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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Beschaeftigung employment

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Europe; Germany; Italy; France; Spain; Sweden; Portugal; Netherlands; Finland; United Kingdom; Ireland; Denmark; Belgium
The network YERUN was founded in 2014 and has 18 member Universities in Europe. The criterion for membership was that the universities are not older than 50 years. They cooperate in the sector of education, EU policy, graduate employability and research. In 2018, seven member universities came together to form YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe". YUFE wants [...]

The "Programme for Studies on Youth, Education and Employment" PREJET gathers sociologists, researchers in education and labour relations. PREJET does research on educational policy, on different forms of (vocational) training and education, on different players and stakeholders in the field of youth, education and employment, on their experience and on the youths' job [...]

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