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UNESCO reports on education

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium [...]
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). [...]

Every year, the Global Monitoring Report assesses where the world stands on its commitment to provide a basic education to all children, youth and adults. The report was developed by an independent team and is published by UNESCO. The full texts of the reports are available for download, the summeries are available in several [...]

This web site provides information on the joint UIS-OECD programme that develops policy-relevant education indicators with national coordinators from 19 middle-income countries that comprise over 70% of the world's population. The indicators shall measure the current state of education in an internationally comparable, timely and [...]

The report offers "a unique overview of the successive commitments to the implementation of the right to education adopted by the international community, a broad analysis of the progress made towards the implementation of the right to education in different regions of the world, a detailed account of how Article 26 of the [...]

The collection of National Reports has been developed into a digital library, searchable by conference date and country. The National Reports have been presented to the IBE by Ministries of Education at the sessions of the International Conference on Education since 1932. The collection constitutes a unique reservoir of [...]

Last Update: 28.10.2010  -

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