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The training of trainers

In the framework of European policies of lifelong learning VET teachers and trainers have become a key target group. Good quality of the services provided by teachers and trainers is regarded as an immediate contribution to fostering the quality, attractiveness and accessibility of opportunities for lifelong learning. However, little is known about the work, qualification and [...]

Cedefop, as the European reference centre for vocational education and training, is channelling its resources and expertise into achieving the Maastricht priorities by, among other things, helping to equip vocational teachers and trainers to meet the challenges they face in ensuring a skilled and educated workforce. To this end, TTnet, Cedefop's European training of trainers [...]

Europe; international
The mission of the European Training Foundation is to help EU neighbouring countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU`s external relations policy. The website offers portraits of the target countries with links to [...]

Darstellung des schweizerischen Baukastensystems, das die Ausbildung zum anerkannten “Bildungsprofi´´ regelt. Die einzelnen Module sind:Stufe 1: SVEB-Zertifikat: Kursleitung im vorgegebenen Rahmen.Stufe 2: Eidgenössischer Fachausweis AusbilderIn: Autonome Kursleitung und -entwicklung im Fachbereich.Stufe 3: Eidgenössisches Diplom [...]

Validation of non-formal and informal learning is not only a political challenge but also an ethical and especially a methodological question: how to measure, how to validate, how to assess. These developments have considerable impact on the professional development of VET teachers and trainers, as they are keys to improving the quality of education and training. This [...]

Last Update: 06.06.2024  -

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