Social discrimination at Education Systems International
Keyword from Index: social discrimination
key words found 1 - 37 of 37
1 - Discapacidad e inclusión social (Biblioguías. Biblioteca de la CEPAL, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, Naciones Unidas)
Central America; Latin America; South America; Caribbean
The online library of the "Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean" (CEPAL / ECLAC) of the United Nations provides information on "Disability and Social Inclusion" in this research guide (available only in Spanish). The site lists links to publications, data, statistics, reports and more. The information is divided into the following categories:
* ECLAC and [...]
2 - Inclusión y equidad educativa (Sistema de Información de Tendencias Educativas en América Latina - SIETAL, Unesco)
Central America; Latin America; South America
With its portal SIETAL (information system on educational trends in Latin America), the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) provides information on inclusion and educational justice. You will find the original documents of political measures and legal regulations concerning inclusion and educational justice for all countries in Latin America. In [...]
3 - Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva
Website of the "Research Centre for Inclusive Education" in Chile. Several universities participate in the work of the centre. The website provides information on the centre's 9 thematic research areas, on publications and some fulltexts. Furthermore, a short introduction into the centre's work is provided in English. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
4 - Red Nacional de Educación Inclusiva y Familia
Website of the national Mexican network for inclusive education and family. The website mainly provides information on its vision, mission and objectives as well as on the members of the six thematic areas including their contact emails. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
5 - Riberdis - the Iberian-American Repository on Disability
Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
"Riberdis (Repositorio IBERoamericano sobre DIScapacidad) is an Iberian-American repository for literature on disability. It summarizes and disseminates the scientific production generated in Latin America and Spain on subjects related to disability, in a digital format and in free access.
Riberdis is managed by the Spanish Centre for Disability Documentation (CEDD), [...]
6 - Observatorio Regional de Educación Inclusiva (OREI)
Central America; Latin America; South America
The "Regional Observatory for Inclusive Education" tracks and documents the status and development of inclusive education in Latin America. The website offers extensive information and resources. You can view them either by category or by country. The categories of observation include: data and statistics, laws, policies, practices, materials, publications, news, and more. [...]
7 - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI)
Central America; Latin America; South America
Website of the "Latin American Study Centre for Inclusive Education (CELEI)" in Chile. Unfortunately, the website is somewhat confusing and many parts lead to empty pages. Nevertheless, you get an idea of the research work done by the centre. You can find news on inclusive education in Latin America, on important events and more. One of the most interesting parts of the [...]
Latin American organisations with a focus on inclusive education / Organisations of parents with children with disabilities (as of Sept. 2018)
Central America; Latin America; South America
The pdf document lists Latin American organisations that focus on inclusive education and/ or children with disabilities. The list is sorted by country. It was provided by the Argentinian non-governmental "Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC)" (Association for Civil Rights) on their separate website for inclusion in education. This website is offline and the ADC does not [...]
9 - Red Regional por la Educación Inclusiva (RREI)
Central America; Latin America; South America
The "Regional Network for Inclusive Education (RREI)" is a coalition of Latin American organisations of and for people with disabilities that aim at promoting inclusive education. The website provides a list of all member organisations in Latin America, information on the status of inclusion in the respective countries, information on actions, webinars, important documents and [...]
10 - Red Intergubernamental Iberoamericana de Cooperación para la Educación de Personas con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (RIINEE)
Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
Very rich website of the "Ibero-American Intergovernmental Cooperation Network for the Education of People with Special Educational Needs (RIINEE)". RIINEE was created in December 2004 on the occasion of the "1st Meeting on Educational Cooperation with Ibero-America on Special Education and Educational Inclusion" in Madrid. For all meetings that have taken place annually since [...]
11 - Programa de Educación - Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC)
The "Programme Education" at the "Centre for the Implementation of Public Policies for Social Equity and Growth" CIPPEC aims at doing research and consulting for more justice in the educational system of Argentina. The programme's website provides information on projects, some of them with websites of their own, as well as many publications (fulltexts), videos, press releases [...]
12 - Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Indonesia (Fact Sheet)
Fact Sheet of the International Labor Organization ILO (as of July 2013) on inclusion in Indonesia. You can find a somewhat newer version of the fact sheet (as of December 2013), but which has slightly less content. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
13 - Disability data and the development agenda in Indonesia
This article of Jan-Mar 2015 provides an overview of the situation of people with disabilities in Indonesia. The publishing platform "Inside Indonesia" is run by Australian researchers with an interest in Indonesia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
14 - Proyecto "La Educación Inclusiva en la Región Mesoamericana"
Central America; Latin America; South America
This website provides an overview of a project (ca. 2007-2016) on the cooperation of the Central American (and partly Ibero-American) countries in the field of inclusive education. You will find a chronology of important events in educational policy as well as important official documents, programmes and more, for example:
* Acciones Destacadas del Proyecto (2001-2010)
* [...]
15 - Educación Inclusiva (Plataforma del Desarrollo Inclusivo)
Latin America; Central America; Argentina; Brazil; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Peru; Uruguay
This website first provides a general introduction into Inclusive Education in general. Furthermore, you will find links to specific Central and Latin American countries. These sub-sites mainly contain reports about the situation of inclusive education in these countries. The reports were mainly written for the World Bank in 2004. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
16 - A-PODD - African Policy on Disability & Development
Africa; Sierre Leone; Uganda; Malawi; Ethiopia
A-PODD was a three year research project (2009-2011) run by the Centre for Global Health at Trinity College Dublin in cooperation with two institutions in South Africa. The website provides the four project reports for the countries analysed (Sierra Leone, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia). "[The] research investigated the need for disability to be included on the agenda of national [...]
17 - EFA Package on inclusive and child-friendly education and early childhood development
Palestinian Territories
The website of the Unesco Office in Ramallah provides a short overview over its activities and its programme for inclusive education. According to its goal of "Education for All - EFA" inclusion is not merely defined as including children with disabilities but as including all children "regardless of their gender, abilities, disabilities, backgrounds and circumstances". [...]
18 - Science Education - Weizmann Institute of Science
Israel; international
The website provides an overview over Science Education at the well known Weizmann Institute of Science.
The Davidson Institute of Science Education focusses on teaching and transder. Amongst others, it runs a museum, the Clore Garden of Science, as well as the PERACH Tutoring and Mentoring Project for disadvantaged children.
The Department of Science Teaching focusses [...]
19 - Policy, Provision and Practice of Inclusive Education in Greece
With that extract from her dissertation in 2006, Kyrini Fotopoulou shows which major points have to be discussed when thinking about inclusion in a Greek context. She is not just analysing the term 'inclusion' itself but gives an insight in the legal framework, educational policy and reality. Furthermore, she makes proposals for reform and gives a conclusion.[Abstract: [...]
20 - Inclusive Education in Action (IEA)
IEA is a project of UNESCO in co-operation with the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. The website provides the fulltext of the "UNESCO policy guidelines on inclusion in education" in different languages, a glossary and abbreviation list for concepts and termes in the field of inclusion, as well as Best Practice examples from different continents, for [...]
21 - Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED)
"[ANED] was created by the European Commission in December 2007.DOTCOM: the Disability Online Tool of the Commission [...] to support policy development in collaboration with the Commission's Disability Unit. Its philosophy and aims support the objectives of European disability policy towards the goal of full participation and equal opportunities for all disabled [...]
22 - Lifelong Learning for All: Recommendations Report (European Inclusion Initiative)
Recommendations from the Lifelong Learning Programme Inclusion (European Union) which ran from 2010 to 2012. Unfortunately, the only thing left of the original project website is a copy of the front page from the internet archive as of 15.02.2015. You can also find a Verlinkter Text>youtube channel with some videos.
Amongst others, the [...]
23 - INCLUD-ED - Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from Education
Website of a research cooperation funded by EU on inclusion and social cohesion. Includ-ed ran from 2006 to 2011. Research centre from 14 countries participated. The website provides information on the research topics, on results, conferences, researchers and more. Unfortunately, many fulltexts under "results" are not availably anymore. You will still find the fulltexts of [...]
24 - Inclusive Education - EERA Network 4
Europe; international
The "European Educational Research Association" (EERA) has several networks, amongst others the network 4 "Inclusive Education" which brings together European researchers working on inclusion in an international perspective. The network organises conference sessions together with other thematically close networks. Their website furthermore provides some literature information. [...]
25 - Inclusive Education Reports (IBE/UNESCO)
international; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Arab States; Pacific Rim; North America; Caribbean
[This is a copy of the original website as of 16.05.2015. The original website is offline.]
This website of the International Bureau of Education (IBE) of the Unesco provides regional (continental) and country specific reports on the status of inclusive education. On the right hand side, you will find further links to websites, publications, events, multimedia and more). [...]
26 - Inclusive Education (Unesco)
Unesco main website about the issue of inclusion in education. On the right hand side, you will find publications, guidelines, toolkits and "Ten questions on inclusive education". On the left hand side, there are introduction to different groups that traditionally suffer from exclusion (Roma Children, Street Children, Child Workers, People with Disabilities, Indigenous People, [...]
27 - The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education
The Salamanca Statement was a result of the "World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality, Salamanca, Spain, 7-10 June 1994". It is a major international policy document, outlining the global consensus on the needs for educational reform and the policies and strategies needed to include disabled children in the education system.
The document is available [...]
Research Institute for Vocational Training and Adult Education (IBE)
The IBE was founded in the year 1980 as a non-profit assoication by the worker representiative organization, unions, companies and the Johannes Kepler University Linz. The intention of this foundation was to establish a research institut which does education research from employee´s perspective. So the basis for present academic work was laid - the exploration of the labour [...]
29 - School of Education - University College Dublin
international; Ireland
The School of Education was founded in 1909. Amongst others, it has a focus on gender and education. Furthermore, people are working on areas as diverse as the sociology of childhood, psychology, gender & education, the history of education, education & disadvantage, curriculum design & development, children's literature, teachers and teaching, philosophy of education, [...]
30 - Education Department - National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Ireland; Asia; Africa
The research of the department focusses on the following themes:
- Teaching, Learning and Curricular Development
- Development Education, Social Justice and Educational Disadvantage
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Counselling and Guidance
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Furthermore, the department has an Education Resource Centre with diverse [...]
Dysphasia Corporation of Chile: I can communicate
The objective of the Dysphasia Corporation of Chile: Yo puedo comunicar (YPC) is to support children and youth so that they can have an efficient education and that they can include themselves in society.
32 - A Partner In Education (APIE)
The mission of A Partner In Education (APIE) is to encourage ongoing education for all, regardless of means or background, to further the UN Millennium Development Goals, most specifically the achievement of universal primary education by 2015, to facilitate and improve basic literacy and numeracy to enhance lives and livelihoods, to promote creativity, critical thinking and [...]
Columbian Institute of Educational Loan and Technical Studies Abroad
ICETEX is a government entity that promotes Higher Education through educative credits and its collection, with its own and third party resources, for the population with low economic possibilities and good academic performance.
Also, it makes possible the access to educative opportunities offered by the international community to raise the quality of life of Colombian [...]
34 - Soziale Schichtung, Familienerziehung und Schulerfolg in der Sowjetunion
Russian Federation; Moldova, Republic of; Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; Belarus; Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Kyrgyzstan; Kazakhstan; Georgia; Azerbaijan; Ukraine; Armenia
The Publication Server of the University of Tübingen provides this paper about the relation of social inequalities and education in the Soviet Union.
35 - Education Development in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan: Challenges and Ways forward
Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; Kyrgyzstan
This report was written in 2002 by the Open Society Institute. First it presents an overview over the social context in the three postsoviet countries. Then it explains specialities and problems of the education system. The chapters focus on the following topics: Access and equity in education, Education financing, Reform capacity, management and governance, Curriculum, [...]
36 - Teach First: Learning to Lead
United Kingdom
Teach First combines excellent initial teacher training with volunteer coaching, networking opportunities and a bespoke leadership development programme. By giving exceptional graduates the opportunity to teach and make a difference in the most challenged schools, we are equipping tomorrow's leaders in all fields with the motivation, skills and understanding to address [...]
37 - Education prioritaire
"Priority education" is a French focus programme in educational policy that has its origins in the 1980ies and that led to the socalled "priority education areas" (ZEP). The aim of the programme was a greater equity in educational opportunities, especially for socially disadvantaged children. The official website for this programme provies background information on the [...]
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