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United Kingdom - Early childhood care and education

Ministries, institutions

United Kingdom
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children´s services. The website offers information on schools, transition from school to training or higher education, early learning, family eduation and social work as well as information on research and statistics and publications.

United Kingdom
Ofsted regulates and inspects childcare and children’s social care and inspects: schools, colleges, initial teacher education, work-based learning and skills training, adult and community learning, education and training in prisons and other secure establishments, the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service [...]

Hier können verschiedene Nutzergruppen (Eltern, Erzieher, Tagesmütter etc.) nach Berichten zu Einrichtungen der frühkindlichen Bildung, Erziehung und Betreuung in Großbritannien recherchieren.

United Kingdom
This Association is a voluntary organisation with charitable status. It is concerned with all aspects of children's learning from birth through the early stages of primary education". The service includes information pages for parents (downloadable in rtf-format) and conferences.

National curriculum - pre-school

Action program

Early Excellence Centers

Das Berliner Modell von Early Excellence ist das pädagogische Leitkonzept, nach dem alle Einrichtungen des Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Hauses arbeiten und an dessen Entwicklung das PFH unter Leitung seiner Direktorin Prof. Dr. Sabine Hebenstreit-Müller federführend beteiligt ist. Auf der Seite steht unter anderem eine Zusammenfassung der Studie “Evaluationsforschung [...]

Research projects

EPPSE is “the first major study in the UK to focus specifically on the effectiveness of early years education. The EPPSE project is a large-scale, longitudinal study of the progress and development of children from pre-school to post-compulsory education. … More than 3,000 children were assessed at the start of pre-school around the age of 3 and their development was [...]


Die Expertise zum Gutachten „Professionalisierung in der Frühpädagogik“ wurde im Auftrag des Aktionsrats Bildung von Yvonne Anders erstellt (2012). Das englische System frühkindlicher Bildung und Betreuung ist für die Professionalisierungsbemühungen in Deutschland insofern interessant, als mit einem Vorlauf von etwa zehn Jahren in England [...]

Early childhood and schools studies by the OECD.

Statistical data

Last Update: 05.04.2012  -

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