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Learning method at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: learning method

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This text was written by the headmistress of the German school in Kiew and describes the basic differences between the German and Ukrainian school system with regard to learn and teaching methods. The school reform in the Ukraine aims at more competence based learning and modernisation.

Europe; Netherlands; Germany; Croatia; United Kingdom
The aim of the project is to co-create, implement and share innovative pedagogies and aligned assessment for relevant and inclusive digital education in order to deal with the COVID-19 induced and similar crises and to support meaningful digital transformation of Higher Education. The Faculty of Organization and Informatics at the University of Zagreb is coordinating this [...]

The Open Education Research Hub (OER Hub) is a team of scientists who do research on the impact of open educational resources (OER) on teaching and learning practices. The website offers information about current projects, provides research outputs as publications, reports, presentations, infographics and datasets. It also links to online courses which are open entry. Via a [...]

Palestinian Territories
The website has a short overview over the faculty. It has a Department of Education primary and kindergarten and a Department of Psychology. Furthermore, you can find a list of programmes offered. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

IASCE, established in 1979, is the only international, non-profit organization for educators who research and practice cooperative learning in order to promote student academic improvement and democratic, social processes. IASCE supports those who are interested in the study of cooperation in education by providing a forum in which to share research and lessons about the [...]

Education Uganda is a registered charity based in Hampshire and formed in 2006. Its trustees are mainly experienced educationalists whose main aim is to improve primary education in Uganda by the use of individual blackboards, known in Uganda as slates, following techniques used successfully and now fully embedded in English primary schools using individual whiteboards.

The International Institute for Higher Education is a private degree granting institution for higher education in the areas of management, science and technology. The Institute currently (february 2011) offers programs in management science, engineering and computer information systems. The Institute's central purpose is teaching and applied research and development. It [...]

The Insight portal of European Schoolnet is an observatory for ICT in school education primarily designed to support decision makers in Ministries of Education, practitioners in schools and other ICT in education professionals at national, regional or local level across Europe to develop effective strategies for elearning.

This agency for education and information technology was established by the administration of canton Zurich. Its objectives are to promote and to link activities in the following areas: use of information technology in education and learning, use of new media in learning, development of information competence, information technology as a subject at school and vocational [...]

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