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Ariadne Pfad:


IEA-ETS Research Institute (IERI)

Mexikoring 37
22297 Hamburg

h t t p s : / / i e r i n s t i t u t e . o r g / i e r i - h o m eExterner Link

The IERI is a collaborative effort between the Research & Developement Division at ETS and the IEA Data Processing and Research Center that focuses on improving the science of large-scale assessments. The IERI undertakes activities around three broad areas of work that include research studies related to the development and implementation of large-scale assessments (research area); professional development and training (training area); and dissemination of research findings and information gathered through large-scale assessments (dissemination area). The IERI undertakes research activities that address issues surrounding large-scale assessments such as IEA-TIMSS, IEA-PIRLS, OECD-PISA, US-NAEP, IALS, ALL, etc.


Bildungsforschung, Empirische Forschung, Institut, Kooperation, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), EMPIRISCHE FORSCHUNG, ASSESSMENT, INSTITUT, PISA (PROGRAMME FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSESSMENT), empirische STUDIE,

Art der Institution Außeruniversitäre Forschungs- / Serviceeinrichtung
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte, Projekte Large-scale assessment; gross angelegte Leistungsvergleiche; empirische Studie; Bildungsforschung; Schulforschung;
Bundesland Hamburg
Land Deutschland
Zuletzt geändert am 24.09.2024

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