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Ariadne Pfad:


Course “Teaching Russian in Europe: Development of Creativity and Thinking Skills of Learners“

14.03.2010, 19:00 Uhr - 20.03.2010, 10:00 Uhr

Jurmala, Amber Sea Hotel&SPA, 68 Dzintaru Avenue, Latvia
Jurmala, a famous sea resort 25 km away from Riga, the capital of Latvia.


h t t p : / / w w w . t h i n k i n g - a p p r o a c h . o r g / i n d e x . p h p ? i d = 2 9 1 7Externer Link

We would like to invite you to take part in our residential course “Teaching Russian in Europe: Development of Creativity and Thinking Skills of Learners”. The course is included in the Comenius/Grundtvig catalogue of the European Commission and is eligible for funding that covers all costs associated with it (deadline for grant application in your National Agency is 15 Sep 2009). The course aims to provide the participants with tools for the development of creativity and thinking skills of learners when teaching Russian.


Lettland, Sprachenlernen, Russisch, Russischunterricht, Kreativität, Denkfähigkeit, Europäische Kommission, Russian, creativity, thinking skills, language learning,

Art der Veranstaltung Arbeitsgruppe / Seminar
Inhaltsbereich der Veranstaltung Sekundarstufe I; Sekundarstufe II
Adressaten Lehrer/-innen; Lehrerbildner/-innen
Tagungssprache Andere
Relevanz europaweit
Veranstalter TA Group
Zuletzt geändert am 19.08.2009

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