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Ariadne Pfad:


The Construction of Educational Spaces in a post-Soviet and post-socialist area

23.09.2021, 09:00 Uhr - 24.09.2021, 13:00 Uhr

Digital Conference via Zoom


h t t p s : / / i c e . d i p f . d e / d e / n e t z w e r k / t h e - c o n s t r u c t i o n - o f - e d u c a t i o n a l - s p a c e s - i n - a - p o s t - s o v i e t - a n d - p o s t - s o c i a l i s t - a r e aExterner Link

The area, or space, is an important dimension of pedagogical action and an important object of education research. The area in this sense is understood in physical, geographical, and political terms but increasingly also in terms of a socially constructed space. In international comparative education science, spaces have for some time been units of comparison besides the nation states, and they have likewise been an object of methodological reflection. At the same time, it can be observed that educational spaces are subject to change which requires a critical reflection on their usage as units of comparison respectively units of reflection. Countries in the post-Soviet respectively post-socialist education area/space have experienced a rapid transformation process since the late 1980s in which new borders, alliances and conflict zones have emerged. These developments changed and still challenge constructions of the self and of the other with respect to this space, whilst they have so far hardly been treated systematically.
The conference will focus on this aspect from an international comparison perspective with scientists from Germany and those countries that have experienced a socialist period and in particular belonged to the former Soviet Union.


Russland, Bildungsforschung, Bildungspolitik, Erziehungswissenschaft, Sozialismus, Bildungsraum, Erziehung, Educational space, Post-Soviet, Sonderschulwesen,

Art der Veranstaltung Konferenz / Tagung / Fachtagung / Kolloquium / Kongress / Symposium
Inhaltsbereich der Veranstaltung Wissenschaft/Bildungsforschung
Adressaten Studierende; Hochschullehrer/innen / Forscher/-innen
Tagungssprache Englisch
Relevanz weltweit
Veranstalter DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Universität Rostock und Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Zuletzt geändert am 04.08.2021

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