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Ariadne Pfad:


Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research (VOR)

c/o Dr. Perry den Brok, Eindhoven School of Education/Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

h t t p s : / / w w w . v o r s i t e . n l /Externer Link

The Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research (VOR), is the official professional association for educational research in The Netherlands and has also Dutch-speaking members from Belgium. It aims to be the voice of educational research and educational researchers in The Netherlands, to take care of the interests of its members, the profession and the professional population, and to sustain and promote a vital research culture in education and training.


Erziehung, Erziehungswissenschaft, Erziehungswissenschaftler, Forschung, Niederlande, Fachgesellschaft,

Art der Institution Fachgesellschaft
Land Niederlande
Telefon +31 71 527 6496
Postfach Postbus 513
PLZ des Postfachs 5600
Ort des Postfachs Eindhoven
Zuletzt geändert am 18.10.2018

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