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Internationale Beziehungen international relations at Education Systems International

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United Kingdom; Europe
The portal Science|Business tries to "bring together research, industry and policy" and does this by providing articles, reports, networks and more. The author of the Brexit article linked here, Richard L. Hudson, has been working for the "Wall Street Journal" for 25 years, six of which as an editor-in-chief of the European issue (according to Now, he is [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
Infos, FAQs and statements concerning Brexit and scientific / universitary issues - provided by Universities UK, a union of vice-chancellors or principals (executive heads) of universities in the UK. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
Information page of the Royal Society, which is the United Kingdom's National Academy of Sciences. You will find a lot of information and statements on Brexit and Science in the UK / EU - for example questions on access to research funding or working in the EU and UK as a scientist. You will also find factsheets, like for example "Factsheet: UK research and the EU – [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
Overview provided by the UK Parliament on the results of the Education Committee's inquiry into the impact of exiting the European Union on higher education. The Committee’s inquiry was launched in September 2016, the results were published in December 2016. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Belgium; Netherlands
English translation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. This treaty includes the "cooperation in terms of Culture, Education, Sciences and Welfare" between the country and the region linked by a common language. A commission (CVN) was created to monitor the implementation of the treaty. The commission is evaluated regurlarly, newly installed [...]

Belgium; Netherlands
Short article about the celebrations on the occasion of the 20 years of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. The article links to relevant information on the treaty, on cooperating institutions and the commission monitoring the implementation of the Treaty. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Belgium; Netherlands
Website of the Commission in charge of the monitoring of the implementation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. Unfortunately, the site is not available in English. The Dutch site informs about the commission's wirk and the implementation of the treaty in the form of projects and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
Article from the British daily newspaper The Guardian as of 12 July 2016, author: Ian Sample, Science editor. Article about the negative effects the Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) already seems to have on science and research in the UK, even before an official request to leave the EU has been handed in by the UK. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
Article from the British daily newspaper The Guardian as of 27 June 2016, author: Peter Scott, professor at the Institute of Education and former vice-chancellor of Kingston University. According to Scott, the "Brexit" (the UK leaving the EU) will have negative effects on science and research in the UK. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
The portal Science|Business tries to "bring together research, industry and policy" and does this by providing articles, reports, networks and more. The author of the Brexit article linked here, Richard L. Hudson, has been working for the "Wall Street Journal" for 25 years, six of which as an editor-in-chief of the European issue (according to Now, he is [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
The portal Science|Business tries to "bring together research, industry and policy" and does this by providing articles, reports, networks and more. Under the categorie / tag "Brexit" you will find all news, reports etc. that refer to the Brexit and its effects on science and research in the EU. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
Article by the online version of the German journal Der Spiegel, 24.06.16, authors: Armin Himmelrath and Silke Fokken. Available only in German. English abstract [courtesy translation]: "So far, for German pupils and students the UK has been the number one country for exchange. One of the reasons for that also was the easy crossing of EU bounderies. Will everything change [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
Please find a list of article from the e-journal University World News on the discussion about the Brexit, its possible effects on student exchange with the UK, on international cooperation of UK universities and more. University World News comprises a network of some five dozen education journalists based in more than two dozen countries, with representation in all regions. [...]

United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
On June, 2, 2016, British and German university leaders met in Berlin on the occasion of a jointly organised Rectors' Conference. Among others, they pointed out "how the EU helps academics to carry out cutting-edge research and enables students to study in other parts of the EU". They also warned against the "devastating consequences for study and research" in case of a [...]

United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
Radio broadcasts from the German radio Deutschlandradio on the issue of the Brexit and education. Available in German only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
BBC article as of 17 May 2016, author: Judith Burns "UK universities could find it harder to recruit international students if the UK leaves the EU, suggests a survey." [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
BBC article as of 26 February 2016, author: Pallab Ghosh. Article about the possible negative effects a Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) could have on science and research in the UK. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
Article of the German radio Deutsche Welle, 25.06.2016, author: Fabian Schmidt. Available in German only. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
Several articles of the online magazine Times Higher Education (THE) on the EU Referendum in the UK about whether the UK should leave the EU or not ("Brexit"). THE is otherwise known for its THE World University Ranking. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
Science|Business Publishing informs about a call of members of the British Parliament for a "for contingency plan to protect UK life sciences in event of Brexit". The article compares the British situation after a possible Brexit to the situation in Switzerland after the "Swiss freedom of movement referendum". The result of the referendumg had led to cuts in EU funding for [...]

United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides a list of persons to contact for questions regarding studies abroad, student exchange with the UK, scientific cooperation etc. in case of a Brexit (the UK leaving the European Union). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
The article describes the reaction of many British scientists to the votum for a Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) in the referendum of 23.06.16. The article was published in the journal "Nature", a journal for natural sciences, on 24.06.16 by Daniel Cressey and Alison Abbott. It was translated and re-printed in the German scientific journal "Spektrum". [Abstract: Editors of [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
"Scientists for Britain" is a platform of British scientists who think that a Brexit would have more positive effects on British science and research. The plattform was created in opposition to the "Scientists for EU" and during the debate about the UK referendum (23.06.16) on whether the UK should leave the European Union ("Brexit") or not. The platform proposes arguments for [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
"Scientists for Britain" is a platform of British scientists who think that a Brexit would have more negative effects on British science and research. The plattform was created during the debate about the UK referendum (23.06.16) on whether the UK should leave the European Union ("Brexit") or not. The platform proposes arguments against a Brexit from the scientific point of [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
On the blog of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), author Laura Mesquita provides an overview over the debate and the arguments regarding the possible consequences of a Brexit (the UK leaving the EU) on education and research. She sees four main topics in the debate: Research funding, EU students, European scholars, Internationalisation vs. [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
On its blog, the British Educational Research Association (BERA) provides some thoughts and views on the Brexit and its possible effects on education. Published so far (as of 27.06.16): * BREXIT – initial thoughts on effects on our schools (27.06.16) * First thoughts on Brexit (24.06.16) * Yesterdays and tomorrows: what the referendum says about education [...]

Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the International Bureau (IB) supports international research and education cooperation between Germany and its partners. The IB offers financial support when setting up new contacts and cooperation and advises German universities, companies and institutions outside the university system on international [...]

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