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Aims of education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: aims of education

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Task and aim of the Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft is to raise parent´s and experts´ awareness of an active partnership between parents and children in their upbringing and education, and of a careful and cooperative approach to children in order to establish human relations. Children should not be passive objects in the educational efforts of adults. It is therefore [...]

United States of America (USA)
MenTeach is a non-profit clearinghouse for both men and women seeking information and resources about men teaching. It was started in 1979 in Minnesota, United States to increase the number of men working with young children. MenTeach is about children's success. It wants a diverse workforce, both men and women teachers, educating and caring for the children to envision an [...]

Founded in 1953, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of more than 8.500 educational institutions in 179 countries. Member institutions – ranging from pre-schools, primary, secondary and vocational schools to teacher training institutions - work in support of international [...]

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Vietnam. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Timor-Leste. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. Based on a Five Year Plan (2002-2007) fundamental aims and tasks of an educational reform are explained in the text.

Russian Federation
This full text provides an analysis of environmental education in Russian schools during the past 10 years. It identifies at least 5 trends: "school ( theoretical) ecology", "technical (industrial) ecology", "socio-political ecology", "playing ecology", 'field ecology". In the 1930s the naturalistic approach in the USSR was changed into a "socialist" one.

Russian Federation
The website "Education in America" provides a Russian view on the education system in the U.S.A. It is subdivided into 3 sections/pages (change of page now and then at the end of the website). It analyses in a critical manner educational policy, school system, educational content as well as attitudes of pupils and students towards learning and future planning. The link [...]

This link list leads to more than 20 definitions of the term "Curriculum" in English and other languages. In education, a curriculum (plural: curricula) is the set of courses and their contents offered by an institution such as a school or university. In some cases, a curriculum may be partially or entirely determined by an external body (such as the National Curriculum for [...]

"The Boys Gender and Schooling website has been developed by the Queensland Department of Education and the Arts in response to school and community concerns about boys' education. It rejects the ' gender wars' approach adopted by some commentators in favour of a commitment to gender equity and improved outcomes for all students, male and female." The website provides [...]

This website of the East African state provides information on the educational aims and the mission of education. Besides essential documents and news are available. The link "Strategic objectives" shows that access, equal opportunity and the provision of quality education play a central role in the implementation of educational policy in Uganda.

ACSSO is a national parent organisation representing the interests of over two million children enrolled in government schools throughout Australia. It comprises ten government school parent organisations in all States and Territories and believes that public education must remain secular and be fully funded by government. Speeches, publications and projectinformation are [...]

NPC is the nationwide organisation of parents of primary school children. More than 900 parent associations are members of NPC, recognised by the government as the organisation that represents the parents of children in primary schools. NPC negotiates with the Minister and Department of Education for improvements in the education system and better resources for primary [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The Board comprising bishops, clergy, lay representatives and co- opted members with educational expertise is presenting its members and their educational work. Focus is laid on four areas: 1) schools, colleges and universities; 2) children's ministry; 3) parish development; 4) publications. Multimedia educational materials can be obtained against a fee.

The website "Education and Science" of the portal of the Principality of Liechtenstein offers information to every field of education available in Liechtenstein as well as links for career counseling and university research.

An overview of curricula for the different types of schools in Liechtenstein. This website provides full text information on the validity of the curriculum, its construction and implementation. Aims for orientation, framework conditions, integration of learning fields and hierarchies of aims play an important role in this.

United States of America (USA)
ERIC/ACVE provides comprehensive information services in the areas: Adult and Continuing Education; Career Education - childhood through adult vocational and technical education - including employment and training. - This homepage offers links to full text resources.

Website of the Syrian Ministry of Education, only avaliable in Arabic. There is also a website for the Ministry of Higher Education, which is also only available in Arabic.

This site of the Education Ministry provides overviews of the education system in Singapore concerning the levels which are characterized through the above key words. The homepage also has navigation buttons for programmes, educational institutions, examinations and syllabuses, resources.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Singapore. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Laos. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 10 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

Brunei Darussalam
This full text provides basic information on the education system of Brunei Darussalam. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Cambodia. It is offered by the SEAMEO ( Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Malaysia. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Myanmar. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of the Philippines. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

This full text provides basic information on the education system of Thailand. It is offered by the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) comprising 11 Member States of this region. The presentation includes a chart showing the structure of the education system from pre-school education to higher education.

The portal of the Secretariat of Public Education provides structured information on the following educational areas and levels: basic education, secondary education, higher education, indigenous education and technological education. Besides a variety of links is offered containing more information on education and training in Mexico. Focal point is the National Education [...]

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