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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Unterstuetzungstechnologie assistive technology

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Founded in 2022, the German "Virtual Competence Center: Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Work (VK:KIWA)" offers a list of AI resources to support academic reading and writing processes. Although the site itself is only available in German, the resources listed are often international. You can find AI resources on: * Literature research * Text comprehension * Text [...]

Theme page of the World Health Organisation on assistive technologies with a lot of news and information on projects, events, pubications and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

GDI Hub is a research and practice centre for disability innovation. It focusses on the following themes: * Assistive & Accessible Technology * Inclusive Design * Culture and Participation * Climate & Crisis Resilience * Inclusive Educational Technology The website offers a wide range of news, publications, events, projects and more. According to GDI Hub, it works [...]

"The Global Report on Assistive Technology presents a comprehensive dataset and analysis of current assistive technology access, drawing the attention of governments and civil society to the need for, and benefit of, assistive technology, including its return on investment. The Global Report sets out ten recommendations for improving access to assistive technology, which in [...]

international; Germany; Austria; Switzerland; Canada; United States of America (USA)
"Contemporary digital media practices developed and employed by people with disabilities is an important and growing research field, which unfortunately has been neglected by German Media Studies. (...) The proposed scientific network will address these urgent topics and map the field by exploring innovative research approaches and methodologies and by establishing and [...]

The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) was founded in 1983. It aims at improving the lives of children and adults with complex communication needs. ISAAC’s goal is to create worldwide awareness about how AAC can support individuals without speech. ISAAC accomplishes this by sharing information and promoting innovative approaches [...]

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