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Education policy institutions


The European Centre for Modern Languages was set up in Graz (Austria) under an enlarged Partial Agreement, initially for three years (1994-1997). This period has been extended until December 2002. At present 34 states are members of the ECML. Within the framework of cultural co-operation and respecting the rich linguistic and cultural [...]


The English website of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training mainly links you to Eurypedia information. Furthermore, it has a link to English publications by the Ministry as well as to a website for foreign students interested in studying in Flanders.
The Dutch website provides general information about the respective [...]

This site is managed by the General Administration of education and scientific research of the Federation Wallonia Brussels of Belgium. It presents information for students and parents but also for professionals in the educational sector, esp. teachers. It offers news and official information about the education system, about events, [...]


This Homepage of the Ministry of Education and Science offers links to the various educational institutions, to educational administration, educational laws in the nineties and educational statistics. Other links lead to networks and projects, publications and to a summary of government priorities in the education sector.


Responsibilities of the Danish Ministry of Education cover all levels and areas of education. Therefore this website provides the respective links to vocational training, adult education and higher education. Besides the site offers facts about the education system in Denmark, information on projects and instructions for the [...]


The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research offers general information about the contents and goals of the country concerning the field of education policy and science research. Besides, in the sectors education, research, language, youth, ministry and minister, the website presents details on political conditions and laws, funding [...]


This is the website of the joint Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. The homepage has links to texts about mission and working fields of the Ministry: education (also one text about the education system), research, culture, copyright, youth, sports, church affairs and libraries. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]


The website of the French Ministry of National Education provides an overview of the activities and educational constituents of the Ministry, information about the educational system including educational reports and statistics, information on educational policy and development (including official documents etc) and information for [...]

The website of the French Ministry of National Education provides an overview of the activities and educational constituents of the Ministry, information about the educational system including educational reports and statistics, information on educational policy and development (including official documents etc) and information for [...]


English information about the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs are hardly provided. Content in Greek refers to the Ministry’s structure and organization like its four General Secretariats – of Research and Technology, Lifelong Learning, Youth and Religious Affairs. Furthermore it links to information about reforms [...]


The ministry for education, higher education and research offers detailed information for each department. The website includes press releases, reports and news as well as links to relevant documents and resources.


This website of the croatian ministry of science, education and sports contains an overview of the education system in Croatia and its branches. Thus, there is information about "Preschool Education", "Elementary Education", "Secondary Education" and "Higher Education". In addition, there are indications about education programs and [...]


The Ministry is the leading state administration institution in the field of education and science, as well as in the fields of sports and official language policy, and it is responsible for the development of draft legislative acts regulating the relevant fields and draft policy planning documents and for the supervision of the [...]


The English version of the web site of the Lithuanian Ministry of Education provides an overview of the educational system, educational legislation, vocational training, higher and adult education, a link list of texts on educational reform (pdf and doc-files), statistical data (mainly enrollment) and general information about the [...]


Entry-side of the ministry, that offers information about tasks and the structure of the ministry, with access to all departments and subdivisions, with statements on persons. Furthermore, linklists are offered to schools, state and private, colleges, adult education and further interesting sides on "Luxembourg".


The ministry is responsible for the following sectors: Education, childcare and early education, compulsory education, higher education, university, vocational education and training institutions, life-long learning, examinations, employment and training, public broadcasting services, libraries, national archives, social policy, family [...]


North Macedonia
Various menu buttons on the upper part of the homepage are offering access to information on the Ministerial Sector, the structure of the education system, the field of sciences, issues of recognition of qualifications as well as on investments. The page of the Department of Programmes informs about main tasks and priorities in [...]


The English website of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science provides information on its organisation and tasks, on the educational system, news as well as some documents from educational policy. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]


The English homepage of the Norwegian Education Ministry provides comprehensive information about its organisational structure, education policy, various data and full texts about the education system, as well as access to full-texts on education and research in Norway.


The ministry is responsible for education, science, and research.


This website offers an overview on the structure of the Polish education system. It informs on the concept and project of educational reform. Links lead to higher education institutions (including pedagogical universities); technical colleges, academies and foundations. An English version has been announced. Up-to-date information on [...]


The first button of the navigation bar "Topicos Gerais" provides (as many other sites of Education Ministries) extensive overviews about all parts of the Portuguese education system, politics, statistics, laws etc. The other buttons lead to the departments of the Ministry and their activities and services; a school-year calendar is [...]


This website provides an overview on the structure of the Ministry of Education offering access to the different departments of the Ministry. A list of educational institutions and subordinated institutions is presented without links, however for the time being only in Romanian language. Besides a short link list to educational [...]

Russian Federation

Russian Federation
Unfortunately, the English version of the homepage of the Russian Ministry of Education is offline (since at least January 2020; as of August 2023). You can find a small text about the ministry in the superordinate site linked here. As of May 2018, the ministry was split into a Ministry of Education and a Ministry of Science [...]


The website of the Ministry of Education and Research informs about people working there and the organisation of the ministry. Latest news are available as well as the latest publications or press releases. Areas of responsibility: education and research, gender equality, policy for civil society, youth policy.


The EDK is the coordinating body of the education ministers of the 26 cantons responsible for education, culture and sports. The website offers basic information about the Swiss education system as well as publications of the EDK on educational policy.

Serbia / Montenegro

The Ministry of Education and Sports (2001) forms a combination of the structures of three former Ministries (Education, Higher Education and Sports). On the website the new structure can be viewed. Besides the site offers a comprehensive description of aims and measures with regard to the educational reform and information on the [...]


This homepage of the Ministry of Education offers a survey on the national education system supported by an organizational chart and a link to educational institutions. There are also full texts on educational law (higher education and continuing education) as well as on perspectives of educational development. A school directory and [...]


This website of the Ministry of Education Science and Sport in Slovenia contains for buttoms, which lead to information (with links) on the organisation of the ministry, on education, science and sport in Slovenia.


The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain is responsible for all areas and levels of education in the country. There is an organizational chart of the Ministry on the website. According to the different responsibilities of this governmental institution links to educational institutions in the field of vocational training and [...]


The Ministry of School Education, Youth and Sports is a central body of governmental administration for preschool education, school education at primary and secondary level and higher education as well as for science policy, research and development in the context of international co-operation in these areas. In addition the Ministry [...]


This homepage is subdivided into the following parts: organization of the ministry, services for teachers and students, history of education policy in Turkey, qualitative developments in education, the educational system, objectives and strategies of education policy, management and inspection of the educational organisation, [...]


This website of the Ministry of Education of the Repubic of Hungary is subdivided into the following main topics: Education in Hungary; Higher Education; Hungarian Equivalence and Information Center (HEIC) - recognition of certificates and degrees; Research and Development. The homepage offers search facilities and links to the [...]

United Kingdom

United Kingdom
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children´s services. The website offers information on schools, transition from school to training or higher education, early learning, family eduation and social work as well as information on research and statistics and publications.

United Kingdom
A list of the local authorities´ websites in the UK.


Cyprus, Republic of
This homepage of the Ministry offers information on tasks, duties and the structure of this governmental institution as well as information on the structure of the education system, on developments and innovations in the educational sector. It also informs on programmes ( SOCRATES) and projects.- There are a number of links [...]

Countries out of Europe


The Australian Government Department of Education and Training is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality early childhood education, school education, higher education, vocational education and training, international education and research.


CMEC is the national voice for education in Canada. It is the mechanism through which ministers consult and act on matters of mutual interest, and the instrument through which they consult and cooperate with national education organizations and the federal government. The site provides information on: CMEC (Departments and Ministries of [...]

New Zealand

New Zealand
Comprehensive background information, statistics, strategies and policies, full text material, consultation regarding education sectors (early childhood, primary and secondary education, tertiary education, Maori education, international aspects), budget, teacher employment.

United States

United States of America (USA)
The Department of Education provides overall information on the national educational system with many links to governmental or supported institutions which work in the different applied or research fields.

Last Update: 03.06.2024  -

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