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Migration, Migrationspolitik und Bildung - andere Länder


Germany and Canada stand at polar ends of the scientific debate over language integration and ascension to citizenship. German naturalization, as of January 2000, contains an explicit language criterion for naturalization. The first German immigration act that will presumably come into effect on January 1, 2003, does not only concentrate on control aspects but also aims at [...]

Table of contents: INTRODUCTION (Demetrios Papademetriou), OPENING REMARKS (Education, Immigrant Integration and Demography, Joseph Chamie), PANEL I: ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY (K-12) EDUCATION (Immigrant Integration and “Bilingual” Education, Alec Ian Gershberg; Absent Policies: Canadian Strategies for the Education and Integration of Immigrant Children and Youth, Fariborz [...]

The comparison between the Austrian and Canadian integration policy with a special emphasis on education will indicate both which policy is more efficient and better policy alternatives to enhance immigrant’s economic mobility. More precisely, it will suggest that immigrant incorporation is more successful in a country with a multicultural orientation on integration than in a [...]


Vereinigte Staaten

USCIS promotes instruction and training on citizenship rights and responsibilities and provides immigrants with information and tools necessary to successfully integrate into American civic culture. These materials are provided to strengthen citizenship and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs that help prepare immigrants for naturalization.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.11.2011  -

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