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Examination system at Education Systems International

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The National Assessment and Examinations Center is the well-established organization acting in the field of examination and assessment and serving pupils, students, teachers, educational organizations, governmental and non-governmental agencies and others through the provision of valid and reliable instruments of assessment. The website provides information on the research, [...]

Palestinian Territories
The website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research provides information on educational goals and planning, statistics, laws and regulations, research, funding and scholarships, accreditation, exams and more. Unfortunately, most of the information is in Arabic - you will find some exceptions for example in the statistics (see single documents). [...]

The Council`s mission is to enhance quality assurance in education through standardized, validated and reliable high stakes public examinations which in most cases dictate quality curriculum instructions and to attain a full proof transparent system characterized by equity in allocation of students to the next level of education. Therefore, its objectives are to be [...]

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) is the national assessment body in Uganda. UNEB is mandated to conduct Primary, Secondary, Technical, Business and such other examinations within Uganda and to award certificates or diplomas to successful candidates in such examinations. UNEB examinations and the awarded certificates are internationally recognized. The Examinations [...]

The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board is a para public establishment of an administrative nature under the tutelage of the Minister in charge of Secondary Education. Its mission is to organise the following examinations: the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level - General Subjects; the General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level - General [...]

Botswana Examinations Council´s key business activity is the development, administration, accreditation and certification of schools examinations in the primary and secondary education sub-sector.

The page of the Maltese Departement of Examinations offers information on application regularities, sample exams and the possibility of online registration.

The Amt für Berufsbildung (office for vocational education and training) is the supervisory body for basic vocational education and training. It is responsible for: advising apprentices, parents and trainers, all questions concerning legal and contractual matters, financing of vocational education and training and further education. The website offers basic information to all [...]

United Kingdom
"JCQ is the single voice of the Awarding Bodies offering the majority of the UK's qualifications." The council helps the represented bodies to create standards, regulations and guidance.

The web site provides an overview of mission, policy and organizational structure of the Ministry and adjunct administrative bodies. Additional pages cover educational institutions in school, higher, vocational and adult education, loans applications, testing and evaluation, curriculum and learning resources.

The National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) is the successor of the former CEDE (Centro Europeo dell´ Educazione) and has been established in 1999. Its considerably increased tasks as an "agency supporting the autonomy of schools" are as follows: 1. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system as a whole and in detail - [...]

The objective of the organization is to provide the region with syllabuses, of the highest quality; valid and reliable examinations and certificates of international repute for students of all ages, abilities and interests and with services to educational institutions in the development of syllabuses, examinations and examinations' administration, in the most cost effective [...]

Saudi Arabia
This overview on the Saudi Arabian education system (not vocational education) provides short information on the education system as a whole (administration and finance, size, structure, private and public education, academic year, teacher education) and on its parts as there are primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and higher education. Each chapter comprises data on age [...]

The Board cares for all issues of school examinations in the secondary schools, e.g. to prescribe conditions of examinations and conduct public examinations at the end of Class X and XII. To grant qualifying certificates to successful candidates of the affiliated schools or to prescribe and update the courses of instructions for examinations. The homepage provides numerous [...]

The website of the Education Ministry provides: texts of educational law and regulations, detailed statistical tables of pupil and teacher numbers and educational funding, a short overview of the school system, including a map with links to individual schools, texts concerning educational programs and planning and an access point to examination requirements at all educational [...]

The Republik of China yearbook - Taiwan 2002 contains a chapter on the education system which is electronically published on this site. It provides an overview on the Taiwanese education system and describes all levels from compulsory to special education as well as supplementary educational opportunities. The final part deals with current educational reforms and curricula [...]

United Kingdom
This website provides full text information about the examination and certification system in the United Kingdom at the end of the upper secondary general education. The United Kingdom was one of the 17 countries participating in a Pilot Electronic Conference (1999) and submitting a report on the present-day situation in this field by formulating statements to six conference [...]

The English version does not provide active links for all of the issues which the homepage shows. Accessible are: the Directorate of Examinations, the Capacity Building Project in Management of Qualitative Development of Education Services, a text on e-learning and one on ICT use in education. Furthermore, there is one about the "Vision Forum or the Future of Education in [...]

The functions of the Board of Studies NSW include responsibility for curriculum development, registration and accreditation of non- government schools and home schooling, and the assessment and examination of student achievements for the awarding of the NSW School Certificate and Higher School Certificate. Its website includes curricula information, timetables, an archive of [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority coordinates qualifications in secondary schools and in post-school education and training, maintains national standards, ensures recognition of overseas qualifications and administers national secondary and tertiary examinations. Scholarships and awards, adresses of education professionals, teaching and examination materials, [...]

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