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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: school law

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United States of America (USA)
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the government from establishing an official religion, supporting religious activity, or giving preference to any religion. It also prohibits the government from interfering with the expression of religious beliefs. The tension between these two prohibitions has created significant confusion regarding what schools [...]

United States of America (USA)
School districts in Texas have to navigate seemingly contradictory legal requirements in the area of religion in public schools. Schools cannot establish religion by coercing, endorsing, or promoting religious views in schools. At the same time, schools cannot interfere with individuals’ free expression of their beliefs and religion can be a part of the school curriculum. [...]

China, People's Republic of
The website of the Chinese Ministry for Education informs on its own structure and departments as well as on Chinese educational policy (incl. legal texts) or international agreements in the educational sector. Furthermore, you will find educational statistics (they have to be viewed via the Chinese sight, but there is an English translation for the single documents) and [...]

This website can be used as a very comprehensive entrance to information about the French education system, mainly school education. The index page offered here has links to texts (programs and courses) for the primary school, the general and the vocational secondary school, curriculum subjects the programs for the priority education zones, continuing education for teachers [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education is to promote academic excellence, enhance educational opportunities and equity for all of America´s children and families, and to improve the quality of teaching and learning by providing leadership, technical assistance and financial support. The OESE website offers information on reports and resources, laws, [...]

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