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Universities, High schools worldwide

The navigation bar across the top helps the user to find an A-Z listing of 174 countries willing to recruit students from overseas as well as nationally. After identifying the desired country the user can find a list of educational institutions that welcome students from overseas. Many of these universities, colleges and schools [...]

international; Africa; Asia; North America; Latin America; Europe; Oceania
This is a link list of the universities, arranged according to continents and countries; the entry of the USA also shows the Federal States.

United Kingdom
Discover Uni offers search facilities for courses at British universities and colleges including statistical data and reviews to compare institutions.

United Kingdom
An index of 134 heads of universities and higher education colleges in the UK, which can be browsed by an alphabetical index or regions (London, England, Scotland, Wales).

An alphabetical index of the 250 countries documented on the site allows users to access universities and other organisations (academies, colleges).

Last Update: 15.01.2009  -

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