Ergebnis der Suche (40)

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391 bis 400
  • Wie viel Staat braucht der Markt?

    Das Heft Politik & Unterricht 3/2015 thematisiert ganz grundsätzlich das Verhältnis von Politik und Wirtschaft. Gefragt wird, in welcher Form, in welchem Ausmaß und mit welchen Mitteln der Staat in wirtschaftliches Handeln eingreift und eingreifen soll. Aktuelle Beispiele wie das Mindestlohngesetz oder das Freihandelsabkommen TTIP zwischen der Europäischen Union und den ...

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  • A New Child Labor Crisis in America

    In this lesson, students will learn about how migrant children work brutal jobs across the United States. Then they consider what they would do if they were president (USA: NYT 2023).

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  • Why People Move: How Data Predicts the Great Climate Migration

    In this lesson, students will read and analyze reporting investigating the relationship between global warming and future migration and research other issues that intersect with climate change (USA: Pulitzercenter 2020).  

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  • Body of a Nation

    What roles has the Mississippi River played throughout United States history? How has the river been central to struggles to define “America” and “American”? In this New York Times lesson, students examine what life was like on the banks of the Mississippi River during pivotal moments in American history (2017).

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  • Nazi Propaganda

    To justify the annexation of Austria, Hitler called for a public vote on whether the unification should stand. In this lesson, students analyze and compare three different forms of propaganda that influenced the vote – a speech delivered by Hitler, a campaign poster, and a voting ballot (USA: Stanford 2021).

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  • Teaching the Vietnam War ...

    This New York Times lesson includes a curated selection of photographs, original articles and first-person accounts for students to investigate and analyze (2017).

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  • What is McCarthyism? And how did it happen?

    In the 1950s, in the U.S. as part of a campaign to expose suspected Communists, thousands of individuals were aggressively investigated and questioned before government panels. Named after its most notorious practitioner, the phenomenon known as McCarthyism destroyed lives and careers. But how did this episode of political repression take off? This lesson traces the history of ...

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  • Disinformation Nation: Is It Propaganda?

    Students learn to define and recognize propaganda by finding and analyzing advertisements, then applying a three-part definition to determine if they rise to the level of propaganda. (USA: Newseum 2019)

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  • Economics, Water Use, and the Environment

    These lessons use economic reasoning to suggest a new way to think about our use of the resource water. In brief, the lessons assert: (1) that in economic terms, water is not fundamentally different from any other resource, good, or service; and (2) that many of the answers to our concerns about water conservation and water quality can be found in markets, the same institution ...

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  • What happened to trial by jury?

    In the United States today, juries decide less than 4% of criminal cases and less than 1% of civil cases filed in court. At the same time, jury systems in other countries are growing. So what happened in the US? And could the disappearance of juries be a good thing? The video lesson explores both sides of this dilemma (USA: TEDEd 2017)

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