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Early childhood at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: early childhood

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SMERU Research Institute does research in socio-economic issues, among other on poverty and inequality, social protection, education, health, children and youth, community-driven development, labor, microfinance, and more. The site about SMERU's research focus on education informs you about recent research activities and publications (free download). Education related [...]

Pacific Rim; Australia; China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong; Indonesia; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); New Zealand; Philippines; Singapore; Taiwan; Thailand; United States of America (USA)
PECERA is an international association for research in early childhood education in the Pacific. It organises an annual conference. The respective programmes can be found on the website. Furthermore, it publishes the "Asia-Pacific Journal Of Research In Early Childhood Education". The journal's articles are open access. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Brazil; international
The website of the Brazilian Association for Early Childhood Education (created in 1981) provides some information on its structure, aims and statutes. Otherwise, the website seems to be used mainly for announcing the three-annual "Congresso Internacional de Educação Infantil" (the 7th taking place in 2013). Other event announcements and small articles were last updated in [...]

Task and aim of the Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft is to raise parent´s and experts´ awareness of an active partnership between parents and children in their upbringing and education, and of a careful and cooperative approach to children in order to establish human relations. Children should not be passive objects in the educational efforts of adults. It is therefore [...]

Falkland Islands; United Kingdom
The Stanley Infant & Junior School is one of two schools in Stanley, the capital and only substantial settlement of the Falkland Islands. It teaches children of ages 4 to 11.

The Initial and Primary Education Council (CEIP) is an organ of the National Administration of Public Education which is entrusted with the administration of initial and primary education of the country. The objective of initial education is the stimulation of social and intellectual development of children from 3-5 years. The CEIP designs an integral education which promotes [...]

The International Pikler Association was founded in 2012. Its objectives are to bring together associatons, groups and individuals worldwide who support the ideas of the Hungarian paediatrician Emmi Pikler, and to promote exchange and contacts. The association aims to spread further education on Pikler's ideas, to support research, to improve the quality of the qualification [...]

This study published in 2003 by UNESCO treats the Mauritanian education system and situation. It focuses on the analysis of the access to fundamental education esp. regarding early childhood and alphabetisation. Besides, it concentrates on the education policy and its possibility to influence current trends and develops a critical view on the education reform and a better [...]

World Bank's Early Child Development (ECD) is part of the Child and Youth Group in Human Development Network (HDN). Its primary mission is to improve World Bank's staff and clients' knowledge of ECD programming and to improve the quality of World Bank's lending for ECD. This mission is accomplished by maintaining a knowledge base on ECD to support World Bank's [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education (ECI) was created to carry out a comprehensive program of research, development, and dissemination to improve early childhood development and learning. The Institute helps its members through grants for national research and development centers, grants for field-initiated studies, and in-house research; [...]

Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than a preparatory stage assisting the child’s transition to formal schooling. Today, early childhood policies are placed within a broader context of social development, gender equity and poverty reduction. UNESCO leads the international policy drive for an integrated early childhood care and education system that [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Early Childhood Research Institute on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) has been a federally-funded collaborative effort of several councils and universities of the United States.The CLAS Institute identifies, evaluates and promotes effective and appropriate early intervention practices and preschool practices that are sensitive and respectful to [...]

New Zealand
The Men in Early Childhood Care and Education Network New Zealand (EC-MENz) was installed to promote Early Childhood Education as a great career for men, to network with other men involved in Early Childhood Education, to support men in the early childhood education sector and those in training, to promote the role of men as carers and educators of children, to collect and [...]

Other than a few notable exceptions, most countries` early childhood workforce amounts to about 2%. Therefore, the aim of the Men in Childcare and Education Global Network is to set up a global network of those interested in encouraging men to work in early childhood care and education and also to support those men working in the field.

The Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) is a policy and research oriented facility that focuses on early childhood education and child care (ECEC) and family policy in Canada and internationally. It has been developed and staffed by individuals with diverse backgrounds including early childhood education, psychology, library sciences, political science, women´s [...]

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