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Minority language at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: minority language

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The Ukrainian parliament has sparked a conflict with the adoption of the new education law. The governments of Hungary and Romania, among others, are strongly criticising the restriction of minorities' rights to learn their mother tongue. Russia calls the act a "Ukrainisation of the education space". The page documents the statement of the Ukrainian government and reactions [...]

Article by the German radio broadcast Deutsche Welle on the question of how identity and language ae related to education and school in Catalonia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The article was published on 22.04.2014 on the blog "Euro Crisis in the Press" which is run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. The authors argue that in their opinion the current language policy in Catalan schools is unfair as Spanish-Castilian speaking students were disadvantaged by the almost exclusive use of the Catalan language. The blog article also [...]

The Spanish Ministry for Education has requested a 'detailed report' on the content of the textbooks used in Catalonia. The analyse was carried out by the Catalan teacher organisation “Action for Secondary Education Improvement” (AMES) (Acció per a la Millora de l'Ensenyament Secundari). They concluded that the books emphasize the differences between Catalan and other [...]

The online magazine Catalan News informs about a statement of the former Catalan Education Minister Clara Ponsatí. Ponsatí, like the rest of the Catalan government, was dismissed by the Spanish central government after the severe conflicts concerning the Catalan independence movement. Ponsatí and several other former members of the Catalan government went to Brussels out of [...]

Belgium; Netherlands
Website of the Commission in charge of the monitoring of the implementation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. Unfortunately, the site is not available in English. The Dutch site informs about the commission's wirk and the implementation of the treaty in the form of projects and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Belgium; Netherlands
Short article about the celebrations on the occasion of the 20 years of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. The article links to relevant information on the treaty, on cooperating institutions and the commission monitoring the implementation of the Treaty. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Belgium; Netherlands
English translation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. This treaty includes the "cooperation in terms of Culture, Education, Sciences and Welfare" between the country and the region linked by a common language. A commission (CVN) was created to monitor the implementation of the treaty. The commission is evaluated regurlarly, newly installed [...]

Finland; Kenya
Website of an Association for Swedish-speaking persons with intellectual disability in Finland. The English and Finnisch version only give a short overview over the work of the association. The Swedish version provides information on news, projects, events, ressources, links and more. The association furthermore has a project in Kenya with people with intellectual disabilities [...]

Europe; international
The "European Educational Research Association" (EERA) has several networks, amongst others the network 4 "Inclusive Education" which brings together European researchers working on inclusion in an international perspective. The network organises conference sessions together with other thematically close networks. Their website furthermore provides some literature information. [...]

Ukraine; Russian Federation
In this article of 2008, the researchers Laada Bilaniuka and Svitlana Melnyk explore the history, the current meaning, the language policy and the conflict about the use of Russian and Ukrainian language in Ukraine. The article appeared in: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Volume 11, Issue 3-4, 2008, Special Issue: Multilingualism in Post-Soviet [...]

"[LangOER is a] 3-year network (January 2014- December 2016) supported by action KA2 Languages of the Lifelong Learning Programme, European Commission." The network is to support the use of Open Educational Resources for the benefit of regional and minority languages and linguistic diversity in the EU. The network has two target groups: educators, who will be offered [...]

The Directorate General IV is a part of the Council of Europe, which attends to different focal points in education, culture and heritage as well as youth and sport. It does so through activities aimed at developing standards, policies, monitoring mechanisms and good practices for the preservation and enhancement of the common pan-European cultural and natural heritage and the [...]

The Franco-Manitoban School Division (DSFM) has 24 schools with over 5000 students from kindergarten to grade 12, as well as an adult learning centre. The DSFM is the only school board in Manitoba to offer full-time education in French all over the province.

Moldova, Republic of; Bulgaria; Ukraine
CReDO (Centrul de Resurse pentru Drepturile Omului = Ressource Centre for Human Rights) is a democracy and human rights nongovernmental organization that provides lobby and consultancy in the implementation of democratic reform oriented policies. The report from 2008 analyses the current bilingual education curriculum in Moldova and especially its implications for native [...]

The website of the European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages (EBLUL) offers in particular a regional portal for minority languages in the Baltic region, Nordic countries and Sapmi. EBLUL is a democratically governed Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) promoting languages and linguistic diversity. It is based on a network of Member State Committees (MSCs) in all the 'old' 15 [...]

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Belgium. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]

AIATSIS is an independent Commonwealth Government statutory authority devoted to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies. It is Australia's premier institution for information about the cultures and lifestyles of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The website offers access the catalogue of audiovisual archives and the library as well as research information.

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in South Tyrol (Italy). It comprises information on features of the educational system, [...]

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Alsace, France. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]

Them ministry is divided into many divisions and then further divided into program areas. The divisions are: Advanced Education, Culture and Heritage, Education Operations and Development, Early Childhood and School Services, Income Security, ECE Service Centres (career development and library services), Official Languages.

Formerly known as "European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education", the network has meanwhile become a research centre. Its main goal is to gather, store and distribute information through a documentation and information network for regional and minority languages in the European Union. Mercator is a network of three research and documentation centres (in [...]

The Ministry has the following responsibilities: Develops curriculum and sets standards. Evaluates curriculum and assesses outcomes. Teacher development and certification. Supports special needs students. Funds and supports school boards. Aboriginal and francophone education. Oversees basic education policy and regulations.

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