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Largest European NGO for general adult education with 115 members in 40 European countries. Daily updated news; monthly electronic Newsletter; all topics in adult education via search engine; links to other bodies and associations; opportunities for work placement and traineeship; www-offer: databank ALICE with information on organisations in adult education in Europe, [...]

ESREA promotes and disseminates theorectial and empirical research on the education of adults and adult learning in Europe through research networks, conferences and publications. Active members come from most part of Europe. The secretariat of ESREA is located at the department of behavioural sciences and learning at Linköping [...]

The purpose of the foundation is the coordination, promotion and financial planning of adult education in Liechtenstein. The website offers a course database, an overview of course organisers and links to other institutions and organisations in adult education.

United States of America (USA)
The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education is the nation's premier organization dedicated to enhancing the field of adult learning. With members from 60 affiliates and 40 nations, the Association represents its members from secondary and post- secondary education, business and labor, military and [...]

Last Update: 10.01.2018  -

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