History of education at Education Systems International
Keyword from Index: history of education
key words found 1 - 105 of 105
1 - Education xxvii. in Afghanistan - Encyclopædia Iranica
This article gives an overview of the history of education in Afghanistan. It covers the period from the end of the 19th century to the end of the 1990s.
2 - Det utbildningshistoriska nätverket (Netzwerk für Bildungsgeschichte)
The Education History Network in Sweden aims to facilitate cooperation between representatives of various academic disciplines. The purpose of the website is to provide an overview of Swedish and Nordic educational history research. Contents include educational history conferences, vacancies, projects and publications. The offer is supplemented by thematic pages, which present [...]
Where are the Children? Healing the Legacy of the Residential Schools
Between 1831 and 1996, residential schools operated in Canada through arrangements between the Government of Canada and the church. One common objective defined this period — the assimilation of Aboriginal children. This site is a counterpart to Where are the Children? Healing the Legacy of the Residential Schools, a touring exhibition that explores the history and legacy of [...]
History of Education Switzerland - Knowledge portal on the history of schooling and education
The History of Education knowledge portal enables researchers, students, teachers and interested members of the public to carry out discipline-specific and multilingual research on sources and data relating to the history of education research in Switzerland. Various digital sources on the history of education are accessible through a search mask. This site offers an easy way [...]
5 - Von der Krippe zum Abitur: Chancen und Widersprüche im französischen Bildungssystem
The German Federal Agency for Civic Education provides country dossiers that also contain a section on the educational system of the respective country. The article is only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
6 - Bildungsgeschichte Schweiz: Arbeitsgruppe Historische Bildungsforschung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung
The working group Historical Educational Research belongs to the Swiss Society for Educational Research (SGBF / SSRE). The aims of the working group are to foster historical research on national as well as international level, and to promote results to a broad public. The website offers information on research, publications and events.
7 - Wainerman, Catalina; Di Virgilio, María Mercedes, 2010: El quehacer de la investigación en educación
Argentina; Latin America; Brazil
The book "El quehacer de la investigación en educación" (~ The work of research in education) deals with the research objects, the research methods as well as future developments in the field of educational research in Argentina. In some chapters, comparisons are drawn to Latin America as a whole or to single countries (e.g. Brazil). You can find some more information about [...]
8 - Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educacion (IRICE)
The Institute for Research in Education IRICE was founded in 1977 and is under the control of the Argentinian "National Council for Scientific and Technical Research" CONICET as well as of the University of Rosario (UNR). The website provides very ample information on the research done at the institute which comprises, among others, the research on teaching, the functioning of [...]
9 - Sociedad Argentina de Historia de la Educación (SAHE)
Facebook account of the Argentinian Society for the History of Education, SAHE. It provides information on events and current topics. SAHE publishes the journal "Historia de la Educación. Anuario", containing the freely accessible fulltext of articles starting with Vol 13, No 1 (2012). SAHE also published a Newsletter whose last issue is of June 2014. The original website of [...]
10 - Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education (ASPENSI)
ASPENSI is an Indonesian Association of scholars of history education. The pages "about us" and "journals" are in English and inform you on the creation and the aims of ASPENSI as well as on the four journals published by ASPENSI (most of the articles are open access). The journals don't focus exclusively on history education but look at education in a broad sense. The news [...]
11 - Education System in Indonesia (Indonesian Embassy in London)
The Indonesian Embassy in London, UK, provides a good overview on the Indonesian education system, its history and related educational policy - includng a graph on educational levels. In the left hand menu bar you will furthermore find two sites on Indonesian universities and research institutes. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
12 - La réforme du collège unique / Projet de réforme Vallaud-Belkacem (Wikipedia.fr)
Two chapters in the French Wikipedia article on the "Collège de France" that show the development of the Collège since the 1950s in France: La réforme du collège unique (The Reform of the Single Lower Secondary School), Projet de réforme Vallaud-Belkacem (Reform Project Vallaud-Belkacem). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
13 - A prática da pesquisa em educação no Brasil: uma trajetória em questão (2012)
The author of this text, Natália Regina de Almeida, provides a good short overview over the history of educational research in Brazil until 2012. De Almeida is herself researcher in education at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
14 - Faculdade de Educação - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Website of the Faculty for Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The website provides ample information on teaching and research of the faculty. Furthermore, you have free access to their e-journal “Contemporânea de Educação”. The faculty has the following departments and hence also foci:
* [...]
15 - Faculdade de Educação (FACED) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Website of the Faculty for Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The website provides ample information on teaching and research of the faculty. Furthermore, you have free access to their e-journal “Educação & Realidade”. The faculty has the following departments and hence also foci:
* DEBAS - Departamento de Estudos Básicos (Aprendizagem [...]
16 - Faculdade de Educação (FE) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)
Website of the Faculty for Education of the University of Campinas, Brazil. The website provides ample information on teaching and research of the faculty. Furthermore, you have free access to a number of e-journals published by the Faculty (see the table under "Journals" or the Faculty's journal list). The faculty has the following departments and hence also foci:
* DECISE [...]
17 - School of Education - University College Dublin
international; Ireland
The School of Education was founded in 1909. Amongst others, it has a focus on gender and education. Furthermore, people are working on areas as diverse as the sociology of childhood, psychology, gender & education, the history of education, education & disadvantage, curriculum design & development, children's literature, teachers and teaching, philosophy of education, [...]
18 - Italien (Bildungssystem - Abstract eines Referats)
This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). The organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]
19 - The History of Education in England
United Kingdom
Education in England aims to provide students, teachers, lecturers and researchers with information and original source material relating to the development of England´s school system. It contains the full texts of more than 200 important documents, including Reports, Official Papers and Acts of Parliament. The site is divided into three main sections: 1) History: tells the [...]
Research and documentation centre of South Tyrol´s educational history
The research and documentation centre of South Tyrol´s educational history was initiated by Prof. Helmwart Hierdeis in 2007. It is part of the Department of Educational Science at the University of Bolzano. It focuses on the documentation and research of South Tyrol´s educational history concerning the three language groups within the country. The term education is [...]
21 - Study in Romania
The website informs, in short full texts, about the history of education in Romania as well as about the Romanian education system. Furthermore, a link list to the Romanian universities and descriptions about the Romanian libraries as well as about admission requirements can be found.
22 - Government of Ghana - Official Portal
On Ghana's official governmental website you can find a directory of schools and universities as well as other information and articles on Ghana's education system.
23 - Botswana History Page: Education
Detailed information is given on the educational system of Botswana. The information ranges from the primary and secondary education, over the literacy rate to further links on Botwana´s educational system.
24 - Schulen & Hochschulen im Irak
The website offers basic information about the Iraqi education system based on the British school system. The page gives an overview of general characteristics and indicators of the Iraqi education field. Additionally, it presents a list of the private and public universities and colleges of the country including addresses and degree courses.
Austrian Society for Historical Pedagogic and School History
Founded in 1988 in Klagenfurt, the ÖGHPS sees its tasks in the development of activities all kind which serve the exploration and presentation of educational history as well as being a central assembly point of information about educational history. It publishes a series of "Retrospectives in the matter of education". Also, gymnasial school leaving examination themes and [...]
26 - International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE)
The International Standing Conference for the History of Education has been organized to:
Foster research in the scholarly field of the history of education; facilitate international contact, intellectual exchange, and cooperation between all who work in the field of the history of education; develop an appreciation of the field of the history of education; encourage the [...]
27 - Kasachstan: Bildung
The site is supposed to deliver compact Information on Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The relatively big chapter on Kazakhstan also comprises a subchapter dedicated to the education system of the post-soviet republic.
28 - Soziale Schichtung, Familienerziehung und Schulerfolg in der Sowjetunion
Russian Federation; Moldova, Republic of; Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; Belarus; Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Kyrgyzstan; Kazakhstan; Georgia; Azerbaijan; Ukraine; Armenia
The Publication Server of the University of Tübingen provides this paper about the relation of social inequalities and education in the Soviet Union.
29 - Marxism and Education
Russian Federation; Eastern Europe
The marxist internet archive offers pedagogical texts by marxist authors, among them many that deal with education in the Soviet Union.
Tendencies and values of modern teaching in the works and pedagogic activity of Gh. Asachi, I. Creangă and M. Eminescu
Moldova, Republic of
CNAA is the moldovian central institution for attestation. Hier all university theses are being centrally evaluated and stored. The internet page gives access to abstracts of alle theses in English. The full texts can be downloaded in Romanian.
The present thesis discusses the pedagogic activity of the Romanian classics of the 19th century Gh. Asachi, I. Creangă and M. [...]
31 - IBE Digital Library of National Reports on the Development of Education, 1932-2008
The collection of National Reports has been developed into a digital library, searchable by conference date and country. The National Reports have been presented to the IBE by Ministries of Education at the sessions of the International Conference on Education since 1932. The collection constitutes a unique reservoir of educational information spanning many decades, including [...]
32 - Education in Korea
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This site provides information on the school and administration system, on educational statistics and many publications on education in South Korea. The site is run by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), which is also authorized as the National Center for Educational Statistics since 1997.
[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
33 - Kim-Il-Sung University
Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea)
The website provides information about the history of the Kim-Il-Sung University in Pyongyang.
34 - Centre de documentation et de recherche Pestalozzi d´Yverdon (CDRPY)
The documentation and research centre Pestalozzi Yverdon was created in 1977. Among its objectives are the promotion of the scientific discussion about the life and work of Pestalozzi, especially in French speaking countries. It possesses a library with works about and from Pestalozzi (e.g. all volumes of the critical edition of his works and letters) as well as works about [...]
35 - Fondation Archives Institut J.-J. Rousseau (AIJJR)
The "Institut Jean Jacques Rousseau" in Geneva was founded in 1912 by Edouard Claparède. Attached to the university of Geneva since 1920 it turned into the "Faculté de psychology et des sciences de l´éducation" (FPSE) in 1975. The "Archives Institut J.-J. Rousseau" - founded in 1984 - administers and analyses institute documents and document collections of different [...]
The Jean Piaget Archives
The Jean Piaget Archives are a private foundation by the late Professor Bärbel Inhelder founded in 1974. The Foundation fulfils a function made necessary by the quantitative and qualitative importance of Piaget´s work. Within the University of Geneva, the Foundation collects all the writings of the great psychologist and genetic epistemologist as well as the secondary [...]
37 - Forschungsbibliothek Pestalozzianum
The Pestalozzianum Research Library is a traditional research library focusing on history of schooling, history of education and related fields. At the same it is the centre of the Pestalozzi Research and cooperates with domestic and foreign institutions. The Pestalozzi Research Library´s missions are: As complete as possible collection and archiving of history of education [...]
38 - Gateway to Archives of Scottish Higher Education (GASHE)
Scotland; United Kingdom
The GASHE project, which began in November 1999 and ended in October 2002, was based at the University of Glasgow and funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP). It was designed to open up the outstanding collections of records produced by Higher Education Institutions in Scotland and to make them fully accessible on the web via an integrated gateway.
39 - Japan Handbuch: Bildungswesen
The "Japan Handbuch" offers a extensive introduction to Japan. All fields, from applied geography to culture, are covered. The first 109 pages are assigned to the field of education.
40 - Introduction to Laotian Education
This site gives a historical survey of Laotian education from the early period of temple schools up to the contemporary general education system. Information is given especially on the National University of Laos (NUOL) regarding its development and faculties.
41 - A Myanmar History of Education
The website offers an overview of Myanmar's history of education from the 19th century to the present day. Special emphasis is laid on the historical development of the higher education system and the raise of standards in general education. In recent years a system of open education has been established and regional human resource development centres have been set up.
42 - Dansk Skolemuseum
The Danish School Museum belongs to the Ministry of Education and collects material concerning the history of Danish schools and history of education in Denmark. The museum also has its own research department.
43 - Das Bildungssystem in Ungarn
This full text in pdf-format outlines the reform process of the Hungarian education system according to Western European models with regard to European integration. It is subdivided into ten sections, in which all levels and areas of education are described. The introduction of the text deals with reforms and fundamentals of the education system.
44 - Thai Education System
The education system of Thailand is described briefly according to its history, organizational structure, features of primary curriculum, and the plans of the Thai government concerning educational programmes.
45 - Education in Thailand (Mahidol University)
This site belongs to the Mahidol University's Web Server. It gives a survey of Tai education history and it contains information about modern education and high education in nowadays Thailand.
46 - National Centre for Distance Education (NCDE)
This page informs on the development of Open and Distance Learning ( ODL) in the Czech Republic since the beginning of the nineties in the framework of the PHARE programme supported by the European Commission. The structural units are named which form the basis for the National Network for Distant Education. In addition the four major areas for future activities are listed up.
47 - Main Trends of Environmental Education in Russia http://www.creekfarm.net/partners/ecosystem/us/feduc.htm
Russian Federation
This full text provides an analysis of environmental education in Russian schools during the past 10 years. It identifies at least 5 trends: "school ( theoretical) ecology", "technical (industrial) ecology", "socio-political ecology", "playing ecology", 'field ecology". In the 1930s the naturalistic approach in the USSR was changed into a "socialist" one.
48 - Learning Russian in Moscow: Education System in Russia
Russian Federation
The famous State Moscow Lomonosov University provides on this page a full text about the Russian education system subdivided into the following sections: Compulsory Basic Education, Higher Education, Entry requirements for Russia's universities, Training of Teachers in Russia.
49 - Schkol'nij Mir (Welt der Schule) http://school.holm.ru/
Russian Federation
The homepage structured in detail contains a collection of references arranged according to categories. Behind each of these categories a numeral indicates the number of available links. The variety of topics includes among others: distance education, history of education, educational legislation, teaching subjects, vocational guidance, educational institutions, education [...]
50 - Ucitel'skaja Gazeta (Lehrerzeiung)
Russian Federation
The "Teachers' Newspaper" has a long tradition which began in the Soviet Union and has been continued in the Russian Federation. The print version has been edited since 1924, the online version has been available since 1995. The website of the weekly newspaper deals with a wide range of school topics: national school, school library, class management, experiments, health, [...]
51 - Education in Afghanistan
This website provides a text providing an overview about the development of education in Afghanistan. The existence of two separate education systems in this country is being emphasized: the older religious one, taught by the mullahs, who conduct schools in the village mosques and the free and compulsory public education introduced according to Afghanistan's 1964 constitution.
52 - Gesellschaft für bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung / History of Education Society (HES)
Europe; North America
The History of Education Society publishes bibliographical references, lists of history of education research associations in Europe and North America, and information concerning topical conferences on its web site.
53 - Australia and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES)
Australia; New Zealand
The History of Education Society website offers contact opportunities, research conference information, publication references, and a newsletter as well as links to related sites.
54 - Higher Education in China
China, People's Republic of
Focal point of this list of links compiled by China Internet Information Center is information on the so-called "Project 211", an initiative taken by the Chinese government in its effort to facilitate the development of higher education in the context of the country's advancement in social and economic fields. Some more links lead to full texts on the development of Chinese [...]
55 - Vocational Education in China
China, People's Republic of
This list of links on vocational education and training was compiled by China Internet Information Center as a common concern of educational sector and industry. This page leads to full texts on the following aspects: history of vocational education; training of teaching staff in vocational schools; current developments in the field of vocational and technical education; [...]
56 - Ministry of education - Government of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
The homepage of the Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka provides timely information on the field of education as well as statistical data on the state school system (governmental schools, students, teachers) for the years 2002 and 2003. Moreover clearly structured full texts are provided on the following topics: 1. Historical overview of education in Sri Lanka, 2. Present [...]
57 - Zur Bildungsreform in Polen
This full text describes the stages of the educational reform in Poland since 1989 and explains fundamental aims, content and tasks of the Law on School and Education passed in 1999. Information is provided how these aims are to be realised in practice.
58 - Zhu Xi - ein berühmter Pädagoge aus alter Zeit
China, People's Republic of
This is the biography of the famous Chinese pedagogue, thinker and philosopher Zhu Xi (1130-1200). This contribution is an appreciation of the merits of this great scholar. In 1999 he was determined by international experts to be one of the 50 personalities who have influenced mankind positively in the past 1000 years.
59 - Education in Armenia
This full text offers a historical retrospective and an up-to-date overview on the development of education in Armenia. In particular it describes the reform process with significant decisions with regard to decentalization, language of teaching and structure of the education system. In this context also core problems and deficits in the Armenian school sector are raised.
60 - Gesamtschule in Norwegen
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Norway. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
61 - Gesamtschule in England
England; United Kingdom
This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of England. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.
National Educational Library and Museum
The National Educational Library and Museum (NELM) is the information centre for educational science, public education and the history of education. It collects documents of the special literature of educational science and presents its material remains. It publishes also special bibliographies and data bases in that fields. Finally it is a methodical and coordinating centre [...]
63 - Higher Education in Tanzania: A Case Study
The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Historical background; 2. The process and impact of institutional reform; 3. The ingredients of institutional transformation; 4. Economic, political and education sector transformation; 5. unfinished business.
64 - Higher Education in Mozambique: A Case Study
The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Students: access and equity; 4. Teaching Staff; 5. Relevance, quality and quantity; 6. ICT policies and use; 7. Finance and governance; 8. Conclusions and recommendations.
65 - Higher Education in Uganda: Makerere University in Transition 1993-2003
The case study concentrates particularly on Makerere University and contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Problems of Makerere University in the context of political climate (1970-1990); 4. Change and recovery through institutional reform; 5. Challenges and unfinished business: 6. Recommendations; 7. Conclusion.
66 - South African Higher Education
South Africa, Republic
The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Transforming South African Higher Education, 1990-2003: Goals, Policy Initiatives and Critical Challenges and Issues; 2. Equity and Development in Post-Apartheid South African Higher Education; 3. Strategic Co-operation Scenarios for Post-School Education in the Eastern Cape; 4. Assessing the Eastern Cape Study.
67 - National Education Reform in Indonesia: Milestones and Strategies for the Reform Process
This speech of 2001 is an outline of the educational reform process in Indonesia. It is subdivided into the following sections: 1. Historical background on Indonesian education reform; 2. Contexts of Education Reform; 3. Laws and Policies of the National Education System; 4. Formation of the Committee on Education Reform; 5. Review and Consultation Process; 6. The Strategy of [...]
68 - Bildungssystem Lettlands (Abstract eines Referats)
This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). The organization and levels/areas of the Latvian education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]
69 - Bildungssystem Estlands (Abstract eines Referats)
This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]
70 - Das Schulsystem der Niederlande (Abstract eines Referats)
This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the school system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]
71 - Das Bildungssystem in Spanien (Abstract eines Referats)
This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]
72 - Bildungssystem der Türkei (Abstract eines Referats)
This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the Turkish education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases [...]
73 - Tanzania - Education
This full text provides in the framework of the "Teaching & Learning about East Africa" Project (TLEAP) a brief survey on the development of education in Tanzania during the two decades after achieving political independence. The data of educational statistics bear therefore only historical character. The lack of financial resources is considered as a main reason for [...]
74 - Kenya - Education
This full text provides in the framework of the "Teaching & Learning about East Africa" Project (TLEAP) a brief survey on the development of education in Kenia in a historical retrospective. Mission schools are mentioned but the impact of colonialism on education has been neglected. Information on the development of education in the nineties contains data regarding educational [...]
75 - Educacion
Currently, this web site provides a text about the history of education in Haiti and two links of contacts to the tertiary institutions.
76 - Ideologie und schulischer Werdegang in Kasachstan
This report has a historical dimension. It informs about the organization of education and ideological indoctrination from kindergarten to primary school in the former Soviet Republic Kazakhstan. In a critical manner strengths and weaknesses of the school system of that time are shown.
77 - Erfahrungen nach Schulwechsel (Kasachstan/Deutschland) einer Russlanddeutschen
This is a critical report written by Irina Maslova who grew up in the former Soviet Republic Kazakhstan and came in 1996 with her parents to Germany. This full text offers an intercultural comparison with regard to school and teaching and examines some personal problems of integration.
78 - Comenius State Library of Education
The Comenius State Library of Education is a scientific public library focusing on education and schooling. It provides services to scientists and professionals working in the education system, to university teachers and students studying at faculties of education or social-science faculties. The SPKK established in 1919 offers on its website access to several databases, [...]
79 - Tertiary Education in the Czech Republic
This is a core document (Prague, 2001 submitted by the Centre for Higher Education Studies of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the purpose of comparison with other European countries. This country report consists of six sections. Central part is section 3 on Higher Education which includes almost all essential aspects of this educational level: history, [...]
80 - Education of Women in Modern Mongolia
This lecture held by Delgermaa Ganbaatar on the topic "Education of Women in Modern Mongolia Among Nomadic Population and Ethnic Minorities" belongs to a series of lectures, offered by the Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AARI) in the U.S.A. This full text, supplemented by 10 Video Clips, reflects Mongolian educational history and draws also attention to current [...]
Ministry of Education
The web site of the Ministry of Education of Cuba (URL: http://www.cubaeduca.rimed.cu or http://www.cubagob.cu/des_soc/mined/mined.htm) doesn`t exist at the moment (stand: September 2011). This website provides a description of the activities of the Ministry.
82 - Ministry of Education
The clearly structured homepage provides information texts about mission and staff of the Ministry, the school system and a school-to- work project, reports about several curriculum subjects and other resources, and about education history of ancient Palau.
83 - Education for Ethnic Minorities in China
China, People's Republic of
This full text informs that in China besides the Han Nationality there are 55 ethnic minorities with a population of 108 million inhabitants, which accounts for about 9 per cent of the total population. This contribution provides information about the various measures in the education sector for the promotion of ethnic groups which have been introduced and carried out since [...]
84 - Northern Ireland Education System
Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
This website of CAIN provides some brief background information on education in Northern Ireland with special emphasis on religion and values. The CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) Web site contains information and source material on 'the Troubles' and politics in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present. [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors [...]
85 - Childhood and School in Kazakhstan
This is a short empirical report (from a personal view) of a Kazakh woman, reflecting her childhood (kindergarten and school) in Kazakhstan prior to 1989, i.e. before the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The text under the heading "Ideology and School" is of particular interest because it provides information on the system of values at that time.
86 - Education System (Finnish National Board of Education)
The Finnish National Board of Education offers comprehensive information about the Finnish Education System. The detailed description from preschool up to adult education provides a broad overview of the Finnish system as well as of Finnish education policy. Detailed information, statistics and other sources can be obtained through further links. [Abstract: Editors of [...]
87 - Educational Research at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
These are the pages of the Faculty of Educational Studies, one of the faculties at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan . An overview on the sixteen research departments (general didactics, history of education, adult education etc.) and the College of Education is given. For each department the main topics of educational research are listed and the head of department is [...]
88 - The Condition and Prospects for Development of the Russian Education System
Russian Federation
This critical analysis in full text, dating from 1998, is subdivided into the following sections: 1. Basic thoughts on reforming the education system from a historical point of view; 2. General information on financing and the development of the educational system, 3. Fundamental conceptual approaches to reforming the Russian education system. There are six statistical tables [...]
89 - CHILDE: Education Programme
CHILDE (Children's Historical Literature Disseminated throughout Europe) is a project, funded under the European Commission's CULTURE 2000 programme, that uses web technology to allow wider and more open access to images from collections of early children's books in Europe. The digitised European historical children's book collection featured on this site will be a key [...]
90 - V.A. Suchomlinskij – Kritiker des sowjetischen und kapitalistischen Systems. Das Werk des pädagogischen Klassikers weiter denken
V.A.Suchomlinskij (1918 - 1970) is one of the great pedagogues in the field of alternative education. His writings have been translated into 53 languages. His most famous book is "My heart belongs to the children". German researchers cooperated with the "Ukrainian Suchomlinskij Society" (Kiev) at the beginning of years 2000. The "Ukrainian Suchomlinskij Society" tried to [...]
91 - Schule und Bildungspolitik in Polen - Gestern, Heute, Morgen Gestern, Heute, Morgen Gestern, Heute, Morgen
This short version on the education system in Poland is subdivided into the following sections: Historical overview; Educational policy and school education in the post-communist era; The Polish school of the future.
92 - Country Study Turkmenistan (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Turkmenistan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (education system; curriculum; higher [...]
93 - Country Study Kazakhstan (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Kazakhstan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" which can be found by scrolling down or applying [...]
94 - Country Study Kyrgyzstan (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Kyrgyzstan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (education system; instruction; curriculum; [...]
95 - Country Study Lithuania (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Lithuania was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1995. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education", which can be found by scrolling down or applying [...]
96 - Country Study Latvia (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Latvia was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1995. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "Urbanization, Employment, and Education", which can be found by [...]
97 - Country Study Moldavia (incl. Education)
Moldova, Republic of
This comprehensive country study for Moldova was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1995. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "Education, Health and Welfare" which can be found by scrolling [...]
98 - Country Study Tajikistan (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Tajikistan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (historical development; education in the [...]
99 - Country Study Azerbaijan (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Azerbaijan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "Education, Health and Social Welfare", which can be found [...]
100 - Country Study Uzebekistan (incl. Education)
This comprehensive country study for Uzebekistan was elaborated by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress in 1996. It provides a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, cultural, economic and political conditions in this country. The table of contents includes a section on "education" (education system; curriculum; instruction) [...]
101 - Micronesia and Education: The Future
This lecture, held in 1999 by Elizabeth D. Rechebi from Micronesia, reflects personal and social experiences about the history of education in this region. It becomes obvious that education has been dominated by foreign influence until now. In particular curricula and textbooks give evidence of this. The author refers to deficits in the education system and appeals to foreign [...]
102 - A brief history of education in Micronesia (a photo album)
This photo album provides an overview on the historical development of education in Micronesia. It clearly reflects the stages of educational development in this region. Starting with issues of traditional education, the authors analyse the impact of colonial education and missionary schools as well as the pedagogical influence of occupying powers.
103 - Media Education in Russia
Russian Federation
Just like the education on the whole, media education in Russia resided under harsh ideological pressure for many years. Access to media information (films, books about movies, etc.) was denied by censorship. However media education in Russia has existed already for about 85 years. The webpage of the Russian Association for Film and Media Education offers an extensive list of [...]
104 - Ministry of National Education / Turkey
This homepage is subdivided into the following parts: organization of the ministry, services for teachers and students, history of education policy in Turkey, qualitative developments in education, the educational system, objectives and strategies of education policy, management and inspection of the educational organisation, innovations, educational statistics, international [...]
105 - European Educational Research Association (EERA)
Europe; international
Founded in 1994, EERA is the umbrella organisation for more than 30 national and regional European associations for educational research. EERA organises the annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) and publishes the "European Educational Research Journal" (EERJ) (Opean Access except the last three years). EERA is made up of more than 30 thematical networks [...]
News worldwide
- Science at war: Ukraine and Russia research reposition themselves (DLF Kultur 11.07.24) [courtesy translation]
- #ETU4REF - ‘In and Through Education: Education Trade Unions support the inclusion of refugees and migrants’ (project 2023-2025)
- Reconstruction Ukraine: The importance of science, Interview Ursula Paintner, DAAD (DLF 11.06.24) [courtesy translation]
- The UK's withdrawal from Erasmus + has far-reaching consequences (DLF 10.06.24) [courtesy translation]