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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: certificate

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The Accademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL) is the professional association of schools, institutions and experts in the field of teaching Italian as a foreign language. The association's main office is located in Florence, Italy. The AIL initiated the first diploma of modern Italian which effectively tests the language abilities of the candidates. The AIL organizes preparation [...]

The Council`s mission is to enhance quality assurance in education through standardized, validated and reliable high stakes public examinations which in most cases dictate quality curriculum instructions and to attain a full proof transparent system characterized by equity in allocation of students to the next level of education. Therefore, its objectives are to be [...]

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) is the national assessment body in Uganda. UNEB is mandated to conduct Primary, Secondary, Technical, Business and such other examinations within Uganda and to award certificates or diplomas to successful candidates in such examinations. UNEB examinations and the awarded certificates are internationally recognized. The Examinations [...]

The Gifted Education Research, Resource and Information Centre ( GERRIC) at the University of New South Wales is Australia's leading research centre in the field of gifted education. Apart from its research, the centre offers holiday programmes for gifted school students of all ages, seminars and counselling for parents, courses for teachers as well as a "Certificate of [...]

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