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Software at Education Systems International

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France; Francophone Countries; international
The research chair "Disability, Education and Digital Technologyl" is a project by the "research group on Disability, Accessibility, Educational and School Practices" (Grhapes). Grhapes, for its part, is the research unit of the French "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching"(INSHEA). The [...]

France; Francophone Countries; international
The "Observatory for Adapted Digital Resources" (Orna) was created in November 2007 by the Digital Education Department of the French Ministry of National Education. The "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching" (INSHEA) is in charge of Orna. Orna's task is to identify, analyse and evaluate [...]

The website of the Brazilian Association for Distance Learning provides very ample information and resources on distance learning in Brazil. You will find a course serach, a search for course providers, a search for professionals in this area, fulltext documents, podcasts, legislative documents, periodically published evaluations and statistics on distance learning in Brazil, [...]

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