and ministries in Trinidad and Tobago. The navigation bar at the left of the page enables access to the web site of the National Library.

PREGINET is a nationwide broadband network that links academic, research, and government institutions in the Philippines. It interconnects institutions for research and education activities and spearheads the development of applications on areas such as distance education and others. PREGINET facilitates interchange of research information, research and training, [...]

United Arab Emirates; Bahrain; Kuwait; Saudi Arabia; Oman; Qatar
The Gulf Arab States Educational Research Center was founded in 1977 and has taken up work at its headquarters in Kuwait in 1979. GASERC participates in developing the educational process in the Member States by ensuring the adequacy, the updating and the integration of that process to make it an effective factor in developing the human resources and supporting the social and [...]

Central Europe; Eastern Europe an online archive which provides worldwide access to articles, scholarly journals, electronic books and re-digitized documents pertaining to European - in particular Central and Eastern European - topics. There is a facility for online searches in the central database.

The web site provides information about mission, collections, catalogue (also on-line) and services for customers and publishers.

The Association is an independent Europan non-governmental and non-profit organisation whose purpose is: to promote Europan cooperation within library and information education and research and to provide a body through which it can be represented in matters of European interest. This website provides links regarding the following issues: mission, membership, directory, events [...]

Unfortunately, the web site of this "School Council" doesn't provide any description of its tasks. The links on the homepage give access to texts about the organizational structure of the Council and its legal bases (which obviously define the Council's participation in the formulation of education policy in the country). The link "informes" provides annual reports of the [...]

This web site provides comprehensive information about the network of French university libraries, their activities, organization and services. For example, there are links to texts about user education, dissemination of doctoral theses, cataloguing and digitalization, documentation systems, publications and data bases and information for the library professionals.

The ETH-Bibliothek is on the one side the central library of the academic libraries in Switzerland and on the other side it takes the function as the Swiss Center for information on science and technology.

The Comenius State Library of Education is a scientific public library focusing on education and schooling. It provides services to scientists and professionals working in the education system, to university teachers and students studying at faculties of education or social-science faculties. The SPKK established in 1919 offers on its website access to several databases, [...]

The Institute for Information on Education is subordinated to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. IIE has provided a number of important services for the Czech education and training system, such as: statistical service; statistical and record-keeping service; information and library service; research and analytical service. - The homepage offers links to [...]

The Center was founded by the General Directorate of Educational Technologies, Ministry of Education Turkey to provide access to information sources in different formats and user services for the researchers in the field of education. The Center's collection includes monographs, videotapes, filmstrips, presentations, audiotapes, CDs- DVDs-VCDs, posters and photos. Search in a [...]

Special attention is being paid to the acquisition of material charting political developments during the time of transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Links to internet resources, South-East European studies, material on Kosova, newspaper library.

The Institute is a linguistic research institute of the Finnish State. Finnish, Swedish, the Saami languages, Romani and the Finnish sign language are studied here. Extensive library and comprehensive linguistic archives. Databases only to be researched in Finnish language.

The Institute of Migration was founded in 1974, and has its headquarters in Turku. Main tasks are documentation of research material relating to international and internal migration; to carry out migration research, and to develop co-operation between the universities and special organizations related to migration, both within Finland and abroad. Online search in Finnish in [...]

LAI, founded in 1928, is the professional body representing libraries and those engaged in librarianship and information management in Ireland. Online directory, bibliographys, annual reports and policy statements to download or HTML-files.

CTYI works with young people of exceptional academic ability. Such students have been acknowledged by the Irish Department of Education as having "special educational needs". Information on talent search, programmes, activities and research.

This website provides links to the following areas: institutions from various scientific domains, secondary schools, vocational schools, higher education institutions and technical universities, scientific institutes and libraries.

Age Action Ireland is a network of organisations and individuals concerned with ageing and older people. Activities include an information service and library, career support and training, Life-long learning through the university of the third age, pilot projects, seminars, research and championing the rights of older people. Publications can be ordered free of charge.

ENFO is a public service which provides easy access to wide-ranging and authoritative information on the environment, incl. sustainable development. It was established in 1990 by the Department of the Environment and Local Government. Library database and special information for schools and teachers. Online publications on single environmental issues.

CDU was established in 1972 by Trinity College, Dublin, the Department of Education and the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee. The CDU is a curriculum research and development institute, which over the years has initiated a variety of activities in areas such as alternative courses at junior cycle, vocational preparation courses at senior cycle . Programmes of [...]

Iceland; Northern Europe
The Nordic House is a Nordic cultural center whose main goal is to serve as a link between Iceland and the other Nordic countries. The library is an essential part of the Nordic house. It features a collection of some 30,000 Nordic books, in the original language.

NBI is an information centre and document archive for literature for children and young people. It is also a specialist library. As of 2002 NBI' s collection numbers 58.000 volumes. The collection is computerized. From the database book lists are being compiled which will be available on request. Much of the collection is available for loan. Broad range of links to related [...]

United States of America (USA)
Search can be carried out by name, city, state, zip-code for public and private schools, colleges and public libraries. Over a link to the school general information is available (school type, adress, teacher/ student, enrollments...). Additional information via further links.

In January 2013 The Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille, TPB, changed its name to Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, MTM. MTM is a government body that, in collaboration with local libraries, provides access to printed materials for people with print disability.

Webportal with a broad range of links to organisations, institutes and networks in the cultural sector in Iceland (libraries, archives, museums.. .).

Norway; Iceland; Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
NOSP contains references to serials available in Nordic and Baltic libraries. Article copies may be requested from the holding libraries via the online ordering service. NOSP covers all subject areas. The main emphasis is, however, on natural science, medicine and social science. NOSP has been existing since 1977 and is based on a co-operation between national union [...]

This site is a link list of important websites for the purpose of procuring of information (libraries, information centres, education servers etc.) für education and instruction. The focus is on vocational and secondary education. Meanwhile, the WWW provides a wealth of institutions and information abouth this branch of knowledge. Here, one finds a variety of international, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of ALISE is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education. On the website information on aims, membership and conferences. Access to ' JELIS', a quarterly (only against subscription); to the ALISE statistical report; to the 'KALIPER' report ('Educating Library and Information Science Professionals for a [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
BELB is charged under the Northern Ireland Education and Libraries Order to secure the provision of facilities for youth services. On the website there are a database of schools, a course database for schools and databases with information on primary, secondary, special education, nursery, curriculum, youth clubs and events available. Search for libraries in Northern Ireland [...]

Allianssi is an umbrella organisation for Finnish youth organisations offering educational services to local youth workers and organisations. It runs a Youth Policy Library (the collection contains some 13 000 publications and 200 volumes of journals and reviews) and maintains a Youth Info House (web service). Allianssi publishes the youth research magazine [...]

Väestöliitto is a non-governmental organisation working for the welfare of families. It was founded in 1941 and has 25 member organisations. The main objective is to produce services and do research for the private and public sector. The federation co-operates with various international organisations. On the homepage access to information on departments, education, [...]

The Australian National Library's database of Australian electronic journals. Search of the AJOL database by entering title, keywords or subjects. Access to more than 2000 resources. Established in 2001.

ALG is a free one-stop-shop for information on more than 5,400 Australian libraries, their collections and services. The Gateway has been developed on behalf of the Australian library community by the National Library of Australia and received initial funding as part of Australia's Cultural Network (ACN). On the website, guides to information retrieval with a special page for [...]

ALIA is the professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector. On the website, information on and access to its publications ( e. g. ALJ Australian Library Journal, newsletters, periodicals, slide-shows, carrier development kit...) can be obtained as well as listings of library and information sector activities. Link lists to Australian [...]

Via the online catalogue access to books and periodicals, photos, drawings, prints and manuscript (a Java enabled browser is necessary to access the catalogues). Available are also various collections and further services for research. Access to the national photographic archive and links to libraries and Irish librarian societies.

The KDC forms part of the Catholic University Nijmegen. Its objectives are to collect and make accessible documentation on catholic life in the Netherlands and to promote research and publications about historical and present developments in Dutch Catholicism. On the website on-line search over the Online Public Access Catalogue. Accessible are bibliographies of individuals, [...]

The education section of the national archive contains information intended for students and teachers in Dutch secondary education. From relevant links to teaching packages, essay topics and guided tours ( Dutch history).

SLASA informs about activities at South Australian school libraries and provides information on the profession of teacher librarians as well as further education offers, teaching material, internet ideas and a job database for them. Link to the RCTA (Resource Centre Teachers' Association) advocating the role of teacher librarians and to SASLA the South Australian Library [...]

The State Library of South Australia provides a broad range of collections also with web access (e.g. childrens literature research collection, family history service...) and catalogues. Search can be carried out online supported by research information . Special requests can also be initiated via an online form and will be answered within 5-10 days. Further online services [...]

DPU is the main library of The Danish University of Education and also the main national collection in the fields of education, educational systems, educational psychology, the psychology of children and adolescents and children's literature. The library is open to the public. The website is kept mainly in Danish language. The English pages provide a user guide of the [...]

Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEFF) is an organisational and technological partnership between research libraries co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. DEFF's purpose is to advance the development of a network of electronic research libraries that make available their electronic and [...]

The National Library of Australia (NLA) provides a broad range of information on Australian libraries in general and the NLA itself. Different pathways to information are presented: Link and user guide to the catalogue (access in standard, html or telnet version) and access to collections, indexes and databases, Australian Government Information and special listings of web [...]

United States of America (USA)
DSC is a non-profit organization and has developed programs and research to foster children's intellectual, social, and ethical development. Wellknown for its comprehensive school change program developed in the 1980's (Child Development Project CDP). On the website Links to furhter projects, in- and after school programs & materials, and materials for educators. Further [...]

NTNU is a centre for technological education and research in Norway, with a solid foundation in the natural sciences. This tradition is interwoven with broadly based expertise in the classical university disciplines. Acces to the NTNU Library, the oldest academic library in Norway (its origin can be traced back to 1768) and to the journal "GEMINI" - research news. Further [...]

Overview presented at the 71th IFLA conference 2005 in Oslo.

Russian Federation
This website of the Russian Internet-Portal "5ballov" (Note Sehr gut) offers educational information on the following categories: lectures, tests, education in Russia, education abroad, higher education institutions in the Russian Federation as well as education and law. Besides it provides latest news on educational developments in the country. Numerous links and search [...]

The Network produces a book of ideas and activities based on the Book Week theme and Children's Book Council fo Australia shortlisted titles. The homepage links to information about the Children' s Book Council of Australia and annual Children's Book Weeks and their websites (since 1999). Comprehensive linklists and offer of publications.

The National Library of Sweden has been collecting everything printed in Sweden or in Swedish since 1661. The National Library is also a humanities research library that purchases scholarly literature in several languages. The National Library administers and develops LIBRIS, the national library catalogue system. On the website you can search four different catalogues.

United States of America (USA)
As of 10.01.2018, no link could be found to the homepage of the US National Library of Education apart from the catalog link. Unfortunately, the catalog website doesnt't provide any background information.

This portal provides links to electronic resources from and about Australia, which were selected by Library of Congress staff. The links are organised according to various fields of interest, as for example education or libraries and archives.

HEAnet is the name given to the Internet portal providing a collection of networking services and facilities which support the communication requirements of the Irish education and research community (including the Universities and Institutes of Technology). The website provides access to the National Information Server. A number of major dataset services for the education and [...]

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Spain, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education" which is rather comprehensive.

The homepage describes the educational system of Croatioa and has lists and links to the academic or scientific institutions located in the indicated cities. Links to the universities are shown separately.

Argentina is the Argentinian education server which provides information about school and higher education and offers a digital library covering all disciplines (including education). Various ways of interactive participating communication are accessible, too.

The web site is an annotated link list of: libraries and educational centres, foundations supporting education, universities (2 entries), educational and university programs, educational materials.

The link list is arranged into the following groups: academies, associations, libraries, academic centres, secondary schools, pre- school institutions, institutes and university institutes, portals, graduations, educational projects, resources, universities and their subdivisions.

An overview is presented about the education system and policy in Uzbekistan. Additionally, there are links to addresses of libraries ( with short text descriptions), universities and education abroad.

Online catalogue of the library of the Spanish Education Ministry; a simple bibliographical search tool is offered. With "materias" one can entry content index words

This is an annotated link list of national or regional online databanks resp. bibliographies and library OPACs world wide, arranged alphabetically.

This national institution enables about 70,000 adults per year to complement their vocational qualification in 7 occupational areas on an university level. Additionally, eight comprehensive research fields are operated; the third basis of CNAM is a museum and a scientific - technological library. The homepage presents a full text with integrated links containing all relevant [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
The homepage provides access to the Ibero-American information and documentation service institutions in the education area via indexes of countries, the names of libraries and information centres, subjects and databases.

The homepage of the Peruvian National Library has links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online.

Nearly all of the links are classified as "possible unreachable"; our sample test proved that this is partly true.

Nearly all of the links in the list are classified as "possible unreachable"; our random test did not confirm this.

This URL provides access to information about all issues concerning the services of French university libraries, including documentary services and access to the servers and catalogues of the libraries, publications, related organizations and vocational education of library and documentation personnel.

Latin America
Founded in 1967, the network CLACSO now counts more than 580 participating institutes, centres and associations in more than 45 countries doing social science research on and in Latin America. Among the members and research subjects, you will also find educational ones. CLACSO moreover runs a network of virtual libraries and repositories with an overall search over more than [...]

This site of Cunningham Library of the Australian Council for Educational Research provides access to several databases, such as EdResearch Online, the Education Researchers database, or the Education Thesaurus as well as links to other international databases. Further databases are available to subscribers.

The Institute of Information Science (IZUM) is an information infrastructural service for Slovenian science, culture and education. The activities of IZUM are mainly engaged in the development and operation of the COBISS system and services (co-operative online bibliographic system and services), which represents the root of the library information system in Slovenia (over 230 [...]

The site of the Cambodian branch of the University Agency of the Francophony offers links around the topic of studying in French in Cambodia: a political action plan aiming at the promotion of the French language, French language courses for university students, links to universities and other institutions of higher education, scholarships, online ressources and a labour board [...]

The website offers a link list of higher education institutions in Colombia and some further education links.

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The institution is the information and documentation centre of OEI (see there), responsible for educational documentation in the Ibero-American countries. The website provides access to all information services: searching in the CREDI databases, selective dissemination of information, catalogue of new acquisitions of journals and monographs in the CREDI library, indexes of [...]

The Algerian National Centre for Documentation on Education introduces itself on this homepage. It provides information on its tasks and objectives, on the institution's structure, its publications and the contact persons. The full texts of the bimonthly periodical of the CNDP are accessible and contain news from the ministry and articles on educational practice. The stocks [...]

The web-site provides information about study courses, continuing education, research and library services of this college for library and information sciences. An electronic journal "Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France" is accessible.

Information about the entire public education sector in the country Salzburg, institutions of adult education, libraries, instruction, further programs and addresses of schools.

Russian Federation
The Library is the repository of pedagogical literature, information and bibliographical centre for the libraries of educational institutions, initial professional and in-service teacher education. Scientific-research activity of the Library is the component of the researchers of Russian Academy of Education. The Library has the constant contact with the scientists, [...]

This portal decribes itself as the starting site to Austrian institutions in the fields of science, research, education, art and culture and other useful links to information resources in Austria. E.g. it provides a list of Austrian higher education institutions, learned societies, libraries, associations and other institutions in the academic world. This site offers direct [...]

The page of the Aranne Central Education Library (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) provides access to: Internet Resources, Education Databases, Educational Organizations in Israel and abroad.

The national Brazilian Institute for Educational Research is in charge of the Brazilian PISA-Study. Its website provides a) a virtual library of education, b) an overview of education statistics including financing of education, c) the information centre and the library for education, d) the national exams for secondary level, e) socio- economic and educational indicators, [...]

This homepage of the University Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo refers to the history of the university, the rectorate of the single faculties with the study courses and programmes offered, to the teaching staff and the students, to legal regulations and to the annual report. Besides information is provided on the student association, the Centre for African Students and the library [...]

United States of America (USA); international
"Over a period of several years, the Archive will acquire, process, document, and disseminate data collected by national, state or provincial, local, and private organizations, pertaining to all levels of education in countries for which data can be made available. Data will encompass the "inputs" to education (funding, personnel, teaching resources, facilities, teacher and [...]

China, People's Republic of
Homepage of the Tsinghua University library. It offers numerous links to bibliographic services inside and outside of Tsinghua University library. The web pages of the subsequent levels are mainly in Chinese language.

BIBSYS is a shared library system for all Norwegian University Libraries, the National Library and a number of research libraries. The BIBSYS database contains information about books, series, journals etc. that is held by these libraries (more than 6 million copies).

Latin America
The Latin American Institute for Educational Communication was established in 1956. It is a regional institution for the respective Unesco Member States. The institute is expected to render a contribution towards an improvement of education by applying the new information and communication technologies. On the website the user can find links to the school net, to educational [...]

The Ministry provides leadership and direction to the early learning and child care, Kindergarten through Grade 12 education, literacy, and library sectors. The Ministry supports the sectors through funding, governance, and accountability, with a focus on improving student achievement.

The ministry is responsible for the following sectors: Education, childcare and early education, compulsory education, higher education, university, vocational education and training institutions, life-long learning, examinations, employment and training, public broadcasting services, libraries, national archives, social policy, family policy, child policy, social security, [...]

The Institute for Work and Vocational Guidance is a branch of the CNAM. Its missions are: 1) initial and continuing education of ( vocational) guidance personnel, 2) research in the area of the psychological foundations of vocational guidance (done in an institute at the university Paris V) and 3) operating an information centre with library and test- library. Furthermore the [...]

New Zealand
Besides its catalogues and databases the library offers school curriculum resources and information on school library development.

New Zealand
The New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) offers educational research, publications and seminars in New Zealand. NZCER's current mission is to support educators through research, resources, and information. The web site contains information about: research programmes; advisory, library and information services; pedagogical and psychological test advisory [...]

The purpose of this page is to provide all teacher-librarians, library technicians and library assistants in schools across Canada with a site that will provide instant access to a wealth of pertinent information related to the provision of quality school library programs and service in Canada. There are links to the journal SLIC (School Libraries in Canada) and SLIP/PiBs [...]

ABES is a public national institution under the tutelage of the French Education Ministry. Founded in 1995, its mission is to operate a university documentation system as information network of the French university libraries ("Système universitaire de documentation SU"). ABES records and locates the resources of the French university libraries and gives access to them via [...]

La Documentation francaise is a central service administrative direction of the Prime Minister with the function to inform citizens, public administration and professionals about "basic and actual problems interesting France and the world", i.e. political. economic and social actualities. The homepage shows the three fields of action: 1) documentation: collecting documentary [...]

Dublin City University web pages provide information on its organization, faculties and centres, programmes of study, research activities, conferences, library, personal and general service. It offers a collection of links to other universities in Ireland.

United Kingdom
"COPAC is a new national Online Public Access Catalogue, providing unified access to the online catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland".

This homepage informs on the past and present of the Warsaw University. It provides information on activities in the field of international co-operation, particularly within the framework of the educational programmes SOCRATES and LEONARDO. A variety of links lead to governmental institutions; universities of the country and the Polish Academy of Sciences. The link "libraries" [...]

This is the website of the joint Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. The homepage has links to texts about mission and working fields of the Ministry: education (also one text about the education system), research, culture, copyright, youth, sports, church affairs and libraries. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The homepage of the University Library of Gerona provides access to its catalogues and to those of other Catalonian libraries and their catalogues, e.g. of all Catalonian university libraries and other resources for students and researchers.

The National Library of Portugal provides the database PORBASE online, i.e.the national bibliography of Portugal. Additionally, there are links to international co-operation partners (see German abstract).

The European Library is now in Europeana. Europeana works with thousands of European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research. Europeana provides access to millions of books, music, artworks and more – with sophisticated search and filter tools to help you find what you’re looking for.

The National Documentation Centre (NDC) constitutes the national provider of digital information services on Research & Technology. Establishedin 1980, NDC is a national infrastructure within the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology. The wide range of information sources, the expertised staff, along with [...]

The Centre is the documentation and information centre of the Institute of Educational Innovation. It collects and disseminates educational resources. These materials (monographs, journals, videos, software, slides, cassettes, CDs and CD-ROMs) are searchable through the bibliographical database EDUCbase.

United Kingdom
The British Library receives a copy of every publication produced in the UK and Ireland. The collection includes well over 150 million items, in most known languages - 3 million new items are added every year. The BL has manuscripts, maps, newspapers, magazines, prints and drawings, music scores, and patents. Its Sound Archive keeps sound recordings from 19th-century cylinders [...]

United Kingdom
"A centre of international excellence, for the teaching research and development of technology in the service of student learning. We work in collaboration with Open University Faculty and Regional Colleagues. For Practitioners worldwide we offer: Professional development in educational technology, Postgraduate qualifications in open & distance education, International centre [...]

In the Swiss National Library you will find everything about Switzerland; everything which is published in the country or written by Swiss authors. Every publication, from Swiss daily newspapers to novels, from documentaries and yearbooks to official publications and geographical maps. In our two most important special collections, the Prints and Drawings Department and the [...]

Homepage of the National Library for Pedagogy. It is to be regarded as the main website for information on the entire Italian education system. It contains numerous references.

The Royal School of Library and Information Science (with locations in Kopenhagen and Aalborg) is an educational and research institution responsible to the Danish Ministry of Cultural Affairs for education, research and development to the highest level in the field of library and information science (LIS).- From the clearly structured homepage links provide access to: General [...]

The National Library of the Netherlands on this homepage offers information about its tasks, its collections and special catalogues. Online search in the catalogues is provided.

Canopé, formerly "Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique (CNDP)", is the national French information and documentation network for teachers to help them with their daily classroom practice. The website provides mainly (official) texts about various practical issues in the 3 school levels, information about teaching aids and material, products and catalogues of [...]

This homepage offers an opportunity to reach more than 16.800 libraries world-wide by means of a powerful search engine. Users have to insert a keyword or part of the name of the respective library for getting access. With the entry "Spain" 20 links to Spanish libraries are provided, including pedagogical ones.

United Kingdom
"The Institute is the largest institution in the United Kingdom devoted to the study of education and related areas...The Institute of Education' s mission is to pursue excellence in education by engaging in: research and scholarship of national and international significance, which builds on the Institute's strong research base; high quality, innovative postgraduate and [...]

United Kingdom
"We provide a rapid and comprehensive document delivery and interlibrary loan service to researchers and scholars in all kinds of libraries and organisations".

The largest research library in Ireland. Library contains e.g. a bookstock of 4. 25 million volumes. The Online Catalogue indexes more than two-thirds of the Library's collections. It includes all books received since 1963, all periodical titles and many special collections.

United Kingdom
"Currently there are over 140 libraries and information services listed, including those of universities, university colleges, and institutes and colleges of higher education".

United States of America (USA)
The Department of Education provides overall information on the national educational system with many links to governmental or supported institutions which work in the different applied or research fields.

This list of links offers access to the public archives and libraries in the ten autonomous regions of Spain.

The homepage of the National University of Distance Education ( UNED) offers among other things information on the organization and structure as well as on the aims and activities of this educational institution. The user can find links to about 40 associated centres of this Open University in Spain. The UNED also operates a net of external centres in different parts of the [...]

The website of this cooperative online-catalogue provides links to the OPACs of the scientific libraries in Austria, grouped according to the Federal States. Especially the catalogues of the educational academies in each State are shown. There is also an catalogue with literature concerning "education and culture" which is integrated in the cooperative catalogue since March [...]

The homepage of the National Library offers information on catalogues, consultation rooms, the Spanish Focal Point, international cooperation, services, publications and resources of bibliographic interest. Besides there is reference to expositions and collections.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain is responsible for all areas and levels of education in the country. There is an organizational chart of the Ministry on the website. According to the different responsibilities of this governmental institution links to educational institutions in the field of vocational training and adult education are available as well [...]

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