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Ariadne Pfad:


The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER)

Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 2
3584 CS Utrecht

h t t p s : / / w w w . u u . n l / o r g a n i s a t i e / f a c u l t e i t - s o c i a l e - w e t e n s c h a p p e n / o v e r - d e - f a c u l t e i t / d e p a r t e m e n t e n - e n - a f d e l i n g e nExterner Link

ERCOMERÂ’s core activities are all related to the furthering and dissemination of comparative research in the fields of international migration and ethnic relations. Research at ERCOMER is largely, but not exclusively, centered on the Europe. Aims: to promote academic research, often in the form of comparative studies supported by scholarly networks, to publish the results of research in the field (e.g.articles in journals or in the Joint series: Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations or formerly ERCOMER book series: Comparative Studies in Migration and Ethnic Relations, to provide the opportunity to consult research materials and documentation at its documentation centre the European Documentation Centre and Observatory on Migration and Ethnic Relations (EDCOMER), to assist young researchers to continue their work on international migration and ethnic relations within the European context, by acting as a host institute for young researchers supported by grants from EU or other external funding bodies, to support communication between researchers in different countries by organising seminars, lectures and annual conferences, its WWW virtual library.


Antirassismus, Faschismus, Ausländerfeinlichkeit, Migration,

Art der Institution Verband / Verein / Interessenvertretung
Land Niederlande
Telefon +31 (0) 253 4166
Zuletzt geändert am 28.09.2010

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