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Ariadne Pfad:


29th EAN Annual Conference "Challenges and opportunities by the pandemic"

27.10.2020, 10:00 Uhr - 29.10.2020, 17:00 Uhr

Virtual Conference

Vereinigtes Königreich

h t t p : / / c r a d a l l . o r g / c o n t e n t / i n v i t a t i o n - p a r t i c i p a t e - o n l i n e - 2 9 t h - e a n - a n n u a l - c o n f e r e n c eExterner Link

We live in exceptional times. All over the world governments, higher education institutions and other organizations are figuring out how to organize our society in the post-pandemic period. What can we learn from COVID-19, what are the opportunities, and what are the pitfalls in deciding how to organize our future society. To be able to do this a good analysis is necessary. COVID-19 brought many challenges. EAN, which focuses on widening participation, is one of those organizations.
With this conference, we want to look at the challenges and the opportunities presented by the pandemic. How will higher education institutions in general and higher education in relation to widening access in particular cope with the impact on access to higher education? What has/will widen the gap, and where are the opportunities to close the gap?


Hochschulbildung, Hochschule, Pandemie, Universität, Zukunftsperspektive, Higher Education, Gesellschaftswandel, Covid-19, Post-pandemic period, Distant Teaching, Distant Learning,

Art der Veranstaltung Konferenz / Tagung / Fachtagung / Kolloquium / Kongress / Symposium
Inhaltsbereich der Veranstaltung Hochschule; Wissenschaft/Bildungsforschung; Bildungspolitik/Bildungsverwaltung; Medien- und Informationskompetenz
Adressaten Hochschullehrer/innen / Forscher/-innen; Fachleute aus Bildungspolitik und -verwaltung
Relevanz europaweit
Veranstalter EAN (European Access Network), AMU and Compostela Group of Universities (CGU)
Zuletzt geändert am 05.08.2020

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