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Workers education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: workers' education

key words found 1 - 9 of 9

Russian Federation
The website provides current information about the activities of the Russian Education Union. Only in Russian. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

China, People's Republic of
The "National Committee of the Chinese Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Health and Sports Workers' Union" (JKWWT) is a socalled Industrial Union and member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU). Its website provides information on the work of the committee, on news about working conditions in the educational sector, on conferences (also scientific ones), on [...]

The National Learning Service (SENA) aims for the social and technical development of the Colombian workers by offering and executing a free, integral professional vocation to incorporate and form persons active in productive fields which contribute to the social, economical and technological development of the country.

Workforce Development Authority (WDA) is an institutional framework to provide a strategic response to the skills development challenges facing the country across all sectors of the economy. Its mission is to promote, facilitate and guide the development and upgrading of skills and competencies of national workforce in order to enhance competitiveness and employability.

The main objectives of the Ministry for Professional Formation and Education (MFEP) are: * To assure professional qualification which allows to find the right profession or to create an own enterprise * To offer to workers a complementary education which allows to extend or to deepen professional skills to adapt to the evolving labour market * To provide economic operators [...]

United Kingdom
The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is the UK's largest voluntary provider of adult education. Ever since it was founded in 1903, in order to support the educational needs of working men and women, the WEA has maintained its commitment to provide access to education and learning for adults from all backgrounds, and in particular those who have previously missed out [...]

The federation encompasses all institutions of labour unions, the workers' movement and Social Democratic Parties worldwide which provide education for workers. The web site shows information about activities and objectives of the federation - the link "affiliations" offers a link list of the national member organizations.

The ABF´s (the Workers´ Educational Association) operations are based on ideas of democracy, diversity, justice and equality. Their goal is for people to study together and form an opinion on key social issues in order to influence their own situations, and to be able to influence local and global developments. To meet this objective the ABF supports the implementation of [...]

The Arab Institute for Workers' Education and Research in the Field of Work was founded in 1974 and is situated in Algiers. Its tasks are to bring together and mobilize the social partners in the Arab countries, to promote the co-operation of the Arab countries in the field of work, to develop the scientific research in the field of work, to collect information on the field [...]

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