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Ariadne Pfad:


Education Opportunities and Obstacles: Education for Sustainability

24.02.2022, 18:00 Uhr - 24.02.2022, 19:30 Uhr

Virtuelle Diskussionsreihe


h t t p s : / / w w w . d w i h - n e w y o r k . o r g / e n / e v e n t / o p p o r t u n i t i e s - a n d - o b s t a c l e s - e d u c a t i o n - f o r - s u s t a i n a b i l i t y /Externer Link

People around the world are increasingly recognizing the need to transform education in the face of climate change and other global challenges such as species extinction and environmental pollution. Since the turn of the last century, the United Nations and UNESCO have been emphasizing the importance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), equipping learners with the knowledge and skills for a sustainable future, and interest in ESD has grown steadily in recent years. Nevertheless, attempts to fully integrate ESD in school curricula are still missing and environmental questions are often seen as a secondary issue rather than a necessary core component in school education. The panel of experts will discuss about:

  • The responsibilities of education towards future generations
  • Examples of ESD implementation
  • Student-lead climate movements, such as Fridays for Future

The event is free and open to all, but registration is required.


Bildungsforschung, Klimaschutz, Klimawandel, Nachhaltigkeit, Schulbildung, Schulforschung, Umweltbewusstsein, Curricula, Nachhaltigkeit, Erziehung, Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, ESD,

Art der Veranstaltung Podiumsgespräch / Forumsdiskussion
Inhaltsbereich der Veranstaltung Wissenschaft/Bildungsforschung
Adressaten Studierende; Hochschullehrer/innen / Forscher/-innen; Lehrerbildner/-innen
Tagungssprache Englisch
Relevanz weltweit
Veranstalter Das Deutsche Wissenschaftshaus in New York, die Northern Arizona University und die Kooperationsstelle „International cooperation in education (ice)“ am DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
Zuletzt geändert am 10.02.2022

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